What was 200 thousand years ago. Dividing the history of the Earth on the era and periods. Dark centuries of mankind

An interesting service appeared in the global network (dinosaurpictures.org), which allows you to see how our planet did it look like 100, 200, ... 600 million years ago. Listing events occurring in the history of our planet is shown below.

. On earth, there are practically no places that do not have human activity.

20 million years ago
Neugenic period. Mammals and birds begin to resemble modern views. The first hominids appeared in Africa.

35 million years ago
The middle tier of Pleistocene in the era of the cheruthetic period. In the course of evolution of small and simple mammals, more complex and varied species have appeared. Primates, cetaceans and other groups of living organisms are developing. The land cools, the destruction of deciduous species of trees is obtained. The first types of herbaceous plants evolve.

50 million years ago
The beginning of the tertiary period. After the asteroid destroyed dinosaurs, surviving birds, mammals and reptiles, evolving, occupy the liberated niches. From terrestrial mammals, a group of cetacean ancestors, which begins to master the expanses of the oceans are bothering.

65 million years ago
Late chalk. Mass disappearance of dinosaurs, sea and flying reptiles, as well as many marine invertebrates and other species. Scientists adhere to the opinions that the cause of extinction was the fall in the asteroid in the region of this Peninsula Yucatan (Mexico).

90 million years ago
Cretaceous period. Triceratops and Pakhiceophalosaurians continue to raise triceratops and pakhicoofalosaurs. The first types of mammals, birds and insects continue to evolve.

105 million years ago
Cretaceous period. Triceratops and Pakhiceofalosauria and Pakhiceofalosauria are enveloped on Earth. The first types of mammals, birds and insects appear.

120 million years ago
Early chalk. On Earth, heat and humid, the ice polar caps are absent. Reptiles dominate the world, the first small mammals lead a semi-width lifestyle. Flower plants evolve and apply throughout the land.

150 million years ago
The end of the Jurassic period. The first lizards appeared, they evolve primitive placental mammals. Dinosaurs dominate all land. The world ocean inhabited marine reptiles. Pterosaurs become dominant vertebral in the air.

170 million years ago
Jurassic period. Dinosaurs flourish. The first mammals and birds evolve. Ocean's life is distinguished by a variety. The climate on the planet is very warm and wet.

200 million years ago
Late Triassic. As a result of mass extinction, 76% of all types of living organisms disappear. The number of populations of surviving species is also very reduced. Types of fish, crocodiles, primitive mammals, as well as Pterosaurov suffered to a lesser extent. The first real dinosaurs appear.

220 million years ago
Middle Triassic. The land is restored after the Perm-Triassic extinction. Small dinosaurs begin to appear. Together with the first flying invertebrates, therapisids and arconsaws appear.

240 million years ago
Early Triassic. Because of the death of a large number of types of terrestrial plants, there is a low oxygen content in the planet's atmosphere. Many types of corals disappeared, there will be many million years before the surface of the earth will begin to raise coral reefs. Small the ancestors of dinosaurs, birds and mammals survive.

260 million years ago
Late Perm. The most massive extinction in the history of the planet. About 90% of all types of living organisms disappears from the face of the Earth. The disappearance of the majority of plant species leads to the hungry death of a large number of types of herbivore reptiles, and then predatory. Insects are deprived of habitats.

280 million years ago
Perm period. Sushi arrays merge together and form Superkontinet Pangé. Climatic conditions worsen: polar caps and deserts begin to grow. The area suitable for growing plants is sharply reduced. Despite this, the four-legged reptiles and amphibians are diverged. Oceans are abundant various species Fish and invertebrates.

300 million years ago
Late carbon. The plants have a developed root system, which allows them to successfully set out the hard-to-reach land plots. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe land occupied by vegetation increases. The oxygen content in the planet's atmosphere also increases. Life begins to actively develop under the canopy of ancient vegetation. Evolving the first reptiles. There are many diverse giant insects.

340 million years ago
Carbon (coal period). On Earth there is a massive extinction of marine organisms. Plants appear a more perfect root system, which allows you to more successfully seize new land plots. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere of the planet increases. The first reptiles evolve.

370 million years ago
Late Devon. As the plants develop, life on land becomes more complicated. A large number of insect species appears. Fish appears strong fins, which ultimately develop in limbs. The first vertebrates crawl into land. Oceans are replete with corals, various types of fish, including sharks, as well as marine scorpions and charts. The first signs of mass extinction of marine living organisms begin to appear.

400 million years ago
Devonian. Plant life on land is complicated, accelerating the evolution of terrestrial animal organisms. Insects are diverged. The species diversity of the world's ocean increases.

430 million years ago
Silico. Mass extinction erases from the face of the planet half of the species diversity of marine invertebrates. The first plants begin to master the land and settling the coastal strip. The plants begin to develop a conductive system that accelerates the transport of water and nutrients to the tissues. Marine life becomes more diverse and numerous. Some organisms leave reefs and justified on land.

450 million years ago
Late Ordor. The sea is replete with life, coral reefs appear. Algae are still the only multicellular plants. Sophisticated life on land is missing. The first vertebrates appear, including condimensional fish. The first harbingers of the mass extinction of the sea fauna appear.

