How to pour the foundation under the bath? The optimal foundation height for the bath for how much to plunge the ribbon foundation under the bath

The construction of each construction takes its beginning from the stage of arrangement of the foundation. In this regard, it is from the correct choice of its type and further competent installation, the service life and reliability of the entire building will depend on. Choose the type of foundation follows from the type and characteristics of the soil. It is necessary to study at what depth are groundwater, consider the relief, on which the construction site spread. Based on the above criteria, and the choice is made. If you want to equip the bath, it is recommended to use the LF base. It is important to determine which depth of the ribbon foundation under the bath. About how to build such a basis and what is necessary for this, and it will be discussed in this article.

What materials are needed

First you need to decide on what materials you need. In general, LF foundation is usually executed from the following components:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete component;
  • Reinforced concrete blocks manufactured in production;
  • Red brick burned type;
  • Small blocks made of concrete.

In addition to the above materials that may be needed to build a foundation base, sand, crushed stone (either gravel), as well as rubberoids will be needed. It can be useful and hot bitumen. Based on what kind of foundation you choose, you may need a concrete mixture. It can not only book it, but also prepare. Also, fittings are also often necessary. Among other things, it will take a certain amount of sawn timber to arrange formwork.

Preliminary preparation

Whatever your type of foundation is the foundation, its arrangement should be started with the preparatory stage. In its framework, the construction site is preparing, and the axes are broken. The place that you prefer to highlight for the subsequent construction there should be cleaned, from whatever garbage, and you should also remove shrubs, trees and other plants. It is necessary to do this, regardless of which depth of the ribbon foundation is planned.

Then the upper layer of soil should be removed by about twenty-five centimeters. In the event that trees have previously grew in the construction site, then roots should be rewarded. This is done in order to completely exclude the possibility of their germination under the completed design.

Subsequent actions will be associated with the breakdown of the foundation plan:

  1. In the corners of the site you need to knots.
  2. Between previously drunk, the cord should be stretched.
  3. You will receive lines that can already be considered in a sense of the axes of the planned foundation base.
  4. It is necessary to check the correctness of the built-in corners. To do this, measure the diagonal distances, they must be equal to each other.

Next, the manufactured work will be associated with the excavation of the trench and subsequent actions in it. Its width should be on average about 50 centimeters. This indicator, of course, maybe less. At the same time, it is necessary to dig in such a way that it would be possible to move to a person without any problems performing the formwork. The depth of the bonding foundation usually does not exceed seventy centimeters. You can choose another digit, but this will be enough to equip a similar building.

The foundation axis, which is denoted by the cord, should be carried out in the middle of the trench part. This is an important effect, since this axis must be measured and set the formwork. It should be measured in two sides, 50% of the width of the future foundation. In some cases, the sweeping of the soil in the trenches becomes possible. To avoid this, you should perform its walls with a small slope. If this is done not, the output will be in strengthening their material. This will lead to an increase in temporary and, possibly, financial costs.

When scrolling the trench, the horizontal level should be observed. Then you need to arrange a sand-gravel pillow. Instead of gravel, crushed stone can also be used. First, the sand is damaged, which then need to be loosen, moistened and tamper. Then the gravel layer flies, he, in turn, should also be tamped.

Construction of the formwork

After you decide which the depth of making a ribbon foundation, a trench and a sandy-gravel pillow will be prepared, you can start the formwork. In order to arrange its arrangement, a sawn timber is usually used. At the same time, it is permissible to use moisture-resistant faeer, as well as shields or scrappers. Meaning the boards are formed by spaces that need to be sewn from the outer part by means of narrow slats. This is performed in order to prevent cement leakage, and the foundation base could not weaken their strength.

Reinforcement of the foundation base

The foundation component is most often reinforced within the trench. In addition, the method of mating framework is often used on the ground with a follow-up to the formwork. You can use this method that will be convenient for you. In order to carry out reinforcement, the reinforcement is used, which in diameter is 0.6 centimeters, a deviation of 0.1 centimeters is allowed.

First, all frame components that are in the same plane are subject to binding. All this will look like a ladder, which exists a step of a crossbar, which is 1-1,5 cm. Based on how the depth of the ribbon foundation is selected under the bath, the number of ladies can reach three. They are associated with small armo rods. As a result, you will get a volume of 4-coal lattice facilities. For the implementation of assembly actions, a finely indentible wire is used, as well as a specialized hook. The reinforced frame must be mounted in the formwork, the distance between the formwork and the band rods became approximately five centimeters. On this operation, the reinforcement stage of the LF for a bath ends. Next, the stage of the bay of concrete should be conducted.

Concrete the foundation foundation

The mixture of concrete is required to be installed in the formwork as quickly as possible. There should be no long break. In other cases, the monolith may not work, unrelated separate layers will be released. After the concrete mixture is laid, a pinch should be carried out. This action is that it is necessary to pierce many times. To this end, you can use any sharp object. So, for example, a rod or scrap is useful for this. This action is performed in order to uniformly distribute the concrete mixture between the formwork and the reinforcement component. Thus, all sorts of voids will be filled. This is especially important when the ribbon foundation is laying on the depth of freezing.

In case of neglecting these actions, the likelihood of emptiness is great. They will greatly worsen the strength of concrete, which will adversely affect the reliability of the whole design. The concrete mix should also be laid in accordance with the level of horizontal side. For this purpose, risks are applied to internal formwork walls. Next, the concrete mixture is aligned with the formwork on top of the flaps, exposed just according to the level. The concrete component will be able to become 100% durable for four weeks.

Waterproofing work

The finished foundation foundation also needs to prevent the negative impact of moisture. It comes not only from precipitation, but also from the soil itself. In order to implement the waterproofing of the horizontal type, the runneroid is used. It is spread itself under the walls, and this does not depend on the material from which the latter are made, as well as the depth of the finely breeding belt foundation.

Side surfaces must be asked using hot bitumen. This operation is performed two or three times. In addition, it is necessary to perform the scene, the width of which will be a little more than half a meter. It is performed in order for water to be drained from the roof of the construction, would not get into the foundation of the bath. At this step, the actions to arrange the foundation base of the bath are completed. Successes in construction!

The correct calculation and laying of the foundation is one of the most responsible moments at the construction stage. But if the middle man can still figure out the materials and type of foundation, then how to determine the depth of the foundation for a particular area is another question.

The depth of the foundation is dependent on many factors - these are climatic features, and groundwater, and the type of soil. The foundation of any structure should be buried to the ground in order to avoid the destruction of the structure from the gravity of the building, the movement of the soils, invisible to the eye and the arms of precipitation.

Deeper - not always better

Some experienced architects believe that the deeper the foundation, the stronger is stronger. However, many customers wish to save on materials, and prohibitions are confident that a small fundamental foundation is not always the appropriate option.

