What innovations does the Russian power industry need. Innovative energy in Russia What are the new developments in the energy sector

The three main trends in the energy industry are as follows.

1. Increasing market dynamics

  • How will electricity prices change and what volatility is expected?
  • Which strategy is appropriate given changing consumer expectations and new demographics?
  • Which elements of the industry's future value chain will deliver the most value to shareholders?
2. Introduction of new technologies
  • What will be the transition from a centralized to a decentralized industry structure?
  • What organizational and cultural changes will maximize the impact of new technologies?
  • What strategy for using new technologies will allow you to outperform competitors (for example, a focus on renewable energy or electric transport)?
3. State regulation of the industry
  • What strategies will take into account, as appropriate, stricter asset quality control and grid reliability?
  • What can be done to improve operational efficiency while reducing tariffs?
  • What are the differences in approaches to business management under regulated and non-regulated tariffs?

What digitalization means for the energy sector

The energy sector is on the cusp of one of the most significant technological transformations since the 1880s. Then the Edison Electric Light Company discovered the secret of producing a practical and affordable light bulb - with an incandescent filament made from charred shavings of Japanese bamboo. Within a few years after that, gas lighting lamps became obsolete technology.

Business models will be built around innovative technologies, including decentralized energy generation technologies such as virtual power plants and energy storage. With widespread electrification and “energy transition” (structural change in the energy industry), the energy sector, including traditional utilities, will gradually move away from building large-scale infrastructure. In the near future, regulation of the industry on new technologies - subsidizing renewable electricity, requirements for smart metering systems - should be softened.

Widespread automation and advanced analytics will be the backbone of value chain management. Numerous sensors will be installed in automated production, from smart distribution networks to devices and services for end users. Industry leaders will gather insights—from the system as a whole to the individual consumer—and be more “trusted advisors” to energy than just asset managers or outside vendors. All this will allow us to meet the targets of supervisory authorities and provide quality services.

In the short term, digital transformation can increase a company's industry revenue by 4% per year. The main growth in income - in generation and distribution - is achieved through the use of currently unanalyzed data, process automation and targeted implementation of digital solutions. By 2025, the value chain in the energy industry will be decentralized, and the range of products and services offered will expand. In the longer term, there will be personalized solutions, as well as the ability to combine existing products and services with products and services from other industries.

Priorities for digital transformation in the energy sector

Due to the complexity and fragmentation of the systems that must be built as part of digital transformation, the most advanced companies focus on achieving “quick wins” - getting tangible results in the short term. As a result, the mobilization of the entire company provides the necessary impetus to launch longer-term initiatives.

When carrying out digital transformation in the energy sector, work is carried out in three areas.

1. Digitization of the current operating model

Focus on “quick wins”, such as identifying processes where there is the greatest potential for cost reduction and improved customer experience. The most advanced companies are reimagining or building from scratch back office processes to realize the potential of robotization. Priority areas may include the following solutions:

  • robotic process automation,
  • digitalization of internal interfaces ("junctions") and interaction with the consumer,
  • increasing the availability of data and its use in decision-making,
  • digitalization of personnel management tools,
  • IT infrastructure upgrade.

In addition to automating current processes or building a multi-channel system of communication with the consumer, digitalization involves a deep restructuring of the organization's internal processes - from reducing the number of steps and pages of documentation to automating decision making. In the distribution of electricity, the first candidates for digital transformation are processes that involve a large number of repetitive actions: connecting new consumers, maintaining the network, managing investments, equipment data, losses.

2. Using advanced analytics

The company must have a plan to “cleanse” and standardize the data it collects from multiple sources. Sources and data models should be interconnected with each other, and the responsibility for maintaining collection and storage systems is fixed within the organization - with the presence of a CDO (Chief Data Officer) and responsible employees in departments. In addition, it is necessary to build the competence of employees in the use of advanced analytics, because the introduction of technologies, such as smart meters, significantly increases the amount of data compared to manual collection, and deep analysis of this data cannot be carried out using standard tools (for example, Excel -tables).

