After suffering a heart attack, I want to sleep a lot. How many live after a heart attack. The psyche also needs rehabilitation

Many disorders in the activity of the heart and blood vessels can cause serious health problems. Some of them are even capable of significantly disrupting a person's ability to move independently, eat and communicate, and in certain cases, provoke death. One of the fairly common and at the same time very dangerous conditions of this type is myocardial infarction. Let's talk on the about what constitutes a myocardial infarction, home rehabilitation of a patient with such a diagnosis and what are the contraindications for such a disease.

Myocardial infarction is a clinical condition of a patient that develops due to necrosis of a separate area of ​​the heart muscle. In this case, necrosis is provoked by a violation of the blood supply. In most cases, a heart attack develops as a result of blockage by a thrombus of the lumen in the coronary artery.

About what can not be done after myocardial infarction has "taken place" (contraindications)

The main contraindication for the development of a heart attack is various physical and neuropsychiatric stress. The patient should be in a state of complete rest longer and adhere to bed rest. He needs to restrict active movements. In the event that the patient is worried about shortness of breath, he should not take a lying position, it is better to give preference to an elevated one.

Also, in the first time after a myocardial infarction happened, it is contraindicated to go to a spa treatment, to prevent serious consequences.

If the heart attack has just developed, then it is extremely important to transport the patient to the hospital correctly. Transportation should be carried out only in a lying position, because all physical efforts can cause the development of unwanted and irreversible processes. A serious contraindication to transportation is the presence of acute heart failure or shock in the patient. The first step is to correct these violations, then carry out the transportation with extreme caution. Such patients are also contraindicated for sanitization at the stage of admission to the hospital department.

There are also a number of contraindications that relate to therapeutic manipulations. So for patients who have had a heart attack, the drug "Mannitol" is contraindicated if the patient has renal failure, severe second or third degree, dehydration of the cell sector, excessive bleeding or intracranial hematomas. Coronary angiography is usually performed before surgery. If the help of surgeons is not needed, then such a study is contraindicated.

Patients who have had myocardial infarction and are at the stage of intensive care are contraindicated and physiotherapy... Even minor physical activity can be very harmful if the patient has severe arrhythmia, an increase in temperature of more than thirty-eight degrees, as well as a decrease in blood pressure or heart failure.

A patient who has suffered a myocardial infarction is contraindicated in the consumption of products containing various toxic elements that can adversely affect health. Animal fats, spicy, fried, smoked, salted and pickled foods should be excluded from the diet. Also, doctors strongly advise to reduce the amount of consumed sugar and foods containing cholesterol.

At the stage of recovery after a heart attack, you also need to give up active physical work, for example, from work at a summer cottage.

Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction at home

In addition to the fact that the patient should take all the medicinal formulations prescribed by the doctor, it is also important to adhere to certain recommendations aimed at rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. Stabilization of the emotional background plays an extremely important role, because the patient will receive a lot of information about the risks, the likelihood of relapse and death.

Such facts often cause a depressive state, become the cause of constant stress, as well as nervous tension. Accordingly, the likelihood of relapse only increases. To optimize the emotional background, the support of loved ones is important; sedatives prescribed by a doctor can also be taken. You may need to consult a psychologist.

Physical rehabilitation involves the systematic implementation of special exercise therapy exercises. First, they should be learned in a specialized center, and then done at home.

For successful rehabilitation, it is also extremely important to completely abandon bad habits, adhere to a diet, monitor blood pressure, body weight and blood sugar. The administration of acetylsalicylic acid is shown, which can prevent the development of thrombosis.

Also, herbal medicine can be used at home, for example, medicines based on hawthorn (fruits), corn stigmas, mountain arnica, medicinal calendula, etc. You can prepare medicines from these herbs on your own, including combining ingredients with each other. Also, some drugs based on them can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Recovery from myocardial infarction is a long and complex process. Nevertheless, compliance with all the doctor's recommendations helps to normalize the body's activity.

Modern patients are quite literate and in the overwhelming majority of cases strive to cooperate with a doctor, this is especially evident after suffering life-threatening conditions. Patients who treated their health lightly, after suffering or often reconsidering their lifestyle, diet, eradicate some not very good habits in order to prevent the recurrence of acute cardiovascular pathology.

Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction is a very important set of measures to prevent extreme situations and aimed at organizing proper nutrition, a regimen of activity and rest, sanatorium treatment and drug prevention after discharge from a cardiological hospital. The patient's interest in this case is very important, since even the most valuable medical recommendations will be ineffective if the person himself does not fulfill them with understanding, purposefully and responsibly day after day.

Myocardial infarction, which came suddenly

A person lives for himself, as he knows how and is accustomed, one considers himself healthy, the other is slowly struggling. And suddenly, one not entirely beautiful day, a sharp pain in the region of the heart stops the usual course of events. "People in white coats", a siren, hospital walls ... It is too early to talk about the outcome at such a moment, each case is special, depending on the degree of damage to the heart muscle, on the complications and consequences that cardiologists, patients and their relatives are so afraid of.

A severe course of a heart attack with pulmonary edema and other complications requires immediate hospitalization, resuscitation measures and a long period of rehabilitation with the prevention of all possible consequences heart attack:

Some believe that there is a certain number of heart attacks that a person can suffer. Of course, this is not the case, since the first heart attack can be so severe that it will be the last. Or small-focal heart attacks, not so formidable at the time of their development, but giving serious long-term consequences. This indicator can be considered individual, however in most cases, the last is the third heart attack, therefore, patients, even with past scars on the heart (accidentally registered), are not recommended to tempt fate.

