How to cool a room without air conditioning: saving you from the summer heat. Escaping the Heat Without Air Conditioning How to Escape the Heat Without Air Conditioning

P simple tips will help you improve the climate in your home, making summer days more pleasant, without the unbearable heat.

The scorching heat can cause a deterioration in well-being, and often there is simply nowhere to hide from it. If there is no way to give up everything and go to the nearest body of water, and there is no air conditioner in the house or apartment, you can try to cool the premises using simple techniques that are available to everyone.

First advice - use electrical appliances as little as possible. Laptops, TVs, and computers get hot during operation and generate heat, increasing the temperature in an already hot room. Use the summer period in order to get the maximum rest from the equipment, which is better to disconnect from the electrical network altogether.

Second tip - hide the rooms from the sun's rays. Blinds, roller shutters, Roman blinds, just thick fabric curtains - all means are good to hide from direct sunlight. Without curtains, you won't even be able to sleep longer in the morning, because in summer the sun rises very early and immediately begins to warm up the room.

It is better if the roller shutters are made of fabric that has a sun-reflecting surface. One of the easiest and cheapest options to hide from the sun is to stick sunscreen foil onto the glass. True, in the fall you will have to get rid of it, but all summer the rooms will have a pleasant cool twilight.

Third tip - if you have not purchased an air conditioner, you can use a regular fan. To enhance the effect, we recommend placing a bowl or other open container with ice water in front of the fan. The air will pass over the surface of the water and cool. And the draft itself in the summer heat is a very pleasant phenomenon.

Fourth tip - a canopy over the entrance. This is an option for residents of private houses. If the entrance to the house is on the sunny side, then a canopy is simply necessary, because without it the room will instantly warm up. You can equip a temporary, summer fabric shed if there is no more reliable canopy. A good option can be called a living green protection of the house, for example, a pergola entwined with grapes.

Fifth tip - in the summer heat it is better to avoid any synthetic fabrics. Let your summer bedding set be lightweight, cotton or linen. Such fabrics will be much more pleasant in the heat. And if you wet a sheet or bedspread before going to bed, it will be much easier to fall asleep before the fabric is dry.

Sixth tip - a rubber heating pad in summer can be a way of cooling. Fill it with cold water and put it in bed before bed to sleep comfortably. Such a rubber container can be replaced by ordinary plastic bottles with water, which can be frozen before use.

Seventh tip - cool bath. We are sure that you yourself do not want to take hot baths in the heat. Moreover, during the heating of water, for example, a gas water heater or an electric boiler, the room will be additionally heated. If you take cold water into the bath, it will become a source of coolness, you can wash your face at any time. For residents of private houses in the summer, an outdoor shower is an ideal option.

Eighth tip - cook less. We are sure that the hostesses will especially like this advice. Avoid using in heat oven, standing at which will become a real torture. Summer fresh salads, light cold soups, okroshka - dishes that don't need to be cooked for a long time. In addition, in the heat, these are the options that will be the perfect choice for a healthy and low-calorie lunch or dinner.

The ninth tip - more fresh air. In summer noon, it is better to keep the windows closed and tightly curtained so that the room heats up less. But in the morning and after sunset, all windows and doors should be thrown open to create a draft and cool the rooms.

The summer we have been waiting for so long can bring not only pleasant vacation experiences, but also inconveniences due to the heat. We hope that our simple tips will help you improve your home climate by making summer days more enjoyable without the unbearable heat. published by

In summer, the thermometer can rise above +30. It is not easy for an ordinary person to endure such a temperature, and small children and the elderly have it even worse. Therefore, the question of how to cool a room without an air conditioner in the summer heat is very relevant. Our recommendations will help you:


The most effective way to cool rooms is to ventilate them. As a rule, in summer, the lowest temperature is from four to seven in the morning. It is at this time that it is necessary to fill the room with fresh, cool air. And if you don't want to get up so early, then you can air out in the evening, after ten o'clock. In the daytime, the meaning of airing disappears, as the house will only get even hotter.


The next option to reduce the temperature in the house is to use water. With it, you can reduce the thermometer reading from two to five degrees. And this can be done with a simple spray. You can buy a humidifier to humidify the air, but this is a more expensive way to cool. An elementary option is to fill a jar with a spray bottle with plain water and spray it everywhere once an hour. Wet cleaning will also be effective.


