Exercise to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis. Exercises are most effective for improving blood circulation in the small pelvis. Exercises for the small pelvis with varicose veins

We were helped by:

Evgeniya Tishchenko
Gynecologist, osteopath, general director of the Quality of Life clinic for restorative medicine; c. m. n.

Anna Vladimirova
Founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of Wellness Practices

“These exercises are quite intense and effective, so they have contraindications,” warns our expert Evgenia Tishchenko. Firstly, if you are suddenly diagnosed with neoplasms (for example, cysts or fibroids), then you need to do all this only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision. “Secondly, for jiran shi breathing to be correct, there must be good posture - in particular, a relaxed chest,” the gynecologist continues. Then the effect will be maximum.

1. "Butterfly"

The name is probably familiar to you from yoga, but the execution is different.


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees and spread them as far as you are comfortable - without excessive tension.
  • Divide this distance - from the top point to the maximum dilution - into 15 approximately equal segments.
  • Start spreading your legs. One conventional division - a pause - and so all 15. Your task is to bring attention to the area during the pauses. hip joints and groin and focus on relaxing them.
  • So, segment by segment, move to the maximum extension of the knees. When you reach the finish line, do the same in the opposite direction.
  • Sooner or later, a slight tremor will begin to be felt in the knees - this is a good signal! He says that you find the usual clamps - and get rid of them. Immerse yourself in this tremor, cultivate it.
  • Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, stretch your legs after each set and let yourself rest.

2. Natural breathing jiran shi

This exercise is from the arsenal of female Taoist practices. It is mastered in two stages.


  • Lie on your back on the floor: put something weighty, but not very heavy (for example, a book) on your stomach below the navel. And inhale, as if inhaling exactly under the load.
  • Your task is to gently expand your belly by lifting the book. Note that the diaphragm remains relaxed. You do not push the air inward, but breathe in smoothly, against the background of total relaxation.
  • Now sit down (on a chair or in Turkish) and repeat the success in an upright position. Place your palm below your navel and inhale gently underneath, expanding your belly.
  • With regular exercise, the process also involves the lower back and perineum: the entire pelvic area smoothly expands on inhalation, and deflates on exhalation like a balloon. Breathe like this for three minutes.

3. Squat at the door

This movement is designed to tighten the intimate muscles and increase their blood supply.
  • Stand in the doorway with your hands on the jamb. Sink into a deep squat, keeping your lower back rounded.
  • Now rise up, keeping the perineum, lower back, and abdomen relaxed. Yes, this is not an easy task! And at first it will be very uncomfortable.
  • Hold on to the door frame with your hands, pull yourself up, look for which muscles to use for lifting, express your bewilderment verbally - just rise, keeping the three indicated areas relaxed.
  • Over time, in the process, a pleasant sensation should appear in the perineal area - and this will indicate that the exercise is starting to work out. Do 10 squats, rest and repeat the set.

Erectile dysfunction begins to worry more and more men, even at a relatively young age. Among the main reasons - stagnation of blood, which prevents the emergence of a full erection. The way out of the situation is feasible physical activity. If you regularly do simple exercises to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis for men, you can achieve good results.

Possible reasons for the violation

The presupposed prerequisites for the occurrence of the problem are conventionally divided into psychological and physiological. In the first case, erection problems can arise due to constant stress, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, and internal discomfort in a man. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the reasons, and the situation will change for the better.

In the second case, improper functioning of the body leads to erectile dysfunction - poor nutrition, overeating and excess weight, physical inactivity, lack of vitamins, poor ecology, sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, blood flow to the pelvic organs is disrupted, which leads to a violation of potency.

Types of therapeutic training

You need to train both the external muscles - to pump up the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and the internal ones located directly in the small pelvis. Each workout should include exercises that target all muscle groups.

Gymnastics for the external muscles of the pelvis

Before starting active training, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for training (diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, problems with blood pressure).

In the list of the most effective exercise the strong 1st place is occupied by running. It helps to increase blood circulation in all organs and systems, including in the small pelvis. You can train both outdoors, which additionally saturates the body with oxygen, and in the fitness center on the simulator. While running, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks are actively working, the abs cubes are strengthened. It is important to choose the correct amplitude and distance for yourself. By exercising 2-3 times a week, you can achieve tangible results.

