The most powerful kick in the world. Shoots with legs. Strokes using elbows and knees

People are always interested in fame, popularity and recognition. Someone manages to achieve glory at the expense of acting skills, someone simply has the talent to make money. But there are also those who possess incredible physical abilities. Sometimes their achievements are difficult or completely unrealistic to repeat. They put records that they make them famous around the world, glorifying sports skills.

The Guinness Book of Records is harvested and fixing the achievements on the whole globe, often amazing the imagination of its readers. But some achievements are distinguished so much to senselessness or madness that no one is trying to repeat them. Also, the book of records is not degraded by impact strength in one or another sport. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to instantly determine such an indicator, because for this you will have to use a large number of sensors that can harm the athlete during the performance.

But you do not need to be upset, because you can find out what the strongest blow in the history of boxing was.

It is difficult to reason

As mentioned above , impact strength - valuewhich is not easy to measure. For example, on a football field, it is impossible to constantly run for the attackers to move the speed of the ball, and in the box it is impossible to be in the ring and fix how powerful one or another fighter is powerful.

But sports lovers, as well as experts and critics, are engaged in drawing up the ratings in which the power achievements of athletes are noted.

Answering the question of who has the strongest impact power in the world, the unambiguous answer is actually unrealistic, because the power parameter depends on many factors. Highly important moment - Which limb hit and what circumstances were.

Still be sure to pay attention to sighty weight ratio. Of course, the thread effect will affect the thrown mass and speed of movement. But there are no cases when the athlete weighs less, but the strength is almost equal with heavyweights, weighing 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest hand to hand?

There is a large number of martial arts, within which they teach to make powerful blows. But to measure the strength of the blows during the fights requires special equipment. In this issue, progress was achieved only in boxing and kickboxing.

Boxers always considered athletes who can apply powerful attacks with hands. One with the most famous representatives of the boxing world - Mike TysonThat all knows everything, although his professional career has long been over.

  • It is believed that it is powerful Mike who has the strongest blow in boxing. On numerous attractions, where a special pear strikes to determine the drum force, photos of Mike are placed. They indicate that the force of impact by hand Tyson Tyson is 800 kg. This indicator is really outstanding, and one can safely argue that it actually does not have equal. If you take into account the fact that in order to knock out another person, there is enough Uppercot with force of 15 kg, but it should be hit by exactly in the jaw, dramatically dropping a hand on a circular trajectory, is really an unusual force.
  • Giving answer to asked questionMany experts remember the name of the famous boxer from Western Samoa David Tua. They note that the most powerful jerk with his hands in its execution reached 1024 kg. His opponents can exist. If it was able to preserve the same excellent physical form to this day, he would have become an excellent opponent for Vladimir Klitschko, who had to fight with weak rivals.

The strongest kicks

No less exciting was the question regarding which fighters have strong blows from the legs. It was previously assumed that the most trained lower limbs in athletes dealing only karate and Taekwondo.

BUT B. last years Numerous mixed martial arts tournaments were held, in which they were very hit by their feet, fights were added without rules and Muay Thai.

Periodically, popular fighters take part in various TV shows, where the force is compared. But the results of the exponential competition are usually subjective, because the technique of execution in each individual, and it is precisely the existing power depends on it.

For example, the stronger punch by the foot was performed by the fighter of a heavy league Mirko Crocop, his power reached 2703 kg! This is the strongest jerk in the history of MMA. Another athlete, Greek Mike Zambidis, with a weight of 70 kilograms struck the opponent with his right foot with a force of 1870 kilograms. As you can see, it is better not to joke with such serious guys.

Strokes using elbows and knees

Real masters - moay Thai Fighters. On speeches for several blows, they are literally cutting the skin of the opponent. Because of this, many fights resemble the bloody mess, and not a sports competition, causing shock and not perception from those who watch the competition from the part. But the power of such jerks is really huge.

The impact force is a relative indicator, much depends on efficiency. Thai boxing masters managed to prove that an athlete with a weight of 50 kg can apply only one punch with a fist, able to send an opponent to knockout.

What distinguished the stars of football

Football is a game of millions. Football matches collect millions of spectators in front of the television screens, thousands of fans in the stadiums. In order to send the ball to the gate, it should be poured on the ball very precisely and strongly. Football critics often celebrate the players who are with an incredible force of Vupils on the goal.

