Choosing a strategy for the development of the enterprise on the example. How to make a plan for strategic business development. Create a business plan for creating additional outlets and shops

The process of strategic planning and characteristics of its stages. Consumer prompting strategy to new use of available goods. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the activities of "Multi", the strategy of the concentrated growth of the company.

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Recote the vision of your organization. Determine what your organization appears for what it hopes to achieve, what is its functions, with which part of the population, she wants to work, as she wants to be perceived and what type of growth she wants to experience.

Write a statement about the mission. The purpose of your mission formulation is to summarize the main goal of your organization or vision. Strategic plans go to the development of the mission, since it is the mission who sends goals and serves as a means of measuring the success of the organization. An example of a mission is: "Our goal is to be a leading food supplier for pets in the country. We will achieve this, exploring sources of supply and providing our customers from the best available, diverse and inexpensive, high-quality goods, exceeding customer expectations for service quality, forming a strong relationship With our clients. "

  • Determine your strengths and weaknesses. You will need to develop a strategic plan that uses strengths to minimize weaknesses.
  • Determine the possibilities for growth. You can have several investor offers on the table, or anticipate especially successful fundraising efforts. Regardless of the purpose of your organization, you must be able to list the real opportunities to achieve this goal so that you can include in your strategic plan tools that you will process and implement most of these features.
  • Indicate the threats to the success of your strategic plans. Threats can be in the form of an economic downturn, a sectoral competitor or state regulation changes. Your plan should take into account these threats and respond to them with your viable strategy.
  • List the factors necessary for success. Strategic plans should include specific characteristics of circumstances that will lead to tasks.

    • Keep in mind 4 key areas when you develop your goals: financial goals, customer relations, operational methods and members of the organization.
    • Referring to the example of pets of pets, critical success factors may include, for example, relationships with distributors, the competent customer service team, a strong Internet presence, the provision of round-the-clock service at the national level, current accounting software and research team to search for the latter, the best feed for animals.
  • Develop a strategy to achieve each success factor. It should be a step-by-step plan, and it is worth noting that it should be done, in what time frame, with what investment and what a responsible person.

    Arrange the priorities of your strategy in accordance with viable and ambitious goals. Given all the steps that are necessary to achieve each goal, as well as the order of importance in achieving these goals, list your strategic plan in chronological order. For example, your goal of the operation of your own fleet of trucks for delivery purposes can be considered a long-term goal, because it is very expensive, and you already have a temporary delivery plan using shipping through third parties. Therefore, you can arrange priorities by placing more urgent goals above the list.

    For a ship, which has no course,

    no wind will not be passing.

    Ancient Roman philosopher

    and statesman Seneca

    How to start developing a strategic plan?

    What sections must be present in the strategic plan?

    What methods to check the correctness of the strategic development plan?

    How to analyze the external and internal context of the organization?

    How to formulate a mission and develop strategies for the development of the organization?

    How to develop a business plan for the development of the organization?

    How to ensure the implementation of a strategic development plan?

    How to ensure the relationship between strategies, development business plans and organization budgets?

    A company that does not have strategic development goals and specific plans to achieve them are doomed to follow the current events with very foggy prospects for the future. But the development of a correct strategic development plan requires the management of high competencies and skills, since it suggests not so much the calculation of indicators of economic activity as a forecast of business dynamics, taking into account the risks and opportunities associated with both external and the internal context of the organization.

    Often, you can find the opinion that strategic planning needs to be large companies that have already declared themselves as the leaders of their market segment and are facing the future with confidence.

    But, first of all, any company has a specific goal of its activities and at least an approximate business plan. And this is already elements of strategic planning.

    Secondly, even novice entrepreneurs estimate the capacity of the market, on which they are going to work, the competitive environment and their capabilities at the entrance to this market. That is, they are engaged in strategic analysis, which is also one of the components of strategic planning.

    In other words, the majority of small and medium-sized companies also use strategic planning, but, unlike large players in the market, they do it uninterrupted and not fully.

    Yes, and in large companies it happens that strategic development plans developed with high time and efforts remain only plans. A lot of external and internal factors can lead to this, the most common of them are the lack of integrity in the planning methodology and violation of the relationship between strategies, business development plans and company budgets.

    We offer a methodology for developing the most efficient strategic development plan and recommendations that will help avoid possible risks of erroneous forecasts, we will talk about the sequence of formation of a strategic development plan, which will reveal the relationship between the context, goals and resources of the company, which should be reflected in the strategic development plan.

    Of course, strategic plans for the development of large, medium and small companies will differ due to the difference in the scale of economic activities, the specifics of the business, the complexity of the organizational structure and business processes.

