Starting heating in an apartment building. How to properly start heating in an apartment building. Adding coolant to heating systems

Starting the heating system in the house is an important event and you need to know how to do it correctly, since its efficiency, reliability and overall duration of operation depend on it. When carrying out this work, a certain sequence of actions must be followed.

Preparatory stage

As a rule, in warm weather, the heat supply structure is not used. Therefore, before starting heating in a private house, it is necessary to ensure the integrity and reliability of its elements and perform a number of preparatory work. Before using a closed heating system, it is necessary to determine the deviation of its actual indicators from the calculated parameters.

According to the rules, preparation for the heating season is carried out in a certain sequence. First of all, a visual inspection of communications and heating equipment is carried out. For a property owner, the question of how to put a radiator into operation should not be in the first place. First of all, he needs to make sure that there are no mechanical damages on the body of the device and check the reliability of its connection to the pipeline.

Also, before starting the heating system, a number of preventive measures are taken:

  1. Checking the condition of the smoke exhaust system. To start the boiler, there must be enough draft in the chimney to support combustion. For this reason, the internal cavities are cleaned of soot and the integrity of the pipe is examined. In a brick structure, if necessary, replace damaged elements. On galvanized pipes, rust is removed, if any.
  2. Visual inspection of pipes. Without this, it is dangerous to start the heating system. It is necessary to find out how tight the pipes are, whether there are any cracks or noticeable defects.
  3. Battery condition monitoring. The management company, before starting heating in an apartment building, must warn residents about this, and they must check the integrity of the radiators. It is impossible to disconnect individual devices from the heating network. When filling pipelines, make sure that there are no coolant leaks.

This is a list of rules, without which the first start-up of the system should not be done. To start the heating season correctly, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. A test run of the heat supply system in an apartment building is carried out 1–2 months before the start of heating. At this time, it is better for property owners to stay at home to make sure that there are no leaks.

Filling the heating system with coolant

Previously, it was recommended how to check the heating system in a private house - including a visual inspection of all its components. If faults are found, individual elements are replaced. Then proceed to the process of filling the risers with coolant.

If the radiators are not filled with water, a small rusty coating appears on their walls. Therefore, before filling the heating system, experts recommend cleaning it. If there are liquid residues in the pipes, they should be removed. To do this, use a special pipe, located at the lowest point of the heating system, there should also be a make-up unit.

Then you can begin to solve the problem of how to start the heating correctly. For closed systems with forced circulation of liquids, hydrodynamic flushing is used. To do this, you need to purchase or rent a special pump with filtration and a chamber designed for cleaning agent.

Washing is done in a certain sequence:

  • pump nozzles are connected to the system;
  • start and visually control the degree of water pollution, which has passed through the pipeline a full cycle;
  • if necessary, change the fluid to a new one;
  • flushing procedures are performed several times until the water is clear.

When it is required to start a closed-type system, an increased volume of coolant or air is injected into the pipeline and thus the reliability of the joining of elements and structural units is checked. In this case, the pressure value should exceed the nominal value by 1.2 times.

The liquid used in the flushing process must not be drained into the sewer, as it contains harmful substances that can adversely affect the functioning of the autonomous sewer system.

Adding the volume of coolant to the heating structure

The working medium can be ordinary distilled water and antifreeze. Filling is carried out before starting the heating system in a private house, through the make-up unit located at the lowest point. This order is very important, since an attempt to add liquid through other nozzles located above leads to the formation of air pockets.

To ensure the correct start of the radiator, the presence and operability of Mayevsky cranes are checked. For this, each of them is opened.

Then a certain procedure follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the air and drain valves available at the highest point of the structure.
  2. Next, the tap of the make-up unit is smoothly opened, while the water pressure is made small so that air locks do not occur.
  3. After the coolant begins to flow from the nozzles of both valves, they are closed.
  4. Mayevsky's taps remain open until working fluid flows out of them instead of air. This point is important, since starting the heating boiler in the event of air pockets can damage the entire system.

If pressure testing has not been carried out before, it is done in the process of filling with coolant. When starting the heating system, pressure gauges that are installed on the collectors, the safety group, and the boiler help control the pressure when filling with water.

First start of the heating boiler

The sequence of actions at the first start-up of the boiler before the start of the heating season largely depends on the model of the device and its type, but it needs a visual inspection. This is one of the important stages that precedes the final launch of heat supply in the house.