Not everyone knows this method of getting rid of the heat, but it copes well with high temperature in the dwelling. You can purchase reflective foil at your local hardware store. Ideally, it should be over five meters long. Foil is placed on windows and walls, it is preferable to glue it in rooms where there is the greatest solar activity (south and south-west side). This material is capable of reflecting heat, resulting in a coolness in the room. Is happening this effect due to the fact that the scorching sun rays do not fall on furniture, carpets and other interior items, from which the air is subsequently heated.


If you don't want to cover the windows with foil, you can replace the curtains with aluminum blinds. During the daytime, keep them closed so that sunlight lingered on the slats. Due to this, the room will be cooler.

We remove all unnecessary

It is better to hide blankets and woolen textiles in a closet; it is also better to get rid of the carpet, at least for the summer period. After all, it is he who is the main heat reflector. Also, the carpet prevents the passage of cold from the floor.

Minimum heating devices

So, it is quite possible to cool a room or a room without an air conditioner and a fan. And it is not at all necessary to run for a new technique. The listed methods are very simple and effective.

Olga Nagornyuk

30 ways to cope with the heat

With the arrival of summer, the heat comes. As soon as the thermometer crosses the + 30 ° C mark, we start looking for salvation under the air conditioner. And what about those who do not have a split system? After all, the purchase of such a unit, even taking into account the presence of "budget" models, is not affordable for everyone. And there are also people who are in no hurry to install an air conditioner, fearing it harmful influence to health. What should they do?

For those who, at the peak of the heat, found themselves without air conditioning, we have collected a number of recommendations that will allow you to survive the sunny chaos with minimal discomfort.

Ways to help escape the heat at home

The following tips will help you escape the heat without an air conditioner at home:

  • protect the house / apartment from the sun by insulating the walls. Thermal insulation "keeps" the temperature, not allowing the room to warm up quickly. This will not save you for the whole summer, but the upward movement of the thermometer will slow down for a couple of weeks.

In winter, thermal insulation, on the contrary, will save heat in the house and save on heating;

  • Prevent direct sunlight from entering rooms by hanging blinds or reflective sheeting on sunny windows. It will become darker in the room, but the difference with the outside temperature by 5-7 ° C is guaranteed to you;
  • open windows in the evening and in the morning and ventilate the house. Firstly, at this time it becomes a little cooler outside, and you have the opportunity to lower the temperature in the room by a few degrees. Secondly, the air stagnant during the day needs ventilation and oxygen enrichment.

Leave windows and balcony doors open all night: you are definitely not in danger of freezing, and it will be much more pleasant to sleep;

  • use less oven and stove - these devices can add an extra 5 degrees to the temperature in the room. In summer, appetite decreases, use this to your advantage: eat fruits (they perfectly quench your thirst) and salads, give the stove a break from you, and take a break from caring for the stove yourself.
  • use a fan. Just pushing warm air around the room won't make things much easier. But if you put several bottles of ice water under the stream of air blown out by it, then you will ensure a decrease in temperature by a couple of degrees.

Use a fan when ventilating. If the evening coolness is not enough, place the appliance along with ice bottles in front of one of the windows, thereby creating the effect of an air conditioner;

  • Place bottles of ice water under your pillow at night. Do not worry: an interlayer of down / padding polyester will not allow you to freeze and catch a cold, but your head will not be hot at night and you will not wake up in hot sweat;
  • when it is impossible to fall asleep due to stuffiness, put the bed linen in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for a while: the sheet and duvet cover will cool down, and sleep will come faster.

Use bedding made from natural fabrics. Synthetic materials are weakly hygroscopic: sleeping in such a bed in the hot season will be extremely unpleasant.

