Joint games at home after kindergarten. "Play together". Joint games with children and parents. An entertaining game script for children and parents

1. Game "Revived Picture" - parents and children depict what is being said.

A living picture hangs in a frame,

There the cloud melts (depict how "melts")

And the maple rustles (w-w-w and wave their hands),

There is a cheerful rain (shake hands),

There a bird sings (depicts a bird singing),

And every morning there the sun rises (show).

And every morning it sings to us (whoever can) ...

Nature woke up, to all of us

... smiled (smile)!

2. The game "Clouds"

(distributes plain bags to parents - two each)

Look - these are clouds

We will take the bag by the handles (shows)

And we will inflate, and we will tie,

Let's show our clouds!

(they inflate the bags, tie the handles in a knot, for mom and baby)

In the morning I'll wake them up (shake them up)

I will gently stroke, comb (smooth)

I'll throw it up

Turn around (whirling)

And I will fly (everyone is scattering to the music)

Meeting my friend on the fly (meet "clouds")

I will hug, I will press (hug).

(gives markers) And now I ask you to draw your mood!

  1. Hug game

To start this active game with parents, children form a small (inner) circle, and their mothers - a large (outer) one. Participants in each circle hold hands. When the music starts playing, babies and parents walk in opposite directions - clockwise and counterclockwise. As soon as the melody stops, everyone disengages their hands. Each child should try to find his mother, run up to her and hug her before the rest of the children.

  1. Game "Guess the smell"

Participants are divided into teams - "Moms" and "Children". Everyone is blindfolded. The host brings each player a plate with some product, which must be guessed by its smell. For example, chocolate, lemon, garlic, onion, coffee, cucumber are chosen, fresh bread, apple, pear, boiled potatoes. The team that gives the most correct answers is the winner.

  1. Braid the Pigtail Game

Mothers and children are divided into two teams. At the signal from the leader, the players begin to clasp their hands. The winner is the team that will be able to quickly weave a "pigtail" from the hands.

6. Rhythmodeclamation "Liszt" accompanied by a music video


Look outside the window
The autumn leaf has turned yellow,
Broke away, spun,
He flew with the wind.

And when the autumn wind flew away
The yellow leaf became sad, yearned.
I'll take him in my palm, let him live with us.
It's warm, light, calm here -
Autumn rain does not pour here. - parents and children portray

7. Guess what's in the basket


Look, while I was walking, I found a basket ...(Shows a basket covered with a handkerchief).
What is in the basket is unknown, but terribly interesting!
You tell the basket what is in it, guess.

Basket game. (To the music, a basket covered with a handkerchief is passed in a circle. At the stop of the music, the one who has the basket by touch is trying to determine the object that is there (vegetables, fruits, leaves, mushrooms are objects according to the season

First, you can spend with the children, then a couple of times with the parents - put the basket in the rows.)

8. Blanket snow

The presenter at the party takes out a large white blanket and all the participants - children and parents - take hold of its edges.

Leading. I'll paint the branches with white paint, throw silver on your roof (throws "snowy" lumps on the blanket from the bucket)

They seem to roll to the musiclumps from the slide - lifting one edge, then the other, but at the same time not dropping the lumps on the floor, keeping them on the bedspread, 2 hours of music - rhythmically throw up lumps with the help of a blanket, keeping them on it.

9. Snowdrift

The blizzard covered snowdrifts, each snowdrift is special. Every snowdrift is now like a sleeping animal!The presenter invites the parents to gather in their teams (circles) and in a whisper calls the image of a snowdrift, which they must portray with a team.A snowdrift is a camel, a snowdrift is a fox, A snowdrift is a bear, a snowdrift is a firebird.(After a certain time, each team shows its own snowdrift, and the other participants must guess the image they have created).

10. Finger game "Teapot"(with musical accompaniment)

lid (palm of right hand on top of fist).
Lid (palm of the right hand),
lump (left hand fist on top of the palm).
Lump (left hand fist),
Hole (connect the index and thumb on the left hand),
steam is coming.
Steam goes (with the index finger of the right hand, circular motions up), hole (connect the index and thumb on the left hand).
Hole (connect the index and thumb on the left hand),
Lump (left hand fist).
Lump (left hand fist), cap (palm of the right hand).
Lid (palm of the right hand), teapot (left hand fist in front of you).
Tea pouring sound
- Bul-bul-bul-bul! We show a cup We drink. ... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!(We repeat at a more lively pace ...)

11. Game "Guess who it is?"

(The participant closes his eyes. The presenter holds in front of his face a picture-image (TV, chamomile, bear) with a cut out center for the face. With the help of leading questions, the player tries to guess who his mask belongs to).

12. Motor exercise with elastic bands.

Leading. How beautiful spring is, beautifully interesting. Stomp, clap, turn aroundholding on to the elastic band, the participants, according to the presenter, perform movements along the text -And turn into an icicle!(With the repetition of the text, the last line will change: (into grass, into a flower, into a cloud) turn!

On the last figure - a cloud, the presenter suggests depicting one large cloud (the participants form one large circle).

13. Propulsion game "Clouds-clouds"

Leading. Look, clouds-clouds ... They float to us from afar.

