Riddles on the topic of space middle group. Synopsis of the didactic game Riddles about Space. Riddles about a man in space

The riddle about the constellation Ursa Major
What bucket
Don't drink, don't eat
Do they just look at him?
(Big Dipper)

Bear on a block of ice
Girlfriend in the sky above the wave.
She is a constellation, he is alive
In a shiny fur coat.
He is friends with wind and water,
About Us Pole star.
Can't meet in any way
Bear with Big….

Riddles about stars
White flowers bloom in the evening and wither in the morning.

Silver grains are scattered on the blue ice.

The riddle about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin
The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our cosmonaut….

Riddles about space
The ocean is bottomless
The ocean is endless
Airless, dark
And extraordinary
Universes live in it,
Stars and comets
There are also inhabited,
Maybe planets.

Satellite riddle
There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone,
And like a lonely traveler
Flies in orbit….

Riddles about the milky way
Milky galaxy
In which we live
Crumbled into space
In the sparkling rain.
We will be able to fly
Her someday,
We call our galaxy
We just….
(Milky Way)

Riddles about the meteorite
Almost at the speed of light
A shard flies from the planet
Heading to Earth, flies and flies
Heavenly space….

Riddle about the planet Earth
The planet is blue
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine
And it is called….

Riddle about a comet
Flashing a huge tail in the dark
Rides among the bright stars in the void
She is not a star, not a planet
Mystery of the Universe -….

Riddles about the moon, month
Illuminates the path at night
Doesn't let the stars fall asleep
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep
He will not fall asleep in the sky….

Behind the house by the path
Half a cake hangs.

Riddles about a rocket, spaceship
On an air ship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We rush to….

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.

Floats in the open
But not at sea.
The ship is called
And winds near the stars.

Telescope riddle
There is a special pipe
The universe is visible in it,
See the stars as a kaleidoscope
Astronomers in….

Black hole riddle
The object is in the universe
Insidious, not simple,
He devours the stars
Like a caviar sandwich.
Dangerously inconspicuous
And it is not visible to the eye,
So dark and dark….
(black hole)

Riddle poems "In space"
author Olesya Emelyanova

Chain of riddles for children (preschool and school age)

To arm the eye
And be friends with the stars
See the milky way
We need a powerful ...

Telescope hundreds of years
They study the life of the planets.
He will tell us about everything
Clever uncle ...

Astronomer- he is a stargazer,
Knows everything!
Only better than stars visible
The sky is full ...

Before Moon bird can't
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Make it fast ...

Have rockets there is a driver
Weightlessness lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian …

Astronaut sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared ...

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf from boredom
Evil green ...

Humanoid off course
Lost in three planets
If there is no star card,
Speed ​​won't help ...

Light flies the fastest,
Kilometers are not counted.
The sun gives life to the planets,
Warmth for us, tails - ...

Everything comet flew around
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
It's black ...

In black holes darkness
Busy with something black.
I finished my flight there
Interplanetary ...

Starship- steel bird,
He faster than light rushes.
Learns in practice
Star ...

A galaxies fly
In the loose as they want.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

Space is always interesting to everyone. It doesn't matter if you are an adult or a child. We look at the starry sky with curiosity, listen to exciting stories or movies with a twisted plot about UFOs, flying saucers.

This page contains poems about space, galaxies, stars, comets, which can be made to children of school and preschool age... After each riddle, an answer is given.

The long tail burns in the dark
Bright constellations fly by in space,
This is not an asterisk, not an empty planet,
Part of space ... (Comet).

Debris from an extinct star
Flies by quickly among space objects.
Many years fly by
Intergalactic ... (Meteorite).

Shines brighter than all the constellations.

On a dark night, she illuminates the path.
Cold ... (Moon).

Blue and green planet
A warm, beloved ball.
We live on it!
And they call it ... (Earth).

All space is endless
Darkened and unique
Bright stars and meteorites live here
Guessed it ... (Space).

In the darkened sky, we saw a light yellow ball.
Planets float around him
They call it a hot ball.
You can't touch him.
There is no life on it and heat.
And they call him ... (Sun).

