Old Man Hottabych (abridged edition). Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Old man Hottabych" Lagin old man Hottabych brief summary

"Old Man Hottabych" is a funny, fascinating and instructive story about how a simple Soviet schoolboy found a bottle with a genie and made friends with him.

A summary of the "Old Man Hottabych" for the reader's diary

Name: Old Man Hottabych

Number of pages: 260. Lagin L. I. "Old Man Hottabych". Samovar publishing house. Moscow. year 2012

genre: Fairy tale

Year of writing: 1938

main characters

Volka Kostylkov- a seventh grader, an intelligent, inquisitive, decent and principled boy.

Old man Hottabych is a powerful genie, a kind wizard.

Zhenya Bogorad is a pioneer, Volka's best friend.

Omar Yusuf is Hottabych's brother, evil, treacherous and boastful.


Once a simple Soviet pioneer Volka Kostylkov was incredibly lucky - while swimming in the lake, he pulled out from the bottom an ancient jug with a genie named Gassan Abdurakhman ibn Hottab. After being freed from many years of imprisonment in a jug, the genie swore allegiance to the boy, and from that moment amazing things began to happen in Moscow.

Old man Hottabych sincerely wanted to help his young owner, but the huge gap between the oriental genie from ancient times and the Soviet boy made itself felt. As a result, both heroes constantly found themselves in funny situations. For example, in a geography lesson, Hottabych amazed teachers with his "knowledge" by talking about ants the size of a dog and that the Earth has the shape of a flat disk. To get to the evening screening of films for adults, the genie awarded Volka with a big beard, and sent his friend Zhenya Bogorad to distant India so that he would not tell anyone about it. As a result, they had to follow the boy on an airplane carpet and save him from the warlike Indians.

Once, while traveling on a steamer, Zhenya found an old jug and released Hottabych's brother, Omar Yusuf. Despite the fact that the jinn were brothers, they were strikingly different from each other. So, Hassan was kind and inquisitive, while his brother was distinguished by cruelty and self-love. Hottabych had to save Zhenya from Omar's wrath, and he had to send his brother into space. He also realized how far behind modern life, and decided to study. Volka and Zhenya began to study at the same "five" in order to transfer their knowledge to a genie friend, who turned into a diligent student.

Retelling plan

  1. Magic jug.
  2. Acquaintance with the genie.
  3. Hottabych collides with Soviet reality.
  4. Zhenya finds Hottabych's brother, Omar, and almost dies at his hands.
  5. Hottabych protects Zhenya and sends his brother into space.
  6. Hottabych becomes a student.

the main idea

A man with his own hands is able to create such miracles that no magician will be able to do.

What does it teach

Teaches you to be brave, decisive, open to new knowledge. He also teaches to always help those who are in trouble, and to stand up for the weak.


Volka's behavior deserves great respect - he helps the genie adapt to a new life, explains how important it is to do good deeds. Under the influence of the boy, the genie himself begins to change for the better.


  • Will and labor give wondrous shoots.
  • What is gold to me, the sun would shine.
  • The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.

What we liked

I liked very much how Hottabych shared his knowledge in the field of geography in the classroom at school, and how, because of his interference, Volka failed the exam.

Rating of the reader's diary

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 58.

The fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych", written in 1938, is a funny, fascinating and instructive story about how a simple Soviet schoolboy found a bottle with a genie and made friends with him. On our site you can read a summary of "Old Man Hottabych" for a reader's diary or preparation for a literature lesson.

The main characters of the tale

  • Volka Kostylkov is a seventh grader, an intelligent, inquisitive, decent and principled boy.
  • Old man Hottabych is a powerful genie, a kind wizard.
  • Zhenya Bogorad is a pioneer, Volka's best friend.
  • Omar Yusuf is Hottabych's brother, evil, treacherous and boastful.

"Old Man Hottabych" very briefly

Volka takes an ancient jug out of the water and opens it. The genie ibn Hottab is released. As a token of gratitude for his salvation, he promises to help Volka.