    But in any case, a qualitatively developed strategic development plan is formed on the basis of consistently implemented stages:

    Analysis of the external and internal context of the organization

    The results of any company affects many different factors. Without an understanding of their exposure, it is impossible to develop a faithful strategic direction of the company's development.

    The company itself also affects the outside environment (context) - to the market for the sale of products, suppliers, buyers, partners, controlling bodies, etc.


    How successfully the company's strategy will be implemented, largely depends on its capabilities to organize an internal environment (context), which includes business processes, resources of the organization, personnel, structure and production technology, as well as corporate culture and principles.

    The combination of factors of the internal context of the company by and large determines its competitiveness.

    Therefore, before developing a mission and strategy, it is necessary to conduct a strategic analysis of the external and internal context of the company, the result of which should be the assessment of the risks and capabilities of a particular enterprise in the surrounding market environment.

    3 of the most common method of strategic analysis:

      SWOT analysis;

      construction of matrices "Probability / Impact";

      formation of the register of risks and opportunities.

    The goal of the SWOT-analysis (Strength is strength, weak - weakness, Opportunity - opportunities and threat - threats) - identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, establish their relations with external capabilities and threats.

    According to the results of the analysis, the company's strategies are produced to use opportunities and eliminate threats to development.

    The "probability / impact" matrices are built separately for the positioning of the company's external environment and to position the threats to the company's external environment.

    In each of the matrices, the possibility and threats are distributed by the probability of their occurrence and strength of impact on the company.

    Matrices help control external factors and develop business development strategies.

    The formation of the risk register and possibilities implies a more detailed analysis compared to two previous methods. First, the risks and the possibilities of both external and internal contexts of the company are revealed. Next, the revealed risks and opportunities are estimated by the degree of probability of their implementation and the degree of influence on the company's business. Then the matrix of risks and possibilities are formed, which reflects the cumulative degree of influence of the valued risks and capabilities ("high", "medium", "low"). Final stage - drawing up the register of risks and opportunities. It records all the risks and opportunities for the company, the ways to minimize and implement them (in fact, this company strategy), as well as responsible (owners) of each of the risks and opportunities.


    When choosing a strategy for the development of the company, focus on their strengths (high quality products, customer service, positive business reputation) to use business expansion opportunities (increase sales, release of a new product type, provision of additional services to customers).

    At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen its weaknesses (depreciation of funds, insufficient personnel qualifications, loans dependence) to minimize the risk of external threats (rising raw materials, strengthening competition in the market, reducing customer demand).

    Development of the mission and strategies for the development of the organization

    To understand, in which direction to move, develop, companies should first decide on their mission, that is, the main goal of its existence.

    The organization's mission necessarily reflects the field of activity and its ultimate goal. Based on the adopted mission, the company's development strategies are being developed that will ensure the fulfillment of the mission.

    Development strategies, firstly, should cover all aspects of the company's mission, and secondly, they should not deviate from its meaning.

    Compliance with the first condition is necessary for the successful implementation of the company's mission, the second - in order not to distract the company's resources and efforts to solve problems that do not serve the implementation of the company's mission.

    When developing development strategies, it is necessary to carefully check their relationship with the approved mission.

    Since the development strategies within the company are global and for their implementation, the efforts of all divisions of the company are necessary to broadcast them on the strategies of individual units, so that the managers and staff of each division clearly knew their goals and objectives for the implementation of the Company's overall strategy.

    In addition, the division of the company's strategy on the departments strategy guarantees that correct targets for the implementation of the strategy will be established. Agree, if the company is one on all the target indicator, which develops as a result of the work of several units, according to the outcome, it is impossible to understand which of them did not fulfill its part of the work and who exactly is to blame for the fact that the general target is not achieved.

    An example of such a broadcast for Volga is as follows (Fig. 2).

    We formulating the strategic goals of the company's development

    However, the formation of a strategic development plan of the company is not limited to the development of the mission and strategies. In addition to the direction of action itself (i.e. strategies), it is also necessary to develop criteria for success (targets) and ways to achieve them (business plans). Only in this case can be sure that the company has a clear program of fulfilling its mission, supported by the plans of activities and the calculation of the resources necessary for their implementation.

    Strategic objectives (or key targets) must be specific and measurable, so that according to the results of any period it was clear how much the strategy is fulfilled and what is the dynamics of its implementation.

    For example, if such a target strategy indicator, as an increase in sales, can be expressed as a percentage of growth in the volume of the previous period or in a specific amount of expression. And if the goal is to implement any event, then the estimated date of completion of this event should be specified as an indicator of its achievement.