The heat exchanger is the most vulnerable unit of the unit. Its verification is a mandatory measure, since during operation it is constantly exposed to high temperatures. Simultaneously with the launch of the radiator, the inspection of the boiler is one of the most important tasks of the preparatory stage.

solid fuel unit

Before starting the heat supply system, the condition of the solid fuel boiler is checked. It is necessary to clean its surface from rust, make sure that devices such as thermometers and pressure gauges are working.

Then do some work:

  1. The combustion and ash chambers are cleaned of soot using a metal brush.
  2. Check the condition of the chimney - its pipe must be securely connected to the nozzle of the unit.

For pyrolysis and pellet devices, the functioning of the electronic control unit, nozzles and fans must be tested. In the event of a heating start, if these elements do not work correctly, sudden temperature fluctuations may occur, which will directly affect the condition of other nodes.

In the room where the solid fuel unit is mounted, the storage of flammable substances is unacceptable. To store fuel, you should equip a separate utility room or make an extension.

A gas boiler

To live in a house in comfort, you need to know how to properly start the heating system if the water is heated by a gas boiler. For different models of units, the starting sequence is different, due to differences in their design.

This is especially true for condensing appliances, in which condensate must form correctly during operation, because without it the heating of the secondary heat exchanger is impossible.

To correctly start heating with a gas boiler, after filling the system with liquid, you need to perform certain actions:

  1. The valve located at the bottom of the unit should be opened, which does not allow the flow of liquid into the circuits, since after the end of the heating season it is usually closed. As a result, the pressure gauge readings change, and the pressure value cannot exceed 3 atmospheres.
  2. When the coolant has warmed up, the make-up valve is opened again. In order to remove the remaining air jams, Mayevsky cranes are used. During this procedure, the pressure decreases slightly.
  3. In fact, the radiators have to be started 2 times - when filling with hot water and when the boiler is turned on.
  4. The correct operation of the unit is controlled by the values ​​that appear on the dashboard.

If you strictly follow the instructions for starting the heating system, it will maintain a stable temperature without pressure surges in the pipelines.

It is desirable that the first start-up of the gas boiler is carried out by employees of specialized service centers for servicing this heating equipment. It also does not hurt to know what to do if the gas boiler blows out with the wind, in order to solve such a problem if necessary.

Checking the elements of the heating system

Without the correct functioning of all components of the heating system, it will not be possible to start it correctly. First of all, it is necessary to check the operation of measuring devices - thermometers and pressure gauges.

It is also necessary to check the functioning of the protective elements. The system may not start if the bleed valve or air vent seats are not moving due to limescale or rust. For this reason, each of them is opened manually.

The pressure of the air chamber controls the expansion tank, it must exceed the nominal value in the system by 5-7%. If the design of the tank allows changing the membrane, it should be disassembled and checked in what condition it is.

The cost of the service for launching a heat supply system in a private household depends on many factors and is determined on an individual basis.

In Moscow, heating is turned on by order of the City Government if the average daily temperature is below 8 ° C for 5 days and, according to the weather forecast, its further decrease is expected. Heating is turned off according to the same principle - if the average daily temperature remains above 8 ° C for 5 days and, according to the weather forecast, it is expected to further increase.

Work on turning on and adjusting the heating usually lasts several days. First, batteries are turned on at social facilities (in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, clinics), then in residential buildings, then at industrial enterprises. They turn off the heating in the reverse order - first at industrial enterprises, then in residential buildings, then in social institutions.

In hospitals, clinics, schools and other social infrastructure facilities, if necessary, heating can be provided even before the start of the heating season.

2. How long can the heating be turned off during the cold season?

Within a month, heating in a residential area can be turned off for a total of no more than 24 hours. No more than:

  • for 16 hours if the room temperature remains above 12°C;
  • for 8 hours if the room temperature is from 10°С to 12°С;
  • for 4 hours if the room temperature is between 8°C and 10°C.

For each extra hour, the payment for heating in the billing period when the shutdown occurred is reduced by 0.15%.

In kindergartens, schools and hospitals it is forbidden to turn off the heating until the end of the heating period.