It is also impossible to unequivocally answer how long they live after a heart attack, because the first one may be fatal. In other cases, a person can live a full life without disabilities for 20 years after myocardial infarction.... It all depends on how the transferred myocardial infarction affected the hemodynamic system, what complications and consequences were or were not, and, of course, on what lifestyle the patient leads, how he fights the disease, what preventive measures he takes.

First steps after a heart attack: from bed to stairs

An important aspect of the complex treatment of myocardial infarction is rehabilitation, which includes a number of medical and social measures aimed at restoring health and, if possible, working capacity. Early physical therapy exercises contribute to the return of a person to physical activity, however, exercise therapy can be started only with the permission of a doctor and depending on the patient's condition and the degree of myocardial damage:

  • The average degree of severity allows you to start classes literally for 2-3 days, while with a severe one, you need to wait a week. Thus, exercise therapy begins already at the hospital stage under the supervision of a physiotherapy instructor;
  • From about 4-5 days, the patient can sit on the bed for some time with his legs dangling;
  • From day 7, if everything goes well, without complications, you can take a few steps near your bed;
  • After two weeks, you can walk around the ward, if allowed by the doctor;
  • The patient is under constant control and can go into the corridor only from 3 weeks of stay, and if the condition allows, the instructor will help him master several steps of the staircase;
  • The distance traveled increases gradually and after a while the patient overcomes a distance of 500-1000 meters, without remaining alone. A health worker or one of the relatives is nearby to monitor the patient's condition, which is assessed by heart rate and. In order for these indicators to be reliable, half an hour before the walk and half an hour after it, the patient is measured blood pressure and an ECG is taken. With deviations indicating a deterioration in the patient's condition, the patient's physical activity is reduced.

If everything is going well for a person, he can be transferred to rehabilitation after myocardial infarction in a suburban specialized cardiological sanatorium, where, under the supervision of specialists, he will engage in physiotherapy exercises, take dosed walks (5-7 km daily), receive dietary food and take drug treatment. In addition, to strengthen faith in a successful outcome and good prospects for the future, a psychologist or psychotherapist will work with the patient.

This is the classic version of the whole complex of treatment: heart attack - hospital - sanatorium - return to trudu or disability group. However, there are heart attacks detected during examination of a person, for example, in the case of a professional examination. Such people also need treatment and rehabilitation, and even more in prevention. Where do these heart attacks come from? To answer this question, it is necessary to digress somewhat from the topic and briefly describe the options for heart attacks that can pass by the hospital and by the cardiologist.

There are few symptoms, but the prognosis is "gloomy"

Asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic variants of myocardial infarction, which are more characteristic of small focal infarction, are a special and rather serious problem. The asymptomatic form is characterized by the complete absence of pain and other, any symptoms whatsoever, therefore, MI is detected later and by accident (on the ECG - a scar on the heart).

Other variants of myocardial infarction, which have an extremely poor nonspecific clinical picture, also often become the reason for the delayed diagnosis. It is good if those few signs characteristic of many diseases alert the patient, and he should consult a doctor:

  1. Moderate;
  2. Weakness with sweating, more pronounced than usual;
  3. Decrease in blood pressure;
  4. A short-term increase in temperature to subfebrile.

In general, the patient can assess his condition as "something is wrong", but do not go to the clinic.

Such forms of myocardial infarction most often lead to the fact that the patient does not go anywhere, does not receive medication, the restrictions inherent in such a pathology do not apply to him. After the expiration of time, the state of a person when taking an electrocardiogram will qualify as heart attack on the legs, which, however, does not go away without complications, albeit somewhat delayed in time. The consequences of such variants of myocardial infarction are:

  • A scar that will disrupt the normal structure of the heart muscle, which will aggravate the course of the pathological process in the event of a repeated heart attack;
  • Weakening of the contractile function of the myocardium and, as a result, low pressure;
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • The possibility of aneurysm formation;
  • Thromboembolism, because the patient has not received specific treatment to reduce blood clots;
  • Pericarditis.

It should be said that the complications of heart attacks transferred on the legs are more pronounced than those treated in the hospital, since the person did not receive any prophylactic prescriptions, therefore, as soon as he becomes aware of the transferred disease, the visit to the doctor cannot be postponed... The sooner preventive measures are taken, the less the consequences of a heart attack the patient will have.

Atypical manifestations of myocardial infarction complicate its diagnosis

It is difficult to judge whether a person has had or is having a heart attack if there is an atypical course of the disease. For example, it can sometimes be confused with gastrointestinal disorders, which is called abdominal syndrome. Of course, it is not surprising to suspect a pathology. gastrointestinal tract with the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Intense pain in the epigastric region;
  2. Nausea with vomiting;
  3. Bloating and flatulence.

Even more confusing in such cases are certain painful sensations in the stomach during palpation and the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall, also accompanied by pain.

The cerebral form of myocardial infarction is so disguised as a stroke that even doctors find it difficult to quickly establish a diagnosis, especially since the ECG does not clarify the picture, since it is atypical and gives frequent “false positive” changes in dynamics. In general, how not to suspect a stroke, if its signs are clearly traced:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Mnestic disorders;
  • Motor and sensory disorders.

Meanwhile, a combination of heart attack and stroke at the same time - a phenomenon not very frequent and, most likely, unlikely but possible. In case of large-focal transmural MI, it is often noted as a manifestation of thromboembolic syndrome. Naturally, such options must certainly be taken into account not only during the period of treatment, but also during rehabilitation.