    Strategic goals are established, as a rule, for a year and subsequently corrected by the actual results of the company's work.

    Use to visualize indicators of implementation of the development strategies of the strategic goal map, which indicates:

      general company strategies;

      subdivision strategies;

      key areas of implementation of strategies;

      target for each of the strategies;

      the owner of the target (division responsible for the implementation of the strategy).

    An example of a map of strategic goals - in Table. one.

    We are developing a business plan for the development of the organization

    One of the most important sections of the strategic development of the enterprise is a business plan for the company's activities for the predicted period.

    4 key business plan functions:

      Transforms strategic development goals in the company's financial and economic activity indicators for the predicted period.

      It serves as a source of verification of the realism of the developed strategies (by comparing the forecast indicators of the company's resource capabilities).

      It is the basis for developing company budgets in general and its divisions for the year.

      It acts as a guide to adjust the company's development strategies for subsequent periods.

    Usually business plans make up for a period of three to five years, there are options and for up to ten years.

    The main criteria for choosing a strategic planning period are the current market situation and the Company's position. For example, if the market situation is sufficiently stable and the company has been successfully operating on it for a long time, it can afford to predict results for a long time on the basis of the "Success Strategy".

    If the market is a fever and the company feels not sufficiently stable, it is forced to work on the "survival strategy", in which long-term forecasting is inappropriate due to the uncertainty of the further development of the situation. In this case, the business plan is for the period from a year to three years.

    The business plan of Volga for a three-year period is in Table. 2.

    According to the business plan, the company's strategy and their targets are realistic and fully achievable. Volga maintains a profitable business, its operating income is rather balanced and allow to maintain a given profitability rate with an increase in sales volumes.

    Due to the growth of net profit, the company can also solve the problem with a high dependence on external financing by investing the profits received in replenishment of working capital.

    Ensuring the relationship between strategies, development business plans and budgets

    Ideally, the company in the development of a strategic development plan is obliged to ensure the relationship between strategies, development business plans and company budgets and divisions. Such a relationship guarantees the successful implementation of the strategic plan, because the targets of the company's strategies will be tied to the parameters of the business plan of development, on the basis of which all company budgets are planned. Consequently, the fulfillment of budgetary tasks will lead to the achievement of the company's strategic goals. Visually, such interrelation is presented in Fig. 3.

    Using the example of the Volga's strategic development plan under consideration by us, is there any interrelations between the above plans.

    In the final part of the strategic development plan, include the description of risk management methods, since in long-term planning the level of uncertainty increases simultaneously with the increase in the planning horizon.

    While drawing up forecasting for a year, it is quite possible to achieve a high level of data accuracy and ensure the relationship of all elements of planning, when developing a strategic plan for five years, has to make a significant number of assumptions and assumptions of the situation. Therefore, all interested parties (owners, management, management) will not be completely unnecessary to understand when coordinating the strategic plan, which risks can interfere with its implementation and that the company can take to minimize their offensive.


    A full-fledged strategic plan for the development of the enterprise includes the following sections:

    • The results of the analysis of the external and internal context of the organization at the time of development of the plan.
    • A description of the current activities and long-term tasks of the organization's development.
    • Description of the Mission of the Company and Development Strategies.
    • Functional strategies of divisions of the company.
    • Description of the company's development projects.
    • Business plans for the implementation of development projects.
    • Description of the methods for managing the risk of the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

    Development of a strategic development plan - the basis for the choice of long-term goals of the enterprise and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning helps to effectively distribute and use the company's resources to achieve the main objectives and tasks to fulfill the selected mission.

    Please note: it is necessary to systematically monitor the approved plan so that it does not lose its relevance, and to conduct an audit of the company's strategies, since the market situation and internal processes of the company can vary significantly under the influence of factors that have not shown themselves at the time of the development of the strategic plan. It is better to identify the ineffectiveness of the chosen path in time than to persevere to spend time and resources of the company to achieve the relevance of the goal.

    In essence, strategic planning is a continuous process, during which the company should find the shortest and most effective way to success.

    In this article, we consider what the company's development strategy is, as well as how to develop it and what difficulties accompany the formation of a company development strategy.

    You will learn:

    • What is the company's development strategy.
    • How to develop a company development strategy.
    • How a new company development strategy is being developed.
    • What difficulties accompany the formation of a company development strategy.
    • What are the company's external development strategies.
    • What is the purpose of developing a company development strategy.

    What is the company's development strategy

    The concept of "strategy" in the works of different authors may have different meaning, which naturally leads to the appropriate confusion, with the substitution of semantic content. The term "strategy" is adopted from a military lexicon, which was used to designate the planning and implementation of the country's policy or military-political union using all available funds.

