Keeping records of settlements with suppliers and contractors. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors. The main application of our luminaires

Chapter 9

Accounting for settlements, credits and loans

In the process of activity, each organization carries out many operations within the enterprise and outside it, interacts with individuals, enterprises, the state and other subjects of the economic process.

For normal production activities, organizations must acquire the necessary material values, organize the production process, and ensure the sale of manufactured products. In this regard, the organization has broad settlement relationships with suppliers of material and technical resources, buyers of manufactured and sold products, with enterprises providing electrical, transport and other services, with credit organizations and budgetary authorities.

All these transactions are usually carried out by means of money, and they can be combined into one accounting category - settlements. Thus, settlements can be defined as the interaction of an organization with other economic entities based on monetary relations.

There are many accounts for accounting calculations. As a rule, these accounts are active-passive, i.e. the balance of such accounts can be both active and passive. The debit of the settlement accounts reflects the occurrence of debt to the organization, the credit - the organization's debt to counterparties. Accordingly, the debit balance reflects the debt to the organization, and the credit balance reflects the debt of the organization itself.

9.1. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

Suppliers and contractors include organizations that supply raw materials and other inventory items, as well as provide various types of services and perform various works.

The receipt of material assets from suppliers, the performance of work and the provision of services by contractors are carried out on the basis of contracts concluded by the organization. The contracts contain the type of goods supplied, work performed or services provided, terms of delivery, terms of shipment of goods, performance of work, provision of services, payment procedure (payment terms).

If the suppliers or contractors are foreign firms, then the organizations must settle accounts with them in accordance with international rules that have been summarized by the International Chamber of Commerce in the Uniform Rules for Collection (as amended in 1978, ICC publication No. 322) and in the Uniform Rules and Customs for Documentary Credits (as amended 1983, ICC Publication No. 400).

Currently, organizations themselves choose the form of payment for the delivered products or services rendered.

All transactions with suppliers and contractors can be divided into two groups depending on the subject and nature of the contracts. The subject of contracts of the first group is the acquisition of any goods and property rights. Forms of contracts: purchase and sale, supply, energy supply, barter. The second group includes settlements with contractors. The main forms of contracts: contracts, paid services, R&D.

Settlements with suppliers and contractors are carried out after the shipment of inventory items, performance of work and provision of services, or simultaneously with them with the agreement of the organization or on its behalf.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors is kept on account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”. Advances issued are also recorded on account 60.

Account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” keeps records of settlements:

According to settlement documents that are accepted and payable;

According to the calculations carried out in the order of planned payments;

According to settlement documents for which invoices were not received (uninvoiced deliveries);

According to the surplus of inventory items identified during their acceptance.

On the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, in correspondence with the accounts of inventory (10, 15, 16), goods (41, 45), production costs (20–29), the organization’s debt to suppliers and contractors is reflected:

For actually received inventory items, accepted works and rendered services;

For services for the delivery of inventory items;

For services related to the processing of materials of the organization by third parties.

The debt to suppliers and contractors also includes value added tax. The amount of VAT is included by suppliers and contractors in invoices for payment and is reflected with the buyer on the debit of account 19 “Value added tax on acquired valuables” and on the credit of account 60. Repayment of debts to suppliers is recorded on the debit of account 60 and the credit of cash accounting accounts (51, 52, 55) or bank loans (66, 67). In this case, the amounts of advance payments and advance payments are taken into account separately (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1Standard correspondence for accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors

In case of non-invoiced deliveries, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” is credited for the value of the received valuables, determined based on the price and conditions stipulated in the contracts.

When accounting for settlements on imports, a sub-account "Import deliveries" is opened to account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors". The credit of this sub-account records the amounts of settlement documents of the foreign supplier. Settlements are made in the currency of the contract. The exchange rate difference arising between the rate of the day of acceptance and the rate of the day of payment is written off to account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Analytical accounting on account 60 is carried out for each presented invoice, and settlements in the order of planned payments - for each supplier and contractor. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the possibility of obtaining the necessary data on suppliers:

For settlement documents not paid on time;

For uninvoiced deliveries; advances issued;

On promissory notes issued, the due date for which has not come;

According to accepted and other settlement documents, the payment deadline for which has not come;

On overdue bills;

According to the received commercial loan, etc.

Regardless of the assessment of inventory items in analytical accounting, account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is credited according to the supplier's settlement documents. In the event that the supplier's invoice was accepted and paid before the receipt of the goods, and upon acceptance of the incoming inventory items to the warehouse, their shortage was discovered in excess of the amounts provided for in the contract against the invoiced quantity, and also if, when checking the invoice of the supplier or contractor (after the invoice was accepted) a discrepancy between the prices stipulated by the contract, as well as arithmetic errors were found, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” is credited for the corresponding amount in correspondence with account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, subaccount 2 “Settlements on claims”. In this case, the account records accounts receivable, which was the result of failure to fulfill its obligations by one of the parties - parties to the agreement. Such unfulfilled obligations may be presented:

To suppliers, transport and other organizations on invoices issued to them (upon acceptance by buyers and customers) - due to non-fulfillment of certain conditions under the contract, as well as the occurrence of shortages of cargo along the way, compensation in connection with this fines, penalties, forfeits or the identification of arithmetic errors in accounts;

Suppliers or organizations processing customer materials - for identified deviations in quality against standards, GOST or technical specifications;

Suppliers and contractors - for downtime and defects. The amount of these losses is taken into account in amounts recognized by the guilty party or awarded by the arbitration court;

Banks - for amounts erroneously debited from the organization's accounts.

In analytical accounting, information on sub-account 2 "Settlements on claims" is carried out for each debtor in the context of individual types of claims. Satisfaction with them is reflected in accounting by an entry on the debit of accounts 50, 51 and other cash accounts and credit of account 76-2.

If the organization practices settlements for the delivered values, then the following points should be observed in accounting:

Analytical accounting on account 60 should provide the possibility of obtaining data by suppliers on issued bills of exchange, the due date of which has not come, and on overdue bills (a separate sub-account "Promissory notes issued");

For promissory notes that are overdue with payment, with an expired limitation period, it is necessary to write off accounts payable to other income of the organization in a timely manner;

If the issued promissory note provides for the accrual of interest (or discount), then this interest should increase the organization's accounts payable in a timely manner and be reflected in the accounts of other income and expenses (account 91 debit).

The amount of interest accrued on a debt obligation in accordance with Art. 269 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation should not significantly (by more than 20% in one direction or another) deviate from the average level of interest charged on debt obligations issued in the same reporting period on comparable terms. If there are no debt obligations issued in the same reporting period on comparable terms, then the maximum amount of interest recognized as an expense is taken equal to the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, increased by 10% (if the obligation is in rubles) and increased by 15% (if liability in foreign currency).

In tax accounting, interest on borrowed funds associated with the acquisition of material assets is reflected as non-operating expenses, while in accounting these interest are included in other expenses only after the values ​​are taken into account. Up to this point, interest on borrowed funds is included in the cost of acquired material assets.

The main document for settlement relationships with suppliers and contractors is an invoice of the established form, which is issued by the supplier or contractor. The following details are filled in the invoice: name of the supplier, his address, taxpayer identification number (TIN), consignee, consignor, buyer, his address, TIN.

In the invoice indicate information about the delivered goods or give a description of the work performed, services rendered by their types, give the unit of measurement, quantity (volume), price; the cost for the entire quantity of goods (work performed, services rendered) without value added tax. The document must indicate the tax rates and the amount of value added tax.

In the conditions of applying the journal-order form of accounting, settlements with suppliers are reflected in the journal-order No. 6. It keeps records for each supplier and contractor with a detailed breakdown in chronological order. At the end of the month, journal No. 6 displays the results: the debit reflects the amounts paid to suppliers; for a loan - the amounts due to be paid to suppliers; the data in the order journal No. 6 is compared with the turnover of the corresponding accounts reflected in other order journals, after which the monthly totals for the credit of account 60 from the order journal are transferred to the General Ledger.

9.2. Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

When manufactured products are shipped to buyers and customers, receivables arise on the accounts of the organization. Settlements with buyers and customers are made by payment orders, payment requests-orders, in the form of barter transactions (barter transactions), in the order of assignment of the right to claim, exchange agreements, etc.

Arising receivables are reflected at the sale price of products on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers". The debit of this account reflects the amounts for which settlement documents are presented; for a loan - the amount of payments received (including the amount of advances), etc. In this case, the amounts of received advances and prepayments are taken into account separately.

Sub-accounts can be opened for account 62:

62-1 “Settlements in the manner of collection” with a reflection on it of the amounts presented to buyers and customers for the products shipped to their address, work performed and the bank accepted for payment settlement documents;

62-2 "Calculations by planned payments". This sub-account is used by organizations that are in long-term economic relations with each other. Making calculations for each delivery in this case generates a large number of documents. Therefore, calculations are made on a daily basis or at another time interval based on the planned volume of supplies with a mandatory adjustment at the end of the month for actually fulfilled obligations;

62-3 "Promissory notes received". This sub-account takes into account the debt of buyers, secured by issued promissory notes.

Accounting for settlements with buyers should ensure control over the occurrence of receivables in the process of implementation, the timing and facts of repayment, as well as a real assessment of receivables and the time of receipt of funds by the organization. In addition, accounting for settlements with buyers is an integral part of sales accounting and directly affects the level of taxation.

Organizations build all settlements with buyers and customers on the basis of concluded contracts, which indicate the terms, conditions for the delivery of products, the procedure for payment, etc. Documents for settlement relationships with buyers and procurement organizations are special acceptance receipts. The acceptance receipts reflect which products were accepted, their quantity (in natural and test weight), date, payment due, etc. This receipt is the basis for entries in accounting registers on account 62.

For the amount of products sold, the organization presents settlement documents to the buyer or customer, while debiting account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” and crediting account 90 “Sales”. When buyers and customers repay their debt, they write it off from the credit of account 62 to the debit of cash accounts (Table 9.2).

When selling depreciable property, that is, fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as other property, the value of property at sale prices is written off to the debit of account 62 from the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”. The receipt of payments for the sold property is reflected in the debit of accounts for accounting for funds (50, 51, 52, 55) and the credit of account 62.

Table 9.2Standard correspondence on accounting of settlements with buyers and customers

The receipt of receivables is recognized in accounting as the formation of other income.

The current legislation provides for the repayment of receivables by assigning the right of claim from the original creditor to the new creditor. This procedure is regulated by paragraph 1 of Art. 382 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It is not allowed to transfer the creditor's rights to another person on recourse claims. In such a situation, it is understood that a supplier who has fulfilled its obligations and assigned the right to claim satisfaction of these obligations to a new creditor, the latter is not entitled to present this claim to the original creditor.

The amount of obligations under the assignment of a claim to a new creditor may be lower or higher than the amount of the original receivable. This depends not only on the financial stability of the original lender, but also on the current situation in the relevant segment of its business.

Accounts receivable can be divided into claimed, i.e., recognized as not satisfied by the debtor, despite the measures taken to return it by the creditor, and unclaimed. In the latter case, it is considered that the creditor did not take the necessary actions, documented, to return it, including an attempt to return it through the courts. It is possible that such actions may be the result of the intent of one of the parties. According to Art. 169 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in such a situation, the property received under the transaction must be returned to the other party. The property received by this party or due to it in compensation for the executed is subject to collection in the income of the federal budget, i.e. the taxable base for income tax is not subject to reduction.

Unclaimed receivables are written off by the creditor for losses only after the expiration of three years from the date of actual receipt by the debtor organization of goods (works, services). If in the future the amount of receivables is received, then its posting is attributed to other results.

Recognition of accounts receivable as unrealistic to pay due to the insolvency of the debtor and attributing it to the losses of the organization after the expiration of the limitation period (three years) does not give grounds to terminate the current control over it. It is taken into account from the moment it is charged to losses on the off-balance account 007 “Debt written off as a loss of insolvent debtors” and continues to be registered for five years to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtor.

Analytical accounting on account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” is kept for each invoice presented to buyers (customers), and in case of settlements by planned payments - for each buyer and customer. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the possibility of obtaining the necessary data on:

Buyers and customers under settlement documents, the payment deadline for which has not come;

Buyers and customers for settlement documents not paid on time;

advances received;

Promissory notes, the date of receipt of funds for which has not come;

Promissory notes discounted (accounted for) in banks;

Promissory notes for which funds were not received on time.

Analytical accounting for each buyer is kept in statement No. 38. At the end of the month, data on account 62 is transferred to order journal No. 11, and from it to the General Ledger.

9.3. Accounting for credits and loans

At certain moments of economic activity, the organization may not have funds in its accounts to pay for current operations. Violation of the deadlines for fulfilling obligations can lead to negative consequences - lawsuits by creditors, fines from tax and customs authorities. In addition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability for non-fulfillment of monetary obligations(Article 395). In case of delay in payment, the organization will be obliged to pay interest on the entire amount of the unfulfilled monetary obligation, based on the bank interest rate in force at the location (residence) of the creditor at the time of voluntary satisfaction of the creditor's claims, on the day the claim is filed or the decision is made by the arbitration court.

In order to prevent violation of its monetary obligations in the event of a temporary lack of funds in the accounts, the organization can borrow funds on the terms of urgency, repayment and payment. The organization can receive a bank loan, which will need to be repaid within a specified period, and pay interest for the time the loan is used. It is also possible to conclude a loan agreement with another enterprise that has temporarily free cash, or an organization - a joint-stock company may resort to issuing additional shares or placing bonds.

There is also such a form of solving the problem of temporary lack of funds, as commercial loan. A commercial loan is provided in the form of a deferred or installment payment, provided for by an agreement with a supplier or contractor. At the same time, interest for using the loan is included in the contractual price of goods, works and services. A commercial loan can be issued bill of exchange(promissory note).

In case of difficulties with free cash, the organization may include an advance payment condition in the contract with its client. This makes it possible to receive funds to pay current expenses, postponing the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement. An advance payment is also a type of commercial loan.

A loan is a system of economic relations that develops when value is transferred in kind or in cash by some legal entities to others for temporary use on terms of urgency, repayment and, usually, with the payment of interest.

In a market economy, commercial and bank loans are widespread. The latter is issued by banks in the form of cash loans used to expand production and as a source of payment for current activities.

If borrowed funds are required not all at once, but in parts over a certain period of time, then it is possible to issue a credit line at the bank instead of a one-time loan. This determines the total amount within which the borrower can spend funds from his loan account (or which parts will be transferred to the borrower's account in agreement with the bank, and he will spend them as needed). In this case, interest for the use of credit resources is charged only on the actual amounts transferred to the borrower.

The procedure for issuing and repaying loans is determined by the relevant legislation and is regulated by a loan agreement between the organization and the bank. The agreement establishes the objects of lending, the conditions and procedure for granting a loan, its repayment terms, forms of mutual security of obligations, interest rates, the procedure for their payment, the rights and responsibilities of the parties, a list of documents, the frequency of their submission.

