77 account in accounting. Deferred tax liability - what is it

We talked about temporary differences in accounting and tax accounting in ours and noted that such differences are deductible (VVR) and taxable (NVR). VVR lead to the formation of a deferred tax asset (ITA), and NVR - to the formation of a deferred tax liability (IT) (clauses 11, 12 PBU 18/02). To summarize information on the presence and movement of IT, the Chart of Accounts and the Instructions for its use are account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” ().

Accounting on account 77

77 accounting account is a passive synthetic account. The credit of account 77 reflects deferred tax, which reduces the amount of contingent expense (income) of the reporting period (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" - Credit account 77

The value of IT, reflected in this posting, is determined by the formula:

IT \u003d HBP * C,

where C is the income tax rate that was in effect in the reporting period.

In the general case, the IT is 20% of the NVR (clause 2, article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the occurrence of IT is reflected in the credit of account 77, then the debit of this account takes into account the reduction or full repayment of IT on account of accruals of income tax for the reporting period:

Debit account 77 - Credit account 68

If the object for which IT was accrued retires, the deferred tax liability is written off (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit account 77 - Credit account 99 "Profit and loss"

Analytical accounting on account 77 is carried out by types of assets or liabilities, in the assessment of which the NVR arose.

In the balance sheet, the balance of IT is reflected in liabilities as part of long-term liabilities in line 1420 “Deferred tax liabilities” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.07.2010 No. 66n).

Account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities": an example

Taxable temporary differences that lead to the formation of an IT, in particular, may arise as a result (clause 12 of PBU 18/02):

  • application of different methods of depreciation for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting;
  • recognition of proceeds from the sale of products (goods, works, services) in the form of income from ordinary activities of the reporting period, as well as recognition of interest income for accounting purposes at the time of accrual, and for taxation purposes - on a cash basis;
  • application of various rules for the reflection of interest paid by the organization on loans and borrowings for accounting and taxation purposes;
  • other similar differences.

The simplest case of the occurrence of IT is a difference in the methods of calculating depreciation, as a result of which the amounts of depreciation expenses in accounting and tax accounting do not match.

For example, for the first year of depreciation of an item of fixed assets, depreciation amounted to:

  • in accounting - 250,000 rubles;
  • in tax accounting - 320,000 rubles.

Ceteris paribus, this difference leads to the fact that the accounting profit for this year will be more than the tax profit by 70,000 rubles (320,000 rubles - 250,000 rubles). Therefore, IT arises: Debit account 68 - Credit account 77 in the amount of 14,000 (70,000 x 20%).

As the accounting depreciation begins to exceed the tax depreciation, IT will be repaid: Account 77 debit - Account 68 credit.

Information on whether a legal entity has deferred tax liabilities is collected on account 77. This measure affects only entities that need to calculate income tax. The article analyzes account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”, discusses the basics of accounting, typical postings, offsetting accounts, and presents a training video.

Discrepancies in profit calculation

For tax and accounting purposes. accounting, the moment of making a profit does not always coincide. A peculiar procedure for accounting for accounting profits often differs from the data for the year of tax returns.

Such examples are possible, for example, with a different method of calculating depreciation. Accelerated depreciation in tax accounting is unacceptable for accounting. The expenses incurred in determining the taxable base will exceed the expenses in the accounting records.

Sample depreciation in different accounts, leading to the formation of IT

Initial data Reflection in accounting Reflection in tax accounting
Acquisition of OS, initial cost960 000 rubles960 000 rubles
Depreciation methodLinearnon-linear
Depreciation group3 3
Depreciation accrued20,000 rubles (960,000/4 years/12 months)53 760 (960 000*5,6/100)

Subject to the above conditions, the taxable temporary difference is RUB 53,760 - RUB 20,000 = RUB 33,760.

What is a deferred tax liability

If the expenses in accounting appear later and in a larger amount than in the tax one, at the same time, incomes are determined by earlier dates, then conditions arise in the organization for the appearance of IT.

Factors affecting the discrepancy between the calculation of income and expenses in tax and accounting:

  • use of legal by a person of the cash method when accruing in tax accounting, that is, receiving revenue from the shipment of goods before receipt of real payment;
  • differences in depreciation of property.