Different eras and different understanding of the world create comical and sometimes dangerous situations. Hottabych, who spent 3,500 years in a jug, finds it difficult to adapt to the modern world. His miracles look ridiculous and inappropriate - he gives Volka palaces with slaves, then Volka grows a beard, then he tries to help him on the exam in geography and gives him knowledge of his era.

Once Hottabych throws Zheka to India, and you have to fly after him on a flying carpet. Having freed Hottabych's brother on the Arctic Ocean, Volka and Zheka flee from his anger, Hottabych manages to save Zheka and sends Omar into space. Gradually Volka re-educates the old man and teaches the Soviet way of life.

Larin's story casually introduces us to Eastern culture. It is important to understand the difference between customs and values ​​of different peoples and take it into account when communicating with other people. And also - our life does not need magic, everyone who knows how to love, helps his neighbor, shows kindness, generosity and courage in any situation can be happy and self-sufficient.

This is interesting: Zoshchenko's Yolka is a very instructive story about greed, envy and the ability to take responsibility for one's actions. Brother and sister, with their arrogant behavior, spoiled the holiday for themselves and for the guests, but they learned the lesson they had learned for the rest of their lives. for a reader's diary read on our website.

A short retelling of "The Old Man Hottabych"

L. I. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych" summary:

Once a simple Soviet pioneer Volka Kostylkov was incredibly lucky - while swimming in the lake, he pulled out from the bottom an ancient jug with a genie named Gassan Abdurakhman ibn Hottab. After being freed from many years of imprisonment in a jug, the genie swore allegiance to the boy, and from that moment amazing things began to happen in Moscow.

Old man Hottabych sincerely wanted to help his young owner, but the huge gap between the oriental genie from ancient times and the Soviet boy made itself felt. As a result, both heroes constantly found themselves in funny situations. For example, in a geography lesson, Hottabych amazed teachers with his "knowledge" by talking about ants the size of a dog and that the Earth has the shape of a flat disk.

To get to the evening screening of films for adults, the genie awarded Volka with a big beard, and sent his friend Zhenya Bogorad to distant India so that he would not tell anyone about it. As a result, they had to follow the boy on an airplane carpet and save him from the warlike Indians.

Once, while traveling on a steamer, Zhenya found an old jug and released Hottabych's brother, Omar Yusuf. Despite the fact that the jinn were brothers, they were strikingly different from each other. So, Hassan was kind and inquisitive, while his brother was distinguished by cruelty and self-love.

Hottabych had to save Zhenya from Omar's wrath, and he had to send his brother into space. He also realized how far behind modern life, and decided to study. Volka and Zhenya began to study at the same "five" in order to transfer their knowledge to a genie friend, who turned into a diligent student.

The main idea:

A man with his own hands is able to create such miracles that no magician will be able to do. The tale teaches you to be bold, decisive, open to new knowledge. He also teaches to always help those who are in trouble, and to stand up for the weak.

See also: The Tale "Unknown Flower" was written in 1950, a year before the writer's death. For better preparation for a literature lesson, we recommend reading. As one of the author's last works, this tale-tale makes readers think about how difficult human life can be and how important the help and indifference of the people around them is.

The plot of the "Old Man Hottabych" by chapters

"Old Man Hottabych" Lagin a summary of the fairy tale:

A Soviet pioneer releases a genie from a thousand-year imprisonment. After magical and funny adventures, the ancient genie is re-educated and finds its place in the modern world.

The story begins with an acquaintance with one of the main characters - Vladimir Kostylkov, a simple Soviet pioneer, who was lucky enough to get an ancient jug from the bottom while swimming in the lake.

Of course, curiosity does not allow him to take the find to the police station without looking inside, and it is from this moment that real miracles begin to happen in Moscow. Indeed, for several millennia, the real genie Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab has been languishing in the jug, who, after being released, swears allegiance to his young savior.

The temporary gap between the Soviet Aladdin, Volka, and the ancient Eastern genie Hottabych turns out to be so huge that the two heroes constantly find themselves in ridiculous situations. Eager to help the incomparable Volka ibn Alyosha, Hottabych hurries with him to the exam in geography and "amazes" ordinary Soviet teachers with extensive knowledge of the subject.