Video: heart attack - how does it happen and is it treated?

Diet is the first item of rehabilitation measures

The patient can go to the doctor in any post-infarction period. With a detailed examination of persons who have had a heart attack, it turns out that many of them have:

  1. Some degree of obesity;
  2. and violation of the lipid spectrum;
  3. Bad habits.

If smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages can somehow be prohibited (or persuaded?) And thus exclude the negative effect of these factors on the body, then the fight against overweight, hypercholesterolemia and arterial hypertension are not a matter of one day. However, it has long been noticed and scientifically proven that it can help in all cases at the same time. Some force things so much that they try to reduce body weight in as soon as possible, which will not be beneficial either, and it will be difficult to keep the result. 3-5 kg ​​per month is the best option, in which the body will slowly but surely enter a new body and get used to it.

There are many different diets, but they all have general principles constructions, taking into service which, it is already possible to achieve significant success:

  • Reduce the calorie intake of food;
  • Avoid seizing a bad mood with carbohydrates (eating sweets, cakes, cakes - so sweet and tasty, it is very undesirable, so it is better not to touch them at all);
  • Limit the use of fatty foods of animal origin;
  • Eliminate such favorite additions to main dishes as sauces, hot snacks, spices, which are good enough to stimulate an already normal appetite;
  • Bring the amount of table salt to 5 g per day and not exceed this level, even if something turns out to be not so tasty without it;
  • Drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day;
  • Organize multiple meals so that the feeling of hunger does not pursue, and the stomach is full and does not remind of hunger.

In people who are overweight, the diet after myocardial infarction should be aimed at reducing weight, which will reduce the load on the heart muscle. Here is a rough daily ration:

  1. First breakfast: cottage cheese - 100 g, coffee (weak) without sugar, but with milk - a glass of 200 ml;
  2. Second breakfast: 170 g of fresh cabbage salad dressed with sour cream, preferably without salt or with the very minimum amount of it;
  3. Lunch consists of 200 ml of vegetarian cabbage soup, 90 g of boiled lean meat, 50 g of green peas and 100 g of apples;
  4. As an afternoon snack, you can eat 100 g of cottage cheese and wash it down with 180 ml of rosehip broth;
  5. It is recommended to limit the evening meal with boiled fish (100 g) with vegetable stew (125 g);
  6. At night, you are allowed to drink 180 g of kefir and eat 150 g of rye bread.

This diet contains 1800 calories. Of course, this is an approximate menu for one day, so nutrition after a heart attack is not limited only to the listed products, but for patients with normal weight, the diet is significantly expanded. The diet after myocardial infarction, although it limits the use of fats (animals) and carbohydrates (unrefined and refined), but excludes them only under certain circumstances, in order to enable a person to lose weight.

With patients without excess weight, everything is easier, they are set on a diet with daily calorie content 2500-3000 kcal. The use of fats (animals) and carbohydrates (unrefined and refined) is limited. The daily diet is divided into 4-5 meals. In addition, the patient is recommended to carry out fasting days... For example, one day to eat 1.5 kg of apples and nothing else. Or 2 kg of fresh cucumbers. If someone cannot live a day without meat, then 600 g of lean meat with a vegetable side dish (fresh cabbage, green pea) will also come off on a fasting day.

Expanding the diet should not be taken literally either: if you can eat vegetables and fruits, lean meat and dairy products after a heart attack, in general, without restrictions, then it is not at all recommended to eat sweet confectionery, fatty sausages, smoked meats, fried and spicy foods.

Alcohol, be it Armenian brandy or French wine, is not recommended for patients who have suffered a heart attack. Do not forget that any alcoholic beverage causes an increase in heart rate (therefore, tachycardia), and, besides this, it increases the appetite, which is absolutely useless for the convalescent, because this is an additional load, albeit a food one.

After discharge - to the sanatorium

The complex of rehabilitation measures depends on which functional class (1, 2, 3, 4) the patient is assigned to, so the approach and methods will be different.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient, classified as functional class 1 or 2, the next day he calls a cardiologist to the house, who draws up a plan for further rehabilitation measures. As a rule, the patient is assigned a 4-week observation by the medical staff in a cardiological sanatorium, where the patient himself does not need to worry about anything, he will only have to follow the approved program, which provides, in addition to diet therapy:

  • Dosed physical activity;
  • Psychotherapeutic assistance;
  • Medication.

Physical rehabilitation programs are based on a classification that includes the following categories:

  1. The severity of the patient's condition;
  2. Expressiveness;
  3. The presence of complications, consequences and concomitant syndromes and diseases;
  4. The nature of the transferred heart attack (transmural or non-transmural).

After determining the individual load tolerance ( bicycle ergometric test), the patient receives optimal doses of physical training aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the myocardium and improving the nutrition of the heart muscle by stimulating metabolic processes in its cells.

Contraindications to training prescription are:

  • Aneurysm of the heart;
  • Severe heart failure;
  • Species that respond to physical activity by aggravating rhythm disturbances.

Physical training is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, they are aimed at preventing a second heart attack, increasing life expectancy, but at the same time, they cannot prevent the onset of sudden death in the distant future.

In addition to metered loads, physical rehabilitation after a heart attack includes methods such as physiotherapy exercises (gymnastics), massage, health path (metered walking).