(Against the background of music, the Leader passes the clouds in a circle - blue plastic bags with handles).Day and night they roam the sky, let them spend the night with us.(As shown by the teacher, everyone puffs up the bags, twists them and ties the handles to a knot).Well, in the morning I'll wake them up- shake slightly by the handles,I will gently stroke, comb my hair -iron, straighten each handle. I sit on top - throw the package up,I'll slap on the shoulder -touch gently Turn around - whirling. And I will fly ... (Everyone scatters to the music).Meeting my friend on the fly -the participants meet each other.I will hug, I will press to myself - hug.
A cloud flew, flew and was tired ...(Everyone flies and sits on chairs at the tables).Well, clouds, did you like flying? Now try to draw your mood.

14. Game "Fantastic hypotheses"

The facilitator asks each team to answer the question:

1.What would it be like if flowers could talk?
2. What will happen if the flowers grow wings? 3. What will happen if all the flowers become sugar? 4. What if the flowers had legs?

15. Game "Imagine". Children and parents.


One, two, three, four, five,
Let's go out into the clearing for a walk.(All participants come out in a circle.)
Let's imagine for a moment that we have become animals.
Girls and boys, we jump like bunnies.
(participants perform movements on the text)
Show, guys, how the clubfoot bear walks.
Here is the swamp. We guys jump like frogs.
We will look around the swamp and, like a heron, we will stand.
Now we will approach the river and, like fish, we will swim.
We got out of the river onto the bridge, depicted a fox's tail.
And here is a hedgehog, all in thorns. How does a spooky hedgehog puff?
We go out onto the path, we see an affectionate cat.
And now make me feel good: like a dog, serve.
Both girls and boys, you are funny monkeys.
Imagine the lion as soon as possible. Remember: he is the king of beasts!
Show the upper class: you are the eagles with us now.
Who's next? This is an elephant, he steps heavily.
We flutter like butterflies and don't know any worries at all.
The hamster makes the supplies. And how does it puff out your cheeks?
Are you tired? Everything is fine. They rode like horses.
Look at the cute penguins on the ice.
Now raise your hands and draw a snake.
As from a cartoon raccoon, smile with all your mouth!
You guys are great, deserve the praise!

16. Rhythmic game - "Seasons"(with musical accompaniment).

(Children are divided into subgroups - spring, summer, autumn, and parents, for example, get winter - you can do it differently. Noise instruments are distributed to everyone, you can make homemade noisemakers. or - another option - to clap and say: “This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!).

Another version of the game - Santa Claus says at the holiday that, they say, do you know my season - winter, and as soon as you hear - clap right away (or play noisemakers). Everyone - both parents and children - play or clap only on winter time of the year.

The sun is shining brightly.

Santa Claus carries gifts. (the “winter” subgroup makes noise with noisemakers).
Birds arrive from the south.

Everyone on the beach is sunbathing. (the subgroup "summer" makes noise with instruments) - and so on.
It's time to collect the mushrooms.

The kids make the hill.
Leaves fly off the tree.

Snow drifts are melting.
The buds are swollen on the branches.

We bring flowers to school.
Hockey players are cutting the ice.

The pond invites everyone to swim.
It is drizzling with a dull rain.

And the bear sleeps in the den.
Mother and stepmother is blooming.

New Year is coming.
Nightingales sing on the fir.

The children put on all the fur coats.
The starling flew away from us.

And the game is over!

17. Creative task

Children with their parents sit in subgroups at tables. They are given cones, one per table. Glue stick, scissors, colored paper. One subgroup cuts out and glues on the cone everything related to the theme "Summer", the other - the same on its own cone on the theme "Autumn", and so on.

18. Rhythmodeclamation "Magic Sunrise" (author T. Borovik) accompanied by a music video

To make the winter dawn magical -children go in circles
It takes a long, long time to go.
And an armful of shiny cold rays -
stop and take as shown by the teacher
Find yourself on the road, find yourself.
sultan lying in a circle
Mix with the dance of the blizzards, -
wave-like movements of the sultan
Close your eyes and hardly breathe ... -
movement along the text
You know it will be a magical sunrise.

You will remember this for a long time. -
Spinning in place
And add to the brilliant cold rays -
go in a circle
A bunch of snow-covered branches, -
stop and take with the other hand a shiny branch lying in a circle.
The edge of the sky, the crystalline lens of the stream,
- alternate raising and lowering of hands
Shining snow of all kinds of colors.
Mix with the singing of the blizzard, -
spinning in place
Close your eyes and hardly breathe. -
Movement in the text
You know it will be a magic sunrise
- open their eyes, arms spread apart in front of them.
If you do not forget to say:
"Good morning, hello, we wish everyone well."

19. Wise nuts.

Children say proverbs at the holiday (or riddles)

The host takes a basket of nuts.

I have nuts of wisdom
And a secret is hidden in them ...
You take them apart soon,
In some proverbs - the end,
In others, it is the beginning.

(Or New Year's riddles in them)

Music sounds. The leaders of the teams give out nuts to the parents. Parents are opening the nuts. One reads out his text, the rest look at himself - someone has either the beginning or the end of the proverb. Then the next one reads it out.

Also with riddles - one reads out his own riddle, one of the parents has a clue, and he responds.

Proverbs and sayings for the game.

  1. To bring up kids is not to count chickens.
  2. He knew how to give birth to a child, be able to teach.
  3. Honey is sweet, baby is even sweeter.
  4. Skillful hands do not know boredom.
  5. Alone you cannot overcome a bump.
  6. The child is wax, whatever you want, you can merge it.
  7. He who loves to work does not sit around idle.
  8. Play play, but know the deal.

