Balance sheet profitable investments in material values. Profitable investments

Often, individuals and legal entities are faced with this concept, but not everyone is familiar with its definition.

It is especially important for entrepreneurs to familiarize themselves with the information on the reflection of these investments in accounting, which will avoid problems with the tax authorities.

What it is?

Profitable investments in material assets are investments of the enterprise in equipment, real estate, property and other valuables, which are expressed in material form and are provided for temporary use to third parties for the purpose of deriving economic benefits(in other words, these are investments in assets that are acquired for subsequent rental or leasing).

Fixed assets that are used for rent are reflected in accounting and reporting. They should be part of the profitable investments of the type in question.

The profit of the company is the increase in economic benefits due to the receipt of cash, as well as the repayment of debt obligations, which led to an increase in capital.

In this case, the following receipts from individuals and organizations will not be recognized as income of the enterprise:

  • export duties, value added tax and other mandatory payments;
  • under agency and other similar agreements;
  • advance payment for goods, services and works;
  • pledged property, if its subsequent transfer to the pledgee is provided for;
  • funds used to pay off debts.

The company's receipts are classified depending on the conditions of receipt and features:

  • income from standard activities;
  • operating rooms;
  • non-operating.

Income that differs from profit from standard activities is recognized as other income.

Features of accounting

According to Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the considered type of investment is recognized as fixed assets that are leased by an organization with the aim of making a profit over a certain period of time.

In accordance with the law, they must be reflected in accounting and reporting.


It is necessary to consider Instructions for use to determine which of them indicates the profitable investments of the enterprise. For this, the eponymous account 03, where they are accounted for at the initial cost, formed in accordance with the requirements used in the process (paragraph 8 of PBU 6/01).

Analytical accounting for the account must be maintained depending on the type of object and the tenant of the property.

The objects under consideration are produced in the general manner that is established for fixed assets (section III PBU 6/01). Depreciation is displayed on the account of the same name 02.

According to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, separate accounting rules are established for the type of investments in question, which are the subject of a leasing transaction.

Profitable investments of the organization are reflected in the book value. They are brought in included in non-current assets in line 1160 of the same name. It is worth noting that information about them must be disclosed in full in the section of explanations of financial results.


Investments made by an enterprise for the purpose of making a profit are subject to write-off from the balance sheet in cases established for all categories of fixed assets. The need for this procedure arises when the property is disposed of from the property of the company. Also, write-offs take place in the event of the loss of material assets of the opportunity to bring economic benefits to the company, regardless of the reasons.

The income and expenses received from writing off fixed assets from accounting are also subject to crediting. For this, the profit and loss account is used. They are indicated as other income and expenses in accordance with paragraph 31 of PBU 6/01.

In order to account for the disposal of fixed assets, the company needs to open a sub-account with the appropriate name in account 03.

In his credit, the amount of accumulated depreciation is indicated, and in his debit, the value of the written-off property. After the disposal procedure is completed, the residual value must be written off from account 03. Then it is transferred to account 91, which reflects other income and expenses.

Entrepreneurs and accountants should take into account that a specific method of accounting for the disposal of fixed assets should be established in the company in the accounting objectives section in accordance with paragraph 7 of PBU 1/2008. By providing an indication of a suitable method, you can significantly simplify the accounting procedure. This procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist who is able to perform it at a professional level and is familiar with innovations in legislation.

Posting examples

To get acquainted with the topic in more detail, it is worth considering a specific example.

The company purchases a car for the purpose of leasing it. Its cost was 1,500,000 rubles, VAT - 270,000. The vehicle was purchased through an intermediary, the cost of whose services was 20,000 rubles, VAT - 9,600. An employee of the organization was sent on a business trip to carry out a purchase / sale transaction and subsequent delivery of a car. The costs amounted to 3,000 rubles, VAT - 540 rubles.

The accountant must reflect operations aimed at acquiring an object with the following entries:

DebitCreditAmount, rublesindication
19 60 270 000 VAT per vehicle
08-4 60 1 230 000 (1 500 000 – 270 000) car purchase costs
16 60 9 600 VAT for intermediary services
08-4 60 10 400 (20 000 – 9 600) costs associated with the purchase of a vehicle
19 71 540 VAT on expenses spent on a business trip of an employee in order to purchase a car
08-4 71 2 460 (3 000 – 540) travel expenses
68 19 280 140 (270 000 + 9 600 + 540) accepted for deduction of VAT on the cost of buying a car
03 08-4 1 242 860 (1 230 000 + 10 400 + 2460) car cost

This example allows you to understand how the accounting procedure is carried out using the example of a situation when a company purchases a car, which occurs quite often.

