Flat earth nasa symbol. What is the UN hiding? Closer to the light source - warmer

In ancient times, the flat earth theory was widespread and people did not have other versions. It was believed to be held by three elephants standing on a turtle. After a while, science was able to prove the falsehood of these ideas, but there were people who believe that the planet does not have a spherical shape.

Flat earth theory in modern times

It is believed that the planet is actually a disk with the North Pole in the center. The diameter of the Earth is slightly more than 40 thousand km. Around such a disk there is a transparent dome, over which the Sun and the Moon revolve, like spotlights. According to the adherents of the flat earth theory, Antarctica does not exist and at the south pole is the edge of the planet, which is surrounded by an ice wall.

There is a whole community and it includes people who believe in the worldwide deception. When asked if it is true that the Earth is flat, they argue that all images from space are montage and the ability of Photoshop. The adherents of this opinion believe in a conspiracy, which is sponsored by the Freemasons, aimed at hiding the real truth from all of humanity on the planet. Disputes over this issue have been going on for hundreds of years.

Flat earth sign

Every society has its own emblem, and flat-earth theorists are no exception. They believe that the UN flag is perfect for uniting them: on a blue background there is a circular image of the world map, with the North Pole in the center. The flat earth emblem is surrounded by two olive branches, which, during the Ancient Greece symbolized the world.

What's beyond the edge of a flat earth?

People, hearing about an unusual theory, begin to ask many questions in order to understand whether it is true or not. Many are interested in, if the Earth is flat, then where is its edge, and what is behind it. On this score, society gives two answers:

  1. Some members are sure that the region is located beyond Antarctica and is bounded by a huge ice wall. It is worth noting that it is not specified what is behind it, whether there is space and other planets. As evidence, the flat earth society suggests reading the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits free exploration of these places, which is very suspicious.
  2. Other members of society believe that not only is the Earth actually flat, but it also has no edge, that is, people live on an endless plain. There is a certain area beyond which a person cannot go, and this is most likely connected with the habitat.

Who needs the flat earth myth?

Many have asked this question, since attempts to compromise science from time to time arise in the world. Most likely, people would not have paid attention to such statements, if not extensive propaganda. Finding out who benefits from the flat earth theory, it is worth noting that as a result of scientific and technological progress, people begin to think differently and it becomes more difficult for the authorities to control them. It is important to point out that this does not concern the rulers of states, but the level of power and ideas.

Why do people believe the earth is flat?

You can reflect on this topic for a long time and there will be a huge number of opinions. Scientists and great minds believe that modern people who believe that the planet Earth is flat, like to go against the tide, look for a catch and opposition in every statement. Many are sure that there is a certain group of people, the so-called "Masons", who rule everything, and they can promote any idea into the world, including the fact that the earth is round. All this causes u modern society doubts.

How to Join a Flat Earth Society?

English inventor Samuel Rowbotham in the 19th century created a whole community for adherents of the flat earth theory. Every person can become a member. To do this, you need to pay an entry fee of $ 10. After that, the society will regularly send its own newsletter. There are several main provisions of this organization:

  1. The center of the Earth is located at the North Pole, and the edges are in the south.
  2. The Flat Earth Society argues that all the existing evidence of the planet's sphericity, including the flights of astronauts, is simply an international conspiracy of America and Russia to deceive people.
  3. They believe that the stars are adhered to the firmament, which is located at an altitude equal to the distance from San Francisco to Boston.
  4. The moon and the sun are not huge, and the Earth's satellite glows with its own light, not reflected. Eclipses are caused by a dark object obscuring.
  5. The Flat Earth Society claims that all great people were adherents of their theory, but they simply hid it.
  6. Belief in sphericity is believed to be a false religion.

Flat Earth Theory - Real Facts

Before putting forward the theory that the earth does not have a spherical shape, its adherents did a lot of research, looked at a huge amount of photo and video material, so that there was something to operate on. The main facts why the Earth is flat include the following information:

  1. Knowing the time of rotation of the planet around its axis and its diameter, one can easily calculate the speed of its rotation. As a result, it turns out that in a second the Earth rotates at a speed of about 0.5 km / sec. Wouldn't a person have noticed such changes?
  2. One of the most common pieces of evidence is air travel. The theory of a flat earth raises such doubts - how can an airplane land at a specified location if it is displaced due to the movement of the planet? In addition, due to the constant rotation of the earth, the aircraft would not be able to reach their destination due to the headwind.
  3. If you throw an object up, then it will take a few seconds for its flight and fall, so if the Earth were round and rotated, then it would not fall in the same place where it was thrown.
  4. If the planet had the shape of a sphere, then the horizon would be curved, and so in any conditions and when observing huge spaces, the line is always straight.

What do psychics say about a flat earth?

To determine where is the truth and where is the lie, it is worth taking into account different opinions, therefore, psychics, who, in their opinion, know all the secrets, cannot be dispensed with. The version that the Earth is flat, for people working with energies, is an invention created in order to raise doubts in people and gather them into a kind of sect. Psychics who receive energy, including from the Earth, are sure that it is round, if this was a myth, then the energy flows would be scattered and not so powerful.

Flat Earth in the Bible

People who read the Bible can be divided into two groups, so some are sure that it says that the earth is flat, while others claim that this is nothing more than a common misconception. Although there are many scientific facts in this sacred book, information about which at the time of writing was not available, specifically about the flat earth, it does not say. Those who believe that the Bible says that the Earth is flat, they cite the word from it - "hug" as an argument, but in Hebrew it means both "circle" and "ball".