The term for the return of the funds received by the borrower is determined either in the loan agreement or in a term obligation - a document that formalizes the receipt by the borrower of each amount within the total amount of the loan agreement.

Before applying to a particular bank for a loan, an organization must carefully weigh the feasibility of obtaining it and the possibility of repayment, evaluate and compare the conditions for granting and repaying a loan by different commercial banks in terms of the terms for which the loan is provided, interest rates and other requirements. In turn, the bank carefully analyzes the solvency and liquidity of the organization, assessing its ability to timely repay the loan and pay interest. To do this, he has the right to request a balance sheet and other statements of the organization, to check the security of the loan with the relevant inventory items, to familiarize himself with documents and reports.

Depending on the purpose of use, loans are divided into:

For loans to finance working capital;

For loans to finance capital investments.

In terms of terms, bank loans can be short-term - up to a year and long-term - over a year. Short-term bank loans serve as one of the sources of formation of working capital of organizations. The optimal term for such loans is the time of turnover of funds in the credited business processes. For these purposes, they usually develop differentiated terms for the use of borrowed funds in time, since in most cases the amount of interest paid directly depends on the period for which the loan is issued.

A long-term bank loan is mainly issued for the costs of capital construction, reconstruction and other capital investments. Such loans should be recouped from the profits generated from these activities.

To account for operations on obtaining and repaying loans and borrowings, passive accounts 66 “Calculations on short-term loans and loans” and 67 “Calculations on long-term loans and loans” are used. The received loans and borrowings are reflected in the credit of these accounts in correspondence with the accounts for accounting for cash and settlements, and the repayment of loans and borrowings is reflected in the debit of the accounts in correspondence with the cash accounts (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3Typical correspondence of accounts for accounting for credits and loans

For the use of the loan, the organization, as noted, is obliged to pay interest in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. Interest on a loan is a fee for the services of the bank that provided it. The generally accepted form of determining interest is annual interest, that is, the interest rate payable to the bank for the use of credit funds during the year.

Interest for the use of the loan is accrued monthly from the moment the funds are credited to the organization's account in accordance with the procedure established by the agreement. The amount of interest increases the principal loan obligation.

The fulfillment by the organization of obligations to pay interest must be carried out within the time limits established by the agreement. If such terms are not defined, then interest is paid monthly until the day of repayment of the loan amount.

Interest is usually calculated in one of the following ways:

- using the simple interest formula;

- according to the formula of compound interest;

- using a fixed or floating interest rate in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

If the agreement does not indicate the method of calculating interest, then interest is calculated according to the simple interest formula using a fixed rate (clause 3.9 of the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1998 No. 39-P "On the procedure for calculating interest on operations related to attracting and the placement of funds by banks, and the reflection of these operations in the accounting accounts”).

Since the term of the loan agreement can be either less or more than a year, the annual interest rate is converted into a daily rate by dividing it by the number of days in a year.

Lending schemes may be different. The most common in banking practice are the following:

1) the bank transfers the loan amount to the current account of the organization. At the end of the term, the loan is repaid by the organization transferring the loan amount and interest payments to the bank;

2) a special loan account is opened for the organization in the bank, to which the organization's proceeds are credited and from which payment of the received settlement documents is made. If the organization's funds are not enough to settle obligations, the bank lends it within the amount specified in the contract. The amount of the loan received is determined as the difference between receipts and payments on the loan account. Loan settlements are made within the period specified in the agreement. Such a lending scheme is called a contractual loan;

3) the bank opens a special current account for the organization secured by inventory items or securities. Within the limits of the secured loan, the bank pays all the bills of the organization. Repayment of the loan is made at the first request of the bank at the expense of funds received on the settlement account of the organization, or by realizing the pledge. Hence the name - on-call loan(loan on demand);

4) the bank provides a discount credit to the holder of the bill by purchasing (discounting) the bill before the due date for payment on it. The owner of the bill receives from the bank the amount indicated in the bill, minus the discount rate, commission payments and other expenses of the bank. Closing of the accounting credit is made on the basis of the bank's notice of payment of the bill;

5) the bank acquires from the organization the right to collect receivables from buyers of goods, works and services of this organization. At the same time, he transfers to the organization 80–90% of the amount of invoices for shipped products (work performed, services rendered) at the time they are presented for payment. After receiving payment on these accounts from buyers, the bank transfers to the organization the remaining 10-20% of the invoice amount, minus interest and commission. This form of lending is called factoring.

In accordance with PBU 10/99 and PBU 15/01, accrued and paid interest on a loan are other expenses for the borrower and are reflected in the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” and the credit of accounts 66 and 67.

There are two points to note here.

1. When using borrowed funds for prepayment, issuing advances related to the acquisition of inventory items, the interest accrued by the borrower on the loan is attributed to an increase in receivables and is reflected in the debit of accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” or 76 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors” and credit accounts 66 and 67. Upon receipt of valuables, their value increases by the amount of accrued receivables (accounts 10, 15 and others are debited and accounts 60 and 76 are credited). Subsequent accruals of interest for the use of a loan for the specified values ​​are already taken into account in a general manner, i.e., they are included in other expenses.

2. When using loans received to finance the acquisition of fixed assets, the interest accrued until the moment the objects were accepted for accounting is included in the initial cost of the object and reflected in the debit of accounts 07 “Equipment to be installed” and 08 “Investments in non-current assets”. After the acceptance of fixed assets for accounting, accrued interest is included in other expenses (account 91 is debited and accounts 66 and 67 are credited).

Example 9.1

The organization issued a short-term loan in the bank in the amount of 500,000 rubles. for a period of 4 months with payment of interest at a rate of 20% per annum. The loan amount was credited to the organization's account on August 10. The organization repaid the loan along with interest for the entire period of use of borrowed funds on December 20.

The borrowed funds were used by the organization to pre-pay for goods. Payment was made on August 11, and the goods themselves were received from the supplier on August 30.

The following accounting entries must be made in the accounting of the organization.

Bank loans can be issued both in rubles and in foreign currency. Settlements related to loans in foreign currency are accounted for in rubles at the exchange rate determined on the date of issuance of monetary settlement documents.

Exchange differences on loans in foreign currency are charged to account 91 “Other income and expenses”. The exchange rate difference is defined as the difference between the amount of the loan received at the rate on the day of receipt and the amount of the same loan at the rate on the day of repayment.

Use of borrowed funds for the acquisition and (or) construction of an investment asset. An investment asset is understood as an object of property, the preparation of which for the intended use requires a significant amount of time (fixed assets, property complexes and other similar assets that require a lot of time and costs for acquisition and (or) construction).

The acquisition of property, plant and equipment that does not require installation, such as the purchase of a car for business purposes, is not considered the acquisition of an investment asset.

If the received borrowed funds are used by the organization for the acquisition and (or) construction of an investment asset, then the costs of them should be included in the cost of this asset and repaid through depreciation, except when the accounting rules do not provide for depreciation of the asset.

If depreciation is not charged on a fixed asset, then all costs associated with obtaining a loan are taken into account as part of other expenses.

If depreciation is charged on fixed assets, then the cost of the loan is included in the initial cost of fixed assets.

This procedure is valid under the following conditions:

In case of expenses related to the acquisition and (or) construction of an asset;

The deadline for payment of interest on the credit (loan) has come;

The cost of fixed assets is reflected in capital investments;

The main facility has not been put into operation.

If these conditions are not met, all costs associated with obtaining a loan are taken into account as other expenses.

Upon termination of work related to the construction of an investment asset for a period of more than three months, the inclusion of borrowing costs in the initial cost is suspended. Expenses attributable to the period of termination of work are subject to attribution to other expenses of the organization. At the same time, the period during which additional coordination of technical and (or) organizational issues that have arisen during the construction process takes place is not considered the termination of work.

The inclusion of expenses on loans (credits) received in the initial cost of an investment asset is terminated from the first day of the month following the month when the asset is accepted for accounting as an object of fixed assets or a property complex (for the relevant types of assets that form the property of the complex), or from the first day of the month following the month of the actual start of operation (if the actual operation of the investment asset began before it was accepted for accounting as an object of fixed assets or a property complex) (clauses 30, 31 PBU 15/01). After this date, the costs of borrowings received are included in other expenses of the borrowing organization.

Example 9.2

The organization issued a bank loan in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. for the construction of the workshop. The loan was taken for three years with interest at a rate of 18% per annum. The loan amount was credited to the company's account on March 10, 2004. The completed workshop was accepted for accounting as part of the organization's fixed assets on November 10, 2006.

In 2004, the following accounting entries are made in the accounting of the organization:

In the reporting of 2005:

In the reporting of 2006:

In the reporting of 2007:

In a market economy, an organization can obtain borrowed funds not only from a bank, but also from other organizations within the country and abroad. Short-term and long-term loans raised through the issuance and placement of securities are accounted for on accounts 66, 67 on the respective sub-accounts.

The receipt of funds from the sale of shares of the labor collective, shares and bonds of organizations, as well as other obligations, are reflected in the debit of the cash account or account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” and credit of accounts 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and loans” and 67 "Settlements on long-term credits and loans".

If the securities are sold by the organization at a price exceeding their face value, then the difference between the sale price and the face value is reflected in the credit of account 98 "Deferred income", and then evenly throughout the entire loan period is debited from the debit of account 98 "Deferred income" in the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

If bonds are placed at a price lower than their nominal value, then the difference between the placement price and the nominal value of the bonds is additionally accrued evenly during the circulation period of the bonds. Account 91 “Other income and expenses” is debited for the amount of additional charges and account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings” or 67 is credited.

Interest due on loans received is reflected in the credit of account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings” or 67 “Settlements on long-term loans and loans” and the debit of the accounts for recording sources of payments in the same way as for bank loans.

Expenses associated with the issuance and distribution of securities are taken into account in the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” from the credit of the corresponding settlement, cash and material accounts.

When repaying and returning securities, they are written off to the debit of account 66 “Settlements on short-term credits and loans” or 67 “Settlements on long-term credits and loans” from the credit of cash accounts.

Termination of obligations under a loan agreement can be formalized in the form of a compensation or novation (Articles 409 and 414 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the debts under the above agreements are considered repaid, but a new debt arises from the loan agreement. Since the conclusion of the compensation agreement, the relationship between the parties is governed by the rules of contracts for the sale or provision of services for compensation. In accounting, the novation of the debt is reflected: on the debit of accounts 60, 76 and on the credit of accounts 66, 67.

When the borrower repays loans received in kind, there may be value differences in the valuation of the property received as a loan and the property transferred for repayment. The resulting differences are reflected in the borrower as other expenses (debit of account 91, credit of accounts 66 and 67) or other income (debit of accounts 66 and 67, credit of account 91). In case of delay in repayment of the loan and delay in payment of interest on the loan, penalties are applied to the borrower, which are reflected in the debtor's other expenses (in the debit of account 91).

Analytical accounting of credits and loans is carried out by their types, terms, credit institutions. On accounts 66 and 67 on separate sub-accounts, settlements with credit institutions for accounting operations (discount) of promissory notes and other obligations are recorded. In these situations, the loan is provided by the bank not in cash, but in promissory notes issued by this commercial bank.

Commercial credit can be provided in the form bill credit or open account to suppliers or in the form of an advance paid to the organization by the buyers of the products.

An open account credit is provided by an agreement between the supplier and the buyer, according to which the supplier writes to the buyer's account as his debt the cost of goods sold and shipped, and the latter undertakes to repay the loan on time. A credit on an open account is practiced with regular deliveries of goods with periodic repayment of debts on time.

With a promissory note loan, the borrowing organization uses issued promissory notes to repay debts for purchased materials, goods, services received, and work performed. The maturity of each bill is determined by the loan agreement between the bank and the borrowing organization. According to the agreement, the organization receives a package of bank bills and uses them to pay for goods, works, services by issuing an endorsement on the back of the bill. The number of endorsements is not limited.

After the expiration of the term of circulation of the bill, the last bill holder submits it to the bank for payment. If an organization acquires bills of exchange only as an object of financial investments, their accounting is carried out in the manner established for investments in securities.

Accounting for a commercial loan is kept on accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” for the relevant sub-accounts (calculations on a bill of exchange loan, settlements on an open account).

Operations on the sale of bills are recorded by the organization holding the bill in the debit of accounts 51 or 52 (for the amount of money actually received), accounts 91 (for the accounting percentage - discount) and credit accounts 66 and 67 (for the nominal value of the bill).

The discount is understood as the difference between the amount indicated in the promissory note and the amount of money actually received on it.

Example 9.3

The organization issuing a bill sold a bill with a nominal value of 100 thousand rubles. with a maturity of three months for 80 thousand rubles. An accounting entry will be made for this transaction:

Dt account 51, Kt account - 80 thousand rubles;

Dt account 91, Kt account - 20 thousand rubles.

To evenly allocate expenses on a bill, i.e. discount (or interest - if the bill provides for the payment of interest in excess of its face value), to other expenses, the drawer may take into account these expenses in advance on account 97 “Deferred expenses” with subsequent by uniform write-off to the debit of account 91. In this case, the following entries will be made for the amount of debt service costs:

Dt of account 97, Kt of account 66;

Dt account 91, Kt account 97.

On the issued promissory notes, operations on the secondary placement of previously received promissory notes can be carried out. In this case, the holder of the bill transfers the previously received bill to the lender (new creditor). The loan received is documented as follows:

Dt accounts 51, 52 - for the amount actually received,

Dt account 91 - for the amount of the discount,

Kt accounts 66, 67 - for the face value of the bill.

Operations for obtaining and repaying short-term and long-term loans and borrowings in the journal-order form are carried out in the appropriate statement and journal-order No. 45, and in the conditions of automated accounting - in the corresponding machine diagram. These registers are open for a year. Entries in them are made on the basis of bank statements and documents attached to them as they become available in a day or several days.

9.4. Accounting for taxes and fees

Organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and being its subjects are subject to all legislative acts of Russia. The tax law is no exception.

Taxation system modern Russia is a set of federal, regional and local taxes, principles, forms and methods of establishing, changing and canceling them, paying and applying measures to ensure their payment, exercising tax control, as well as bringing to responsibility and measures of responsibility for violation of tax laws.

The following tax systems are used in Russian business practice:

1) the general system of taxation;

2) special tax regimes:

Taxation system for agricultural producers (ESKhN),

Simplified taxation system (STS),

A single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (UTII).

Organizations operating under the general taxation regime pay all taxes that apply in the country and in respect of which the organization acts as a taxpayer. These taxes include:

Federal taxes (value added tax, excises, income tax, personal income tax, unified social tax, duties, forestry, water, environmental, federal license fees - Article 13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Regional taxes (organizational property tax, gambling business tax, regional license fees - Article 14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Local taxes (land tax, local license fees - article 15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Organizations operating under special tax regimes pay one special tax instead of four. In other words, the transition to a special tax regime means the abolition of the following taxes:

1) for organizations:

income tax,

property tax,

Unified social tax;

2) for individual entrepreneurs:

personal income tax,

value added tax,

personal property tax,

Unified social tax.