3. Learning new technologies

Manage an extensive portfolio of projects. Launch pilot projects and track technology development by analyzing costs and benefits, assess the readiness of technology solutions and put them into commercial operation. Energy companies should also partner with financial, e-commerce, and telecom players to expand their portfolio of products and revenue streams. The distribution and development of technologies depends on the specific region, on the availability of state support and the willingness of the company to invest. In the short term, the technologies being implemented are aimed at improving efficiency, and in the medium and long term, at increasing customer value and new service offerings.

Short term priorities:

  • maintain the existing system and add power generation capacity,
  • continue the asset management strategy through big data analytics and centralize remote maintenance,
  • ensure system stability in real time, automate and digitize processes,
  • implement consumer interaction platforms and use predictive consumer analytics,
  • offer smart home products and energy management services.

Long term priorities:

  • ensure the optimal distribution of electricity across networks, taking into account changes in demand,
  • use big data and the analytical power of supercomputers to make decisions,
  • implement smart energy systems and provide feedback from consumers,
  • to offer personalized service to consumers, to become their reliable advisor in the field of energy,
  • offer a wide range of smart home products and services for various consumer groups, build long-term relationships with consumers.

A critical success factor in transforming the energy industry is the readiness of organizations and their employees to embrace the tools of digitalization and capture the digital value that new technologies offer.

Five steps to digital transformation

1. Create a vision

The process of digital transformation starts from the top, with the leaders of the organization who are able to explain to the employees of the company what is the tangible benefit of digitalization for them. Digital transformation requires a deeper change than a simple cost reduction program, so it must be integrated into corporate strategy and receive appropriate attention from management. It is important to determine which areas are key, how much resources the company is willing to spend on each key area, and how broad the transformation will be. The main thing is to remain flexible and quickly respond to new technologies. For example, until recently, blockchain technology was associated with cryptocurrencies, and is now actively used in energy trading, when exchanging information in microgrids and between electric vehicles, and guarantees secure access to company assets and data.

2. Develop a digital strategy and implementation plan

As you develop your roadmap for implementation, keep in mind that achieving quick wins will help mobilize the organization and smooth the transition from pilot to full scale implementation. Allow enough time to transition to full deployment—one to six months, depending on the technology chosen. This phase takes time to evaluate pilot programs, gather know-how and feedback from market partners, develop new operating models, standardize activities, and determine what tools are needed to monitor implementation and evaluate results.

3. Assign a team of performers

Digital transformation affects all levels of the hierarchy and all types of processes, so the entire organization must be involved in the program. Pilots and projects are launched at the same time to see the relationship between technologies and identify potential synergies. At the same time, multidisciplinary teams are focused on interfaces and the elimination of unoptimized "junctions". For example, a cross-project team for working with SCADA in the field of power distribution should include representatives from all departments of the organization - from dispatchers, asset management and accounting specialists to experts in the field of network operation and maintenance.

The information and communication technology (ICT) function is a constant part of the digital transformation, which plays the role of a strategic business partner. A strong ICT group not only determines the pace of innovation in a company, but also provides expert information on technologies that support business needs.

4. Develop new competencies and skills

Field workers must master mobile AR-compatible workforce management tools, as well as online data processing and decision-making tools. In sales, traditional SAP IS-U customer databases are increasingly becoming back office and data storage tools, and sales representatives are learning how to work with sales management systems that motivate salespeople to focus more on consumers.

To manage changes and new staff functions, some companies are introducing additional levels of hierarchy of technically qualified employees. Thus, the organizational structure consists of the first level - "traditional" employees who perform standardized and simple tasks, and the second level - employees who are able to perform more complex technical operations and tasks.

The use of advanced analytical tools requires the emergence of specialists in data management and control. Innovation management assumes positions for digital project managers - employees in such positions will act as agents of innovation, gradually encouraging others to use digital technologies, as well as demonstrating the benefits of digitalization.

5. Buy or create ecosystems

Some energy supply facilities are investing in the creation of their own analytical tools and the development of a system of "smart" meters, while others outsource these areas of activity. In the second case, businesses need to critically assess the digital skills and capabilities of their suppliers (and even those of their suppliers) to determine if they are in line with the company's future digital vision.

