Sky lanterns - a brief history of origin. Paper lanterns and their symbols Paper lanterns and holidays

Chinese sky lanterns are a flying system made of paper stretched over a lightweight wood frame. Such products have been widespread in the eastern states and in Russia since ancient times.

The history of the emergence of Chinese sky lanterns

The age of the very first sky lantern is approximately 2 thousand years. At the beginning of the third century of our era, they were used in military campaigns. The idea of ​​creation belongs to a Chinese general. Nowadays, many people use a variety of flashlights for their personal purposes. Previously, they were used as a means of communication. They are clearly visible at great distances, which helped the generals to give all sorts of orders or notify the combat detachment about the approach of the enemy.

Over time, heavenly paper lanterns began to be used for peaceful purposes. For example, the Chinese used them as a bridge between two worlds. When they flew into the sky, they could take with them the dreams and desires of many people. It is this symbolism that they have preserved to this day, therefore they are in demand at any celebration. Eastern people have always tried to believe that air lanterns bring happiness. That is why they began to be launched at weddings and various events.

It is worth considering that simple Chinese lanterns and paper air lanterns are considered to be the same, but nevertheless they have a difference. The Chinese are simply used to decorate the streets or in houses, while the celestial ones have a completely different system and can be launched into the sky.

Chinese sky lanterns: description and device

In fact, the sky lantern system is very simple. You can see that it is somewhat similar to the usual one. Of course, it can be launched only once, but it is also quite inexpensive. The very first lanterns were made with a bamboo frame. And they put a rice paper dome on it. Now there are modern materials that are more popular. For example, mulberry paper is used for the dome.

As mentioned earlier, paper lanterns rise into the sky according to the principle of an ordinary ball. The burner, which is fixed at the bottom, heats up the air, and then the whole system starts working. The flame heats the air for take-off and in so doing makes mysterious illumination in the sky. The most important thing is to remember that only environmentally friendly materials should be used for flashlights. The paper dome, the wood frame and the fuel in the burner are easily utilized by nature by itself, and at the same time the environment around is not polluted at all.

For manufacturing, only high-quality and environmentally friendly materials are needed. The dome should only be made of paper with a wooden frame. The fuel in the burner must not pollute the environment, therefore it must be organic.

Technical properties

In fact, these celestial bodies are quite light. On average, the weight can reach only 200 grams, which is really very small. Of course, the flight of such a flashlight will not be long. The fuel is calculated for about twenty minutes of free flight. And when in the end the substance burns out, it will simply go down. An air flashlight can rise to a sufficiently high altitude during the flight. On average, it ranges from 200 to 500 meters.

If you turn on the flashlight late in the evening, the dome will glow very brightly, and it will be perfectly visible even from many kilometers away, and a huge number of people will watch it. It is worth noting that they really like to watch the Chinese sky lanterns and consider it a kind of entertainment.


There are actually quite a few types of sky lanterns. But the cylinder has always been basically the traditional shape. In China, they were considered inexpensive and completely simple.

Eastern peoples have always been able to make an excellent show and at the same time launched up balloons, triangles and much more. In modern days, lanterns also have the shape of a cylinder with a height of about one meter. They are very cheap and therefore quite famous. On the paper from which the dome is created, various drawings or inscriptions can be placed.

The Chinese sky lanterns for lovers in the shape of a heart are also very famous. They are usually found at weddings or just for romance. Also, children are not indifferent to them. They also really like flashlights, and especially for them, you can find products in the form of different animals. These can be cats, dogs and other popular species. Each person has their own thoughts, and anyone can come up with such an image of flashlights that they like.

Usage criteria

Any category of citizens can safely let flashlights into the sky. Both children and adults. Indeed, for many it is a joy. And this does not require any knowledge about it at all. It is absolutely safe, and you do not need to wait for special weather for this. But still, some rules will come in handy. In very bad weather, the flight time of the flashlight may change, because everything will depend on its mass. When there is a lot of wind, it is also not advised to run them. And it is best to let it go away from houses and buildings in order to avoid fires.

Prohibited from launching near the airport. Also, do not put any foreign objects on the dome. And the most important thing is to never use any other fuel than the one that is included in the kit.


