How chess goes for children. Online Chess Textbook: Chess Rules. Is there an age limit in chess

It's a great moment, friends, to learn about chess: the rules of the game for beginners. Greetings to all. Dear guests and subscribers of my blog. From this article you will learn the tricks (rules) for playing chess, if you do not follow them, you risk losing "in two counts", and you will also briefly learn how to play different figures and what features they have. Let's just say, this is the "base" that everyone should know who wants not only to play chess, but also to win.

Chess rules

The rules of chess in the form that we see now were formed about two centuries ago. Prior to this, the rules were constantly undergoing changes. Moreover, they were different in different parts of the world, and we can say that the Middle Eastern countries played by their own rules, and the European ones by their own. But let's move on to the very rules of the game, although they can be safely considered unspoken.


First of all, it is important for beginners to think about protecting their own pieces. Do not give them away just like that or with an unequal exchange: it would be foolish to capture a pawn with a knight, which you later lost because of this move. The maximum that you can go for is an equivalent exchange (knight-knight, rook-rook, bishop-bishop, or knight-bishop) or an advantageous exchange - this is when you take away a strong opponent's piece with a weaker one, which you also lose. The following rule follows from all this.

Secondly, do not leave the pieces alone. At least not for long. The queen, for example, can take care of itself, but it can be easily “driven into a corner”, surrounded and taken away: he cannot jump over the pieces like a knight. That is why you need to cover your pieces with other pieces, even pawns.

If your piece is taken away provided that it is covered, you can minimize the damage done to you, or even reduce it to zero: the covering piece will beat the opponent. A simple example: doubled pawns standing side by side (shoulder to shoulder). This order of these figures speaks of the insecurity of both. And if you put them diagonally from each other (for example, two white squares), then the front pawn will be under the protection of the back one - already something.

Further, you should always think about why your opponent went this way, and not otherwise, and what he can get from this. Take countermeasures accordingly. It follows from this that you always need to calculate the moves towards your king. Cover him, take him away if necessary. Having lost one piece, you can still continue the battle and inflict a defeat on the enemy, but checkmating your king is your final loss.

Learning to calculate the opponent's moves at the same time as building your own plan (or plans) is a must.


A thoughtless attack is fraught with the loss of figures. Therefore, create a plan to checkmate or eliminate strong pieces. At least some simple one - this is already a plan. As you play more and more, you will learn how to create an action plan many moves ahead.

Is the plan very simple? Then aim to capture or control (at the sight of your pieces) the center of the board. This in itself will bring you benefits, even if you do not fully understand them. The fact is that the range of moves of any piece (with the exception of pawns, which, in fact, are not pieces - they are called so for ease of understanding) increases in the center compared to the edge of the board and even more so in the corner.

Bring out rooks (at least one) at the beginning of the game, while there is no clear threat to your king yet. The Rook is a strong piece that can successfully support an attack or plug gaps in your defense. This will not work for her if she is in her original position. The maximum for which you can save (not withdraw) one rook is for castling, which is present in your plan.


When I started playing chess, I first fell into the so-called "children's checkmate" or checkmate in four moves, having learned only how the pieces should stand on the board and how to move them. You see, I have neglected the basic rules and tactics. Did you fall for such a trick? Write in the comments.

How to avoid this can be easily found on the Web - there is a lot of information. I will only say that one pawn placed in the path of the queen or bishop is enough, and the checkmate in four moves will fail.

Avoid forks. I do not know why this technique was called a cutlery, but the fact is that getting into a fork, you will lose any of the figures anyway. Likewise, I advise you to see what a fork is in chess. Once in it, evaluate the value of the piece, and sacrifice the least valuable one. Let's say a rook and a knight in the “fork”. Naturally, the knight is wasted, because the rook is more significant.

Castling and en-passable capture deserve special mention.

How chess pieces move

Do you know white moves first? It is this rule that allows inexperienced players to put children's checkmate.

Pawns move simply - only forward, and hit diagonally one square forward. An exception is the passage, when the pawns are allowed from their initial position to resemble two squares (but not to beat). They also have such a feature as taking on the aisle.

Horse. This figure walks with the letter "G" or the Latin "L", and this letter can be in different positions: lying on one and the second side, upside down. In addition, the knight is able to jump over its own and enemy pieces.

There are two types of elephants in each team. I wrote about this in my article "How to arrange chess correctly" - read it, it's interesting. So, the bishops move and strike only diagonally in any direction.

The rook moves opposite to the bishop only along straight lines - the rankings and the files. It beats in the same way.

The queen can move to either side: horizontal vertical and diagonal lines, but cannot move like a knight and jump over pieces.

The king hits and walks in a circle away from himself (so to speak). That is, he can move and shoot one square in any direction, even diagonally.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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The word "chess" in translation from the ancient Persian language means "the king is dead." Archaeologists regularly find evidence that they were played by the same rules in America, India, Japan and China. One of the main advantages of this game is the development of intellectual abilities. Knowing a few rules and principles, you can quickly learn how to play chess.

There are 64 fields on the chessboard (8 cells horizontally and vertically), one half of which are white squares, and the other is black. In addition, it has several main zones and planes:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • white and black diagonal;
  • center (consists of four fields);
  • large center (16 fields).

During the game, the chessboard should be positioned in such a way that a white field is located in the lower right corner. White is always in position A1.

The second row is made up exclusively of pawns. In the first row, the pieces are positioned as follows: two rooks are placed on the sides, followed by knights on both sides, then two bishops (officers). There are only two free squares left, which must be occupied by the queen and king. Here the rule will be as follows: the queen is placed on the cell corresponding to it in color. The beginning of the game is necessarily preceded by a check: both queens must face each other.

The rook moves and attacks exclusively vertically or horizontally. The bishop moves along the two diagonals on which it is located. In the game, two bishops of one player do not intersect.

The queen is the strongest piece. He walks in any direction: horizontally, vertically, along the white and black diagonals. The king also moves on any cells, but his attack zone is limited to nine squares, that is, he moves and attacks only one step in each direction. The knight moves with the letter L and can jump over both its own pieces and over the opponent's pieces.