Squats and half-squats are great benefits for the muscles of the lower body. Legs, hips, buttocks are actively working. You need to start with 7-10 squats, gradually increasing their number - so that after training the muscles hurt a little.

The exercise "Stool" is widely used, during which all muscle groups work. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands behind your head. Squat slowly with your back straight until your knees form a right angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor (as if you are sitting on a chair). Fix the position and stay in it as long as possible, trying to keep a straight posture. At first, you can lean your back against the wall. This is a good exercise for preventing blood stagnation and can be done several times a day, even at work.

Various jumps, including with a rope, contribute to the acceleration of blood in the small pelvis.

Both the external and internal muscles of the pelvis work well in walking in place with a high rise of the knees. The amplitude should be high enough. Deep breathing and simultaneous wide arm swings will enhance the effect.

The development of the pubic-coccygeal muscles

To increase blood circulation in the small pelvis, you can regularly do the "Holding a stone" exercise. It can be practiced even while standing in line or on the bus. You need to spread your legs slightly and bring them a little in the area of ​​the knees, imagining that there is a heavy stone between the thighs, which needs to be held for some time. During the exercise, muscle groups of the lower body and perineum are trained.

At the moment of emptying Bladder you can practice stopping urination. During the separation of urine, it is necessary to stop this process by an effort of will, straining the muscles of the anus and perineum. Repeat 2-3 times for 1 urination. With the increase in the training of the internal muscles, it will become easier to stop.

An interesting, effective and invisible exercise that can be repeated for a long time - "Vacuum cleaner". Sitting on a chair, a man imagines that small debris is scattered on the seat and needs to be collected, drawn into himself, using the anus and penis. When performing, the muscles of the perineum, anus, thighs are actively working, small circular movements are carried out by the pelvis, due to which a powerful rush of blood to the lower body is provided.

Therapeutic gymnastics, created by the American gynecologist Kegel, initially for women after childbirth, has a similar effect, but has proven itself well in men. It is aimed at training the pubococcygeal muscles.

When performing them, you can sit, stand, lie down. To feel this muscle in yourself, you need to squeeze the perineum strongly with a sharp deep breath, trying to pull it higher. It is necessary to fix the position for a few seconds and relax the muscles on a slow exhalation. Repeat at least 7 times.

It is advisable to practice this exercise several times a day. Training this pelvic muscle after a while will be reflected in the improvement of erection. Then you can proceed to stage 2. Inhaling deeply, squeeze the muscles of the perineum and anus and, without relaxing, as in the first exercise, try to contract them several more times. As you train, the result will be better and better. It is recommended to repeat Kegel exercises at least 3 times a day to achieve a lasting effect.

Other ways to normalize blood flow

To avoid problems with poor circulation in the pelvic organs, you can use not only, but also other methods.


It must be remembered that you can take any medications, even vitamins, on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication can harm the body.

To enhance blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to use means to improve blood microcirculation:

  1. Vasonite.
  2. Trental.
  3. Curantil.

Often in such cases, drugs are prescribed that relax smooth muscles - myotropic antispasmodics - Mydocalm, Spazmol.

Medicines such as Askorutin, Venza, Flebodia 600, Troxerutin have a good effect. The dosage in each case is determined individually.


Good effect on male potency have seafood that accelerates blood and enhances libido. Regular consumption of the following foods helps to improve blood circulation, increase immunity and enhance erection:

  • crab meat;
  • shrimps;
  • mussels;
  • fish caviar.

A drink made from natural cocoa with a pinch of cinnamon and turmeric powders has a positive effect. It can be consumed both in the morning and at night.

A tasty and healthy treat for men - peeled and crushed with honey. They are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio and stored in the refrigerator. Eat every day after meals for 1 tbsp. l. However, this remedy is contraindicated in men prone to diabetes.

Red pepper is a well-known aphrodisiac, thinning and kindling blood, therefore, if there are no problems with gastrointestinal tract, you can often eat spicy, peppery foods.

A simple way to prevent stagnation of blood in the body, including in the pelvis, is to drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of ordinary clean water per day.


Traditional healers recommend to increase blood flow with ginger or make a useful infusion of this root. For 1 glass hot water 3-4 thin slices of peeled ginger are enough, you can add lemon juice, a little honey or sugar. Drink several times a day with or without food.

Garlic tincture has a positive effect on a man's body. 300 g of peeled crushed cloves are infused in 200 ml of vodka for at least 14 days, filtered and drunk 30 drops 3 times a day for 1 month.