In conclusion, we can conclude that lanterns are really very beautiful and, moreover, very important for many people. Some believe in the fulfillment of desires, others simply enjoy the beauty of a flashlight in the sky. It's great to know that the long tradition of launching has survived into our modern times.

The so-called sky lanterns came to us from China. They look like structures made of paper or fabric on the thinnest wooden frame. The device works in the same way as a hot air balloon and is very popular in the east.

For the first time, these lanterns were mentioned in ancient chronicles - it said that General Zhuge Liang (180-234 AD) used these things in order to intimidate the troops of his enemies.

An oil lamp was attached under a rather large paper bag. Along the way, the bag filled with hot air and took off. The enemies were simply terrified, believing that Zhuge Liang was using the help of the gods.

But, nevertheless, a similar device was registered even before Zhuge Liang - Joseph Needham says that similar paper balls, moving thanks to hot air, were known as early as the 3rd century. BC uh .. a
Needham was a rather great scientist and researcher of ancient Chinese culture, so we have no reason not to trust him.

In addition to intimidating enemies, Chinese lanterns had another useful function - they were used in order to send signals between units of the Chinese army and their commanders. After some time, the launching of flashlights also acquired a certain religious meaning.

The mass launches of these devices in Europe became noticeable in 2006. In 2004, five thousand sky lanterns were launched in Thailand, in 2005 they were launched in memory of the victims of earthquakes. We bought sky lanterns in bulk. The sight was extraordinary - many photographers became famous for their pictures, which they took on those bright nights.

The structure that holds the bag is a wooden frame made mostly of bamboo. A burner is fixed at the bottom; a thin wire is used for fastening. The bag is most often made of porous paper or cotton cloth soaked in wax. For the burner, polymers are often used. Well, and paper, of course, is impregnated with special compounds that do not allow it to catch fire.

Sky lanterns weigh about 50-100 grams, and rise to a height of up to half a kilometer. The fuel burns for up to twenty minutes.

Flashlights should not be launched near airports or facilities that are fire hazardous. If there is a serious wind blowing outside, it is also worth postponing the launch - all due to the same fire safety considerations.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fire regulations in the Russian Federation ... Clause 77 ... It is forbidden to launch uncontrollable products made of combustible materials on the territory of settlements and urban districts, as well as at a distance of less than 100 meters from forests, the principle of raising to a height is based on heating the air inside the structure using open fire.


The first mentions of Chinese paper lanterns were found in the annals describing the military campaigns of General Zhuge Liang (180-234 AD, honorary title Kunming), which sources say used them to instill fear in enemy troops:

The oil lamp was installed under a large paper bag that rose with the hot air from the lamp. ... Enemies were seized with fear due to the light in the air, thinking that divine power was helping him.

However, the device, which is a lamp in a paper container, was registered earlier, and, according to Joseph Needham, hot air balloons were known in China in the 3rd century BC. BC e.

It is also known that flying Chinese lanterns were used as a universal means of transmitting signals between the command and various army units in the Chinese army. Later, in China and other eastern countries, the launch of paper lanterns was given a certain religious significance.

In Europe, Chinese lanterns began to appear en masse in 2006. In 2005, in memory of the victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake, about 5,000 lanterns were launched on Khao Lak Beach (Thailand). Journalist Zhou Xin (Gangzhou Daily) won second place in the Arts and Entertainment category in the prestigious World Press Photo international photojournalism competition for this event.


The role of the supporting structure in the sky lantern is played by a light wooden frame, usually bamboo. In its lower part there is a torch fixed on a thin wire. A traditional burner is made from a piece of cotton cloth soaked in wax or porous paper soaked in flammable liquids. In modern flashlights, the burner is sometimes made from combustible polymers. The dome is made from rice paper with the addition. As a rule, paper is impregnated with a special non-flammable compound so that it does not catch fire.

The frame and dome of a sky lantern can be of various shapes, from standard geometric shapes (cylinder, ball) to images of animals and popular household items.

Operating principle

The flame of the burner heats the air inside the flashlight to 100 ~ 120 ° C. When heated, the density of air becomes less, and, accordingly, its mass. The air inside the flashlight becomes lighter than the outside air, so the flashlight floats up in the cold air.