However, speaking about the training of the patient, it should be noted that they do not always go smoothly. In the recovery period, the doctor and the patient may encounter certain symptom complexes characteristic of convalescents:

  1. Heart pain syndrome, to which are added, conditioned;
  2. Signs of heart failure, manifested by tachycardia, an increase in the size of the heart, shortness of breath, wet wheezing, hepatomegaly;
  3. Syndrome of general detraining of the patient's body (weakness, pain in the lower extremities when walking, decreased strength in the muscles, dizziness);
  4. Neurotic disorders, since patients, asking the question "How to live after a myocardial infarction?", Tend to fall into anxiety-depressive states, begin to fear for their family and take any pain for a second heart attack. Of course, these patients need the help of a psychotherapist.

In addition, convalescents receive anticoagulant therapy to prevent blood clots, in order to normalize the lipid spectrum, antiarrhythmic drugs and other symptomatic treatment.

Rehabilitation in a polyclinic at the place of residence

Such rehabilitation is indicated only for patients with grades 1 and 2. after a 4-week stay in a sanatorium. The patient is thoroughly examined, which is recorded in his outpatient card, his progress in physical training, the level of performance (physical), and the response to drug treatment are also recorded there. In accordance with these indicators, the convalescent is prescribed an individual program for increasing physical activity, psychological rehabilitation and drug treatment, which includes:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics under the control of the pulse and electrocardiogram, carried out in the exercise therapy hall 3 times a week in 4 modes (gentle, gentle training, training, intensive training);
  • Individually selected drug therapy;
  • Classes with a psychotherapist;
  • Fight against bad habits and other risk factors (obesity, arterial hypertension, etc.).

He does not leave the patient's daily workouts at home (walking, preferably with a pedometer, gymnastics), but he does not forget about self-control and alternates load with rest.

Video: exercise therapy after a heart attack

Group of increased medical supervision

As for patients assigned to functional classes 3 and 4, their rehabilitation takes place according to a different program, the purpose of which is to ensure such a level of physical activity that the patient can independently serve himself and do a small amount of homework, however, if qualified, the patient does not limited to intellectual work at home.

Such patients are at home, but under the supervision of a therapist and cardiologist, all rehabilitation measures are also carried out at home, since the patient's condition does not allow high physical activity. The patient performs available work in everyday life, walks around the apartment from the second week after discharge, and from the third week begins to slowly engage in exercise therapy and walk for 1 hour in the yard. The doctor allows him to climb the stairs at a very slow pace and only within one march.

If, before the illness, morning exercises for the patient was a familiar thing, then he is allowed to it only from the fourth week and only 10 minutes (less is possible, more is not possible). In addition, the patient is allowed to climb the 1st floor, but very slowly.

This group of patients requires both self-control and special medical supervision, since at any time with the slightest load there is a danger of an attack of angina pectoris, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of severe tachycardia or a strong feeling of fatigue, which is the basis for reducing physical exertion.

Patients of functional class 3 and 4 also receive a complex of medicines, psychological support, massage and exercise therapy at home.

The psyche also needs rehabilitation

A person, having experienced such a shock, cannot forget it for a long time, every now and then asks himself and other people the question of how to live after a myocardial infarction, believes that now everything is impossible for him, therefore he is subject to depressive moods. The patient's fears are completely natural and understandable, so a person needs psychological support and readaptation, although everything is individual here too: some very quickly cope with the problem, adapt to new conditions, others, it happens, and half a year is not enough to accept the changed situation. The task of psychotherapy is to prevent pathological changes in personality and the development of neurosis. Relatives may suspect neurotic maladjustment for the following reasons:

  1. Irritability;
  2. Instability of mood (it seems that I calmed down, but after a short time plunged into gloomy thoughts again);
  3. Inadequate sleep;
  4. Phobias of various kinds (the patient listens to his heart, is afraid of being alone, does not go for a walk without an escort).

Hypochondriacal behavior is characterized by "flight into illness." The patient is sure that life after a heart attack is not life at all, the disease is incurable, that doctors do not notice everything, so he himself calls an ambulance for any reason and without reason and requires additional examination and treatment.

A special group of patients are still not old men who are sexually active before the disease. They are worried and are trying to find out if sex is possible after a heart attack and whether the disease has affected sexual functions, since they notice some disorders in themselves (decreased libido, spontaneous erections, sexual weakness). Of course, constant reflection on this issue and worries about your intimate life further exacerbate the situation and contribute to the development of hypochondriac syndrome.

Meanwhile, sex after a heart attack is not only possible, but also necessary, because it gives positive emotions, therefore, if there are problems in this regard, the patient is prescribed additional treatment (psychotherapy, autogenic training, psychopharmacological correction).

To prevent the development of mental disorders and prevent other consequences of a heart attack, special schools have been created for patients and their relatives, which teach how to behave after an illness, how to adapt to a new situation and quickly return to work. The assertion that work is considered the most important factor in successful mental rehabilitation is beyond doubt, therefore, the sooner the patient plunges into work, the sooner he will enter his usual rut.

Employment or disability group

Patients of grades 3 and 4 will receive a disability group with complete exclusion of physical activity, while patients in grades 1 and 2 are recognized as able-bodied, but with some restrictions (if necessary, they must be transferred to light work). There is a list of professions that are contraindicated after myocardial infarction. Of course, this primarily concerns heavy physical labor, night shifts, daily and 12-hour shifts, work associated with psycho-emotional stress or requiring increased attention.