Ecology of life. Children: These joint games will help develop the child's endurance and perseverance. And what could be better game the whole family?

These joint games will help develop endurance and perseverance in the child. And what could be better than playing with the whole family?

1. The sun. Draw a large yellow circle on the paper. Then, in turn (one stroke is done by a child, the next - by mom or dad, etc.), draw as many rays as possible (from 3 years old) to the sun.

2. Snake. Draw a large snake. Now you need to paint the snake skin, alternately applying a pattern of stars, dots, wavy and zigzag lines, etc. with multi-colored felt-tip pens. (from 4 years old).

3. Meadow with flowers. Moisten the watercolors a little. Moisten your fingers in paint (each finger with your own paint) and on a sheet of paper, putting fingerprints, "draw" blades of grass, flowers, etc. Flower petals are drawn around the prints with a felt-tip pen (from 4 years old).

4. Railway... Draw a train with a felt-tip pen. Then "put" some animal in each carriage - in one, for example, an elephant, in another duck, etc. Parents and the child draw alternately or together (from 5 years old).

5. Search. Consider a picture book together. The game begins with the first picture: "I see something, it's red! What is this?" When this something is found, switch roles (from 3 years).

6. Make up stories. The story, which is told in the picture book, changes: new events (from 5 years) are invented for the pictures together.

7. Fashion a hedgehog. In a park or forest, collect short thin sticks. Make a short thick sausage out of plasticine and stick the collected sticks into it: you get a hedgehog (from 3 years old).

8. Surprise pattern. Cut a square out of a large piece of paper. Fold in a triangle. Now cut out patterns on the fold: wedges and bows. The paper is folded over and over again, each time adding new patterns. At the end, unfold a sheet of paper (from 4 years old).

9. Counterfeiter. Place different coins under the paper. Paint over with a pencil - the coins "show up". Then cut out paper coins and glue the corresponding sides (from 5 years old).

10. Sort cards. Deck playing cards sort by color or dignity (from 3 years old).

11. Chain reaction. Place the dominoes on the short edge one after the other. Touch the last in a row - all the knuckles fall. Or build the highest possible tower from them (from 4 years old).

12. Training memory. Six different small objects are stacked on the tray, for example, a toy car, candy, pencil, sharpener, hairbrush, spoon ... For a short time, the child remembers what is lying, then the tray is covered with something. What's under the coverlet? Then switch roles (from 4 years old). published by

Cooperative games are an important element of communication between children and their parents. While playing with the child, parents get to know better his character, demeanor and help the child to get accustomed to the environment around him. All parents wish only for their baby to grow up healthy, cheerful, inquisitive and strive to learn new discoveries for himself. The more often parents spend time in joint games with their child, the more developed and mentally balanced the child will be.


If the child conscientiously follows all the rules of the game, then this will become a guarantee that in other situations he will take into account the opinions and conditions of the parents.

Games should be appropriate for the age of the baby. If at 2 years old a child is happy to play with soft toys, build pyramids from cubes, then as he grows up, in order to keep the child busy, you need to invent and play games with him that will be interesting for him.

Games for 2 year olds

At this age, children love to play hide and seek. They especially like it when their parents cannot find him for a long time. You can hide the toy that the child has to find to support the child in the search, parents can reassure the words "Hot" if the baby comes close to the toy or "Cold" if the child moves away from the place where the toy is hidden.

Game "Wolf"

A circle is made of the rope, which becomes a house for the wolf. The rest of the game participants walk around the house, but as soon as the wolf runs out of his house, all the players scatter. Anyone who did not manage to escape from the wolf becomes a wolf and sits in a circle. Game continues.

Young children are very attracted to the construction of various structures, towers, columns from cubes. Having built a tower, all the participants in the game leave us some distance and try to destroy the tower by throwing a ball at it.

Game "Street"

On a large sheet of cardboard, you need to draw a street with houses and intersections. On the street, the child begins to move a toy car. Several cars can be included in the game. The child needs to be explained that the cars should move so as not to collide with each other.

Game "Ships"

The most interesting boats are obtained if you make them yourself. For example, you can make a wonderful boat from the halves of walnut shells. A sail is “put on” on a toothpick, and “the mast is attached to the boat with plasticine. In this way, you can make a whole flotilla, which is then launched into a basin of water and blowing, direct the ships in different directions.

Games for children 3 years old


From old magazines and newspapers, they cut out the pictures they like most and stick them on a sheet of paper, as a result, an unusually beautiful selection of pictures can be obtained, that is, a collage.

Painting creation

On an unfolded sheet of paper, you need to drip paint or even several multi-colored paints, fold the paper so that stains with paint are inside the sheet. Unfolding a sheet of paper, you can get a multicolor drawing.


All participants in the game sit with their palms behind their backs. Each player in turn names any animal. If it refers to flying animals, then the players spread their arms and flap them like wings. The game has many options: you can think "swims - does not swim", "edible - inedible"

Embroidery on cardboard

A pattern of holes is applied to the cardboard with an awl, through which the child will have to stretch a multi-colored lace with a hard tip. As a result of such embroidery, an interesting picture can be obtained.

Games for children from 4 years old

To develop the child's memory, we play a simple game when several objects or toys are placed on the table. The child should carefully examine all objects and then leave the room. At this time, adults remove one of the objects from the table, and the child who returns to the room must guess which particular object is missing on the table.