Lovage - medicinal plant causing an increase in blood flow to the genitals. It is brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. for 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist before cooling and drink the entire volume during the day. Honey or sugar can be added to enhance the taste.

Beekeeping products - propolis, fresh honey - have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

To improve blood flow, it is also useful for men to use pure mummy, which can be bought at a pharmacy.


Poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs, provoking erectile dysfunction, is not an easy problem, but not critical. To resolve it, you first need to move a lot, including performing special exercises. Running, jumping, simple remedial gymnastics is within the power of every man. If necessary, you can use medications or products traditional medicine... However, the main principle of a man's health remains constant physical activity.

Physical activity has largely decreased due to the development of the technological process and the almost complete automation of labor. In this regard, people began to move less, and due to full employment, there is still no time to visit gyms. Physical activity is a guarantee of health, because it is she who ensures normal blood circulation, prevents stagnation, varricosis and other diseases. One of these negative consequences is a violation of blood flow to the organs of the hip region. This leads to sexual disorders, to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and microbes, to inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

There are several methods that improve blood circulation in the pelvis in both men and women. These are drugs and gymnastics. They can be very powerful if you correctly identify the root cause of violations. Let's talk about it on this page www.site.

Why is pelvic circulation slowing down?

First of all, let's talk about what can provoke violations. First, as already mentioned, it is a sedentary lifestyle. People who move little during the day, do not walk, are faced with the fact that the blood vessels are compressed by the muscles and cartilage of the pelvis. This interferes with blood circulation.

Secondly, the disease can be caused by the constant lifting of heavy objects. This is especially dangerous for women.

Third, of course, nutrition is of great importance. If you give preference to fatty foods, sweets and flour products, fast food, then on the walls of blood vessels appear in large quantities cholesterol plaques... They interfere with normal active blood flow.

Fourthly, the weakening of the walls of blood vessels leads to the disease. This is due to the fact that the body receives an insufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Another important reason is the use alcoholic beverages, smoking, which causes severe intoxication of the body and blockage of blood vessels.

And finally, the problem can be provoked purely female diseases: bending of the uterus, long-term use of oral contraceptives, as well as pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

Therapeutic exercises to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis

Those who have a working day associated with continuous eight-hour sitting at the computer are simply obliged to get up from the table every hour and walk for at least five to ten minutes, perform several bends, and stretch well. If you have time for jogging in the mornings or evenings, then you need to use it. This will avoid many health problems.

The usual exercises, which we will talk about next, can be performed even at home in front of the TV. Positive result will not keep you waiting. The main thing is not to be lazy. Say "Yes" to physical activity! Here are exercises to improve circulation in the pelvis for you:

1. Stand up straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bend our knees. We put our hands on the waist. We perform a slow squat, strongly squeezing the buttocks. We do not go down to the end, we hold ourselves in a semi-squat for 10-15 seconds. We also slowly return upward. In total, at least 12 repetitions need to be done; for beginners, it is allowed to start from 8-10.

2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and with your feet press well on the floor. We lower our hands to the floor along the body, try to raise the pelvis as high as possible, while strongly squeezing the buttocks. This exercise is simply gorgeous not only to restore blood circulation, but also to tighten and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. Regular execution of it will allow you to have a beautiful and elastic ass. Do 20 reps, slowly and smoothly.

3. Remain in the supine position. Raise your legs up and perform the simplest exercise - a bicycle. The duration of one repetition is 3-4 minutes, then a break and 3 more sets. It would be nice to do some real cycling too. This is not just a general strengthening activity, cardio exercise, but also one of the the most effective ways fight against blood stagnation.

4. After the "bike" we stretch our legs well forward, we remain in the supine position. Have a minute's rest? We raise our legs up again, we begin to describe the circle represented in front of our eyes. First, we rotate the legs clockwise, then counterclockwise. You can also imagine that with your feet you need to write all the numbers in order - from 0 to 10. With a break, you need to repeat the execution 3 times.

5. We lay down with our head towards the wall about 50 centimeters from it. We put our hands under the buttocks, and with straight legs we try to reach the wall, throwing them back behind our head. We repeat the lifts 8-10 times. Can't touch the wall surface with your toes? We do not get upset, the first time, perhaps not everything will go perfectly. Just raise your legs and hold them up, while lifting your lower back off the floor.