In order to determine the correct level of reel, it will be necessary to help specialists to make geological and engineering surveys, measure the depth of freezing and the presence of groundwater height, as well as explore the type of soil. A major role in the depths of the foundation plays a constructive feature of the building, its superstructures, floors and materials used.

If on your site "Restless" soil, it does not make sense to deeply bury the foundation, it is best to create a solid, compacted finely remedy sole. For the construction of not a massive structure, such as a bath, it is not worth it too much to deepen the foundation and thereby "bury the funds to the ground."

The depth of the foundation depends on how much you studied the problem of your site, for example, if water is often visible on the surface, then you must create the right drainage system. Strengthen if necessary, the foundation can be supported.

Regions where landslides often occur, and the foundation is regularly shaped, it is necessary to strengthen the soil. For sandy soil, silication will be required - this is introduced into the soil of liquid glass mixed with water 1: 1. After watering, the sand needs to be carefully tumped and you can then lay the foundation.

Determination of the foundation depth - Important moments

Initially determine the average temperature of the region. Of course, it is possible to proceed from the average calculations, but if you live in the northern region, it is better to be restrained and lay the foundation for a depth of 110 cm.

It is also necessary to take into account whether your basement will be heated if this part of the structure is unheard, then the tab is made by 10% deeper level of the freezing. With heated basement, the depth of the bookmark is made by 20% above the level of the freezing. The foundation for a bath or garage can be laid at a depth of 40 cm. But not less.

The depth of the foundation in all regions is its own. If it is difficult for you to determine yourself this moment, then you can ask for such characteristics from the neighbors. However, it is necessary to take into account whether there is a reservoir next to your construction, which can cause the soil.

Groundwater and soil

Seasonal trimming is when water freezes water in winter and increases in volume, pushing everything in soil. During the spring melting, water melts and lowers the soil in place. If you are planning to lay a ribbon foundation, then you need to know the water saturation of your region. If the soil is a loam, then the shroud must be significant.

Feature of finelylable foundation

When determining the foundation, it is also necessary to pay attention to the materials that you will use for construction. For example, the logs and the timber are considered a flexible building material that easily transfers all the soil unrest. For a bath from a log, it will be enough to lay the foundation for a depth of 50 cm.

Most often, small-scale foundations are applied in order to save: unearmable earthworks and the use of coarse sand, helping to reduce the level of deformation. But the stone and brick are a "fragile" material that is not able to withstand all the oscillations and stretching of the soil.

We hope our article helped you, and now you know how the depth of the foundation is determined. We wish you a successful and proper construction.

How determines the depth of the foundation under the bath?

The correct calculation and laying of the foundation is one of the most responsible moments at the construction stage. But if the materials and type of foundation can still

Determine the depth of the bookmark of the Belt Type Foundation

The ribbon foundation is a monolithic reinforced construction of a rectangular section, without any problems that perceiving the weight of the bearing walls of low-rise houses with a specific density of materials in the range of 1000-1300 kg / m 3. The demand of this type of base in private construction is explained by the relative simplicity of its construction, good carrier abilities and average costs. The main criterion of reliability is the magnitude of the plug in the ground, its calculation, taking into account the parameters of the soil and the type of construction is required.

Factors of influence

The tape is laid under all the supporting walls of a residential building or economic buildings perceiving and redistributing both all weight loads from above and the force of exposure to the frosty powder of the soil from below and on the sides of the monolith. With its insufficient depth of the soil movement during freezing and thawing, they are able to shift or destroy the foundation, which leads to distortion and cracking of the walls or the fence, which is unacceptable. In the right railway ribbons, the sole is located on stable layers that are not susceptible to frosty bent, ideally not admissible. In general, the following factors affect its depth:

1. The type of soil, depending on the type of breeds and the degree of their mobility and water saturation, they are divided into bubbly and non-empty. In the first case, the expediency of the construction of a tape in doubt, its depth should be at least the level of freezing (and sometimes not enough). From the tape base, it is recommended to refuse to build on hard soils, artificial mounds, peatlands and wetlands.

2. The degree of freezing is a factor depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

3. The level of groundwater is a criterion that is inextricably connected with the previous one. When they flow below the line of freezing problems during the construction of the foundation, it does not occur at all: on movable soils, the depth of the embedding is chosen equal to half, on stable soils - the minimum permissible.

4. The massiveness and durability of the future building. With the erection of low-rise buildings, the factors listed above are determined by taking soil samples and the study of water behavior at a depth of 3.5 to 5 m (the higher the mass of the construction, the lower the sample is taken), for multi-storey - at least 8-9 m.

5. Constructive features: the presence of basement or heating in the house. According to the rules, unheated structures are located 10% below the regulatory line of freezing heated - 20-30% higher.

Calculation of the depth of the foundation

The relationship between the factors and the height of the belt base to zero mark is reflected in the table:

During the construction of non-uniform soils or the presence of mobile and water-saturated layers, the tape height increases to achieve a solid base with stable characteristics. The upper limit is limited by considerations of economic feasibility, if necessary, bookmarks below 2.5 m It is worth choosing another type of design.

All ribbons are divided into small and deep-shaped. Without adoption of additional measures, the first type is possible only when the foundation is layered under a wooden house with the number of floor not higher than 2, a non-stable or frame structure, a bath or garage on stable soils and with groundwater leakage below the level of freezing by 2 m. In other cases, more reliable is considered The variant of deep downstream. The estimated ribbon height directly depends on the line of the freezing and is determined by the formula:

k is the coefficient of the effect of the heat of the structure to the degree of frozening of the soil from the outer walls, for houses without heating, it is taken equal to 1.1, for tape foundations of residential buildings with heating - from 0.4 to 1, depending on the type of flooring, the presence of basement or heated underground and the average daily temperature indoors inside. This is a tabular parameter defined by the Rules of Heat Engineering;

DF - Regulatory drainage depth. Its value can be taken from the tables with the results of these perennial observations or calculate based on the soil parameters on the site and the average monthly negative temperatures according to the formula DF \u003d DO · m; DO is taken equal to 0.23 for clays and loams, 0.28 - splees, dust and small sands, 0.3 are the same for grave and medium size, 0.34 - large-chip.

The easiest way to take DF from the tables, they are indicated in many construction and climatic crops of the rules, for example, in SNiP 23-01-99. When calculating the foundation in the Moscow region on the rocky soils, it is 2.0, large and medium-sized sands - 1.76, clay and sublinks - 1.35, small sands - 1.64. When working on inhomogeneous soils to determine the minimum allowable depth of the building base, the weighted average value is selected. It is important to make sure that its sole resumes the stable layers.

The resulting parameter will be minimal, depending on the complexity of the soil, the real level of lowering the lower edge is 10-20% more calculated. During the construction of relatively light houses from gas-blocks with a flood to 3 on stable soils with an AGR above the freezing line, the belt foundation should be deepened by 10-20 cm, when used to build bearing walls of heavier building materials - up to 30-35.