The resulting taxable temporary differences lead to an increase in tax in the future.

For the deferred tax liability, the formula is: taxable temporary difference*current income tax rate.

Video lesson “Accounting for deferred tax liabilities on account 77: postings, examples”

Video lesson on accounting for account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”. Typical postings, complex cases and examples are considered. Conducted by Gandeva N.V. chief accountant, teacher of the site “Accounting and tax accounting for dummies”. Click on the video below to watch ⇓

Deferred tax liability in accounting

The reflection of the differences that arise when determining profit is fixed in RAS 18/02, which determines the costs of profit, in particular:

  1. Divides the resulting differences into permanent and temporary. Constants include factors in the occurrence of income or expenses in one or another accounting, and are not reflected in the opposite. There are permanent tax liabilities. Temporary differences arise due to different terms and methods of determining income and expenses in accounting, leading to the formation of deferred tax liabilities.
  2. Reflects income tax in subsequent periods. The resulting conditional income or expense in accounting is adjusted by the amount of deferred liabilities and multiplied by the tax rate. The amount received is reflected in the tax return.

Enterprises that are entitled to apply simplified accounting statements may not use the provisions of PBU 18/02. These include small organizations, non-profit institutions, participants in the Skolkovo project. The decision made must be fixed in the accounting policy.

Those entities whose evaluation criteria classify the organization as a medium-sized business are required to use account 77 in accounting.

The procedure for determining the current income tax is supposed to be prescribed in the accounting policy. Enterprises are given the opportunity to choose one of 2 ways:

  • taking into account IT based on current accounting data;
  • focusing only on the amount of tax received, neglecting the accounting information.

However, in any case, the amount of the current tax should duplicate the information from the declaration for the relevant period. If the second method of determination is chosen, organizations must also keep records of the resulting obligations.

Account 77: his correspondence

IT, formed on account 77, corresponds with two accounting accounts - 68 and 99. The resulting entries reflect the following results:

Dt 68 - Kt 77 - deferred tax, which reduces the amount of income or expense.

Dt 77 - Kt 68 - repayment of deferred tax, is formed when income tax is charged at the end of the reporting period.

Dt 77 - Kt 99 - IT is canceled subject to the disposal of the asset or the circumstances that formed it earlier.

Accounting for account 77 itself should be kept separately for each type of assets or liabilities that affect the appearance of deferred tax.

Calculation of deferred tax liability and reflection in accounting

Organizations reflect received IT in accounting, depending on the circumstances.

Example. The Polyus institution sold goods for Vesna LLC in the amount of 170,000 rubles (excluding VAT). Payment from the buyer was received only in the amount of 100,000 rubles. Polyus LLC applies the cash method in determining tax. The rest of the debt was paid off the following year. Based on the results of the reporting period, the following entries appear in Polyus LLC:

Dt 62 - Kt 90 - 170,000 rubles - revenue in accounting for shipped goods;

Dt 51 - Kt 62 - 100,000 rubles - payment from Vesna LLC;

Dt 68 - Kt 77 - 14,000 rubles (debt 70,000 * tax rate 20%) - IT is reflected.

When compiling a book. reporting the amount of 14,000 rubles will be reflected in the balance sheet as a deferred income tax liability.

In the subsequent period, after the closing of the receivables of Vesna LLC, the following entries will appear:

Dt 51 - Kt 62 - 70,000 rubles - the final payment was received from the buyer;

Dt 77 - Kt 68 - 14,000 rubles - repayment of IT.

The practical application of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and PBU 18/02 is rightfully considered one of the most difficult areas of accounting, therefore, on the pages of our magazine, we have repeatedly addressed this topic. But users still have a lot of questions about tax accounting. Evidence of this is the numerous questions from the listeners of the "1C: Consulting" seminars on the topic "Income Tax", which since November 2003 have been conducted by partners of the 1C company. O.S. answers the most frequently asked questions. Gubkina, consultant of 1C: Servistrand company.

Before proceeding directly to answering questions, I would like to once again dwell on the basic concepts that are introduced by PBU 18/02, since it is often their misunderstanding or misinterpretation that leads to errors and questions.

The constant tax liability (PNO) is equal to the amount determined as the product of the constant difference that arose in the reporting period and the income tax rate.