There is a “fork” position, when the knight has a choice in the attack of one of two pieces. Pawns move only on one field, they cannot move back. But at the beginning of the game, each of them has the opportunity to take two steps at a time. All pieces, with the exception of the pawn, move and shoot along the same trajectory. The pawn moves straight and attacks only diagonally. She cannot walk back.

Chess players have a concept of “passing a pawn”. At the same time, the black pawn is on the G6 square, and the white one on H7, that is, since the beginning of the game, it has not made any movements yet. She can jump over the H6 field, which is under attack. Here the man playing black has the right to go to the previously attacked square, taking the behind the pawn on H5. However, this is not always necessary.

The debut is the very first stage of the game. You need to enter it well, while performing the main tasks:

  • correctly place the pieces so that they take up combat positions by the middle of the game;
  • to ensure the safety of the king, since he is quite vulnerable at the beginning of the game;
  • avoid hasty queen moves;
  • give priority to the movement of knights over bishops;
  • connect heavy figures;
  • oppose the plans of the opponent.

One of the most important principles, without which you cannot learn to play chess, is control over the center of the board. Any figure located here controls the largest number of fields. The queen, being in this zone, controls almost half of the board and will be able to exert pressure in the event of the appearance of enemy pieces. In addition, it is important to introduce pawns into this territory.

The second principle is the development of the pieces, not the soldiers. The latter move only to open lines. For example, the meaning of the E4 opening is to open paths for the bishop and queen in addition to controlling the center. Moreover, a typical mistake is to move the same figure twice, unless there is a substantial reason for this. Of course, there are always exceptions, but this is the basic rule. If you ignore it, then in the future, the player will create unpleasant threats from the opponent.

First, the king needs to ensure the proper level of security. As a rule, this is done by castling, so it should be done as early as possible. This can be illustrated by the example of the opening entitled “The Italian Party”. After three moves, the player must free two squares between the king and the rook (F1 and G1). Thus, on the next turn, he can castle calmly. Because of this maneuver, the king is unlikely to be threatened anytime soon.

There are two cases when castling cannot be done: the previous move by the king, as well as the moment when the check was made or his threat arose.

The third principle is to turn on the queen too early and actively move it. This is due to the fact that the opponent can take advantage of this behavior to develop his pieces. Even if comfortable conditions are created for capturing the opponent's pieces, first of all it is necessary to follow the basic rules and control the center of the board.

The heavy pieces are two rooks and a queen. When interacting with each other, they carry out a strong playing together, and being on the same line, provide themselves with mutual protection.

Striving to implement these principles, the player will meet resistance from the enemy. At the same time, it is necessary to observe and predict what ideas the opponent wants to implement, and to oppose them in every possible way.

An exchange is called a mutual attack when both players take one piece from each other. It also uses the concept of value, where the mutual loss of the same figures is considered an equivalent exchange. In addition, there are the following types of it:

  • a pawn is equal to a pawn;
  • the bishop is equal to the knight;
  • knight or bishop = three pawns;
  • rook = bishop and two pawns;
  • queen = two rooks.

The king is priceless and cannot be exchanged. There is also the concept of light and heavy pieces. The former include the knight and the bishop, the latter - the queen and the rook. Usually, at the beginning of the game, they try to bring all minor pieces into play.

Check is a situation when the king is attacked by one or more of the opponent's pieces. Checkmate is the same thing, only in this case the king has no way to retreat.

Strategy is the principle of conducting a chess game, which covers the preparation and implementation of a developing plan for the opponent's position. Its main principles are:

  • analysis and assessment of the position;
  • drawing up a further game plan;
  • constant calculation of options.

In addition, there are also other elements of a chess strategy. These include:

  • creation of "good" pieces for oneself and "bad" ones for the opponent;
  • capture of open or half-open lines and key fields;
  • creating maximum difficulties for the opponent;
  • mastery of space (especially in the center);
  • harmonious arrangement of pawns and their weakening from the opponent.

During each game, you should remember these principles and develop the game only in accordance with them. This is the foundation of any victory.

If you play thoughtlessly from the first moves, you can lose the game very quickly. There is a so-called stupid checkmate, with the help of which you can finish the game in record time. It can be produced if the game is played with an inexperienced opponent who started from scratch.

The essence of this checkmate is as follows: at the beginning of the game, the opponent moved a pawn to F3, and then another to G4. As a result, a diagonal is opened to the king and he can be mated to H4 with the queen (having previously opened the way). However, there is no point in hoping for such a combination of circumstances, since this can happen in rare cases. Any more or less professional player will not make such gross mistakes.

There are more chances to give a person a “baby mat”. Its idea is the weakness of two pawns at the beginning of the game. They are located at positions F7 and F2 for each of the players. The first move is made by the king (E4) in order to open the passage for the queen and bishop. In most cases, the enemy will play the standard move to E5. There will be two options for attack: the queen from the H5 square to the F7 pawn, or vertically from the F3 square.

It is recommended to attack in the first way, because from the second move, a double threat is already created. The weakest move that the opponent can make in this position is to be like the king like E7. As a result, the queen can be mated by moving it to E5.

Secrets of the game

During the offensive, the player needs to introduce new pieces into the attack in order to "squeeze" the king. At the beginning, E4 and D4 are considered the best and most popular moves for White. After such openings, open positions are obtained. Such a beginning of the game is especially recommended for beginners with a rating less than 2000. Strong first-class athletes and candidates for the master of sports can start from the positions of D4, C4 or the knight - F3. These are the so-called closed positions, which are more difficult to play.

Some rules

Upon reaching the first opposite rank, the pawn can turn into any piece except the king. The border located on the fourth and fifth rank is called the demarcation line, which separates the players' flanks. Accordingly, you must always remember the following: if a piece is placed behind this line, then at any moment it may be under attack and be attacked by the enemy. When crossing this border, you need to carefully look at potential threats.

Queen's Gambit traps

The danger arises when the players move to D4, D5 and C4. If White moved first, then he loses a pawn on C4. A mistake many newbies make is playing on the flank. Moves such as the pawn on H4 and the rook on H3 are a gross strategic blunder, since it makes no sense to move like that at the beginning of the game.

