An interesting scenario of a washroom at school. The script for the matinee "moidodyr is a holiday of purity". Script by piece

Scenario of a musical and theatrical holiday in the preparatory group based on the tales of KI Chukovsky: "Moidodyr and everything, everything, everything ..."

Target: Development of children's speech skills through theatrical activities.
1. Formation in children of an emotional attitude to the works of K.I. Chukovsky.
2. To recall with the children the names and contents of the works of KI Chukovsky, with which the children met earlier.
3. Encourage children to enjoy meeting their favorite fairy-tale characters, to teach them to understand the humor of his works;
4. Introduction to moral culture;
5. To develop creative abilities in preschoolers; imagination thinking, speech, and memory;
Educational areas: Cognition, socialization, artistic and speech development.
Preliminary work:
1. Reading poems and fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky
2. Making headbands and selecting costumes.
3. Viewing cartoons based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky
4. Listening to audio recordings of KI Chukovsky's works
5. Drawing with children according to the tales of KI Chukovsky.

- Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky
- Exhibition of books
- Exhibition of children's drawings
- Costumes of characters: grandmothers Fedora, Aibolit, Moidodyr, Grimy, headbands, Jackal's hat;
- For Aibolit: a suitcase for Aibolit, a letter, a birch tree, a palm tree, African animals (soft toys), a horse on a stick for a jackal, a model of a samovar, a model of cups, blots on a shirt Dirty; for the Captain of the ship: cap, vest, binoculars, steering wheel.
- Medals for rewarding.

Holiday progress

(The exit of children in a semicircle with the leading music by Y. Levitin "Exit Moidodyr")
Leading: Hello dear children and adults. Today we have a holiday dedicated to the work of our beloved and dear writer, a meeting with the heroes of K.I. Chukovsky.
Children, do you like the tales of Korney Chukovsky?
Children: Yes!
Leading: And what fairy tales do you know ???
Children: "Moidodyr", "Fly-Tsokotukha", "Cockroach", "Fedorino
grief "," Barmaley "," Telephone "," Stolen Sun ",
"Confusion", "Doctor Aibolit", "Crocodile", "Totausi and Mousei", "Toptygin and the Moon", ...

Leading: Do you want to go on a journey through the tales of K. Chukovsky?
Children: Yes, we do.
Leading: Today we will go on an amazing journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You will have to overcome many trials, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to receive an award at the end of the journey as "Connoisseur of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky's fairy tales." Do you agree? Then let's go. First, we will sail on the ship, and the captain of our ship will be Gleb.
(Captain's exit)
Captain: Full speed ahead!
(The soundtrack "the sound of the sea" sounds. Children recite poetry.)
1 child: Seagulls are circling over the waves
Let's fly after them together.
Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea we are with you.

2 child: We're sailing on the sea now
And frolic in the open!
More fun to rake
And catch up with the dolphins!

3 child: How nice it is to swim in the sea
Bank on the left, bank on the right!
Sea, sea ahead
Above the bridge, look!

4 child: To sail even faster
We need to row faster!
We work with our hands
Who will follow us?

(Composition with ribbons and boats)
(After the dance, Aibolit and the baby-jackal go to change backstage)

Captain: Attention! The island is ahead on the course. But the ship cannot go further: it is too shallow.
Leading: And what kind of fairy tale we got into, we will now find out with you.

(Aibolit's exit to the music, sit under a birch)
(The child comes out and reads)

Child: Kind doctor Aibolit,
He sits under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
Both the cow and the she-wolf
And a bug and a worm,
And the bear.
Heal everyone, heal
Good doctor Aibolit.

Leading: Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
He rode on a mare.

(Soundtrack sounds, "Horse gallops")

Jackal: Here is a telegram for you
From the hippo.

(Aibolit takes and reads the telegram.)

Aibolit: Come doctor
To Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our kids! ...
What? Really?
Are your kids sick ?!
Jackal: Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat
Scarlet fever, cholerol,
Diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis.
Come soon,
Good doctor Aibolit!

(The jackal rides off on a horse and changes into Gryaznulya, Aibolit takes the suitcase and walks along the palm tree and begins to treat the animals.)
Leading: And all the kids are happy and happy.
I arrived! I arrived! Hooray! Hooray! (Children in chorus.)
Ten nights Aibolit
Does not eat, drink or sleep.
Ten nights in a row
He heals the unfortunate animals.
And he puts, and puts them thermometers.