In accounting, the recognition of PNO is reflected in the posting:

The concept of a permanent tax asset is absent in PBU 18/02, but the need for it follows from the content of paragraph 4 - permanent differences can arise not only in relation to expenses, but also to income. Therefore, in a typical configuration, the recognition of PNA is currently reflected in the reverse entry:

Debit 99.2.3 "Permanent tax liability" Credit 68.4.2 "Calculation of income tax"

1. Based on the definitions given in paragraphs 11 and 14 of the Regulations:

Deductible temporary differences deferred tax asset(ONA), which should reduce the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting or subsequent reporting periods. And in the current reporting period, the amount of income tax will increase.

The amount of IT is calculated by multiplying the deductible temporary difference by the income tax rate.

In accounting, the recognition of SHE is reflected in the posting:

Debit 09 "SHE" Credit 68.4.2 "Calculation of income tax"

A decrease or full repayment of IT is reflected by a reverse entry in the debit of account 68.4.2 and the credit of account 09.

Example 1

As part of the expenses that form the accounting profit, depreciation on the fixed asset in the amount of 2000 rubles is taken into account. When determining the tax base for income tax, depreciation was taken into account in the amount of 1,500 rubles. due to different depreciation methods (it is assumed that there are no permanent differences). Since these are expenses and the assessment in accounting is more than the assessment in tax accounting, we will reflect the recognition of SHE in the amount of (2000-1500) x24% / 100% = 120 rubles.

2. Based on the definitions given in paragraphs 12 and 15 of the Regulations:

Taxable temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation deferred tax liability(IT), which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting or subsequent reporting periods.

And in the current reporting period, the amount of income tax will decrease.

The amount of IT is calculated by multiplying the taxable temporary difference by the income tax rate.

In accounting, the recognition of IT is reflected in the posting:

Debit 68.4.2 "Calculation of income tax" Credit 77 "Deferred tax liabilities"

The reduction or full repayment of IT is reflected in the reverse entry on the debit of account 77 and the credit of account 68.4.2.

Example 2

As part of the expenses that form the accounting profit, depreciation on the object of fixed assets in the amount of 1,500 rubles is taken into account.
When determining the tax base for income tax, depreciation was taken into account in the amount of 2,000 rubles. due to different types of depreciation.
Since these are expenses and the assessment in accounting is less than the assessment in tax accounting, we will reflect the recognition of IT in the amount of (2000-1500) x24% / 100% \u003d 120 rubles.

Example 3

As part of the income that forms the balance sheet profit, the proceeds from the sale of goods in the amount of 1,500 rubles are taken into account. In tax accounting, revenue in this period is not recognized due to the lack of payment (revenue is determined by the "cash" method). Since these are incomes and the assessment in accounting is more than the assessment in tax accounting, we will reflect the recognition of IT in the amount of (1500-0) x24% / 100% \u003d 360 rubles.

After we have considered the basic concepts of PBU 18/02, we will go directly to the questions of the students of the seminars "1C: Consulting".

On the start date of application, you need to assign the parameter "Applies RAS 18/02" to the value "Yes" (menu "Service", "Accounting policy"). On a monthly basis, the document "Closing the month" (menu "Documents") should be posted by checking all the boxes except the last three. Then - the document "Regulatory operations for tax accounting" (menu "Tax accounting") with all the checkboxes checked. Then - the document "Closing the month", setting only the checkboxes: "Accounting for permanent differences", "Accounting for temporary differences" and "Calculation of income tax" (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Filling out the document "Closing the month" for the calculation of RAS 18/02.

Rice. 2. Posting the document "Closing the month" to reflect the permanent tax liability.

In the "Month-end closing" document, check the box "Generate a report when posting a document" and post it. In the resulting report, hover over the line "Accounting for permanent differences" and double-click to open the report "Permanent differences by types of assets and liabilities" (see Fig. 3). Column 7 lists the permanent differences, and multiply the total amount by the income tax rate and get the amount of the permanent tax liability issued in the transaction.

Rice. 3. Report "Permanent differences", generated during the document "Closing the month"

By double-clicking, you can also expand each line of this report and find out which object the permanent differences belong to (see Figure 4). For example, decoding the line "Fixed assets" contains the following data.