The benefits of chess

There are several main arguments for mastering chess. The game develops logic, memory, spatial thinking, volitional character traits, and also improves human cognitive functions. In addition, it forms perseverance in the child. Many Scientific research confirmed that children who study regularly have higher overall school performance.

The outstanding Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget noted in his works the formation of the skill of carrying out actions in the mind in children aged 6-12 years. In other words, they begin to mentally replay all kinds of situations and their outcomes in their heads. At this age, the child's intellectual potential is formed, so it is very important not to miss this moment. Accordingly, they should be taught the game of chess.

A common mistake adults make when teaching children is the independent placement of pieces on the board, where already from the starting positions they begin to explain how the bishop, queen, etc. moves. movements in space and independently moved them. It will be difficult, but it will allow them to remember everything.

It is recommended to start training with a rook. If the child is quite old, then you can explain to him that she moves vertically and horizontally. A little chess player can be told simple language: forward, backward, left and right.

Chess involves both hemispheres of the brain. During the game, a person visually perceives the board, recalls past mistakes, studied openings and positions. At this time, the right hemisphere works. When the strategy is calculated and the moves are analyzed, the left hemisphere is involved. The game teaches a person to analyze, because during it a large amount of information is calculated. Strong chess players are capable of solving difficult problems. Moreover, chess is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

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Hello dear guest of our chess site. If you are here, then you want to learn the rules of chess. Right? Most likely you are a beginner, you know little about chess and only once heard out of your ears. popular expression"Walk the horse, you will not see the age of the will" ...


We want to make you happy. On this site you will find everything you need to know about chess from A to Z. And this article will become your main base that will guide you from scratch to a complete study of all chess rules and even those that many chess players do not know. say, they are cut in the yards on a bench for years. Let's get down to business.

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First, about the main thing. It doesn't take months of study or even weeks to learn the rules of chess. 2-3 hours is enough.

Below we will give you all the comprehensive information on all the rules and give all the necessary links to study other articles on our site, and after a few hours, you can safely be proud that you know all chess rules 100%. We'll even give you a link to download the official FIDE rules of chess. Like ... Well, let's start ...

Basic game theory

Let's start with the most important dear friend. As a rule, 2 people play chess. Sometimes, of course, they play in pairs or in teams, but official tournaments, championships and competitions are a struggle of two people. One plays with white pieces, the other with black pieces.

Players take turns. The first to go is the one who plays white.

If we are talking about playing in the yard or in the kitchen with a neighbor over a glass of beer or a cup of coffee, then you can play without hours and time. It's just that the players take turns until one of them wins or a draw.

Well, in competitions, tournaments and championships, naturally, players play with a chess clock where each player is given a certain amount of time to think. Time is not given per move, time is given for the whole game.

The essence of the game in chess is to win another player by checkmating his king, or to create for yourself such a position in the game in which the opponent will simply surrender and shake your hand.

Usually this is such a position when you have consumed more pieces from your opponent than you have, or he understands that in a few moves he will be mated.

You can also win in terms of time. It seems that you have eaten a bunch of pieces and you are about to have a checkmate, but the opponent is running out of time, and he is considered a loser, and you are the winner.

Let's take a look at what it is:

Shah- a position on the chessboard, when some piece attacked the king (the king is under attack), but he can leave the battlefield, or another piece can cover him with his body. That is, you can leave the check.

Mat- position on the chessboard, when any piece attacked the king (king under attack), but he can NOT escape from the attack. Any field wherever he steps is broken. And no figure of him can cover him with his body.

Pat- position on the chessboard, when the player cannot move at all. In this case, it is a draw.

More details on how check, checkmate and stalemate look like on the board will follow. You still need to first learn how the pieces move, attack each other and eat.

Types of variants of the game of chess

Chess games have their own names. There are only three types of them:


In the pool, each player is given 1 minute for the entire game. Can you imagine? 1 minute. Therefore, the bullet. There is no time to think, there you just need to have time to rearrange the pieces, and think out afterwards on the go.

In blitz, the player is given about 3-15 minutes. Blitz is also called rapid chess. There is time here to think about how to get off. Rook or horse. =))

Classic time runs from 20 minutes to several hours. At official championships, it also happens that a player went and went to a cafe to drink tea while another player thinks about how to go. Wagon time and you can even take a nap in your room.

There is a type of game when, after its own move, the clock automatically adds 3-5 seconds to the time.

Rules for placing pieces on the board

So. Each player initially has the same number of pieces, namely:

8 pawns
2 rooks
2 horses
2 elephants
1 queen
1 king

All the pieces on the board are arranged like this:

Pawns are on lines 2 and 7. They are a kind of fortress, a line of defense. Someone calls them suicide bombers, because they are the first to go into battle.

Rule 1: White is placed on lines 1 and 2. Black is placed on lines 7 and 8.

Rule 2: the queen loves her color. That is, if the queen is white, then it is placed on a white square, if black, then on a black one. Accordingly, the white king is placed next to the black square, and the black king is next to the queen on the white square.

Chess notation

Of course, we could talk about chess notation at the end of this article, or even let it go altogether, but nevertheless we decided to include it in the post, since further we will talk about how the pieces move, which squares (cells) they stand on and tell you understood us when we write e4-e5, Be5xd6 or 0-0.

Chess notation is really simple, and in order not to repeat what has already been written, we recommend that you read this one on our website about chess notation. After reading it, come back to this article and keep reading.

Rules for the move of each piece in chess

Now let's talk with you about how the pieces move. This is probably the most important thing in chess. If you may not know the chess notation for the game, then you really need to know 100% how the pieces move.

Many people still play chess and do not know the elementary rules, such as, for example, a pawn does not eat back and the capture of a pawn on the passage.

In order for you to know how pieces move in chess, we suggest that you read this series of articles that we have prepared for you. Here everything is written for each figure from A to Z, in clear and simple language.

In addition to the fact that you will now know how the pieces move, you should also know the following:

  • Kings on a chessboard cannot stand next to each other in butt. There must be a gap of at least 1 cell between them.
  • The king in chess cannot be eaten
  • At correct play the rule applies - "I grabbed a piece - go for it"
  • The player who has the right to move can offer a draw at any time, even after he has moved. The opponent can accept a draw only before he retreats.

