How to take readings of the heat meter in the apartment. How to submit readings of heat meters. How to take readings of the heating meter. What information does the meter provide?

Answers to search queries of site visitors: how to take readings from a heat meter, how to take readings from a heat meter correctly, how heat is calculated from a heat meter. Let's take a look at 2 options:

a) You take readings yourself, manually, i.e. just overwrite the values ​​in .

Now there is no need for this (if only for your own complacency). New - the accounting journal was canceled. Is this good or bad. It is good that the quality of heat meters has increased so much that there is no need to keep a log, all data can be read at any time directly from the heat meter directly or via a flash drive, computer or laptop.

It is bad if you have an old heat meter. Since this year, he is outlawed, which means he will live until the next state inspection, after which the heat meter will have to be replaced without fail.

If you still want to take readings, for yourself, for this, manually study the operating manual for your heat meter - the heat meter maintenance section, or the operating instructions - a mandatory application to the heat metering unit project.

Moreover, the readings must be taken at the same time. You can set the pick-up time yourself, as you wish, we recommend the morning hours. accounting and is also a mandatory annex to the project.

What values ​​for removal are required depends on the specific node. As a rule, this is the temperature in the supply and return pipelines, the flow rate of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines is better in (t), the amount of heat energy received - the value can be in any units - Gcal, MW, kJ.

On counters of domestic production, these values ​​look like this - Gcal; MW; kJ; imported kW (kWh-current); MW; MJ or GJ.

For heating networks, it's all the same. They themselves will recalculate into Gcal. For verification, I recommend downloading or remembering that 1 Gcal is 1.163 MW (MW) or 4.187 GJ (GJ). The last mandatory value is the operating time of the meter or operating time.

b) You take readings yourself (the rules do not prohibit this) using technical means - a cumulative remote control, a printer, a laptop. The most acceptable for you is, of course, the printer - with it you will make the least mistakes.

How to shoot is again in the "instructions" - an appendix to the project. I would certainly recommend you to hire specialists. Why - .

If you hire specialists, for control, put a small notebook in the shield with a heat meter, where they will record for you the date of taking readings and the amount of thermal energy at the time of taking them. This is your requirement to voice in advance, before the conclusion of the contract, otherwise they have every right to refuse.

Analyzing the records of readings, you can easily control the amount billed to you for heat by thermal networks. And it is imperative that they themselves transmit the readings to the heating networks, otherwise why do you need them. As my first master said, even a monkey can do such work if it is taught to press buttons.

And a final note, never try to save heat by cheating. With modern methods of control, everything is very easily controlled. Punishment court costs and payment of five times the amount. This is the best economy.

How to correctly take readings of a kwh meter manufactured in 1985;

Read a little higher - section "a". I would recommend replacing the heat meter of 1985, because already in 1995, after the release of the rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant, it ceased to comply with them, and it does not comply with the new rules all the more, and the worst thing is that it is unknown what.

Based on operating experience, heat meters of 1998-99 do not pass state verification - they do not correspond to the declared parameters due to wear. Although there are individuals, pressure gauges manufactured in 1961 pass state verification without additional adjustments, and new ones out of the box do not pass it. It all depends on the manufacturer.

How is heat calculated?

The amount of received thermal energy is calculated in Gcal. It is accepted for calculation by thermal networks in any values ​​- it can be - Gcal, MW, kJ, GJ.

On counters of domestic production, these values ​​look like this - Gcal; MW; kJ; imported kW; MW; MJ or GJ. For heating networks, in what quantities you will transfer the data anyway. They themselves will recalculate into Gcal.

1 Gcal is 1.163 MW (MW) or 4.187 GJ (GJ).

Saving heat with the help of UUTE.

Is an SRO (old license) required for the installation of heat meters;

Yes, the answer is clear. In addition, the specialists of the company installing the devices are required to have initial training and valid certification in the technical supervision bodies. Therefore, if you are a manager concluding a contract, check the certification documents with the contractor in advance. Otherwise, your heat meter will never become commercial.

How to install a heat meter yourself;
Do I have the right to install a heat meter myself;

As follows from the above, it is impossible, and moreover, I do not advise you to undertake it. The rules for installing heat meters from different manufacturers are very different from each other. Even if you are a heating engineer, metrologist, instrumentation engineer, welder, electrician, plumber, all rolled into one, which is unlikely, you will have to remember or study all the rules, GOSTs, SNiPs and also installation manuals for this heat meter. The cost of services in this market has now fallen. And the area of ​​heat supply is so complex that sometimes even specialists lack knowledge and experience. My personal opinion is that it is high time for us to forget the communist times and earn money where we work. Thankfully it's not banned now. No offense. I myself am like you. Brought up in communist times, I know how to do everything better than modern "specialists". Why do kids always scold me.

How are heat meter readings calculated?

The following is taken into account:
- the amount of thermal energy received by the heat meter.
- the amount of heat spent on feeding the heating system, if there was a leak in the heating system. In this case, the possible error of the flow meters and the permitted normative leakage of water from the heating system must be taken into account.
- loss of thermal energy to metering devices in accordance with the contract.
These data are summarized and multiplied by the cost of 1 Gcal.

How to check if the payment for heat according to the heat meter is correctly calculated;

Calculate the difference, the value of Q is the amount of heat energy consumed between the last and penultimate reporting dates. Since, for example, if it were an electric meter.
Convert your heat meter readings to Gcal.
To do this, if you have Q in MW, multiply by 0.8598; if in GJ, multiply by 0.2388, you will get the value in Gcal.
Add the amount of contractual losses, if any. Losses should be stipulated in the contract and painted by months.
Multiply the amount of heat received by the cost of 1 Gcal.
If this value differs from the one set for you, check if you have had any water leakage from the heating system. To do this, look at the consumption readings, parameter G in (t) as well as in the case of Q by reporting dates. If the data do not differ by more than 2% (for closed heating systems), in some heating networks they accept 4%, 2% error of one flow meter, 4%, respectively, of 2 flow meters - flow meters are devices that count the amount of water that has passed through your heating system or hot water supply. If they differ, it means that you have been charged an additional cost for drawing water from the heating system.
It is considered so. The amount of water withdrawal, (taking into account the error of the instruments) in (t) is multiplied by the temperature difference between the return pipeline and the temperature of cold water for a given period. Get the value in Gcal, which is added to the heat you consumed. Data is usually rounded to whole numbers, the remainder is carried over to the next reporting period.
Checked, you can now go argue or sleep peacefully. I'm always in control, because errors are common, both through the fault of people and the fault of programmers writing programs for reports.