Now you can relax. After such exercises, you can feel a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and in addition, the press did a good job from such a load. It is enough to spend at least 15-20 minutes per day to perform such exercises. But on the other hand, the state of health will noticeably improve, the volume of the hips and buttocks will decrease, and blood circulation will be restored.

Swimming will give an excellent result: you can spend at least two hours a week going to the pool. In combination with gymnastics, exercises in the water will not only allow you to properly and safely load muscles and work out the joints, but also tone the whole body.

Preparations for the restoration of blood supply

It is not recommended to prescribe drugs to improve blood circulation in the small pelvis on your own. Be sure to consult your doctor. Mainly used:

Aescusan is a drug that helps to strengthen blood vessels and has a tonic effect; 15 drops are prescribed in the morning, afternoon and evening for two months.

Venza is a remedy for homeopathic therapy that activates blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, eliminates inflammation and edema; it is recommended to take 10 drops three times a day for 1.5-2 months.

Ascorutin - known as a vitamin, general tonic, antioxidant and reduces the fragility of blood vessels. Take one tablet three times a day, continue the course for three weeks.

Improving blood circulation with folk remedies

Trust in the alcoholic tincture of garlic. 300 grams of peeled garlic crushed on a grater (you can just chop finely with a knife) are poured with 200 grams of good vodka and kept in a dark place for 14 days. Further, it is advisable to filter the drink. Take a tincture of 30 drops three times before meals.

Pumpkin seeds and honey will help too. Prepare 500 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds. Grind them up. Pour in 250 grams of honey. Stir. Refrigerate. Take the composition in a teaspoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Both recipes can be used at the same time! The course of treatment is a month. The break is a month. Then you can repeat.

Timely pay attention to the signals that your body gives. In this way, many serious problems can be avoided, and most diseases are successfully cured precisely at the initial stages of development.

Normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs has great value for the functional indicators of the reproductive system of both men and women. Various congestion in the pelvic organs are a risk factor for the development of various inflammatory diseases.

So, if blood circulation in the small pelvis in men is impaired, outflow slows down venous blood and an increase in local temperature. This creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of colonies of opportunistic microorganisms. As a result, a man who, perhaps, observed all the precautions to protect against sexual infection, suffers from the attack of his own microflora. Often this situation is observed in chronic prostatitis, commonplace urethritis and other diseases of the genital area.

Briefly about the causes of violations

The main reasons for the disruption of the blood circulation process in the pelvic area are:

  1. Pelvic venous insufficiency syndrome. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been established, it is assumed that the whole point is in a genetically determined insufficiency of the venous valves, including in the veins of the small pelvis. This syndrome manifests itself in men with diseases such as varicose veins of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids, varicocele.
  2. Chronic alcohol intoxication (which leads to relaxation of the vascular walls) and nicotine (maintains the vessels in a state of constant spasm).
  3. Disruption of the central nervous system, which is responsible for the regulation of the processes of compression and relaxation of blood vessels.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work. Long-term presence of the body in one position makes the same muscle groups work, to which more blood flows at this time, and the blood vessels through which it flows are stretched. Such an irrational distribution of it leads to a violation of microcirculation.
  5. Improper nutrition, leading to disruption of the functional state of the intestine. In the absence of regular bowel movements, feces can constrict blood vessels and obstruct blood flow in the pelvis.

It is very difficult to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs without eliminating at least obvious reasons.

What measures help to rectify the situation?

The most important thing to do to improve blood circulation in the pelvis is to adhere to healthy way life:

  1. Limit the amount of alcohol consumed, ideally, you should give it up altogether. The same should be done with cigarettes.
  2. Increases overall physical activity.
  3. Take a variety of blood thinners. As prescribed by the doctor, drugs are taken that improve blood circulation and increase the tone of the venous vessels. If necessary, the doctor may recommend an appointment medicines improving the functional state of the nervous system.
  4. Debug the nutritional system, pay great attention to regular bowel movements. In the diet, the proportion of foods rich in fiber increases; if necessary, measures are taken to restore the microflora of the large intestine.

These measures are most effective in combination with a set of special physical exercises.

Make way for physical exercise!