The examiners are surprised to learn that the main representatives of the fauna in India are ants the size of a dog, the Earth has the shape of a flat disk, and the horizon is called "the edge where the crystal dome of the heavens touches the edge of the Earth." The first miracle created by Hottabych ends with Volka's crushing failure in the exam.

The frustrated pioneer does not dare to inform the genie that the exam was not passed at all "excellent", rightly fearing that the genie's anger will fall on the "ignorant teachers." However, going to the cinema turns out to be an even greater disaster for Volka. The day session has already ended, and in order to please his saddened master and help him get into the cinema for an evening session for adults, the genie rewards the sixth grader Kostylkov with a thick beard.

And Volka's friend, Zhenya Bogorad, met at the cinema, is sent to distant India to stop the spread of rumors about the bearded boy. But Zhenya does not stay in India for long - Volka makes Hottabych follow him on an airplane carpet and pulls Zhenya out of the embrace of too friendly Indians.

Just as Zhenya and Volka do not try to accustom Hottabych to the realities of modern life, the genie, accustomed to the ancient Eastern order, continues to fall into trouble, causing a commotion near a street kiosk, in a circus, at a stadium ... a foreigner, sends mischievous children to the police station and even administers justice in Italy.

At the very end of the story, the friends go on a cruise along the Arctic Ocean on the Ladoga steamer. Zhenya finds an old jug and lets out Hottabych's brother, Omar Yusuf. The brothers are absolutely not alike. If Hassan is a good-natured genie, then Omar is heartless and selfish.

According to the genies' custom, he immediately tries to kill the one who released him, and Zhenya is saved only by the intervention of Hottabych. Omar is stubborn and does not believe in many scientific discoveries, for example, in the fact that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. He goes to check it out and becomes a prisoner of Earth's orbit. After talking with his brother, Hottabych realizes how far behind life he is, and begins to make up for lost time.

Time passes. The guys study with only A's, because they need to transfer all the acquired knowledge to Hottabych, who has become a very diligent student. Zhenya chooses the profession of a doctor, while Volka dreams of becoming a radio designer. Hottabych first dreams of working in the Arctic, but his venerable appearance and a questionnaire, where he writes the pure truth, prevents him from getting there.

Nothing prevents the genie from turning into a young man, but he no longer wants to deceive. Over time, Hottabych takes an example from Volka and is also fond of radio engineering. On this, the author says goodbye to the genie and his young friends.

This is interesting: The story "The Old Man and the Sea" was first published in 1952. You can read on our website. The work tells the story of an episode from the life of an old Cuban fisherman who fought on the high seas with a huge marlin, which became his biggest prey in his life.

Nov 01 2017

Pioneer Volka Kostylkov finds a vessel with a genie in it.

He himself, without knowing it, gives him a lot of problems: he incorrectly prompts at the exam (and he does not suspect about this, and Volka did not say), awarded Volka with a beard so that he could go to the cinema, set up a panic, threatened the girls in the pavilion and, as it turns out, later threw Zhenya went to India and bewitched Goga so that he would bark as soon as he began to gossip, sneak behind the eyes.

Needless to say, this book will make your leisure time much more fun. Then Volka and Hottabych fly in search of Zhenya. It turns out that the old man has no idea about modern life and is even illiterate. He offers Wolke rich gifts, but he refuses. The old man began to threaten Varvara Stepanovna, the teacher of Volka and Zhenya. Then the guys take him to the circus, where he watches performances, eats popsicle, learns to read, performs in the circus and falls ill. He is cured like other people.

Gogu is being cured by a doctor who said that there is no need to tattle, gossip or say nasty things. The book does not say more about Gog.

Further, Hottabych sees the "magic ring", meets with the greedy American Harry Waddendaless and taught him a lesson, because he wanted to be the master of the world and wanted to take Volka, Zhenya and Hottabych himself into slavery.