Rice. 4. Report "Permanent differences by type of asset (liabilities)"

Column 2 contains the balance at the beginning of the month on account NPR.01 "Permanent differences. Fixed assets", which corresponds to the unwritten permanent difference on this asset (warehouse rack). Column 4 contains the turnover on the credit of account NPR.01, which corresponds to the amount of partial write-off of the permanent difference on this asset. In the event of a new permanent difference, its amount will be posted to the debit of the NPR account "Permanent differences" and will fall into column 3. Column 5 indicates the amounts that are recognized as permanent differences for some other accounting object; in this case, this is the amount that cannot be recognized in the "Fixed Assets" section, because it is recognized as a constant difference in the "Distribution Costs" section and is reflected in the debit and credit of account NPR.44.1 "Distribution Costs". The amount in column 7 is calculated as follows: "column 7" = "column 4" - "column 5" - "column 6". Turnovers on the debit and on the credit of the NPR account are formed by the document "Closing the month" in accordance with the differences between accounting and tax accounting. Thus, in order to make a correction in the amount of the permanent tax liability, it is necessary to determine which documents generated incorrect permanent differences during the month and correct them, and then repost the “Closing of the month” in order to obtain the correct amounts on the sub-accounts of the NDP “Permanent differences” account.

It is necessary to refer to the "Analysis of the state of tax accounting" ("Tax accounting" menu) for a certain month (see Fig. 5). With a double click of the mouse, you can open each amount sequentially up to the primary documents. Those differences that do not fall under the definition of permanent and are not reflected in the sub-accounts of the NDP account "Permanent differences" will be classified as temporary. They will lead to the emergence or reduction (repayment) of IT and IT, which will be reflected in accounts 09 and 77.

Rice. 5. Report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting"

Repayment of IT is made only if in the previous periods for this object the occurrence of IT was reflected. Let's look at this with an example. Let's carry out the "Closing of the month", get a report and open the line "Accounting for temporary differences" by double-clicking. Next, let's open one of the lines of the report, for example, "Fixed assets" and consider the resulting report (see Fig. 6). Columns 2-5 contain the residual value of fixed assets. The difference between columns 3 and 2 is the amount of depreciation for a given month according to accounting. The difference between columns 5 and 4 - according to the tax. Column 6 is the difference formed between the depreciation costs in BU and NU.

Rice. 6. Report "Temporary differences by type of asset (liabilities)

BU score

NU score

Grade difference

Deductible temporary differences

Taxable temporary differences

at the beginning of the period

at the end of the period

at the beginning of the period

at the end of the period

total(gr.3-gr.2) - (gr.5-gr.4)

including due to constant difference

temporary difference adjustment

balance at the beginning of the month



balance at the beginning of the month



A computer

If column 7 does not contain the amount of the permanent difference, and column 8 does not reflect the amount of the temporary difference adjustment entered manually by the "Transaction" on the sub-account of the CWR account "Adjustment of temporary differences", then the temporary difference is recognized. If the temporary difference is less than zero and there is no balance at the beginning of the month on the taxable temporary difference (column 12), then a deductible temporary difference is recognized (column 10). In our example, this is the string "Printer". If there is such a balance, then the repayment of the taxable temporary difference is recognized (column 14). In our example, this is the string "Shelving". If the temporary difference is greater than zero, and there is no balance at the beginning of the month on the deductible temporary difference (column 9), then the occurrence of a taxable temporary difference is recognized (column 13). In our example, this is the string "Computer". If there is such a balance, then the repayment of the deductible temporary difference is recognized (column 11). In our example, this is the string "Machine". Further, the data of columns 10, 11, 13, 14 are summarized and, after multiplication by the income tax rate, they are reflected as the occurrence and repayment of IT or IT by the type of object "Fixed assets".

Location: Moscow city
Topic: "The relationship between accounting and tax accounting: the application of RAS 18/02 and the calculation of differences"
Duration: 2 hours
Price: free only for subscribers of the BSS "Sistema Glavbukh"
Organizing company:
BSS "System Glavbukh",
tel. (495) 788-53-12

Expenses or income in accounting and tax accounting may be recognized in different ways. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the differences in order to link the accounting and tax profits. For this, PBU 18/02 is needed. Only non-profit organizations and small businesses may not apply it.