3. What temperature should be in the room during the heating season?

During the heating season, the temperature should be:

  • in living quarters - not lower than 18°С (in corner rooms - 20°С);
  • in kindergarten: in the playroom of the nursery - 22°С-24°С, in the playrooms of other groups - 21°С-23°С, in the bedrooms - 19°С-20°С;
  • at school: in all main rooms - 18°С-24°С, in the gym and workshops - 17°С-20°С;
  • at the workplace - depending on the type of load, the optimum temperature can range from 16°C-18°C (work requiring great physical effort) to 22°C-24°C (for example, work at precision instrumentation and engineering enterprises). The temperature in the office during the heating season should be 21°C-23°C.

5. How to measure the temperature in a residential area?

To measure the temperature correctly, proceed as follows:

  1. Before measuring the temperature, close all windows and doors in the room.
  2. Measure the temperature in the center of the largest room in the apartment - at the intersection of the diagonals drawn from the corners.
  3. Hold the thermometer one meter above the floor.
  4. Make sure that the nearest heater and the outer wall are at least 0.5 meters away.

What determines the normal functioning of the heating system? There are several objective factors that directly affect the efficiency, reliability and maintenance of its performance. Therefore, first of all, you need to know how to properly start the heating system in the house. It is best to consider this procedure on the example of an autonomous system of a country cottage.

Preparing the heating system for start-up

In the vast majority of cases, heating is inactive during the summer. Therefore, it is necessary to check the safety and reliability of its main components, as well as to carry out a number of preparatory work. Before you start a closed heating system, you need to find out the degree of deviation of its actual parameters from the calculated ones.

First, a visual inspection of the mains and heating radiators is carried out. For the owner, the first question should not be how to start the heating battery. It is necessary to check its body for possible mechanical damage, as well as to check the reliability of the connection with the pipeline.

Along with this, the monitoring and preventive work of the following plan is carried out:

  • Chimney system check. How to start the heating boiler if the draft in the chimney is not enough to support the combustion process? Therefore, they clean the internal cavity from soot, and also check the integrity of the pipe. Brick structures can be "upgraded" by replacing broken bricks. Rust may appear on galvanized pipes, which should be removed;
  • Visual inspection of pipes. Since it will be simply dangerous to start heating without this, you need to find out if all the pipes have retained their tightness, if there are any cracks or obvious defects in the system;
  • Monitoring the condition of radiators. You need to know that before starting heating in an apartment building, the management company must warn residents. They, in turn, check the condition of the batteries. It is not allowed to disconnect individual radiators from the network. During the filling of pipes with coolant, the absence of leaks is checked.

These are general rules, without which the first start-up of heating is not recommended. But how to start heating in a private house correctly? To do this, it is recommended to perform a number of procedures.

A test run of heating in an apartment building is carried out 1.2-2 months before the start of the heating season. During its implementation, it is recommended to stay at home to check for leaks.

Filling the heating system with coolant

It must be recalled once again that before starting the heating system at home, a visual inspection of all elements is performed. If necessary, individual components and components are replaced. Only after that you can proceed to the procedure of filling with coolant.

In the absence of water, a slight rust coating will inevitably form on the inner walls of the radiators and the heat exchanger. Therefore, before the coolant is filled, it is recommended to clean the system.

Flushing the heating system

If there is still coolant in the pipes, you need to remove it. This can be done through a special pipe located at the lowest point of the system. There should also be a recharge node. Only after that you can continue to solve the question - how to properly start the heating system.

For closed heating circuits with forced circulation, hydrodynamic flushing is recommended. To do this, you should purchase (or better, rent) a special pump with filtration and a chamber for cleaning fluid.

Flushing procedure:

  • Connecting the pump nozzles to the system;
  • Start-up and visual control of the degree of contamination of water that has gone through a full cycle through the pipeline;
  • If necessary, replace the fluid with a new one;
  • Do several flushing cycles until the water is completely clear.

After that, pressing is performed. Before starting the heating radiator, you need to check the condition of its connection with the pipeline. It is recommended to replace the gaskets, as well as to check the integrity of the couplings.

To start a closed heating system, an increased amount of coolant (or air) is injected into the pipeline. This is necessary to check the reliability of the connecting elements of the system. The pressure value must exceed the nominal value by 1.2 times.

The liquid after flushing must not be disposed of into the sewer. It contains harmful components that will adversely affect the operation of autonomous sewage.