During the day, I exchange with the moon.
I warm up the earth in the morning.
I spread long beams
Like golden threads.
Sometimes it looks like a sickle
And I am around.
What do they call me?
This is ... (Moon).

Beads are spread across the gray sky.
When the morning hours are approaching
The whole picture disappears.
Guess the kids?
They are bright ... (Stars).

Scattered grains at night,
And in the morning they were pecked.
What are the bright grains?
These are glowing balls ... (Stars).

Corn is scattered on a blue blanket
That we can't clean up.
What is the name of?
It's starry ... (Sky).

Millet was scattered on a cornflower-blue shawl.
We won't be able to clean it up from him.
What is it called?
It's night ... (Sky).

Look carefully through the telescope!
It runs along an orbital line.
Here he is an important leader,
It is larger than all the planets.
Moves in a great orbit around the sun.
Its size comes first.
Have you guessed? This is ... (Jupiter).

Brick colored planet.
Cape is her neighbors.
He is in the summer and spring months
freezes in ice.
Surprisingly, however,
The ice is not at the top, but hidden inside.
We call it ... (Mars).

It flew like a bird.
Without touching the stars.
She has an orange long tail.
And they call it ... (Rocket).

He put on his spacesuit and got out of the rocket.
The inside of the garment is served
Warm air.
And it's called ... (Spacesuit).

To see the eye better
And see the constellations!
And also consider the surface of the moon.
Magnifying ... (Telescope) required.

All the planets revolve around it.
What is this ball called?
It's warm ... (Sun).

Flies quickly around the planets.
Pretty fast ... (Rocket).

This circle appears at night.
It changes periodically with the sun.
What is it called?
Who will guess?
It's cold ... (Moon).

Other riddles:

Image Space

Several interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles about Panda for children with answers

    This bear on the planet is known to everyone: adults, children. He is respected in China And protected by law. Do not offend him, Just treat him to bamboo. (Panda)

Marina V. Shahnazaryan
Abstract didactic game"Riddles about space"

BDOU MO Dinskoy district "Kindergarten number 29"



« Riddles about space»

Made up


Marina Shakhnazaryan

Target: improve coherent speech.



Encourage the expression of initiative and curiosity in order to consolidate the knowledge gained;

To form the ability to answer with a complete answer to the question posed;


To form the ability to adequately assess the work of a friend;

Improve the ability to listen to a friend's answer and not interrupt.


Expand the horizons of children on the topic « Space» ;

Anchor active dictionary on this topic;

Improve the skills of ordinal counting within 10;

Develop attention, logical thinking.

Speech material: space, astronaut, stars, sun, solar system, Earth, planet, rocket, moon, etc.

Equipment: a table with numbered cells for pictures, subject pictures, videos (re-orientation « Riddles about Space» , notebook.

Preliminary work:

Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic « Space» .

Examining albums, illustrations and photographs, a globe by topic « Space» .

Reading books and encyclopedias for preschoolers, learning poems and riddles on the topic.

Game progress

The teacher distributes handouts for conducting games... Prepares a presentation on a laptop.

Educator: Dear guys, we already know a lot about outer space... And today I want to test your knowledge. And for this we will guess riddles... Do you agree? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, you have folders on your tables for everyone, and in them everything that is necessary for our games... Get out a large table with numbers. This is the field for your answers. And the envelope contains pictures on the topic « Space» ... Spread them out in front of you so that you can see them all.

While the children are getting ready, turn on the presentation.

Educator: I will read to you riddle, and you need to find the answer to it among the pictures that lie in front of you and put on the playing field according to the number riddles... For example, the answer to the first the astronaut will have a riddle, so you need to find such a picture and put it on the number 1 on the large field with numbers. After you complete the task, we will find out the correct answer. A picture with the correct answer will appear on the monitor. Is everything clear to everyone? Then let's get started.

One by one riddles are made, and the children put their answers using pictures on the field with numbers.

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task. Guys, you liked new game? (children's answers) And what did you like about it? Please answer with a complete answer. For example: "I liked this game because ..." (children's answers)... And what did we repeat with you? Well done! Thanks for playing!