The system of taxation based on the Unified Agricultural Tax is a special tax regime and allows you to comply with the principle of equality in taxation, provide uniform criteria for all economic entities in the field of agricultural production, regardless of the type of agricultural products produced.

Only those organizations can use this system, the economic specialization of which allows them to have in the total volume of proceeds of goods (works, services) a share of proceeds from the sale of their own produced and processed agricultural products of at least 70%.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 346 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations and individual entrepreneurs (including peasant farms) that have switched to paying the Unified Agricultural Tax in the manner prescribed by Ch. 26 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 346 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not entitled to switch to the payment of unified agricultural tax:

1) organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production of excisable goods;

2) organizations and individual entrepreneurs transferred to the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities in accordance with Ch. 26 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

3) organizations with branches and representative offices.

The transition to the payment of unified agricultural tax does not provide for the maintenance of accounting by agricultural producers in a simplified way (in addition to legislation in the field of regulatory regulation, which provides for its maintenance in a simplified way with a reduction in the corresponding reporting forms). In this sense, UAT taxpayers have no advantages over other taxation systems.

The object of taxation of the UAT is the tax base. tax base the monetary expression of income is recognized, reduced by the amount of expenses. At the same time, justified (economically justified) and documented expenses incurred by the taxpayer are considered expenses. Article 346 8 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines a fixed amount tax rate at a rate of 6% of the tax base.

On January 1, 2003, a special tax regime was put into effect, provided for in Ch. 26 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "Simplified taxation system".

Organization entitled to switch to USN if, according to the results of nine months of the year in which it applied for the transition to this taxation system, the income from sales, excluding value added tax, did not exceed 11 million rubles. At the same time, the revenue limit for the transition to the simplified tax system is determined without sales volumes by types of activity transferred to a single tax on imputed income.

Also, organizations that have:

The average number of employees is no more than 100 people;

The residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets owned by them does not exceed 100 million rubles;

There are no branches and representative offices.

The simplified system of taxation can be canceled by the organization if for the reporting year the proceeds from the sale of goods (works and services) exceed 20 million rubles.

The simplified taxation system cannot be transferred to:

1) according to the tax regime:

Individual entrepreneurs, if they are transferred to the taxation system in the form of UTII,

If two years have not elapsed after the individual entrepreneur has lost the right to apply the "simplification";

2) by type of activity:

Professional participants in the securities market,

Banks, insurers,

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs paying UAT,

Individual entrepreneurs engaged in gambling business,

Individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production of excisable goods,

Notaries in private practice.

Also, they cannot switch to a simplified taxation system for organizations in which the share of participation of other organizations in the authorized capital is more than 25%.

The object of taxation when applying this system of taxation in accordance with Art. 346 14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation act (at the choice of the taxpayer):

Income, i.e. economic benefit in cash or in kind - in the amount of 6%;

Income reduced by the amount of expenses - in the amount of 15% (but not less than the amount of the minimum tax, defined as 1% of the income).

Application of a simplified taxation system based on patent allowed for individual entrepreneurs who do not involve employees in their activities and carry out one of the following types of activities (58 types in total):

1) tailoring and repair of clothes and other garments;

2) production and repair of knitwear;

3) production and repair of knitted products;

4) tailoring and repair of fur clothes;

5) production and repair of footwear;

6) production, assembly, repair of furniture and other joinery;

7) photo, film and video services;

8) repair and maintenance of vehicles;

9) transportation of passengers and goods by road and water transport;

10) apartment renovation;

11) veterinary care;

12) funeral services.

A patent is issued (at the choice of the taxpayer) for a quarter, six months, nine months, a year. The annual cost of a patent is defined as the percentage of the annual income established for each type of entrepreneurial activity, which is potentially possible to receive by an individual entrepreneur, corresponding to the tax rate.

A single tax on imputed income introduced for activities:

1) household services;

2) veterinary services;

3) services for the repair, maintenance and washing of motor vehicles;

4) retail trade (on an area not exceeding 150 m 2);

5) public catering services (on an area not exceeding 150 m2);

6) road transport services for the transportation of passengers and goods (no more than 20 vehicles);

7) distribution or placement of outdoor advertising.

UTII payers are not entitled to apply the simplified taxation system.

The object of taxation for UTII is imputed income - the potential income (base income) of a single tax payer, calculated taking into account factors that directly affect its receipt.

The tax rate for UTII is set at 15% of imputed income.

Accounting for tax payments is carried out on the active-passive account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees." Account 68 may have an expanded balance. Sub-accounts are opened for this account by types of taxes and fees: “Income Tax”, “Value Added Tax”, “Individual Income Tax”, etc. The amount of payments is regulated by legislation at the federal or local level, indicating the repayment periods. At the end of the year, the amounts of payments are adjusted in accordance with the calculations made: undercharged amounts are additionally charged, overpaid amounts are counted against regular payments or are refundable.

Depending on the sources of compensation, the following groups of payments are distinguished:

1) included in the cost of goods (works, services):

Payment for water within the established limits,

Land tax and land rent,

Fee for standing wood

Payment for the use of subsoil,

Deductions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base,

Deductions and costs for land reclamation,

Payments for maximum allowable waste, emissions, discharges into the environment,

registration fee,

Deductions for the reproduction and protection of forests,

Government duty;

2) attributable to sale:

value added tax,

Customs duties;

3) attributable to the financial results of the organization:

income tax,

Property tax,

A single local target fee (for the maintenance of the police, landscaping, collection for cleaning the territory of the settlement),

Tax on income from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises,

Tax on dividends, interest on shares, bonds (except government) and other securities,

Tax on income from casinos, gambling houses, video salons, from slot machines,

Tax on profits from holding concert and entertainment events in premises with more than two thousand seats,

Other taxes.

Accrued taxes and fees (federal, regional and local) on the basis of tax declarations are reflected in the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" and the debit of various accounts depending on the sources of reimbursement of taxes and fees: included in the cost of products (goods) - debit of accounts 20, 26, account credit 68; expenses attributable to sale - debit of accounts 90-3, 90-4, 90-5, 91-2, credit of account 68; payments paid at the expense of financial results - debit of account 91-2, 99, credit of account 68.

The debit of account 68 indicates the amounts actually transferred to the budget, as well as the amounts of value added tax written off from account 19 "Value added tax on acquired valuables."

Analytical accounting on account 68 is carried out by types of taxes. The construction of analytical accounting should provide the possibility of obtaining the necessary data on current tax payments, overdue tax payments, penalties, deferred and installment amounts for the payment of tax and collection.

One of the most difficult objects of accounting for settlements with the budget is income tax accounting. Accounting for settlements in this case is regulated by PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax settlements”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n. The application of this provision makes it possible to reflect in accounting and financial statements the difference between the tax on accounting profit (loss) recognized in accounting and the tax on taxable profit formed in accounting and reflected in the income tax return.

In addition, PBU 18/02 provides for the reflection in accounting not only of the amount of income tax payable to the budget, the amount of overpaid and (or) collected tax due to the organization, the amount of the tax offset made in the reporting period, but also fixing in accounting of amounts that can affect the amount of income tax for subsequent reporting periods in accordance with applicable law, the so-called permanent differences, temporary differences And permanent tax liability.

The difference between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss) of the reporting period, resulting from the application of various rules for the recognition of income and expenses, which are established in regulatory legal acts on accounting and Russian legislation on taxes and fees, consists of permanent and temporary differences .

Under permanent differences means income and expenses that form the accounting profit (loss) of the reporting period and are excluded from the calculation of the tax base for income tax of both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods.

Information on permanent differences can be formed on the basis of primary accounting documents: either in accounting registers, or in another manner determined by the organization itself.

Permanent differences (DP) arise as a result of:

Excess of actual expenses taken into account in the formation of accounting profit (loss) over expenses accepted for taxation purposes, for which restrictions are provided;

Non-recognition for taxation purposes of the costs associated with the transfer of property (goods, works, services) free of charge and the costs associated with this transfer;

Non-recognition for taxation purposes of a loss associated with the appearance of a difference between the estimated value of property when it is contributed to the authorized (share) capital of another organization and the value at which this property is reflected in the balance sheet of the transferring party;

Formation of a loss carried forward to the future, which, after a certain time, in accordance with the current legislation on taxes and fees, can no longer be accepted for taxation purposes both in the reporting and in subsequent reporting periods.

Permanent differences of the reporting period (PR op) are reflected in accounting separately (in the analytical accounting of the corresponding asset and liability account, in the assessment of which there was a permanent difference).

Permanent tax liability - this is the amount of tax that leads to an increase in tax payments on income tax in the reporting period. It is recognized by the entity in the reporting period in which the permanent difference occurs.

The permanent tax liability (PNT) is defined as follows:

PNO = PR op? Income tax rate.

PNO are reflected in accounting on account 99 "Profits and losses", sub-account "Permanent tax liability", in correspondence with the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

Temporary differences - income and expenses that form accounting profit (loss) in one reporting period, and the tax base for income tax - in another or other reporting periods. Temporary differences (TS), depending on the nature of their impact on taxable profit (loss), are subdivided as follows.

1. Deductible temporary differences (DVR) in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should reduce the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Deductible temporary differences result from:

Application in the event of the sale of fixed assets of different rules for the recognition for accounting and tax purposes of the residual value of fixed assets and the costs associated with their sale;

Application of different methods of recognition of commercial and administrative expenses in the cost of sold products, goods, works, services in the reporting period for accounting and taxation purposes;

Loss carried forward, not used to reduce income tax in the reporting period, but which will be accepted for tax purposes in subsequent reporting periods;

The presence of accounts payable for purchased goods (works, services) when using the cash method for determining income and expenses for tax purposes, and for accounting purposes - based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity;

Overpaid tax, the amount of which was not returned to the organization, but was accepted for offset when forming taxable profit in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

2. Taxable temporary differences (NTD) in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Taxable temporary differences arise from:

Recognition of proceeds from the sale of products (goods, works, services) in the form of income from ordinary activities of the reporting period, as well as recognition of interest income for accounting purposes, based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity, and for taxation purposes - on a cash basis;

Application of different methods of calculating depreciation for accounting purposes and for the purposes of determining income tax;

Application of various rules for reflecting interest paid by an organization for providing it with funds (credits, loans) for use for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting;

Deferrals or installment plans for the payment of income tax.

Deductible temporary differences (VVR op) and taxable temporary differences (NVR op) of the reporting period are reflected in accounting separately (in the analytical accounting of the corresponding asset and liability account, in the assessment of which the deductible temporary difference or taxable temporary difference arose).

These differences in the formation of taxable income lead to the formation of deferred income tax.

Deferred income tax - the amount that affects the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Deferred tax asset – part of deferred income tax, which should lead to a decrease in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

An entity recognizes deferred tax assets in the period in which the deductible temporary differences arise, to the extent that it is probable that it will generate taxable profit in subsequent reporting periods.

Deferred tax assets should be accounted for for all deductible temporary differences, unless it is probable that the deductible temporary difference will not be reduced or fully reversed in subsequent reporting periods.

Deferred tax assets (DTA) are defined as follows:

SHE = VVR op? Income tax rate.

Deferred tax assets are reflected in accounting on a separate synthetic account for IT accounting. At the same time, in analytical accounting, SHAs are accounted for differently by types of assets, in the valuation of which a deductible temporary difference arose.

Example 9.4

The organization capitalized on the balance sheet on October 20, 2006 a fixed asset in the amount of 180,000 rubles. with a useful life of 5 years. The income tax rate is 24%. For accounting purposes, the organization calculates depreciation by applying the method of the sum of the numbers of years of useful life, and for tax purposes - the straight-line method.

When compiling financial statements and a tax return for income tax for 2006, the organization received the following data:

The deductible temporary difference in determining the tax base for income tax for 2006 amounted to 4,000 rubles. (10,000 rubles - 6,000 rubles).

The deferred tax asset in determining the tax base for income tax for 2006 amounted to 960 rubles. (4,000 rubles? 24%).

This amount (960 rubles) should be reflected in the posting:

Dt account 09, Kt account 68.

As the deductible temporary differences are reduced or fully reversed, deferred tax assets will be reduced or fully reversed. The amounts by which the SHE is reduced or fully repaid in the current reporting period are reflected in the debit of account 68, the credit of account 09.

If there is no taxable profit in the current reporting period, but it is probable that taxable profit will arise in subsequent reporting periods, then the amounts of the deferred tax asset will remain unchanged until the reporting period when taxable profit arises in the organization.

A deferred tax asset upon disposal of the object for which it was accrued is debited to account 99 in the amount by which, under Russian legislation on taxes and fees, taxable income of both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods will not be reduced.

Deferred tax liability – part of deferred income tax, which should lead to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized in the period in which the taxable temporary differences arise.

Deferred tax liabilities (DTL) are defined as follows:

IT = NVR op? Income tax rate.

These liabilities are reflected in accounting on a separate synthetic account for accounting for deferred tax liabilities. At the same time, in analytical accounting, ITs are accounted for differently by types of assets and liabilities, in the assessment of which a taxable temporary difference arose.

Example 9.5

The organization capitalized on the balance sheet on December 20, 2006 a fixed asset in the amount of 180,000 rubles. with a useful life of 5 years. The income tax rate is 24%. For accounting purposes, the company calculates depreciation on a straight-line basis, and for tax purposes - on a non-linear basis. When compiling financial statements and tax returns for 2006, the organization received the following data.

The taxable temporary difference in determining the tax base for income tax for 2006 amounted to 24,163 rubles. (60,163 rubles - 36,000 rubles).

Deferred tax liability in determining the tax base for income tax for 2006 amounted to: 24,163 rubles. ? 24% = = 5799 rubles.

This amount (5799 rubles) should be reflected in the posting:

Dt account 68, Kt account 77.

As the taxable temporary differences are reduced or fully eliminated, deferred tax liabilities will be reduced or fully eliminated. The amounts by which tax liabilities are reduced or fully repaid in the reporting period are reflected in the debit of account 77, the credit of account 68.

The deferred tax liability upon disposal of the asset object or type of liability for which it was accrued is written off to account 99 in the amount by which the taxable income of both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods will not be increased.

When compiling financial statements, the organization has the right to reflect in the balance sheet the balanced (rolled up) amount of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities.

9.5. Accounting for settlements with accountable persons

Accountable persons- employees who perform their functions outside the organization. To perform these functions, the administration gives them money in the form of advances in the amount determined by the current legislation. Organizations can issue under the report money for operating, business and travel expenses.