The organization of individual accounting and the installation of a heat meter allows you to track the use of heat energy, and, accordingly, take measures to reduce its consumption. By installing a heat meter, you pay only for the actual heat consumption. You just need to figure out how to take the readings of the heat meter correctly. This is a fairly simple procedure, but you should carefully record the data and regularly check the correct operation of the device.

What information does the meter provide?

A heat energy meter is a complex mechanism that captures signals from sensors for the volumetric flow rate of the coolant, temperature. The computing unit of the heat meter performs the corresponding calculations and provides results for the following parameters:

  • the amount of heat energy used for a certain period (in gigacalories);
  • amount of cooling energy (in gigacalories);
  • thermal power (thermal energy consumption per hour);
  • volumetric flow rate of the heat carrier (both in the supply pipe and in the return pipe. Measured in cubic meters per hour);
  • volume of heat carrier in each pipeline (in cubic meters);
  • coolant temperature in the supply pipeline (in degrees Celsius);
  • temperature of the heat carrier in the return (in degrees Celsius);
  • temperature difference (in degrees Celsius);
  • date Time.

General rules for reading and calculating data

For a service provider company, one indicator matters - the amount of heat energy used for the reporting period (usually for a month). This indicator is charged. Accordingly, at the end of the reporting period, it is necessary to take readings and make a calculation.

On the front panel of the heat meter there is an electronic information display, which displays all the parameters. The first is the amount of accumulated heat energy. Necessary:

  • write off the readings from the screen;
  • from this figure subtract the readings taken in the previous reporting period. This will be the amount of heat energy used for the current period.

Record keeping

The remaining parameters that the heat meter shows are auxiliary. However, with their help, you can monitor the stability of both the meter itself and the heating system in the apartment. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a log of readings. A table is created in which all the parameters output by the device are recorded. To take readings, you need to press the corresponding button on the front panel. The best option is to keep records every day, but it is also possible after a certain period of time.

Reading methods

If you have a device with visual reading installed, you can only take readings directly from the information board. The consumer can record the data himself, and then transfer it to the management company or service provider organization. In addition, employees of the management company or heat supply service can take readings. The consumer is obliged to provide them with access to the heat meter located in the apartment.

Remote reading of data is also possible. To do this, the device must be equipped with one of the following modules:

  • impulse output. It is equipped with a sealed contact, the closure of which leads to the formation of an electrical impulse. This impulse is recorded by a reader, which transmits information to an automated control room;
  • radio output - information is transmitted over a radio channel independent of cellular communications;
  • digital output. The RS-485 interface is used. Data is transmitted over a wired communication line.

Remote reading is relevant if access to the heat meter is difficult or a common house metering system is organized in an apartment building. Equipping devices with these modules allows not only remotely reading information, but also storing it in a non-volatile archive for further viewing, output to paper, and inclusion in reporting documentation.

What affects the accuracy of the readings

Understanding how to take readings from a heat meter in an apartment is not enough. It is important to know what affects the accuracy of the readings and carefully monitor the parameters. This will help to eliminate failures in a timely manner, and, accordingly, avoid overspending.

For example, too small a difference in thermal conditions in the supply and return pipelines may indicate that the selection of heat energy is disturbed (not enough heat enters the room) or an overestimated amount of heat carrier is supplied. Accordingly, the heating system does not work correctly (hydraulics or other malfunctions are broken), it is necessary to contact specialists to identify and fix the problem.

The difference in the flow rate of the coolant in the supply and circulation pipes indicates the presence of a leak of the coolant or a malfunction of the heat meter. In this case, it is required to check the heating system for leaks. If this is not detected, diagnostics of the metering device is necessary.

If there is a failure of the date and time of the built-in calendar of the device, the computing mechanism is most likely faulty. A malfunction of the heat meter is also indicated by error data, the display of any parameters in a negative format (for example, -12 ° C) or the complete absence of an image on the display.

How to check the operation of the heat meter

One of the main characteristics of a heat meter is its ability to automatically calculate the amount of heat energy used. You can check this "mathematics" using a regular calculator. This requires the following data for the reporting period:

  • heat carrier flow rate in the supply pipe;
  • the temperature of the heat carrier in the supply pipe;
  • temperature of the heat carrier in the return.

We calculate the temperature difference in the pipelines and multiply the resulting figure by the coolant flow rate. We get the amount of heat used. This result must match the parameter indicated on the screen of the heat meter.

Before the start of the heating season, it is also recommended to check the meter:

  • activate the work by clicking on the corresponding button;
  • record readings;
  • turn on the heating radiators;
  • after about an hour, check for changes in readings;
  • if the data has not changed, error information has appeared or the image is missing, contact the management company or the organization providing heat supply.

Heat meter verification

To avoid malfunctions in the operation of the heat meter, it is necessary to regularly calibrate it. Data on the primary verification and calibration interval are indicated in the instrument's passport. Initial verification is carried out by the manufacturer before being released for sale. The inter-calibration period is counted from the date of its carrying out, and not from the moment of installation of the device. Subsequent verifications are carried out by specialized accredited organizations. Their implementation is confirmed by a certificate issued to the consumer.

Currently, in almost all Russian regions, charges for utilities occur according to the same scenario: the tenant submits readings from his metering devices to the management company, and the management company takes readings from general house meters and calculates the difference in readings between them and individual metering devices.

If this difference is not more than the standards for common areas (stairwells, corridors, basements, etc.), it is proportionally divided among all residents. Otherwise, the management company pays the difference from its income. If the tenant did not submit readings from his metering devices to the Criminal Code in a timely manner, or his devices ended the calibration interval, then for the first two months the management company charges for the consumed resources, taking into account the average consumption for the previous period. In the future, the Criminal Code calculates payment based on the standards for a particular region.

As a rule, the standards significantly exceed the actual need for resources. For example, in central Russia in modern energy-efficient houses, real heat consumption in 2-2.5 times less than the standard. Accordingly, the timely transmission of testimony is, first of all, in the interests of the tenant himself.

The process of taking readings from a heat meter is described in. In this article, we will talk a little more about how to read the SANEXT heating meter.

The principle of operation of the heat meter

First, a little about the principle of operation of the heat meter. The SANEXT heat meter is designed to work in horizontal heating systems. A flow meter with a built-in electronic module - a heat meter is installed in the direct or return pipeline, and temperature sensors are built into the supply and return pipelines. The complex of devices is called a thermal energy metering unit.