Child So he cured them,
So he cured the sick,
And they went to laugh
And dance and indulge!
("Dance of Kremen")
Children:(in chorus) Glory! Glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!

(Child, goes backstage to change into Moidodyr)

Leading: Now it's time for us to move on. We will go by train with you. How interesting, in what kind of fairy tale we will fall with you.
(Soundtrack sounds, "Train")
A dirty boy runs out to the music of "Dirty" at the choice of the musical director
The blanket ran away
The sheet flew away
And a pillow like a frog
Galloped away from me.
I am for a candle, a candle in the stove.
I’m for the book, that run
And skipping under the bed.
I want to drink some tea
I run up to the samovar,
But pot-bellied from me
I ran away like fire!
God, God, what happened?
Why is everything around
Spun, spun
And it rushed head over heels.
Irons behind boots
Pie boots
Iron pies
A poker for a sash -
Everything is turning
And spinning
And rushes somersault.

Leading: Guys, what fairy tale are we in? (children's answer)

(Children scatter the way)

(Song "Microbes")

Leading: Suddenly from my mother's bedroom
Bow-legged and lame
Runs out the washbasin
And shakes her head.
(Music of the music director's choice is played
"Exit moidodyr")

Moidodyr: Oh you nasty, oh you dirty
Unwashed pig!
You are blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire yourself.
You have wax on your neck
There's a blot under your nose
You have such hands
That even the trousers ran away
Even pants, even pants ran away from you!
Early in the morning at dawn
Little mice are washing
Kittens and ducklings
Both bugs and spiders.

You haven't washed your face alone
And remained muddy,
And ran away from the dirty
And stockings and shoes.
I am the Great Laver,
Famous Moidodyr,
Washbasins Chief
And loofahs Commander!
If I stamp my foot
I will call my soldiers
Into this room in a crowd
Washbasins will fly in
And they will bark and howl
And they will knock with their feet
And you have a headwash
Unwashed, they will give -
Directly to the Moika,
Directly to the Moika
They will dip your head! "

And now brushes, brushes
Crackled like rattles
Dirty: And let's rub and condemn me.

My, my chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean!
There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean!

And then the soap jumped (soap comes out)
And grabbed the hair
And whirled, and washed,
And bit like a wasp.

Moidodyr: Long live fragrant soap,
And the towel is fluffy
And tooth powder
And a thick scallop.

Children take turns: Let's wash, splash,
Swim, dive, tumble
In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.
And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!
Children: (in unison.) Eternal glory to the water!

(Children all go to the dance "Big wash" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")
After the dance Fyodor () and the dishes go to change).

Leading: Here we are. Let's see, what kind of fairy tale is this?

(Cheerful music sounds, "Fedora's exit")
Fedor: Hello honest people!
I don't like peace.
Though I am old and weak
But young at heart.
I do not like to clean
I should sing, joke, dance!
Why is it so sad all around
Is the house boring, dusty, empty?
(Music sounds, "Fun exercise" by T. Suvorova. Fyodora runs for the "dishes") (Fyodora sits on a chair tired.)

Leading: Sieve rides through the fields
And a trough in the meadows,
Behind a shovel broom
I went along the street.
Fedor: What? Why?
I don’t understand anything?

Leading: This is a fairy tale about
How the miracle happened
She ran away from Fedora
Dirty dishes.

Fedor: Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Come back home!
Hey you silly plates
What do you jump like squirrels?

Plates: Better disappear in the field,
But we won't go to Fedora!

Leading: But the kettle whispered to the iron:

Leading: And the saucers began to cry:

Saucer: Isn't it better to go back?

Frying pan: Look, who is toiling there?
Sitting, crying, sad?

Dishes (children in chorus): Yes, it's at the fence
Our hostess is Fedora!

Host: But a miracle happened to her,
Fedora has become kinder.

Fedor: Oh, you, my poor orphans,
My irons and pans,
You go home unwashed
I will wash you with water, the key!
I won't!
I won't!
I offend the dishes
I will, I will be dishes
And love and respect
Leading: Laughing pots
They winked at the samovar.
Kettle: Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!

Leading: And the saucers were delighted
Tink-la-la! (dishes)
And dance and laugh
Tink-la-la! (dishes)

(Crockery and Fedora perform the dance of the samovar "Oh, you canopy ...")