Permanent and temporary differences

When the procedure for recognizing income or expenses in accounting and tax accounting is different, then differences arise. PBU 18/02 divides them into two types - temporary and permanent. To figure out what type the identified difference belongs to, the diagram will help (see below. - Note ed.).

How to determine the type of difference according to PBU 18/02

If income or expense is recognized in only one accounting, then a permanent difference is formed. In this case, the discrepancy between accounting and tax accounting will not be eliminated even over time. For example, a permanent difference will arise if expenses are recognized in accounting, but from the point of view of tax legislation, they are not expenses. These include representation costs and advertising costs over the limit. In accounting, the company recognizes them in full, and for income tax purposes, it will not be possible to take into account expenses in excess of the standard. Then there will be a permanent difference, which increases the amount of tax profit.

Sometimes a constant difference is formed, which, on the contrary, reduces the profit in tax accounting. True, this does not happen very often. An example is a situation where a company has income from the transfer of property on account of a share in the authorized capital of another organization. This income does not need to be recognized in tax accounting (subclause 2, clause 1, article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), but in accounting it is the other way around.

When, due to the resulting constant difference, the profit in tax accounting is greater than in accounting, a permanent tax liability (PNO) is formed. And if, on the contrary, accounting profit is greater than tax profit, a permanent tax asset is reflected - PNA. To calculate the PNO or PNA, you need to multiply the constant difference by the income tax rate.

In accounting, PNO is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 99, subaccount “Permanent tax liabilities” and in the credit of account 68, subaccount “Calculations for income tax”. And in order to fix the asset, the accountant makes a reverse entry on the debit of account 68 and the credit of account 99 of the sub-account "Permanent tax assets".


Constant Differences
Calculating income tax for 2014, the accountant found that for the year the amount of representation expenses amounted to 30,000 rubles. However, since labor costs for the year are 700,000 rubles, only 28,000 rubles can be recognized in tax accounting. (700,000 rubles × 4%). In this case, a constant difference in the amount of 2000 rubles is formed. (30,000 - 28,000) and the corresponding PNO - 400 rubles. (2000 rubles × 20%). After all, expenses that exceed the standard will never be recognized in tax accounting and they increase the amount of income tax. The accountant took into account hospitality expenses and accrued PNO by posting:

- 30,000 rubles. - hospitality expenses are taken into account;

DEBIT 99 sub-account "Permanent tax liabilities"
CREDIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"

- 400 rubles. - accrued permanent tax liability.

Also in the reporting year, the company acquired a share in the authorized capital of another organization in the amount of 10,000 rubles. As a contribution to the authorized capital, the company transferred goods, the carrying value of which amounted to 7,000 rubles. The difference between the estimated and book value of the contribution in the amount of 3,000 rubles. (10,000 - 7,000) the accountant will include in other income. To do this, he will record:

DEBIT 76 CREDIT 91 sub-account "Other income"
- 3000 rubles. - reflects income from the transfer of goods on account of a contribution to the authorized capital of another organization.

However, income does not appear in tax accounting (subclause 2, clause 1, article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, a permanent tax asset in the amount of 600 rubles is formed. (3000 × 20%), which the accountant will reflect in the accounting as follows:

DEBIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"
CREDIT 99 sub-account "Permanent tax assets"

- 600 rubles. - accrued permanent tax asset.

When an expense or income is recognized in tax accounting in one period and in accounting in another, temporary differences arise. In this case, unlike permanent differences, the difference between accounting and tax accounting is eliminated over time. For example, a temporary difference may arise if a company calculates depreciation differently in accounting and tax accounting. A good example is the depreciation premium. Such an opportunity exists only in tax accounting, where the company can write off part of the value of the fixed asset immediately. But accounting does not provide for such a mechanism. Here the value of the property will be written off in the usual manner.

Temporary differences are divided into two types - deductible and taxable. When the tax difference is greater than the accounting profit due to the difference, a deductible temporary difference arises. Then the accountant will form a deferred tax asset (ITA), the value of which is equal to the temporary difference multiplied by the tax rate.

And if the resulting difference reduces profit in tax accounting and increases in accounting, it is taxable and forms a deferred tax liability (IT). It is calculated by analogy: by multiplying the taxable difference by the tax rate.