So what is the "secret" lies in blows with a stop on two legs? Well, the idea is to beat, standing on two legs. Some of you already think: " What? It's all?! Is this your whole big secret? I already beat, standing on 2 legs!»

I would even estimate that at least 90% of those who are reading now, beat, standing on one leg. You can think that you beat, standing on two legs, but in fact no. Most fighters from those who are read now, do not even know how to use their leg, which does not rotate!

If you are move your weight when applied, This is a guide for you!

Problem: strikes with one leg focus

Most newbies teach strikes by moving the weight from one foot to another. See how my body weight is completely moving to the front leg when applying the right cross? And then move back to the back leg while applying the left hook? Believe me, it is a bad technique.

So what is the problem of blows with a stop on one leg?

  • Weak Balance - the center of the body moves from one foot to another, instead of staying in the middle
  • Slow speed - the body has to move forward-back with each blow, forcing you to beat either much or quickly, but it is also impossible to do it at the same time.
  • Reduced power - Your blows have less power, because you simply try to pass the power, standing on one leg

When you move your weight back and forth, bad things happen. You can think that you are on two legs, but in fact it is not. One foot keeps the probably 75% of your weight, while the other is only 25%. The main problem is that no foot is capable of making 100% of power, because otherwise you will lose balance. Moreover, one side of your body is unable to generate power, because it is not completely on Earth.

Strikes, being unbalanced,
As a result, it gives less than 50% of your maximum strength.

Think about it for a second. You can't discharge the pushing foot, because your body will fall in the opposite direction. Which means that the only way to discharge your legs and stay balanced is to discharge both legs at the same time, but this is possible only if your weight is evenly distributed between both legs. Based on these considerations, a blow with a stop on one leg bears less than 50% of the blow strength with a stop on 2 legs!

Why is newbies teach this "error"?

Many coaches teach newbies to beat in this way because it makes them move to all their body when hitting. And no matter how cool, the impact force increases when you invest more body weight in the blow. Most newcomers lack coordination in order to consciously use each part of his body. Therefore, it is easier to teach newcomers. The concept of causing blows with the transfer of weight forward-back.

What newcomers do not realize, so this is what weight transfer forward-back, it is actually Fall back-back . Think about it if you push only one foot, and the second is not, then you simply push yourself out of equilibrium (one way). Newbies teach "Fall" back and forth, because so it is easier for them to invest our entire weight. This technique is useful at first, but essentially full of flaws in many levels.

As soon as the proper coordination appears, you need to move to shocks with a stop by 2 legs, as soon as possible.

The secret of powerful shots # 1 - Bay, standing on 2 legs

Power number one (prevailing / dominant) in our surrounding space is an attraction. The force of attraction will be more significant for you than any other force in nature. If you look at how the human body is built, the legs are made in order to ensure movement and the attraction account. Not just movement due to attraction, and muscle ability to move strength in relation to attraction.

In order to become a more powerful athlete in relation to attraction,
Put yourself on two legs!

Taking into account the above, standing on two legs will make you a more functional athlete. Standing on two legs will give you the best balance, more power and more speed. All you do on two legs will almost always be better than one leg.

That is, Johnny, do you want to say that we should never move weight?

  • Quite right 😉

Well, I can't say "never," because there are strategic reasons to be on one leg at certain points. The holder of the head and the body in the center is used for each time when you need the maximum speed of rotation using both legs.

Being for two legs will mean less work for you and more balance and strength for your impact! Hold on exactly the center, maintain the body with both legs and rotate strongly! The essence is not just in the division of weight 50/50. The main goal is to make the maximum strength of both legs, and again, it is possible only if your weight is perfectly balanced. There are 2 urgent reasons to beat with a stop on 2 legs.

Cause # 1 - Application of blows on 2 legs maximizes rotation power

The real impact force is the power of rotation,
And not a longitudinal force.

Each hit, except Jeb, the real force comes from rotation. Which mainly generates the strength of the blow, it is rotating the spine. Your muscles are bark that are associated with the base of the spine, this is what spine rotates (with both your feet twisting your body along the land area). When the spine rotates powerfully, you just need to get your limbs to convey this power.