Fedor: Well it's time to say goodbye
It was fun with you.
Good hour!

(All children and heroes come out in a semicircle and recite poetry)
As a child, we could not read ourselves
and molested dad and mom.
There were those tales to be recounted:
About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,
About Aibolit and Moidodyr,

About the phone and Fedorin's grief.
About the Cockroach and the Crocodile ...
Mom and Dad told us ...
Grandmothers told us this ...
Mom and Dad told us
That they had known these heroes for a long time.
Grandmothers read fairy tales to them in childhood
From them they learned these heroes.
They pestered grandmothers for a long time -
How did they recognize these heroes?
About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,
About Aibolit and Moidodyr,
About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,
About the phone and Fedorin's grief.
Grandmothers told us this is
They read these fairy tales in books.
These little books were written by grandfather Roots.

So our journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know very well the tales and poems of this wonderful author. This concludes our journey. Look, the native shore is already visible in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn even more about this amazing person, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the "barking cup", Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and many other interesting things. And do not forget to take with you the old shoes, boots, from which you have already grown, as there is really a Miracle tree at the gate. And for your participation in such a wonderful holiday, as well as your participation in the drawing competition of Uncle Korney's fairy tales, you guys will receive medals "Connoisseur of K. I. Chukovsky's fairy tales."
Photos from the holiday

MBOU Mikhnevskaya NOSH

Script by piece

K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

for 1st grade students

Primary school teacher

Zhuravleva Olga Viktorovna

2017 year

Scene "Moidodyr"

(On the stage there is a stove, a bed, a samovar on the table. The boy is lying on the bed.)

The music is loud, fast, the boy jumps out of bed


The sheet flew away (children carry away a blanket, sheet, pillow)

And a pillow

Like a frog

Galloped away from me.

I'm for a candle

The candle is in the stove!

I'm for the book (children take away a candle, a book)

Ta - to run

And skipping

Under the bed!

I want to drink some tea

I run up to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me (the samovar runs away)

I ran away like fire.

God, God,

What happened?

From what

All around

It started spinning


And rushed the wheel?

Irons behind boots

Pie boots (to fast music all things

Iron pies run and jump around the boy)

A poker for a sash -

Everything is turning

And spinning

And rushes somersault.

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame (a washbasin comes out from behind the curtains)

Runs out the washbasin

shakes his head:


"Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself:

You have wax on your neck

There's a blot under your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away

Even pants, even pants

Run away from you.

Early in the morning at dawn

Little mice are washing

Kittens and ducklings

Both bugs and spiders.

You haven't washed your face alone

And remained muddy,

And ran away from the dirty

And stockings and shoes.

I am the Great Laver,

Famous Moidodyr,

Washbasins Chief

And loofahs Commander!

If I stamp my foot

I will call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Washbasins will fly in

And they will bark and howl

And they will knock with their feet

And you have a headwash

Unwashed, they will give -

Directly to the Moika,

Directly to the Moika

They will dip your head! "

He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now brushes, brushes

Crackled like rattles

And let's rub me


(At this time, brush girls run out onto the stage)


"Mine, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean! "

(At this time, a soap boy runs onto the stage)

And then the soap jumped

And grabbed the hair

And whirled, and washed,

And bit like a wasp.

Boy: (runs away from the scrub girl)

And from a mad washcloth

I rushed like a stick,

And she is behind me, behind me

Along Sadovaya, along Sennaya.

I am to the Tauride Garden,

Jumped over the fence

And she rushes after me

And bites like a she-wolf.

(a crocodile comes out of the wings and the sponge girl runs away)

Suddenly, my good one meets

My beloved Crocodile.

He's with Totosha and Kokosha

Walked along the alley

And a loofah like a jackdaw

Like a jackdaw, I swallowed it.

And then how it growls

How it kicks

Crocodile: (goes to the boy, stamping his feet)

"You go home,

Wash your face

And not how I will get it,

I'll trample and swallow! "

How he started to run down the street,

He ran to the washstand again.

Soap, soap

Soap, soap

I washed my face without end

Washed away and wax

And ink

From an unwashed face.

Boy: (pants fly out of the wings)

And now pants, pants

So they jumped into my hands.

(a pie runs out)

And behind them is a pie:

"Come on, eat me, buddy!"