    This concept in the general sense is used to indicate broad long-term measures or approaches, usually in relation to business - the company's development strategy or business. This concept has gained widespread in the lexicon of business management to indicate that it used to be known as a policy or business policy.

    Business Development Strategy - Direction of Business Development, Taking Assembly, Defining the type of activity, means of fulfilling the goals, a system of external and internal communication, the organization's mission, a methodology for conducting reactions to external and domestic irritants, the social role of the organization. The strategy in a broad sense means a set of long-term actions to implement certain plans stipulated in advance.

    What development strategies are chosen by world companies: History of Gref, Friedman and Branson

    The editorial office of the "commercial director" took an interview with Yaroslav Glazunov, the author of Bestseller "Anti-Titanic", which collaborates with the leaders of the largest Russian and international organizations. Using the example of Alpha Group companies, "Sberbank", "Severstal" and others, we show how the manager should act in difficult for the firm circumstances to continue to develop his business.

    3 Reasons why I need to develop and implement the company's strategy

    Multimum 3 reasons for which the development of the development strategy is relevant:

    1. The owners and managers of all companies need to be aware of their roles and opportunities in the long run, with understanding - what are they owning today, what are planning to achieve tomorrow, how to do it?
    2. It is necessary to formulate the objectives of the owners in such a way as to easily assess the possibility of achieving them, in this case the strategy is some challenge to correlate the current situation and expectations.
    3. Heads and owners need to come to understanding about the further business development.

    Strategy for the development of the company on the Matrix Ansoff

    The matrix helps any organization to choose the easiest way to take into account costs and risks, the situation in the company and the market. Use this matrix and can objectively assess the capabilities of your business. In the article by the electronic magazine "Commercial Director" - the algorithm of settlements, which will be useful to any company.

    What other differences in the development strategies of the company

    Modern management allocates different types of development strategies:

    1. Basic strategy - a description of the general direction of the development of the production system, production and sales activities.
    2. Competitive production strategy - designed to ensure competitive advantages of the organization.
    3. Functional strategy is developed for each functional unit included in the overall production system.

    Basic strategy - describes the general direction of the company's development and its production and sales activities. Reflects how to manage different types of business for the overall balance of the portfolio of goods and services. Strategic solutions of this level are considered the most difficult, since they are among the company as a whole. At this level and will be determined, the product strategy of the organization will be coordinated.

    In addition to the basic strategy that determines the combination of various strategic areas of the Company's activities, competitive strategies suggest the definition of approaches that companies must be used for activities in each such area. Sometimes a competitive development and growth strategy is also called a business strategy or a business strategy.

    A business strategy is directed to achieve competitive advantages of the organization. If the company specializes in one form of business, the business strategy is part of the overall strategy of the organization. If the organization includes several business units, each of them is formed its target strategy.

    The third type of strategy is functional. The development of the company's functional strategies is carried out specifically for each functional space. The functional strategy is intended for the distribution of resources of the department, search for the effective behavior of the functional units in the overall strategy. The main types of functional strategies includes:

    • r & D strategy, summarizes the main ideas about the new product - from the moment of development before introducing to the market. There are 2 varieties of this strategy - simulation and innovative.
    • the production strategy is focused on decisions on the necessary capacity, placement of industrial equipment, regulation of orders, the main elements of the production process.
    • marketing strategy - appropriate services, products and markets that can be offered are determined. The most effective composition of the marketing complex is determined. This strategy is especially successful for production, which is focused on the mass consumer with a decrease in the level of real income.
    • financial strategy is intended to predict strategic financial indicators, with an assessment of investment projects, future sales planning, distribution and control of the financial resources of the organization.

    Many companies develop personnel management strategy, which is intended to solve problems of growth of attractiveness of labor, increase motivation, personnel certification, with maintenance of employment employment and types of workplaces that meet efficient business.

    The following types of development strategies are allocated:

    • growth strategies;
    • diversified;
    • monostragia;
    • multipitative.

    The strategy developed by the company should be a set of several strategies. It is necessary for coordination and close interaction of these strategies among themselves. The choice of the company's development strategy should be unambiguous and certain. Only with this condition, the company can count on achieving success in its activities.

    Era came when a new company development strategy is needed

    Alexey Petropolsky,

    general Director of Yurvista, Moscow

    During the uncertainty, it remains only to search for new perspectives. They can be found provided that the company is ready for reorganization, training, resource control, with serious strategic planning. The time occurs when the general director who should re-debug the risk management system.