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Good day, dear friends! Cosmonautics Day is just around the corner! We invite you on a journey to conquer outer space!

We started by reading my mother's fairy tale "". We got acquainted with many cosmic concepts thanks to. And today we are waiting for space riddles! Join us. Solve the riddles yourself and invite the kids. Space puzzles for kids are a great test tool in space contests!

Two are standing, two are walking, two are guarding the clock between them.

(Heaven and earth, sun and month, day and night)

If the night is clear, the air is transparent,
Then we see the sky ... ( in the stars)

Blue ceilings
nailed down with gold nails.

(Sky and stars)

The blue hat is all in patches.

(Sky and stars)

What bucket do they not drink from, do not eat,
but only look at him?

(Big Dipper)

The track is not running
sprinkled with peas.

(Milky Way)

If you go out on a clear night,
Above you you will see.
That road. During the day she -
Not visible.

(Milky Way)

Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes
All that caramel will suddenly melt.


The grain was scattered at night,
And in the morning there is nothing.


The carpet was spread, peas were scattered.
You can't pick up a carpet or pick up peas.

(Starry sky)

Children's riddles about comets and meteorites

Oh, what does not inhabit our Universe !? And besides planets, stars and satellites, there are other cosmic bodies and objects. Read children's riddles about comets and meteorites, and kids will learn even more about space.

The firebird is flying, proud of its tail.


Here comes a star
and a long tail at the same time.
We speak boldly then
what we see in the sky ... ( comet).

In space through the thickness of the years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object ... ( comet).

This interstellar eternal wanderer
In the night sky, just to introduce itself
And flies away for a long time,
Flickering our tail goodbye. ( Comet)

Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.


What kind of rain won't soak your head?


Here is a stone flying to us from the sky.
What is his name? ..


I fly in space with a tail
I sweep the dust of the universe.
Like a broom, my long tail
Will clean up the stars.


These stars are like sparks
Fall and go out quickly.
They light up in the middle of the night
Starry rain in the sky
Like these lights
The artist painted.


In space through the thickness of the years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object ...


This interstellar
Eternal wanderer
In the night sky
Just - just introduce myself
And flies away
For a long time later,
Goodbye to us
Flickering tail.


Riddles about a man in space

The cosmos has always attracted human eyes. And ... Man has conquered space! And although the Universe is still a mystery, humanity is already there))) Even riddles about a person and his actions in space have already been composed:

Astronauts, are they firmly seated?
Coming into space soon!
Around the Earth on a carousel
I will spin in orbit.

(Rocket, spaceship)

He's in a spacesuit, with insurance
He went into orbit.
He straightened the ship deftly
The cable is broken.

(Cosmonaut, astronaut)

There is no frying pan in space
And there is no pot either.
There is both porridge and herring,
And borscht and vinaigrette -
Pre-packaged like cream!
I will be an astronaut.
From something I sing,
No dishes at all.

(From tubes)

It's always cold in space
There is no summer.
The astronaut, having checked the cable,
Wears something.
That clothes will store
Both heat and oxygen.


There is a window in the ship -
"Challenger", "World".
But not that on Earth -
In the house and in the apartment.
In the shape of a circle, that window
It is very durable.


Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
Flies in the sky, overtakes aircraft.


Overtaking night and day, a deer runs around the earth.
Hitting the stars with his horn, he chose the road in the sky.
The thumping of his hooves is heard, he is a tracker of the universe.


Above all people in the world.
He flies on a rocket.
And looks at the globe,
Monitors the devices.


To fly around the world
It is important that there was ... (rocket) .

We are to a mysterious planet
We will rush to ... (to the rocket).

These are the riddles about space gathered at our guests and told adults and children about space))) I hope you were pleased, as my physics teacher said, to move the gray matter.

And now I propose to watch the cartoon "Planets" from the "Why Much" series about space flight. And watch other fantastic cartoons and films.

Thank you for being around! And let all the riddles be fascinating and be sure to be solved!

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

The theme of space has always attracted children. They enjoy playing space games, drawing alien guests and constructing spaceships... In April, you can plan various space travel and entertainment, physical minutes, etc. Poems and riddles about space for preschoolers can be included in educational and play activities, used when organizing festive events in kindergarten.