Our planet is more than 4.5 billion years. At the time of origin, she looked completely different. What was in antiquity in the territory modern RussiaAnd how she changed over the years - in the book "The ancient monsters of Russia."

3000 million years ago

In the first millions of years of his life, the land was a hell. The acid rains were constantly walked here, hundreds of volcanoes were eructed. There was much more asteroids. Infinite meteorids rains form a planet - crashed and became part of it. Some meteorites achieved the size of modern cities.

One day, the Earth collided with another planet, one part of which joined us, and the second flew into orbit and turned into a modern moon over the years.

Illustration of a book

3 billion years ago, a day lasted only 5 hours, and a year was 1500 days. Once at 50 o'clock there was a lunar eclipse, and once in 100 - sunny. It probably looked very beautiful, just to admire natural phenomena then there was no one.

The question of how old is human family: seven thousand, two hundred thousand, two million or a billion are still open. There are several versions. Consider the main of them.

Young "Homo Sapiens" (200-340 thousand years)

If we talk about the form of homo sapiens, that is, "man is intelligent", it is relatively young. Official science gives him about 200 thousand years. Such a conclusion was made on the basis of the study of mitrochondrial DNA and famous skulls from Ethiopia. The latter were found in 1997 during the excavations near the Ethiopian village of Herdo. These were the remains of a man and a child whose age consisted at least 160 thousand years. To date, these are the most ancient representatives of the representatives of a person reasonable. Scientists have dubbed their homo sapiens idaltu or the "oldest reasonable man."

At about the same time, it may be a little earlier (200 thousand years ago), all there in Africa lived the great-grandfather of all modern people - "Mitrochondrial EVA". Her mitochondria (a set of genes, transmitting only on the female line), has every now living person. However, this does not mean that she was the first woman on earth. Just during the evolution, it was most lucky to her descendants. By the way, "Adam", the Y-chromosome of which today has every man - relatively younger "Eva". It seems that he lived about 140 thousand years ago.

However, all these data are inaccurate and uneasy. Science is based only on what has, and more ancient representatives of Homo Sapiens find, until it was possible. But the age of Adam was recently subjected to revision, which can add 140 thousand years to the age of mankind. A recent study of the genes of one African American albert Perry and 11 more inhabitants of the village in Cameroon showed the presence of more "ancient" y-chromosome, which, once handed over to its descendants, who lived about 340 thousand years ago.

"Homo" - 2.5 million years

"Reasonable man" is a kind of young, but the genus "Homo", from which he comes, much older. Not to mention their predecessors - Australopithekch, who were the first to get on both legs and began to use the fire. But if the latners had yet too many common features with monkeys, then the most ancient representatives of the genus "Homo" - Homo Habilis (Skillful) have already been like people.

His representative, or rather his skull, was found in 1960 in the Gorge Olduyuy in Tanzania along with the bones of the saber-toothed tiger. Perhaps he fell victim to predator. Then they already found that the remains belonged to a teenager who lived about 2.5 million years ago. His brain was more massive than typical Australopites, the pelvis allowed to move quietly on two legs, and the legs themselves could only come true.

Subsequently, the sensational find was supplemented at an equally sensational discovery - Homo Habilis himself made the tools of labor and hunting, carefully selecting materials for them, leaving them for long distances from the parking lots. It was possible to find out, due to the fact that all his weapons were from quartz, which was not near the place of residence of the first person. It was Homo Habilis that created the first - the Olduva archaeological culture with which the era of the Paleolithic or the Stone Age begins.

Scientific Creationism (from 7500 years ago)

As you know, the theory of evolution is not considered completely proven. Its main competitor also remains creationism, according to which both all living on Earth and the world as a whole were created by the highest mind, the Creator or God. There is also scientific creationism, followers of which indicate scientific confirmation of what is stated in the Book of Genesis. They reject the long chain of evolution, claiming that there were no transitional links, all living shapes on Earth were created completed. And they lived for a long time together: people, dinosaurs, mammals. Up to the flood, traces of which, according to them, we meet today are a large canyon in America, dinosaur bones and other fossils.

The creationists have no consensus on the age of mankind and the world, although they all in this matter are focused on the first three chapters of the first book of being. The so-called "browsecred creature" understands them literally, insisting that the whole world was created by God for 6 days, about 7,500 years ago. The followers of "elder-earth creatureism" believe that the activity of God to be measured by human standards. Under one "day" of creation can be implied at all a day millions and even billions of years. Thus, the real age of the Earth and humanity in particular is practically impossible to determine. Signally speaking, this is a period of 4.6 billion years old (when, according to the scientific version, the planet Earth originated) to 7500 years ago.

Moscow, 7 Jun - RIA Novosti. Paleontologists discovered the oldest people of modern people in Morocco, Homo Sapiens, whose age has at least 300 thousand years and says that people appeared much earlier than it was considered to be said in the article published in the Nature magazine.