(runs out a sandwich)

And after him and a sandwich:

Jumped up - and straight into your mouth!

So the book has returned,

The notebook came back,

And the grammar started

To dance with arithmetic.

Here is the Great Laver,

Famous Moidodyr,

Washbasins Chief

And loofahs Commander,

He ran up to me dancing

And, kissing, he said:


(walking up to the boy and hugging)

"Now I love you,

Now I praise you!

Finally you dirty

Moidodyr pleases! "

I must, I must wash my face

In the mornings and evenings

And to the unclean Chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

(Everyone runs onto the stage and recites a verse)


Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere -

Eternal glory to the water!

(Everyone leaves the stage waving their hand)

Scene "Moidodyr"

2 younger group

(On the stage there is a stove, a bed, a samovar on the table. The boy is lying on the bed.)

The music is loud, fast, the boy jumps out of bed

Slide 1 track 1


The sheet flew away (children carry away a blanket, sheet, pillow)

And a pillow

Like a frog

Galloped away from me.

I'm for a candle

The candle is in the stove!

I'm for the book (children take away a candle, a book)

Ta - to run

And skipping

Under the bed!

I want to drink some tea

I run up to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me (the samovar runs away)

I ran away like fire.

God, God,

What happened?

From what

All around

It started spinning


And rushed the wheel?

Irons behind boots

Pie boots (to fast music all things

Iron pies run and jump around the boy)

A poker for a sash -

Everything is turning

And spinning

And rushes somersault.

track 2

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame (a washbasin comes out from behind the curtains)

Runs out the washbasin

shakes his head:


"Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself:

You have wax on your neck

There's a blot under your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away

Even pants, even pants

Run away from you.

Early in the morning at dawn

Little mice are washing slide 2,3

Kittens and ducklings slide 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Both bugs and spiders. slide 12,13,14,15

You haven't washed your face alone

And remained muddy,

And ran away from the dirty

And stockings and shoes.

I am the Great Laver, slide 16

Famous Moidodyr,

Washbasins Chief

And loofahs Commander!

If I stamp my foot

I will call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Washbasins will fly in

And they will bark and howl

And they will knock with their feet

And you have a headwash

Unwashed, they will give -

Directly to the Moika,

Directly to the Moika

They will dip your head! "

He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now brushes, brushes

Crackled like rattles

And let's rub me

Sentence: track 3

(At this time, brush girls run out onto the stage)


"Mine, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean! "

(At this time, a soap boy runs onto the stage)

And then the soap jumped

And grabbed the hair

And whirled, and washed,

And bit like a wasp.

Boy: (runs away from the scrub girl)

And from a mad washcloth track 4

I rushed like a stick,

And she is behind me, behind me slide 17

Along Sadovaya, along Sennaya. slide 18

I am to the Tauride Garden, slide 19

Jumped over the fence

And she rushes after me

And bites like a she-wolf.

(a crocodile comes out of the wings and the sponge girl runs away)

Suddenly, my good one meets

My beloved Crocodile.

He's with Totosha and Kokosha

Walked along the alley

And a loofah like a jackdaw

Like a jackdaw, I swallowed it.

And then how it growls

How it kicks

Crocodile: (goes to the boy, stamping his feet)

"You go home,

Wash your face

And not how I will get it,

I'll trample and swallow! "

How he started to run down the street,

He ran to the washstand again. slide 20

Soap, soap track 5

Soap, soap slide 21

I washed my face without end

Washed away and wax slide 22

And ink

From an unwashed face.

Boy: (pants fly out of the wings)

And now pants, pants

So they jumped into my hands. track 6

(a pie runs out)

And behind them is a pie:

"Come on, eat me, buddy!"

(runs out a sandwich)

And after him and a sandwich:

Jumped up - and straight into your mouth!

So the book has returned,

The notebook came back,

And the grammar started

To dance with arithmetic.

Here is the Great Laver,

Famous Moidodyr,

Washbasins Chief

And loofahs Commander,

He ran up to me dancing

And, kissing, he said:


(walking up to the boy and hugging)

"Now I love you,

Now I praise you!

Finally you dirty

Moidodyr pleases! "

track 7

I must, I must wash my face

In the mornings and evenings

And to the unclean Chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

(Everyone runs onto the stage and recites a verse)


Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere -

Eternal glory to the water!