The density of the heated air inside the flashlight can be calculated using the ideal gas equation of state

\ rho = \ frac (p) (R \ cdot T), where ρ - air density, p- absolute pressure, R- universal gas constant for dry air (287.058 J ⁄ (kg K)) and T- absolute temperature in Kelvin.

The volume of an average flashlight is approximately 0.25 m³. At a standard atmospheric pressure of 101.325 KPa and an air temperature of 20 ° C, the density of atmospheric air is 1.2041 kg / m³. Hence it follows that the mass of air in a flashlight with a volume of 0.25 m³ will be about 300 grams.

When the air inside the lantern heats up to a temperature of 100 ° C, its density will decrease and amount to 0.946 kg / m³. With such a density, the mass of air inside the flashlight will no longer be 300 g, but 236 g. The mass of the structure of an average Chinese flashlight is about 50 g. The total mass of the flashlight (with heated air inside) is 50 g + 236 g = 286 g. It turns out that the total mass the flashlight is 14 g less than the mass of air occupying the same volume. This difference corresponds to the lift acting on the flashlight.

According to Archimedes' law, a buoyant force acts on a body immersed in a liquid (or gas), equal to the weight of the liquid (or gas) displaced by this body, F_A = \ rho gV, where \ rho- the density of the liquid (gas), (g) is the acceleration of gravity, and V- the volume of the submerged body.

For flashlight buoyancy F_A= 1.20kg / m³ × 9.8 m / s² × 0.25 m³ = 2.94 N. The force of gravity acting on the flashlight F_T= 0.286 kg × 9.8 m / s² = 2.80 N.

Flashlight behavior depends on the ratio between gravity modules F_T and the forces of Archimedes F_A that act on this body. The flashlight will start to rise into the sky if the condition is met F_T ... In our case, this condition is satisfied, since 2.80 N< 2,94 Н.

Some characteristics

The weight of an average Chinese lantern is 50-100 g. The lifting height is usually within 200-500 meters, the burning time of the fuel in the burner is 15-20 minutes. The sizes of the flashlights range from 70 * 28 cm to 170 * 50 cm (height * diameter of the bottom ring).

Operational safety

When launching sky lanterns, certain safety requirements must be observed

For example, they cannot be launched in the immediate vicinity of airports and fire hazardous structures, including in cities, settlements, near forests. To avoid fires, do not use flashlights in windy conditions.

The launching of sky lanterns is prohibited in many states. The metal frame from the fallen lanterns leads to the death of livestock, which eats the wire along with the hay; dogs on a walk injure their paws with this wire. Candles that did not have time to go out before landing set fire to thatched roofs and even destroy entire fields. There are known cases of power plant failure and a fire in a residential building, which led to the death of people.

For the mass launch of flashlights on the territory of Russia, in accordance with the Air Code, permission from the air traffic management authorities is required, due to the possible danger to aviation flights.

Mass launches require approval from local authorities as well as other mass events. Such actions can create copious amounts of waste scattered over a large area.

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Excerpt from a Chinese Lantern

- Natasha, I'm afraid for you.
- Why be afraid?
“I’m afraid that you will ruin yourself,” Sonya said resolutely, herself frightened by what she said.
Natasha's face again expressed anger.
- And I will ruin, I will ruin, I will ruin myself as soon as possible. None of your business. Not you, but I will feel bad. Leave, leave me. I hate you.
- Natasha! - Sonya cried out in fright.
- I hate, I hate! And you are my enemy forever!
Natasha ran out of the room.
Natasha did not speak to Sonya anymore and avoided her. With the same expression of agitated surprise and criminality, she walked about the rooms, taking now and then for another occupation and immediately abandoning them.
No matter how hard it was for Sonya, she, without taking her eyes off, watched her friend.
On the eve of the day on which the count was supposed to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha had been sitting all morning at the living room window, as if expecting something, and that she had made some sign to the passing soldier whom Sonya took for Anatole.
Sonya began to observe her friend even more attentively and noticed that Natasha was in a strange and unnatural state all the time of dinner and in the evening (she answered inappropriately to questions made to her, began and did not finish phrases, laughed at everything).
After tea Sonya saw a timid maid girl who was waiting for her at Natasha's door. She let her in and, overhearing at the door, learned that a letter had again been handed over. And suddenly it became clear to Sonya that Natasha had some terrible plan for this evening. Sonya knocked on her door. Natasha did not let her in.
“She will run away with him! thought Sonya. She is capable of anything. Today there was something especially pitiful and resolute in her face. She burst into tears, saying goodbye to her uncle, Sonya recalled. Yes it is true, she is running with him - but what should I do? " thought Sonya, recalling now those signs which clearly proved why Natasha had some terrible intention. “There is no graph. What should I do, write to Kuragin, demanding an explanation from him? But who tells him to answer? Write to Pierre, as Prince Andrei asked in case of misfortune? ... But maybe, in fact, she already refused Bolkonsky (she sent a letter to Princess Marya yesterday). There is no uncle! " To tell Marya Dmitrievna, who believed in Natasha so much, seemed awful to Sonya. “But one way or another, Sonia thought, standing in the dark corridor: now or never is the time to prove that I remember the good deeds of their family and love Nicolas. No, I will not sleep for at least three nights, but I will not leave this corridor and will not let her in by force, and I will not let the shame fall on their family, ”she thought.