Despite the direct dependence between the depth of the ribbon and its reliability, it is important to understand the principle: with the intensive effects of frosty, the risk of destruction of the design is invariably large. An increase in the height of the part shipped to the Earth does not solve all problems, but leads to an increase in costs. In order to avoid a similar situation and reducing the effect of frosty, a number of measures are taken:

1. The ribbon base is placed on a drainage pillow of rubble and sand, the required minimum of this layer for residential buildings is 20 cm, under the frame structure or bath - 15, on particularly complex soils, it is recommended to fall asleep even under the foundations of heavy fences from bricks, stone or concrete. .

2. At risk of overwhelming around the perimeter of the building, placing the storm sewage or drainage system is envisaged.

3. The ends of the ribbon are protected from moisture by building materials with a low coefficient of friction, suitable characteristics have reasoning mastic and rolled waterproofing.

4. The foundation cross section is not performed by rectangular, but a trapezoidal, with a narrowing at the top.

5. The walls of the base are falling asleep by more dense types of soils, with smaller abilities to the accumulation of moisture. The most radical and effective measure is a complete replacement of the soil by digging the boilers below the level of freezing with the subsequent backing and rubbing of the sand.

6. Concrete breakdowns with a slight slope (up to 10 °) are equipped around the perimeter. Their width depends on the type of soil and the length of the sink of the roof, in particularly complex cases they are laid on 1 m around the house. The simplest way to reduce the effect of frosty radiation (and the depth of the foundation of the base of the house) is its insulation with plates of extruded polystyrene foam. The laying of such a thickness of 5 cm thick in times reduces the risk of freezing structures.

The above measures are implemented partially or in the complex and allow you to choose a more economical and less labor-intensive belt foundation of minor embodiment even during construction on the heated and complex soils. When the trenches, the selection of formwork and the calculation of materials should be remembered whether the need for drainage layers and one-time fill of a bewitled and overhead part should be remembered. In a properly laid base, the height of the base area is always less than filled, otherwise the building will not last long without adopting additional actions.

Features of finely breeded foundation

The optimal option for a light low-rise cottage, a frame structure, a bath or garage is considered a reinforced monolithic tape of small embedding. Its minimal depth for residential buildings on all types of non-empty and low soils is 45 cm, on clay - 75. In practice, the belt small-breed base is laid by 50-70 cm below the level of the ground (with an height of the base within 40-50 cm). For a single-storey bath, there is a 40 cm tape, under heavy and high fence made of metal, concrete or stone requires a monolith in 60-80, the same for the lungs - 30-40.

When erected, a number of requirements and recommendations are taken into account:

  • Regardless of the appointment of the construction, measures are provided from water removal. Even fencing needs in the breakfast.
  • The maximum allowable height of the above-ground section does not exceed the 4-fold ribbon width. At the same time, by analogy with the foundations of deep downstream, it should be less than the part below the soil level.
  • In the presence of an imagine, it is important to take care of the Bookmark of the ventilation products even at the fill stage.
  • During the construction of extended buildings and supporting structures, the length of one compartment of the reinforced monolith is limited to 30 m on stable and sedentary soils, 25 - medium, 20 and 15 strongly and excessively bunched, respectively.
  • In order to ensure maximum protection against freezing, the lateral walls of a small-breeding base is recommended to be insulated and waterproof.

Depth of the attachment of the ribbon foundation under the garage, bath and house calculation

What affects the depth of the labeling foundation? Features of the construction of small-brewed grounds. Useful recommendations from specialists.

What is the "height of the foundation of the bath" and "depth of the mortgage"? What to take into account?

In view of the fact that some confusion is possible when using construction terms of non-professional, it makes sense to devote a whole article to the definition and disclosure of such concepts as "the foundation height for the bath from the Earth", the "basement depth for a bath", especially in the annex to various circumstances, namely : Type of soil, the type of the foundation itself, the material of the walls.

All these factors affect the specific numbers of height and depth.

Let's start with definitions.

Terminology: Foundation Height for Bath and Depth

The base for the building can be divided into parts: overhead and underground.

The foundation is considered This part, which is located above the surface of the soil, and its value is determined by counting from this surface. Depth going It is determined by its part, which is located in the soil, and in this case it is also referred to the countdown from the soil surface.

The main purpose of the height of the base is to prevent the contact of the bottom of the structure with the soil. It is necessary to prevent the undesirable consequences of a devastating nature, the causes of which can be: shrinkage of the building, moisture and other.

The depth of the base under the bath largely depends on such factors: the mass of the building, the type of soil on which it is located.

The deepening is intended, also, to protect the construction from the negative impact caused by some features that are manifested in the freezing of the soil.

Useful video

Check out the video in which it is stated on which depth it is necessary to lay the foundation, and the reasons for this choice are explained.

Now consider the dependence of the height and depth of the already mentioned factors.

From which the depth and the height of the foundation from the Earth

We systematize already known. The vertical size of the foundation affects:

  • material;
  • priming;
  • presence / absence of basement;
  • height of snow cover;
  • the intensity of precipitation;
  • ground water level;
  • depth of freezing.

The material from which the base of the bath is created is quite varied: it can be reinforced concrete, steel, wood, brick, stone, asbetic pipes.

Pile Supports (made of steel or reinforced concrete) are usually made at least 1.5 meters, and if necessary, the length of the pile can reach 9 meters. Most, of course, is underground.

Reinforced concrete slab type It has a thickness of 10-30 cm, but often complemented by ribbed ribs with which the total thickness can reach 50 or more see.

Reinforced concrete ribbon type It is drunk either by 20 cm deeper than the fertile layer, or on 20 deeper the stratum of the freezing soil - it gives the difference, on average, 1.5 meters. The main factor is the bunch of soil.

Packed supportswhich are made of bricks, stone, wood, asbetic pipes or reinforced concrete, are plunged in the same way as a ribbon foundation: either finely, if the ground does not freeze or deeply if it is pumped.

Priming - much more influential factor, because it is precisely it is determining for the type of foundation, and therefore for its vertical sizes.

The most important carrying capacity of the soil. Buildings weigh a lot, so weak soil under their weight sends, which leads to deformation and destruction of the structure. The foundation is needed in order to transfer the load from the building with more dense layers of soil with the greatest bearing capacity.

Almost the same value has the depth of the primer of the soil in this area. If the soil is composed with clay, thin and other bunched soils, this means that the soil volume increases when the water in it turns into ice, and is reduced when the ice melts, which leads to the shifts vertically and horizontally. In addition, the shifts are uneven.

therefore foundations are plugged below the level of ground freezing - It gives a reliable support for the carrier layer and the ability to resist soil progress. Although the last statement is true for heavy buildings, but the lungs are still suffering from the soil, so they need additional protection.