Issuance of an advance payment for economic needs is made to financially responsible persons with whom an agreement on liability has been concluded. The list of persons entitled to receive the specified advance payment is approved by order of the head.

Issuance of an advance for travel expenses is made in accordance with the instructions of the head of the organization. A business trip is a trip of an employee, by order of the head of the organization, to another locality for a certain period of time to perform an official task outside the place of his permanent job.

The term of the trip is set by the head, the actual time of stay is determined by the marks in the travel certificate. The maximum period of a business trip on the territory of the Russian Federation should not exceed 40 days, not counting the time spent on the road, and 60 days - when traveling abroad. For persons sent to perform installation, adjustment and construction work, the period of business trip should not exceed one year.

The day of departure is the calendar day during which the employee leaves the place of permanent work, and the day of arrival is the calendar day during which the employee arrives at the place of permanent work. In both cases, the travel time to the station, airport or pier is taken into account if they are located outside the settlement. The time of illness during the period of stay on a business trip is not included in the above period.

For the duration of the employee's business trip, he retains his position and average earnings. At his request, wages can be transferred at the expense of the organization at the address of the location of this employee during the business trip.

Sending on a business trip women with children under the age of 14, employees with disabled children or disabled from childhood until they reach the age of 18, as well as employees caring for sick members of their families according to a medical report, without their consent is not allowed .

The basis for departure is an order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip. It indicates the surname and initials, structural unit, profession (position) of the traveler, purpose, time and place (s) of the trip, as well as sources of payment for travel expenses. After the release of the order, the employee is issued a travel certificate. It indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the seconded, the purpose and destination of the business trip, its duration and the name of the organization where the employee is sent. In the travel certificate, notes are made about the departure on a business trip, arrival at the destination, departure from it and return to the place of permanent work. Each mark is certified by the signature and seal of the organization. The travel certificate is accompanied by a report on the work done during the period the employee was on a business trip. If an employee must return from a business trip on the same day, a business trip certificate is not issued.

Expenses incurred by the traveler must be documented and reflected in the advance report submitted by him.

Business travel expenses include:

Daily allowance;

Costs of renting housing (apartment);

Travel expenses and other actual expenses associated with a business trip (telegraph expenses, etc.).

By order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 2001 No. 49n, from January 1, 2002, payment for the rental of residential premises is carried out at actual costs, confirmed by the relevant documents, but not more than 550 rubles. per day; in the absence of documents - 12 rubles. per day. Payment of daily allowance is determined in the amount of up to 700 rubles. for each day of travel.

Travel to the place of business trip and back is reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses, confirmed by the relevant documents, without limiting the limit, subject to the consent of the head.

Submission of documents is not necessary when the administration of the organization knows in advance the costs of travel both ways, as well as the costs of renting housing. However, this rule applies only with the mandatory consent of the posted worker. Payment is subject to travel expenses by all modes of transport (except taxis), including insurance payments for state compulsory insurance of passengers in transport, the cost of services for the advance sale of tickets, as well as expenses for the use of bedding on trains.

The organization has the right to make additional payments to the employee in excess of the specified norms. In this case, the source of repayment of expenses is own funds.

However, VAT on the cost of services rendered to an employee during a business trip is subject to reimbursement from the budget only within the limits approved by law. VAT amounts in excess of these norms are reimbursed from their own sources.

To account for settlements with accountable persons, account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” is intended. The debit of this account reflects the amounts issued under the report, as well as the amounts issued to compensate for overspending, in correspondence with the accounts that take into account the costs and acquired values, or other accounts, depending on the nature of the expenses incurred; and for a loan - the amounts spent by accountable persons in accordance with the approved advance report, as well as the amounts of unused advances.

The accountable person, in accordance with the official assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation (form No. T-10a), is obliged to submit an advance report on the amounts spent. The accountable person must submit the advance report to the accounting department within three days after the completion of the assigned task. The next time an advance can be issued to an accountable person only if he does not have any debts on previously received advances.

If there are unspent amounts, they are subject to mandatory return in cash or by deduction from the salary of the accountable person. Otherwise, such amounts are considered as the income of the employee, on which insurance premiums must be accrued and taxed on personal income.

The amount of the overspending is reimbursed to the employee. At the same time, if the amount of excess against the established norms concerns daily allowance, then it is subject to inclusion in the total income of this employee, and, consequently, to personal income tax.

Synthetic and analytical accounting for account 71 is kept in the journal-warrant No. 7 for each amount issued for the report. Prior to recording the results of the journal-order No. 7 in the General Ledger, they are reconciled with entries on the corresponding accounts in other accounting registers.

Example 9.6

Financial Director VV Petrov was sent on a business trip from St. Petersburg to Volgograd for a period of 5 days from 20 to 25 December 2006 inclusive due to business needs. In the organization, in accordance with the collective agreement for 2006, the rate of spending funds for the payment of daily allowance was set at 700 rubles.

The advance payment amount is 15,000 rubles. Actual expenses at the end of the business trip amounted to 13,400 rubles. The following documents were presented: round-trip railway tickets - 7400 rubles. (including VAT - 18%). Hotel bill - 2500 rubles. (500 rubles? 5 days). Daily allowance - 3500 rubles. (700 rubles? 5), including within the limits - 500 (100? 5).

In accordance with the current legislation, the amount of expenses for a business trip is 9,271.50 rubles. to be included in the cost of ordinary activities.

The accounting entries are as follows:

If an employee becomes ill while on a business trip, he is paid daily allowance for the entire duration of the illness, but not more than two months, and the costs of renting housing are also reimbursed (excluding the time spent in hospital treatment). The allowance is paid at the place of work of the seconded person and is included in his total income.

When employees travel abroad they are given an advance payment in the currency of the sending country based on the established norms of daily allowance and accommodation.

The currency received in the bank is reflected in the debit of account 50 "Cashier" and the credit of account 52 "Currency accounts". The currency issued for the report is debited from account 50 to the debit of account 71 and is reflected in the accounting in the currency of payment and its ruble equivalent at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the time of issue.

Upon returning from a business trip and submitting an advance report with supporting documents attached, the debt of accountable persons is debited from the credit of account 71 to the debit of account 26 “General expenses” and other accounts, depending on the type of expenses at the official exchange rate on the day the report is submitted. The exchange rate difference in case of a change in the exchange rate during a business trip is debited to account 91 “Other income and expenses”: positive - Dt of account 71, Kt of account 91-1; negative - Dt account 91-2, Kt account 71.

In case of incomplete use by the seconded person of the advance payment received in foreign currency in cash to pay for travel expenses, the amount of the debt is repaid by the seconded person by depositing cash foreign currency, traveller's checks into the organization's cash desk. If there is an overspending, the amount of debt to the seconded person may be repaid to the latter by transferring funds in foreign currency from the current currency account of the organization to the foreign currency account of the seconded person, or by issuing the amount of debt in cash foreign currency, or by issuing the equivalent of the amount of debt in rubles, calculated at the exchange rate ruble to foreign currencies, established by the Bank of Russia on the date of debt repayment.

The currency and form (cash or non-cash) of settlements with the seconded person related to the repayment of overspending in foreign currency in cash for travel expenses are determined by agreement between the organization and the seconded person. In this case, to calculate the amount of the debt, the exchange rate specified in the document of the bank of the country of business trip, confirming the exchange of cash foreign currency issued to pay for travel expenses for another cash foreign currency, is applied. If there is no document from the bank of the sending country confirming the exchange of cash foreign currency issued to pay for travel expenses for the currency of the sending country, the exchange rate set by the Bank of Russia on the date of repayment of the debt is applied.

9.6. Accounting for settlements with personnel for other operations

In addition to the considered types of settlements, organizations with their employees may also have other settlements with personnel. These settlement transactions are accounted for on a separate account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, which is designed to summarize information on all types of settlements with employees of the organization, except for payroll settlements and settlements with accountable persons.

73-1 "Settlements on granted loans";

73-2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage";

73-3 "Other settlements with personnel", etc.

Settlements occur on sub-account 73-1 “Settlements on loans granted” due to the fact that the administration of the organization sometimes issues loans to employees, usually interest-free (for the purchase of an apartment, summer house, land and other needs). When an employee receives a loan, account 73-1 “Settlements on loans granted” is debited and cash accounts are credited. If at the same time it is supposed to receive interest, then an accounting entry is made for their accrual: debit account 73-1, credit account 91-1 “Other income and expenses”.

For the amount of payments received from the employee to repay the loan, account 73 is credited in correspondence with accounts 50, 51, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.

The amount of the outstanding loan is recognized as a loss and written off to the debit of account 91-2 “Other income and expenses”.

Sub-account 73-2 "Settlements for compensation of material damage" is intended to account for settlements with financially responsible persons for identified shortages, waste, theft, as well as settlements with individuals for compensation for losses from damage to inventory, for various charges and other types of compensation damage caused to the organization (losses from marriage, downtime, etc.).

The recovery of amounts in compensation for product losses established by the results of the inventory from financially responsible persons should be carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Liability for damage caused to the organization in the performance of labor duties is assigned to the employee if the damage occurred through his fault. The procedure for recovering damages is determined by Art. 248 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The recovery of the amount of damage not exceeding the average monthly earnings is carried out by order of the employer. The order may be made no later than one month from the date of determination of the amount of damage. If the monthly period has expired or the employee does not agree to voluntarily compensate for the damage caused, and its amount exceeds the average monthly salary of the employee, then the recovery is carried out in court.

With each payment of wages, the total amount of all deductions cannot exceed 20%, and in cases specifically provided for by law, 50% of the monthly wage due to be paid to the employee. The amount of deductions from wages when serving corrective labor cannot exceed 70% (Article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, the following accounting entries are made: Account Dt 73-2 (for the amounts to be recovered from the perpetrators), Kt accounts 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” and 98 “Deferred income” (for missing inventory items), 28 "Rejection in production" (for losses from defective products), etc.

On the credit of account 73-2, entries are made in correspondence with the accounts: cash accounting - for the amount of payments made; 70 “Settlements with personnel for remuneration” - for the amount of deductions from the amounts for remuneration; 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” - for the amount of shortages written off in case of refusal to collect due to the groundlessness of the claim.

On subaccount 73-3 “Other settlements with personnel”, settlements with employees for transactions not provided for on other subaccounts are taken into account (for example, settlements for their own shares (shares) redeemed by participants during their resale; settlements for sold residential buildings, for uniforms, if certain categories of workers are required to wear it, acquiring it for a fee with an installment plan, etc.). The debit of this sub-account reflects the value of own shares (shares) resold by the joint-stock company in the assessment at the resale price. Subaccount 73-3 is debited for the amount at par value and account 81 “Own shares (shares)” is credited. The resulting difference between the actual costs of repurchasing shares (stakes) and their nominal value is charged to account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Analytical accounting on account 73 is maintained for each employee of the organization. Synthetic accounting for account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" is kept in the order journal No. 8.

9.7. Accounting for settlements with different debtors and creditors

To account for settlements with different debtors and creditors, organizations use an active-passive balance sheet account 76 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors”.

This account summarizes information on settlements on transactions with debtors and creditors not mentioned in the explanations to accounts 60-73:

Property and personal insurance;

For claims;

For amounts withheld from the remuneration of employees of the organization in favor of other organizations and individuals on the basis of executive documents or court decisions, etc.

To account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" the following sub-accounts can be opened:

76-1 “Calculations for property and personal insurance” - reflects the calculations for insurance of property and personnel (except for social insurance and compulsory health insurance) of the organization in which the organization acts as an insured. In this case, insurance is of two types: mandatory (according to the requirements of the legislation) and voluntary (at the initiative of the organization). Analytical accounting for sub-account 76-1 is carried out for insurers and individual insurance contracts;

76-2 “Settlements on claims” - reflects settlements on claims made against suppliers, contractors, transport and other organizations, as well as on presented and recognized (or awarded) fines, penalties and forfeits.

The debit of account 76-2 reflects, in particular, settlements on claims:

To suppliers, contractors and transport organizations for discrepancies in prices and tariffs identified during the verification of their accounts (after acceptance of the latter), as well as in case of detection of arithmetic errors - in correspondence with account 60 or with accounts for accounting for production stocks, goods and related costs, when overpricing or arithmetic errors in the invoices submitted by suppliers and contractors were discovered after the entries in the inventory or cost accounts were made (based on prices and calculations invoiced by suppliers and contractors);

To suppliers of materials and goods (works, services) for detected non-compliance of quality with standards, specifications, order; as well as to suppliers, transport and other organizations for shortages of cargo in transit in excess of the amounts provided for in the contract - in correspondence with a score of 60;

For marriage and downtime caused by the fault of suppliers or contractors, in amounts recognized by the payers or awarded by the court - in correspondence with production cost accounts;

To credit institutions for amounts erroneously debited (transferred) from the accounts of the organization - in correspondence with the accounts of cash, loans;

For fines, penalties, forfeits collected from suppliers, contractors, buyers, customers, consumers of transport and other services for non-compliance with contractual obligations, in the amounts recognized by the payers or awarded by the court (the amounts of claims submitted that are not recognized by the payers are not accepted for accounting), – in correspondence with account 91 “Other income and expenses”. Analytical accounting for sub-account 76-2 is maintained for each debtor and individual claims;

76-3 “Settlements on dividends and other income due” - calculations on dividends and other income due to the organization, including profit, loss and other results under a simple partnership agreement are taken into account;

76-4 “Settlements on deposited amounts” - settlements with employees of the organization on amounts accrued but not paid on time (due to the absence of recipients) are taken into account. Analytical accounting of the deposited wages is kept in the statements for employees who did not receive wages on time;

76-5 "Settlements with tenants" - take into account settlements with tenants of apartments and persons living in hostels of the organization's housing and communal services, according to the statement of rent calculation. Analytical accounting of settlements with employees who are residents of apartments and dormitories is kept in statement No. 40, which contains information on the types of target fees, accrual of debt and its repayment;

76-6 "Settlements with parents for the maintenance of their children in children's institutions" - they conduct settlements for children's institutions that are on the balance sheet of the organization, etc.

Typical correspondence of accounts on account 76 is presented in table. 9.4.

Table 9.4Standard correspondence of accounts for accounting of settlements with debtors and creditors

9.8. Accounting for on-farm settlements

Accounting for on-farm settlements is kept on account 79 “On-farm settlements”. This account is intended to reflect transactions for all types of settlements with branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions of the organization allocated to separate balance sheets (intra-balance sheet settlements), in particular settlements for allocated property, for the mutual release of material assets, for the sale of products, works, services, for the transfer of expenses of general management activities, for remuneration of employees of departments, etc.

Accounting for organizations that have branches (representative offices) or other structural divisions can be carried out in various forms depending on the purpose of structural divisions, sources of financing their expenses, their management structure, territorial location and other features. The accounting procedure in the parent organization also depends on the presence or absence of a bank account with branches and a separate balance sheet. If branches, representative offices and other separate divisions are allocated to a separate balance sheet, then account 79 “Intra-economic settlements” is used for settlements of the parent organization with separate divisions.