What will be interesting for girls?

For girls, it will be an interesting game in the hairdresser, when the girls will do each other's hairstyles from the collected hairpins, elastic bands, bows and combs.

In the center of the sheet of paper, draw a square, circle or triangle. All players complement the drawing with their own drawing. At the end of the game, it will be interesting to see the fruit of collective creativity.

Games from 5 years old

From a beautiful picture torn from a magazine, different parts are cut from this picture. Mix all the cut pieces and try to restore the original picture.


Ball games are very diverse - children who find it difficult to sit in one place play it especially willingly. Ball games are best done outdoors. The ball can be rolled from player to player or thrown, but only so that the ball does not fall to the ground.


The joint games of parents and children bring them closer together, which has a positive effect on the upbringing of the child. And in modern world so many interesting games that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents.

Joint games with children

Organization of joint games with parents in kindergarten- an excellent direction of activity of modern day care centers Moms and dads have the opportunity to observe the life of their child in a group, learn about his real interests, understand his problems, see and share with him the successes that are often hidden behind everyday life, work and household chores. And also such activities are a great opportunity to relax, have fun and exciting time in the company of children and other parents!


Two teams - mothers and children compete with each other, answering the questions of the presenter. The list of tasks can be of any nature and of any complexity - riddles, insertion of the last word in a well-known quatrain (song, nursery rhyme, rhyme), etc. For each correct answer, the team is given a card or chip. The group of players with the most cards will be the winner. They answer the questions either in turn, or after raising their hands, or whoever is faster - this is decided in advance. As an example, we attach to you such a list of questions for kindergarteners. senior group:

Is orange a fruit? (Yes).

Is the hare a forest orderly? (No, just a wolf, woodpecker or ant).

Does a butterfly have a sensory organ on its antennae? (No, on legs)

Is the hare sleeping with open eyes? (Yes, he has short eyelids.)

Titmouse - the smallest bird in Russia? (No, the smallest is a kinglet).

Kiwi - this bird? (Yes).

The organ of hearing on the head of a grasshopper? (No, on legs).

Is the sun a star? (Yes.)

Is a spider an insect? (No, insects have 6 legs, and a spider has 8).

A centipede with 40 legs? (No, she has 42 legs.)

How to make a locking device from a royal dwelling? (Rearrange the stress in the word "lock").

Does the jet ski have 4 wheels? (No, it has no wheels - it is used on water).

What do a fidget boy and a pine have in common? (Bumps).

The candy cannot enter the mouth - is that so? (Yes, she cannot enter herself - she does not walk, she must be put there).

Is the day shorter in winter? (No, there are always 24 hours in a day).

Hug game

To start this active game with parents, children form a small (inner) circle, and their mothers - a large (outer) one. Participants in each circle hold hands. When the music starts playing, babies and parents walk in opposite directions - clockwise and counterclockwise. As soon as the melody stops, everyone disengages their hands. Each child should try to find his mother, run up to her and hug her before the rest of the children.

Find your color game

The presenter invites three mothers or grandmothers and each of them is given a scarf of a certain color (for example, pink, blue and white). Children are divided into three teams, each of which receives handkerchiefs (distributed to all players) of one of three colors. When soft music is playing, mothers and babies calmly walk around the room in any direction. Moreover, when two children meet each other, they must exchange handkerchiefs. When the music stops, mothers stop and raise their hand with a handkerchief. The task of the kids is to quickly reach the woman who is holding a scarf of the same color as in their hands. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

Game "Swaddle the doll"

This game with parents in a preschool educational institution is perfect as a competition not only for moms, but also for dads with babies. As practice shows, the lesson is always very fun. Participants are divided into teams. There can be two of them ("parents" and "children"), or more ("moms", "dads", "girls", "boys"). Everything will depend on the number and composition of those present. Sometimes families play with each other. Each team is given a doll and a diaper. The goal of the game is to swaddle the baby doll faster and better in a certain time (for example, in a minute). At the end of the competition, the jury evaluates the "works" and selects the winners.

Game "Guess the smell"

Participants are divided into teams - "Moms" and "Children". Everyone is blindfolded. The host brings each player a plate with some product, which must be guessed by its smell. For example, chocolate, lemon, garlic, onion, coffee, cucumber, fresh bread, apple, pear, boiled potatoes are chosen. The team that gives the most correct answers is the winner.

Braid the Pigtail Game

Mothers and children are divided into two teams. At the signal from the leader, the players begin to clasp their hands. The winner is the team that will be able to quickly weave a "pigtail" from the hands.

The Mammoth Song is ideal for playing this game with parents at the meeting. The presenter blindfolds mom and begins to slowly drive in a circle formed by the children. Each child in turn pronounces the word "mother", and the parent must recognize her child by the voice.

Find Mom game

The aim of the game is the same as in the previous lesson, only this time the blindfolded kid must recognize his mother by his voice. Parents take turns calling the name of the child.

A kind of such an activity is when the presenter lets all the children blindfolded into the circle of mothers, where they must guess who is whose mother is by touch. When the baby chooses the woman who, in his opinion, is a mother, he must hug her, remove the blindfold from her eyes and make sure that he has made the right choice.