    The availability of the company's development strategy is a prerequisite. The strategic horizon in modern conditions is not the previous three to seven years, but a few months. But still the need for a long-term strategy is still preserved to set the direction of movement. Also need to remember the horizon, otherwise there will be no decision-making criteria.

    More and more, the dependence of the success of business development is not from demand, but from politics. The tasks in the period of economic rise was stable and understandable, the main driving factors for the development of the company were competitors and customers, today it is politics and the state.

    What to do director. It is necessary to determine how and where are planning to move in the near future, based on remote strategic perspectives. It is important to understand - no longer will be "as before." Therefore, it makes no sense to try to simply wait for the crisis. There is a lot to revise in the activities of their organization - including corporate culture, marketing strategy and certain familiar procedures.

    What features can be allocated in the development strategy of companies

    Depending on the degree of diversification of production and growth rates, large companies can be divided into 3 main groups:

    Proud lions. For such companies, typical behavior is the release of the latest products "stars", without analogues from their competitors, with a timely, operational release of new products to the market, confirming its demand on the results of marketing research.

    Mighty elephants. For such companies, typical behavior lies in the constant expansion of the proposed range, presenting tested products that preserve demand, also products that have passed from the "stars" discharge to the number of "dairy cows", such companies are distinguished by the richest assortment, with the possibility of profit in each segment.

    "Non-robbing hippo" - A large interethnic corporation, which has production facilities that produce everything necessary for the production, assembly of products. Problems of such corporations arising with independent attempts to produce everything that is not always economically appropriate. Sometimes it is cheaper and more reliable to contact a third-party company from another city, how to produce and deliver and deliver through several countries.

    Middle firms may also survive and develop, if adhere to the selected niche specialization. For medium-sized companies, niche specialization becomes a prerequisite, fulfilling, first of all, a protective role from direct actions on the part of competitors. After all, they no longer have another competitive property in the form of low-size firms. The choice of strategy from the growth rate of niche and the growth rates of the most average company itself are depends

    Conservation Strategy. A strategy is focused to preserve the current position of the Company, since it does not require expansion of activities, and there is no appropriate opportunity. This company strategy is not deprived of the risk to lose a niche as a result of the change of needs.

    Search strategy "invader." The company in such conditions faces the problem of an acute lack of funds in order to maintain its position in niche. Usually, the average company in such conditions begins the search for a large company so that it is absorbed - but conservation relative to an independent, autonomous production unit. The average company thanks to the use of financial resources of a large organization gets the ability to maintain a place in niche. At the same time, the company can regularly change the owners, while maintaining a niche specialization of activities.

    Leadership strategy in niche.This strategy compared to the previous one can only be in 2 cases:

    • the growth of the company occurs so quickly that it can become a monopoly organization, not allowing competitors to its niche.
    • the company should have relevant financial resources to maintain accelerated growth.

    Nishi outlet strategy. Effective this strategy will be only subject to a narrow framework of a niche for a company. The company may try to become a major monopoly with a loss of the "niche facial", the company, reaching the borders of Niche, faces direct competition from stronger enterprises. To go through this "decisive fight", the company must have enough resources accumulated within the niche.

    What points of the company's development strategy plan consists

    Business Mission is a set of values \u200b\u200bthat determine the purpose of the organization, strategic goals, the cause of existence, tactics for the implementation of strategic goals.

    The organizational structure is based on this method of delegating the powers of the differentiation of goods manufactured and labor separation methods. Often the division of the company into small units is an indicator of high-quality development in the management structure, the width of the market covered and product segments.

    Competitive advantages are high-quality indicators that allow companies to resist their opponents in the market in the struggle for marketing markets, access to resources. Obtaining competitive advantages is one of the main methods in achieving the objectives of the organization to meet consumer demand.

    Company products are products and services of the company, the implementation of which is the main current goal of the business.

    Sales markets - the scope of commodity and money exchange of consumers of products and its manufacturers and sellers.

    Resource potential - a set of resources (including material and intangible), which are used by the company for the production of final product. It is characteristic of the potential of material resources the possibility of business access to certain materials or semi-finished products representing raw materials production.

    Intangible potential - the company's capabilities in attracting investments to implement the company's strategy, meeting the needs of business, development financing. Evaluation of resources is needed to properly implement the financing strategy in the business plan.

    Mergers and acquisitions are the readiness of the enterprise to eliminate the ineffective structural units, sell some production, also acquire businesses to develop their sales markets and expand the range.

    Development tactics - a set of actions for the company's growth, expanding the presence in new markets, an increase in the range.