The following sub-accounts can be opened for this account:

79-1 “Settlements on allocated property” - take into account the state of settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to independent balance sheets, for the non-current and current assets transferred to them. The transferred property is debited from the credit of the relevant accounts (01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", etc.) to the debit of account 79-1. The accepted property of the organization's subdivision comes in the debit of the corresponding accounts (01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", etc.) from the credit of account 79-1 "Settlements for allocated property";

79-2 “Settlements for current operations” - take into account the state of all other settlements of the organization with divisions allocated to separate balance sheets - for the mutual release of material assets, the sale of products, the transfer of expenses for general management activities, the payment of wages to employees of divisions, etc. ;

79-3 “Settlements under a property trust management agreement” - take into account the state of settlements related to the execution of property trust management agreements. On this account, accounts are kept of settlements with the founder of the management, trustee, as well as settlements on property transferred to trust management, listed on a separate balance sheet.

The property transferred to trust management is debited by the founder of the management from accounts 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 58 "Financial investments" and others to the debit of account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" (at the same time, an entry is made on the debit of accounts 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets" and the credit of account 79 "Intra-economic settlements").

The property accepted by the trustee on a separate balance sheet is reflected in the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 58 "Financial investments" and others and in the credit of account 79 "Internal settlements" (at the same time, the amount of accrued depreciation is recorded on the credit of accounts 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets" and the debit of account 79 "Intra-company settlements").

When terminating the contract of trust management of property and returning the property to the founder of the management, reverse entries are made. If the agreement on trust management of property provides for other operations with property transferred to trust management, then these operations are recorded in accordance with the general procedure.

In the balance sheet of a separate organization, on-farm settlements are not reflected, i.e., in the organization's statements, the balances on the accounts of separate balance sheets are added to the balances on the corresponding accounts of the parent organization.

Branches and other separate subdivisions reflect the property received from the parent organization in the debit of the property accounting accounts and the credit of account 79 “Intra-economic settlements”. The property returned to the parent organization is written off from the credit of the property accounting accounts to the debit of account 79 “Intra-economic settlements”. Business transactions for the acquisition of property, accounting for production costs, sales of products and others are registered with separate divisions with ordinary accounting records.

If separate subdivisions do not have a separate balance sheet, then to record their operations, open sub-accounts to accounts 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 29 “Service production and farms”.

Analytical accounting on account 79 “Internal settlements” is maintained for each branch, representative office, branch or other separate division of the organization allocated to a separate balance sheet, and analytical accounting for settlements under agreements on trust management of property - for each agreement. Synthetic accounting on account 79 is carried out in the order journal No. 8.

9.9. Inventory of calculations and reflection of its results in accounting

According to paragraph 2 of the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, in order to confirm the reliability of accounting and reporting data, an organization is obliged to conduct an inventory of current liabilities and certain types of property. The procedure for its implementation is regulated by the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial liabilities and the accounting policy of the organization.

All types of current liabilities are subject to inventory in order to confirm the validity of the accrued amounts for settlements with suppliers and contractors; buyers and customers; budget personnel of the organization on wages, depositors and accountable amounts; with individual debtors and creditors, banks and other credit institutions - on loans, as well as with their structural divisions allocated to a separate balance sheet.

Settlements under account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, which were the result of deviations from normal conditions in the fulfillment of their obligations by the parties to the contract, are subjected to special verification, for example, in the presence of unbilled deliveries; paid, but not received inventory items or their short delivery; unregulated amounts of debt for shortages and theft; various types of receivables and payables with expired limitation periods.

The inventory of current liabilities, as a rule, is timed to the preparation of annual financial statements, which does not exclude, however, its implementation at other times provided for by current legislation. For example, clarification of the status of settlements with accountable persons, personnel of the organization should be carried out immediately in connection with the upcoming dismissal of some of them.

Based on the results of the inventory of current liabilities with buyers, suppliers, other debtors and creditors, an inventory report is drawn up with their participation, with a separate reflection of the status of settlements in terms of receivables and payables. In addition, a certificate is attached to the act indicating the nature of the current obligations for each debtor and creditor, the name of the document confirming the existence of the debt, and the person guilty of missing the limitation period.

Based on the results of the inventory of settlements with banks and the budget, there should be no unregulated amounts in the financial statements. For other calculations, their participants report data in amounts agreed upon by them. In the absence of such consistency, each of the participants shows the data arising from its current account.

Fines, penalties, forfeits recognized by the debtor, as well as court decisions on their satisfaction, are subject to attribution to other results of the organization: debit account 91-2, credit account 76.

Unsatisfied claims after the expiration of the limitation period are also reflected in the accounting by a similar accounting entry.

Unclaimed advances identified by the results of the inventory are attributed to an increase in other income: debit account 62, credit account 91-1.

Questions and tasks

1. What are calculations?

2. When and how do accounts payable and receivable arise?

3. On what accounts are tax and duty payments taken into account?

4. What documents serve as primary documents for the reflection of settlements with accountable persons?

5. How are transactions related to the execution and repayment of bank loans reflected in accounting?

6. What is the difference between the concepts of "claimed" and "unclaimed" receivables?

7. Name the types of payments to the budget based on the taxable base.

8. How is the analytical and synthetic accounting of credits and loans?

9. What taxes does an organization operating under the general tax regime pay?

10. What is imputed income?

11. How are settlements on intraeconomic transactions reflected in accounting?

12. What mutual settlements are reflected on account 76 “Settlements with debtors and creditors”?

13. What is the essence of loans and how are they accounted for?

14. Name the primary documents for the reflection of settlements with suppliers and customers.

15. For what purposes are the funds issued in the account?

16. How are the results of the inventory of current liabilities accounted for?

17. How are claims settled?


1. Operations for settlements for acquired material assets are reflected in the accounting:

a) after receipt of settlement documents;

b) after payment of valuables;

c) regardless of the time of payment of valuables.

2. Accounting for liabilities in accounting and in the balance sheet for bank loans is carried out:

a) at market value;

b) in amounts determined by the terms of credit agreements and loan agreements;

c) in amounts including debt and accrued interest;

d) by residual value.

3. Accountable amounts not returned on time and debited to account 94 are subsequently written off to the debit of the account:

a) 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” or 73 “Settlements with personnel for other transactions”;

b) 84 "Retained earnings and uncovered loss";

c) 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

4. When writing off interest on a bill of exchange for work and services performed, an entry is made in accounting:

a) Dt account 20 (44), Ct account 60;

b) Dt of account 10, Kt of account 60;

c) Dt of account 76, Kt of account 60;

d) Dt of account 91-2, Kt of account 60.

5. When accounting for the repayment of interest on overdue loans, the amounts are written off at the expense of:

a) gross profit;

b) miscellaneous expenses;

c) cost;

d) reserve fund.

6. Loan repayment amounts:

a) are not recognized as income of the organization;

b) are recognized as income of the organization;

c) are recognized as income of the organization only for accounting purposes (but not for taxation purposes).

7. Upon receipt of the goods, a shortage was detected due to the fault of the supplier to whom the claim was made. The Arbitration Court dismissed the claim, as the deadline for its presentation had expired. What are the accounting entries in this case:

a) Dt of account 94, Kt of account 60; Dt of account 91-2, Kt of account 94;

b) Dt of account 76-2, Kt of account 60; Dt of account 94, Kt of account 76-2; Dt of account 91-2, Kt of account 94;

c) Dt of account 76-2, Kt of account 60; Dt account 91-2, Ct account 76-2?

8. What terms of inventory of settlements with buyers and suppliers should the company provide:

a) as needed;

b) quarterly;

c) according to the accounting policy.

9. When reflected in the accounting for the accrual of value added tax, the accounting entry will be correct:

a) Dt account 20, Ct account 68;

b) Dt of account 90, Kt of account 68;

c) Dt of account 62, Kt of account 68.

10. When selling products, the cost of goods sold is deducted from the accounting entry:

a) Dt account 40, Ct account 43;

b) Dt of account 62, Kt of account 90;

c) Dt of account 90, Kt of account 43.

11. Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers for payment for delivered products, work performed or services rendered within a group of interrelated organizations is kept on the account:

a) 79 "Intra-economic settlements";

b) 58 "Financial investments";

12. Uninvoiced deliveries are deliveries for which:

a) no invoice received from supplier;

b) settlement documents have not been received;

c) no invoice has been issued to the buyer.

13. The accrual of income tax is reflected in the accounting entry:

a) Dt account 99, Ct account 68;

b) Dt of account 91, Kt of account 68;

c) Dt of account 84, Kt of account 68.

14. The organization acquired inventory items and, as a guarantee of payment, issued a promissory note with a face value for the amount of delivery with a payment of 10% per annum. The amount of debt on this bill is reflected in the credit of the account:

a) 66 "Calculations on short-term credits and loans";

b) 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors";

c) 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

15. A participant in a joint activity reflects the share of profit due to him as part of:

a) revenue;

b) income from participation in other organizations;

c) other income;

d) extraordinary income.

16. Accountable amounts not returned on time are written off by accounting entries:

a) Dt of account 70, Kt of account 71;

b) Dt of account 94, Kt of account 91;

c) Dt of account 73, Kt of account 71.

17. In the accounting of an organization, one counterparty simultaneously lists both accounts receivable and accounts payable. When reporting in the balance sheet, such debt should be reflected:

a) collapsed;

b) minimized, but with information disclosed in the explanatory note;

Greetings. In this article, we will talk about providers. About those organizations without which our company could not work. To account for suppliers in accounting, there is a section of accounting.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers - a minimum of theory

If speak about essence area of ​​work with suppliers, then let's just say two words - we buy and we pay. The details of this site are disclosed in situations that arise when we buy or pay. For example.

We buy materials, goods, fixed assets, services from suppliers. And if material values ​​came with additional amounts for transportation, then how to take them into account? And if it turns out that there is a marriage in the supply, a shortage. How to act here?

The supplier may say that we owe him a certain amount, but we have a completely different amount in our account. What to do? Here, reconciliation of mutual settlements is indispensable. And that is not all.

The supplier to whom we owe made a new firm and transferred our debt to it. what should we do in this case?

You see, there are many different situations. But they are simple and with a correct understanding of the essence - you can easily guess what kind of wiring is needed.

In addition, these situations for small enterprises are rare cases. In general, there is nothing difficult and terrible. Read the articles of the site, take practical classes and, in the shortest possible time, you will understand everything. Well, let's continue now.

Accounting accounts for accounting for settlements with suppliers

It is generally accepted in accounting to use two main accounting accounts for accounting for mutual settlements with the supplier. These accounts include:

  • account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"
  • 76.5 “Settlements with others suppliers and contractors"

When we work with suppliers, on these accounts we fix the debts arising from our company to them. Debts for the fact that we buy from them some material values ​​or services.

Source documents for supplier accounting

The section of settlements with suppliers works in two directions: " we buy something from suppliers" and "we pay for purchases". We have our own primary documents for each direction.

1.Primary documents from the supplier to us


One of the very first documents is a contract of sale, which is concluded between firms. However, it may not be, and firms cooperate. In practice, I noticed that when the tax office checks our company and draws attention to the absence of an agreement, then our company concludes it with a supplier.

In any case, the contract is the insurance of each participant, the supplier and our company, from any unpleasant deeds of one or the other. For example, the supplier delivered something to us or provided services, and we “waved our hand at him and didn’t say thank you.” Or, we paid the supplier in advance to deliver / bring us, for example, goods. And the supplier took it and "forgot" about us. In general, a contract is a legal document that describes the obligations of the two parties and the consequences for non-performance.

Supplier invoice

The second document from the supplier is an invoice for payment, which indicates what exactly we are buying, how much it costs and bank details. This document does not carry any legal force, but carries only background information. In this case, such a document serves as the basis for payment. Those. if our company decides to pay, then the basis for payment will indicate the details of the account: the number of such and such, from the number of such and such, from the counterparty of such and such, for the amount of such and such.

Expenditure invoice, or Act for the service, work performed

The supplier submits these documents to our company as the final result: goods and materials were brought, the service was rendered, the work was completed. The signature and seal of these documents on our part confirms our consent. And these documents already have legal force.

Supplier Invoice

The supplier attaches this type of document to the Invoice, to the Service Certificate or the Work Performed. This document is issued by those supplier companies that pay Value Added Tax (VAT). This document repeats the contents of the Invoice, Invoice, Acts. But the main essence of the invoice is to show how much the total invoiced amount of goods / services contains VAT (we'll talk about VAT in other articles).

2.Primary documents in our company


As you understand, our company needs to issue documents for the purchase. Regardless of what we buy: materials, goods, fixed assets, services, we draw up a document of the appropriate type “Receipt / Purchase of something”. If required, we register the invoice of the supplier.

Payment processing

For our part, we pay the supplier. To decide which primary documents we will use, we need to decide How we will pay: Cash or Bank transfer (Cash or non-cash). After we decide, it remains for us to select the necessary documents.

Examples of primary documents for accounting for settlements with suppliers

Interaction of the supplier settlement area with other accounts

I suggest you do the task yourself. From what you have read now, worked through previous articles, write out the main accounting accounts with which account 60 interacts. You can remember - great. If not yet, open the chart of accounts and try to choose. If you carefully studied the previous materials, then I am sure that the chart of accounts will not be required.

Chart of accounts for accounts payable to vendors

Now it's time to look into the chart of accounts and look at the 60 account, its characteristics and think about what it gives us.

As you can see, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” has several sub-accounts and subconto. For us now, the scores 60.1 and 60.2 are of interest. Why?

Because these two sub-accounts separate the information into "Asset" and "Passive", look at the letters A and P. The information is divided so that our debts to the supplier must be on account 60.1 (because "P"). But if we pay in advance, i.e. we give an advance - we should already indicate 60.2.

If we have a debt to the supplier, and we pay a little more, then we will first close 60.1, and the rest will go to the advance, i.e. at 60.2.

Now another independent task. Write what the debt will be called on 60.1 and 60.2 accounts.

The balance on the 60.1 account will go to the Balance Liability
- The balance on the 60.2 account will go to the Asset balance

Subconto "Contractors" will allow you to select a specific company name in the wiring.

Subconto "Agreements" will allow you to select a specific contract of the counterparty in the posting, within the framework of which the business transaction takes place.

These sub-accounts and sub-conto predict us that in SALT on account 60 we will see the situation with counterparties and their contracts: who owes whom how much, under which contract. What we don't see is exactly why.


At trading or manufacturing enterprises, the accountant for accounting for suppliers is closely related to the work of the warehouse. The accountant cooperates with the storekeepers. Storekeepers directly accept the purchased goods, materials, check the marriage, quantity, and only then give the supplier's primary documents with their mark to the accounting department.