Energy companies are increasingly partnering with start-ups and technology companies to join forces to develop new products and find cutting-edge solutions. Joint ventures are becoming a way to gain access to know-how and skills that may not be present in an organization at its current stage of development. In addition, utilities are also working with municipalities to find solutions for electric transport and smart cities.

January 19, 2018 4:10pm

The draft Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2035 states that the energy industry needs a structural transformation, one of the principles of which should be a change in the structure of investments. The share of spending on R&D and innovation, as well as the modernization of the industry, should increase, primarily to ensure the necessary level of competitiveness of domestic power equipment, along with the constant standard task of maintaining a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to all consumers.

Also, one of the three strategic tasks for the development of the energy sector is to ensure the technological independence and competitiveness of the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC). In other words, this is a long-term task of import substitution, which is inextricably linked with innovation. It turns out that from the point of view of the agreed draft strategy, innovations in the energy sector are really needed. The key question is what should they be.

Innovation is a fairly broad concept that can mean a completely different level and scale of proposed changes. Innovations in the energy sector do not always require many years of scientific research and multimillion-dollar investments. Often, very small and quickly implemented projects bring much more positive effect than long-term large-scale developments. In practice, many projects based on innovative technology that can really improve performance in any part of the energy business face a number of serious problems when trying to commercialize. Sometimes these problems are not related to the innovation itself, but to a number of other factors hindering its implementation. For example, such a factor may be the duration or complete lack of payback of the project, even if the innovation will objectively improve the performance of some part of the power system.

The Skolkovo Foundation has considerable experience in evaluating innovative projects, through whose expert commission hundreds of new projects regularly pass. According to representatives of the fund, the reasons for stopping the development of startups can be completely different. In addition to the technical component of the projects and the parameters of the device itself, system or set of measures, a high-quality presentation of the project and the ability to prove the possibility of effective application of innovation in modern energy are important. According to Skolkovo experts, a significant part of startups is not created for the purpose of making a profit, at least this goal is not dominant. Often the project is based on the desire to develop your idea and create something new, to bring your own development to its logical conclusion. At the same time, even in the case of a positive decision of the fund and financing, the project may not be developed.

The introduction of an innovative product takes place in several stages: development, commercialization and implementation of the product. At each of these stages, difficulties can arise, which can be very difficult for the initiator of a startup to cope with and support is required.

In order to develop and promote promising energy projects and improve innovative activities in the electric power industry, in 2017, EuroSibEnergo JSC created an open area called the “Innovations in the Electric Power Industry Club”. The club includes the heads and experts of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, SO UES JSC, the Energy Producers Council association, the NP Market Council association, the Skolkovo Fund, MOEK PJSC, Gazprom Energoholding LLC, OK RUSAL, JSC EuroSibEnergo, as well as other representatives of enterprises related to the energy industry. Within the framework of the club, 5 working groups were formed to solve various problems related to the development of innovations.

When introducing innovations in capital-intensive industries, such as the electric power industry, the effectiveness of state support programs is of great importance. To achieve the goals set by the draft Strategy-2035, there is an obvious need to improve measures of state support for innovation. Particular attention should be paid to positive changes in state-supported lending programs, as well as the need to synchronize and consolidate the regulatory framework in the field of innovation. In the current conditions, state financing of projects provides for a return of funds within 5 years, which is obviously lower than the payback period for almost any innovative energy project.

It should be understood that government support does not mean and is not limited to funding. First of all, state support should be expressed in changing the regulatory framework in order to simplify the transition to the use of innovative products in the production and, at a minimum, remove restrictions on the development of the energy industry, which have become irrelevant in the current market model. An example of such restrictions is the current ban on the combination of competitive and natural monopoly activities (generation and networks).

When discussing innovation in the energy industry, it is necessary to address the issue of renewable energy sources and the dynamics of their development. The trend to reduce emissions and increase the share of green energy, supported by most developed countries, is a correct and positive method of energy development in terms of improving the environmental situation. However, any good approach must be correctly applied and adapted to the conditions in which it is implemented.