The heat carrier is water or a glycol-based mixture that contains a certain amount of heat. Taking into account the flow rate of the heat carrier in the pipeline by the flow meter and the temperature difference using sensors, the apartment heat meter itself calculates the heat consumption, taking into account the density and mass of the heat carrier per unit volume, depending on its temperature. Heat energy consumption is measured in gigacalories.

The display of the heat meter shows the values ​​of controlled parameters, their dimension, as well as information about the settings and status of the meter. The control button selects the displayed parameter. The display automatically returns to sleep mode 10 minutes after the last activation.

How to take heat meter readings

A short press of the button activates the display in the mode menuR1 . By pressing the key, you can view the items menu R1 one at a time in the following order:

  1. Accumulated heat consumption;
  2. Water temperature in the supply pipeline;
  3. Return water temperature;
  4. Temperature difference in pipelines;
  5. Instant consumption;
  6. Instant power;
  7. Accumulated heat consumption;
  8. Time;
  9. Accumulated number of hours;
  10. Counter number;
  11. counter type;
  12. Software number;
  13. Dispatch connection address;

Thus, a step-by-step instruction on how to read a SANEXT heating meter consists of three simple steps:

  1. Activate the operation of the heat meter by briefly pressing the button;
  2. The first displayed parameter is the accumulated consumption of thermal energy, which is measured in Gcal;
  3. Write off readings from the display (SANEXT ultrasonic heat meter displays 3 decimal places);

Long press the button for 3 seconds to access other menus. MenuR2 shows archived values. The archive depth is 18 months. To enter the values ​​of the previous month, a short press of the button is required. The display will then automatically change values ​​in the following order:

  1. Month;
  2. Monthly volume;
  3. Monthly heat consumption;

Each subsequent short press of the button gives the readings for the previous month displayed on the display.

Menu R4– calibration mode. The content of this menu is similar menu R1, but is used only to adjust the device in accordance with reference samples to eliminate reading errors.

To get back to the main menu R1, hold down the button until R1 lights up on the display in the upper left corner.

For a better perception of information, the display of the heat meter, in addition to numbers, contains graphic symbols, such as, for example, when displaying the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline.

Heat meter dispatching

Unfortunately, the described method of taking readings of heat meters has a number of disadvantages. First, it requires time and the regular presence of the tenant to take evidence. That is, in the case of business trips or a long vacation, residents who do not provide heat meter readings on time will be charged for heating according to the standards. Secondly, a malfunction of the heat meter can only be detected with a direct inspection of the metering unit. In case of mechanical damage or emergency situations in the heating system, residents will have to pay not for the actual heat consumption, but for the indications of an incorrectly working device. It is much more convenient to take readings of the heat meter by means of telemetry systems (dispatching).

The range of SANEXT heat meters supports all possible interfaces for connecting to any telemetry system, both wired and wireless. This is automates the transfer process and allows you to constantly keep under control the entire heating system of an apartment building. You can send data to the information system GIS housing and communal services or directly to the heat supply organization, bypassing the management company. These solutions have already been implemented in many residential properties.

Now you know how to take readings from the SANEXT heating meter in accordance with the operating rules for this device.

If you have any questions, please write in the comments.


At one time, utility tariffs were low, and none of the consumers thought about installing meters for water and heat. Now the rates have risen so much that a significant part of the family budget is spent on their payment. A particularly large amount in the receipt is the payment for heating. Therefore, property owners, trying to save money, decide to install heat, gas and water meters. The fact is that payment for the supplied services is charged by public utilities in accordance with approved standards, and not upon consumption.

Why do you need a heat meter?

Of course, it is beneficial to install a heat consumption meter, since the monthly amount for heating will be calculated according to the current tariffs and based on the readings taken from the individual meter. Thus, the consumer who installed the heat energy meter pays only for the services received without the additions of the utility companies that supply heat (read also: ""). In addition, the owners have the opportunity to regulate the temperature of heating rooms or utility rooms manually or automatically (subject to the installation of an electronic control system).
Consumers should be aware that a heat meter does not save it, it allows you to pay for the actual energy consumed, and not according to approximate calculations obtained as a result of the theoretical development of state standards. Individual heat meters, such as in the photo, allow you to save a significant amount of money on paying for heat supply services, it can be up to 60%.

Types of modern heat meters

Commercially available heat meters for heating in an apartment are not one device, but a set of devices.

The set may include:

  • sensors;
  • calculators for the amount of consumed thermal energy;
  • flow, pressure and resistance transducers.
The components included in a particular kit are determined and approved for the object individually.

By scope, heat meters for heating are:
  • house (industrial);
  • apartment (individual).
According to the principle of operation, heat metering units are divided into devices:

As a heat carrier, water is usually used, heated to the desired temperature.

The apartment heat meter consists of two complementary devices:
  • heat calculator;
  • hot water consumption meter.
The principle of operation of an individual heat meter is as follows: a heat meter is installed on the water meter and 2 wires are removed, which are equipped with temperature sensors. One wire is connected to the supply pipeline, and the other is also connected to the pipeline, but leaving the room. With the help of a hot water meter, the volume of coolant used for heating is recorded. Using a special calculation method, the heat meter calculates the amount of heat consumed.

House (industrial) heat meters

Household or industrial heat meters for heating are used for installation at production facilities and in multi-apartment buildings. To account for heat, one of three methods is used: electromagnetic, turbine or vortex. The main difference between industrial appliances and residential appliances is their size. The diameter of house meters ranges from 25 to 300 millimeters. The measurement range of the amount of heat carrier is about 0.6-2.5 m³/h.

Mechanical heat meters

The mechanical (or tachometric) heat energy meters shown in the photo are simple units. Usually they are equipped with a heat meter and a rotary water meter. The principle of how this type of heating meter works is as follows: for the convenience and accuracy of measurement, the translational movement of the liquid coolant turns into rotational.

A mechanical (tachometric) meter is a very economical purchase, but the cost of filters should be added to its price. As a result, the kit will cost the consumer about 15% cheaper compared to heat meters of another type, but provided that the diameter of the pipeline does not exceed 32 mm.

Mechanical devices have a significant drawback - they cannot be used when the coolant (water) has a high degree of hardness and if it contains particles of rust, scale or scale, because they clog filters and flow meters.

Ultrasonic heat meters

Manufacturers offer consumers a wide range of models of ultrasonic heat meters. True, the principle of operation for all of them is almost the same: two devices are installed on the pipe opposite each other - an emitter and a device that receives ultrasonic signals. The emitter sends a special signal through the coolant flow and after a while it is received by the receiver. The time interval between the emission and reception of a signal depends on the speed of movement of water through the pipeline. When the time is known, the coolant flow rate is calculated.