Family creativity

The participants are divided into two teams, each of which consists of a mother and his child. The presenter asks the players tasks that they must jointly complete in a certain amount of time - 1, 5, 10 minutes, etc. (depending on the complexity of the task). Examples of tasks: draw a drawing of a non-existent animal from specific geometric shapes, depict more than all objects of one color (only red, only green), make crafts from plasticine, paper. The jury evaluates the work in terms of speed, quality or volume and selects the winning team.

All games with parents at matinees in the kindergarten must certainly end with a solemn summing up and the presentation of prizes.

Fun games and contests for children and adults

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These contests will help educators and parents keep their kids entertained. They can be carried out in the classroom, at festive events, at home, on the street.


Turn the sleeves of the two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of the chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs to each other. Place a two meter string under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out their sleeves, put on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.

Who quickly

Children with skipping ropes in their hands stand in a row on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid. For the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump in the direction of the put line. The winner is the one who will be near her first.

Ball hitting the target

A pin or flag is set at a distance of 8-10 m. Each team member is entitled to one shot, he must try to shoot down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is knocked down, it is replaced in its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
- the ball does not fly, but rolls on the ground, launched by the hand,
- players kick the ball,
- players throw the ball with both hands from behind the head.

Ball in the ring

The teams are built in one column one by one in front of basketball backboards at a distance of 2 - 3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that got into the ring most of all wins.


In the center of the circle or stage there are two easels with paper. The presenter calls two groups of five people. At the signal from the leader, the first from the group take the coal and draw the beginning of the drawing, on the signal they transfer the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone must participate in drawing.
The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamer, a cargo car, a tram, an airplane, etc.

Roll up the ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives the task: within a set time (8 - 10 minutes) to roll a snowball as large as possible. The group that has rolled the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

Running with three balls

At the start line, the first player takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and puts the balls near it. Back it comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, without reaching 1 m, puts them on the floor.
- instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.


In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer - win the competition.

Inflate the balloon

For this competition, you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the hall. Balloons are handed out to them. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but so that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The winner is the one who is the first to complete the task.


Two teams of 6 children participate. These are grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs at the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a turnip image.
The grandfather starts the game. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to it (takes it by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, for the turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulled the turnip faster wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his teammate. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

Counter relay with hoop and rope

The teams are structured like a counter relay. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like over a rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward, jumping over the rope. After completing the task, each participant transfers the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and switch places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a dropped ball without assistance. Therefore, the porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player shoots the ball backward between the players' apart feet. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs with it along the column forward, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, etc. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. Put the rope and the hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it, and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team will cope faster will win.

Hoop Race

The players are divided into equal teams and are lined up along the side lines of the court. On the right flank of each team there is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. At the signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom or vice versa and passes it on to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and hands it over to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, passing the hoop to a neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The last player in the line puts all the hoops on himself. The team whose players complete the task faster will receive a winning point. The winning team is the team whose players win twice.

Fast threes

Players stand in a circle in threes, one after the other. The first numbers of each triplet are taken by the hands and an inner circle is formed. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. At the signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle - to the left. At the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their threes. Each time the circles move to the other side. The fastest triple players get the winning point. The game is played for 4 - 5 minutes. The trio wins, the players of which score more points.

Forbidden traffic

Those who play together with the leader stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more visible. If there are few players, then you can build them in a line, and stand in front of them yourself. The leader invites the guys to follow him all the movements, with the exception of the forbidden, pre-established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the "hand on the belt" movement. The leader begins to make different movements to the music, and all the players repeat them. Suddenly, the leader makes a prohibited move. The participant who repeats the game takes a step forward and then continues to play.

Politeness check

This contest is tricky and is held only once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as it were, accidentally drops a handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up his handkerchief and politely return to the girl wins. After that, it is announced that this was the first competition.
Option: if the competition is between two teams, then a point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Kind fairy tale

A fairy tale with a sad end is taken as a basis (for example, The Snow Maiden, The Little Mermaid, etc.). And the task is given to the children to think about how this fairy tale can be remade using characters from other fairy tales, so that it ends happily. The team that plays the most funny and funniest fairy tale in the form of a mini-performance wins.


The participants in the game are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold onto each other and form one chain with the help of arms bent at the elbows.
Ahead of the chain are stronger and more agile participants - "groovy". Standing against each other, "clockwork" also take each other by the arms bent at the elbows and pull each in his own direction, trying to either break the opponent's chain, or pull it over the intended line.
Rule: start pulling exactly at the signal.

Story Competition folk tales

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter speaks the first words from the name of the folk tales, the participants must say this name in full. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
1. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray ... (wolf)
2. Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivan)
3. Finist - Clear ... (falcon)
4. Princess - ... (Toad)
5. Geese - ... (Swans)
6. By the pike ... (command)
7. Frost ... (Ivanovich)
8. Snow White and Seven ... (Dwarfs)
9. Skate - ... (Humpbacked)

Speak without mistakes

Whoever speaks these proverbs better will win:
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.
Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.
I reported it, but I didn’t report it, but began to report it - I did it.

Night travel

The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to the motorway made of sports pins. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns of danger. When the path is passed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game "go". The winner is the one who hits the pin the least.

Well-aimed arrows

A target is mounted on the wall. You can use small balls or darts.
Each player has three attempts.
After the game, the host rewards the winners and cheers up the losers.

Keep your balance

With their arms outstretched to the sides, the players, like tightrope walkers, walk along the very edge of the carpet.
The winner is the one who is the last to leave the race.