According to the results of the Competitive Capacity Selection conducted by System Operator of the Unified Energy System JSC in September last year, for 2021 the volume of excess capacity in the Unified Energy System will be 11.5 GW. Competitions for the selection of renewable energy projects were successfully held in June 2017 for the period 2018-2022, and as a result, an additional 2.2 GW of generation based on renewable energy sources (RES) will be built. Surplus capacity is at first glance a positive factor, since a large margin of generating capacity should increase system reliability. However, one should not forget that, according to the rules of the Russian electricity and capacity market, the capital costs for the construction of such facilities will eventually fall on the end user in the price of capacity. And in the construction of RES, the specific capital costs are very high - you have to pay for the environmental friendliness of production. The question arises: is it justified, in the presence of a significant excess of generation, to continue building renewable energy sources, significantly increasing the load on the end consumer? After all, other things being equal, the key indicator for the consumer is the price and the growth of the share of electricity and capacity in the structure of production costs (especially for energy-intensive production), which can become a significant constraint on the growth of the economy as a whole.

Speaking about the cost of capacity for the consumer, one can also note the fact that after the end of CSA contracts, the reduced margin of generating companies will, as a rule, not be enough to cover foreign service contracts for the repair and maintenance of generating units. This once again emphasizes the need to increase the level of import substitution and its direct connection with the development of an innovative environment in the energy system.

No less significant is the study of the world experience of introducing innovations. Using the example of 15 most promising solutions for the global energy sector, Anna Korotchenkova, Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Activities at EuroSibEnergo, emphasized that an open approach to the implementation of innovations contributes to the effective implementation of complex innovative projects that require long-term R&D and large capital investments. “The research and development process should be an open system, in which the company has the opportunity to attract new ideas and enter the market with a new product, not only thanks to internal resources, but also through mutually beneficial cooperation with other representatives of the innovation environment,” says Anna Korotchenkova, chairing the working group "Open Innovations".

In conclusion, it can be noted that in the current market conditions, the efficiency of the energy industry is inextricably linked with the development of innovative solutions. To gradually increase the share of import substitution, it is necessary to support and develop the innovative environment and existing promising projects both at the level of the state and infrastructure organizations, and on the part of market participants.

Have you ever thought about how much electricity you consume per day? Or even an hour, just sitting at home at the computer? According to Google, to process 100 search queries, a corporation needs to spend as much energy as it takes to run a 60-watt light bulb for 28 minutes. The industrial sector, as well as society as a whole, is undergoing significant changes: under the influence of population growth and urbanization, the demand for electricity continues to grow at a very fast pace, and only more electrification will help to keep up with it - including the penetration of electricity into areas of the economy where previously technologies of a different kind dominated.

Photo: Unsplash

These dramatic changes are already forcing energy companies not only to generate enough electricity to meet the needs of consumers, but also to develop technological solutions that can meet the challenges of the future, the main trends of which will be interconnectedness and electrification. Of course, some of these challenges may be completely different and complex, specific to each market in which a large energy company operates, while others may be of a general nature and can be solved on a larger scale. Energy companies must work to deliver value to consumers who need it most, but it is also important to develop their own solutions or collaborate with start-ups that are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Innovations that can help address these trends can be divided into two categories:

  1. responding to already existing challenges, whether it be drones inspecting the chimneys of power plants, or power distribution facilities, if we talk about the energy sector;
  2. new products created with the aim of further development of the industry, for example, based on technologies (Internet of Things, IoT).

Startups can play a key role in each of these categories.

Internet of Energy

Speaking of our future, where electrification and interconnectedness will dominate, we cannot fail to mention IoT, which allows “smart” devices to interact with each other and exchange the necessary information, while creating a single network. Imagine, for example, that from a smartphone it will be possible not only to control household appliances, but also to track its energy consumption.

As residential and office buildings become smarter with IoT technology, energy consumption becomes smarter and network performance more reliable and balanced.

By enlisting the help of promising start-ups in this field, every energy company is able to use the significant amounts of data it receives every second more efficiently, including to support advanced energy services and solutions.