That is, after a return move, after which he suddenly realizes that he made a mistake, he cannot accept a draw.

Let's go back to our checks, checkmates and stalemates. Since now you know how the pieces move in chess, you can show you with pictures with comments what a check, double check, checkmate and stalemate looks like.

Consider examples of how a pawn, rook, bishop, knight or queen puts the king in check.

An example of a check with a queen:

The queen attacks the king. The king has nowhere to move, because the g8-square is beaten by the white bishop on c4. But the black knight can block the path of the queen and, so to speak, protect the king with his body. Yes, the poor bun will be eaten on the next move and there will be checkmate. But now there is only a check from the queen.

Tax. And who will find a good move for Black to check from the queen? Write it in the comments.

Rook check example:

The rook puts the king in check, but the king can go to h7, or the bishop, standing on f8, can close the king with its mighty body.

An example of a check with a knight:

The king can only retreat to f8. The h7 and f7 squares are beaten by White's pawn. And the h8-square is beaten by the queen. And there is nothing to eat a horse.

Bishop check example:

The only defense against this check is only blocking the bishop's attack with the rook. It is impossible to retreat with the king to g8, since this square is beaten by the queen.

An example of a pawn check:

The pawn moves to h7 and puts the king in check. A retreat is only possible on h8, since the f8-square is beaten by White's bishop. But there is one more defense against the check. You can just sit the attacking pawn with the king, since it is without protection.

An example of another rook check:

With this type of check, Black has a huge choice of defense. The king can go to the d6 square, or you can defend with your own pieces, that is, block the attack of the rook. You can close with the knight on e6 and the bishop on ne e6, or you can use the queen or bishop on e7.

Well, in conclusion, let's look at the double check option:

In order to make a double check to the black king, white simply jumps the knight to f7. As a result, the check comes from both the knight and the queen on h7.

The only defense against the check is the king's retreat to g8. Yes, the black queen can eat the white queen, but the check from the knight remains. Black can also eat the knight with the bishop, but then the check remains from the queen. There is only one way out with a double check - to move only with the king.

Now let's take a look at the checkmate options.

An example of a checkmate with a queen:

The king cannot eat the queen as it is protected by the rook. There is nowhere to go either.

Rook checkmate example:

Checkmate is made by Black. It is impossible for the king to run to the 2nd line, as it is penetrated by the rook on f2. And there is nothing to close.

Knight checkmate example:

Very nice mat. Such a mat is also called stale. The king is trapped by his own pieces.

An example of a mate with a bishop:

The bishop is aimed at the king. The king has nowhere to go. The h7 and h8-squares are penetrated by the knight and rook of White. There is nothing to hide with the same. Yes, there is a rook on f8 and, in theory, you can hide behind it, but alas, if it leaves its place, it opens another check from the queen on b2. If such a move is made in a real game, it will be considered impossible. And if the move is impossible, the player is automatically assigned a defeat.

An example of a checkmate with a pawn:

The king is squeezed again and the pawn cannot be taken, as it is protected by the bishop on d3.

Well, let's show you the last version of a beautiful mate:

The queen puts it. The white king has nowhere to go as the kings cannot stand next to each other.

Now let's look at the stalemate.

This is the first example of a stalemate. Now it's Black's move and he has nowhere to go. The pawns rested against the white pawns, and the king's move is forbidden, since the queen controls all the squares.

The second stalemate option:

Black to move. But they can't go anywhere. The king cannot stand next to another king, and besides, the 7th line is broken through by the rook on a7. The knight also cannot leave its square, since it will open check to the king from the rook on c8.

The ratio of the strength of a particular figure

Let's talk about the strength of the pieces now. We will tell you not only about who is stronger than whom, for example, knight or bishop, queen or rook, but also about which piece is worth how many other pieces or pawns. If you don't understand, then everything will be clear now ... So ...

The weakest piece in chess is this is a pawn... She is so small, harmless and walks only 1-2 cells forward, eats obliquely one cell or hits on the aisle. BUT!

Do not forget that a simple pawn can turn into any piece (except the king) when it reaches the last line of the chessboard. Let's also remember the cases when a pawn would checkmate and decide the outcome of the game. Look here:

Looking at the position on the board, you can see with the naked eye that Black is winning. They are threatened with checkmate on c2 with the queen. Black has a queen, a rook, and two minor pieces - a bishop and a knight. White has only a rook of strong pieces. BUT! White has a pawn and his move.

The question is - who does the pawn turn into when it stands on the last line of the board, namely the square f7? That's right - into a horse. And Black gets a beautiful checkmate. Here is a weak pawn for you ...

In general, of course, the pawn is the weakest of all the pieces.

If we talk about who is stronger, the knight or the bishop, then everything here depends on the position on the board. In some position the knight is stronger than the bishop, and in some it is vice versa. Much still decides which bishop is left to the player, light-squared or dark-squared.

If the player has 2 knights, and his opponent has 2 bishops, then it is considered that 2 bishops are stronger than 2 knights in the game. Well, that is, it turns out that the first has no bishops, only 2 knights, and the opponent has no knights, only 2 bishops.

In fact, if you are very serious about studying the theory of chess and its strategies, then you will know everything from A to Z about the strength of pieces in a particular position.

And the queen is the strongest piece on the board. And why, you probably already understood yourself. Because the queen goes wherever she wants.

The king is neither a strong nor a weak piece, it is simply a valuable piece. The king must be protected and protected.

Now let's talk about which figure is worth how much others. We will not talk about the pawn. A pawn, as they say, is a pawn.

The bishop, like the knight, is equal to about three pawns.

The queen is equal in strength to two rooks or three minor pieces.

A rook plus a pawn is roughly equal in strength to two minor pieces.

You also need to know that 2 minor pieces are usually stronger than 1 rook. And the rook and 2 minor pieces are stronger than the queen.

Chess situations during the game and their solutions

Basically, knowing everything that was written above and having studied all the information on the links in this article, you can safely play chess and proudly tell everyone around that you know the chess rules perfectly.