A special medical commission provides assistance in finding a job and solves all issues, which gets acquainted with the working conditions, studies the presence of residual effects and complications, as well as the likelihood of the risk of a second heart attack. Naturally, if there are contraindications to this or that work, the patient is employed in accordance with his capabilities or a disability group is assigned (depending on the condition).

After a heart attack, the patient is observed in the clinic at the place of residence with a diagnosis of postinfarction. He can receive spa treatment (not to be confused with the sanatorium that is appointed after discharge!) In a year. And it is better if these are resorts with a climate familiar to the patient, since the sun, humidity and atmospheric pressure also affect cardiac activity, but not always positively.

Video: heart attack - effective recovery and prevention of recurrence

After a heart attack, a person's life changes dramatically, this is due to many restrictions imposed by the disease. So, the patient is forced to reconsider the lifestyle and change old habits. The very arteries of the heart. This process leads to a stop of the full blood supply to the site of this important organ, and also leaves it without oxygen. "Hunger" after 30 minutes leads to cell death.

It is important to follow the correct lifestyle after a heart attack.

Medical statistics say that over the past few decades, there has been a rejuvenation of the disease. Therefore, doctors are not surprised when this insidious disease overtakes people under the age of 30. It is believed that women under 50 are less prone to heart attacks. Scientists explain this by the fact that the vessels of female representatives are protected from atherosclerosis, which is often the cause of a heart attack, by estrogens. But after the onset of menopause, an illness may suddenly develop. How long they live after a heart attack is not known exactly, but there is average- from 1 to 20 years old. Basically, life expectancy after myocardial infarction depends on the patient himself, namely on his lifestyle. Specific recommendations on how to live after a myocardial infarction will be given by the attending doctor, the article contains the most basic rules.

Life "after"

Often, people who have undergone this condition are worried about many questions. So, many are interested in:

  1. Is it possible to put mustard plasters. According to doctors, this procedure has certain limitations. They cannot be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, in the presence of tuberculosis, oncology and skin lesions. Also, it is forbidden to put a mustard remedy in the area of ​​the heart, feet, palms. Before using them, it is better to consult with your doctor.
  2. Is it possible to drive a car after myocardial infarction. Many people cannot imagine their life without a car. Experts admit the possibility of getting behind the wheel only if the trip is short and the distance is not too great.

It is also important for the driver to remember that it is still dangerous to get behind the wheel, as a heart attack may recur again. And if this condition suddenly overtakes a person while driving, irreparable may occur. That is why it is unsafe for a person who has suffered a heart attack to drive, it can threaten the lives of him and the passengers.

For these reasons, a ban is imposed on working as a driver, since due to the possibility of driving a vehicle only up to 1 - 1.5 hours a day, a person is recognized as not fully able to work.

  1. Is it possible to have sex after a heart attack. Medical professionals do not prohibit intimacy, but, on the contrary, advise, since this contact creates positive emotions. It is noted that after that problems may appear - a decrease in attraction, sexual weakness. The reasons may lie in the intake of certain medications prescribed after discharge. Against the background of problems in men, there is a risk of hypochondriac syndrome, which will only further aggravate the situation. The worries are in vain, because after a while everything will return to normal.
  2. Can I smoke after a heart attack? Relatives of the smoker, if he does not want to quit this addiction, should help him in this matter. The fact is that a person who smokes is more susceptible to a second heart attack. This is explained by the fact that vasospasm occurs during smoking.
  3. Is it possible to use air services after a heart attack. Basically, if the patient has undergone rehabilitation, his heart muscle works without deviations, and after the disease a lot of time has passed, you can fly by plane. But before that, it is better to consult with your doctor and undergo an examination, get an appointment for medicines to facilitate air travel. According to experts, it is not worth flying by air for a person who has been diagnosed with heart failure that cannot be corrected with medication. And also people with arrhythmia, persistent arterial hypertension, unstable angina pectoris do not need to fly on an airplane.

If the patient decides to go to the sea, he needs to remember what can be done on vacation. You should figure out what to do during your vacation. Doctors are allowed to swim, but only near the shore, you cannot dive, sunbathe and be under the open scorching sun. The trip itself should be planned no earlier than six months later. Also, on vacation, the patient may be concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink alcoholic drinks... All doctors agree that life after a heart attack and stenting implies a complete rejection of alcohol. If you drink alcohol to a person who has suffered an attack much faster, which can lead to a second heart attack. It is also not recommended to drink kvass and coffee for the same reason. Career illness also affects. So, after an incident, as a result of pathological changes, many people will be forced to change their profession. This mainly concerns people who are faced with physical stress, and it is now forbidden to work under such conditions.


The heart needs constant training, which is why an active lifestyle after a heart attack is so important. The patient will be offered to perform moderate physical activity while still in the hospital. First, the patient should start exercise therapy, thanks to these exercises, the heart will be strengthened, blood circulation will normalize, and cholesterol levels will decrease. People who have had a seizure need to engage in dynamic sports.

Cycling, skiing, walking, running are good choices. Outdoor sports are most effective. Go in for sports wisely, for this, do not sharply increase the load and monitor your pulse. If a patient is diagnosed with a heart attack, he should not engage in strength training, since such sports load the heart muscle and increase blood pressure, as a result of which complications may appear. It is allowed to perform exercises with weights, women up to 5 kg., Men up to 20 kg. If shortness of breath, dizziness, pain in the heart area appear during exercise, you should stop exercising.