  • get rid of carpets. Tapestries and rugs "steal" the cold, so send them to rest in the closet until autumn, and enjoy the pleasant coolness of the floor and walls yourself;

  • Green the rooms. Live plants (especially ficuses and palms) are able to cool rooms. Not indoor plants? Build boxes and plant ordinary petunias, one-year-old: it is pleasant to the eye, and the temperature in the room is slightly lower;
  • Conventional incandescent bulbs generate 80% more heat than fluorescent and LED bulbs. The conclusion is obvious: ordinary lamps need to be replaced, saving the family budget and winning one more degree of heat from the sun;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Cotton and linen have excellent breathability and excellent moisture absorption, ensuring maximum comfort even in hot weather. It is not for nothing that the children of the desert - the Bedouins - dress exclusively in clothes made from these materials.

Give up for a while from tight-fitting things: they look attractive, but interfere with normal air conditioning, and your skin wants to breathe - do not interfere with it;

  • take a cool shower regularly: the water prevents the body from overheating, and at the same time moisturizes the skin, which in the summer heat is going through serious stress with you.

Do not overdo it: the water should be at room temperature, otherwise a cold cannot be avoided, and fighting a cough and a runny nose in the heat is still a pleasure;

  • a towel dipped in cold water and hanging around the neck also helps to cope with the heat. This method has been tested on athletes, take advantage of their experience;
  • wet hair creates a feeling of coolness and brings down the temperature of a hot body. Moisten your head and you will see: it will become much easier for you to endure the heat;
  • when you are completely unbearable, soak your clothes in cool water: for a while this will bring relief and help to save yourself from the heat;
  • less movement. Physical activities stimulate blood circulation, and the person becomes hot. Plan your day to get things done either before the heat hits or after the heat has subsided;
  • drink plenty of fluids, give preference to plain water and tea, which are better than other drinks to quench your thirst. We do not recommend drinking ice water: getting sore throat in summer is just as unpleasant as it is in winter;

  • resort to aromatherapy. It will not lower the temperature in the room, but it will help cope with the stress of the heat and create the illusion of coolness. Mint and cinnamon do an excellent job with this task.

Ways to help escape the heat outdoors and at work

On the street and in the office, follow these guidelines:

  • choose your clothes carefully. The same rule applies here as at home: we wear only natural and comfortable ones. Providing free access of air to the skin, we less overheat and sweat;
  • carry a fan with you. In this case, it is not an attribute of flirting, like the ladies of the 19th century, but a tool that allows you to escape the heat. Fanning creates a subtle illusion of coolness. When there is no fan, use a handkerchief - the main thing is that it is always at hand;

  • Take a bottle of cool water with you on the road. It will help wet the throat and prevent heatstroke;
  • try not to use creams: it is difficult for the skin to breathe in summer and without them, do not aggravate the situation;
  • if the management does not mind (and it should meet you halfway, since it has already saved on the air conditioner), put a container of water on your desktop: an aquarium with fish or a decorative mini-waterfall. The water evaporates, slightly lowering the air temperature;
  • periodically spray the area around you with water from a spray bottle. It would be nice to moisturize the face in this way, then the feeling of stuffiness will not be so oppressive;
  • the rules regarding gardening and its ability to soften heat also apply in the office. If you have not yet acquired ficuses and palm trees in your office, catch up;

  • have lunch in a cool place. Perhaps in a room located in the northern part of the building, where the sun rarely looks. Go to a cafe that has air conditioning and where you can escape the heat for at least an hour.

Ways to help escape the heat in a car

If the air conditioner does not work in your car or it is simply not there, you can open the windows, letting in hot air and increasing fuel consumption, or you can take more effective measures to avoid heatstroke:

  • hang sun shades on the windows. The manufacturer equips them with convenient suction cup mounts, so their installation takes no more than 5 minutes, but the temperature in the cabin decreases by 5-7 degrees;

  • When leaving the car in the sun, install a reflective screen on the windshield of the car. Then, sitting in a car, you will not feel like in a steam room;
  • dirt attracts sunlight. Wash your car often: the polished surface reflects the sun's rays better.

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My apartment is located on the 5th floor of a 5-storey building in Istanbul. Trees do not reach this height, the roof is flat, the windows face the sunny side. Therefore, in summer, when the temperature rises to + 40 ° C, the room turns into a branch of the Finnish sauna.

In such conditions, it is impossible to fall asleep and get enough sleep. And since I don't have an air conditioner, I have to somehow get out and try different ways to cool down.

For readers site I'll tell you what tricks and tricks I use to cool the room and bed and ensure a comfortable sleep.