Then the guys go to a football match, where at first Hottabych can't cope with the machine gun, runs away from the metro, scares the popsicle saleswoman, throws balls and plays along with the Puck team.

Now the guys and Hottabych, as in the new cartoon, the amazing monster, are looking for his friends and brother Omar Yusuf. In Italy, they encounter a mine, good fishermen, Harry Vadendales and a bribe inspector. Hottabych punishes the villains who captured the fisherman for the suitcase that the old man gave him, and everyone thought he had stolen it. Volka asks the old man to get to Moscow to take a re-examination. Volka is doing just fine.

In mid-July, the old man takes his friends on an interesting trip to the steamer Lagoda. The old man who read the textbook on geography understands that he let Volka down on the exam and even gives Varvara Stepanovna gifts. He amuses the audience with various miracles, and on the way back, Zhenya finds Hottabych's brother, who is the complete opposite of his brother. Hottabych, though quick-tempered, is kind, and Omar Yusuf is narrow-minded and spiteful. However, Volka will be able to tame the evil genie. He wanted to be convinced of the veracity of Volka's story about the moon and became her companion. Hottabych found himself a passion for radio engineering.

Lagin Lazar Iosifovich


I. Extraordinary morning

At seven thirty-two in the morning, a cheerful sunbeam slipped through a hole in the curtain and settled on the nose of a fifth-grade student Volka Kostylkov. Volka sneezed and woke up.

Just at that time, the mother's voice came from the next room:

There is no need to rush, Alyosha. Let the child sleep a little more - today he has exams.

What nonsense! - answered the father behind the partition. - The guy is already thirteen years old. Let him get up and help to put things.

Stack things! How could he forget it!

The Kostylkov family moved to a new apartment today.

Before we had time to drink tea, they knocked on the door. Then two porters entered. They flung open both halves of the door wide and asked in loud voices:

Can I start?

Volka solemnly carried out into the street, to the van, the couch bolsters and the backrest. He was immediately surrounded by the guys playing in the yard.

Are you moving? - asked him Seryozha Kruzhkin, a cheerful guy with black sly eyes.

We’re moving, ”Volka answered dryly, looking as if he moved from apartment to apartment every six days.

The janitor Stepanich came up, thoughtfully rolled the cigarette and unexpectedly started a solid conversation with Volka, as an equal with an equal. The boy's head was slightly dizzy with pride and happiness.

But suddenly the mother's irritated voice came from the apartment:

Volka! Volka! ... Well, where did this obnoxious child go?

And immediately everything went to dust. Volka, drooping his head, went into an empty apartment, in which scraps of old newspapers and bottles of medicine were lying lonely.

Finally! his mother snapped at him.

Take your famous aquarium and get into the van urgently.

It is not clear why parents are so nervous when they move to a new apartment?

II. Mysterious bottle

In the end, Volka settled well in the van.

A mysterious cool twilight reigned inside. If you screwed up your eyes, you could freely imagine that you were driving somewhere in America, on the harsh desert prairie, where every minute the Indians can attack and with belligerent cries scalp you. The old barrel, in which my grandmother fermented cabbage for the winter, remarkably resembled the barrels in which the pirates of old Flint kept rum.

Thin columns of sunbeams were pouring in through holes in the side of the van.

And finally, the van, creaking, stopped at the entrance of their new house.

Father, somehow arranging things, said:

We'll finish the rest after work.

And he went to the factory.

Mother, together with his grandmother, began to unpack the dishes, while Volka decided to run to the river in the meantime. True, his father warned that Volka should not dare to go swimming without him, because it is terribly deep, but Volka quickly found an excuse for himself.

“I need to bathe,” he decided, “to have a fresh head. How can I come to the test with a stale head ?! "

This is a great convenience when the river is close to home. Volka told his mother that he would go ashore to study geography. Running to the river, he quickly undressed and threw himself into the water. It was eleven o'clock, and there was not a single person on the shore. It was a shame that no one could admire how beautifully and easily Volka swims and, especially, how wonderful he dives.