    Corporate culture is a system of values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in the organization's personnel. Compliance of the behavioral structure and personal qualities of personnel with strategic goals and tactical methods of the organization, contributing to the achievement of the company's goals formed by investors and established development strategy.

    How many strategic plans need to feel confident

    Sergey Zyuzya,

    general Director of Zika, Moscow

    Even with the fall in the market, we set a goal of not only profitable sales, but also ensuring sales growth in the future. As a basis for our work, planning is taken, including strategies for 1, 3 and 5 years.

    Three-year plan development plan.The key indicators of development, investments, staff plans and other are presented in it, and others. Each considered indicator is prescribed for each target market, also regions. At the heart of the plan - statistics in the last 5 years, also the results of the market research.

    Company development strategy for five years. At the end of 2004, the strategy was developed until 2010 to achieve indicators, their own production areas, laboratories, training center and warehouses were needed. Acquired land under the production and warehouse complex and own office. The strategy has made adjustments every year, especially in 2008. Performed a plan, in 2010 a new five-year strategy was drawn up until 2015.

    Annual sales plan.Individual sales plans are given to this plan, also the amount of remuneration.

    Budget plans for the year and for three years.We monthly register on the annual plan of the volume and profitability of sales, with the indication of responsible managers. Install your key indicators for each manager. The 3-year plan is based on more general indicators.

    Reserve plan.I am opposed to adjustments to the sales plan for the year. If there was such a situation where the reduction of e costs is necessary, go to the "plan b" with blocking supplies without prepayment, optimizing its warehouse resources and a decrease in production costs.

    Development of the Company's Development Strategy: Step-by-step instructions

    The first step is to evaluate the current state and dynamics of the company's development. You can look back at this stage and analyze the current position of the company. It will be optimally guided by the segment of the past, if possible, an equal period of planning. To be guided by a number of indicators in the activities of the enterprise for this period:

    • Sale of products: Profit, Structure and sales in the context of groups of represented range and directions, the main competitors are noted. Among the key questions are noted - why it is necessary to change sales, which is considered to be the main thing in the range, what are the main customers and business competitors, the consequence of which market events have become certain important changes?
    • Capital and investment market: Invested and attracted investments, main investors, business lenders, activity and liquidity of investment. Key question - What financial potential is your company?
    • Labor market: number of personnel, structure in the context of divisions, wage level. Among key issues - what is the competence of employees, the possibilities of your business to attract new workers.
    • The market of suppliers and logistics providers: with assessment of price dynamics, availability of supply of basic material resources for the company's need. The key issue can be considered the impact of the situation in the main suppliers and providers on the activities of your company.

    An analysis of legislative changes can also be carried out, which significantly affect the company's activities in all previous groups of indicators. The first step can be completed with the analysis of SWOT.

    The second step is to harmoniously combine ambitions and business resources. Formulate at this stage 4 of the variant of the strategic line of behavior, with the choice of the resulting strategy. Among the options are the results of the analysis of the parties, the possibilities and threats that are formulated for factors in the SWOT analysis table.

    After the formation of options, determine the one that will be the most feasible on your feelings. It will be possible to use rejected options if the main did not provide the planned results.

    Formed on the basis of the selected scenario, the goal that contains specific indicators, their achievement and will assume the following strategy for themselves.

    The third step is to change the powers of managers, the management structure of the company. The team at this stage is engaged in preparing changes in the management structure of the company, if it is necessary to introduce new positions, units or departments. It can look like adjusting the company's goals as follows:

    1. Strengthen the procurement block to form a purchasing pool, imprisoned contracts with suppliers.
    2. Strengthen the sales block into parts of employees who are competent to promoting the product of new retail distribution channels.
    3. Strengthen the distribution unit, since the sustainability of supply and service is needed to access the network retail.

    The fourth step is to assess risks and compensating activities. When implementing the company's development strategy, certain factors affecting the final result are possible. They must be taken into account in the "Threats and Weaknesses" block during the SWOT analysis. At this stage, it should determine how to neutralize the negative impact on the part of this factor if the threats come either with a larger weakening of the company - to ensure proper protection of its strategic line.

    The fifth step - when you should adjust your strategy. The company's strategy should not be considered a dogma. With rapid changes in the conditions of activity, it is necessary to provide for the opportunity to return to this document in the following situations:

    • after a year - conducting planned adjustment.
    • if new unique opportunities appear, and when implementing the potential of the company.
    • with the difference between the actual result, according to any strategic indicator from the planned more than 20% in any direction.
    • in the event of a threat to the offensive or the onset of any circumstances, which can lead to a change in the factors taken as the basis of the strategic line of the enterprise. In particular, the event that was impossible to take into account when developing a strategy.