Renewable future

The renewable energy sector, however young it may be, will become a central innovation platform for creating new solutions. Today, one no longer has to convince anyone of the environmental and socio-economic benefits of renewable energy: renewable energy is developing even in countries with significant oil and gas reserves. The very idea of ​​RES is globally changing the electric power industry market, because now not only a large company, but also any person who has installed a solar panel on the roof of a house can be an energy supplier.

Photo: Unsplash

In combination with energy storage devices and an innovative V2G (vehicle-to-grid) system that allows you to charge an electric car and, if necessary, return the energy stored in the battery to the grid, renewable microgeneration facilities can create a self-sufficient energy chain, the elements of which can feed each other. Solutions aimed at increasing the spread of renewable energy and making the process of electricity generation more open to consumers who want to produce their own electricity are among the promising areas of work for start-ups.

For example, in 2016, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and other leaders of the largest created a special fund for startups working on solving the problems of renewable energy development, in particular, on the problem of storage capacity. Investments in this fund amounted to a billion dollars. The fund is organized on the principle of "patient capital", that is, investors are ready for the fact that their investments will pay off no earlier than in 20 years.

The future of electric vehicles

Electric mobility also plays an important role, namely electric vehicles and the associated infrastructure, which open up numerous opportunities for start-ups in this area. Some of them are already working on launching their own models of unmanned electric vehicles. Our understanding of the challenges facing modern technology allows us, among other things, to find solutions to minimize car charging time, reduce battery weight, increase its power without additional charging.

Photo: Unsplash

One such solution, for example, is being developed by a Canadian startup working to reduce the cost of a lithium-ion battery through improved manufacturing processes. Since 2011, it has raised over $15 million in investments, including private equity, research grants, and IPO funds. We can already see the impact these technologies are having on the automotive industry, where more and more major manufacturers are working on their electric vehicles.

Energy is waiting for startups

Energy companies are now fully involved in the development of their approaches to the selection and implementation of innovative solutions offered by start-ups. So, in October 2017, we opened our innovation hub in Skolkovo to promote developments in the energy industry, as well as to interact with startups. We partnered with startup GeoScan to use artificial intelligence to pilot drones autonomously while inspecting power plant chimneys. This solution is interesting because it uses quadrocopters that perform inspection of chimneys at a height of up to 320 meters without the participation of industrial climbers.

Today, energy startups are going through what the IT industry went through in the 1980s: back then, the people involved in the development in this area could not know whether their solutions would become the basis of the digital transformation of the early 2000s. Global changes in the energy sector are inevitable and urgently needed, so each of us has a chance to contribute here and now.

Energy innovations are driving the development of other industrial areas. improves the quality of human life and helps to reduce the costs associated with production.

World Innovation

The development of the energy industry is leading in the direction of creating technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment.

In this area, the following developments are considered the most promising:

  • Osmotic power plants;
  • LEDs;
  • Cold fusion reaction;
  • Heat pumps.

New energy technologies are not limited to these developments. Japanese scientists are conducting experiments on the wireless transmission of electricity. The search and development of alternative (renewable) energy sources is also ongoing.

Osmotic stations

This innovation makes it possible to use the almost inexhaustible resources of the world's oceans for the development of energy.


At the time of writing, the only osmotic station created by Statkraft was in operation. The installation is located on the territory of the Norwegian city of Tofte.

The essence of the method

The essence of this innovation is that energy is extracted by mixing salt and fresh water. The process takes place in one tank, separated by a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the low concentration of salt in the fresh water tank, there is an exchange of fluids, due to which equilibrium is achieved. As a result of this process, pressure increases in the second compartment, which starts a hydraulic turbine that generates electricity.

The low efficiency of membranes is the main disadvantage of osmotic stations. Therefore, most developments are aimed at reducing the size of the latter. General Electric, Hydranautics and other large companies are conducting research on the creation of new types of membranes.

The development of osmotic stations allows the introduction of environmentally friendly sources of electricity in any areas where there is access to water (and not just on rivers). According to preliminary calculations, the potential of this innovation is 1600-1700 TWh, which corresponds to 10% of the world's electricity consumption.