With this common (single-legged) method of applying strikes, fighters generate power by pushing their spine back and forth between two legs. As if one leg pushes the body to another leg, like a tennis ball, throwing it back and forth. Pushing with one leg unevenly, it usually tilts the spine forward-back. Unfortunately, this small effect of falling includes only the weight of the top of the body (leaving more severe part of the unfounded). Include the lower part of the blow to the blow by "fall", this can be done only by rotation.

Of course, there is some body rotation when you push, but most of the work that is done with each foot is the transfer of the body to the other leg. Again ... "Pushing" works and it is quite powerful, but it is not as fast and far from the same powerful as the correct rotation.

Try it right now. Stand on one leg and try to twist the top of the body, holding the bottom stationary.

Now try to do it on two legs.

Which of the options felt more powerful?

The answer is obvious. It is much easier to generate the power of rotation on two legs than one. Stand on two legs to generate maximum rotation power. This rule is actually applicable to everything. Put the phone on the table and see if you can rotate it (not shifting from the center), cycling only one finger. Very difficult, right? You need 2 points of the application of force to rotate the object without displacing it from the center.

Cause # 2 - Application of blows on 2 legs maximizes power report

After you generated all this great power of rotation, I am sure that you do not want it to be wasted because of her reflection back on you. But it is exactly what happens if you beat, standing on one leg.

Standing on two legs allows you to push in the opponent,
And not to repel from the opponent.

Try to push the wall, standing on one leg, and then on two legs.

*** Do not do as me, do not push the chair with a basket of linen. Try on the wall. 😉

Noticed the difference when I stood on one leg? My whole strength was spent in empty because I could not run it in my opponent. I can possess the energy of the whole world, but without the right clutch with the earth, I will just bounce from my opponent, instead of flying away from me. When I pushed with two legs, my body remained fixed, while the object was repelled from me.

Boots with focus on 1 leg VS strikes with stop on 2 legs

Boots with focus on 1 leg

  • weak balance because the body shifts from the center
  • combinations of shocks are slower, because the body has to move more when applied
  • reduced power, because the body stands on Earth is not tight; One leg "raised" and is not able to support impact

Obviously, you are on one leg if one feet breaks away from the ground during the strike. Even if both feet are at the bottom, you must feel that the feet with a beating side can push down into the ground. This is one of the most important secrets of strikes: Rotating its foot to the ground, not from the ground.

Boots with a focus on one leg have drawbacks at very many levels. So far, forget about what is happening if you get a blow. Try to imagine what happens when you miss. If you miss, you will really fall, losing balance! I would say that the reason number one, on which newcomers beat with a stop on one leg, is too much work on the bag. The bag does not give them to fall when they possess a bad balance. Most boxers should make a battle with the shadow. Learn to stand on your two legs!

Boots with focus on 2 legs

  • maximum balance and control, because the body has perfect focus
  • maximum speed and less energy costs, because the body does not have to move much
  • maximum impact strength, because the body uses 2 legs to generate power

Your body is done with two legs, so the only way to be the most balanced and powerful is to use both legs. Blows with focus on two legs, this is not a "secret" way, and Natural way. If you feel that you beat more powerfully with a stop on one leg, this is because you still "push and fall", and not "get drunk and rotate." Boots with a stop on two legs do not give you to "fall", they only make you rotate that at first it is harder to do, because it requires more coordination.

*** Look at my video demonstration on the topic of shocks with a stop on 2 legs.

Secret of blows with a stop on 2 legs

2-position rotation is equal to balanced rotation.

This problem is not single-legged strikes, but one-sided strikes.

Blows with a stop on 2 legs is more than just standing on 2 legs when applied. Many fighters think only about the right side of the body when they beat the blow to the right, and then they only think about the left side of their body when they beat the left. They seem to have "active side" and "dead side". Usually one leg is fixed, while the second leg rotates for power.

Activate both sides of your body

And here is a tricky question: what the most important muscle remains unsuitable in impact ?

  • Answer: This is a drop-down tendon of the support leg!

The drop-down tendon of the support leg is a huge muscle that can contribute to your power, while almost no one thinks about it, because everything is too busy to push the quadriceps of the rotating leg. And again, back to the rule of rotation: you need 2 points of the application of power for good-balanced rotation with a maximum of force.

The most important secret of attacking: one leg "pushes", and the second "pulls".