    It is necessary to take into account - the company's development and growth strategy becomes not only an important tool for planning, but also on constant reflections on the essence of their activities and business.

    An example of the implementation of the development strategy of the "Labor" enterprise, chosen at the intersection of strengths and threats

    Alexander Mokeev,

    director of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of TNT Express in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

    Purpose.The local company must be translated into the category of regional, creating a pool of distributors of the product "A" for this, with access to large specialized networks of the region.

    Strengths.It is possible to then unique advantages in their assortment, with the possibility of rapid increase in production capabilities. But it was necessary to take into account the presence of a threat to copy the most successful products, price dumping from Chinese competitors.

    Therefore, in the chosen goal, the ambitions of our company were taken into account, the possibilities for the rapid increase in market share, with the need to interact with companies from China, providing consolidation of the efforts of distributors of our product group in the reporting group.

    Strategic indicators

    The number of stores with which direct contracts for delivery with our company should reach H.

    The number of manufacturers with which the company has direct contracts for procurement, to reach should be

    Annual income of the enterprise should be x million rubles with a growth rate per year at least x%.
    It is necessary to reduce the total procurement price at x% (taking into account the annual indexation in X%), forming a pool for procurement.

    Achieve an annual net profit should be x million rubles (with a rapid growth rate of at least a hundred% per year).

    Evaluation of the selected strategy

    The assessment of the approved strategy is conducted when analyzing the correctness and adequacy of accounting when choosing the main factors that determine the possibilities of implementing the strategy.

    Ultimately, the entire assessment procedure is subordinate to one: whether the approved company strategy will achieve their goals. This is the main evaluation criterion. Subject to the strategy of the company's goals, the assessment will be made in the following areas:

    1. How much the strategy matches the state and requirements of the environment.
    2. As far as the selected strategy complies with the possibilities and potential of the business.
    3. Acceptability of risk that accompanies this strategy.
    4. A formed company development strategy may be useless if the company does not envisage the mechanism of its implementation. A separate big problem implies the formation of adequate strategies of organizational structures, with the selection of managers, financing of functional strategies, the creation of an appropriate corporate culture.

    Information about the author and company

    Alexander Mokeev, Director of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of TNT Express in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod. He graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in the specialty "Economics and Finance" and the Strategic Logistics course of the State University - the Higher School of Economics. He worked as Deputy Head of the Marketing Service of the National Factoring Company and the Director of Logistics the Working Enterprise "Labor" (Nizhny Novgorod).

    TNT EXPRESS. in Russia. Field of activity: Transport Logistics, Express delivery of goods. Form of organization: LLC. Territory: Head Office - in Moscow; Regional offices - in 12 cities of the Russian Federation; Network coverage - 5,500 Russian cities. Personal personnel: 750. The number of monthly processed orders: more than 100,000. The director's experience as: since 2006.

    Alexey Petropolsky, General Director of Yurvista, Moscow. He received two higher education, after graduating from the Institute of State and Municipal Administration in the specialty "Jurisprudence" and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation in the specialty "State and Municipal Management". In 2013, created his own real estate agency "Agency. Not".

    Sergey Zyuzya, General Director of Zika, Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Automobile and Tractor Engineering in the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering", as well as the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in commerce specialist in the field of foreign economic relations with knowledge of a foreign language. "

    (According to the materials of the works of A. J. Strickland III (A. J. Strickland III), a professor of strategic management at the Higher School of Business at the University of Alabama).

    The business management is based on the development of a strategy, its adaptation to the specifics of the company and the implementation. Strategy companies This is a comprehensive management plan.It should strengthen the company's position in the market and ensure coordination of efforts, attracting and satisfying consumers, successful competition and achieving global goals. The process of developing a strategy is based on a thorough study of all possible areas of development and activities and is to choose a general direction, developed markets, serviced needs, methods of competition, resources involved and business models. In other words, the strategy means the choice of development paths, markets, competition methods and business management.
    If a strategic vision defines the future image of the company, then the mission describes the company's activities currently: which goods and services it produces who its customers, what are technological and business opportunities. Most companies include a mission to their annual reports and post on Web sites. Mission says nothing about the direction of development of the company, future activities and business plans. Thus, strategic vision reflects the future of the company, and the mission is the present.