(Everyone leaves the stage waving their hand)

Class: 2


1. To instill the skills of hygienic behavior.

2. To teach children to follow basic hygiene rules.


1. Posters:

“Long live fragrant soap,
And the towel is fluffy
And tooth powder
And a thick scallop! ”.

2. Colorful daily routine:

“Remember firmly
That the regime is necessary for all people! ”.

3. Image of Moidodyr.


W. Guys! Today, Moidodyr's faithful friends and assistants have gathered in our class. A package and a letter came to the address of our class. What do you think should be opened first?

D. Letter.

W. That's right, first let's open the letter and see who it is from and what is written in it. (Everyone reads the letter)

"A letter to all children on one very important matter."

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and face.
It doesn't matter what kind of water:
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!
It is imperative to wash
In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon -
Before every meal
After sleep and before sleep!
Rub with a sponge and a washcloth,
Be patient - it doesn't matter!
And ink and jam
Wash off soap and water.
My dear children:
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash cleaner, wash more often -
I can't stand filth.
I will not shake hands with dirty people
I will not go to visit them!
I wash myself very often.


W. Here, guys, we knew who the letter came from. Probably the package is also from him.

W. We will open the parcel later, and now we will talk about how who puts himself in order, how he spends his day.


1. Do all of you guys follow the daily routine?

2. Should I wash my face in a tracksuit or school uniform?

3. Is it tedious to wash your neck and when?

4. Should I brush my teeth and when?

5. What should be done to keep the muscles strong?

Reading the poster:

"Remember firmly that the regime is necessary for all people!"

Reading poetry about the daily routine.

0700 - 0745 h.

I will chase away the remnants of sleep
Blanket aside
I need gymnastics
Helps great!
Noisy trickle of water
Crushes on hands
Never forget
Wash your face in the morning!

8 10 am - 1 pm

How did you come to class
Hang the lock on your tongue!
Don't hide your keys far away
Where you need to do not be silent.

13 00 - 14 00 h.

Better not at the appointed hour
Sit down to solve problems
To come merry to class
Not hiding my eyes in the desk.

14:00 - 16:00

I'll give my mom some wood,
What am I really small!
Will be and lunch is ready
And the boots will dry out.

16:00 - 18:00

Good when ready
You are for lessons at school
Score at least a hundred goals
Walk around to your heart's content.

18 00 - 20 30 h.

To sleep better at night
Seeing a good dream.
We advise you to walk
We'll be fine in the evening.

21 00. Hang up.

Get up early, early to bed,
You won't yawn on your desk tomorrow
Drink on time, eat on time
You will be strong and fresh until old age.

W. The regimen must be followed, because it helps to grow healthy and vigorous.

A poster and a portrait of the commander A.V. Suvorov with the words: "Cleanliness, health, neatness, vigor, courage, courage - this is Victory, Glory!".

W. Along with courage and boldness, the great commander considered cleanliness and tidiness to be the obligatory qualities of a Russian warrior.

Show of morning exercises by a group of children. (Dunno enters. Untidy appearance)

Hello guys!
I came to visit you.

D. Hello, Dunno!

W. Hello, Dunno! You came just in time. And you guys, pay attention to the appearance and behavior of our guest. What are the rules you just learned?

1. Before entering, you must ask permission.

2. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the face and hands, wash well.

3. Hair should be kept in order, combed neatly.

4. Clothes must be clean.

5. You must have a handkerchief with you.

(At this time, Dunno puts himself in order)

N. Thanks guys! It is immediately evident that you are real friends and assistants of Moidodyr.

W. Now guys, let's see what's in the package. (In the parcel, there is a sheet of paper on top with something written in it)

Reading:"Dear Guys! Together with the letter, I am sending you a parcel. It contains riddles. Whoever guesses them correctly will receive a gift! ”

Reading riddles. The one who guesses it gets a gift.


I'm small and sleek
Submissive, not arrogant, but at the jump I spray with foam,
Like a zealous wild horse. (Soap)

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. (Soap)

Tooth, not bite,
What is it called? (Comb)

Bone back,
Stiff bristles
Friends with mint paste
Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything. (Comb)

What a thing: if you look at it, you will see yourself. (Mirror)

I look at you - I see myself. (Mirror)

Who will always tell the truth? (Mirror)

Lay in my pocket and watch
Roar, crybaby and dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

Smoothly, fragrant,
Washes clean
Everyone needs to have it. (Soap)

1. Guys, please tell me what you remember for yourself?

2. Why do you need to carry out the daily routine?

D. To be strong, healthy and study well.

The result of the class hour.