The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in a cassette. One of them is raw, the host warns. And the rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets it raw is the brave one. (But in fact, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just received by the last participant - he deliberately took the risk of becoming a universal laughing stock.)

Game "Merry Orchestra"

An unlimited number of people participate in the game. A conductor is selected, the rest of the participants are divided into balalaika players, accordion players, trumpeters, violinists, etc., depending on the number of participants. At the signal of the conductor, who points at a group of musicians, they begin to "play" to the tune of any famous song: balalaika players - "Tryam, tryam", violinists - "tili-tili", trumpeters - "turu-ru", accordion players - "spend- la-la ". The difficulty of the task is that the pace of the change of musicians is constantly increasing, the conductor points to one or the other group, and if the conductor waves both hands, then the musicians must “play” all together. You can complicate the task, if the conductor waves his hand strongly, then the musicians should “play” loudly, and if he waves a little, the musicians “play” quietly.

Game "Collect a bouquet"

There are 2 teams of 8 people each. 1 child in the team is a gardener, the rest are flowers. On the head of the flower children there are hats with the image of flowers. Flower children squat in a column one at a time at a considerable distance from each other. At the signal, the gardeners run to the first flower, which grabs the gardener by the back. Already two of them are running to the next flower, etc. The team that ran to the finish line first wins.


You will need a long cord and a ring. Thread the cord through the ring and tie the ends. Children sit in a circle, put a cord with a ring on their knees. In the center of the circle is the driver. Children, imperceptibly from the driver, move the ring from one to the other (not necessarily in one direction, you can move the ring in different directions). At the same time, music sounds, and the driver carefully monitors the movements of the ring. As soon as the music stops, the ring stops too. The driver must indicate who has the ring now. If you've guessed right, change places with the one who had the ring.

And I!

A game of mindfulness.
The rules of the game: the presenter tells a story about himself, preferably a fable. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and, when the leader raises his hand up, shout “and I” if the action referred to in the story can be performed by a person or be silent if the action is not appropriate. For example, the presenter says:
“One day I went into the forest ...
All: "And me!"
I see a squirrel sitting on a tree ...
The squirrel sits and gnaws nuts ...
- ….
- She saw me and let's throw nuts at me ...
- I ran away from her ...
- I went the other way ...
- ….
- I walk through the forest, picking flowers ...
- …
- I sing songs ...
- ….
- I see a kid nibbling grass…. -…? - I will whistle ...
- ….
- The kid got scared and rode away ...
- And I went on ...
- …
There are no winners in this game - the main thing is a cheerful mood.


Children stand in one line. I choose the first participant by lot or counting. He becomes facing everyone and performs any movement, for example: clap his hands, jump on one leg, turn his head, raise his arms, etc. Then he takes his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.
The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and so the other participants in the game take turns doing. When the whole team has finished showing, the game can go on the second round. A player who fails to repeat any gesture is eliminated from the game. The last child is the winner.

Sparrows and crows

You can play together with a child, but better with a company. Agree in advance what the sparrows will do and what the crows will do. For example, with the command "Sparrows" - the children will lie down on the floor. And with the command "Crows" - to climb onto the bench. You can now start the game. An adult slowly pronounces syllables "Vo - ro - ... us!" Children must quickly complete the movement that was given for the crows. Whoever did it last or got it mixed up - pays fant.

Plucking feathers

You will need clothespins. Several children will be catchers. They are given clothespins, which they attach to their clothes. If the catcher catches any of the children, he attaches a clothespin to his clothes. The winner is the catcher who is the first to free himself from his clothespins.

We are looking for a ball

The participants in the game stand in a circle and close their eyes. The presenter takes a small ball or any other small object and throws it further to the side. Everyone listens attentively, trying to guess by the sound where the ball fell. At the command "Search!" children scatter in different directions, looking for a ball. The winner is the one who finds it, imperceptibly runs up to a predetermined place and knocks with a stick with the words “The ball is mine!”. If the other players have guessed who has the ball, then they try to catch up with him and show him off. Then the ball goes to the player who caught up. Now he is already running away from the others.


Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a ball of thread and a thick pencil. At the signal from the presenter, the children begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. One of the children is holding a ball, the other is winding the thread around a pencil. The couple that completes the job the fastest wins. The second prize can be awarded for the tidiest ball.

Two rams

This game can be played in pairs in turns. Two children, legs wide apart, tilt their bodies forward, rest their foreheads against each other. Hands are clasped behind the back. The task is to resist each other, without budging, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e".


Invite the children to test their attentiveness, observation, and responsiveness. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: "Potato". Questions can be directed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: "What do you have in this place?" (pointing to the nose).
The reaction is not hard to imagine. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive after the first two questions, otherwise you will have no one to continue the game with. Here are some questions to ask:
- What did you have for lunch today?
- What would you like to eat for dinner?
- And who is late and is now entering the hall?
- What did your mother bring you as a gift?
- What do you dream about at night?
- What is the name of your favorite dog? … etc.
The winners - the most attentive children - will receive a comic prize at the end of the game - a potato.


Plastic glasses or small buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's trucks. Ropes of the same length (according to the child's height) are tied to the cars. On command, you need to quickly "transport the load" from start to finish, trying not to splash the water. The winner is the one who came to the finish line the fastest and did not splash the water. There are two prizes for speed and accuracy.