Now, when you learned to rest on both legs, you will condone that you will use both legs to promote the rotation. Do not leave one foot motionless. Generate the shock power by both sides of the body, by keeping your body between both legs. Instead of your legs pushed you back and forth, do so that your legs make the immediate rotation power.

One leg will push, and the second leg pull. Use the leg (quadriceps) of the shock side to "push" your hips on yourself. And then use the leg (drop-down tendon) of the non-stepping side to "pull" your hips on yourself. If you do not understand what it means, do not worry. It will make sense may be one year since this point. If you can explain this idea more expressive than I can write it down in the comments! (Thanks in advance.)

Brief summary of blows with focus on 2 legs:

  • the present force is taken from rotation, and not push
  • standing on two legs provides the best balance, more rotation force and faster power combinations
  • use legs to rotate your body, not the pushing of the body from one leg to another
  • one leg pushes, and the second pulls

*** Here is a video, where the Ik is bluing pierces quick powerful shocks on the paws. Is it blows with a focus on one leg or two? Does he transfer weight? Tell me.

If you like these secrets of powerful blows. Let me know, and I will write yet. If you did not like, do not say anything, and I will go to other boxing tips.

Read the rest of the following parts from the same series:

  • Secrets of powerful blows, part 3 (not yet written ...)

In principle, kicks down the legs due to their length and power more efficiently than shoal blows. However, much more complex in terms of technical execution.

To better use your legs, you need to train them:develop muscles and give them elasticity.

The main error of the strike foot is the loss of stability, as a result, it becomes vulnerable.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the following very important advice:constantly monitor the entire steps to stand on Earth. If during the strike you at least a few centimeters raise on the fingers of the shock leg, then lose stability.

The support leg should be slightly bent.If the knee is intense, the foot will not be able to sort the power of the repulsion, and the stability will be lost.

Excessively not tighten.It is about all the famous physical law: if the center of gravity is shifted from the center of equilibrium - the fall is inevitable.

On the other hand, due to the deeper inclination and turning the hips, the distance of hitting the hit. In order to avoid equilibrium loss in this case, you should use the shock foot as a counterweight. However, novice is not advised to abuse.

Possible kicks with legs both in front and high-sized. Benesthering leg beats faster and more accurate, but the blow turns out weaker. The dies on the contrary, causes a very strong blow, but it is easy to notice and score.

Straight blow

This blow is considered the simplest due to the fact that it is carried out on a direct trajectory forward. But all the same, it is not so easy to spend.

Execution technique: The knee retractive back legs shall be brought to the chest to the chest, so that the feet were at the knee level of the foot forward, which becomes the support. Now the leg is straightened in the knee, the Raltsy are drawn to themselves to hit the heel (an option to strike a leg with a toe with the fingers drawn to themselves-increases the range of impact. But this type of impact is traumatic, especially for newcomers).

This movement must be accompanied by a slightness of the thighs, this turn causes a turn of a supporting leg, which makes this blow much more efficient.

One of the varieties of direct strike. Kick back up

The foot in the initial stage bends in the knee and is carried out in this position to the position of the impact. Now the leg is very quickly straightened (it is important that the blow is applied relaxed and only at the end of the leg straightened, due to this, a high speed of impact is achieved). Immediately after impact, the leg begins again and is placed in its original position. Affected areas: groin, chest, jaw.

Very strong and effective blow.

Execution technique:the side stand, the knee is raised to the chest, the thigh of this leg almost in a vertical position. When submitted, transfer the center of gravity to the support leg. Then shove, straightening the leg in a straight trajectory. This movement is balanced by a small inclination of the body to the side, inverse impact, but the inclination cannot be abused, so as not to break the equilibrium and do not weaken the force of impact. Impact portion in the side shock-high part of the foot. (It is also possible to strike the heel and the entire foot). The feet must be parallel to the earth.

The blow is applied equally well in the face, solar plexus, belly, groin.


To lift the leg to the level of the hips, the foot bent the maximum, the heel is pressed against the buttock. The thigh and leg parallel to the ground, the support leg is slightly bent. This feet behind this feet are backed by a small slope of the case. Next, the rotation of 90 degrees of the support leg (the heel of the support leg is directed forward, along the impact line). The leg (shock) retains the parallelism of the earth, and the thigh is directed to the enemy, the hull is a little back. And finally, the leg is completely straightened into the straight line directed to the point of impact, the fingers are drawn back to hit the heel (it is possible to strike with a tailing).