To account for IT, the accountant uses account 09 "Deferred tax assets", and liabilities - account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities". The accrual of an asset is reflected in the debit of account 09 and the credit of account 68 of the sub-account “Calculations for income tax”, and the liabilities - in the debit of account 68 and the credit of account 77. In future reporting periods, income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting will begin to gradually converge, and deferred assets and liabilities will be repaid by reverse entries.


Taxable temporary differences
In November 2014, the company purchased a car. Its initial cost is 1,080,000 rubles. (excluding VAT). The accountant assigned the vehicle to the second depreciation group and set the useful life of 36 months. The company's tax accounting policy provides for the possibility of using a depreciation bonus and writing off 10 percent of the original cost of the car at a time. In accounting, the amount of monthly depreciation will be 30,000 rubles. (1,080,000 rubles: 36 months).
But in the tax calculation will be different. First, the accountant will determine the amount of the depreciation bonus. It will amount to 108,000 rubles. (1,080,000 rubles × 10%). The accountant will include this amount in expenses in full in December - in the period when the company begins to operate the fixed asset. The cost of the car, from which depreciation will be charged in tax accounting, is 972,000 rubles. (1,080,000 - 108,000), respectively, the monthly amount of deductions will be 27,000 rubles. (972,000 rubles : 36 months). Thus, in December, the amount of depreciation expenses in tax accounting is 135,000 rubles. (27,000 + 108,000). And in accounting - 30,000 rubles. There will be a taxable temporary difference in the amount of RUB 105,000. (135,000 - 30,000) and IT - 21,000 rubles. (105,000 rubles × 20%). In December, the accountant will make entries:

- 30,000 rubles. - depreciation for December;

DEBIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax" CREDIT 77
- 21,000 rubles. - reflected deferred tax liability.

And then, from January next year, the depreciation expense in accounting will become more than in tax accounting by 3,000 rubles. (30,000 - 27,000). The temporary difference will be reduced by this amount on a monthly basis. And IT every month the accountant will repay 600 rubles. (3000 rubles × 20%) by posting on the debit of account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” and the credit of account 68 sub-account “Calculations for income tax”.


Deductible temporary differences
The company's balance sheet includes production equipment with an initial cost of 120,000 rubles. For accounting purposes, the useful life of the equipment is 24 months. And in tax accounting, the accountant set a longer period - 40 months. The company put the equipment into operation in November 2014, and in December began accruing depreciation. Its value in accounting will be 5000 rubles. (120,000 rubles / 24 months). And in tax accounting, the amount of monthly depreciation is 3000 rubles. (120,000 rubles: 40 months).
Every month, the accountant will record the deductible temporary difference - 2000 rubles. (5000 - 3000) and form a deferred tax asset by recording:

DEBIT 09 CREDIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"
- 400 rubles. (RUB 2,000 × 20%) reflects a deferred tax asset.

After 24 months, when in accounting the cost of the equipment will be fully written off as expenses, and for income tax purposes it will still be depreciated, the temporary difference will begin to decrease. And the accountant will monthly repay the deferred tax asset by posting:

DEBIT 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax" CREDIT 09
- 600 rubles. (RUB 3,000 × 20%) – deferred tax asset repaid.

The company shows tax liabilities and assets in the reporting (see the table below. - Note ed.). Deferred tax assets and liabilities are reflected in the balance sheet (lines , ), and their change - in the income statement (lines , ). Information on permanent tax assets and liabilities is given for reference in the income statement in line 2421 .

How to reflect permanent and deferred tax assets and liabilities in the financial statements
Type of asset or liabilityHow it is reflected in the reporting
Deferred tax assetThe balance sheet on line 1180 reflects the balance of account 09. And in the statement of financial results on line 2450, the difference between the debit and credit turnover of the account is recorded. If it is positive, the amount is indicated with a “+” sign. And when it is negative - with the sign "-"
Deferred tax liabilityLine 1420 of the balance shows the balance of account 77. And on line 2430 of the income statement - the difference between the turnover on the credit and debit of account 77. A positive amount is reflected with a "-" sign, a negative one - with a "+" sign
Permanent tax asset, permanent tax liabilityThe difference between PNO and PNA is recorded in line 2421 of the income statement. If the difference turned out to be negative, it must be indicated with a “-” sign.