Anatol recently moved to Dolokhov. The plan to kidnap Rostova had already been thought out and prepared by Dolokhov for several days, and on the day when Sonya, having overheard Natasha at the door, decided to protect her, this plan had to be carried out. Natasha at ten o'clock in the evening promised to go out to Kuragin's back porch. Kuragin was supposed to put her in a prepared troika and take her 60 versts from Moscow to the village of Kamenka, where a cropped priest was prepared to marry them. In Kamenka, a set-up was ready, which was supposed to take them to the Warsaw road and there they had to gallop abroad on the post office.
Anatol had a passport, and a travel document, and ten thousand money, taken from his sister, and ten thousand, borrowed through Dolokhov.
Two witnesses - Khvostikov, a former clerk whom Dolokhov and Makarin used to play, a retired hussar, a good-natured and weak person who had an infinite love for Kuragin - were sitting in the first room at tea.
In Dolokhov's large office, tucked from walls to ceiling with Persian carpets, bearskins and weapons, Dolokhov sat in a traveling beshmet and boots in front of an open bureau, on which lay bills and wads of money. Anatole, in his unbuttoned uniform, walked from the room where the witnesses were sitting, through the study to the back room, where his French footman with others was packing the last things. Dolokhov counted the money and wrote it down.
“Well,” he said, “Khvostikov should be given two thousand.
- Well, give it, - said Anatole.
- Makarka (they called that Makarina), this selflessly for you into the fire and into the water. Well, that’s over, ”said Dolokhov, showing him the note. - So?
- Yes, of course, so, - said Anatole, apparently not listening to Dolokhov and with a smile that did not leave his face, looking ahead of himself.
Dolokhov slammed the bureau and turned to Anatol with a mocking smile.
- And you know what - drop it all: there is still time! - he said.
- Fool! - said Anatole. - Stop talking nonsense. If you only knew ... The devil knows what it is!
“Give it up,” said Dolokhov. - I'm talking to you. Is this a joke that you are up to?
- Well, again, teasing again? Go to hell! Huh? ... - Anatole said with a grimace. - The right is not up to your stupid jokes. - And he left the room.
Dolokhov smiled contemptuously and condescendingly when Anatol left.
- You wait, - he said after Anatol, - I'm not joking, I'm talking business, go, come here.
Anatole again entered the room and, trying to focus his attention, looked at Dolokhov, obviously involuntarily submitting to him.
- You listen to me, I tell you for the last time. What am I kidding with you? Did I contradict you? Who arranged everything for you, who found the priest, who took the passport, who got the money? All I.
- Well, thank you. Do you think I'm not grateful to you? - Anatol sighed and hugged Dolokhov.
- I helped you, but still I have to tell you the truth: the matter is dangerous and, if you look at it, stupid. Well, you take her away, okay. Will it be left like that? It turns out that you are married. After all, they will bring you under a criminal court ...
- Ah! nonsense, nonsense! - Anatole spoke again with a frown. “I’ve explained it to you.” A? - And Anatole, with that special predilection (which happens to stupid people) to the conclusion that they reach with their minds, repeated the reasoning that he repeated to Dolokhov a hundred times. - After all, I interpreted to you, I decided: if this marriage is invalid, - he said, bending his finger, - then I do not answer; Well, if it is valid, it doesn't matter: no one abroad will know this, well, right? And don't talk, don't talk, don't talk!
- Really, come on! You will only bind yourself ...
- Get off to the devil, - said Anatole and, holding his hair, went into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on a chair close to Dolokhov. - The devil knows what it is! A? Look how it beats! - He took Dolokhov's hand and put it to his heart. - Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Une deesse !! [O! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess !!] A?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, impudent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have some more fun over him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? A? - Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment before thinking about the future. - What then? There I do not know what ... Well, what nonsense to say! He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went to the back room.
- Well, are you soon? Dig in here! He shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov put away the money and shouted at the man to order food and drink on the way, entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole in the study was lying with his elbows on his arm on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and whispering something gently to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go eat something. Well, have a drink! - Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- I do not want! - Anatole answered, still smiling.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole got up and entered the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver, who had known Dolokhov and Anatol for six years, and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatol's regiment was in Tver, in the evening he took him away from Tver, brought him to Moscow by dawn and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from the chase, more than once he rolled them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called. More than once, with their work, he pressed the people and cabs around Moscow, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they got him drunk with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them that an ordinary person would long ago deserve Siberia. In their carousing, they often invited Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and not one thousand of their money passed through his hands. Serving them, he risked both his life and his skin twenty times a year, and at their work he killed more horses than they overpaid him. But he loved them, loved this crazy ride, eighteen miles an hour, loved to roll over a cab and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full speed through Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Go! go! " while it was already impossible to go faster anyway; he loved to stretch the painful neck of a peasant, who was neither alive nor dead, kept away from him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.