    Development, implementation and implementation of the strategy - priority management tasks, therefore there is always the demand for managers who are able to actively form the future of the company. Managers develop a strategy and are responsible for choosing a business model model. The strategy creates productivity benchmarks, an idea of \u200b\u200bcompetitive advantages, an action plan for customer satisfaction and achieving high performance. Without a thoroughly formulated strategy, the organization loses sense, loses its competitiveness, leads to the internal stagnation and deterioration of the results. In addition, the actions of individual divisions, departments and groups of managers must be a single coordinated whole, so that the highest management is obliged to harmonize the work of all divisions of the company - R & D, production, marketing, customer service, personnel, information technology, finance. A single strategy for the entire enterprise is the base for combining actions and solutions of various divisions of the organization to one targeted effort. If there is no strategy, management cannot formulate a business model that will ensure profit.

    Examples of the wording of the strategy and mission of the most successful companies

    Examples of the formulation of strategic vision and mission of companies:

    Microsoft Corporation - Software Production

    For many years, Microsoft was determined by the strategic vision: "Computer in every home, on every desktop, plus first-class software." However, the appearance of the Internet and the wide distribution of electronic devices other than PCs, such as pocket calculators and consoles for TVs, forced Microsoft in 1999 to expand the vision as follows: "Provide new features at any time, anywhere on any device using first-class software provision. "

    Intel - production of processors for PC

    "Our vision: Billions of computers with connecting to the Internet, millions of servers, trillions of dollars arrived from e-commerce. Mission Intel - Saving the role of a key supplier in the Internet economy and promoting any effort to improve Internet efficiency. Today the main thing in computers is the Internet . We are expanding the PC and Internet features. "

    OTIS Elevator - Production of elevators

    "Our mission is to provide all customers to the means of moving people and goods up, down and to the side to a limited distance with reliability, no other company can provide."

    AVIS Rent-A-Car - rental cars

    "Our business is renting cars. Our mission is the absolute customer satisfaction."

    Trader Joe "S - Network of Grocery Stores

    "Mission Trader Joe" S - sale of high-quality products and beverages, objective information, the highest service standards, friendliness, individual approach, corporate spirit. "

    American Red Cross

    "The Mission of the American Red Cross is to improve the quality of human life; develop confidence in people in their forces and raise responsibility; we teach people to avoid accidents and at the same time be ready for them, to be able to provide first aid."

    "3COM mission - connect individual and corporate users to sources of information with modern, simple and reliable funds. Our vision of global computerization is a world in which the Internet connection is easier, more affordable, cheaper."

    Eastman Kodak

    "We make a photo."

    Ritz-Carlton hotels

    "Ritz-Carlton hotel chain mission is tireless care and ensuring maximum comfort to each guest."
    "We guarantee our guests the best individual service, comfort, calm and refined atmosphere."
    "Thanks to his enormous experience, Ritz-Carlton hotels staff create an atmosphere of comfort and well-being, even unspoken wishes of their guests satisfy."


    "Our vision: become the best network of fast-food restaurants in America. We offer every visitor with delicious, healthy and inexpensive dishes from fish, seafood and chickens, serving quickly and politely."

    Bristol-Myers Squibb

    "The Mission of Bristol-Myers Squibb is to improve the quality of life with high-quality sanitary and hygiene. Our goal is to become a world quality leader in this industry."
    Strategic and financial goals are to strengthen the situation of the organization in the industry and increasing competitiveness; Financial goals are planned financial indicators. Examples of strategic and financial goals

    Banc One Corporation (strategic goal)

    "Always enter the troika of the financial market leaders."

    Domino "s pizza (strategic goal)

    "Fast delivery of hot pizza no more than 30 minutes after accepting an order. Reasonable prices, acceptable profits."


    "Satisfy our customers through the supply of high-quality passenger and trucks, developing new types of products, reducing the time of industrial introduction of new vehicles, improve the efficiency of all enterprises and production processes, creating partnerships with employees, trade unions, dealers and suppliers."

    Alcan Aluminum (Strategic and Financial Goals)

    "To produce aluminum with minimal costs, hold the Standard and Poor index above the average." (Standard and Poor - stock index 500 most actively purchased shares on the New York Stock Exchange published by Standard and Poor).

    Bristol-Myers Squibb (strategic goal)

    "To focus our efforts on a global scale on such sanitary and hygiene products, in the production of which we occupy the first or second place, provide consumers with excellent quality goods."

    Atlas Corporation (strategic goal)

    "To become a low-cost Gold mining company, produce at least 3735.5 kg of gold per year and create a gold reserve in 424.5 T".

    CM Corporation (Financial and Strategic Objectives)

    "Achieve the average annual growth of profit per share of at least 10%, the profitability of share capital - by 20-25%, the profitability of the attracted capital is not lower than 27%; no less than 30% of the goods sold should be issued over the past 4 years."

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