The most vulnerable places for this impact:

  • underbelly
  • housing

Source position: Front rack.On the rewarded, the foot is made by twist at 270 degrees, the leg returned back, describes the arc almost on the ground. Straight is reminded by the rear side of the palm. It is necessary to rotate in that Toron, where the support leg. If the enemy left the blow, return to its original field in the same direction.

Blow back

The impact foot should be squeezed so that the heel is pointing to the enemy, and the thigh is parallel to the ground. The second leg is slightly bent to preserve equilibrium. Then I spend the leg, accompanying the sharp movement of the hips. Blow sharp, dry, balancing the tilt of the housing ahead. The face turned to the enemy. Please note that the blow has passed exactly back, and not to the side.

The blow is applied in the knee, groin, housing and face.

Punch knee

Left-sided stand.The center of gravity move forward, support on the left foot. Raise the right leg, bending in your knee. The chest is closed, the belly is drawn. Impact point - knee. Apply a sharp blow up. At the moment of impact, make the gulling movement down, head slightly tilt forward. Blow knee can also be performed in the jump.

After completing the strike, right foot quickly put on the ground, go back to the defensive rack.

Blow knee up is used to attack the enemy in groin, chest, stomach, as well as head.

Stop down

Main target of this blow - knee and skin of the opponent. They can also stop the enemy's attacking foot. The amplitude of movements when hitting down is small. This is one of the low-lifting blows, which, in combination of Muts, you can attack the enemy.

Technics:left stop in place or slides forward on half a step. The center of gravity of the body move forward to the left foot, bent in the knee. Right leg bent in the knee, raise, shin deploy out, sock is also outward. Stringing the knee, strike forward and down to the knee level. Effort to send to the outer edge of the foot.

Blowing foot have several advantages. First of all, the leg is much stronger. Indeed, kick the foot, if it is correctly performed, the strongest and most dangerous blow, which person can apply. Further, the leg is longer than hand and therefore has greater reach. And finally, block the punch leg is very hard, especially if it is directed low: in groin, knee or shin.

Unfortunately, most fighters do not use these advantages. They often strike without enough strength. Strokes that do not possess strength and speed are still used by fighters (look at the photos 122, 123).

With a weak strike (photo 122), the center of gravity of the body does not help the strength of the blow, and when they hit that do not have speed (photo 123), the fighter is impaired equilibrium, and therefore the blow is useless.

Bruce Lee's stronger strike is a punch to the side, shown in the photo 124, differing from the classic blow to the side.

The classic kick in the direction has the power, but does not have speed. Strike to the side, made by a jerk, has speed, but does not have enough strength. Punch the foot aside in the style of the DCD is striking the goal and does not lose with no speed or strength. Li could throw a 5 cm thick with a thickness and turn it into the air. If his punch had only force to his side, the board would fly away to a dozen meters, but did not break. If the blow had only speed, the board would not have cracked, since the board with a thickness of 5 cm is very strong and it is difficult to break it hard, even causing a blow from the elevation.

When you run a leg aside, put your feet on the width of the shoulders, the feet are parallel. Right leg lift 30 cm from the ground, the center of gravity of the body is on the left leg. The right foot strongly hit the Earth so that the foot pushes from it by 2-3 cm. As when the fist, performed by the use of energy, you should follow the development of gravity in the leg.

In other words, the water flows through your leg, how through the rubber tube, and when you hit it about the Earth, it jumps up again. Make sure not to hit the Earth very much until you dismiss the leg muscles with light blows.

Now you are ready to start working out a foot to face.

Transfer the whole gravity of the body to the left foot while raise the right and put the blow to the side, - instead of shocking down, as you previously practiced. The left knee must be a little bent so you can lean back, and not ahead, as most of the beginners do. Turn on the left foot sock while apply to the right foot. Additional strength you give, if in a second before you completely stretch your leg, you turn the body body. This is a screw, a substantial element of this impact. Then perform the jerk foot.

If you want to work out shock leg about solid items, you can apply them on a wooden or concrete wall.

Measure the distance from the wall and strike. Since the blow should be completed, you do not damage anything. A very strong blow will only drop your body back.