It is interesting! sky lantern (whale:孔明灯 )

Just imagine, if the very first Heavenly Lantern survived to our time, then its age today would be equal to almost two thousand years. The invention of light flashlights flying into the sky under the action of heated air is attributed to the Chinese general Zhuge Liang (who had the honorary title of Kunming in China), who at the beginning of the third century AD used them in his military campaigns.
Someone might think that Sky lanterns- this is something new and original, and how could the Sky Lanterns used today for the entertainment of children and adults help in the conduct of bloody battles? It turns out to be very many. To begin with, let's recall how limited the possibilities of our ancestors were in communication. Using the lungs Sky Lanterns, quickly rising into the air and clearly visible at a distance, perfectly helped the forward detachments to warn the rear of the approach of the enemy, to the generals to give various orders, to the soldiers to report that they needed help. The spy airship was the most strategic element in ancient China. The Celestial Lanterns were actively used for military purposes, not only as intimidating the enemy, but also as a means of transmitting signals or initiating an offensive. A few minutes until flying flashlight was in the air, it was enough to transmit any information. The first Sky lanterns were oil lamps mounted under a paper bag. A huge bag filled with hot air and rose up. The enemies of the general did not understand what kind of unusual glow appeared in the air at night, they were seized with panic, and they left the battlefield, believing that the general was being helped by a mystical force. Soon flying up into the sky Chinese lanterns began to be used for purely peaceful purposes. Considering the spiritual sphere of life as something higher, both high-ranking and ordinary Chinese used Sky lanterns as a man-made bridge between the earthly and heavenly worlds. A kind of "hello" to the heavenly world. Departing Sky lanterns the dreams and desires of thousands of people were carried away beyond the clouds many, many years ago. So they have become one of the mandatory attributes at every holiday. Believing that Sky Lanterns bring good luck, the Chinese launched them at weddings, religious celebrations, and other festivals. At a later time launch flying lanterns in China it also acquired a religious significance. The symbolism of the launching of Heavenly Lanterns quickly spread throughout the world, so the peoples of Asia believe that a flashlight launched into the sky frees from various misfortunes and diseases, gives a long and happy life. Believing that they bring good luck, they were launched at weddings, funerals and mass celebrations. In times of peace, ordinary people used Sky lanterns to convey your prayers and desires. By launching flashlights into the sky, they wanted to be heard better. In addition, the launch of Chinese flying lanterns accompanied both small family holidays and large festivals, bringing people together, making them kinder, and closer to each other.
Sky Lanterns come in different sizes - from very small to very huge, up to 10 meters high. Various shapes - in the form of cones, balls, hearts and dragons. White and multi-colored, with various inscriptions and images. The Sky Lantern is a simplified balloon model. The simplicity of its design is due to its one-time use and low cost. The first Chinese flying lanterns were made from a bamboo frame with a wax burner holder over which a rice paper dome was fitted. A special role Sky lanterns play in Asian culture. Here, they symbolize good luck and prosperity. That is why, in most Asian countries, Sky Lanterns are an indispensable attribute of wedding ceremonies. Sky Lanterns are used during holidays, festivals, celebrations. Regardless of the time, it has always been believed that flying lanterns keep your luck. It was believed that the longer the flashlight is in the air, the more luck it will bring, protect against problems, and take everything bad with it. It was also said that if Buddhist monks with Heavenly Lanterns received wisdom and new knowledge, and for ordinary people, the light of a flashlight showed the way to truth and justice.