Account 03 is used to record and analyze information about property acquired by an enterprise to generate additional income. In the article, you will learn about the categories of such property and the types of income received from it, as well as about the features of accounting for transactions on account 03.

Profitable investments: concept and types

Income investments are understood as funds capitalized in the form of acquired material assets in order to obtain additional benefits from their use. The main types of profitable investments are buildings, premises, production and other equipment, vehicles and other fixed assets.

In order to receive income from investments, organizations, as a rule, transfer valuables for temporary use and possession to other enterprises and organizations on a paid basis. The basis for the transfer of property is an agreement (rent, leasing, etc.), as well as an act of acceptance and transfer, confirming the fact that the tenant received the valuables.

Modern practice shows that the property that acts as a profitable investment is most often cars (car rental services) and premises (residential and industrial).

Account 03: postings

Account 03 is used by enterprises that acquire property in order to receive additional income from it. Purchased equipment, buildings, fixed assets, land plots are accounted for under Dt 03 (written off from Kt 08). When property is disposed of as a result of sale and liquidation, the transaction amount is reflected in the entry under Kt 03. This transaction writes off the book value of tangible assets, the amount of accumulated depreciation, and also reflects expenses in the form of the residual value of the property recorded on the balance sheet.

The table below shows the main accounting entries:

Debit Credit Operation description A document base
03 08 Accepted for accounting equipment purchased for leasingTransfer-acceptance certificate
03 80 The cost of profitable investments accepted as a contribution to the authorized capital is reflectedMinutes of the decision of the board
94 03 The shortage (damage) of the car used for renting was recognizedwrite-off act
03 76 The tenant returned the premises previously leased. The property is registered with the landlordTransfer-acceptance certificate
03 83 Reflected the amount of revaluation of profitable investmentsRevaluation sheet
99 03 The cost of profitable investments is included in extraordinary expenseswrite-off act
91.2 03 Write-off of the book value of the premises transferred to the tenantTransfer-acceptance certificate

Account 03. Accounting operations on examples

For a detailed consideration of the features of accounting for operations on account 03, we use examples of typical situations.

Account 03. Lease of own equipment

Example #1.

Let's say that Kolosok JSC purchased a machine-tractor unit for pre-sowing tillage from Selkhoztekhnik LLC at a price of 484.620 rubles, VAT 73.925 rubles. On 03/25/2016 Kolosok signed a leasing agreement with Farmer LLC, according to which the tractor was leased. The useful life for the machine-tractor unit is set at 7 years.

The operations to purchase a tractor and lease it out were reflected by the accountant of Koloska as follows:

Debit Credit Operation description Sum A document base
08 60 The amount of expenses for a tractor purchased from Selkhoztekhnik LLC for subsequent leasing was taken into account (484.620 rubles - 73.925 rubles)410.695 rub.Sales contract, bill of lading
19 60 The amount of VAT is taken into account from the cost of the purchased machine-tractor unit73.925 rub.Invoice
60 51 Payment was made to “Selkhoztekhniku” for the purchased tractor484.620 rublesPayment order
03 Owned property08 A tractor purchased from Selkhoztekhnik LLC for subsequent leasing was entered into accounting410.695 rub.Transfer-acceptance certificate
68 VAT19 The amount of VAT on the purchased tractor is accepted for deduction73.925 rub.Invoice
03 Leased property03 Owned propertyTractor was handed over to Farmer under a lease agreement410.695 rub.Transfer-acceptance certificate
20 02 The amount of depreciation accrued on the machine-tractor unit for April 2016 is reflected (410.695 rubles / 7 years / 12 months)4.889 rub.Depreciation sheet

Example #2.

Consider a situation where, when purchasing property for leasing, an organization incurred additional expenses paid through an accountable person.

The activity of JSC “Kladovshchik” is related to the leasing of warehouse and other utility premises.

In February 2016 “Storekeeper”:

  • purchased a premises for a food warehouse from Monolit JSC at a price of 1,240,600 rubles, VAT 189,244 rubles;
  • paid the expenses for registration of the premises in the amount of 2,760 rubles, the amount of which was paid through an employee of JSC “Kladovshchik” V.R. Isaev;
  • leased the warehouse to Produkty Plus LLC.

It is established that the useful life of the warehouse space is 11 years.