Volka swam and dived to the point that he literally turned blue. Then he began to get out on the shore. He was already completely out of the water, but changed his mind and decided to once again dive into the gentle transparent water.

And at that very moment, when he was about to rise to the surface, his hand suddenly found some oblong object at the bottom of the river. He grabbed it and ducked out at the very shore. In his hands was a slimy, mossy clay bottle of a very strange shape. The neck was tightly covered with some kind of resinous substance, on which something vaguely resembling a seal was squeezed out.

Volka estimated the weight of the bottle. The bottle was heavy, and Volka froze.

“Treasure! - Instantly flashed through his mind. - A treasure with ancient gold coins. This is great! "

Hastily dressed, he rushed home to print a bottle in a secluded corner.

Volka ran into the apartment and, slipping past the kitchen, darted into the room and first of all locked the door with the key. Then he pulled a penknife from his pocket and, trembling with excitement, scraped the seal from the neck of the bottle.

At the same instant, the whole room was filled with acrid black smoke and something like a silent explosion of great force threw Volka to the ceiling, where he hung, his pants caught on the lamp hook.

III. Old Man Hottabych

The smoke in the room gradually dissipated, and Volka suddenly saw that there was another living being in the room, besides him. He was a skinny old man with a waist-length beard, in a luxurious silk turban, in the same caftan and wide trousers, and unusually pretentious morocco shoes.

Apchhi! - the unknown old man sneezed deafeningly and fell on his face. - Greetings, about a wonderful and wise youth!

Are you a circus illusionist? Volka guessed, looking over the stranger with curiosity.

No, my lord, - the old man continued, - I am not a circus illusionist. Know, O most blessed of the beautiful, that I am Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, or, in your opinion, Hassan Abdurrahman Hottabovich.

And it happened to me - apchhi! - an amazing story. I, the unfortunate genie, disobeyed Suleiman ibn Daud - peace be with them both! - I and my brother Omar Hottabovich. And Suleiman ibn Daud - peace with both of them! - ordered to bring two vessels: one of copper and the other of earthen, and he imprisoned me in an earthen vessel, and my brother - in a copper. He sealed both vessels, imprinted on them the greatest of the names of Allah, and then gave the order to the jinn, and they carried us and threw my brother into the sea, and me into the river, from which you, oh my blessed savior, are apchi, apchi! - pulled me out. May your days last, oh ... Excuse me, what is your name, lad?

My name is Volka, - answered our hero, continuing to swing from the ceiling.

And your father's name, may he be blessed forever and ever?

My dad's name is Alyosha ... that is, Alexei.

So know, O most excellent of the youths, the star of my heart, Volka ibn Alyosha, that I will continue to do everything that you command me, for you saved me from a terrible confinement, and I am your slave.

Why are you sneezing like that? Volka inquired out of the blue.

Several thousand years spent in dampness, without blessed sunlight, in the depths of the waters, rewarded me, unworthy of your servant, with a chronic cold. Command me, oh my young master! - finished Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab with fervor, lifting his head up, but continuing to remain on his knees.

I want to be on the floor immediately, ”Volka said uncertainly.

And at the same instant he was below, next to the old man Hottabych. Volka grabbed his pants first. The pants were completely intact.

Miracles began.

IV. Geography test

Command me! - continued the old man Hottabych, looking at Volka with faithful, dog-like eyes. - Do you have any grief, O Volka ibn Alyosha? Tell me I'll help you. Is the melancholy gnawing at you?

Gnaws, - answered Volka shyly. - Today I have a test in geography.

Don't worry, oh my lord! - the old shouted excitedly. - Know that you are incredibly lucky, about the most beautiful of the youths, for I am more than all genies rich in knowledge of geography. We will go with you to the school, bless its foundation and roof! I will invisibly prompt you the answers to all your questions, and you will become famous among the students of your school and among the students of all schools in your magnificent city.

Wonderful! Volka said.

He had already opened the door to let Hottabych pass ahead of himself, but immediately closed it again.

You have to change your clothes.