All this means that on a dense soil with a good bearing ability, for example, from large sand with gravel, it is possible to make small-brewed bases of the bath of any type, while the problematic soil is a bumping or weak requires aleutment to the carrier layer. So the soil affects the height and depth of the foundation.

Basement in the building It affects the reference of the foundation down starts from its base. Basically, basement Correctly consider part of a swallowed foundation.

Another factor - ground water level. According to the rules of construction, it is necessary to lay the sole of the foundation above the level, to which water rises in the soil.

But this is not always possible. After all, groundwater can be higher than the level of ground freezing, and this creates a contradiction with the rule saying that the base is laid below the level of frozen soil. In such cases, construction is sharply becoming more expensive, because it is necessary to solve the problem of removal of groundwater and increasing the durability of the foundation.

Last two factors ( height of snow cover and intensity of Ospalkov In this area) affect not so much at the depth of the investment, as at the height of the foundation.

You remember that the part of the foundation that rises above the ground, one of its functions has protection of walls from moisture. Therefore, when choosing a height, it is worth relying on the statistical data that speakers the height of the snow cover into the very snowy winter. The foundation should be 10 cm above this mark.

IMPORTANT! If the snow falls out, then it is necessary to repel from the minimum height of 30 cm.

As for the intensity of precipitation, then it is higher, the greater the need for the breakdown and the organization of stormwater and drainage. At the same time, of course, the height of the winding ground of the building should be less than the height of the foundation.

Now is the time to consider the dependence of the foundation from its type.

By types of foundations

This type transmits the load on the ground in the form of a tape, slimming the perimeter of the building and passing under partitions inside. The design is more stable if it is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, and less stable in the manufacture of finished blocks.

The depth depends on the levels: groundwater, soil freezing, occurring the carrier layer. The rules are as follows: the foundation is plunged by 10-20 cm into the carrier layer, while it is desirable that its sole is above the coving and below the border of the frozen soil.

The minimum height of the belt foundation is 20 cm, but it should be more where high snow cover and abundant precipitation.

Small breeding

Such a type has a common vertical size of 50-70 cm, which, minus 20-30 cm of height, gives 20-50 cm of gluing into the ground. It is usually placed on 20 cm below the border of the fertile layer. See photo with a scheme above.

Deeply breed

The defining factor is the depth of the carrier layer, then - the depth of the freezing. Above mentioned the rules. It is clear that if the carrier layer lies 2 meters from the surface, and the depth of the frozen 1.5 meters, it will have to plunge 2.2 meters, and not by 1.7.

Columnally small breed

Options of a columnar base are more than two, but we will consider only the one in the title. For complete rehabilitation, the same soil freezing tables are used and the results of geo-objects, as for the belt foundation (and by the same rules).

For the bath more often make a small-breeding foundation, the height of which over the ground is 20-30 cm, and the depth of the embedding is 40-60 cm. Therefore, the vertical size of one pillar is from 60 to 90 cm.

Piles can be steel and reinforced concrete, the latter are divided into burbill and ready-made. Let's tell about the screw and boronabilic details.


The drilling of the well is not as timeally in order to abandon full blowout even for a bath if the primer requires. therefore the depth of the bonabilic foundation is usually complete - with a 20 cm penetration at the carrier layer. The exact indicators depends on the conditions of a particular area, but the maximum does not exceed 5 meters.

As for the height of the burbilic foundation, it is usually from 20 cm or more.

This type of piles is used as a foundation on permafrost, as well as on the weakest soils that have a carrier layer at a considerable depth. therefore the minimum pile length is 165 cm, and the maximum is 9 meters.

The height on which pile gloves rise above the ground is at least 20 cm, which is stipulated by the bottom, in fact it may vary for each pile, because they are often put on the relief with significant height differences.

For this, the foundation is typically rotated, which is partially filled with a sandy-gravel pillow, after which there is a turn of the most concrete slab, which is poured immediately into the formwork (sometimes after a draft tie). The slab foundation will strongly plunge only if it serves as the basement base. Otherwise, the top of the slab coincides with the level of land.

The magnitude of this thickness depends on what the bearing capacity of the soil and the weight of the building. The stove is placed the thicker than the weight of the building and the smaller the carrying ability of the soil (It is not necessary that these parameters are accompanied by each other).

The minimum thickness is 10 cm. This is enough for the easiest buildings. A heavy construction may require 20-30 cm with double reinforcement plates inside.

So we come to another important factor - the weight of the building. And he, in particular, depends on the material of the walls.

By type of wall materials

Wooden bath: log house, timber

The tree refers to the number of materials that are most sensitive to moisture. Therefore, it will be relevant for him to increase the height of the foundation of any type - the higher, the smaller the walls are available for atmospheric precipitation.

Well, to the depths of the investment, then the primary will be the carrying ability of the soil, which correlates with the total load on it (the weight of the bath is roofing, walls, overlaps, equipment, people).

Frame, shield

These structures include the same as the tree said. If you can raise the foundation higher above the level of land - it is better to do it.

Alone, the frame and shield shield belong to light designs, therefore (if the soil allows), under them you can make small-breeding foundations of any type.

Foam block

That's what happens with foam block from moisture

Cellular concretes from which blocks are made, there are two types: foam blocks and gas-silicate blocks. The first on the rack to moisture, but the second it is simply soaked. But those and others are trying to protect against water. Therefore, the enlarged height of the foundation and here can help.

Foam blocks - lightweight material, so the load of such walls on the foundation is small. It means that on durable soil Better to do under such a bath fine-breeding foundation.

From other blocks, brick

Other block materials - brick, slag blocks - weigh much more. Therefore, it requires a stronger base. The height of the soil and weight of the bath will be influenced. After all, in addition to precipitation protection, the foundation height is capable of covering the gradual shrinkage of the soil. So even for bricks, the high foundation does not hurt.

The depth of the embedding for such buildings is preferable to complete.

So, the foundation height for the bath is determined primarily by the height of the snow cover, and what depth should be the foundation under the bath bearing the supporting ability. All other factors will either be derived, or there will be less influence. Do not save on the foundation where nature is against you.

Foundation Height for Baths from Earth, Station Depth - Terms, Standards, Recommendations

What is the height and depth of the foundation of the bath, in what dependence these parameters are with the type of soil, the foundation, the material of the walls and what the slopes say. What depth should be the foundation under the bathroom, consider the answer to the question in detail.

Determination of the depth of the foundation under the bath

The depth of the foundation under the bath

The bath is very popular as a rural resident and citizens. At the same time, it is possible to build a bath in virtually any plot. Basic attention when erecting a bath requires a foundation. It is this part that will determine the life of the entire design. Therefore, the foundation device under the bath should be carried out with the following important points.