An ultrasonic heat meter, in addition to its main functions, can adjust the supply of thermal energy. These thermal energy meters are more accurate readings, they are more reliable and durable than tachometric devices.

Installation of heat energy meters

According to experts, the best solution to the question of where it is better to put a meter is to install a common house heat meter. Then all consumers living in the house will not have to pay for heat energy, which in fact was not supplied to the building. But the cost is big. True, if you divide it by the number of apartments, then it will be quite affordable.

To install a common building heat energy meter, you will first need to hold a general meeting of residents, draw up a documented decision (draw up and sign a protocol) and submit an application to the management company with a request to connect the unit. After the heat meter is installed, a person from among the consumers will be required to be responsible for taking readings from the device in a timely manner and issuing receipts for each apartment.

If not all residents of the house or entrance agree to the installation of a heat meter, then the owner of the apartment should think about how to significantly reduce the financial costs of individual heating of their own housing.

Installation of an individual heat meter

Before you install a heating meter in a separate apartment of a multi-storey building, you will need to perform a number of activities and actions, otherwise connecting the device will not be appropriate and legal.

Step one . It is necessary to eliminate the existing sources of heat loss, including cracks in the windows, insufficiently insulated entrance doors, and freezing corners. Only after this, the installation of a heat meter will result in significant savings in money.

step two . The management company (ZHEK, HOA) must provide the owner of the apartment with technical conditions (TU) - they attribute the requirements that must be met in order to connect. Usually the text of the conditions takes up an A4 sheet. It certainly indicates information about the temperature and pressure of the coolant entering the pipeline of a particular house.

Step Three . Knowing these parameters, you can start buying a heat meter without fail in a company that works legally. When purchasing the device, you must require a sales receipt and cash receipt, a certificate confirming the quality, rules and instructions for use.

Step Four . In the design organization, on the basis of the technical specifications provided by the management company, a design solution should be ordered for. The design company must have a license for this type of work.

Step five . A measuring thermal device is being installed by employees of a licensed organization specializing in this type of service.

When choosing a company, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • for the availability of information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for the presence of a package of necessary documentation, including certificates, certificates, permits of SROs;
  • availability of qualified specialists;
  • availability of special equipment;
  • to perform a full list of installation works;
  • availability of a free visit of a specialist to the client’s apartment in order to inspect communications;
  • availability of warranties for the work performed.
Step Six . When the installation of the heat meter is completed, a representative of the management company (ZHEK, HOA) must seal it and sign the acceptance certificate for the device.

To make life easier for yourself, the owner of the apartment has the right to order all of the above works in one place - in a company that deals with this type of service at a professional level, however, you will have to pay a considerable amount for this. If you have the desire and free time, you can prepare the installation documents yourself.

Checking heat meters

Usually, new appliances are sold with an initial check, which is carried out at the factory that manufactures them. The proof that the heat meters have been verified is the presence of a special sticker corresponding to the record, a special stamp, both on the devices and in the documents attached to them.

During operation, verification of heating meters is carried out at the expense of apartment owners once every 4 years, for its implementation it is necessary to contact a number of organizations and institutions:

  • to the branch of Rostest;
  • to a company that has the appropriate authority to carry out the audit;
  • to the service center of the manufacturer.

They independently take readings from the meter for heating in the same way as from the electric meter. In the receipt for payment, the difference in readings is indicated, multiplied by the established tariff and payment is made, for example, in one of the branches of Sberbank. The recipient of the payment is the heat supply organization.

Heat meters - installation advantages, detailed video:

Restrictions on installing a heat meter in an apartment

Many consumers are interested in whether they put meters for heating individually in each apartment? The fact is that in most domestic apartment buildings, when creating a heating system, vertical riser wiring is used, which prevents the installation of one apartment meter.

In such a situation, there is only one solution - to put meters on radiators, but such a solution is difficult to implement for the following reasons:

  • the installation of several heat appliances in one apartment will cost its owners a tidy sum, since each meter for a heating battery costs a lot of money;
  • taking readings from each device is hampered by the fact that utility workers are not able to make monthly rounds of all the rooms in the apartments of the house in order to record data. When doing this work on your own, you can get confused in the numbers and make mistakes in the calculations;
  • maintenance problems - several devices are much more difficult to control and verify their correct functioning;
  • the meter for the heating radiator has poor accuracy, since the difference at its inlet and outlet is so small that the device is often unable to fix it.
The way out of this situation can be the installation of special distributors that measure the flow rate of the liquid heat carrier, based on the temperature difference between the surface of the radiator and the air in the room. The cost of one such device is quite affordable for the consumer.
In buildings built after 2000, a horizontal distribution of the heating system is used, so in such apartments it is enough to install one heat consumption meter, and distributors are not required.

As a result of the above measures, monthly payments for services provided by utilities can be significantly reduced by installing heat meters.

Answers to search queries of site visitors: how to take readings from a heat meter, how to take readings from a heat meter correctly, how heat is calculated from a heat meter. Let's take a look at 2 options:

a) You take readings yourself, manually, i.e. just overwrite the values ​​in .

Now there is no need for this (if only for your own complacency). New - the accounting journal was canceled. Is this good or bad. It is good that the quality of heat meters has increased so much that there is no need to keep a log, all data can be read at any time directly from the heat meter directly or via a flash drive, computer or laptop.

It is bad if you have an old heat meter. Since this year, he is outlawed, which means he will live until the next state inspection, after which the heat meter will have to be replaced without fail.

If you still want to take readings, for yourself, for this, manually study the operating manual for your heat meter - the heat meter maintenance section, or the operating instructions - a mandatory application to the heat metering unit project.

Moreover, the readings must be taken at the same time. You can set the pick-up time yourself, as you wish, we recommend the morning hours. accounting and is also a mandatory annex to the project.

What values ​​for removal are required depends on the specific node. As a rule, this is the temperature in the supply and return pipelines, the flow rate of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines is better in (t), the amount of heat energy received - the value can be in any units - Gcal, MW, kJ.

On counters of domestic production, these values ​​look like this - Gcal; MW; kJ; imported kW (kWh-current); MW; MJ or GJ.

For heating networks, it's all the same. They themselves will recalculate into Gcal. For verification, I recommend downloading or remembering that 1 Gcal is 1.163 MW (MW) or 4.187 GJ (GJ). The last mandatory value is the operating time of the meter or operating time.

b) You take readings yourself (the rules do not prohibit this) using technical means - a cumulative remote control, a printer, a laptop. The most acceptable for you is, of course, the printer - with it you will make the least mistakes.

How to shoot is again in the "instructions" - an appendix to the project. I would certainly recommend you to hire specialists. Why - .