Then they found another use - Sky Lanterns became an adornment of festive celebrations and festivals; children began to use them at various carnivals. In particular, in the Middle Ages in China, Neither New Year, nor religious holidays, nor weddings, nor any other mass festivities did not do without Heavenly Lanterns, as it is now, for example, like mid-autumn, the lantern festival. The 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar falls on the full moon. The Lantern Festival falls at the end of the Chinese New Year and is essentially a celebration of the full moon, but this time the first in the new year. This day is considered the beginning of the new year and flying lanterns a special place is given here, since it is customary to greet the new moon with thousands of multi-colored lights. There is a belief in Chinese culture that when you start Sky lanterns take away evil spirits and misfortunes, and leave good luck and prosperity for those who launch them into the sky. By the way, this is why flying lanterns are often called Chinese. Subsequently, Sky Lanterns were included in the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival programs. Pingxi in Taipei County, Taiwan hosts the annual Lantern Festival, which traditionally fires Sky Lanterns into the sky. Also festivals are held in other countries. One of the most frequently used countries Sky lanterns, is Thailand. The inhabitants of Lanna Kingdom (Northern Thais) use the Sky Lanterns all year round on various holidays. One of such holidays is the very important festival of the Lanna Kingdom "I Peng" (Thai:ยี่เป็ง ), which is held on the full moon of the second month of the Lanna calendar ("I" means "second", "Peng" means "month" in Lanna). Due to the difference between the old Lanna calendar and the traditional central Thai calendar, this event coincides with the Loi Krathong festival, which is held on the full moon of the twelfth month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar. During the Yi Peng festival, many Sky Lanterns sent to air navigation. At this time, the flying lanterns resemble a large herd of giant jellyfish, gracefully floating across the sky. The most elaborate celebrations of the I Peng Festival can be seen in Chiang Mai, the ancient capital of the Lanna Kingdom. It is believed that the launching of the Sky Lanterns brings good luck, that the flying away Sky Lantern also takes away all problems and worries. Sky Lanterns became so popular among the Thai population that they were used throughout the country. In Thailand and northern Vietnam, lanterns launched are designed to protect newlyweds and newborn babies from the machinations of evil spirits. In China itself, there is a widespread belief about the symbolism of even individual parts. airships of desires... Their dome denotes the fullness of knowledge and wisdom, and the tongues of flame in the lantern illuminate the path to a correct lifestyle and bright thoughts. When you look at the lanterns floating in the azure blue sky, you understand that the Chinese are right in many ways. At least, I really want to believe in their bright legends.

The use of Sky Lanterns as decoration for events and celebrations has become common in the 21st century. The mass use of flashlights in Europe and other countries began after 2005. So in 2005, in memory of the victims of the terrible Earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which happened in 2004, 5000 lanterns were launched.Sky Lanterns are also known by names such as airships of desires, heavenly candle or fireball. The latter term was also applied to military balloons that were used during World War II. At first, Sky Lanterns ( Chinese lanterns) were unpopular with farmers in many countries, since after landing there was a rather high risk of field fires or even death of livestock. But later, when the technology for the production of Sky Lanterns changed, such a danger ceased to exist.Modern lanterns are made from more affordable and versatile materials, for example, mulberry paper is used to make a dome.
Only environmentally friendly materials are used in the manufacture of sky lanterns. The paper dome, wood frame and fossil fuel in the burner are quickly utilized by nature itself and do not pollute the environment.