When you learn how to hit the side, you will be ready to make an exercise that is performed using a heavy bag.

From the protection position, make a jump that we described in the chapter on the work of the legs. Wash in the middle of the bag, as shown in photos 125,126 and 127.

Your feet should touch the bag horizontally, not the space. The sound of the impact should be loud, cracking sound, like from the blow to the whip, if you hit the "through" the bag and made a knuckle with the foot at the end of the strike. If the blow will look more like a push, the sound will be weak or deaf. In both cases, force is used, but the first blow will be very dangerous, while the second is only the opponent's tip.

If you make a quick leap to the bag and hold the balance, you can put in the blow more strength than expected.

The blow is always applied so that your body will fly through the air low above the ground, and after impact you could keep your equilibrium.

The blow will be the stronger than the longer you are in the air while approaching the goal. In other words, in this case you can use the strength of both legs. Such a blow will match your capabilities.

One Warning: If you miss or a blow will not be sufficiently strong, you can damage the knee of legs that affects. The reason for this is that your foot moves much faster than the body, and when you miss, the leg continues to move forward, as if her someone sharply jerk, and it would immediately feel your knee.

The first time participating in a combat battle or sparring, it is not recommended to use this punch with the foot, because you can lose the balance if you miss. In addition, the higher you jump, the opponent will have more time to avoid your attack.

A heavy bag is one of the most useful items not only for exercises in the style of DCD, but also for other styles of Chinese boxing or karate, since you can train yourself.

A good training can consist of continuous kicks to the side for ten minutes.

Having teaching a beginner with a foot of the foot to the side, keep the bag with hands and knee hold the bottom edge of the bag. Follow your fingers. If you are backing the bag, pay attention to the power of a person driving on the bag. At the photo 128, did it hit the bag so much that the partner who held the bag flew off to the wall, hit and forced to stop training for several days.

Lee always believed that a person should work out shocks using various objects to receive another feeling of impact from each. He used the heavy bag, but often worked out on wall bags, sandbags or beans, enjoyed shock gloves, a wooden mannequin, as shown in photograph 129, or a heavy portable shield shown in the photo 130.

In addition to a heavy bag, whether the beloved object is to work up a foot, there was a heavy shield and a ball for strikes, since he could use the power to strike on the target target, without fear of damage to the partner. Studying a heavy shield is shown in photos 131 and 132.

Although the punch of the foot forward is not as strong as the punch foot aside, whether it increased its exposivity to his foot forward, making a jerk forward the body of the body per second before hitting, as in photographs 133 and 134.

Choose the right moment for this blow is very important and it is difficult for him to learn. Only daily workouts will help you master this art.

Step by step we tried to describe in detail the technique of a shot to the side. But when you once will master this blow, you must perform it, like other technical techniques, in one single movement, and not in parts, as we described in order for you to make it easier to learn how to keep your foot to the side.

Even the lowest impact force of these athletes is also impressive. And if you know where to mark, then it is not necessary to worry about how much your fist or leg weighs during the battle.

№5. Kung Fu

Strength impact foot - ~ 270 kg. Some of the most severe training take place in China. There, local athletes are not only on the back pour sticks, but also beat decks on genitals. Look, I myself will kill:

№4. Boxing

Strength impact hand - ~ 450 kg. They say the strength of the strike of Vladimir Klitschko - about 700 kg. We do not know how reliable information is. But for some reason, no one has any doubts about any of our edition. Watch the video with the best knockouts of Vladimir:

Number 3. Karate.

Strength of impact foot - ~ 450 kg. At the initial stage, Karate was a hand-to-hand combat system intended exclusively for self-defense. But today, martial art has gained great fame due to the indicative speeches, on which experienced masters can:

  • split with a fist of the ice ships;
  • blowing legs to break into the sins of a timber from pine wood with a thickness of 15 cm;
  • spread the elbow or head stack of roofing tiles.

Video with the best knockouts of students:

№2. Taekwondo

Strength impact foot - ~ 650 kg. Externally, the Taekwondo duel resembles a fight of karateist. However, the first prevails kicks. According to the rules of sports fights, the more blows will be applied by lower limbs, the greater the chances of winning the athlete. To this reason, the fighters try to use hands less often. All energy is inserted into kicks.

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