Two minutes later, our hero came out of the house in which the Kostylkov family had lived since today, holding the arm of old Hottabych. Hottabych was gorgeous in a new suit of white linen, a Ukrainian embroidered shirt and a solid straw boater hat. The only part of his dress that he never agreed to change were his shoes. Referring to the corns of three thousand years ago, he remained in elaborate, richly embroidered with gold and silver shoes.

Kostylkov Vladimir! - solemnly proclaimed at the table where the commission was sitting.

Volka reluctantly got up from his desk, walked unsteadily to the table and pulled out ticket number 14 - "The Form and Movement of the Earth."

So, - said the member of the commission, tired from the heat. - So, so, Kostylkov. What can you tell us about the horizon?

Still from the film "The Old Man Hottabych" (1956)

Very briefly

A Soviet pioneer releases a genie from a thousand-year imprisonment. After magical and funny adventures, the ancient genie is re-educated and finds its place in the modern world.

The story begins with an acquaintance with one of the main characters - Vladimir Kostylkov, a simple Soviet pioneer, who was lucky enough to get an ancient jug from the bottom while swimming in the lake. Of course, curiosity does not allow him to take the find to the police station without looking inside, and it is from this moment that real miracles begin to happen in Moscow. Indeed, for several millennia, the real genie Ghassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab has been languishing in the jug, who, after being released, swears allegiance to his young savior.

The temporary gap between the Soviet Aladdin, Volka, and the ancient Eastern genie Hottabych turns out to be so huge that the two heroes constantly find themselves in ridiculous situations. Eager to help the incomparable Volka ibn Alyosha, Hottabych hurries with him to the exam in geography and "amazes" ordinary Soviet teachers with extensive knowledge of the subject. The examiners are surprised to learn that the main representatives of the fauna in India are ants the size of a dog, the Earth has the shape of a flat disk, and the horizon is called "the edge where the crystal dome of the heavens touches the edge of the Earth." The first miracle created by Hottabych ends with Volka's crushing failure in the exam.

The frustrated pioneer does not dare to inform the genie that the exam was not passed at all "excellent", rightly fearing that the genie's anger will fall on the "ignorant teachers." However, going to the cinema turns out to be an even greater disaster for Volka. The day session has already ended, and in order to please his saddened master and help him get into the cinema for an evening session for adults, the genie rewards the sixth grader Kostylkov with a thick beard. And Volka's friend, Zhenya Bogorad, met at the cinema, is sent to distant India to stop the spread of rumors about the bearded boy. But Zhenya does not stay in India for long - Volka makes Hottabych follow him on an airplane carpet and pulls Zhenya out of the embrace of too friendly Indians.

Just as Zhenya and Volka do not try to accustom Hottabych to the realities of modern life, the genie, accustomed to the ancient Eastern order, continues to fall into trouble, causing a commotion near a street kiosk, in a circus, at a stadium ... an inhuman mercantile foreigner, sends mischievous children to the police station and even administers justice in Italy.

At the very end of the story, the friends go on a cruise along the Arctic Ocean on the Ladoga steamer. Zhenya finds an old jug and lets out Hottabych's brother, Omar Yusuf. The brothers are absolutely not alike. If Hassan is a good-natured genie, then Omar is heartless and selfish. According to the genies' custom, he immediately tries to kill the one who released him, and Zhenya is saved only by the intervention of Hottabych. Omar is stubborn and does not believe in many scientific discoveries, for example, in the fact that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. He goes to check it out and becomes a prisoner of Earth's orbit. After talking with his brother, Hottabych realizes how far behind life he is, and begins to make up for lost time.

Time passes. The guys study with only A's, because they need to transfer all the acquired knowledge to Hottabych, who has become a very diligent student. Zhenya chooses the profession of a doctor, while Volka dreams of becoming a radio designer. Hottabych first dreams of working in the Arctic, but his venerable appearance and a questionnaire, where he writes the pure truth, prevents him from getting there. Nothing prevents the genie from turning into a young man, but he no longer wants to deceive. Over time, Hottabych takes an example from Volka and is also fond of radio engineering. On this, the author says goodbye to the genie and his young friends.

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