Adding coolant to heating systems

As a coolant, you can use ordinary distilled water or antifreeze. Filling is done through the sub-picture node located at the lowest point.

This is important, because if you try to add water through other nozzles located above, the likelihood of air pockets will increase. In order to make the correct start of the heating battery, it is recommended to check the presence of Mayevsky cranes and their performance. To do this, open each of them. Then you need to follow the following procedure:

  • The air and drain valves located at the highest point of the system open;
  • The faucet of the file unit opens smoothly. The water pressure should be small so that air jams do not form;
  • After the coolant flows from the nozzles of the air and drain valves, they should be closed;
  • Mayevsky's taps remain open until a coolant starts to flow from each instead of air. This is important, since starting the heating boiler in the presence of air pockets can damage the entire system.

If pressure testing has not been done before, it can be done while filling with water. Pressure control at the start of heating at the stage of filling with water is carried out using pressure gauges installed on the boiler, safety group and collectors.

If you plan to fill the system with antifreeze, you need to use propylene glycol. Unlike ethylene glycol, it is completely safe for humans.

First start of the heating boiler

The procedure for the first start-up of the boiler before the start of the heating season depends on its model and type. But despite this, a visual check of its condition is performed. This is one of the most important stages preceding the final launch of heating in a private house.

The heat exchanger is one of the most "vulnerable" element of the boiler. Its verification is mandatory, because during the operation of the device it is constantly exposed to high temperatures. Along with the task of starting the heating radiator, the preparation of the boiler is one of the most important during the process.

solid fuel boiler

Before the start of the heating system has not yet taken place, a comprehensive monitoring of the state of the solid fuel boiler is carried out. Its surface is cleaned of rust, the performance of the pressure gauge and thermometer is checked.

Then follow these steps for the correct start of the heating system:

  • Sedum firebox and ash pan from soot. This can be done with a metal brush;
  • Checking the condition of the chimney. Its pipe must be securely connected to the boiler nozzle.

For pyrolysis and pellet models, the operation of the electronic control unit, fans and nozzles is tested. When the heating system starts up correctly, the improper functioning of these elements can lead to sudden temperature fluctuations, which directly affects the condition of other components.

In the room where the solid fuel boiler is located, flammable substances must not be stored. To store fuel, you also need to allocate a separate room or extension.

A gas boiler

Before you start the gas heating boiler, you should read its instructions. For different models, the order of the steps may vary slightly. This is due to the different types of construction. In particular, this applies to condensation models, in which during operation it is necessary to trace the correct formation of condensate. Without it, heating the secondary heat exchanger will not be possible.

How to properly start heating with a gas boiler? After filling the system with water, you need to do the following:

  • At the bottom of the boiler there is a valve that shuts off the flow of water into the circuits. After the end of the heating season, it can be closed. Therefore, you need to open it - while the pressure gauge readings will change. The pressure value should not exceed 3 atm;
  • After heating the coolant, you need to open the make-up valve again. If air plugs remain in the system, you can remove them using Mayevsky taps. The pressure in the system during this stage may decrease slightly;
  • In fact, you will have to start the sinking radiator 2 times. The first - during filling with coolant, and the second - when the boiler is turned on;
  • The correct functioning of the boiler is controlled by the values ​​on the dashboard.

The result of starting heating in a private house should be a stable temperature regime of the entire system, as well as the absence of pressure surges in the pipes.

Often, the service for the first start-up of a gas boiler is provided by specialized service centers from manufacturers. Their rates are much lower than other companies.

Checking the elements of the heating system

You need to remember about other elements of the system. Indeed, without their correct operation, it is impossible to properly start the heating system. First of all, you should check the normal functioning of measuring instruments - pressure gauges of thermometers.

The operation of protective components must also be monitored. Proper start-up of the heating system can be thwarted if the vent or bleed valve seats are unable to move due to rust or limescale. To do this, you need to manually open each of them.

In the expansion tank, the pressure of the air chamber is controlled. It should be higher than the nominal value in the system by 5-7%. If the design of the tank provides for the possibility of replacing the membrane, you need to disassemble it and check its condition.

Currently, the service for starting the heating system is very rare. It is impossible to indicate at least approximate prices - in most cases, the price is formed on an individual basis. Its size directly depends on the current state of the system and its complexity.