Here is how the above operations were reflected in the accounting of the “Storekeeper”:

Debit Credit Operation description Sum A document base
08 60 The amount of expenses for the food warehouse purchased from Monolit for subsequent leasing was taken into account (1.240.600 rubles - 189.244 rubles)1.051.356 rub.Purchase and sale agreement, act of acceptance and transfer, certificate of ownership
19 60 The amount of VAT is taken into account from the cost of the purchased premises for a warehouse189.244 rub.Invoice
60 51 Settlement was made with JSC "Monolit"1.240.600 rub.Payment order
71 50 Isaev was given an advance payment for household needs (calculations for the design of a warehouse)2.760 rub.Account cash warrant
08 71 Savelyev received permits for the premises2.760 rub.Advance report
03 Owned property08 The cost of the premises is reflected in the composition of income investments (1.051.356 rubles + 2.760 rubles)1.054.116 rub.Purchase and sale agreement, act of acceptance and transfer, certificate of ownership, permits
68 VAT19 Accounted for VAT deduction on purchased premises189.244 rub.Invoice
03 Leased property03 Owned propertyReflected the transfer of the warehouse to the use of Produkty Plus LLC1.054.116 rub.Transfer-acceptance certificate
20 02 The amount of accrued depreciation for the leased premises was posted (1.054.116 rubles / 11 years / 12 months)7.986 rub.Depreciation sheet

Account 03. Realization of profitable investments in material assets

Example #1.

The activity of JSC "Sapphire" is related to the provision of rental and maintenance of equipment for confectionery and bakeries. In November 2015, the management of Sapphire decided to sell the rotary oven, which was previously used for rent, to the Baker bakery at a price of 523.800 rubles, VAT 79.902 rubles.

At the time of the sale, the furnace was accounted for on the balance sheet of Sapphire:

  • at a book value of 503,630 rubles;
  • depreciation was charged on a rotary kiln in the amount of 41,900 rubles.

“Sapphire” took over the expenses for the delivery of the furnace by paying the transport company “Meteor” the amount of 1.860 rubles. Settlements with "Meteor" were made through an accountable person, an employee of the sales department Solovyov K.D.

The disposal of equipment accountant "Sapphire" took into account in this way:

Debit Credit Operation description Sum A document base
76 91.1 Accounted for the amount of debt "Boulochnik" for the purchase of the oven523.800 rub.Purchase and sale agreement, act of acceptance and transfer
91.2 68 VATThe amount of accrued VAT on the equipment being sold79.902 rub.Invoice
03 Disposal of profitable investments03.1 Recorded write-off of a rotary kiln (book value)503.630 rub.OS write-off act
02 03 Disposal of profitable investmentsReflected write-off of depreciation accrued on the rotary kiln being sold341.900 rub.OS write-off act
91.2 03 Disposal of profitable investmentsExpenses are taken into account in connection with the write-off of the residual value of the furnace (503.630 rubles - 341.900 rubles)161.730 rub.OS write-off act
91.2 71 Reflected are the costs of transporting the furnace, paid to the Meteor company through Solovyov1.860 rub.Advance report
51 76 Payment from the “Baker” for the sold oven has been credited523.800 rub.Bank statement
91.9 99 The amount of profit from the sale of a rotary kiln was taken into account (523.800 rubles - 79.902 rubles - 161.730 rubles - 1.860 rubles)280.308 rub.Profit and Loss Statement
  • Purpose of the article: displaying information about the residual value of existing fixed assets acquired by the company for provision for temporary use (or possession and temporary use) to counterparties.
  • Line number in the balance sheet: 1160.
  • Account number according to the chart of accounts: Debit balance - credit balance.

Profitable investments in material assets imply the acquisition of buildings, equipment and other assets that have a material form in order to derive additional benefits from the transfer of this property to counterparties:

  • under a lease agreement;
  • rental.

According to the accounting rules, in order to accept cash investments in tangible assets on the balance sheet as fixed assets, certain conditions must be simultaneously met:

  1. Purpose of the asset: leasing - transfer of an asset for temporary use and possession by third parties or temporary use.
  2. The useful life of the object is more than 12 months or during the operating cycle (when the cycle is more than a year).
  3. By acquiring objects, the company does not have the goal of further resale of the object: economic benefits are achieved by providing counterparties for use.