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, men are recommended to do the following sports:

  1. Swimming. The most effective sport for restoring the work of blood vessels in the body as a whole, including in the pelvic organs. When immersed in water, the load on the chest increases (due to water pressure), for inhalation and exhalation, the diaphragm increases the range of motion, while pushing blood from the vessels of the abdominal cavity and sucking blood from the veins below. In addition, while swimming in crawl, the gluteal, thigh muscles and muscles of the lower press are actively working, which improves blood circulation in the small pelvis.
  2. Easy jogging. By forcing the same muscle groups as swimming to work, jogging improves the blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  3. Jumping rope. One of the most effective methods for improving the functional state of cardio-vascular system in general and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs as well.
  4. Yoga. A sport rarely recognized by men. However, the effectiveness of yoga in improving the blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system has been proven in practice.
  5. Classes in gym Is a truly masculine sport. Heavy work always involves the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and lower back, so the blood supply in the vessels of the small pelvis is improved.

Good time of the day! My name is Khalisat Suleimanova - I am a phytotherapist. At the age of 28, I was cured of uterine cancer with herbs (more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist read here: My story). Before being treated for folk methods described on the Internet, please consult a specialist and your doctor! This will save you time and money, since diseases are different, herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. So far there is nothing to add, but if you need help in choosing herbs and methods of treatment, you can find me here by contacts:

Telephone: 8 918 843 47 72

Mail: [email protected]

I consult for free.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, there is a violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis. Which, in turn, can lead to some diseases of internal organs: in women, to fibroids, prolapse of the uterus, infertility, varicose veins of the small pelvis; in men to prostatitis, urethritis.

Reasons for slowing pelvic circulation:

  • sedentary lifestyle
  • regular weight lifting (for women)
  • unhealthy diet (fatty foods, fast foods, sweets)
  • weakening of the walls of blood vessels
  • alcohol abuse, smoking
  • in women, bending of the uterus, pregnancy

Gymnastics for the pelvic organs improves blood circulation, strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and removes blood stasis that can provoke inflammatory processes.

In this article, we will look at several sets of pelvic exercises for women and men. Choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

These exercises are performed to strengthen and tone the vaginal muscles.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles are simple, they can be done in any place convenient for you: at work, in transport, sitting, standing, lying down.

It is best to start performing in a prone position with bent legs (feet pressed to the floor), so it will be easier to learn how to control intimate muscles.

  • Contract the vaginal muscles as if you are holding urination and relax them for 5 seconds
  • Contract and relax muscles at a fast pace for 10 seconds, break and repeat again.
  • Contract the muscles for 30 seconds and relax. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Tighten your muscles to simulate childbirth.

Exercises for the small pelvis with varicose veins

The main treatment for varicose veins is pelvic gymnastics. It aims to improve blood circulation, prevent venous stasis and blood clots. Perform each exercise 5 times.

  1. Walk slowly around the room (1 min)
  2. Alternately, raise the thigh high (1 min)
  3. We stopped, our legs are connected, our arms are raised in front of us and we begin to squat
  4. Feet shoulder width apart, arms in front of you. We make forward bends

I.p .: lying on your back

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis

Exercise for the pelvis is best for improving circulation to the pelvis and preventing venous congestion. It is recommended to perform the exercises daily for 15-20 minutes.

After doing the exercises from stagnation in the small pelvis, there is a rush of blood to the organs in the pelvic region, the press also strengthens, the buttocks become elastic.

Exercises for the pelvis for men

This set of exercises for the pelvis makes the muscles stronger, improves the performance and blood flow of the pelvic organs and strengthens the abs, thighs, buttocks and legs.

I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body

I.p .: standing on all fours

  1. When you exhale, lifting the body, sit on your heels, arms extended upward. Return to i.p. (6-10 times)
  2. As you exhale, raise your right leg and left arm to form a straight line with your back. Hold for a couple of seconds, while inhaling, return to I.P. And in the opposite direction (6-10 times)

I.p .: stand behind a chair, hands on the back

  1. As you exhale, rise on your toes as much as possible and sit down. When inhaling, return to SP. (6-10 times)
  2. When inhaling, stand on your toes and draw in your buttocks. When exhaling, move to your heels and draw in your stomach (8-10 times)

To improve blood circulation, you can use and therapeutic exercises Doctor of Medical Sciences Bubnovsky. The "kinesiotherapy" technique developed by Bubnovsky is based on motion therapy, that is, treatment occurs with the help of exercises and special simulators without expensive drugs and surgical intervention.

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