Another disproving fact concerns the fact that the holy book indicates that the Earth has no fulcrum, and this is one of the ideas of people who came up with the legend of a flat planet. The Bible does not focus on the shape of the Earth, so it is not advisable to take this as the truth. Moreover, even in modern language, the word "round Earth" is used, and not spherical or spherical. The language of the Bible is not geometrical.

Flat Earth in the Quran

As for the main Muslim book, it uses more words that can be considered confirmation that the earth is flat. In the text there are such words and expressions associated with our planet: "spread out", "made the earth a plain", "made the earth a carpet for you" and so on. The flat Earth in Islam is confirmed by theologians, and the sky, according to them, is supported by several pillars.

Flat Earth Movies

There are no films based on the theme of a flat earth, but there are a number of films where this is mentioned.

  1. The Truman Show... The hero of the picture one day begins to understand that everything around is deception and scenery. He is the hero of a TV show that has been running for over 30 years.
  2. "Men in Black"... The film tells about a secret unofficial agency that controls the action of a UFO. The main characters in one of the dialogues talk about a flat earth.
  3. "Dark City"... The main idea of ​​this picture is that all people live in a world ruled by a select few who make people believe in non-existent things.

Flat Earth Books

Literature did not disregard the topic of the shape of our planet. Many authors have spent years researching and presenting their own reasoning and evidence in their writings.

  1. "The oldest cosmologies" W. Warren. The book is voluminous and in it you can find information about the concepts of the structure of the Universe, Buddhists, Egyptians and other peoples. There are many illustrations in this edition.
  2. "A Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a Ball" M. Carpenter. The published work was inaccessible to the general reader for a long time. The author presented, in his opinion, objective evidence of a flat earth.
  3. "Exploratory Astronomy: The Earth Is Not a Ball" S. Rowbotham. If you are interested in whether the earth is flat or round, then it is worth reading this book, which describes experiments and there are visual illustrations confirming that the planet is flat.

Hello dear Reader! With this article, we will continue the topic of flat earth and present one more fact proving the correctness of this theory. Do not rush to spit into the monitor if you are a skeptic of this topic, but just study the proposed material and check it yourself.

Of course, a larger number of the population is not given to check what the map of the world in which we live in really should be. But a curious mind always wants to believe that our world is not what we are used to seeing it. And live on this big earth not only people.

But in all this confusion, sooner or later we will figure it out!))

World Map: False or Real?

So, on the agenda we have. This is how she is introduced to us from childhood:

It's simple. We find a map of the world of a flat earth on the Internet:

What do you see? Doesn't this ratio of continents remind you of the sizes that Yandex showed us? Coincidence or coincidence?

But that's not all...


Here is the official UN emblem:

Don't you notice anything?

  • Firstly, on it there are just all the continents in relation to each other of the size that the Yandex ruler shows us;
  • Secondly, it is very similar to a flat earth map. Don’t you?

A question for skeptics - How so?)

Is this a coincidence, or are they really pushing us from childhood? And most importantly, why are they doing it? And why is Russia artificially enlarged, as if they wanted to scare someone with their mass)) Or cover it up? Indeed, against the background of huge Russia, Australia is visually lost. Maybe there is something hiding on its territory? And want people to look anywhere but tiny Australia? Hmm ... One can only guess ...

Call to action

Unfortunately, we cannot ascend into space, but we have the Internet, brains and eyes. Close all textbooks, we do not know where the truth is and where the lie is. Become a pioneer without looking back at history.

Start doing hands-on experiments. For example, get into a car and drive a long distance from one city to another on your own and compare this with the official map on Yandex.

Let's look for inconsistencies in our strange World together.

Take part in the survey


Dear Friends, leave your comments and practical observations below for this article.

It hides not only the real size, but also the continents. We will definitely tell you about one of them on the pages of the site, soon.

UN emblem - flat earth, although it is officially believed that our planet is spherical, and we are taught this from childhood in schools. Are we being misled, and why? We tell the children fairy tales, and leave them stereotypical attitudes in the form of morality, so that they do not harm themselves with curiosity. Is it not obvious that the same tales are being introduced into our consciousness with the help of science? The hypothesis that we live on a flat disk existed long before the emergence of the outstanding Hippocrates, Aristotle and Newton, who presented arguments about the spherical shape of the planet. And this idea was cheerfully received by the public, which for a long time stopped looking for answers to questions.

Why a flat earth emblem?

The coat of arms of the UN flat Earth is proof that "nothing is hidden" from us. And if the adherents of the revolutionary theory nevertheless prove that our planet is not spherical, what is the demand from the United Nation Organization? They can safely say that all the answers were in front of us. Honestly, it's hard to just take it and believe that for so many years we were deceived, brainwashed for the sake of maintaining order or for another reason. However, after reading the book "100 Proofs of a Flat Earth" contradictions do become apparent. Perhaps our ancestors were not mistaken, and we really walk on a flat disc with curved edges up? Maybe the planet is covered with a dome on top, and the North Pole is in the center? Then there is no South Pole at all, just like in Game of Thrones. Just imagine that the creators of the series presented not fiction, but a real story.

What is the UN hiding?

Photos from NASA regularly appear on the network, which answer public questions. The problem is that it is impossible to determine the veracity of the information. Perhaps this is falsified data, and there is no moon at all. Here again the fantasy is played out, and the tricks of the outstanding film studios are recalled. Unconsciously, you begin to think about the fact that the whole world has been hidden from us, and we are within the walls of a not so objective reality. Of course, there may be something we do not understand, including the essence of the UN official emblem. However, it certainly makes one wonder, at least, about the significance of information that we cannot verify. Well, it remains only to wait for new interesting theories and facts from revolutionary astrologers. Perhaps modern progress will still allow you to get to the truth, if it exists.

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