    The initial cost of the acquired fixed assets for further transfer for temporary use is collected on the account. . It includes all transportation and procurement costs: acquisition costs, additional costs for delivery, installation and installation. After collecting information about all the money spent, the acquired values ​​are credited to account 03 at the discount price.

Material values ​​are expensive objects that have a material form and are intended to generate income for a long time. These assets may include the following:

  • buildings, structures;
  • production equipment (for example, machine tools);
  • control devices and computer technology;
  • transport;
  • expensive household equipment;
  • cattle;
  • perennial plantations;
  • natural resources: land, water, etc.

Line 1160 - non-current assets of the enterprise: here the residual value of profitable investments in material assets is displayed - the initial book value of the property, reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued as of December 31 of the financial year. For non-depreciable property, the initial cost of the object is displayed.

The final indicator in accounting should be reflected as the final debit balance of account 03 minus the credit balance of account 02.

The reporting displays information as of the current period, December 31 of the previous year, as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one.

Practical examples on monetary investments in material assets

Example 1

LLC "Luch" bought a car worth 120 thousand rubles (including VAT 18%) to provide it in the future for leasing. All additional costs for the delivery of the car were included in the costs incurred.

101694.92 - accounting for expenses incurred for the acquisition of the object.

18305, 08 - input VAT is displayed.

120 thousand rubles - transfer of funds to the supplier.

For additional procedures in the traffic police (TO, registration, etc.) 1000 rubles were spent, the costs are also included in the initial cost of the asset

Dt08 Kt60 - 1000 rubles.

102694.92 - formation of the accounting price of the acquired asset.

18305.08 - input VAT presented for deduction.

Example 2

LLC "Luch" decided to sell the machine, which is listed as a profitable investment, as it was purchased for rent. The price of the sale transaction is 200 thousand rubles (including VAT 30,508.47). The initial price of the machine is 100 thousand rubles, by the time of implementation, depreciation deductions amounted to 30,000 rubles.

Postings in the accounting of Luch LLC:

200 thousand rubles - reflected accounts receivable.

30508.47 - VAT has been charged for transfer to the budget.

Dt03 (disposal) Kt03

100000 - write-off of the original price.

Dt02 Kt03 (retirement)

30000 - write-off of depreciation charges.

Dt91.2 Kt03 (retirement)

70000 - write-off of the residual price of the equipment.

200 thousand rubles - repayment of receivables by the buyer.

Normative base

Information on the residual value of cash investments in the company's material assets is taken into account in accounting, in accordance with PBU 6/01, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2001 N 26n, since these investments are formed and accounted for similarly to the rules for accounting for fixed assets.

Common postings for cash investments in tangible assets

  1. Formation of the accounting value of the asset with the calculation of all costs
  2. Transfer of earning assets to fixed assets of the company
  3. Transfer of objects to the balance of the lessee in accordance with the agreement
  4. Write-off of accrued depreciation charges upon disposal of a profitable object
  5. Write-off of the residual value of disposal assets acquired for income generation

Note from the author! For the purpose of more detailed monitoring of monetary investments in tangible assets, an additional sub-account can be opened to account 03, to which the value of the disposed property will be transferred.

Profitable investments in material values ​​- account03 chart of accounts of accounting corresponds to this concept. About what is taken into account on this account and what transactions are associated with it, read our article.

Profitable investments in material assets are ... (PBU)

An enterprise can have a variety of assets: real estate, cash, intangible assets, machine tools and other property. If an asset brings a businessman income for more than 1 year, then it is non-current. In accordance with paragraph 20 of PBU 4/99, non-current assets include fixed assets, intangible assets, financial investments and profitable investments in material assets.

You can learn more about non-current assets in the material .

Profitable investments in material values ​​are fixed assets (OS) of the company, which differ from other assets in that they are bought not to be used in production, but for leasing or leasing. To account for such property, account 03 is intended - Profitable investments in material values, which is in the Chart of Accounts (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n) in section 1 "Non-current assets".

On account 03, profitable investments in material assets are accounted for at their original cost, which is formed similarly to the rules established for fixed assets, the accounting procedure for which is regulated by RAS 6/01. This means that the cost of investments includes expenses:

  • for the purchase of an asset (net of VAT and other reimbursable taxes);
  • third party pre-purchase consulting services;
  • remuneration to intermediaries;
  • delivery of investments;
  • customs duties and fees.

Depreciation of property recorded on account 03 is carried out according to the rules established for fixed assets and is reflected in the corresponding sub-account of account 02.

When investments are retired to account 03, a sub-account "Disposal of material assets" can be opened.