If necessary, claims are made to the supplier, a demand for the return of part of the money paid, or an additional payment.

An accountant with a storekeeper make an inventory of the warehouse, where they compare accounting accounting information and actual warehouse data. The results of the inventory, and most often - shortages, surpluses, sorting are drawn up with their primary documents and accounting entries.

Perhaps the topic of costs is one of the most important in the life of the company. Neither the owners of firms nor the tax inspectorate pay close attention to it. For some, extra costs - ......

transactions require settlement transactions with suppliers. Above, we have already touched on settlements with suppliers when we considered operations for the acquisition of materials, fixed assets, and intangible assets. In this lecture, we will talk in more detail about settlements with suppliers and contractors. The fact is that the processes of settlements with suppliers have some features, in particular, of a legal nature, which must be taken into account by an accountant.

Suppliers are commonly referred to as organizations from which we purchase various kinds of goods. Contractors are usually those organizations that perform some work for us, provide services. Often, both of them are simply called suppliers - the procedure for accounting and legal regulation is practically the same with both. Differences are observed only at the level of primary documents and the procedure for concluding transactions. In accounting, both suppliers and contractors look similar.

Contract and invoice

Before any goods are received by the organization, before services are provided to the organization, a contract must be concluded with the supplier or contractor. Only after the contract is concluded, the actions for the supply of products begin, work begins, and so on. The contract is not the only form of legal substantiation of relations with suppliers and contractors. The law will also be observed if, for example, you did not conclude an agreement with a supplier organization based on the invoice issued to you.

As a rule, large, important transactions are formalized with the help of contracts. Moreover, usually the organization has a lawyer who is involved in the preparation and verification of these contracts. The fact is that an error or inaccuracy in the contract can be very costly and lead to very undesirable consequences. Usually, the type of obligation is reflected in the contract, for example, the delivery of goods, the terms for the execution of the contract, the procedure for acceptance and payment, and the responsibility of the parties. In accordance with Art. 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is concluded by sending an offer (proposal to conclude an agreement) by one of the parties and its acceptance (acceptance of the offer) by the other party. The contract is considered accepted, that is, accepted if it is signed by the heads of organizations or authorized persons, sealed by the parties to the contract. If the requirements specified in the contract are met, and the contract itself is not signed, it is considered that the contract has been accepted.

If the terms of the contract have changed, an additional contract may be concluded to it. Usually, an additional contract refers to certain clauses of the original contract, changing their meaning.

The grounds for accounting entries for a particular contract are documents confirming its implementation. For example, these can be acts of acceptance of goods or work, waybills.

As we have already said, relations with a supplier can be formalized not only with the help of a contract. Often, the supplier simply issues an invoice to the buyer. The buyer accepts the supplier's products, pays the invoice and the transaction is considered completed.

Accounting procedure for settlements with suppliers and contractors

To account for relationships with suppliers and contractors, account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is provided. This is an active-passive account, the debit of which reflects the amounts paid to suppliers, and the credit - goods and services received from suppliers. The credit balance of this account is accounts payable organization - it shows the number of credited, but unpaid values. The debit balance of the account is receivables an organization that arises, for example, when paying an advance for goods or services.

The chart of accounts and the Instructions for its use give the following characteristics of the objects accounted for on account 60:

Account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is intended to summarize information on settlements with suppliers and contractors for:

  • received inventory items, accepted work performed and consumed services, including the provision of electricity, gas, steam, water, etc., as well as for the delivery or processing of material assets, settlement documents for which are accepted and payable through a bank;
  • inventory items, works and services for which settlement documents were not received from suppliers or contractors (the so-called non-invoiced deliveries);
  • surplus inventory items identified upon their acceptance;
  • received transportation services, including settlements for shortfalls and excesses of the tariff (freight), as well as for all types of communication services, etc.

When receiving goods and services on the basis of invoices, acts, invoices, contracts, the following entries are made on the credit of account 60:

D10 K60 - materials are taken into account D41 K60 - goods are taken into account D08 K60 - fixed assets, intangible assets received from the supplier are taken into account D20 K60 - goods or services received from the supplier or contractor are taken into account and included in the cost of production

Typically, these entries are accompanied by a posting related to accounting for input VAT:

D19 K60 - for the amount of VAT in accordance with the supplier's invoice

Payment for goods and services is reflected in the following entries:

D60 K51 - paid for goods or services from the current account D60 K50 - paid for goods or services from the cash register

We said above that account 60 may have a debit balance, which reflects the amount of the advance to the supplier, in fact, before the receipt of goods or services, this is the amount of his debt to our organization. The advance payment is documented as follows:

D60-A K51 - the supplier received an advance payment from the current account

In this case, subaccount D60-A serves to record advances issued to suppliers.

After, for example, the goods for which an advance was issued are received, they are accounted for in the usual way:

D41 K60 - goods are credited on account of advance payment

And the advance itself closes with this entry:

D60 K60-A - the advance payment previously issued to the supplier has been taken into account.

In relationships with suppliers and contractors, various situations are possible. Some of them we considered in the lecture devoted to the accounting of materials. There, poor-quality goods were received from the supplier, which we, until the circumstances were clarified, were taken into account on account 76 (“Calculations on claims” sub-account) with the following entry:

D76 K60 - the received materials are taken into account, the quality of which does not correspond to the declared one.

These materials are recorded on account 76 until the parties decide how to deal with them.

It is also possible that works or services have been received, but our organization has not paid the invoice for some reason. For example, upon receipt of materials, a record was made:

This situation does not only arise if the purchasing organization is unwilling or unable to pay the supplier's invoice. It is possible that the buyer is ready to pay the bill, but the supplier organization is no longer there. For example, the organization went bankrupt or ceased to exist. In this case, there will be no one to pay and the debt can also be written off to the income of the purchasing organization.

You might think that it is enough not to pay suppliers' invoices for three years and these invoices will automatically be cancelled. But not everything is so simple. In particular, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for many grounds for suspending or interrupting the course of a term limitation period. So, if the supplier decides to file a claim before the expiration of this period, the period is interrupted. Well, if the supplier decides to file a claim after the specified period - that is, three years - the court will have every reason to refuse - in accordance with Art. 199 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which says that the expiration limitation period, the application of which is declared by the party to the dispute, is the basis for the court to issue a decision to dismiss the claim. However, everything is not so simple here either - in the same Civil Code of the Russian Federation there are provisions that, with their skillful application by the supplier's lawyers, will make it possible to recover the debt in almost any case. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: if the organization has the ability to pay suppliers' bills, it is better to do this before the supplier sues.

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  • Introduction
  • 3.2 Synthetic accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors
  • Chapter 4
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


In modern economic conditions, it is difficult to overestimate the role of an adequate accounting and control system in generating information on contractual and settlement relations between enterprises, increasing the responsibility of counterparties for fulfilling contractual obligations and ensuring timely payments.

Due to the economic nature, the area of ​​settlement operations of enterprises is very diverse, therefore, the object of study of this work is the settlements directly related to the debtor-creditor relations of counterparties under business contracts, the subject of which are settlements for commodity transactions.

Violation of the terms of business contracts necessitates the use of alternative methods of settlement and appropriate accounting for settlement transactions upon termination of obligations by compensation, novation, set-off, assignment of the right to claim, etc. The lack of information on concluded business contracts in the accounting registers prevents obtaining objective and reliable information about their timely and proper execution and, in our opinion, is one of the reasons for the violation of contractual and settlement and payment discipline at enterprises.

The practice of recent years shows that the form of settlements with counterparties, in which the means of payment, the timing of the fulfillment of obligations, the methods of securing or guaranteeing the receipt of payments are thoroughly substantiated, ensures their timeliness and helps to accelerate the turnover of receivables (accounts payable) for settlements and, in general, strengthen the financial state of the organization.

Late payments can lead to a decrease in the income of the creditor enterprise, and therefore the supplier (creditor) is more interested in urgent payment and must not only promptly identify overdue debts, but also take measures to return them. As for the field of external relations with commercial partners, it seems that in modern economic conditions, enterprises need an objective assessment of the financial condition and solvency of their partners before concluding contracts.

All of the above confirms the relevance of the chosen topic, the theoretical and practical significance of the subject of its study.

The purpose of the course work is to account for settlements with suppliers and contractors LLC "Tekhma-Svet":

- to give the concept, essence and classification of settlements of the enterprise with counterparties;

- characterize the activities of the enterprise;

- study the accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors;

- develop proposals for improving the accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors based on the results of the accounting analysis.

The object of study of this course work is the organization LLC "Tekhma-Svet".

The subject of the study is the accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors of Tekhma-Svet LLC.

When writing a term paper, the monographic method and the method of comparative analysis were used.

The information base of the study is represented by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, as well as registers of synthetic and analytical accounting, data of operational accounting of OOO Tekhma-Svet.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the course work was the works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of accounting: Bakaeva A.S., Andreeva V.D., Kondrakova N.P., Savitskaya G.V.

The methodological and theoretical basis was the work of domestic scientists, whose work is to a certain extent related to various aspects of the issues under study. The research methodology includes the study and generalization of knowledge gained from Russian theory and practice, the implementation of settlement and analytical procedures for analysis, accounting, valuation, audit of receivables and payables, as well as settlements of the enterprise as a whole.

Theoretical significance of the study: the main methods of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors are analyzed and summarized.

The sources of information for the analysis are the accounting data of Tekhma-Svet LLC.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis for accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

Settlement transactions accompany the activities of any organization. Currently, there are many options for the implementation of settlement transactions both within the organization itself and with its counterparties. In table. 1.1 presents the classification of the organization's calculations for accounting purposes.

Table 1.1 - Classification of the organization's calculations

Types of calculations

Form of payment

1. cash

2. non-monetary

1. individuals

2. legal entities

At the time of payment

1. advances (advance payment)

2. subsequent payment

According to economic content

1. with suppliers and contractors

2. with consumers and customers

3. with different debtors and creditors

4. on-farm settlements

In relation to the enterprise environment

1. internal

2. external

In addition, cash settlements are divided into cash, when the debtor hands the creditor money in kind, and non-cash, i.e. settlements under civil law transactions and other grounds using funds in bank accounts for this. Non-monetary settlements are the fulfillment of obligations not in cash. In this case, such settlement options are used as an exchange agreement, barter transactions, mutual offsets, bill settlements, assignment of the right to claim, fulfillment of obligations by a third party, transfer of debt. Also, the write-off of receivables can be conditionally attributed to non-monetary settlements. Depending on the form of payment used, the corresponding accounting accounts are used.

The division of counterparties into individuals and legal entities is usually associated with the form of payment. Individuals mainly settle in cash, and legal entities - non-cash.

The use of advances and / or prepayment in settlements with counterparties is due to the desire of the organization to reduce the risk of non-payment on the part of the partner organization.

According to the economic content, counterparties are divided into 4 main groups. This division is also reflected in the main accounts used in settlement transactions with them. These are account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" (suppliers supply items and means of labor, and contractors perform construction and other work for her on her order), account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", account 76 "Settlement with different debtors and creditors." A separate place in the composition of these settlement transactions is occupied by account 79 "Intra-economic settlements", since it is used in settlements with separate divisions of the organization that are separate legal entities, or in connection with the transfer of its property to another organization for trust management.

In relation to the enterprise environment, all calculations can be divided into two groups. The first group is external settlement operations. These are operations of this organization with other legal entities and individuals who are not its full-time employees. The second group is internal settlement operations. These are settlement operations of the organization with its full-time employees, accountable persons and founders. As part of external settlement operations, settlements with suppliers and contractors, with buyers and customers, with various debtors and creditors, as well as on-farm settlements are considered.

settlement accounting supplier contractor

The term "obligations" in its original meaning is a relationship by virtue of which one party is obliged to perform certain actions in favor of the other party. In accounting, not all liabilities are reflected and summarized, but only debt, which are part of the property and working capital of the organization (enterprise). In accordance with international financial reporting standards, these include the economic obligations of an economic entity that are recognized and valued in accordance with generally accepted accounting rules.

The main types of debt obligations include accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Having received cash proceeds for sold products (work performed, services rendered), enterprises use the funds to finance production costs, as well as to make necessary payments to the state, taxes, social insurance, etc. As a result, enterprises and organizations have settlement relationships with financial authorities, security agencies, and insurance organizations.

In some cases, businesses may have settlement relationships with individuals. Relationships also arise when issuing funds under the report for various economic assignments, when receiving loans for individual housing construction, and so on.

Enterprises and organizations may have settlement relationships with various organizations (associations, associations) for various payments. Thus, the settlement relationships of enterprises are diverse. They include settlements with suppliers, buyers, other organizations, financial authorities, and so on.

Accounts receivable is the amount of debts due to the organization from legal entities or individuals as a result of economic relations between them, or the diversion of funds from the turnover of the organization and their use by other organizations or individuals.

Accounts payable is the amount of debts of one enterprise to other legal entities or individuals. It arises as a result of a mismatch between the time of payment for goods or services with the moment of transfer of ownership of them or unfinished settlements on mutual obligations, including with subsidiaries and affiliates, enterprise personnel, with the budget and extra-budgetary funds, on advance payments received, advance payment, etc. .P. In contrast to receivables, the enterprise in this case uses in its turnover funds that do not belong to it, the amounts of debt obligations that it has not paid, which is why it has certain economic advantages.

There are many similarities between both types of debt, but there are also certain differences. What they have in common is that both accounts payable and accounts receivable are based on the gap in time between the commodity transaction and its payment and, therefore, on the function of money as a means of payment. Differences between them arise due to the peculiarities of the functioning of each type of debt.

In a broad sense, receivables cover all settlements of supplier enterprises with buyer enterprises (customers) and are a prerequisite for accounts payable, but sometimes it is not. Accounts receivable is a relatively independent category. Even if it is reserved, you cannot be sure of receiving the debt on time and in full. In addition, a monetary claim for the collection of accounts receivable can be assigned to a third party through a factoring transaction.

Accounts payable is credit received from suppliers and contractors when a purchasing entity receives goods and services from counterparties without requiring immediate payment. The advantages of such a loan are its automatism, simplicity and speed of obtaining. However, a deferment from payment should be granted only in cases where the company knows its client and can assess its solvency, determine the level of risk of non-payment that arises in this case. Such a loan cannot be considered free, since the person who receives it, as a rule, loses the right to discounts or receives them in much smaller amounts, is forced to pay interest and penalties for late payment. Therefore, an enterprise, when borrowing goods, must make sure that the payment for the loan is not too high.

In Russian practice, accounts payable most often include short-term debt obligations arising from settlements of buyers with suppliers, customers with contractors, enterprises with tax authorities, with personnel for wages and other payments, as well as property and personal insurance settlements, claims and deposited amounts, on writ of execution, due dividends, etc.