Features of the establishment of the base under the bath

In general, the base for the bath does not have special differences. However, when it is erected, some points should be taken into account:

Base Features for Bath

  • In most cases, the baths relate to light buildings, so the ribbon base of a small blowout with a pillow from sand and rubble can be considered optimal option.
  • For a stove of brick or stone, a separate foundation is needed, lagging on the main ribbon to several centimeters.
  • The presence in the foundation of holes for venting is considered.
  • Special attention is paid to the organization of removal from the bathing bath.
  • In some cases, you need to consider the sealless communications.

Types of foundations for a bath

The bath can be erected on any foundation, it all depends on the desire and material opportunities. Two types of foundation are most popular when building a bath:

Battery species for bath

  1. The tape base is suitable for the construction of a small brick and stone buildings on the soils of weak radiation. This is a fairly durable basis, although it requires considerable costs of the device.
  2. The columnar base under the bath is used on problem soils. Does not require large exercises. More suitable for buildings from wood or foam blocks.

What influences the depth of the bunch of tape base

A properly defined depth of the foundation will help to avoid the sedimentation of walls and the foundation, deformation of the base and structure, will prevent the appearance of cracks. Therefore, the calculation of the depth of the foundation must be carried out before starting work on its installation. The following points are taken into account:

Type of soil

The accurate type of soil helps to determine geological research. Depending on the result obtained, the depth of the foundation is determined:

  • On the soil with a predominance of small or dust sand, there is a possibility of a strong shrinkage of the foundation. To compensate for this drawback, the layout depth is increased from 0.5 meters to 1 meter.
  • On grave and large sandy soils that are distinguished by reliable supporting qualities, the foundation gives a minor shrinkage. Therefore, here you can equip a small-breeding foundation, the depth of which lies in the range of 0.2-0.5 m. In addition, on such a soil, it is possible to build a foundation on columns or piles.
  • Rock soil is characterized by a good bearing capacity. The shrinkage of the foundation is almost not observed, so it is possible to build large-sized structures. Rocky soil is not prone to bent, therefore, it is possible to plunge the foundation slightly (within 0.2 m).
  • Clay soils have a small-handed structure. In the pores of such soil, water accumulation can be observed, which leads to a swelling at low air temperature. The calculation of the depth of the foundation on such soils must be taught, given the depth of the freezing. Based on this, it can be concluded that the foundation depth should be lower than the level of friction by 10-20 cm.

Types of soil when choosing a foundation


The location of the groundwater level also plays a huge role when determining the depth of the foundation laying.

  • If the groundwater lies below the level of soil freezing more than 2 meters, the foundation depth for the bath should be more than 50 cm.
  • With the close arrangement of groundwater and the level of freezing, dig a trench is necessary to a mark located below the soil freezing by 10 cm.
  • With the close arrangement of groundwater, the basement device for the bath should be below the level of soil freezing.

Material for walls

In many ways, the material from which it is planned to produce the walls of the construction, determines the depth of the foundation.

Wall Material Building

  • Walls made of stone or brick are sufficiently heavy, so the trench must be sled to a depth of 100-150 centimeters.
  • For a bar and logs used to build a bath structure, a high depth of the foundation is also required, at least 100 centimeters.
  • Bathcloth walls have a mass of several times less bricks, so the foundation can be arranged at a depth of 50 centimeters.
  • Walls from aerated concrete and foam concrete give a substantial load. The foundation depth for such a structure can begin at 40 centimeters.

What depends the depth of the base foundation

The following factors affect the depth of dive pillars for the bath:

  • Type of soil and its bearing capacity.
  • Depth of soil freezing.
  • Proximity of groundwater.
  • Material used to build a bath.

Taking into account the listed criteria, it can be said that the base base for the bath can be several species:

  • Basic base. Its depth should be located below the level of freezing by 50 cm or more. The illuminated option of the foundation can be used on clay soils, inclined to severe bent. This is the most stable and reliable option. On this foundation you can build a bath from any building materials, including stone and brick.
  • Pillars of small-breeding foundation fall into the ground to a depth of 40 cm to 70 cm. Can be used on areas with a predominance of sandy and rocky soils.
  • On the soils of weak radiation it is possible to build a bath on a columnist unlightened foundation. The main condition at the same time that the structure has a small area and a slight weight. When erecting buildings on rock or large-grade soils, you can also take advantage of an unburned foundation. It can be a bath of logs and a bar quite large square.

The correctly calculated foundation depth under the bath will determine the appropriate type of foundation. The correct base laying will protect the structure from deformation and destruction, extending the life for a long time.

What depth of the foundation under the bath will be correct?

The depth of the foundation under the bath depends on the type of soil and the depth of its freezing, the proximity of groundwater and the material for the construction of the bath.

The foundation is the basis of any building. It has a direct impact on the quality and reliability of the construction as a whole. Do you want your bath to be strong and served you for many years? Make a quality foundation!

The base for the structure may be different species: It happens the foundation for the baths column, tape. There are other types, but usually it is chosen in the construction precisely between these two options.

The ribbon foundation is the most popular option that is more reliable than the columnar, but its construction requires great effort and time.

Bani tape foundation: Benefits

  • the ability to withstand high loads. The ribbon foundation can withstand the weight even buildings that have several floors;
  • simple installation. To build this type of foundation, you do not need to use special techniques and complex technologies;
  • the rapid exhibition. If you use a finished concrete, the construction of the foundation will take a week, and if on your own - less than a month;
  • fairly low price. The tape foundation for the bath is usually compact sizes, so it does not require much material to create it. During the construction, cheap raw materials are used: concrete, fittings, boards and crushed stone;
  • the opportunity to subsequently make a cellar or basement;
  • universality. Such a type of foundation can be used in construction, aerated concrete and even bricks.

Ribbon foundation under the bath: flaws

  • large weight. Concrete is a heavy material, so if it is incorrectly to choose a place for construction, you can encounter the fact that the building will see the building on one side;
  • the need for careful study of the soil and calculation of the globalization. The depth of the ribbon foundation under the bath is in direct dependence on the soil. If you do too small base, the construction can be asked and deformed;
  • the impossibility of erection on the ground with a weak bearing capacity.

Ribbon foundation under the bath with your own hands: species and their features

This type of foundation is several species. If you consider it types on the device, then two types are isolated: monolithic, prefabricated and monolithic assembly.

The peculiarity of the monolithic foundation is that during its construction, the reinforced trench of the formwork is made, into which the concrete solution is poured. The prefabricated reason implies an assembly of finished reinforced concrete blocks of factory production.

The monolithic foundation is more complicated in the construction, and also requires time, but its reliability is much higher, so this type of foundation is most often chosen. The national foundation can be used only when building a bath on the ground, which has good carrier characteristics.

Currently, there is also a collection-monolithic technology that includes two types of foundation devices: a portion of the base is made of reinforced concrete, and the other from the blocks.

Depending on the depth, the foundation also has several types: undetense and bellied.