Analytical accounting for the account Profitable investments in material assets is carried out by types of assets and tenants.

Postings on account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets"

When buying property that is supposed to be considered as a profitable investment, it first goes to account 08. All expenses are collected on the same account, which will then be included in the cost of investments. As soon as the object is completely ready for transfer to rent or leasing, the accountant will post Dt 03 Kt 08.

The company continues to account for the leased property as its own asset on account 03 and charge depreciation on it (clause 50 of the Methodological Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n). Depreciation of profitable investments in material value is reflected in the entry Dt 02 Kt 03.

When selling or any other disposal of investments in accounting, entries must be made on the sub-account "Disposal of material assets":

  • the debit will reflect the value of the asset being disposed of: Dt 03 (sub-account "Disposal of material assets") Kt 03 - the initial cost of the asset is written off;
  • for a loan - accumulated depreciation: Dt 02 Kt 03 (sub-account "Disposal of material assets").

The residual value of the asset is written off as follows:

Dt 91 Kt 03 sub-account "Disposal of material assets".

An example of accounting for investments in tangible assets and the procedure for reflecting in the balance sheet

Consider the situation with an example:

Fantasia LLC (works at OSN, is engaged in the manufacture of food products) bought the building in November 2016 in order to rent it out. The transaction price is 18 million rubles. (including VAT RUB 2,745,762.71). Plus, the company paid a real estate company for assistance in choosing a building and paperwork 131,865.37 rubles. (including VAT RUB 20,115.06). In the same month, the company registered ownership of the property and paid a fee of 12,000 rubles. The commissioning of the property was carried out in November 2016. In December of the same year, Fantasia leased the building to IP Skvortsov. In accounting, the accountant of Fantasia LLC made the following entries:

  • Dt 08 Kt 60 in the amount of 15,254,236.29 rubles. - reflects the purchase price of the building excluding VAT;
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 in the amount of 2,745,763.71 rubles. - Reflected VAT on the building;
  • Dt 08 Kt 60 in the amount of 111,750.31 rubles. - expenses for the services of realtors are reflected;
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 in the amount of 20,115.06 rubles. - reflected VAT on the services of realtors;
  • Dt 08 Kt 68 in the amount of 12,000 rubles. - the state duty for registration of the building has been charged;
  • Dt 03 accounts - Profitable investments in material assets for leasing - Kt 08 in the amount of 15,377,986.60 rubles. - reflected the initial cost of the building.
  • Dt 03 accounts - Profitable investments in tangible assets leased, analytics IP Skvortsov Kt 03 accounts - Profitable investments in tangible assets to be leased - 15,377,986.60 rubles. - the building was leased to IP Skvortsov.

To calculate depreciation for the building, the accountant of Fantasia LLC determined the useful life of real estate in accordance with the “Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups” (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2002 No. 1). This kind of real estate belongs to the 9th group, the useful life is 30 years. The depreciation method is straight line. Then the amount of monthly depreciation for the building will be 15,377,986.60 rubles. / 360 months = 42,716.63 rubles. In accounting, depreciation for December 2016, the accountant will reflect as follows:

  • Dt 91.2 Kt 02 "Depreciation of profitable investments in material assets" in the amount of 42,716.63 rubles. - depreciation is included in the company's expenses.

Profitable investments in tangible assets are shown in the balance sheet at the residual value on line 1160. The residual value is determined by reducing the initial cost of the asset (debit balance 03 of account - Profitable investments in tangible assets) by the amount of depreciation taken into account in expenses (account 02 credit balance for these assets) . In the conditions of the example, the value of the building valuation, which should be displayed in form 1 as of December 31, 2016, will be 15,335,269.37 rubles. (15,337,986 - 42,716.63 rubles).

How to fill in the balance sheet, read the article .


Assets intended for leasing are accounted for by companies on account 03 - Profitable investments in tangible assets. On the account - Profitable investments in tangible assets - property is accounted for according to the rules similar to accounting for assets on account 01: before commissioning, all costs relating to property must be taken into account, and subsequently depreciation must be charged.

Material values ​​with a long period of use can be acquired by business entities for the purpose of not producing a production character, but transferring them to other companies for temporary possession in order to generate income. At the same time, the current accounting rules require that such objects be accounted for separately from the company's fixed assets.

The legislation determines that the financing of the purchase of objects with a long term of use, which are endowed with a tangible form and transferred to other entities for use in their economic activities for a certain period of time for a fee established by the contract, should be considered profitable investments in material assets.