Sergei Alexandrovich Tarakanov - Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. Graduated from the Modern Humanitarian University (Institute) in 1998. Bachelor of Laws. Until 2003, he worked in various commercial organizations as a lawyer. From 2003 to the present, he has been working in the Federal Tax Service of Russia (formerly the Ministry of Taxation of Russia), first as a consultant in the Office of the largest taxpayers, now as a head of a department in the Control Department.
Conditional income or expense and current income tax

Permanent and temporary differences are needed in order to link profit in accounting and tax accounting. To do this, PBU 18/02 introduces additional concepts - “conditional income tax expense (income)” and “current income tax”.

To calculate the conditional expense, you need to multiply the profit according to accounting data by the tax rate. And if the company received a loss in the reporting period, then the income tax on its amount forms a conditional income. To account for a conditional expense or income, use account 99. The first is reflected by the entry on the debit of account 99 subaccount "Conditional income tax expense" and the credit of account 68 subaccount "Calculations for income tax". And the conditional income is charged by posting on the debit of account 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” and the credit of account 99 subaccount “Conditional income for income tax”.

The current income tax is the result of multiplying the profit in tax accounting by the tax rate. This indicator is calculated according to the formula (clause 21 PBU 18/02):

TNP \u003d + (-) Y - PNA + PNO + (-) SHE + (-) IT,
where TNP is the current income tax;
Y - conditional expense or income for income tax.

The procedure for accruing and recording these assets and liabilities is regulated in accordance with the Order "" dated November 19, 2002.

Accounting profit - loss can often differ from taxable. This is because rules for determining the amount of income may apply, which will take into account permanent and temporary differences. Recognition of income occurs through the use of special accounting regulations approved by the legislative system of the Russian Federation on fees and taxes.

Temporary differences can affect the amount of profit or loss in different ways, depending on their nature and impact, they can be classified:

Adjustable temporary differences

This type of difference means the creation of deferred income tax, which will lead to a decrease in the tax base in the next or subsequent reporting periods. In other words, this leads to the formation of IT – a deferred tax asset. To bring accounting movements in order, an account (deferred tax assets) should be used.

When created, the amount of income tax in the accounting period will approach this value only for the tax reporting period. In the following months, it will be possible to carry out full or partial repayment of IT by reducing or increasing conditional income and expenses.

Temporary differences with taxation

Taxable differences in the formation of profit, loss for the calculation of income tax lead to the creation of IT (deferred tax liability). With this method, the taxable base in the reporting period decreases, and for subsequent periods it will increase due to the transfer of payment.

To tidy up the accounting entries during the movement of IT, an accounting account (deferred tax liabilities) is used.

In analytical accounting, each temporary difference must be accounted for individually depending on the group of assets or liabilities. Simply put, all deferred tax liabilities cannot be summed up in general and lead to one single netting.

What threatens to refuse the application of the Order?

This accounting regulation may not apply to non-profit organizations or small businesses. Many accountants confidently do not want to use this Order. They consider it confusing, incomprehensible and difficult to understand. Therefore, we have to understand the possible consequences of ignoring the PBU.

In cases where a company refuses to apply RAS, it loses the possibility of full or partial non-payment of income tax in the reporting period. Most likely, in this case, the tax service will file a claim against the management and accounting department of the enterprise for gross violations and incorrect accounting entries.

For a responsible person, this can result in a punishment in the form of a fine of 15 thousand rubles. Also, the control authorities can apply a fine for an administrative violation in the range of 2-3 thousand rubles. All such penalties can reach 10% of the payment of the total distorted picture in accounting.

In all other cases, when PBU is applied in full and legally, possible errors can be completely avoided in both tax and accounting. Guided by this order, most accountants do an excellent job of finding inaccuracies and errors associated with the determination of certain taxes and payments. It also helps to deal with the moments and terms of recognition of income and expenses in the reporting period.

The main postings on 77 and 09 accounts during the formation of IT and IT

Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
68 Deferred tax asset accrual entry Amount that increases conditional income or expense Accounting reference-calculation, declaration,
68 Full or partial write-off of SHE The amount of repayment of a previously formed SHE Bank statement, payment order

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