In the video material you can get acquainted with the technology of filling the heating system with coolant.

After the radiator system and boiler room are installed, it’s time to spend heating system start-up and adjustment. The task is to make sure that all radiators are heated.

Procedure before starting the heating system

We do the following.

Open the valve to the expansion tank.

Open the valves that block the coolant at the supply and return from the boiler.

Important! The listed taps should always be open, after starting the system it is best to remove the handwheels from them completely and put them away “in a conspicuous place”.

There should not be any taps on the security block at all.

Open valves on all radiators. And close the Mayevsky taps.

If the heating system is with collectors, then open the taps on the collectors (on the supply and return lines, and not those for feeding and draining the system).

If there are automatic air vents, check if they are open: there is a black cap on top of them, it must be unscrewed so that air can escape.

Filling the heating system with coolant

In order for the heating system to start, you need to fill the system with coolant. We fill. By connecting the hose from the water supply to the appropriate tap (either on the boiler or on the collector). At the same time, we monitor the reading of the pressure gauge: you need to reach the working value (1.5 atm).

When we fill in the coolant, air intensively leaves the system, which is audible to the naked ear :)

Adjustment of the heating system

After filling the system, you need to go through all the radiators and bleed air through the Mayevsky taps: open the Mayevsky tap, first the air comes out, then the tap “spits” with air and water ... when only water has flowed, it means that the radiator has filled with water, close the Mayevsky tap. And so on all radiators.

Most likely, the pressure will drop after manipulating the radiators, so we re-feed the system to working pressure. If there is a second floor, we bleed air from its radiators in the same way. And - we feed the system to working pressure.

Bleed the air from the circulation pump. The pump has a screw, it must be unscrewed with a wide-blade screwdriver. First, as from radiators, air will come out, and then water will come out in a thin stream. Then tighten the screw. Check pressure, top up coolant if necessary.

We start the pump.

Important! Before you go any further, listen to see if the pump is running. It happens that it does not work, because its rotor has soured. We turn off the pump and fix it, for which you need to: 1) unscrew the screw in the center of the pump motor; 2) inside, at the end of the rotor, there is a slot, insert a screwdriver into it and turn the rotor; 3) screw the screw into place. Let's turn on the pump again, it simply has to work now.

For 10-15 minutes. Moreover, after 1 ... 2 minutes of work, we unscrew the screw on the pump again, if water flows, everything is in order. When you turn on the pump, you will hear that air comes out of the air vents again, this is also normal. And the pressure will drop, and we will feed the system to the 1.5 atm we need.

While the pump is running, we go through all Mayevsky's taps and check the presence / absence of air in the radiators. And again we feed the system to the desired pressure.

Now we believe (for now we only believe) that the system is completely filled with a coolant (but we are not very deceived, air can leave the system for up to 3 more weeks and even up to a month, especially if there is a water heated floor; air will come out of the warm floors itself through the air vents on the manifolds).

Starting the heating system

Now everything is ready to start the heating system. We turn on the boiler (the pump must be turned on!) to warm up to 40 degrees.

Our concern is to walk around and check which radiators are heating and which are not. It is clear that the system does not warm up instantly, you have to spend half a hour or an hour. If the radiator does not heat up, then air accumulates in it; bleed in the manner described above.

Finally, we turn on the boiler to warm up to 60-80 degrees. In this mode, hold the heating system for 3-4 hours to make sure that the radiators warm up evenly and the return line returns warm.

Why does the boiler not start?

Sometimes it happens. And the reasons may be the following.

Some boilers have a protection that prevents the boiler from starting at too low a temperature.

The boiler may also not start if it worked before and stopped due to overheating ... but, probably, this is not our case, because we are starting heating here for the first time.

In general, make it a rule: if the boiler does not start, refer first of all to the boiler passport, and not to Google.

If the radiator is not heating...

If water comes out of the radiator, but the radiator still does not heat - what is the reason? In case of inaccurate installation, debris can get inside the pipes and accumulate in thin places, for example, in valves. Will have to clean up. Close both valves on a cold radiator. We release the cap nuts on the valves. Drain the water carefully from the radiator.