The amount of investment required to implement the osmosis station project amounted to $20 million. At the same time, it took about 10 years to develop and implement the innovation.


LEDs have many advantages and stand out from other light sources:

  1. Energy efficiency. The light transmission of LEDs is 120-150 lumens / watt, which is the maximum indicator.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Such light sources do not emit harmful substances.
  3. Long service life. The indicator is 50 thousand hours.

The operation of LED lighting can be controlled using mobile applications, change the color of the emitted radiation and make other settings.


The main sales volume (approximately 60%) of LED lighting in the world market is provided by companies from Japan and South Korea. Of the European manufacturers, Phillips constantly demonstrates innovation.


Some of the latest innovations include:

  1. GaN LEDs on silicon substrates. The technology provides good light output, which reduces energy costs.
  2. LED lighting on GaN substrates. Provides better color reproduction and improved light output (compared to previous technology).
  3. LED SlimStyle. A feature of lighting sources built on the basis of this technology is the presence of many small LEDs. The cost of such lamps is about 10 dollars.

Modern lighting sources are powered by direct current. This eliminates the flickering of light. However, research is now underway on the use of alternating current. Due to this, the power consumption can be reduced. LED lighting that works with alternating current is being developed by Lynk Labs and Seoul Semiconductor

Investment size

It is difficult to calculate the amount of investments that this energy sector has received. According to analysts, the LED lighting market will reach $25.9 billion in 2018.

cold fusion reaction

A group of Italian scientists in the early 2010s announced the creation of a source of free heat produced thanks to the E-Cat reactor.


Adrea Rossi, together with colleagues, has developed a new type of autonomous reactor. It is planned to be used for heating private households.

The essence of the method

The E-Cat reactor generates heat through the interaction of nickel and hydrogen. After the reaction of these elements, copper is also formed. The principle of operation of the E-Cat is based on LENR technology, or low energy nuclear reaction.

According to the developer's calculations, an autonomous reactor with a capacity of 1000 kW consumes 10 kg of nickel and 18 kg of hydrogen within six months.


The total innovation budget is not disclosed. Production of E-Cat will be established in the United States. The installations will be used by American energy. When the development appears on the market, consumers will be able to rent the reactor for their own needs. The cost of 1 E-Cat will be 400-500 dollars.

Other innovations

Among the promising innovations in the field of energy, the following stand out:

  1. Wireless transmission of electricity. Japanese scientists are actively developing in this area.
  2. Wind and solar energy. , allowing to reduce the cost of production of power plants.
  3. Thermal power plants using liquefied hydrocarbon gases. This innovation has successfully passed many tests and proved its effectiveness.
  4. Atmospheric electric power industry. Brazilian scientists have found that humid air contains particles with a small charge. The charge with the help of metals can be collected and generate electricity. This innovation has the prospect of development in the energy sector of countries with a humid climate.
  5. Magneto-mechanical power amplifier. Technology developers say they have found a way to use the Earth's magnetic field to speed up the operation of an electric motor.

Modern energy is developing in different directions. Many companies continue to develop new technologies that increase the efficiency of LED lamps. And enthusiasts and research laboratories often offer original solutions that subsequently replenish the energy of various countries.

Features of energy development in Russia

On the territory of Russia, the introduction of energy innovations is mainly carried out by the state or large companies belonging to it. Over the past few years, new solar power plants have been opened on the territory of the Altai Territory. And Rosnano has launched the production of LEDs based on nanotechnology. This company also offers solar panels for the Russian energy sector, which absorb most of the sun's spectrum.

Modern technologies in various industries and areas are constantly evolving through the introduction of creative innovations. The energy sector is no exception. energy innovation stimulate the development of business, automotive, oil and gas and other industries, as well as significantly improve the quality of life of the population. Innovations, or innovations, are the testing and use of technological or other novelties aimed at the qualitative development of life processes, industry, etc.