"These ancient hominids, especially one of the women, if we put them in modern clothes, combing and release in the crowd of modern people, absolutely not allocated on their background. They would look completely normal in the eyes of the townsdays, and they would only get out of the crowd with an unusually elongated Skull and "County" body, noticeable for professional anthropologists, "says Jean-Jacques Hublin (Jean-Jacques Hublin) from the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany).

Dark century mankind

Until recently, anthropologists and paleontologists believed that a modern man, Homo Sapiens, arose in East Africa about 200 thousand years ago, after a few hundred thousand years after the separation of the ancestors of Neanderthals and Cryanonians. The first people, as shown by excavations, penetrated the Middle East about 70 thousand years ago, and in Europe - about 45 thousand years ago.

Scientists: Neanderthals crossed people already 100 thousand years agoScientists have discovered in the oldest samples of Neanderthal DNA with the Altai's intestacles of the human genome, who tell us that the first people have entered Asia already 100 thousand years ago, long before the migration of Cryanonians to Europe.

On the other hand, finds recent years And genetic studies suggest that people could leave Africa much earlier, at least 130 thousand years ago, and in contact with Neanderthals for a long time. Moreover, the role of the ancestor of mankind today also claims South AfricaIn the caves of which scientists recently found the Croinean tools of labor age 150 thousand years old and the remains of Homo Naledi, potential ancestors of a man who lived in the cave of the Tald about 330 thousand years ago.

Ublin and his colleagues say that in fact, neither the one nor another region can claim the role of "Pranodina" of mankind, relying on the finds that they performed in the town of Jebel Iud in the north-west Morocco.

The first excavations, as TBLNN tells, began here in the 1960s, when local miners who developed Pyrite's deposits, accidentally ran into the reservoir of sedimentary rocks, in which they found the skull and other remains of people, the stone tools of labor relating to the middle Paleolithic, and many Bones of Gazelle, Antelope GNU and other animals.

The first people penetrated China 80 thousand years ago, found out scientistsModern people appeared on the territory of modern China, 80 thousand years ago, which indicates a much earlier outcome of Homo Sapiens from Africa than previously thought.

The skulls and bones of people found in this mine were very similar to the remains of modern Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal, because of what the main geologist of the mines and scientists from the University of Rabat, who he handed over this remains did not give them special attention. They counted that these Kromanonians or Neanderthal were buried in the soil recently enough, about 40 thousand years ago, in the era of the colonization of the Earth the first tribes of people.

As Ublin says, his team began to spend excavations in Jebel Iud in 2004, trying to find new remains of people, classify them and calculate their age. In total, scientists managed to find 22 fragments of human skulls and bones belonging to five different individuals - one man, two children and two women.

Paleontological Panafricanism

The shape of the bones and especially the skull, as the scientist remembers, immediately pointed out that they deal with the ancient Homo Sapiens, and not the Neanderthals or the alleged general ancestors of the person and the first "Aborigines of Europe". Residents of Jebel Iud as a whole resembled modern people, except that they have a more dense physique, slightly elongated skull and less developed brain.

This discovery made paleontologists to apply for help to physicists who helped them to accurately measure the dates of the burial of skulls and bones in the shares of uranium isotopes and other heavy elements contained inside the labor instruments burned in the foci of residents of Jebel Iud.

When Ublin and his colleagues saw these dates, they realized that in fact they deal with potentially the oldest remains of modern people on Earth - their age exceeded 300 thousand years, which is 100 thousand years old more than the age of the oldest remains of people from Ethiopia.

This discovery, as the paleontologist notes, completely turns our ideas about the evolution of mankind. Turns out that modern people spread and existed in three different ends of Africa already 300 thousand years ago. This, accordingly, suggests that the kind of Homo Sapiens arose much earlier than previously thought - at least a few tens of thousands of years to 300 thousand years and no earlier than 650 thousand years ago, when the ancestors of Neanderthal and People were divided.

Scientists found the remains of the oldest representative of the genus Homo in EthiopiaFlora and Fauna in Lady Gerara survived the drought period of about 2.8 million years ago, but it is still very early to say that climate change has led to the emergence of Homo, explains Key Reed from the University of Arizona in Tucson. She notes that this requires a more extensive set of fossils of early Hominin.

"People often do not understand that there are two perfectly of different questions - The origin of our species, Homo Sapiens, and the appearance of modern people, absolutely similar to us. Our discovery concerns only the first question, and we just talk about the fact that people began to spread in Africa earlier than 300 thousand years ago. It is possible that some "cradle of mankind" existed, but we still have no hints at where it can be - in the south, in the east, and maybe in the north of Africa, "the scientist explained in conversation with RIA" News ".

According to Ublin, the problem can actually be even broader - it is possible that the metaphorical "Gardens of Eden," where the first people appeared, did not exist, and that modern people are a product of the "joint" evolution of several populations of representatives of the genus Homo. They could contact each other and live in different parts of Africa, periodically falling into isolation due to the formation and disappearance of the desert.

"We assume that early people existed in all regions of Africa and gradually evolved towards the growth and complications of their brain, periodically exchanging genes during periods of a favorable climate. And therefore we believe, and in the past I adhered to the opposite opinion that some single" The gardens of Eden "did not exist. If they were, then they should call all Africa as a whole," concludes Ublin.

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