If the pressure in the system is working, then you can abruptly open the valve on the supply pipe, while the jet of water should take out the garbage. We put the radiator in place, open both valves, again poison the air through the Mayevsky tap ... well, I suppose everything is already clear enough. After such manipulations, two positive results should appear:

1) heat all radiators;

2) you have a habit of working carefully, preventing debris from entering the pipes.

Also: the difference between supply and return for a normally operating system is 15-20 degrees. Not more. But this also depends on the ambient temperature during the start-up period. In the cold season, the system will need to, so to speak, “accelerate”. And it makes sense to observe the difference between supply and return when the temperature is established in the room.

That's all, nothing complicated. If the heating system is assembled correctly, then there should be no other problems, and the heating system should start without problems.

starting the heating system

The simplest climate network of a private house consists of a heating boiler, heating radiators and pipes connecting these elements into a closed ring through which the coolant circulates. However, the heating systems of multi-storey buildings are arranged in a completely different way, which must be taken into account when repairing or modernizing its component located in the apartment. Otherwise, problems with neighbors and housing office will not be avoided.

Scheme of arrangement of heating with a central supply of coolant

House distribution node

The heating system in an apartment building begins with shutoff valves, which are installed on the pipe connecting the pipelines in the basement with the supply and exhaust heat mains (instruction fixed by SNiP 41-01-2003).

This moment is very important for housing and communal services workers and the organization supplying heat.
It is on this valve that their powers are delimited: the organization providing heating services is responsible for the safety and operability of external communications, the housing office or condominiums should worry about the health of the internal one.

In the photo - an elevator heating unit

After the stopcock, there is various equipment necessary to ensure the circulation of the coolant and hot water through the apartments located on all floors of the house. Its list and description are given in the table.

Distribution node detail Description
Hot water connections Immediately after the tap that shuts off the coolant supply, pipes are mounted for connection to hot water pipes. One or two tie-ins may be present (respectively for one-pipe or two-pipe scheme). In the latter case, the pipes are interconnected by a jumper, which ensures constant pressure and circulation of water in hot water pipes and heated towel rails mounted in bathrooms.
Heating elevator This is the main element of the climate network, without which the heating system of a multi-storey building with a centralized supply of coolant cannot exist. It consists of a nozzle and a bell, which create increased pressure. Thanks to him, the liquid reaches the top (in the attic). In addition, there may also be a suction, which involves the coolant coming from the return into the recycle.
gate valves They are used to cut off the heating circuit of apartments from the common piping system. In winter, for obvious reasons, they are open, in summer they are blocked.
Drain valve It is installed in the lower parts of the pipeline and serves to discharge the coolant in the summer or, if necessary, repair the elements of the heating network located in the house.
Connecting pipeline with shutoff valves At the bottom of the heating system, a pipe is installed that connects the heating system to the cold water supply pipes. It is necessary to fill heating radiators in the summer in order to prevent the formation of corrosion centers in batteries.

Adjustment of the heating system of an apartment building is carried out by changing the diameter of the heating elevator nozzle. By closing and opening the corresponding valve, the housing and communal services worker accelerates or slows down the circulation of the coolant in the heating system, due to which the temperature in the radiators changes.

Supply and discharge pipelines

The next important element of the heating system of apartment buildings is the risers that supply water to each floor of the house and drain the cooled coolant that has flowed through the batteries installed in the dwellings.

There are two main schemes:

  1. The coolant is supplied through one pipe and removed through another. These main risers, located at different ends of the house, are interconnected on each floor by jumpers, through which liquid flows, getting into all the batteries along the way. This is how the heating system of an old multi-apartment 5-storey building is organized.

Subsequently, such a scheme was abandoned, since it makes it difficult to completely discharge the coolant. When airing pipes or radiators in an apartment, it is very difficult to remove all the water from the horizontal sections of pipelines.

  1. Water is supplied through a vertical pipe to the attic, after which it descends, flowing from the battery to the battery, starting from the top floor, ending with the bottom.

Both of these water distribution schemes have one significant drawback - a connecting jumper located in the attic or technical floor.
It is necessary to release air through the air valve, but leads to quite significant heat losses, which reduces the efficiency of the climate system as a whole.

Given that the technical levels of apartment buildings (attics and basements) are not heated, there is a danger of the coolant freezing in the event of a heating system failure.