If you hire specialists, for control, put a small notebook in the shield with a heat meter, where they will record for you the date of taking readings and the amount of thermal energy at the time of taking them. This is your requirement to voice in advance, before the conclusion of the contract, otherwise they have every right to refuse.

Analyzing the records of readings, you can easily control the amount billed to you for heat by thermal networks. And it is imperative that they themselves transmit the readings to the heating networks, otherwise why do you need them. As my first master said, even a monkey can do such work if it is taught to press buttons.

And a final note, never try to save heat by cheating. With modern methods of control, everything is very easily controlled. Punishment court costs and payment of five times the amount. This is the best economy.

How to correctly take readings of a kwh meter manufactured in 1985;

Read a little higher section "a". I would recommend replacing the heat meter of 1985, because already in 1995, after the release of the rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant, it ceased to comply with them, and it does not comply with the new rules all the more, and the worst thing is that it is unknown what.

Based on operating experience, heat meters of 1998-99 do not pass state verification - they do not correspond to the declared parameters due to wear. Although there are individuals, pressure gauges manufactured in 1961 pass state verification without additional adjustments, and new ones out of the box do not pass it. It all depends on the manufacturer.

How is heat calculated?

The amount of received thermal energy is calculated in Gcal. It is accepted for calculation by thermal networks in any values ​​- it can be - Gcal, MW, kJ, GJ.

On counters of domestic production, these values ​​look like this - Gcal; MW; kJ; imported kW; MW; MJ or GJ. For heating networks, in what quantities you will transfer the data anyway. They themselves will recalculate into Gcal.

1 Gcal is 1.163 MW (MW) or 4.187 GJ (GJ).

Saving heat with the help of UUTE.

Is an SRO (old license) required for the installation of heat meters;

Yes, the answer is clear. In addition, the specialists of the company installing the devices are required to have initial training and valid certification in the technical supervision bodies. Therefore, if you are a manager concluding a contract, check the certification documents with the contractor in advance. Otherwise, your heat meter will never become commercial.

How to install a heat meter yourself;
Do I have the right to install a heat meter myself;

As follows from the above, it is impossible, and moreover, I do not advise you to undertake it. The rules for installing heat meters from different manufacturers are very different from each other. Even if you are a heating engineer, metrologist, instrumentation engineer, welder, electrician, plumber, all rolled into one, which is unlikely, you will have to remember or study all the rules, GOSTs, SNiPs and also installation manuals for this heat meter. The cost of services in this market has now fallen. And the area of ​​heat supply is so complex that sometimes even specialists lack knowledge and experience. My personal opinion is that it is high time for us to forget the communist times and earn money where we work. Thankfully it's not banned now. No offense. I myself am like you. Brought up in communist times, I know how to do everything better than modern "specialists". Why do kids always scold me.

How are heat meter readings calculated?

The following is taken into account:
- the amount of thermal energy received by the heat meter.
- the amount of heat spent on feeding the heating system, if there was a leak in the heating system. In this case, the possible error of the flow meters and the permitted normative leakage of water from the heating system must be taken into account.
- loss of thermal energy to metering devices in accordance with the contract.
These data are summarized and multiplied by the cost of 1 Gcal.

How to check if the payment for heat according to the heat meter is correctly calculated;

Calculate the difference, the value of Q is the amount of heat energy consumed between the last and penultimate reporting dates. Since, for example, if it were an electric meter.
Convert your heat meter readings to Gcal.
To do this, if you have Q in MW, multiply by 0.8598; if in GJ, multiply by 0.2388, you will get the value in Gcal.
Add the amount of contractual losses, if any. Losses should be stipulated in the contract and painted by months.
Multiply the amount of heat received by the cost of 1 Gcal.
If this value differs from the one set for you, check if you have had any water leakage from the heating system. To do this, look at the consumption readings, parameter G in (t) as well as in the case of Q by reporting dates. If the data do not differ by more than 2% (for closed heating systems), in some heating networks they accept 4%, 2% error of one flow meter, 4%, respectively, of 2 flow meters - flow meters are devices that count the amount of water that has passed through your heating system or hot water supply. If they differ, it means that you have been charged an additional cost for drawing water from the heating system.
It is considered so. The amount of water withdrawal, (taking into account the error of the instruments) in (t) is multiplied by the temperature difference between the return pipeline and the temperature of cold water for a given period. Get the value in Gcal, which is added to the heat you consumed. Data is usually rounded to whole numbers, the remainder is carried over to the next reporting period.
Checked, you can now go argue or sleep peacefully. I'm always in control, because errors are common, both through the fault of people and the fault of programmers writing programs for reports.

Earlier, an article was published on our website about what is the "Statement of Accounting for Heat Consumption Parameters". In it, we set out in sufficient detail what parameters fixes heat meter in this statement, and what malfunctions of the heat energy metering unit (UUTE) can be determined by analyzing the "printout" with metering device. In this article, we will consider how the above statement can be extracted from the meter using the example of a VIS.T brand heat meter. There are at least 4 main ways to transfer readings from a meter to a consumer:

  1. By direct printing to a printer. To do this, a specially configured printer must be connected to the LPT connector on the heat meter's computing unit. Printing is started from heat meter menu.
  2. Using a specialized data transfer adapter.
  3. ASUPR or other dispatching system. To do this, the UUTE must be equipped with a modem that performs remote data transmission via GSM, Ethernet or another data transfer protocol.
  4. Taking readings on a computer.

The first three methods described involve the installation of additional specialized equipment, and quite expensive. Each of these methods has its own advantages with a certain set of factors, such as: the number of objects, their geographical location, the diversity of the fleet of metering devices used. In order to optimally select the equipment configuration and not overpay for unnecessary equipment, it is better to seek advice from our specialists. If your device is not equipped with additional equipment, and readings from the device need to be taken somehow, I will dwell on the fourth method of taking readings from the UUTE using a computer. This method will require minimal financial costs, provided that the consumer has a suitable device based on the Windows operating system. So, we will need:

  1. Computer (laptop, tablet or other device based on the Windows operating system). Of course, the most convenient device, from personal experience, is a small laptop.
  2. In view of the fact that modern computers rarely have an RS-232 COM port on board, but are equipped with USB connectors for connecting peripheral devices, it is necessary to purchase adapterUSB- RS232 . This is cheaper than a printer or data transfer adapter.