However, let's look at some more chess situations, figure out what they mean and how to be in a given situation.

The position on the board has somehow got lost. Well, anything can happen. A man passed by and touched the board, or you hooked the edge of the board with your sleeve and knocked down the pieces.

In this case, the competition judge will restore the position by recording the game. If you played with your sidekick in the yard or in the kitchen and the game was not recorded, then you just need to play it again.

Initially, when the game started, the pieces were not placed correctly, and you found this in the middle of the game.

It happens. Rarely, but aptly. And again. If it is a championship or competition, then a judge is called and straightens the figures. Let's say you put the queen and king in a wrong way by swapping them. Or a knight with a bishop.

If initially White's pieces were on lines 7 and 8, and Black on lines 1 and 2, then the game is transferred to another board with the same position, only the pieces are placed as needed, White goes 1 and 2 lines up to 7-8, and Black vice versa.

An example of misplaced shapes:

The player has castled incorrectly.

Believe me, this often happens to novice chess players, they castling not with the king and rook, but with the queen and rook. In this case, the rule applies - "Get it - go". That is, the player will need to move the piece he took, and castling is canceled. The link to the article with the topic - how to castling correctly, we gave above.

The player touched one piece and left the other.

The judge is called. As a result, a decision is made about an impossible move and the player who made it is considered a loser.

The player made a move and checkmated the opponent. BUT! The opponent suddenly looks at his watch and shouts "Figushki, you run out of time" ...

The clock no longer plays a role. The checkmate on the board and the one who put it is declared the winner, even if the time has already run out. It was necessary to shout on the board until the checkmate that the time was up. And not after the checkmate is already in place. It's the same with stalemate.

The player has stopped the clock.

So he gave up.

On the board, a situation where there are not enough pieces on the board to win any player.

Well, for example, there are only 2 kings left on the board. In this case, the game ends in a draw.

The player has overdue the time when his opponent has only one king left.

In this case, a draw is declared. Because one king cannot checkmate.

The same position appears on the board three times in a row.

In this case, the game ends in a draw. Here's an example of such a situation:

Blacks understand that they are khan. White has a pawn and threatens to checkmate his king. As a result, Black ends the game in a draw. Well, at least not defeat.

The queen moves to c2 and checks. The king can only go to a1. Then the queen moves to c1 and checks again. The king should only go to a2. The queen is in check on c2 again ... And so 3 times. As a result, a draw.

That's actually all the friends. Just as promised at the beginning of the game, keep the link to download the official FIDE rules - DOWNLOAD... Read on, maybe you will find something useful, but in general, this article contains absolutely everything you need to know about the rules of chess.

If you think that the article is not complete, then please write in the comments about it and suggest adding something. We will definitely do it.

We hope this post was useful to you. See you soon…

Chess is a sports game recognized in 100 countries. In 1999, the IOC recognized them as a sporting event, and in 2018 they made their debut at the Winter Olympics. Chess is characterized not only by excitement, but also by powerful physical fitness and remarkable intelligence of rivals.

Why learn chess games? It promotes exercise. mental abilities and mental skills such as:

  • Concentration of attention.
  • Solving complex problems.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Pattern recognition.
  • Strategic and tactical planning.
  • Spatial imagination.
  • Logic and Analysis.

The game teaches that there is a consequence after every action. That decisions made based on prediction and reasoning have more favorable results than impulsiveness and thoughtlessness.

Apart from gaining competitive skills (in chess, you will learn how to attack and defend at the same time), there are parallels between mathematics, music and chess.

Independent study of chess from scratch

To learn how to play at home on your own, it's a good idea to start by breaking down the rules into their component parts. When studying moves, it is easier to use only one piece on the board.

In the best way to learn to play - to play. Defeats are invaluable lessons and experiences. You will soon find out that each shape has a certain value.

From personal experience many players, chess can be easily learned in online applications. Also, there are a number of online learning resources. It all depends on which method is preferable: learn "on the go" or start from scratch.

Now let's look at the options for online training:

  • Chess-online ( The best free chess app for all types of devices and website to start learning chess, play online against opponents of your level. Analyzes your games perfectly with the machine analysis function. This resource provides absolutely everything from scratch training to daily training for masters. Their video tutorials on discovery theory, tactics middle game, check-and-checkmate strategies, pawn structures, attacking initiative, etc. Provide an idea of ​​how to maximize your play. The site will help anyone who is trying to learn the basics and also wants to improve their skills.
  • Youtube channels. It is enough to type in the Youtube search the necessary request for training from scratch, as the system will offer a huge variety of channels and video clips. Choose the most interesting material and watch with pleasure.
  • Special literature. Buy a book that introduces the rules and fundamentals of chess. I won't recommend one as there are so many and most of them are great. Look for one with a lot of pictures and little text. Most educational books "for children" work for adults as well.

Description of the figures, how they walk

  1. King- the most important of all the figures is the one with the crown and cross.
  2. Have queen there is also a crown - this is the second tall figure.
  3. Elephant- a figure with a pointed hat.
  4. Rook also easy to remember, it looks like a castle tower.
  5. Horse very easy to remember.
  6. Pawns- it will not be difficult to remember them, they are the "smallest" and most numerous.

Here are a few rules to learn from the start:

  • The king must always be protected, he moves one square in any direction.
  • The queen is the most "versatile soldier" who moves on the board in all directions.
  • Elephants have a wide range of motion, but only in a straight line, in perpendicular directions.
  • Rook is often underestimated by newbies. She moves "crosswise" on the board - diagonally, like a "king" in checkers.
  • The horse is good for thoughtful, unexpected attacks, its movement is known to all - the Russian letter "G" in all directions.
  • Pawns are good at capturing enemy pieces. They are limited in movement - only one square forward.

Video tutorial

Various playing techniques

Basic technique of the game:

  • You choose the color of the pieces (white or black, or other contrasting colors), the opponent takes the opposite color.
  • You take turns making moves. White pieces go first.
  • Purpose: The first player to capture the opponent's king wins the game.

Install the board correctly. The game is played on a chessboard consisting of 64 squares - eight rows and eight columns.