Plays an important role after an attack. The patient needs to eat a balanced, varied daily diet. Surely even in the hospital, the victim was informed that cholesterol-rich foods should not be consumed. This is because ischemic heart disease is primarily caused by high cholesterol levels. Fried, smoked food that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis is banned. Adding the following products to the menu will help eliminate the risk of a second attack:

  • whole grain bread, cereals;
  • fruits up to 200 grams per day (banana, kiwi, pear, melon, apple, orange, plum);
  • legumes up to 400 grams per day;
  • lean meat and fish in moderation, seafood;
  • milk and dairy products, but only fat-free;
  • chicken protein and yolk weekly up to three times;
  • vegetable and olive oil.

It is important to limit the use of salt and chocolate. And to support the normal functioning of the heart muscle, add raisins, prunes, dried apricots to the diet.

Remember that life after a heart attack does not end, and it is in your power to make it full and fulfilling.

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Now that you have had a heart attack, you and your loved ones have many questions about how to speed up your recovery.

Perhaps you had them even when the doctors were not able to effectively help you and you were embarrassed to ask them.

This guide has been developed by the American Heart Association to help you answer your questions and provide you with information on how you can help yourself.

They say correctly: the more you know, the less you have to fear.

Life without doubt

If you have had a heart attack, then you have suffered a terrible shock. Your life is in jeopardy, and it scares everyone around you. Now, even if the doctor assures you that everything will be all right, you will not be left with anxiety.

After everything you've been through, it's normal that anxiety and fear never leave you. But you need to remember that every day the condition of your heart is improving - it is healed. Every day you become stronger and more mobile. The worst is over.

Many people have heart attacks every year, so you are not alone. Most of them return to work and continue to enjoy life. You have every reason to expect that you, too, will get better.

What are the normal feelings after a heart attack?

After suffering a heart attack, you can experience various feelings, but more often than others, three are observed - these are fear, resentment and depression.

Fear is perhaps the most common of the sensations and the most understandable. Like most people who are sick, you are likely to have these thoughts: “Am I going to die? How long do I have left to live? Will chest pain (or shortness of breath) recur? " These and similar thoughts bother you, but over time, your worries will subside.

Some physical sensations can also cause fear. For example, before a heart attack, you did not attach much importance to small, soon-to-go chest pains. But now you are worried about the slightest pain. This is fine. Time will temper your anxiety.

Outrage is another common feeling. You may be thinking, “Why did this happen to me? And why did it happen now, at such an inconvenient time? " Feelings of resentment and bitterness are common after a heart attack.

You may become impatient and your friends and family will annoy you. But before you rush at them, remember that this is normal after a heart attack, that your trouble is not their fault. Your frustration is one of the stages of recovery, so take it as it is. There is no reason to turn it to your loved ones.

You may also start to mope: feel thrown into a landfill and think that you are hopelessly crippled. Thoughts may even appear: "What's the point in all this?" or "Life is over." This is also natural.

One of the biggest fears is that you will no longer be the same as you were before your heart attack. You are afraid that you will not be able to work as hard, you will not be as energetic, you will no longer be a full-fledged spouse and parent. You will even begin to think that now it is too late to realize what you dreamed of. To a certain extent, everyone in your position experiences the same. Try not to assume the worst.

It is important to understand here that your fears are normal for the person in your position, but they are not always justified. You will have a lot of time to change your mood, and such thoughts are a consequence of these changes. Don't take them too seriously. Focus on relaxation.

And if something starts to bother you. rather than pretending everything is okay, share your concerns with someone you trust. Time will heal most unpleasant sensations but for now you don't need to worry. Your feelings are not abnormal.

How do family members feel?

It is only natural that your heart attack has had a great emotional impact on your entire family. This is a common thing. When you got to the hospital, your loved ones were most likely very scared. Now they are dissatisfied with the fact that your heart attack is not at all in time. Try to understand that this is not unusual, in fact, they do not blame you for anything, although sometimes it seems that this is so.

Another common feeling your family members might have. - guilt. It seems to them that in some way they are responsible for what happened, that sometimes they did things that could provoke a heart attack in you. This is especially true for teenage children. Talk to them. Explain to them that although heart attacks happen suddenly, the causes that cause them take many years to form.

If there are any fears and resentments in your family, it is more useful to discuss them frankly. Do not give vent to bad feelings - it is harmful.

How long can a state of depression last?

Be patient. After a heart attack, it is almost impossible not to feel fear, irritation, or a feeling of uselessness. In fact, it takes 2 to 6 months (and more) until these feelings subside completely.

You are going through a difficult time, which is why you and your family and friends need understanding and empathy. If you are constantly irritated, depressed, or drink a lot, tell your doctor and follow his advice.

How to recognize depression?

There are several signs that true depression is developing.

Let's point out the following:

Sleep problems: you have insomnia or, on the contrary, you constantly want to sleep.
Poor appetite, food has lost its taste and / or you have lost your appetite.
Fast fatiguability. You get tired very easily, you have no strength.

Emotional instability. You are stressed, irritated, or agitated, or, conversely, you feel lethargic and lethargic.
Loss of sharpness of perception. You find it difficult to concentrate.
Apathy. You have lost interest in your previous hobbies (theater, reading, sports, etc.).

Self-criticism. You feel worthless or inadequate.
Despair. You are not abandoned by thoughts of death or suicide.
Sloppy. You don't look after your appearance and don't clean up after yourself.

If one of these symptoms appears, tell your doctor. It will determine if your condition is normal or if you are developing true depression. The doctor will prescribe treatment and you will feel better.

Why am I weak now that I am at home? This is heart failure.