In our case, this is MOXA USB Serial Port (COM1). Next, install and run the Lexx program. Click File / Program Settings. In the window that opens, select the Communication port. In our case, this is COM1, respectively. The communication port speed must be set to the same as specified in the heat meter settings. Most often there are devices with a speed setting of 9600, but a different data transfer rate can be set up to 57600. In order not to start receiving data every time in manual mode, I recommend checking the box “Accept protocols automatically” and save the settings by pressing the OK key. In the device menu, open the settings, check the data output "Modem" connect adapter RS-232 port connector to the “modem” connector on the heat meter. Make sure the baud rate matches the setting in the program on your computer. Save the settings in the device.

Then go to instrument print menu, select the period for which you want to generate statement. On your computer, make sure "COM1, 9600 Bps: Waiting for Data" is displayed in the lower right corner of the Lexx program window. Confirm the print sheet on the instrument. A bar should appear on the computer screen indicating that data is being transferred to the device. After the data transfer is completed (the procedure usually takes about 1 minute), the number corresponding to your device should appear in the list of devices. heat meter and a statement should appear in the right part of the program window.

It can be printed directly from the program (printer icon), or exported (blue floppy disk icon) to an RTF file that is supported by Microsoft Word. It looks somewhat intricate, but only at the first reading. Once you perform the procedure for setting up the device and the computer, in the future, taking readings will take no more than 2-3 minutes. If it doesn’t work out, you can always contact our specialists who will help you set up the equipment and provide further technical support if you have any questions about the operation of the UUTE.

There are many situations when the organization of remote meter reading becomes the best way out. If the meter is located in a hard-to-reach place. If the energy supply requires a meter to be hung on a pole, which is not uncommon in cottage, summer cottages and garage cooperatives. If the enterprise has remote facilities or a branch network and centralized collection of readings from many meters is necessary. If the enterprise has tenants (for example, shopping, office centers) and it is inconvenient for it to organize their rounds every time. Etc.

All these "pains" are treated by remote reading of meters. Even 10 years ago, only large enterprises had such an opportunity. Now, as technology develops, a private trader can also automate his counter.

At first there was the experience of telecoms ...

We, Technotronics, would like to share our experience in the development and implementation of such systems. For the first time we dealt with this topic more than 12 years ago. As a developer and manufacturer of systems for monitoring parameters, security and remote control at communication facilities, we were faced with the fact that it was extremely costly and inconvenient for telecom operators to take readings from their facilities.

Our communications clients, having many (hundreds!) territorially scattered and "uninhabited" objects, each month allocated a person to go around all the objects and take readings from them manually. Time, fuel costs, wages - the list of losses goes on. To solve this problem, we have added a remote meter reading function to our devices for complex monitoring of communication facilities. As a result, having equipped their facilities with new devices, telecom operators received automatic centralized collection of readings. This decision was extremely convenient for them also because the dispatch centers with our software, where the readings were sent, had already been organized.

Indeed, an ideal situation arose: in a single window, signalmen saw the state of their objects (temperature, humidity, the presence of leakage, power surges, the fact of unauthorized opening, etc.); could remotely turn on / off any equipment (siren, air conditioner, switches, etc.); and also saw all the data from the meters, could automatically build reports and graphs of consumption, and so on.

How to make counter automation accessible to everyone?

Everything would be fine, but only to build such a system was “on the shoulder” of a large organization interested in complex monitoring, and not in one resource accounting function. What then should private traders and small organizations that need to automate 1-2 meters do? Install expensive and complex software for them, where there are many other functions that they do not demand? Install a multifunctional monitoring device, instead of a specialized unit? We began to ask ourselves all these questions when we were gradually approached by organizations and individuals who needed a system that worked on different principles. And we continued to develop.

Reading devices with WEB-interface

First, as an alternative, devices using WEB technology were born. In fact, both the device and the dispatch center are in one bottle. These are specialized blocks for taking readings from meters, viewing data from which is available through the WEB interface of the device from any Internet browser. There are four such devices in our range:

  • Modules MSI-6E, MSI-2E - automation of taking readings from the pulse output of electricity, water, heat and gas meters. Viewing readings is available via the Internet. MSI-6E takes readings from a maximum of 6 metering devices, MSI-2E - from 2.

Rice. 1. Scheme for taking readings from electric meters based on MSI-6E

  • Devices Teleport-M230, Teleport-SE120 - automation of taking readings from the Mercury 230 electricity meter and from the Energomera-CE102 electricity meter. Readings can be viewed through the WEB interface of the device in any Internet browser.

Rice. 2. Scheme for taking readings from the Mercury 230 electric meter based on Teleport-M230

Free KUB-Infra service for viewing readings from water, heat, electricity meters via the Internet

Further more. In 2016, Technotronics started developing the KUB-Infra cloud service, which allows viewing meter readings via the Internet. At the moment, the service has been put into operation, and we consider it the easiest and most convenient way to solve the problem of remote meter reading.

Rice. 3. Electricity consumption per day, broken down by hours

Why is this solution better than just a device with a web interface?

  1. Access to data from any remote point without paying for the service of a white (fixed) IP address to an Internet provider.
  2. Ability to see consumption by hours/days/months/years. You see consumption in dynamics (graphics, etc.), and in the web interface only the current value.
  3. Support for any multitariff.
  4. Support for a large number of interface counters.
  5. Extensive reporting capabilities.

What needs to be done to connect your meter to the KUB-Infra cloud service and start viewing readings via the Internet?

It is necessary to purchase the KUB-Infra reading device of the same name, connect meters to it, and the device will automatically start sending data to the cloud service. After registering for the service, your meter readings will be available to you. And most importantly, you can use the service for free! We don't charge for viewing!

If you need more: temperature, humidity, voltage, current and more

Starting with accounting for resources, we went further - we organized the ability to monitor temperature and humidity, voltage and current values ​​​​through the KUB-Infra service, as well as remotely control something at the facilities, for example, de-energize all sockets with one click.

It is especially pleasant that all these functions can be organized using the same KUB-Infra controller. The device provides all relevant inputs/outputs for sensors. Therefore, if you need to organize something else in addition to accounting for resources, it is enough to purchase the appropriate sensor (temperature, humidity, current sensor, voltage control unit, etc.), and connect it to KUB-Infra. You will track the parameters in the same place - in your personal account on the KUB-Infra service. At the same time, if the parameter goes beyond the norm, the system will notify you by e-mail or via messenger.

Fans of innovation can try on the KUB-Infra service for themselves. To do this, go to the demo version of the KUB-Infra service (login - demo, password - demo).

If you are interested in the topics of building centralized systems for monitoring objects (climate, flooding, security, remote control, etc.), battery monitoring, AWP energy, visit our website

With a filled pipeline and a closed shut-off valve (the displayed flow must then be 0), the g1 values ​​are displayed.