Crumple up the newspaper

You will need newspapers according to the number of participants. An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the signal of the presenter, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Whoever was able to do it first is the winner.

Nimble janitor

For the game you need to prepare a broom, "leaves" (You can use small pieces of paper). A circle is drawn - this is the place of the "janitor." The janitor is selected. The "janitor" with a broom stands in a circle. At the signal from the presenter, the rest of the participants represent the "wind", that is, they throw pieces of paper in a circle, the "janitor" sweeps out the rubbish. "Janitor" is considered the winner if after the agreed time (1-2 minutes) there is not a single piece of paper in the circle.


On a sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard, two slots are made for the hands. Participants take each of their sheets, passing their hands through the slots, paint a portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has a better “masterpiece” takes the prize.

"A monkey"

Children are divided into two teams. After that, the players of the first team confer and say a word to one of the players of the second team. His task is to show this word to the members of his team only with gestures, without using any sounds or words. When the word is guessed, the commands are reversed.
Depending on the age of the participants, the difficulty of the hidden words may vary. Beginning with simple words and concepts, such as "car", "house", and ending with complex concepts, the names of films, cartoons, books.


Each child is given a "snowflake", i.e. on a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below, so that they stay in the air for as long as possible. The most agile wins.

Dry land - water

Participants of the competition stand in one line. At the word of the leader "land" everyone jump forward, at the word "water" - backward. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word "water", for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. Those jumping out of place are eliminated, the last player - the most attentive, becomes the winner.

Draw a portrait

Participants try to paint a portrait of any of those sitting opposite. Then the leaves start up in a circle. Everyone on the back will try to write who he recognized in this portrait. When the leaves, passing in a circle, return to the author, he will count the number of votes of the participants who recognized the drawing. The best artist wins.


Players are given a bunch of keys, a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as soon as possible. You can hang a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.


All the players close their eyes and pull from the heap of matches one at a time. You cannot show your match to your neighbor. One of the matches is broken, and the one who takes it becomes a sniper. Then everyone opens their eyes, the day begins. The sniper can kill the player by looking into his eyes and winking. The “killed” one leaves the game and loses the right to vote.
If one of the players witnesses a "murder", he has the right to speak loudly about it, at this moment the game stops (that is, the sniper cannot kill anyone), and the players find out if there are still witnesses. If not, the game continues, and if there is, the angry gamers lynch the suspect, taking the match away from him and thus finding out if they were mistaken. The sniper's task is to shoot everyone before he is exposed, the task of everyone else is to expose the sniper before he has shot everyone.

Chinese football

The players stand in a circle, facing outward, with their feet shoulder-width apart, so that each leg is close to the symmetrical leg of the neighbor. Inside the circle there is a ball that the players are trying to score into each other's goal (that is, roll the ball between their legs with their hands). The one between the legs of whom the ball rolls, removes one hand, after the second goal - the second, and after the third - leaves the game.


The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), with a driver in the center. The players clap their hands rhythmically and say in chorus the following words: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, show me! And again! And two! And three! ”, At this time the driver, closing his eyes and pointing his hands forward, rotates in place, when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown to him also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then all the others clap their hands again, saying in chorus: “And again! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek), the one who came out, if in one - they shake hands. After that, the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver.
There is also a version of the game, in which for the representatives of the stronger sex, the words “Aram-shim-shim, ...” are replaced by “Wider, wider, wider circle! He has seven hundred girlfriends! This, this, this, this, and the beloved is this one! ”, Although in general it does not matter.
Playing the game on younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces, which the two in the center wriggle at each other.

I'm going

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one who stands to the right of the empty seat says loudly "And I'm on my way!" and goes to it. The next one (that is, the one who is now to the right of the empty space) says loudly "And me too!" and goes to it, the next one says "And I am a hare!" and also takes place on the right. The next one, passing, says "And I am with ...", and calls someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run over to an empty seat. In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge himself into an empty space when someone thinks too long.

Flashlights game

This game involves 2 teams. Each team has 3 yellow balls. At the command of the presenter, the audience begins to pass the balls from hand to hand from the first row to the last. Pass the balls (fire) with raised hands and return them back in the same way, without extinguishing the fire (i.e. without bursting the ball).

Competition "Who will collect the coins faster"

The competition is attended by 2 people (as many as possible). Play coins made of thick paper are scattered on the site. The task of the participants is to collect money blindfolded. The winner is the one who collects more coins and faster. This competition can be repeated 2-3 times.


The players are freely placed in the room. With the beginning of the text, everyone performs arbitrary movements. With the last word “stopped,” all movements cease, the participants in the game seem to freeze. The presenter, passing by them, notices the one who has moved. He leaves the game. The most varied movements can be used, but always standing still. At the end of the game, the presenter also notes those who performed the most beautiful or complex movements.
Rain, rain, drop,
Water saber,
I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, did not cut
And tired, and stopped!


The rope is pulled across the room to which they are tied with strings
various small prizes. Children take turns blindfolded, given
scissors and they with closed eyes cut off the prize for themselves. (Be
be careful, do not leave children alone during this game!).

Cockroach racing

For this game, you will need 4 matchboxes and 2 strings (for two participants). The thread is tied at the front of the belt, a matchbox is tied to the other end of the thread so that it hangs between the legs. The second box is placed on the floor. Swinging, like a pendulum, the boxes between their legs, the participants should push the boxes lying on the floor. Whoever goes faster than the predetermined distance is the winner.