To avoid this, the following design features of heating risers are provided:

  1. Slope of horizontal jumpers. If you correctly observe the height difference of the pipelines provided for by SNiP, during the descent of the coolant, all the liquid from their pipes leaves and the formation of ice that can break pipes and radiators is completely excluded.
  2. Heating of technical floors. Although there are no heating radiators in the attic and basement, the pipes themselves, despite the glass wool or mineral fiber covering them, still heat the air, so the coolant will not immediately cool down after an emergency stop of heating.
  3. Great inertia. The upper and lower jumpers of the risers are rather large pipes in diameter (more than 50 mm). Their cooling after the cessation of the heat supply does not occur immediately. Due to this, the water in them does not have time to freeze.

In general, the scheme currently used with the upper distribution of the coolant is quite effective, although it has some operating features:

  1. Starting the heating system in operation is as simple as possible. It is enough to open the shut-off valves that block the access of water, and the air valve in the attic. After filling the pipes with water, the latter is blocked to prevent loss of coolant. This concludes the launch of the climate network.
  2. On the contrary, turning off the heating and emergency discharge of the coolant is difficult. You must first find the desired pipe on the top floor, close the valves there, and then open the tap on the lower section of the riser.
  3. With vertical distribution, heat distribution is uneven (although the price of heating services is the same). The fact is that the upper apartments receive a hotter coolant, which warms up the apartment better. To compensate for this, in the apartments below it is necessary to install heating radiators with a large number of sections.

Heat exchangers in apartments

If you did not replace heating devices in a city apartment with your own hands, then its heating is carried out by one of two devices:

  1. Cast iron battery. It has a small heat dissipation, significant inertia, huge weight and not at all aesthetic appearance. On the other hand, this device can be used with a coolant of any quality. Cast iron is practically not subject to corrosion and can last more than 50 years with periodic cleaning of internal deposits.

  1. Steel pipe with heat exchanger plates. This heating device was installed in connection with the savings in the construction of houses and does not hold water.

Now, bimetallic heating radiators are rightly considered the best option for a heating system with a central coolant supply.

These devices consist of:

  • steel frame through which the coolant flows;
  • aluminum heat exchanger, put on the frame - it increases heat transfer and gives the battery an attractive appearance.

Inside, they prevent corrosion (unlike all-aluminum heating radiators) and give the radiator strength, protecting it from hydraulic and pneumatic shocks, which are not uncommon for centralized heating systems.

Another positive aspect of using a bimetallic device is high power. This makes it possible to use fewer sections.

The only drawback is the high cost. The described heating units are among the most expensive among all currently existing heating equipment.

If there are control valves on the inlet pipes of your batteries - taps, thermostats, chokes, and so on - it is imperative to equip a bypass (a jumper between the inlet and outlet pipes of the battery).
Otherwise, the thermostat will control the volume of coolant not only in your battery, but also in all apartments located below, which is unlikely to please the neighbors.

Features of hot water systems

The organization that heats apartment buildings is also in charge of supplying hot water to consumers.

Like the climate system, this engineering network has some distinctive features:

  1. Heating of hot water and heat carrier during the heating period is carried out centrally. Most often, the same pipelines are used to supply both fluids. To separate the flow, shut-off valves located in the basement are used.

  1. The hot water supply system may have one or two pipes. The latter scheme is more preferable, as it avoids the overrun of water that occurs in a single-pipe system when a tap is opened (each consumer waits for the cooled water to merge and hot water to start flowing).
  2. Often, radiators installed in the bathroom and used to dry towels are connected to the hot water pipeline. This is not a very good scheme, as the heated towel rail remains hot in the summer, making it uncomfortable to be in the bathroom.

Solving this problem is simple.
During repairs or when replacing heating equipment in an apartment, shut-off valves must be placed on the inlet and outlet pipes.
Don't forget to set up a bypass.

  1. Due to the fact that hot water is supplied through heating pipes, it is often turned off in the summer. This is necessary for carrying out preventive maintenance on the main equipment of heating networks.


The heating system of apartment buildings with a centralized coolant supply is fundamentally different from individual climate networks. Unqualified intervention and modernization can not only worsen the quality of heating for neighbors, but also lead to complete obstruction of pipelines.

Therefore, when performing any work, you must strictly follow the prescribed rules or use the services of qualified specialists. You can learn more about the engineering networks of high-rise buildings from the video posted in this article.

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