Likely cause:

1. An electric current flows through the pipeline, on which a heat meter with a primary flow converter is installed.

2. Malfunction of valves

1. Since thermal networks are not designed to transmit electricity, find and eliminate the source of electric current.

2. Let the current pass through the area where the heat meter is installed, as follows:

Insulate flange bolts. For devices with a threaded connection - embed flanges in nearby sections of pipelines or use the flanges of adjacent fittings;

Rice. 1. Diagram of insulating flange bolts

Perform electrical shunting of the pipeline section on which the heat meter is installed with a shunt bus. Use steel wire with a diameter of 6...8 mm. Connection method - welding.

Rice. 2. Scheme of electrical shunting of the pipeline section.

With the assumed uninterrupted flow of the coolant, instability of the readings g1 (g2) is observed.

Most likely causes:

A foreign body got into the channel or the primary flow converter connected to it.

Elimination Methods:

Dismantle PPR (primary flow converter). It is possible to install a filter if the problem persists.

With the expected ratio of flows in the supply and return pipelines, there is a difference in readings between g1 and g2. In this case (g1-g2)/g1*100 > 2%

Most likely causes:

1. A foreign body has entered the channel or the primary flow converter connected to it.

2. The requirements for straight sections of pipelines have not been met.

3. Malfunction of the primary flow converter.

Elimination Methods:

In the event that no clogging of the flow path is detected, send the flow transducer for repair and verification

No signal from flow transducer channel V1.

Most likely causes:

1. The direction of the flow in the pipeline does not correspond to the direction of the arrow printed on the body of the primary converter

2. An electrically conductive foreign body got into the channel or the flow converter connected to it and shorted the electrodes to the body.


1. Analyze the correspondence of the direction of the arrow to the direction of flow.

2. Dismantle the PPR, inspect the flow path

3. Ring the power supply circuit from the calculator.

Elimination :

1. Remount the PPR.

2. Clean the flow part and install a magnetic-mechanical filter before the flow converter.

3. Restore the network when it breaks.

Breakage or short circuit of temperature sensors of channel T1 or T2.

Most likely causes:

1. Temperature sensors are not connected or another device is connected instead (flow sensor).

2. Break or short circuit in the wires connecting the temperature sensors to the calculator or the temperature sensors are faulty.

Diagnostics :

1.Check if the connection is correct.

2. Disconnect the wires from the temperature sensors, measure their resistance (resistance from 500 to 780 Ohm is considered normal). If the resistance goes beyond the mentioned limits, this may indicate an open, short circuit, or a malfunction of the temperature sensors.

Elimination :

1. Carry out a new installation with the selected measuring circuit.

2. Replace temperature sensors if a malfunction is found in them

T1 2.

Most likely causes:

Ph.D. I.P. Andreev, Doctoral student of the Samara State Technical University, director of CJSC "Tochenergo", Togliatti

The article discusses typical ways of distorting meter readings and methods of dealing with them.

One of the main federal problems of accounting and saving natural and energy resources (PER) during their extraction, transportation, processing, storage, sale and use is the distortion of accounting for PER and their losses, especially in monetary terms. The problem of accounting for PER losses has a number of negative organizational and methodological features hidden from the general public, which are not characteristic of civilized accounting systems.

There is a widespread unpunished practice of material incentives for employees to receive income ("savings") by fraudulently unauthorized distortion of meter readings.

Consider the typical ways of distorting meter readings and methods of dealing with it.

1 . Use of hydrodynamic factors to change instrument readings

One of the most affordable ways to change instrument readings using improvised plumbing tools is to change the velocity diagram and flow swirl using a non-standard sealing gasket installed between the straight section at the flow inlet to the sensor and the sensor itself.

The designs and materials of gaskets can be very different. It is possible to reduce the inner diameter of the gasket and even make screw threads with swirling flow. If the gasket is soft, starts to vibrate and cause flow pulsations, then theoretically this can reduce the effect, because. flow pulsations lead, for example, to overestimation of turbine meters. If the gasket is internally threaded and is a flow swirl but not properly designed, this will cause additional pressure drop and possible noise in the piping. A flow swirler can also be installed in front of a straight section along the flow, especially if, according to the recommendation of the manufacturer of the device, a small length of the section is allowed (3 ... 5 nominal diameters).

Dirty filters, contaminated internal surfaces of pipelines and partially open gate valves (cocks) installed near the flow sensor also cause changes in the velocity diagram and lead to errors. There is a known case when, due to partial clogging of the inlet filter, the readings of the heat meter in one of the Moscow hotels were underestimated by 30%.

Another case was registered by the author at one of the fruit and vegetable bases, where a partial overlap of the inlet valve in front of the heat meter in warm weather systematically led to an underestimation of the flow rate by about an order of magnitude. Increasing the flow rate to the lower limit of the operating range, on the contrary, led to the restoration of reliable readings. However, it has not been definitely determined whether the underestimation of readings is related to the velocity diagram or the sensitivity threshold of the flow measurement channel.

Airing the flow using a centrifugal pump installed in the line, or an external compressor also causes a change in meter readings. It is well known to use compressors for the purpose of overcharging meters at petrol stations. At the same time, the volume counter, due to the physical features of its work, displays the volume of not only the product, but also the air pumped with the product.

At the same time, airing the flow with the help of pumps in the food industry, in particular in the alcohol industry, leads to an unfavorable imbalance for the manufacturer of the volumes measured by the counter and determined by the number of bottles filled through the dispenser. The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple - air is dissolved in water in an amount of up to 3% by volume (at atmospheric pressure), and with a strong shake, like from champagne, it is released. To get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary either to change the pump, or to reduce the flow rate, or to install the meter downstream of the pump. If an air collector is installed, then it is necessary to instrumentally check the effectiveness of its operation. It often happens that air collectors, even complex in design, do not create an extinguishing effect on food products.

Changing the roughness of surfaces. It is known that the inner walls of the pipe and the blades of the turbine must have rough surfaces. If the surface of the blades is very smooth, for example, coated with a film or polished, this will make it very difficult for the flow to turbulize along the blade and reach the critical Reynolds number. In turn, this will significantly increase the slip of the turbine in operation and lead to a noticeable underestimation of the meter readings (Fig. 1). For information, on gliders, a thread is specially pulled in front of the wings in order to cause flow turbulence and a large, at the same angle of attack, lift.

Another way is to replace the calibrated washers and impellers of verified meters with fake ones, with a different washer hole diameter or a different impeller screw thread angle. In the pipe, the sensitive elements are not visible, and when opened, it is almost impossible to detect a defect or accuse the customer of a fake of deliberately understating the readings.