From antiquity to the present day

When you release the flashlight into the sky, everything negative flies away with it and your soul becomes brighter, and all desires made at that moment or written on the ball will surely come true in the near future - this is what they think in China.

It was there, by the way, that the first air lanterns appeared - simple volumetric structures made of light paper, which operate on the principle of a balloon. The air inside the flashlight is heated by a burner attached to it from below, the flame from which creates a spectacular halo.

By the way, in China, sky lanterns are considered a very good gift for any occasion. In our country, the lanterns of desires became popular after the release of the cartoon "Rapunzel". Then many found out how beautiful the launch of air lanterns can be, some even wanted to bring it to life. In Moscow, for example, enthusiasts held several flash mobs to launch lights at Borisovskie ponds and Kolomenskoye. The action was supported by several hundred people. But how did these inventions come about and what they were intended for. The answer to these questions can be found in Chinese legends.

Sky Lantern Legends

In one of these legends, it is said that in the 11th century, monks engaged in agriculture lived in a small village not far from present-day Beijing. They worked hard, but they did not manage to get a big harvest. The soil and climate here were not at all suitable for growing rice. The people who lived in the village soon gave up, but the monks did not give up. The monks, and with them their leader Zhu Ling, prayed for the harvest every evening and lit torches every evening, which were designed to cleanse the soul and give everyone strength. Very soon, the inhabitants freed themselves from bad thoughts and were filled with new strength, the harvest grew and life in the village began to go well again. Fire festivals became regular. And then the monks began to use other products made of rice paper and bamboo instead of torches. The paper cube was attached to a square bamboo frame. Such structures worked for only a few seconds, because they were lit with a torch. One person held the structure, another set it on fire, an air flashlight briefly took off into the sky and went down. It became clear that the burning element needed to be attached to the structure itself, which was done not without the participation of the monk Zhu Ling. So a paper roll soaked in wax was tied to the bamboo frame with wire. Then the sky lantern soared into the sky, delighting the villagers with its beauty. As a result, life in the village went smoothly, and local residents began to grow new crops: tea and cotton.

This story is continued in another legend.

In those days, when the Mongols ruled over the lands where China now stands, Zhu Yuanzhang lived in the village, who wanted to organize an uprising against them. Having received the blessing, he began to look for like-minded people. Now no one even remembers how he found like-minded people and became the leader of the uprising. But it is known that one wise old man, who is said to be a descendant of Zhu Ling, then gave him his horse and a box of Heavenly Lanterns. The elder said that the spirit of a warrior grows stronger when the flashlight is launched, and besides, with the help of it, you can give a silent signal. Lin did not attach importance to the second gift, but still took it with him.

According to legend, the flashlights really came in handy. They were used to distract enemies. Seeing the beautiful mass flight of lanterns, the enemy mistook the event as a celebration of Loy Krathong (festival of lights) and was distracted. So, not without the help of the Heavenly "lights", Zhu Yuanzhang became the head of the Ming state he founded.

Many years ago, residents of a small village near Beijing began to launch lanterns into the sky, now launching sky lanterns has become a tradition and no holiday in China can do without it. By launching them, people are filled with energy and cleansed of negativity.

From the history of sky lanterns

As for the historical facts confirming the existence of the Sky Lanterns, the exact date of their appearance is not known for certain.

However, the sky lanterns were first mentioned in the annals describing the military campaigns of General Zhuge, who used this invention in military affairs to intimidate the enemy. When he released the Air Lanterns into the sky, the enemies were gripped by fear, because fiery torches appeared in the air, and it seemed that divine power was helping him.

Sky lanterns came to Europe in 1295, Marco Polo, returning to Venice, brought with him an idea and manufacturing technology that amazed the then elite. And in the 17th century, the tradition of launching air lanterns into the sky appeared in the Celestial Empire. It is worth noting that hot air balloons were known in China in the 3rd century BC. BC e. Initially, in the Celestial Empire, signals were transmitted between the command and army units using flashlights.

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