These include, for example:

  • Building.
  • Structures.
  • Equipment.
  • Vehicles, etc.

That is, in essence, these are fixed assets (OS). But they have the main distinguishing feature - these assets are used in activities not by the owner himself, but by those who lease these assets. Thus, profitable investments represent fixed assets leased out.

The company must carry out separate accounting for fixed assets and profitable investments, since they have a different nature of use by the subject.

The rules of law require that objects acquired and transferred by an organization to another entity under a lease or leasing agreement should still be reflected in the accounting and reporting of the direct owner.

At the same time, it does not matter for what means the acquisition of property took place - from the funds of its own sources or the attraction of borrowed capital.

These objects should be recorded at the initial cost, which is the sum of the actual costs incurred for their purchase or construction.

Attention! However, like objects, in reporting these values ​​should be reflected at residual value, that is, the amount of depreciation accrued during their application is deducted from the initial cost. In order to reflect information about these objects, a separate line 1160 is provided.

What is taken into account on account 03 of accounting

The specifics of profitable investments in real estate

Real estate is a special kind of property. According to the law, it is necessary to register the right of ownership with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

In this regard, accountants sometimes have a question - in what period of time to transfer the value of the object from account 08 to account 03 - before the receipt of the certificate, or after that.

Another feature is connected with real estate objects. The law obliges to calculate and transfer property tax to the budget. This must be done for the first time on the 1st day of the month that comes after the month of its acceptance for accounting in the business entity.

RAS 6/01 establishes the rule that an object begins to be accounted for on account 01 or 03 from the moment it fully meets the criteria for a fixed asset. At the same time, there is not a word in this document that it is necessary to wait for an official paper from a government agency - a certificate. The Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service adhere to the same position in their letters.

Attention! At the same time, it is recommended that the organization itself does not have confusion - which object has already received state registration and which has not, take them into account on different sub-accounts. For example, within the group, open two sub-accounts - “Objects that have passed state registration” and “Objects awaiting state registration”.

How to evaluate profitable investments

When evaluating profitable investments, the same rules apply as for fixed assets.

Initially, the value of such an asset is collected directly from its value, reduced by the amount of taxes, as well as all related costs.

The latter may include:

  1. Transportation costs;
  2. Expenses for attracting third-party specialists (for example, appraisers);
  3. Travel expenses and fuel and lubricants, if they were associated with the acquisition of this object;
  4. Compulsory deductions, customs payments and state duty;
  5. The cost of the materials used;
  6. etc.

Thus, all costs associated with the acquired object are collected on account 08. This is done until it is ready to be rented or leased for income generation. After completion of all necessary work, the accumulated costs of the facility are transferred in one amount to account 03.

Attention! The state duty, if it was paid before the transfer of the value to account 03, can also be included in the costs of the facility. Otherwise, it should be accounted for on account 91.

What accounts does account 03 correspond with?

From the debit of account 03, transactions can be made with the following accounts:

  • 08 - acceptance for accounting of the acquired property as a profitable investment;
  • 76 - the cost of property for rent is being clarified in connection with an earlier mistake;
  • 80 - property for rent was received from the participant as a contribution to the authorized capital.

In the credit of account 03, postings can be made in debit correspondence with the following accounts:

  • - transfer of property from the category of profitable investments into fixed assets;
  • - write-off of depreciation of the retiring profitable investment;
  • 76 - compensation of a part of the cost of a profitable investment at the expense of insurance due to its damage;
  • 80 - property was transferred to the founders upon his withdrawal from the company;
  • 91 - the value of the property is written off when it is disposed of or sold;
  • 94 - reflects the shortage of profitable property;
  • 99 - write-off of the value of a profitable investment as a result of its loss due to an emergency.

Accounting entries for account 03

Postings that are made with account 03 are in many ways similar to those that are made for fixed assets.

Debit Credit Operation description
Acquisition of property
Purchased property to rent out
19 60 VAT deducted from sales amount
68 19 VAT credited
03/1 08 Acquired property is taken into account as a profitable investment
Transfer to rent, leasing
03/2 03/1 Transfer of property for rent or leasing
02 Depreciation has been charged
03/1 03/2 Return of property previously leased, leased
Disposal of property
03/Retirement 03/1 Written off value of property
02 03/Retirement Written off accrued depreciation on disposal property
91 property sold
91 68 VAT charged on the sale of property
91 03/Retirement Residual value written off

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