To keep the room cold at night, it must be kept cool during the day.

    To keep the cold in the room, it is important to properly ventilate it. To do this, I close the windows when the outside temperature rises above + 25 ° C, and open when it drops below this value. The lowest temperature is from 4:00 to 7:00, so I open the windows in the morning and evening after 20:00.

  • To prevent the sun from entering the apartment, it is worth using the correct curtains. I have tried various materials and I can say that you should not buy synthetic curtains: they quickly heat up and fade. It is best to use thick white linen curtains.
  • So that the heat does not linger in the house, it is also worth getting rid of all dust collectors - carpets, rugs and mountains of pillows. This will make the air cleaner and cooler.
  • While airing, you can wet a towel and hang it in front of an open window. This will help cool the room quickly. But don't leave the towel overnight: a room that's too damp can be just as stuffy.
  • Earlier, when air conditioners did not exist yet, in the heat before going to bed, they wet the floors. The temperature in the room immediately dropped. This made it possible to fall asleep quickly and sleep comfortably.

Another way is to use ceiling fans

They are cheap, mounted on a chandelier and cool the room well. If you have such a fan, check that the switch is in the summer position. Many fans have 2 modes for different seasons.

  • If you can't find the switch, check the blades: they should turn counterclockwise so that the air hits the ceiling.

Homemade air conditioner

An ordinary small fan simply drives air, and its motor heats up the room. But any fan can be turned into a real air conditioner.

  • To do this, you need to freeze bottles or other containers with water and place them in front of the blades - then cold air will swell throughout the room. When the heat is particularly intense, I freeze 2 sets of bottles and just change them every 4-5 hours.

Cooling the bed

    If your bedding is satin or synthetics, replace these materials with cotton or silk. Cotton sheets absorb sweat well and keep you cool. Natural silk is very light and tends to slightly cool the skin.

  • Also use cotton pajamas for better airflow. Or sleep without clothes. And what? Also a way out.
  • Another great way to cool off is to put a sheet and pillowcase in the refrigerator in the morning, and make your bed with them before bed. But do not put the laundry in the freezer: there is a risk of getting sick.
  • Memory foam mattresses keep warm well. This is useful in winter, but inconvenient in summer. This is exactly the kind of mattress I have, so in the summer I wear a cotton mattress topper (which can also be put in the refrigerator).

In hot summer, the thermometer goes off scale, and the whole atmosphere in the apartment melts. If an air conditioner is installed in the room, then in a matter of minutes it is able to reduce the temperature to a comfortable level. However, not everyone has a cooling technique, so today we are talking about how to cool a room without an air conditioner in a sultry heat.

Systematic room ventilation

Creating a constant flow of air can lower the temperature in the room. Remember some points:

  • The lowest temperature is recorded in the time interval from 4 to 7 in the morning. It is at this time that it is worth saturating the room with freshness and coolness. If you have no idea how you can wake up so early, then open the windows the night before at 22.00-22.30.

  • Airing is almost the most effective method cool off if you stay on schedule.
  • If you open the windows at 12-16 o'clock, you will only further aggravate the situation, because the room will be filled with scalding air.

Systematic humidification of the apartment

  • To cool a room in hot weather by 2-5 degrees, humidify the air regularly. This can be done using an ordinary spray.
  • The heat is felt even stronger if the humidity in the house is low, but high humidity is also unacceptable. The main thing is the right balance.
  • To cool down, you can hang it around the room wet clothes or sprinkle water on the curtains from a spray.
  • Place containers of water around the perimeter, and if you wish, you can flavor it with a few drops of aromatic oils of citrus, mint or lavender.
  • We recommend filling the dishwashing detergent container with running water. Spray the liquid over the entire area of ​​the apartment every hour. And for more effect, spray a little liquid on yourself. With vapors, the body will noticeably cool.

Using foil to cool the room

Oddly enough, this material copes well with high temperatures.