The beginner's strategy is to capture as many important enemy pieces as possible to make it easier to get to the king. It does this by moving the pieces over the squares where half of the opponent is. A piece is captured by removing it from the field.

You probably heard the word "Shah" right? This means that you (or your opponent) have placed your king (or your opponent) in a position where he cannot move anywhere without being captured.

Now let's talk about pawns. There are some exceptions to the one-step rule: if a pawn has never moved before, it can move two squares on its first move. In addition, a pawn cannot capture an opponent in front of it. But if there is an opponent's piece in front of it diagonally, it can go there to capture it. Another advantage of the pawn: if it reaches the other side of the board, where it cannot move forward, it can be exchanged for any other piece (except the king).

There is another special movement called castling. It concerns the position of the king and rook. This may not be clear to a beginner at first, so you can learn it later when you master the basic rules.

Now use your shapes! In particular, do not let the knights and bishops linger in their positions, as they are useful at the beginning of the game.

Bring your king to a safe area. The king in the center of the board is a vulnerable king.

Run the center! “This is an important concept for newcomers. The 4 center squares are important for control.

Keep in mind that only a horse can jump over cages. Remember that all pieces can move backward except for pawns.

The whole strategy of the game is to force the opponent's king to be trapped. It doesn't matter how you do it - you just need to do it once to win!

You cannot focus all your attention on the attack, or you can create a false sense of security and leave the opportunity for your opponent to use it. There are many ways to strengthen the defense - to place your pieces in active positions (bishops and rooks are especially good). Protect your half carefully and, above all, keep the pieces coordinated. The last thing you need is to lose your queen because you were unable to defend it or played hastily.

Bad lot opening usually leads to negative results. Work on moving your center to make way for the bishops and use your knights. Worry about the queen and rooks later. There is no one universal first move, although some are noteworthy over others. There are players who prefer defensive, passive positions, or aggressive, dynamic strategies. In the early stages, focus on defensive, passive play.

Analyze positions for tactics. Grandmasters usually benefit from tactics. Your goal is to outsmart your opponent and find ways to make the most of your pieces. Learn the basics of forks, pins, skewers, and other tactical concepts. The tactical coach function on is invaluable. Chess relies heavily on finding the same patterns in different positions. Using these ideas will greatly increase your strength.

How long will it take to study

To speed up your learning, try the following:

  1. Play chess for at least 1 hour daily.
  2. When you get more experience, connect tactical puzzles for 30 minutes, and 30 minutes of "live" chess a day.

The study itself will take about 1 month, if you pay attention to the game for 30-60 minutes daily. Further progress will not be long in coming, as the game will completely conquer you!

How to teach a child to play chess

In many ways, teaching children is an easier task than teaching adults. In the age of the accessible Internet, children can easily learn to play chess on their own. The tactics above are for players of all ages.

Video plot

Learning in sections

In various circles and sections they teach how to play chess "officially", that is, with an explanation of all chess terms and names of strategies. Provide and show all possible techniques and moves. Self-taught people tend to play intuitively, building their own logical chains. They are not strong in terms, but they play at a very high level.

Famous chess players of the world and Russia

  • The sisters Polgar, Judit and Susan are Hungarian masters. The youngest of the sisters, Judit (41 years old), at this moment, is the strongest chess player on the planet. Her advantage is that she participates and wins only in the men's championships. Judit received the title of male grandmaster at the age of 15, surpassing the achievements of many venerable champions. Her older sister Susan is currently developing chess in the United States, and she is also an international class master.
  • Antoaneta Stefanova is the Bulgarian world and European champion in chess and rapid chess for 38 years. In 2002 she became an international grandmaster.
  • Xie Jun is a Chinese chess player, honored trainer and world champion (47 years old). She became a champion at 10 years old, started playing at 6.
  • Alexandra Kosteniuk is the champion of Europe and Russia. Her motto is “Chess is great” and “Beauty and mind are inseparable”. Guided by this, she is promoting chess as a model and "ambassador of chess", trying to spark interest in this game around the world.
  • Anatoly Karpov (66) and Garry Kasparov (54) are the most famous grandmasters in Russia. At this time, they are actively involved in political activities. In the past - multiple champions of the world, Europe and Russia.
  • Khalifman Alexander (52 years old) is a three-time winner of the World Chess Olympiad. Now he trains the younger generation, is the author of books on chess strategy.
  • Magnus Carlsen (27 years old) is the reigning undisputed world champion from Norway, one of the youngest grandmasters on the planet.
  • Anand Viswanathan (47 years old) is the current Indian strongest world champion in rapid chess. Anand plays very quickly, spends minimal time thinking about moves, even competing with the strongest chess players in the world.

How to become a chess pro

Have you already learned all the rules of chess and are on your way to improving? Here's what to do next:

  • Learn algebraic notation. This system is used by chess players to record games or the position of pieces on the board in order to read and recreate any game later on.
  • Learn the value of shapes. Not all chess pieces are equally strong in a game. Learn to determine their value and significance in a particular party, then you will understand whether it is worth sacrificing it.
  • Watch and analyze the games of grandmasters, past and present. Watch the professional game between the masters.
  • Start by learning about ancient games from the 1600s to the early 1900s, they are easier to understand. Some examples of the masters of that era: Adolph Andersen, Paul Morphy, Wilhelm Steinitz, Johannes Zukerert, Emanuel Lasker, Jose Raul Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine.
  • Solve puzzles that will help you recognize and identify tactical opportunities and weaknesses.
  • Learn to use a chess engine and artificial intelligence for analysis. Computers are the most useful tool for players today. Arena is a popular GUI for Windows and Linux. With it, you can watch games in PGN format, which can be downloaded from various sites. Record your games for later analysis. Do the same while watching a live game, comprehend the positions yourself.
  • Follow the professional chess world. Know the current world champions and champions, venerable and young players. Follow world tournaments.

Video Tips

Join a local chess club. Playing with your opponent face to face and being part of the chess community is the way to become a pro. Fight opponents of your level and those who are stronger. Analyze each game, memorize key moves in winning and losing games.