Along with this, you can acquaint preschoolers with, view and plan, aimed at forming ideas about space.

Physical minutes, finger games, poems and riddles about space for preschoolers

Space travel to Mars

We go to the cosmodrome (children go in a circle)
Together we go in step.
We walk on our toes (walk on our toes)
We walk on our heels. (walking on heels)
Here they checked their posture (they stop with their faces in a circle, hands on the belt)
And they brought the shoulder blades together. (shoulders turned, shoulder blades brought together)
Don't yawn around (head turns left, right)
You are an astronaut today!

We start training
To become strong and dexterous. (arms bend at the elbow, show "muscles")
A fast rocket awaits us
To fly to the planet.
Let's go to Mars, (get on your toes, hands up)
Stars, wait for us to visit.
Climbed the stairs, (walking in place)
They joined hands together. (imitation of climbing stairs into a rocket)
Gently need to sit down, (children sit in a rocket)
So as not to hurt the devices.
Take the chair, (the teacher gives commands)
Fasten belts - (simulate fastening belts)
One, two, three ... let's fly! (running, arms to the sides)

We swim in weightlessness (children slowly raise their arms up, with the extension of a straight leg in different directions)
We are under the very ceiling. (imitating body movements in a weightless state)
The path to Mars was very long,
Stop! We leave the cockpit.
The path is uneven - ditches, ditches. (children jump over imaginary ditches and ditches in an arbitrary way)
You need to overcome them.
It's time for us to return, (slow running in a circle, arms to the sides)
Come on, kids!
Returned from flight (walking)
And they sank to Earth.

Charging for astronauts

We will try very hard
Play sports together: (children make jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)
Run fast like the wind (run on tiptoes)
Swim is the best in the world. (do hand strokes)
Squat and get up again (squat)
And lift dumbbells. (straighten bent arms up)
Let's get strong and tomorrow
Everyone will take us as astronauts! (hands on the belt)

Finger games on the theme "Space"


Do you want to become an astronaut?
To be strong and dexterous?
I need to pick up a couple
And stand facing each other.
If clean palms -
So you can start. (perform movements on the text)
One, two, three, four, five (one by one, bend fingers on both hands)
A squadron flew into space. (put their palms together, raise their hands up)
The commander looks through binoculars (the fingers of both hands are connected to the large ones, forming binoculars)
What does he see ahead?
Sun, planets, satellites, comets, (bend the fingers of both hands)
The big yellow moon.


All planets in order
Any of us will call:
One is Mercury,
Two is Venus
Three is the Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five is Jupiter
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto. (Arkady Hayt)


In space through the thickness of the years (clenching and unclenching fingers)
Icy flying object. (raise a clenched fist, tilt right and left)
His tail is a strip of light, (the open fingers of the second hand are attached to the fist - "tail")
And the name of the object is a comet. (clench and unclench fingers)

Poems on the topic "Space"

It's so cool in space!

It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Sailing slowly!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp rockets
At great speed
They rush here and there!
So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope! (Oksana Akhmetova)


- Everything, - I said firmly at home, -
I will only be an astronomer!
The Universe is around the Earth! (Rimma Aldonina)


Here is the Big Dipper
The stellar porridge interferes
Big bucket
In a large cauldron.
And next to it glows dimly
Ursa Minor.
Small ladle
Collects crumbs. (G. Sapgir)

Riddles on the topic "Space"

To arm the eye
And be friends with the stars
See the milky way
We need a powerful ... (Telescope)

A telescope for hundreds of years
They study the life of the planets.
He will tell us about everything
Clever uncle ... (Astronomer)

Astronomer - he is an astrologer
Knows everything!
Only the stars are seen better
The sky is full ... (Moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Do it fast ... (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian ... (Cosmonaut)

An astronaut is sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
There was ... (UFO)

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil Green ... (Humanoid)

Other verses and riddles about space for preschoolers, as well as finger games and physical minutes, you can find in the card index "Poems and riddles on the topic" Space "for older preschoolers."

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