The most interesting and modern innovations

Energy plan innovations are being introduced by various countries in the most actively used industries, as well as borrowed from each other. Some of the most significant innovations include:

  • Shock Wave Fracking Technology
  • The latest oil production technologies
  • Using bacteria to clean up oil spills
  • Application of biofuel for cars

Speaking about the first innovation, it is worth noting that the shock wave is the most efficient way to dissipate energy. It can be successfully used at a depth of shale formations up to a thousand or one and a half thousand meters. An Indian fracking research company has proposed using shockwave as a simpler and more cost effective fracturing technique than hydraulic fracturing. This energy innovation has the potential to significantly change the oil and gas industry, as it will completely eliminate the need to use water in these works. This will significantly reduce the level of water pollution, because hydraulic fracturing requires at least 4 million gallons per well.

The second interesting innovation in the energy sector is an improved way of extracting oil. The so-called enhanced oil recovery method involves tertiary treatment of the formations in order to extract as much product as possible. This technology is based on the use of carbon dioxide, which increases the flow rate of oil and reduces its viscosity.

Regarding the use of bacteria to clean up oil spills, this innovation is based on the use of two groups of bacteria - both of which have the ability to oxidize oil and thus reduce the size of the spill or prevent it in advance. At the moment, experts are studying the genus of bacteria Oleispira antartica to find out the ability to exist at low temperatures. This innovation will make it possible to develop an effective strategy to preserve the environment and prevent oil pollution.

And finally, another innovation is automotive biofuels derived from plant and animal cells. Biodiesel and ethane (the most popular biofuels) will help stabilize global market prices and reduce R&D costs.

Looking to the future: what innovations will be used

In addition to the above, energy innovation include other achievements, some of which are already widely used. For example, this is wind energy - the use of wind energy to operate various types of engines. Similar systems can be found in many foreign countries, and this technology also finds its application in our country.

Heat pumps should not be overlooked as they can rightfully be called the future of the energy sector. They will make it possible to significantly improve the environmental situation through the production of thermal energy, while significantly increasing the standard of living of the population, since heat supply is one of the key sectors of the energy sector. The principle of operation of heat pumps is based on the transformation of low-temperature renewable energy, it has been known for more than a century, but it is only now being actively used.

Thermal power modern installations - an innovation on an industrial scale

In 2004, the study of such an innovation as the use of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG) for thermal power plants started. The use of LPG instead of diesel fuel will improve environmental safety. In addition, this fuel has high consumer properties and lower cost in comparison with other types of fuel. Today, such an innovation has already passed numerous tests and distinguished itself by reliability and efficiency.

LED lamps - high and affordable quality

The latest energy novelty can be called LED lamps. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to win a fairly wide share. Compared to fluorescent lamps and fixtures, LED options are more practical and economical, they have a long service life. Practical material allows to achieve cost reduction, which is very important for a wide consumer circle. A similar novelty is now continuing to gain popularity, especially the growth of office LED lamps and devices for lighting stores.

Advantages of modern osmotic power plants

The original innovation of the world of energy is the osmosis station, which is based on the use of sea salt water. Osmosis is a physical effect that occurs in tree trunks and is designed to carry nutrient juices to the area where photosynthesis takes place. Specialist scientists have proposed using a similar process to interact with water. If fresh and salt water are placed in one vessel with a partition, then the pressure difference will make the osmosis process work. A similar reaction can be used in the operation of hydroelectric power plants.

An interesting idea needs to be improved - in particular, while scientists cannot solve the issue of selecting the most suitable membranes for osmotic stations. If this can be done, then the novelty will firmly take its place in the field of hydropower and will allow a significant increase in energy production, steadily providing a constantly growing population around the world.

The reserves of such a process as osmosis can be called quite impressive. This innovation will help to easily use the energy of the deep ocean in human life, since the degree of salinity of water largely depends on temperature, and it changes with depth. In this regard, the technology will make it possible to avoid linking the construction of hydroelectric power stations to the mouths of rivers, they can be placed directly in the waters of the oceans. Therefore, today scientists are actively engaged in the development of this innovation for its speedy implementation.

From how actively implemented energy innovation and other sectors of human life, depends on the successful and full development of the conditions of existence, improving the quality of life and the ability to save on daily needs. It is for these reasons that specialists around the world study new developments every day and try them in practical conditions in order to find truly profitable and useful innovations.

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