A deep plate is placed on the chair, the participants must take turns throwing a button or a bottle cork into it from a distance of 2-3 meters, trying to hit it so that the button remains in the plate.
This simple game very captivating and captivating children.


The guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. There must be a player behind each seat on the chair and one chair must be empty. The player behind him must discreetly wink at any of those sitting in the circle. All seated competitors must look at the player with an empty chair. A seated participant, seeing that they blinked at him, should quickly take an empty seat. The functions of the players standing behind the seated ones are not to let their players go to the empty seats. To do this, they only need to put their hand on the shoulder of the seated person. If the "watchman" has not released the "fugitive", they change places.

One - knee, two - knee

They all sit down again on chairs in a tight circle. Then each should place a hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. Did they put it down? So, and now, starting with the counselor, in a clockwise direction, a light clap with the hand should go through all the knees in turn. First - the right hand of the counselor, then the left hand of his neighbor on the right, then the right hand of the neighbor on the left, then the left hand of the counselor, etc.
The first circle is held so that the guys understand how to act. After that, the game begins. Anyone who made a mistake during the game removes the hand that either lingered with its clap, or produced it earlier. If the player removes both hands, he leaves the circle and the game continues. To complicate the task, the counselor gives the bill faster and faster, under which cotton should be produced. The last three players win.


The players stand in a circle. A rope is pulled inside the circle, which everyone holds with their hands. The presenter explains that it is necessary, with your eyes closed, without opening your hands, to build a square, an equilateral triangle, a star, using only oral conversations.

It often happens that adults do not find joint games for children and parents. As a result, with the child we play with cars, dolls, constructors and so on, while we ourselves free time trying to play chess, cards and something else with our peers. (By the way, if you have no ideas for leisure activities with your husband, they may help tips from the article "What to do on a weekday evening at home with your loved one if you get bored?" on the site "Sunny Hands" ) But, of course, the child will never let you complete the game, because how can you have fun without him? He must also participate. Therefore, playing not with a child with a child often becomes impossible. Faced with this problem personally, my husband and I tried to find games for children and parents that are interesting to us and our son.

If your baby is already 3 years old, then I would recommend several activities that are interesting for both the adult and the child. Let us first consider the outdoor joint games of children and parents. They will undoubtedly please any fidget.

1. Twister is a game familiar to many, the essence of which is the rapid transfer of legs and arms from a circle of one color to a circle of a different color. In total, there are four colors on the carpet, which by the age of 3, perhaps, any child already knows. For the game, it is also necessary that the child is well oriented in where is the right and where is the left. When we bought Twister, we played it with the child every day for a long time, and we all really liked this activity. So I advise you to try it. (3 years - a critical age. The kid turns from a foolish person into an adult man. Not all parents have the strength and patience to calmly survive this stage. the article “The Crisis of Three Years. When an Angel Becomes an Unruly Bully "on the Sunny Hands website )

2. Hide and Seek is a famous game of all time. In addition to the standard version of this fun, I suggest you use another one - not to hide yourself, but to hide an object: a child's favorite toy, for example. When looking for it, you can help the baby with the words: "cold", "warmer", "hot" and so on. Naturally, the hotter, the closer the target. When the child will hide the object, you try to find it without prompts.

3. Ball games. Anyone knows many games with this round projectile and, I think, will be able to choose more suitable ones for himself and his child. I propose a game of "edible - inedible". Let me remind you that its essence boils down to the fact that when they named something edible and threw the ball, you have to catch it, when it’s not edible, you have to beat it off. Our nephew loves this game, and it can be interesting for adults to play it. What can you play with your baby on the street? Interesting ideas find on the site "Sunny Hands" .

Now I will bring to your attention some quiet fun that you can play without leaving your room or even without getting up from the couch.

1. Domino - old board game with fairly simple rules. Of course, for playing with a child, it is necessary to use not an adult set, but a child's one. Their choice is now quite wide: you can easily find dominoes with the characters of your favorite cartoon or fairy tale. By personal experience I can say that it will not be difficult for a child to understand the essence of the game, and you will have fun together.

2. Board sports games - hockey, basketball, football. We have hockey at home. The child quickly mastered the technique of the game and even scores goals for us himself. True, sometimes he breaks the rules - he moves the players not with the help of special levers, but with his hands. I think we will soon learn to play strictly according to the regulations. I will also add that this game is popular among almost all adults. If you decide to purchase any board sports game, do not skimp on quality, do not buy cheap plastic options. They are not very convenient to use and break down quickly.

3. Crocodile - a game that is more suitable for a child over 4 years old. However, you can try earlier. What if it works out? The essence of the game is that one draws the hidden word, and the other tries to guess it as quickly as possible. From my own experience, I will say that what younger child, the more likely that he will win - it is usually difficult for an adult to immediately understand what the baby is depicting on paper.

Finally, I will add one more option - darts. It is more logical to attribute it to outdoor games, although it will not require special physical activity from you. Naturally, when playing with your child, you need to acquire safe shells (by no means sharp darts). The choice of them is now huge: with magnets, with Velcro, with suction cups and the like. I think if you have a big company at home, this game will be popular among both children and adults.

Perhaps not all of the proposed games will appeal to your friends and your children. However, I hope you still enjoy playing something on my list.

Best regards, Kira Maryeva.

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