And a few more tips:

  • Solve more chess puzzles.
  • Use horses effectively and often.
  • Read books on chess, biographies of famous masters.
  • Learn from losses.
  • Analyze moves.
  • Reflect on your opponent's play.

From now on, start playing: play and again, repeat again. Always challenge yourself. The training may take a couple of years, but the satisfaction you get will be worth the effort.

Never give up hope or fold if you lose! Failure is a stepping stone to success!

The dispute has not yet been resolved: is chess an art or a sport? It would seem that now computers solve complex mathematical problems and can easily become "chess players" of the highest category. However, human thought is limitless, and in chess it has found a rather suitable field of activity.

In chess, as in any game, there are accidents, and most often accurate calculation, intelligence, will win. This led to the fact that chess, having existed for 15 centuries, is still relevant today. The homeland of chess is the East. Among their ancestors are the Indian chaturanga and the Arab shatranj. Later, in the Middle Ages, chess spread to Europe, where skillful play was revered as one of the virtues of a true knight. Chess is a difficult but exciting game that promotes the development of endurance, ingenuity and thinking. At the same time, it is a very varied game. There is a legend according to which one wise man, having invented chess, asked as a reward for only one grain of wheat for the first square of the chessboard, for the second - two, for the third - four, and so on. The amount turned out to be incredibly large: 8 624 366 313 386 270 208 grains.

This huge number serves as a good proof of the limitless possibilities of chess. And yet, some of the situations that develop on the board can be repeated. And chess players study them, looking for the best moves that can lead to a win. These repeating fragments of games even have their own names.

For example, the "opening" (beginning) of four knights is so named because opponents from the very beginning bring all four knights into battle. Others are named after the chess players who used them, or after the countries and cities where they were developed. For example, the name "Caro - Kann Defense" contained the names of the German chess players G. Caro and M. Kann, and in memory of the Italian chess players of the 15th - 16th centuries one of the openings was named "The Italic game".

It is interesting that the word "gambit" (the beginning of a game in which one of the sides sacrifices a pawn or even pieces to acquire positional advantages) also came to us from the Italian language; to play a gambit means to "trip" the opponent.

So, many chess names - "Spanish", "Scottish" games and others - testify to the enormous popularity of chess throughout the world and to the fact that all peoples of the world have contributed to the development of chess.

2. Chess rules

2.1. Starting position

The game of chess consists in the fact that pieces move along 64 squares. First, you need to properly install the chessboard. The board is always positioned so that there is a black square to the left of the player.

This is how the armies face the battle. The strengths of white and black are equal. In the first rank there are pawns, in the second rank there are pieces protected by them. In the corners there are rooks, next to them are knights, next to the knights are bishops, and in the center are the king and queen. The white queen always stands on the white square, and the black one - on the black square.

Chess is usually played by two people. One leads an army of whites, the other leads an army of blacks. White starts the game, he makes the first move. You can move one piece or pawn in one move. Players take turns taking turns.

2.2. Moves

Now let's find out more about the pieces and their moves:

The most important figure. The game is lost if the king is dead. The goal of the game is to checkmate the enemy king, that is, to put him in a hopeless position. Mat - in Arabic "died". The king can move to any adjacent square (cell). It will take seven moves for the king to cross the chessboard if he moves in a straight line.

The second person in a chess country and a strong figure. The queen has a large selection of squares for a move; she can move vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. The queen is not limited to one square, in one move it can move across the entire board. However, it can be stopped at any passing square.

In terms of strength, it is second only to the queen. The rook moves in a straight line - forward and backward, left or right. The queen and rook are considered heavy pieces. The rest of the figures are light.

He walks only diagonally, forward and backward. Each side of the army has two bishops, one moves only along the white diagonals, the second along the black ones. And they can never collide.

This figure is special. All other pieces move only in a straight line, and the knight moves two squares (two squares) forward, one square to the side or two squares to the side, one forward. He does not walk, but rather jumps. There is even an expression - "knight's move". When walking, a knight changes the color of the field: from black it goes to white, and vice versa - from white it gallops to black.

A weak figure in the chess army. She only walks forward one step. There is no move back to the pawn. Only at the beginning of the game, at the request of the player, a pawn can make a double move. The pawn's way forward is very difficult. The opponent's pieces and pawns cross her path. But if she manages to reach the eighth rank, she will receive a high reward. Stepping on the last row, the pawn turns into a queen or any other piece of your choice: the pawn is not destined to become only a king. Only two kings can participate in the game.

Knowing how this or that piece makes moves correctly, one should remember: if an opponent's piece stands in the way, you can take it. This happens in one move: an alien piece is removed from the board, and a piece that beats is put in its place. However, it is not necessary to take it: chess is not checkers, there are different rules here. If the path is blocked by its own piece, it means that the path is closed, we must look for another move.

If you have to make a move, you need to consider all the options and, having decided to take the opponent's piece, do not accidentally expose your king to the blow. After all, the purpose of all pieces in a chess army is not only to attack, but also to defend the king.

The pawn strikes not in the way it moves: it walks forward straight, but it can strike to the right, left and obliquely, and also only in front of itself. The horse has an amazing ability to jump over both his own and other people's pieces. It is only necessary that there be a field free of its pieces, on which the knight is going to stand. The move is impossible if there is a piece. If you have an opponent's piece, you can take it.

2.3. Chess board. Game recording

A special language is used to record the movements of the pieces on the board during the game. chess pieces... This language is called notation. Knowing it is essential for reading any chess game. If we look at the chessboard, we will see that the Latin letters stand vertically on the side. There are eight of them - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. Along the horizontal line there are numerical designations - there are also eight of them - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The score is from the left corner field in the white camp. Each of the 64 fields of the chessboard has its own "name" and "surname" - denoted by a letter and a number. For example: a1, e2, d4, f5, h3. The pieces move from one field to another.

When writing moves, the full notation denotes the first square on which the piece was at the beginning of the move, and the square on which it ended up as a result of the move. It is more convenient to use a method called abbreviated notation in records. Its advantage is its brevity. There are designations for figures. They are either written in letters or depicted with special characters:

  • King - Cr
  • Queen - F
  • Rook - L
  • Elephant - C
  • Horse - K

Pawns are not indicated at all.