In the hospital, you must stay in bed for a long time, and when you return home, you will certainly feel weak. The main reason for this is not heart attack damage to your heart, but because inactive muscles weaken very quickly. Deprived of efficiency, muscles lose 15% of their strength in just a week.

You can only restore strength to your muscles through exercise. This is why your doctor has given you a program of gradual build-up of exercises that you should do at home. But even with regular exercise, it is important to remember that in any case it will take 2 to 6 weeks (and more) to return the muscles to normal.

In addition, it must be remembered that the better you were physically prepared before a heart attack, the longer it will take to recover.

What is the likelihood of returning to your old life?

Most people who have had a heart attack can resume their activities after a few weeks or months, although certain lifestyle changes are likely to be necessary.

When the heart heals, the scar is usually not large enough to interfere with pumping blood, so you don't need to limit your activity too much.

The overwhelming majority of people who have had a heart attack for the first time recover completely and have been engaged in fruitful activities for many years.

When can I return to work?

80-90% of people who have had a heart attack return to their previous job. Of course, it depends on two things: how deeply the heart is touched and what the job requires of you. Some leave their previous service and find a new one, with less (physical or mental) stress on the heart.

When I get back to work, will I have to rest all the time off work?

Rest and quiet are, of course, essential. But public life is as useful to you as it is to other people. In many cases, doctors even recommend that patients who have had a heart attack do more sports than before a heart attack.

A good night's sleep is important for everyone, but especially for those who have had a heart attack. A short nap or rest is also helpful. For people with heart problems, it is important to rest before they get tired. The doctor will tell you what exactly suits you best.

Most heart attack patients soon find that they have enough energy for both work and outdoor activities.

What types of physical activity can you do?

Basically, people recovering from a heart attack can walk, play golf, fish, swim without any problems. Physical activity is beneficial and recommended for most heart patients. But still, first you need to consult with your doctor about the dose that is acceptable for you.

With the help of special tests on simulators, a "bicycle" or a walking path, the doctor will determine the nature of the exercises and their volume for you.

Will there be chest pains?

Not everyone has chest pains after a heart attack: many do not have them at all.

You may develop angina pectoris. Angina pectoris is manifested by mild pain or heaviness in the chest, which are caused by the fact that part of the muscle does not receive enough blood (and therefore oxygen) to do its work.

Therefore, angina pectoris usually manifests itself during and immediately after physical exertion, intense excitement, or after an abundant meal. If you find yourself susceptible to angina attacks, tell your doctor. He will prescribe medications to relieve or prevent pain.

In addition to medication, exercise is a good treatment for angina. After exercising regularly for a while. you will find that you are able to endure longer physical activity than before.

Angina attacks, if any, will happen less and less frequently. This is a consequence of collateral circulation: the heart begins to receive more oxygen and blood.

If an angina attack occurs after each small exercise and becomes more painful, see your doctor immediately.

Should a second heart attack be expected?

Not necessary. Of course, no one can answer this question with complete certainty, but if you follow your doctor's recommendations for weight, diet, work, treatment, physical activity and rest, you will have more possibilities live life calmly and avoid heart attacks in the future.

It should also be borne in mind that the study ischemic disease every day let you learn something about her burden. Today, patients with coronary heart disease have more prospects than a few years ago, and the situation will improve in the future. So there is something to hope for.

Dalasyuk R.I., Kamrat L.P., Shevchuk T.F.

Hello dear readers! IN last years myocardial infarction has become a relatively common disease. For those who have suffered it, life after a heart attack is divided into two halves: before and after the disease. But the fact is, if the patient survived after this serious illness, then he was incredibly lucky.

To return to your usual way of life, for some time, or maybe constantly, you will have to give up your habits. We must constantly remember what can and cannot be done. But everything is reversible if you follow the advice that I will set out in my article.

Statistics say that today the rapid mortality of patients after myocardial infarction is only 12% of the total number of patients with a similar diagnosis.

A heart attack is not a sentence. Those who have suffered from this disease often become depressed, believing that they will have to deal with the consequences of this disease for a long time, or maybe until the end of their days. They begin to think that they will not be able to do their favorite activities and will have to observe life from the sidelines. But if the statistics are to be believed, then this is absolutely not the case.

Even before the beginning of the last century, it was believed that a similar disease occurs in the elderly. And it was much less common than it is now. Now, myocardial infarction occurs in people of a fairly young age at the age of 30-35 years. And if earlier this was more common in men, now this disease is often recorded in women.

Currently, there are many cases when those who have suffered myocardial infarction return to full life, live a long time and at the same time feel quite happy. But this is possible only if certain rules are observed. Even the slightest indulgence increases the risk of a second heart attack and unpredictable consequences.

Life after a heart attack - the highlights of rehabilitation

Myocardial infarction is one of the clinical forms of ischemic heart disease, which proceeds with the development of necrosis of the area of ​​the heart muscle, caused by absolute or relative insufficiency of blood supply.

The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures depends on the severity of the condition, how pronounced coronary insufficiency, the presence of complications and the nature of the transferred heart attack (transmural or small focal).

What you need to observe and what you need to pay attention to:

  • Weight control and dieting;
  • Control of blood pressure and blood cholesterol and glucose levels;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Psychological assistance - prevention of stressful situations and chronic fatigue.

Let us examine these points in more detail.

Weight control and diet

After suffering a disease, the heart muscle is subjected to serious stress if the body weight is sufficiently above normal. Therefore, if you are overweight, you should try to reduce it. The first key to weight loss is diet. It is strictly forbidden to use strict diets. The most the best option will use small portions food, but every 3 hours.