A small-breeding belt foundation for a bath is the best option for small and nonsense baths, for example, from a tree. It can be laid on sand and clay. Its advantage is a small depth (about 0.5 m), thanks to which building materials for its construction requires less, which leads to significant savings.

Outflowed belt foundation is a high-quality and reliable basis, ideal for the construction of large and massive baths, as well as combined with the house, etc. But note that this type of foundation will require large financial expenses, and in the installation it is much more complicated.

Depending on the material that was selected for the construction, the foundation happens:

  • brick;
  • butt;
  • sandy;
  • soil-cement;
  • reinforced concrete.

The most reliable foundation foundation from the booton. Large stones weigh about 30 kg and have a length of about 0.3 m. They are pretty inexpensive. Such a foundation is easy to make it yourself. If the soil is sandy and rocky, the routing foundation will not suit, because it can crack themselves.

The brick foundation is also widespread, but its peculiarity is that the brick is a hygroscopic material, so it is impossible to make a reason for a greater depth or near the groundwater. Brick base suitable for dry sandy soil. For the foundation only the red brick is used, since it is less exposed to water.

Sandy and soil-cement foundations are suitable only in the construction of light non-residential premises on a solid base.

The reinforced concrete foundation is cheap, but at the same time a rather durable type of base that is suitable for both complex on the shape of a bath. To raise this material you need to use a special technique. You can make the foundation with your own hands using the blocks with dimensions of 20x20x40 cm.

Learn more about the features and types of Bani Bani Foundation in Video:

What brand of concrete for a tape base for a bath is better?

Of course, the guarantee of the reliability of the foundation is the use of high-quality material. When choosing a brand of concrete, you need to focus on the overall weight of the bath, the type of fittings and the ground.

If you plan to build a small and lightweight building, for example, a frame bath on a bantle foundation, then the concrete brand 200 is suitable. If the building is heavy, but not too cumbersome, then better choose the brand 250 or 300.

For the construction of heavy and massive structures, the concrete brand 350 will be needed.

Also pay attention to the quality of the soil. If it is durable enough and tight, then concrete brands 200 or 250 will suit. For a link and a bunching soil, use a better concrete - from

The higher the concrete brand, the higher the quality and cost. It is not recommended to save on concrete, since poor-quality foundation will lead to a significant reduction in the service life of the whole building and its premature destruction.

How to make a ribbon foundation for a bath?

So, you made a decision to build a bath, made a suitable project and decided on the place of development. What's next? Go to the foundation setting. On how to make a ribbon foundation under the bath, it will be discussed further.

Stage 1. Preparation of the territory

It is necessary to clear from garbage, stones, trees and shrubs The plot on which construction work will be held. If the grass grows on the territory, it is recommended to remove the top layer.

Cleaning need not exactly the site, on which the construction will be erected, and the territory is slightly larger (at least 1 m on each side).

Stage 2. Foundation Plan Marking, Trench Preparation

For this, you will need pegs, square, roulette and twine. It is necessary to drive the pegs in all the corners of the future buildings, after tightening the twine.

It is important that all the angles are at an angle of 90 degrees. To check, first use the square, and after checking the evenness of the future foundation, it is possible by measuring the diagonals. It is necessary to strive for the same length of diagonals (permissible discrepancy in 2 cm).

After preparation of all points, you can go to the trench kon.

The size of the belt foundation under the bath may vary depending on the planned building and the type of soil. When choosing a trench depth, you need to focus on climatic conditions. The height of the belt foundation for the bath is usually 0.5-0.7 m.

For fine soil and non-empty clay soil, distinguished by high hardness, there will be enough trench of a half-meter at a depth of freezing to a meter, 0.75-1 m - at 1.5-2 m. For sandy soil, the trench must be no less than 0.6 m And above the depth of the freezing. For bunching soil, you should prepare a trench to the depth of freezing.

The width of the Bani belt foundation directly depends on the width of future walls. It should be about 0.5-1 m. But if the soil is weak, then it is permissible to increase it to 2-2.5 m. Accordingly, the trench itself should be slightly larger (about 0.2 m) than the foundation width.

In addition, the width of the foundation passing under the inner partitions is usually done less than 0.1 m than under the outer walls.

If you are going in a steam room to install a brick oven or metal to lay a brick, then you will need to make a fortified foundation under it, so it is necessary to install it simultaneously with the construction of the foundation for the construction.

The bottom of the prepared trench must be filled with a sandy pillow, its thickness should be 0.1-0.2 m. First, in the trench, smear the sand layer, then we water it with water and we will be tamped, and then you should cover it with rubble, then align it.

The pillow is needed to prevent breaks and deformation of the building. In addition, the sand layer protects the foundation from sharp temperature differences during periods of rain and snow.

Stage 3. Formwork for foundation

The formwork is a frame that tasks the form for the future foundation. For it, you need to use boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm or chipboard 20-22 mm. The height of the formwork should be at least 30 cm, it is necessary that it exceeds the height of the future foundation.

Scrolling a formwork, make all the nails hats outside. In this case, the disassembly process will be easier and will take less time.

It happens that formwork is left and used as an additional thermal insulation. In this case, its height should be equal to the height of the foundation itself.

To install the formwork, you need to install supports at the edges of the trench and attach the wall structures to them. It is important that the inner surface of the framework is as smooth as possible.

So that when pouring the concrete, the solution does not fall into the slot, it is recommended to coat a formwork with a film or a layer of rubberoid.

Below is a video: Banni Bani Ribbon Foundation. Formwork:

Stage 4. Reinforcement formwork

Despite the fact that the concrete itself is a durable and reliable material, it is necessary to consider that the load on it will be huge. In addition, concrete is completely default, so reinforcement should be made. Such a strengthen will help protect it from destruction.

For reinforcement, fittings are suitable for a diameter of 1.2-1.6 mm, which has passed anti-corrosion processing. In the bottom of the trench you need to drive the segments of the reinforcement in two rows. Between them and the walls of the formwork need to leave a gap of 5 cm, it is important that the segments be lower than the foundation for approximately 5 cm.

After the rods should be put on the bottom and bind them to the vertical supports at a distance of 7-10 cm from the bottom. Under the rods you can also put broken bricks. The top number of reinforcements should be lower than the foundation level approximately 7 cm.

If you make a belt foundation for a bath with a drain, then at this stage you need to take care of communications. It is recommended to make them underground. To prepare technological holes, you will need to cut off part of the plastic pipe and attach in the right place to fittings.

Stage 5. Filling the foundation

To pour a ribbon foundation under the bathhouse, you can prepare the mixture yourself or buy ready. The advantage of the latter option is to reduce work and reduce the time to prepare the foundation for the bath.

Pour the solution in the formwork is better at one time. If it does not work, the layer of concrete must be 0.2 m or more. It is necessary to pour the solution from a height of no more than half a meter, otherwise the concrete may be stuffed, which ultimately reduce the strength of the structure.