2. Mechanical and magnetic braking

Mechanical braking of the impeller with the help of a fishing line passed through a tap or with a filter plug, when organizing apartment water consumption metering. The plug idea is especially effective, as it clearly demonstrates the incompetence of designers and inspectors in matters of instrumentation.

If mesh filters in apartments are installed downstream of water meters and are not sealed, then switching flows through filter plugs using flexible hoses leads to “twisting” of meter readings.

Magnetic braking of impellers and magnetic couplings using an external constant or rotating magnetic field is possible, but if there are ferromagnetic screens on the meter, it is usually ineffective. Apparently, more research is needed on this issue.

As for vortex counters with a constant magnetic excitation field, as shown by our experimental studies, there are possibilities for changing (falsifying) the lower limit of measurement recorded by the counter according to the sensitivity threshold. In other words, if the vortex counter's electronic recorder is set to 1 m 3 /h, then with artificial magnetic field compensation, operation can occur at a much higher flow rate, for example, at 4 m 3 /h. Volumes with flow rates up to the given value will be recorded at the lower presetting. All that is required for this is from time to time to connect an external electromagnetic system to the magnetic system of the vortex sensor from the power supply and the solenoid, the core of which is the vortex sensor magnet. 2-tube measurements require 2 solenoids. However, for technological measurements, the vortex sensor of the described design may be of interest.

3. Temperature factors

At the same metering unit, our instrumental surveys revealed the fact of underestimation of the heat carrier supply temperature readings by 20 °C, which gave a large consumer almost 50% underestimation of the heat metering unit readings. The source of the defect was a non-standard thermowell (thermowell) made of a section of a water pipe, which protruded about 8 cm above the supply pipeline and was filled to the top with liquid. Since thermowells are not subject to inspection when they are installed in a pipeline, their special design and filling with liquid above the operating level of the RTD sensing element can also contribute to the change in meter readings.

You can replace the resistance thermometer with a fake one or connect a resistor of a certain rating in parallel with it or the communication line. The effect is similar to the previous one, and in the presence of a hidden switched resistor, it is difficult to detect the cause of underestimation during inspections.

4. Influence of cable asymmetry and correct grounding

At 2 metering stations of the same type, a discrepancy of approximately 4% was found in the readings of digital flow meters and computers connected to them, and, oddly enough, in one case the readings of the flow meter were higher than those of the calculator, and in the other, vice versa. This fact can be explained by the fact that instead of a cable with cores of the same section, asymmetric wires enclosed in a metal hose were used, as well as by incorrectly executed grounding, which led to loop currents of the corresponding direction.

5. Incorrect sealing and the presence of a keyboard

The presence of soft, especially plasticine, seals on the components of the metering units allows you to make impressions from the seals and open the metering units with the provision of changing the readings in any way possible. It is noteworthy that once the tax inspectorate refused the author to confiscate samples of lead seals from the investigated metering station for alcoholic products, because. seals with cut ends of the wire were subject to accounting. Perhaps, in the delivery of used seals, there is a sense not only of lead utilization, but also a deep sense of control over fakes (by external signs and composition).

After completing the training of one of the thermal inspections, the author asked to perform a control sealing of any metering unit so that it was impossible, as promised, to underestimate the readings in 5 minutes. What was the general amazement when the author, having examined all the seals, instead of the planned method, opted for the seal of the supply pipeline thermometer and managed to unscrew the resistance thermometer without breaking the seal. The entire operation to underestimate the readings of the metering station took 2 minutes.

The presence of a keyboard allows you to "zombify" the calculator program and control the change in readings directly from the keyboard using only commands known to scammers. In the first developments of domestic heat meters, the power supply of the flowmeter and calculator was separate. Disconnecting the flow meter from the network did not lead to the shutdown of the operating time counter in the calculator. Until now, some meters, installed by the author back in 1994, operate in the mode of unauthorized underestimation of readings, and heating networks compensate for their losses by increasing energy tariffs. Any software tricks of developers in the form of alarms, as it turned out, are easily removed and do not give any benefit, except for problems in operation.

6. Unbalanced Accounting

When organizing a metering system that includes a certain number of metering units combined into a single system, there is an imbalance in the entire system with a significant excess of the resulting error that the entire system as a whole should have. For example, at night, an apartment meter shows the amount of water consumed by a consumer, and a meter at the entrance to an apartment building, for example, a vortex type, does not respond to the flow due to the presence of a threshold flow rate. Such an imbalance seems to be “beneficial” to the residents of the house, if you do not take into account that unbalanced accounting in accordance with the standards for measuring information systems and accuracy standards is illegal.


Thus, from the foregoing, priority measures arise to reduce the uncertainty and distortion of the commercial accounting of PER and their losses:

To improve the reliability of accounting measurements of energy and natural resources, metering units must undergo state verification by the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation directly at the places of operation without violating the integrity of metering units.

On strategically important routes for the transportation of natural and energy resources, in addition to metrological control, tax (balance) control should be carried out using portable calibrators, communications, computers, statistical processing methods and other tools for detecting excess losses.

The control of metering stations, interpreted in a peculiar way and actually carried out by power engineers, is illegal, brings huge annual losses to consumers of resources and the treasury in the form of a shortage of products, taxes, customs duties and the presence of losses (up to $ 100 billion annually), hinders technical progress. It is advisable to exclude illegal actions from the Accounting Rules and everyday practice and bring them into line with the standards and basics of metrology of measuring information systems.

It is necessary to import well-known, primarily tax and customs, requirements for the protection of goods and commercial information from unauthorized access to accounting nodes. Specific methods and means of protection must pass certification tests.


1. Andreev I. P. Typical mistakes in the organization of commercial heat accounting. Energy Efficiency, CENEf, 1995, No. 9.

2. Andreev I. P. Instrumental survey and detection of defects in urban systems of heat and water accounting. Energy Efficiency, TSENEF, 1998, No. 21, p. 20-22.

3.Andreev I.P. About metrological support of

accounting for energy resources. Report to the Scientific and Technical Committee of the State Standard of the Russian Federation, protocol No. 10 dated June 27, 2000.

4. Andreev I. P. Portable calibrators for rejection, adjustment, operational and metrological control, certification of commodity pipeline metering systems for energy and natural resources and provision of services to eliminate metering defects. The project that won the Russian Competition of Innovative Projects "Science-Technology-Production"

| free download Distortion of instrumental metering of energy and natural resources and the fight against it, Andreev I.P.,

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