Liabilities reflected in the balance sheet as long-term and expected to be settled in the reporting year may be presented at the beginning of this year as short-term. The fact that liabilities previously recognized as non-current are presented as current should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

The emergence and necessity of accounting for receivables and payables were originally associated with the provision of money and material assets on credit, i.e. followed by a return. As trade developed, debt obligations increased not only in number and amounts, but also in types of debt. This was especially facilitated by the variety of sales methods.

In order to increase the volume of sales, and, consequently, profits from the sale of goods, sellers already in ancient times released goods to the most reliable and trusted buyers without requiring immediate payment, i.e. on credit. The vast majority of trade transactions between legal entities are now carried out in this way. An organization that provides goods, works, services on credit is a creditor, and an organization that receives them is a debtor.

From the position of accounting, a debtor is a legal or natural person that has a debt to this enterprise. This may be a purchasing organization that has not paid for products and other goods shipped or released to it, a worker or employee who has received an advance for a business trip or other expenses, and many other debtors.

A creditor should be considered a legal or natural person who provides an organization with money or goods on credit and is entitled to the subsequent reimbursement of these funds in cash or in exchange for other goods or services. In a broad sense, creditors include banks and other credit institutions, enterprises that sell products and goods with subsequent payment (within the grace period), workers and employees who have accrued but not paid wages, tax authorities in terms of accrued, but not paid taxes and equivalent payments, etc.

Loans and credits in Russian accounting and reporting are separated from accounts payable and are classified as long-term and short-term liabilities. Indebtedness to creditors includes only amounts on unpaid bills of suppliers and contractors, promissory notes presented for payment, debts to subsidiaries and affiliates, to the organization's personnel, advances received, debts to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, to participants (founders), for the payment of income and etc. However, when it comes to assessing the solvency of an organization, its financial position and condition, when calculating the value of net assets and other financial indicators, all types of borrowing and credit obligations are taken into account as part of the debts of debtors and creditors.

According to Article 822 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a commodity loan is a loan of certain generic characteristics of things that differ from a regular loan in that the borrower has the right, in fulfillment of the concluded agreement, to demand the transfer of the relevant property by the creditor, but not monetary compensation.

Unlike a commodity loan, a commercial loan is granted in fulfillment of obligations to sell goods, perform work or provide services. It can be carried out in the form of an advance, advance payment for goods, or, conversely, by providing the buyer with a deferral or installment plan for payment for the purchased goods or services. Interest charged on a commercial loan is a payment for the use of other people's money.

At the same time, accounts receivable and accounts payable cannot be fully identified with commercial credit, since its existence is largely due to the existing forms of settlements between organizations and unsatisfied demand for money supply. In addition, no interest is charged for it within the term of payment under the contract.

In most cases, debt obligations arise when the supplier ships goods and reflects on its asset a claim on the buyer in the amount of the cost of goods delivered or services rendered. This requirement must be covered by crediting the appropriate amount of money to the settlement accounts or to the cash desk of the supplier organization. There are also non-monetary forms of debt coverage in the form of barter. In any form of satisfaction of debt obligations by the payer, responsibility for their fulfillment is realized by foreclosing all the property of the organization listed on its balance sheet.

Accounts receivable and accounts payable are directly related to the property of the enterprise. In the legal sense, the concept of property includes not only material values ​​and funds owned by their owner at a given time, but also material and monetary resources held by other legal entities and individuals, the ownership of which belongs to this organization.

Accounts receivable of the creditor enterprise refers to its long-term or current (short-term) assets, since it represents that part of the enterprise's property that belongs to it by right, but is held by other persons. Over time, it must be compensated, i.e. paid to the enterprise in cash or by the supply of goods on a barter basis.

As a legal category, an organization's accounts payable is a special part of its property, which is the subject of obligations between the organization and its creditors. The organization owns and uses accounts payable, but it is obliged to return or pay this part of the property to creditors who have the right to claim it. The specified part of the property includes the organization's debts, other people's property, other people's funds owned by the debtor organization. Thus, accounts payable have a dual nature: as part of the property, it belongs to the organization on the basis of ownership or even the right of ownership; as an object of obligations, these are the debts of the organization to creditors, i.e. persons authorized to demand or collect from the organization the specified part of the property.

Taking into account the indicated signs, accounts payable should legally be considered a part of the property that is the subject of debt obligations of the debtor organization arising from various legal relations to authorized persons - creditors. It is subject to accounting and reflection in the balance sheet as debts of the organization-balance holder.

According to the general rule, "legal entities, except for institutions financed by the owner, are liable for their obligations with all their property" (clause 1, article 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This refers to the property of the organization, including debt obligations. The responsibility of the organization is realized by foreclosing on all its property listed on the balance sheet.

In a narrow sense, receivables are what counterparties owe to this organization. In the field of horizontal relationships with partners and counterparties, this debt is formed when the terms of contracts are fulfilled, under which the creditor organization has a property right to claim against the opposite party. The property claims of this organization to counterparties that have not paid for goods, work performed or services rendered are typical examples of receivables. In much smaller volumes, receivables arise as part of non-contractual obligations.

In the sphere of vertical legal relations, receivables arise when, for some reason, state or local government bodies are obliged to make certain compensation payments to this organization. For example, according to Articles 78 and 79 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax authorities are obliged to return to taxpayers overpaid or overcharged amounts of taxes, fees and penalties. In all cases when a person opposing the creditor organization in a legal relationship has an obligation, the subject of which is a debt, or a previously existing other obligation is transformed into a debt, the creditor has the right to demand payment (transfer, return) of this debt. The fulfillment by the debtor of his debt obligation and the receipt by the creditor of the corresponding satisfaction terminate the obligation.

Of great legal importance are the mutual recognition of debt obligations, the criteria for classifying legal entities and individuals as debtors and creditors.

The regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation provides for the need to reconcile settlements with debtors and creditors, i.e. recognition of the fact and value of mutual debt obligations by each party. This is a prerequisite and an integral part of the audit and assessment of the reliability of the financial statements of the organization, the presentation of mutual claims for reimbursement of debt obligations when considering disputes in court. The nature of the recognition of mutual obligations for payments depends on the characteristics of their formation. Accounts receivable and payable most often arise when pre-payment for goods and services, when they are sold on credit and paid in installments. The condition of prepayment of invoices in case of violation of money circulation and instability of payments is quite often used in sales contracts. Full or partial payment for the goods by the buyer prior to its transfer by the seller within the period established by the contract is recognized as preliminary, and the payment period does not have to be as close as possible to the date of transfer of the goods by the supplier.

By its economic nature, prepayment is a type of commercial lending that is beneficial to the supplier or seller. Until the date of actual receipt of goods and provision of services, means of payment are temporarily withdrawn from the creditor-buyer and used in the turnover of the debtor organization. At the same time, it has an obligation to transfer prepaid goods and services within the period established by the contract. Otherwise, the buyer may sue for the transfer of inventory or refuse the goods and demand a refund of the amount paid, together with the interest due. If the advance payment stipulated by the contract has not been made, the supplier company may, at its choice, either not transfer the goods before payment, or refuse to fulfill the contract and demand compensation for losses.

In contrast to the advance payment, when selling goods and services on credit, the payment is deferred. The buyer is obliged to pay invoices for goods or services after a certain time, the duration of which is determined by the contract. If this period is not agreed by the parties, payment must be made within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the supply or sale contract. Usually it is equal to 30 days from the date of presentation of the relevant request.

The legal consequences of failure to fulfill obligations for deliveries with payment on credit are similar to the consequences of failure to fulfill obligations for advance payment.

If the contract provides that the right of ownership of the goods is retained by the supplier until payment for it, the right to demand the return of the unpaid goods or part thereof is also retained. When the ownership has passed to the buyers at the moment of transfer of the goods sold on credit, from the moment of its transfer to the buyer and until payment, it is recognized as being pledged by the supplier organization (seller). The buyer in this case may dispose of the unpaid goods only with the consent of the supplier.

When paying for delivery in installments, the contract must indicate the price of the goods, the payment procedure, the terms of periodic payments and their size. In the absence of such in the contract, even if it includes conditions on the name and quantity of goods and services, on their payment in installments, the contract of sale on credit is recognized as not concluded.

The supplier organization shall have the right, if the buyer fails to make the next payment, to refuse to fulfill the contract and demand the return of the sold goods. However, according to the current legislation, this right exists as long as the amount paid by the buyer does not exceed half the cost of the goods.

The period during which receivables and payables are reflected in accounting and reporting includes the period of time with which civil law associates certain legal consequences. The onset and expiration of the term for the emergence, change or termination of civil legal relations related to the rights and obligations of the parties.

Terms are normative - established by law or other legal act and contractual - determined by agreement of the parties. As a kind of normative terms of civil law, the terms during which the violated or disputed right is subject to protection are distinguished - the limitation period. The general statute of limitations is three years. For certain types of claims, special statute of limitations may be established by law.

Accounts receivable upon the expiration of the limitation period are written off based on the order of the head to reduce the financial results of the organization or the reserve for doubtful debts. But this written off debt is not considered canceled: it is reflected on the off-balance account for another 5 years.

Accounts payable upon the expiration of the limitation period are written off to increase the financial results of the organization.

The basis of market relations is money. They link the interests of the seller and the buyer. The buyer pays money to the seller, hoping then to sell the results of his labor and get paid for it. He will give some of them to the bank to repay the loan and to the budgets of various levels in the form of taxes, and use the rest for his own needs.

Market relations are, first of all, financial relations, when participants in market relations intend to earn money and use it for various purposes.

The financial relations of enterprises consist of 4 groups. These are the relationships:

with other enterprises and organizations;

within the enterprise;

within associations, within financial and industrial groups;

with the budget, off-budget funds, banks, etc.

Financial relations with other enterprises and organizations include relations with suppliers, buyers, construction and installation and transport organizations, etc.

The largest group in terms of cash payments is the relationship of enterprises with each other related to the sale of finished products and the acquisition of inventory for economic activities, the provision of services to third parties. The role of this group of financial relations is primary, because. it is in this sphere of material production that the national income is created, the enterprise receives proceeds from the sale of products and profit.

Industrial enterprises make settlements with other enterprises and organizations with subsequent or advance payment of contractual obligations in accordance with the terms of the concluded contracts. In common practice, the contract usually contains such details as the name of the contract, the designation of the contracting parties, the characteristics of the subject of the contract, prices and conditions of transportation, liability for inventory items, guarantee of performance of obligations, and the procedure for indemnification. A prerequisite for the legality of the agreement is the legal capacity of the parties. The price should either be clearly specified and fixed, or unambiguously derived from the terms of the contract.

Delivery times are usually stipulated in the contract. If they do not exist, they do not follow from the nature and purpose of the contract, the buyer has the right to demand delivery at any time. Failure to fulfill obligations under contracts is a violation of business ethics and contractual discipline and entails the property liability of the supplier enterprise. Any contract concluded by the enterprise contains information about the maturity of the debt. A positive aspect is the approval and enactment of the Regulations "Procedure for working with payment documents".

Accounting is an integral part of the production management system. It is necessary, first of all, for information support of the management system, and at all levels. In particular, accounting information is involved in management at the following levels: on-farm (in production units), general business (for the economy as a whole) and at external levels of production management.

At the on-farm level, primary and consolidated accounting data are used for these purposes: from primary documents to the corresponding reports of divisions; at the general economic level - current accounting data up to reporting; at external levels of management - mainly reporting data (from current to annual).

The organization of financial accounting in enterprises consists of a number of elements: a system for documenting transactions using appropriate forms of primary accounting; workflow in combination with a schedule for the implementation of accounting work; chart of accounts, consisting of accounting accounts to reflect business transactions; the applicable form of accounting; organizational structure of the accounting process and distribution of duties in accounting; organizing the storage of accounting documentation and registers. Some of the listed elements, being components of the organization of accounting, however, have independent significance. This applies to the chart of accounts and forms of accounting used in enterprises.

The main tasks of accounting for settlement transactions are:

control over compliance with the established rules of settlement relations and the correct documentation of transactions;

timeliness of settlements with all counterparties and prevention of overdue amounts of receivables and payables;

timeliness and accuracy of reflection in accounting registers of settlements with all organizations and persons, as well as periodic reconciliation of accounting data.

It is very important to rationally organize control over the state of debt, as this helps to strengthen contractual and settlement discipline, fulfill obligations to provide services, increase the responsibility of enterprises for compliance with payment discipline, reduce accounts receivable and payable, accelerate the turnover of working capital and, consequently, improve the financial condition enterprises.

Chapter 2

Since 2003, the Tekhma-Svet enterprise has been manufacturing fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts. The main nomenclature produced by the plant is luminaires in a metal case of the LSPO, LDP, LVPO and LDPO series (pendant, ceiling and recessed luminaires).

Since June 2014, the production of LED lamps has been launched. Also in our product line are LED lamps manufactured by General Electric.

Over the years of its existence, the company has illuminated more than 600 objects and has established itself as a reliable partner!

The main application of our lamps:

1. Lighting of industrial facilities

2. Shopping mall lighting

3. Warehouse lighting

4. Lighting of municipal facilities: educational institutions, healthcare facilities.

5. Various administrative offices.

Since 2012, a new direction has been launched: "Electrical Installation Services". At the moment we have vast experience in performing these works. In addition to the installation of lighting systems, we can also perform the installation of any engineering networks. To perform these works, the organization LLC "TD Energosystems" was organized.

Since 2014, the company has received the status of a Partner and Distributor "General Electric" has the ability to supply various types of lamps. A wide range of different types at competitive prices always in stock.

Luminaires of the LSPO, LVPO, LDP, LDPO series manufactured by Tekhma-Svet are widely represented in the retail chains ETM, Russkiy Svet, Minimax, Makskom, Elektrokomplektservis, Sodeistvie, Elektrokomplekt, which are distributors in various regions.

LED and fluorescent lamps can also be purchased from our Dealers in the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Izhevsk, Perm, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Ufa, Samara, Orenburg, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, Smolensk, Tula.

Since 2014, Tekhma-Svet has been supplying LED and fluorescent lamps to Kazakhstan.

To detail the overall picture of changes in the financial condition can be built table. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.

Table 2.1 - Analytical grouping of balance sheet assets in Tekhma-Svet LLC, thousand rubles.

Balance asset


Growth rate, %

2012 /2011

2013 /2012

2012 /2011

2013 /2012

1. Property - total

1.1 Non-current assets

1.2 Current assets

1.2.1 Stocks

1.2.4 Cash

The analysis carried out according to Table 2.1 allows us to conclude that the value of all property in Tekhma-Svet LLC has been growing dynamically from 2011 to 2013. from 61827 to 87558 thousand rubles Growth is facilitated by an increase in the size of immobilized assets, their growth in 2012-2013. amounted to 22.7%, as well as an increase in the value of current assets from 2011 to 2013. from 61024 to 86023 thousand rubles The growth of the company's property is an increase in the value of the enterprise itself, its financial stability and solidity.