After you need to remove all the excess air from concrete to make it more dense. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve it and pierce a bayonet shovel. With the same purpose, the formwork from the outside you need to catch up with a hammer.

If the weather on the street is hot, then you need to water the foundation for at least a couple of times a day, but on the contrary, there are constant rains, then cover the base film.

After 3 days, formwork can be removed. The construction of the walls of the bath can be started only 3 weeks after the construction of the foundation.

Read 8 min. Views 951.

The creation of a strong and reliable foundation for such a surplus building, like a bath - an urgent question, as the country houses have a majority. In addition, it is such a rest, aside from the city bustle, like many citizens. It is how to make a foundation for such a construction will be discussed below.

Foundation for Bath

The classic version of the bath includes a pre-equipment and a room for washing, but at the request and opportunities of the rooms may be more. The choice of the base for the bath is partly dependent on the washing room, where water is constantly consumed, which runs directly under the floor.

The floors on the ground inside the low-boiled ribbons suggest the creation of a certain slope for the removal of water. A septic tank is also bought, which collects used water. If the foundation is mounted, then the scarring plate is poured directly under the washer or a metal sheet is mounted, which acts as a dance system of the sewage system.

Many of the hosts of country houses are not limited to only one pair, they are made additionally in such a surplus building pool. For such purposes, it is best to pour a monolithic slab.

If on the territory country house There is a pond or another with any reservoir, the bath can be built next to it. For this, a column type of base (piles) is ideal. At quite even and solid soil, you can fold the bath on the facilitated version of the foundation, for example, from a brick.

The bath is a durable building that requires a reliable and strong foundation. Such is the tape "sole".

Distinguish its varieties:

  • Brick tape. It consists of bricks, respectively. The masonry is a complex process, since it needs to be taken carefully and as much as possible.
  • Column tape. It is performed from reinforced concrete blocks, which are stacked around the perimeter of the future building. Also need a great accuracy of actions.
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete tape. This is a ribbon foundation with a frame inside. There are two options for bookmarks that differ in depth: finely swallowed and blurred.
  • Buout concrete base. It assumes the fill of concrete, which contains a stone, crushed stone and other fractions are quite large.

This type of foundation is also great for the bath. Bound bases can be made of:

  • Brick;
  • Tree;
  • Reinforced concrete pipes ready or by fill;
  • Stone.

Preparatory work

In order to start building a base, you need to find out two main points regarding the calculations:

  • Weight of the future building;
  • Type of soil.

As for the first, it is important to calculate the weight of the bath, given the following characteristics of the structure:

  1. Type of walls. They may be log, blocking or frame.
  2. Type of overlaps. This is an attic option with a thermal density insulation.
  3. Here, mainly, the material that the roof will be held.

The second point concerns the type of soil. To find out it, you need to drill the well and carefully examine the soil. Different types of soils are able to withstand various loads.

Here are some examples:

  • High gravel or gravel soil - rocky soil - can withstand about 6 kgf per cm2.
  • Sands of a large fraction - up to about 4.5 kgf per cm2.
  • Surfaces are solid, solid, small sands are withstanding to 3 kgf per cm2.
  • The smallest indicators in the sands of the average density, as well as plastic clays - about 2 kgf per cm2.

Based on the permissible load on the ground, the permissible area of \u200b\u200bthe bath is determined.

Also, any preparatory work on construction assume clearing the territory. It is important to remove grass from the construction site, branches, other items that interfere with the work.

The top layer of the soil must be removed. The perfectly smooth surface must be achieved in any case so that the construction of the foundation is as successful as possible.

Selection of material

As for the choice of material, there are two options here:

  • Either he is purchased ready. Reinforced concrete, wooden poles - for a column base. Concrete blocks - for tape.
  • Or the purchase of individual components, Concrete solution is mixed and filling.

When choosing one or another material or components, it is worth paying attention to quality. For example, if it is concrete, then it should be no lower than the M200 brand.


From how correctly the calculations of the foundation will depend on the correct functioning of the bath. This construction is specifically, it should maximize the heat and heat, and also have a removal for used water.

Calculations depend on such factors as:

  • The weight of the future buildings. It is influenced by the materials used for construction, as well as the weight of the furnace and other provided heavy elements.
  • Type of soil. Move the soil or not - it affects the final choice of "soles" of the structure.
  • Ground water level. This indicator determines the depth of the foundation laying.
  • Soil freezing level.
  • Terrain area. It also needs to be taken into account, since, for example, the ribbon foundation is not suitable near the reservoir, but to build a bath on reluctance.

Exemplary depth indicators Bookmark base for baths from different materials:

  • Heavy buildings (stone, brick and others) should be built on the foundations laid down to one and a half meters deep.
  • Light structures (timber) can be built on the "sole" depth to a meter.

From the height of the superior construction also depends a lot. For example, if it is a two-story sauna, then, naturally, the foundation must be blown out. One-story buildings in two rooms are built on low-increasing grounds.

Placement markup under the foundation

The markup of the territory under construction involves the transfer of the foundation scheme to the ground. If you plan to build a ribbon foundation, then you do not need to forget about applying an internal circuit.

The width of the ribbon monolith should be larger than the planned at least 10 cm. Also, if as a result of the soil survey, it turned out that it is a bumping (movable), then the trench under the "sole" is better to dig more wider so that it was possible to sprinkle with sand.

Under the column view of the foundation, it is necessary to mark up the posts. They must be installed under the corners of the bath, as well as at the points of the internal walls. In general, the distance between the columns is made no more than 2 meters.

Any sauna suggests the stove laying, the installation of the boiler, so you do not need to forget about the foundation for them. It is made of monolithic solid to the size of the base of the stove with protrusions. The latter is needed to ensure fire safety of the premises, because coals can fall out of the stoves, depart the sparks.

Stages of the construction of a belt foundation

Creating a tape "sole" involves several stages:

  1. Preparation of terrain (It was mentioned above).
  2. Shooting trench. It rushes to a depth equal to the height of the foundation, and even a little deeper, so to speak with a margin. This is necessary in order to be a place to fridge a sandy-gravel pillow. When the pillow is formed, it is necessary to cover it with a polyethylene or rubberoid for waterproofing.
  3. Creating a formwork. Wooden frame made from smoothly sanded boards, then the dismantling process is simplified. Boards must be strong, no less centimeter thick. From the outside of the formwork put vertical supports that hold the wooden structure from the deformation, because under the pressure of the concrete solution, the boards can "dispense."
  4. Reinforcement. Metal design is most convenient to do outside the formwork. The reinforcement frame is collected in two vertical rows and several horizontal rows. The latter depend on the depth. Bars are bonded with each other methods. The most common:Welding method; Method of mating.
  5. Filling formwork concrete. It is produced in stages. First poured one layer of solution. He is given time to fill all the empties of the formwork, while knocking on it, or rather along the walls of the wooden structure. Also, to achieve the perfect trench filling, there is no not much important fact of the preparation of the most concrete solution. It should not be too liquid, it is important to carefully observe all the proportions by components.
  6. Waterproofing. This stage of work can be carried out after the week after the fill. During this time, the "sole" has time to harden. Waterproofing can be carried out with bitumen mastic and only one one. Also no additional protection is not yet reborn. For example, it can be placed on this very mastic.