Diet should be varied, but cholesterol-rich foods should be avoided, since a third of coronary heart disease cases are caused by high cholesterol. Fatty, fried food is categorically contraindicated - it contributes to the further development of atherosclerosis.

To eliminate the risk of further development and a second attack, you should use more:

  • Whole grain breads and cereals;
  • Fresh and processed vegetables - 200 g, fresh and frozen fruits - at least 5 servings per day (1 serving is 1 apple, or 1 banana, or 1 orange, or 1 pear, or 2 kiwi, or 2 plums, or 1 slice melons, or 1 glass of juice);
  • All legumes (including soy and soy protein) - 300-400 g per week;
  • Lean meats, lean and fatty fish should be consumed no more than twice a week, fish is preferable northern seas, you can eat seafood in moderation;
  • Low-fat milk or fermented milk products - 200 ml, cottage cheese or low-fat cheese - 30 g;
  • Protein chicken eggs, yolk - 2-3 times a week;
  • Low-calorie sweets;
  • For food dressings, you can use vinegar, ketchup, mustard, and fat-free dressings. Instead of animal fats, it is preferable to use vegetable oils, the best thing .

It should be remembered that it is necessary to limit consumption, completely abandon smoked meats, coffee, chocolate, alcohol.

To maintain the normal functioning of the heart muscle, it is necessary to eat dried apricots, raisins, prunes, which are rich in potassium, and seafood, rich in iodine.

Rejection of bad habits

If you had a habit of smoking or alcohol abuse before the illness, then after the illness you should forget about them. forever and ever... Doctors allow such patients sometimes drink a glass of dry wine or a glass of good, but smoking is out of the question. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict, which can adversely affect the coronary vessels and cause a second attack.

Blood pressure control

After suffering a myocardial infarction, doctors recommend measuring blood pressure and pulse 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening at the same time, as well as when the state of health changes. Blood pressure should not exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art., and the pulse is 55-60 beats per minute.

Stable blood pressure indicates normal heart function. If you do not have a blood pressure monitor, you must purchase one. And how to choose it, I wrote

Also, 2 times a year, you should check your cholesterol and blood glucose levels. This is necessary to correct treatment and prevent risk factors for re-exacerbation.

I already said that from excess weight gives an additional burden to the heart. To avoid this, you will have to lose weight. This is facilitated by physical activity.

Physical activity should be gentle and dosed, which means that immediately after being discharged from the hospital, they should not lift more than 3 kg of weight and walk, depending on how they feel, no more than 500-1000 meters. The most accessible physical activity is walking. You should go for a walk in any weather, with the exception of hot and cold days. With a satisfactory state of health, physical activity can be increased, but gradually, but not more often than once a week.

Physiotherapy exercises also have a great positive role. The rehabilitation center always undergoes exercise therapy under the guidance of a doctor. You should do the same exercises at home, play this video and work with a trainer.

Psychological help

A person who has suffered such a serious illness cannot forget the feelings that led him to such a state for a long time. 40% of patients experience fear of a second attack, listen to their heart, various phobias, are afraid to be alone at home, do not walk unaccompanied. In addition, the patient can be irritable, sleep poorly, and various gloomy thoughts overwhelm him.

The role of relatives in this situation is to support and reassure him. It is important to create a positive climate in the family, to communicate more. In some hospitals, special psychological support groups are being set up to teach how to behave after suffering a myocardial infarction.

It is important to avoid stress and not overwork. Perhaps, in the first weeks after discharge from the hospital, arrange a nap.

Being busy is also important. Try to do something you can do, a hobby. But don't forget about the allowable loads. The hobby will distract from negative thoughts and fill the day with pleasant things. The main thing is to do what you like. Do not lock yourself in four walls, walk more and chat with friends.

Again, according to statistics, people with positive attitude after suffering heart diseases, they live 2 times longer than someone who has withdrawn into himself.

Intimate life

Most often now myocardial infarction occurs in men, as they say, in the prime of life. Therefore, many of them worry and try to find out if sex is possible after the disease. Doctors say that sex in this case is not only possible, but, on the contrary, is needed. After all, it evokes only positive emotions.

Some men have some problems with intimate life- decreased sex drive, sexual weakness, etc. This can be caused by taking some medications that are still prescribed for some time after you leave the hospital. Some men are very worried about this, which can cause hypochondriacal syndrome and further aggravate the situation.

You should not worry about this, over time everything will return to normal. If the situation is very annoying, then you can consult a doctor and he will prescribe additional treatment and psychotherapy.


In conclusion, I want to add to you that you should not refuse to take medications that have been prescribed by your doctor. They are vital at first. Some of them prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood, others eliminate pain, shortness of breath and anxiety. Visit your local doctor regularly to monitor your condition.

If you feel, don't pull - put a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue, chew and swallow an aspirin tablet, and call an ambulance.

Sometimes you have to resort to stenting, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Stenting is the expansion of the lumen of the coronary vessels using a stent, as a result of which the blood supply to the affected area is restored. According to reviews, after such a procedure, the patients feel much more beautiful and then live a full life.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to live after myocardial infarction. I hope that this misfortune will bypass you. And if this happened, then be sure to follow these tips and then everything will be fine with you! And I say goodbye to you until we meet again, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and go through the social buttons. networks if this article was helpful to you.

Taisiya Filippova was with you.

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