2.4. The rules of behavior for figures. Checkmate and stalemate

During the game, chess pieces move on the board, attack each other, and are removed from it. But there is a piece that cannot be removed from the board - the king. It cannot occupy a square attacked by an enemy piece. Attacking the king, they say “ check the king”Warning him - beware. But this is not done in tournaments. Only when recording a duel, an attack on the king - check - use a special sign "+".

If the king is attacked, you need to immediately secure him. There are three ways to defend against a check.

  1. Get away from danger (the king leaves the attacked field);
  2. Close from the blow (another piece covers the king);
  3. Remove the attacker (the king or other piece beats the offender).

If the king has nowhere to escape from the check, there is nothing to protect himself from the blow and there is no one to remove the offender, then this means that the king received mat... Checkmate is a check against which there is no defense. If checkmate is announced to the enemy king, the game is over. Any piece or pawn can checkmate, but the king will never checkmate. The king is only able to take the fields of his opponent, but he cannot stand next to him, since he himself will be the first to be attacked.

The king cannot attack the opponent's queen, since he attacks all the squares around him. The king can engage in hand-to-hand combat with other pieces.

it is cheaper than all the figures, it is weak. If a pawn manages to “eat” an enemy piece, this is usually a great success, even if the pawn itself dies. A pawn is capable of making a "fork" - simultaneously attacking two pieces. The fork is a dangerous pawn weapon. By moving the pawn forward one square and making a fork, one can attack both the king and the queen. Pawns can successfully press against enemy pieces by moving in a chain.

The bishop is worth about three pawns. The bishop is a ranged piece. The bishop can be at the other end of the field and not let the pawn forward. The number of fields that come under fire from an elephant varies depending on its location. If it is in the middle of the board, it fires 13 fields, and from the corners only seven. A valuable quality of the bishop is the ability to bind enemy pieces diagonally. The disadvantage of this piece is that half of the fields on the board are inaccessible to her.

Approximately equal in strength to an elephant, although it is endowed with completely different properties. The knight cannot hold a pawn from a long distance, for this it needs to be close to it. If you try to transfer the knight to any of the adjacent squares, it will be possible to do this in only three moves. The king will do this in one move. The horse is not very agile. If the knight is located in the center of the board, he has eight squares under his control, and if in the corner, then only two. It is more profitable to keep the knights in the center of the board. A beginner player should pay special attention to the knights. A pawn fork is dangerous, but immediately noticeable. The horse's fork is much more insidious, it is difficult to notice it.

The rook is a very strong fighting piece. She is stronger for both the knight and the bishop. Its cost is approximately five pawns. This combat unit is fast and long-range. The rook moves from one edge of the board to the other and is capable of striking from afar. Wherever the rook is on the board, it still fires at 14 squares. The rook connects the pawns and pieces vertically and horizontally.

The queen is stronger than all the pieces. The whole army of pawns is slightly equal to its value. The queen easily selects keys to any piece and can use its weakness: the queen connects the bishop along the vertical, and the rook - along the diagonal. More often than other pieces, the queen can deliver double strikes. The queen is especially "raging" when the opponent's forces are scattered across the board. The queen is the most matting piece. The enemy king should be especially wary of him. There are many examples of successful queen actions, but this is not necessary. Suffice it to say that the queen is a real attacking forward. He launches attacks, organizes them, and finishes them.

A chess game does not always end with the victory of one of the players. There are situations in which no matter how hard you try, you can't put a checkmate. The simplest example is that only kings are left on the playing field. Mata will not work. In this case, the game is considered to be drawn.

Amazing draw case - stalemate... Let's imagine this situation on the board. White has a huge material advantage. There is only one step left to checkmate. But this step did not have to be done. Black's move, but he has nothing to move and nowhere. It is impossible to put under the blow of the king, the knight is blocked by its own pawns. They, in turn, are blocked by white pawns. One pawn could move forward or even take the rook, but it is tied by White's bishop.

And in such a hopeless situation, because black has not a single possible move, the game is counted as a draw.

It seems that the difference between mate and stalemate is small. In both cases, the king has nowhere to go. But there is no checkmate without checkmate.

One should strive to give a checkmate, but one should beware of a stalemate. Checkmate is a victory, and stalemate is just a draw.

2.5. Complex rules

It is already possible to play the first game of chess, having familiarized yourself with the outlined rules. It remains to get acquainted with two more, more precisely, with exceptions to the rules.

It is known that only one piece can be moved in one move. However, once during the game, White and Black are allowed to make a double move. - castling - simultaneous rearrangement of the king and rook. Castling is nothing more than the evacuation of the king to the rear. Castles are done like this: the rook moves close to the king, and the king jumps over it and stands on the other side.

It is forbidden to castle in the following cases:

  1. The king or rook - the castling participants - have moved at least once. Castling is possible if the pieces - the king and the rook - have remained in their places from the beginning of the game;
  2. The king is in check. It is impossible to escape from the check by castling;
  3. After castling, neither the rook nor the king should be attacked.

The last rule is taking on the aisle. On the pass, only a pawn is beaten by a pawn and, moreover, immediately. A double pawn move is made - you have the right to take. If they did not use the right, they lost it.

2.6. Outcome of the game

The game ends with a win of one of the players or a draw.

Winnings happens in the following cases:

  • the opponent's king is checkmated;
  • the enemy surrendered, that is, he announced aloud “I surrender”;
  • one of the players is overdue;
  • technical victory.

Draw declared if:

  • stalemate was put;
  • both players do not have enough pieces to checkmate;
  • both players agree to a draw;
  • one of the players has run out of time, but his opponent does not have enough pieces to checkmate.

In chess tournaments, there are still other situations in which a draw is declared.

2.7. Points scoring

For a win, 1 point is awarded.

Draw - 0.5 points.

Losing - 0 points.

There is also a "football" scoring system. For a win, 3 points are awarded, a draw - 1 point, and for a loss - 0 points.

The basics of the chess game. Part 1 - Opening Basics

The basics of the chess game. Part 2 - Middlegame Basics

The basics of the chess game. Part 3 - Endgame Basics

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