Stages of the construction of a column foundation

Something similar to the tape base, since the fill is carried out the same only in the formwork on the poles - Ruralka is made.

Stages of the construction of a columnar base are as follows:

  • Cooking construction area.
  • Digging holes brown under the poles. It is desirable that the depth of the holes exceed the depth of the soil freezing. By the way, the pillars can be made of absolutely different materials: reinforced concrete, brick, stone and so on.
  • Floating sand, gravel at the bottom of the holes under the poles. This will ensure the stability of the supports.
  • If the posts are planned to be made from reinforced concrete, then it is also necessary to mount the formwork and lay the frame into it. With enough sustainable ground, it is allowed not to do the installation of the formwork.
  • Pouring concrete pillars
  • Creation of paintwork. It can be a team or monolithic, that is also bulged directly into the formwork.
  • Ensuring protection against moisture - waterproofing.

During construction, questions often arise, and it is inevitable. Especially a lot of doubts have newbies.

Experienced builders give simple tips to help faster solve questioning situations:

  • How to check the correctness of the outlined lines under the foundation of the bath? To do this, stick the pegs in the corners of the drawn square. Next, stretch the rope, fishing line or something else on the diagonals of the rectangle. The lengths of diagonals with the correct markup should coincide.
  • So that the formwork does not absorb cement mortar, the boards need to be used with water.
  • To avoid saturation of the concrete solution with air in the lower layers of the foundation, it is necessary to use a special sleeve. It is placed directly into the trench and the concrete mixture is poured through it. The pouring of concrete from the height is not allowed, since these most air emptiness appear for this reason.

Thus, the "sole" for the bath is done in several above the listed technologies. This surrounding structure should have a strong, reliable, safe foundation to ensure excellent holidays outside the city.

The content of the article

The construction of any building begins with the foundation device. And from how correctly its type will be chosen, the durability of the whole structure will depend. The choice of the type of base depends on the peculiarities of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the relief of the construction site and, of course, from the financial capabilities of the developer.

Most often applies to the construction of a bath belt foundation, as the most responsible tasks.

Materials for the establishment of the foundation

The foundation tape can be arranged:

  • from monolithic concrete with mandatory reinforcement;
  • from concrete blocks of factory manufacture;
  • from red burned brick;
  • from small concrete blocks;
  • from the boob stone.

In addition to the above materials, sand and gravel, rubberoid and hot bitumen will be required for the foundation device. Depending on the chosen type of foundation, it may be necessary for the fittings and a concrete mix, which can be ordered at the factories of the concrete or cook in place, as well as lumber for the formwork device.

Preparatory work

The device of any type of foundation begins with the preparation of the site and breaks the axes. The selected place for the construction of the bath must be cleaned of existing shrubs, Trees, construction and other garbage, and then remove the upper fertile layer of the soil at a depth of 20-30 cm. If large trees or shrubs grow on the site, it is advisable to emerge roots to eliminate the risk of their germination under the building.

Further work will be divided by the foundation plan. In the corners of the site, the stakes are driven, between which the cord is stretched. The obtained lines will serve as the axes of the future foundation. The correctness of the direct angles is verified by measuring the diagonal distances that should be equal.

After that, there is a trench of 50-60 cm wide. The width of the foundation itself can be less. But it is necessary to dig with such a calculation so that the person that makes the installation of the formwork, the reinforcement frame or the producing masonry could freely move in it.

The depth of the ribbon foundation under the bath is no more than 70 cm, this is quite enough for such a small structure.

The axis of the foundation, the lard designated by the cord should be held in the middle of the trench. And it is from the axis that it is measured in both sides of half the width of the future foundation and formwork is set.

The walls of the trench are made with a small bias to avoid squeezing, otherwise they will have to strengthen any material, and this is an extra consumption, for example, the same hill, and spending time.

The bottom of the dug trench is cleaned, observing the horizontal level, after which the sandy liner or sandy gravel pillow is satisfied. The layer of sand, rolls, moisturizes and trambed. Following the gravel layer, which is also subject to rubbing.

Arrangement of formwork

For the manufacture of formwork, it is most often used non-edged lumber, but moisture-resistant plywood can be applied, flat asbestos-cement slate sheets, metal sheets or finished shields. The gaps between the boards are sutured from the outside with narrow planets so that there are no cement milk to flow into the future, which weakens the strength of the foundation.

The formwork with the help of pegs driven into the ground from the outside and struts inserted between them is fixed in the trench. The ideal formwork variant when a ribbon foundation is built under a bath from monolithic reinforced concrete, are metal shields, but when they are missing, the most optimal option remains the unedged board, or, in the extreme case, the porch.

Reinforcement of foundation

Reinforced the foundation directly into the trench or knit the frame on the ground and after omitting it to the installed formwork each decides itself.

For reinforcement, the reinforcement of a periodic profile with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 cm is used. First, the long elements of the frame of the frame in one plane are binding, resembling a staircase with a 100-150mm crossbar. Depending on the height of the future foundation of such ladies, there may be two or three, which bind to each other with short reinforcement rods. As a result, a volumetric quadrangular lattice design should be obtained.

For the frame assembly, a thin annealed wire and a special hook is used.

The reinforcement frame is installed in the formwork so that the distance between the side and lower rods and the side of the formwork was at least 5 cm.

For this purpose, the so-called "crackers" are used - small pieces of concrete, bricks, foam, which are tied to the frame to prevent its shift in the process of filling concrete. This ends the reinforcement of the tape base for the bath and its concreting begins.

Laying of concrete mix

The concrete mixture is placed in the formwork immediately, without a long break, so that the monolith is really obtained, and not separate layers that do not have a clutch. The laid concrete mix must be subjected to "pin". This process is in numerous concrete piercing by any sharp items such as a revenue, scrap, and even a wooden stick. This is done to concrete The mixture was evenly distributed between the reinforcement and the formwork, filling out all empties.

Otherwise, the voids formed significantly weaken the strength characteristics of concrete, which can adversely affect the strength of the entire structure. The laying of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200balso made in compliance with the horizontal level, for which risks or concrete are applied on the inner walls of the formwork on the top of the formwork shields, which should be exhibited by level.

Fully concrete gains strength for 28 days. If the foundation device is produced in hot time, it must be periodically watering with water to prevent the formation of cracks.

In winter, concreting, as a rule, is not produced, however, during the acute need for these works, special additives are introduced into the concrete, or concreting is carried out by the electrical heating method, the heat and the device.

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