  • Purchase rolls of 5 meters or more.
  • This material should be glued to walls or windows on either side. For maximum effect, cover the glass area completely.
  • This method is especially relevant if you live in an apartment with windows facing the southwest and south sides. It is there that the highest intensity of sunlight is observed.
  • You can also cool the house in hot weather with foil because the material prevents the sun from penetrating onto carpets, furniture and other interior elements, which heat up the temperature.
  • Scientists' studies have proven that every room is heated not just from the air, but from objects on which the rays fall. Heated objects get into heat exchange with air, which is why a suffocating heat arises in the house.
  • The only negative is the aesthetic component. Foil glued on walls and glass does not add beauty to the interior.

Blackout curtains

Blackout curtains not only add coziness and beauty to the room, but also help to regulate the air temperature.

  • Beginning at 8:00 or even earlier, close the curtains tightly to keep the sun out.
  • Get blackout, heavy curtains and curtain south-facing windows.

Interesting! Curtains are considered impenetrable if not a single ray of light penetrates through the straightened fabric.

  • Do not buy items made from synthetic materials, as they will worsen the heat when heated.

Window shading

This method is suitable for residents of southern apartments.

  • A special shading film is glued to the entire window area for protection. It is most often of a greenish and bluish tint, and its action is aimed at preventing the penetration of sunlight.
  • The disadvantage of this method is that natural colors outside the windows are lost.

Blinds for cooling

If you don't want to cover windows with foil, you can easily replace them with blinds.

  • Thin stripes, covered all day, trap up to 90% of the sunlight.
  • Decide on the material from which the strips will be made. For maximum sun absorption, it is better to choose wooden ones.
  • should be at least a couple of times a year.
  • Opt for fabric vertical roman blinds for a cozy atmosphere.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

Have you noticed that in the summer it is a pleasure to walk around the naked cool half?

  • The solution to the problem will be to get rid of the carpet and send it for cleaning. It is he who becomes the reflector, preventing the penetration of coolness from the floor into the room.
  • If you own wall hangings, it is best to remove and clean them as well.
  • When removing the floor covering, check the condition of the floor. If it is too wet, fungus may appear on the surface. and prime the surfaces.

Using cooling ice

Cool the apartment without a split system using plain ice get a few degrees. To do this, freeze the molds with water in the freezer, and after freezing them, throw a few cubes on a plate.

Use of the kitchen

  • To cool the air in summer, try to minimize kitchen work.
  • A working oven or stove will significantly increase the temperature in the room. After an hour of stove work, it is simply unrealistic to be in the kitchen.
  • Note that heating occurs both from the ignited gas and from the electric stove.

Wet cleaning

  • In summer and early spring, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.
  • By wet cleaning we mean wiping windows, shelves, doors, washing floors and changing bed linen.
  • This method will quickly reduce the heat, and moisture evaporation will normalize the heat transfer processes.

Electronic devices

  • Try to minimize the use of household appliances and other electronics during the day.
  • These are irons, vacuum cleaners, PCs, TVs or printers.
  • This method will also help reduce energy costs.
  • In the bathroom, turn off the heated towel rail, because in the summer it is better to dry things on the balcony.

Wet sheets

Another tip for cooling a room in hot weather without an air conditioner.

  • You will need basins of water and sheets.
  • Place the basin near the door, and hang the sheet on the door so that its edges are in contact with the liquid. The fabric, gradually absorbing water, will cool the room.
  • In this case, you should choose a larger sheet.

Homemade air conditioner

It is possible to cool the room with a fan, for this you will need several liters of running water for the load.

  1. Fill bottles or bowls with water, place them in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
  2. After the water has turned into ice, remove it from the freezer and place it near the fan so that the air from the blades blows over the ice.
  3. The fans cooling the room will help after 5 minutes of operation.
  4. To prolong the effect, periodically replace the melting containers with new ice ones.

Interesting! Ventilation devices that cool the air work by moving air from one side to the other, and during operation, their motor heats up a lot. Use them only when you are in the room.

Cooling down without an air conditioner and a fan is difficult, but there is still an alternative. You can see her in Brazilian TV shows. The fixture is called a ceiling fan. This expensive pleasure (price about 4000 rubles) is absolutely silent, does not create drafts and does not heat the room with a motor.

Unfortunately, there is no perfect weather. Using the proposed methods, you will be able to cool the living space and increase the level of living comfort in the summer.

Video: How to make an air conditioner from a fan

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