An assessment of the structure of the balance sheet assets is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - The structure of the assets of the balance sheet of Tekhma-Svet LLC,%

Balance asset

Deviation (+; -)

1. Property - total

1.1 Non-current assets

1.2 Current assets

1.2.1 Stocks

1.2.2 Value added tax

1.2.3 Accounts receivable

1.2.4 Cash

The assessment of the structure of the asset shows that the largest share in the composition of the property of the enterprise is occupied by current assets, while there is a decrease in their share from 2011 to 2013. from 98.7% to 98.25% of the firm's assets. This is due to the fact that the rate of growth in the value of property slightly exceeds that of the growth of current assets. As part of current assets, a high share is occupied by inventories, the share of which also decreases from 2011 to 2013. from 61.78 to 59.1%. Accounts receivable as part of the company's assets is dynamically increasing from 30.4% in 2011 to 36.6% in 2013, while from 2012 to 2013 growth slows down to 0.39% per year.

Table 2.3 - Analytical grouping of articles of liabilities of the balance sheet of Tekhma-Svet LLC, thousand rubles.

Balance liability

Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

1. Sources of property - total

1.1 Equity

1.2 Borrowed capital

1.2.1 Long-term liabilities

1.2.2 Short-term loans and borrowings

1.2.3 Accounts payable

According to Table 2.3, we can conclude that the increase in the size of the enterprise's property was significantly influenced by the growth of accounts payable, which from 2012 to 2013. increased from 39550 to 57658 thousand rubles, that is, by 18108 thousand rubles. At the same time, short-term loans and borrowings significantly decreased from 2012 to 2013 by 77.86%, that is, from 15,161 to 3,357 thousand rubles. This factor means that Tekhma-Svet LLC repaid a part of short-term loans and credits.

In table 2.4 we will reflect the analysis of articles of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

Table 2.4 - The structure of the liability items of the balance sheet of Tekhma-Svet LLC,%

According to Table 2.4, it can be concluded that accounts payable occupy a high share in the composition of the enterprise's property, which in the structure increased from 47.78 to 65.85%. The share of equity also increased from 2011 to 2013. from 21.26 to 30.32%.

An insignificant part of the company's property is occupied by short-term loans and credits, the share of which from 2012 to 2013 decreased from 20.13 to 3.83%, that is, by 16.3%.

The formation of financial resources is carried out at the expense of own and equivalent funds. At an operating enterprise, financial resources are formed in the process of reproduction and act as proceeds from the sale of products, which, in the process of distribution, take the form of cash income and savings.

Let's consider the composition of the equity capital of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013 in dynamics.

Table 2.5 - Analysis of the composition of equity capital of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

Authorized capital

Own shares repurchased from shareholders

Extra capital

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Total equity

Analysis of the composition of equity capital in table. 2.5 shows that the size of the authorized capital of the enterprise remained unchanged from 2011 to 2013 in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

The enterprise did not create reserve capital and additional capital, and retained earnings from 2011 to 2013. dynamically increased from 13,133 to 26,534 thousand rubles, while the annual growth is from 2011 to 2012. 56.72%, and 2012 to 2013 - 28.92%.

Table 2.6 - Analysis of the composition of the borrowed capital of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

long term duties

Short-term credits and loans

Accounts payable


suppliers and contractors

debt to the staff of the organization

debt to state off-budget funds

debt on taxes and fees

other creditors

Total borrowed capital

From the data in Table. 2.6 shows that accounts payable is growing dynamically in the structure of borrowed capital. In 2011 it is 29544 thousand rubles, in 2012 it is 39550 thousand rubles. or 133.87%, and in 2013 already 57658 thousand rubles. or 145.79%.

A stable increase is noted in the lines of debt to suppliers and contractors and debt to personnel, as well as debt to state non-budgetary funds. That is, this suggests that the company does not timely allocate funds for these lines. Which ultimately leads to fines and penalties.

Table 2.7 assesses the composition of fixed assets.

Table 2.7 - Analysis of the composition of fixed assets of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

cars and equipment


The data in Table 2.7 show that, in general, the volume of fixed assets of the enterprise increased by 750 thousand rubles. or by 167.75% in 2012 compared to 2011 and by 633 thousand rubles. or by 134.09% in 2013. This growth is due to an increase in industrial equipment by 178 thousand rubles. or 120.87% and vehicles for 572 thousand rubles. or by 325.2% in 2012 and equipment for 633 thousand rubles. or 161.4% in 2013.

Let's analyze the structure of fixed assets of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013.

Table 2.8 - Analysis of the structure of fixed assets of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

cars and equipment


Total value of property, plant and equipment

Analysis of the structure shown in Table. 2.8 allows you to determine in which direction their development went. That is, it can be determined that a large share of fixed assets belongs to machinery and equipment, in 2013 it is 66.83%, which is 11.31% more than in 2012. And the volume of vehicles in fixed assets decreased from 2012 to 2013 from 44.48 to 33.17%.

Table 2.9 - Indicators of the movement and technical condition of fixed assets of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.



Growth rate, %

1. Initial cost at the beginning of the year, thousand rubles

2. Received for the year, thousand rubles.

3. Dropped out during the year, thousand rubles.

4. Initial cost at the end of the year, thousand rubles.

5. Depreciation at the beginning of the year, thousand rubles.

6. Depreciation at the end of the year, thousand rubles.

7. Refresh rate

8. Dropout rate

9. Depreciation coefficient at the beginning of the year

10. Depreciation coefficient at the end of the year

11. The coefficient of validity at the beginning of the year

12. Expiration date at the end of the year

The data in Table 2.9 allow us to conclude that fixed assets at the enterprise were updated in 2011 by only 33%, in 2012 by 40% and in 2013 by 25%, that is, in 2013 less fixed assets were received. There was no disposal of fixed assets in Tekhma-Svet LLC. The depreciation coefficient at the enterprise at the beginning of the year in 2013 was 33%, which is 5% higher than in 2012, and the service life coefficient at the beginning of the year is 67%, which is 5% less than in 2012.

Indicators of intensive use of fixed assets reflect the level of their use in terms of capacity (productivity). The main indicators include: the coefficient of utilization of production capacity, the indicator of production from 1 square. m. of production area.

Table 2.10 - Indicators of the use of fixed assets and the provision of workers with them in Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

Cost of fixed assets

Average number of employees, pers.

Sales proceeds

Profit from sale

Capital productivity, rub.

Capital intensity, %

return on investment

capital-labor ratio

Production output per worker

Table 2.10 shows that fixed assets in 2013 became 633 thousand rubles. more than in 2012. Revenue in 2013 increased compared to 2012 to 152,900 thousand rubles, that is, by 115.7% compared to 2012, that is, an increase occurred by 20,750 thousand rubles. Thus, the profit from the sale also increased in 2013 by 7,834 thousand rubles, that is, by 128.93% compared to 2012, amounting to 34,909.1 thousand rubles.

Therefore, one ruble of the average annual cost of fixed assets in 2013 accounts for 61.41 rubles. sales proceeds. This is 9.76 rubles. less than in 2012. In fact, compared to 2012, the return on assets decreased by 13.71%. And one ruble of revenue in 2013 accounts for 1.63 rubles. the average annual cost of fixed assets, which is 115.89% higher than in 2012 or 177.17% more than in 2011. In addition, one ruble of the average annual cost of fixed assets in 2013 accounts for 14.02 rubles. profit from the sale, which is 3.84% lower than in 2012.

In 2013, it became 7.01 rubles per employee. fixed assets, which is 1.63 rubles. higher than in 2012. In addition, workers began to produce 47.66 thousand rubles. more than in 2012, that is, labor productivity increased to 430.7 thousand rubles.

Table 2.11 - Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of financial resources of Tekhma-Svet LLC for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Deviation (+; -)

Growth rate, %

Revenue from the sale of products

Cost of goods sold

Profit from the sale of products

Profit before tax

Net profit

Cost of non-current assets

The value of current assets

Cost of equity

The cost of long-term liabilities

The cost of short-term liabilities

Property value

Net working capital

Product profitability

Profitability of sales

Profitability of non-current assets

Return on current assets

Return on equity

Return on borrowed capital

Profitability of property

Return on net working capital

From the data in Table. 2.11 it can be seen that the return on equity in 2012 amounted to 4.4%, i.е. more than in 2011 by 0.9 points. In 2013, it amounted to 4.5% and increased by only 0.1 points compared to 2012.

Return on borrowed capital in 2012 amounted to 37.62%, which is 10.64% more than in 2011. In 2013 it was 43.49%, which is 5.87 points more than in 2012.

Return on invested capital in 2012 amounted to 2164.28%, which is 11.6 points more than in 2011. In 2013 it amounted to 2274.21%, which is 109.93 points more than in 2012.

The return on equity closes the entire pyramid of performance indicators of the enterprise, all activities of which should be aimed at increasing the amount of equity capital and increasing its level of profitability.

Chapter 3. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors in Tekhma-Svet LLC

3.1 Analytical accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors

In 2013, Tehma-Svet LLC cooperated with 470 fuel suppliers.

The main principles for working with suppliers are:

- Increasing the level of quality and reducing the defectiveness of purchased goods and materials;

- Decreased purchases of monopoly-produced goods and materials;

- Reducing the level of warehouse stocks of Tekhma-Svet LLC due to the organization of consignment warehouses and storage response;

- Optimization of accounts payable and advances issued to suppliers;

- Timely return of defects to suppliers and reimbursement of costs;

- Conclusion of supply contracts in standard form.

The company has established long-term partnerships with its main suppliers, which will continue to develop on a mutually beneficial basis.

LLC Tekhma-Svet concludes supply contracts with organizations engaged in trade and industry, as well as providing services.

Primary documents for the receipt of material assets are the basis for organizing settlement relations with suppliers and contractors of Tekhma-Svet LLC. Directly according to primary documents, preliminary, current and subsequent control of settlements, accounts payable, as well as the movement and safety of material assets and the performance of work and services are carried out.

For the supply of gasoline and fuel, Tekhma-Svet LLC, as a buyer, concludes contracts with suppliers. Each specific contract indicates the subject of the contract, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties for the supply of material assets. Also, in the contract, the parties may provide for various payment terms, for example, with a deferred payment, or a loan is paid as payment, or settlements are made by bills of exchange, etc.

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Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors is one of the significant sections of accounting for business transactions in the organization. In this article, we will cover the main points of accounting.

Basic rules for using account 60

The main account used to record transactions with counterparties is account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”. It can be either passive - when reflecting debts, or active - when reflecting advances issued. Separate sub-accounts are used for different transactions. So, for example, it is customary to indicate subaccount 2 for advances, and subaccount 1 for creditors. Note that entries on the 60th account are made on the basis of primary documents. These are:

  • consignment note when purchasing goods;
  • act of performed works (services) upon receipt of works or services.

By virtue of paragraph 4 of Art. 9 of the Law "On Accounting" dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, an organization can either independently develop these documents or use unified forms. So, the decision of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132 approved the consignment note (form No. TORG-12) used in the purchase and sale of goods and materials. There is no single form of document for processing the acceptance of completed work or services, except for the act on the performance of construction work in the form of KS-2, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 11, 1999 No. 100.

Let's take an example of how transactions with suppliers and contractors are recorded in accounting.

Example 1

The confectionery company LLC Sladkiy Mir paid the supplier an advance payment for 150 kg of flour and 230 kg of sugar - 2,250 rubles. and 8,050 rubles. respectively. After 5 days the goods were delivered. Upon acceptance, it turned out that sugar came 50 kg less. The contract does not say anything about the maximum amount of losses. "Sweet World" made a claim to the counterparty in the amount of 50 × (8,050 / 230) = 1,750 rubles. On which the counterparty put the shortage. The buyer decided not to claim VAT deduction from the advance payment.

In his accounting, these events will be reflected as follows.

Operation description

Amount, rub.

Advance payment to counterparty

Accepted for accounting 150 kg of flour

Reflected VAT on flour (10%)

Accepted for accounting 180 kg of sugar

Reflected VAT on sugar (10%)

A claim was made for a shortage of 50 kg of sugar

Advance payment made

Additional delivery of 50 kg of flour

76 sub-account "Calculations on claims"

Reflected VAT on additional delivery

76 sub-account "Calculations on claims"

As for settlements with contractors, the accounting approach is similar. Consider, using the example of the customer's work, accounting for interactions with contractors.

Example 2

The customer LLC "Lifting Crane" is building a business center with the help of several contractors. Among them is Plasterer LLC, to which an advance payment of 237,000 rubles was paid. for finishing work. VAT from the advance issued is accepted for deduction. The work was completed in full and in good quality in the amount of 1,237,000 rubles. In accounting, the accountant of the "Crane" made the following entries.

Operation description

Amount, rub.

Advance payment to counterparty

Podemny Crane LLC exercised the right to put VAT from advance to deduction on the basis of an invoice

68 subaccount "VAT"

Accepted for accounting work on finishing the premises

1 048 305

Reflected VAT on these works

Work tax deductible

68 subaccount "VAT"

Advance payment made

Remaining amount paid

1 000 000

Recovered VAT from the advance

76 sub-account "VAT on advances issued"

68 subaccount "VAT"

Offsetting similar claims

The standard creditor payment transaction was discussed in the examples above. Now let's look at another possible option for covering obligations. The offset of a counter homogeneous claim is provided for by Art. 410 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So, if both parties owe each other, then the obligations of counterparties can be reduced by the amount of a smaller debt. There are also cases where reciprocity is not possible. They are established by Art. 411 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • if at least one claim is a claim for compensation for harm to life or health;
  • about lifelong maintenance;
  • about alimony;
  • at the expiration of the limitation period;
  • other cases stipulated by law or by agreement of the parties.

There is no special primary document for offsetting purposes. However, it must be in writing.

Look for a sample act of netting in our article.

Example 3

The company OOO "Sladkiy Mir" purchased 340 kg of nuts from OOO "Belka" for 700 rubles. per kg, for a total of 238,000 rubles. (incl. VAT RUB 36,305). As of the date of purchase, Belka LLC had not paid the debt to Sladkiy Mir in the amount of 170,700 rubles. for preparing New Year gifts for employees and contractors. The parties signed an agreement on netting for this amount. In the accounting of Sladkiy Mir LLC, the accountant reflected such entries.

Operation description

Amount, rub.

Reflected the proceeds from the sale of gifts to Belke LLC

340 kg of nuts were taken into account

Reflected VAT

Set-off of mutual claims with Belka LLC is reflected

Remaining debt paid


In most organizations, the site accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors is one of the largest and most labor-intensive. Disagreements with counterparties are also not uncommon, so it is important to conduct reconciliations with them on a regular basis, formalizing them with acts. In addition, in order to avoid discrepancies in data with a supplier or contractor, accounting entries must be made on the basis of correctly executed primary documents received from counterparties.

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