W. Guys, strictly observe the daily routine: get up at the same time every day, walk, do your homework and go to bed.

Scenario of a theatrical holiday for senior preschool children for World Health Day
"To live clean - to be healthy!"

Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education in theatrical activities, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
Description: April 7 - Health Day established by the World Organization. Cleanliness is one of the facets that allows you to maintain and strengthen human health.
Cleanliness is the key to health,
Cleanliness is needed everywhere:
At home, at school, at work,
Both on land and in water.
I propose the development of a theatrical holiday for children of senior preschool age, related to the theme of cleanliness. The script can be useful in the work of educators, music directors of preschool educational institutions, as well as teachers of additional education who work with preschoolers. The entertainment is recommended to be carried out in a music or gymnasium.
Target: continuing to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children.
- to induce a positive emotional mood in children and maintain it throughout the holiday, to form the necessary supply of emotions and impressions; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of personal hygiene, about cultural and hygienic skills;
- to develop attention, associative thinking (when guessing riddles), intelligence, ear for music, a sense of rhythm;
- to educate communication skills.
Characters: Leading (musical director), Aibolit, Gryaznulya-Chistyulya, Moidodyr.
Preliminary work:
1. A few days before the holiday, post posters in senior preschool groups

2. Conduct a conversation with children about cleanliness, its role in maintaining health, and hygiene items necessary to maintain cleanliness.
3. Read (listen to the audio recording) to children the tale of KI Chukovsky "Moidodyr", conduct a conversation on the content.
4. Decorate the music hall with balloons, illustrations depicting Moidodyr, hygiene items (on the screen and on the curtains). On one side of the screen, hang the words of the proverb: "To live clean - to be healthy!"
5. Prepare prizes for children (soap, hematogen)
Used material and equipment: screen, large floor mirror, Aibolit doll (bibabo), illustrations for riddles, towel, 2 tables, 2 basins with the same set of objects (soap, cubes, napkins, balls, cleaning powder, etc.), soap and hematogen for children ...
Children under the march from PI Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker" enter the hall, sit on chairs.
Our cozy light room
I gathered everyone here today.
On this day and this hour
We welcome all of you! (everyone claps their hands)
- And what kind of holiday are we celebrating today? (children's answers)
- And what is cleanliness for? (children's answers)
A knock on the door.
What kind of guest is in a hurry to celebrate?
What is his name, find out?
And for this a riddle
Guess quickly:
Come to him for treatment
Any beast, any bird.
He will hasten to help everyone
Good doctor ... (children: "Aybolit!")
Aibolit doll appears on the screen, greets the children

Leading. Doctor Aibolit, why are you so small? How are you going to play with us?
Aibolit. The Evil Microbe has bewitched me. Doesn't want me to be with you today.
Leading. Guys, let's help Doctor Aibolit, disenchant him. For this it is necessary to say: "TO LIVE CLEAN - BE HEALTHY!" (children say the proverb 3 times)
Aibolit comes out from behind the screen.
Aibolit. Thank you guys! How do you live? How is your tummy?
I came to teach you how to maintain your health.
There is a lot of dirt around us. And at a bad hour she
Will bring us harm, disease, but I will give useful advice,
My advice is quite simple - be careful with dirt!
Dirty enters to the mischievous melody.
Dirty. Are you talking about me? Here I am! (itches all the time, goes to Aibolit)
Don't come near me!
And don't touch me!
Ah-ah-ah, what a suit!
But there’s nothing to look at!
I wouldn't wear that.
I have a different matter:
There is a big stain from borscht,
Here's sour cream, here's a roast.
Here I ate ice cream,
This - sat in a puddle.
This is glue, and here is ink.
Agree - very cute!
I adore my outfit
I will not trade for another.
I will tell you a secret -
There is simply no better dress!

Dirty greeted the children by the hand. Aibolit then wipes the children's hands with a towel, says not to give them their hands. Then Aibolit drags Gryaznula away from the children.
Dirty. What are you gathering here for? What kind of holiday are you having?
Aibolit. Today we have a holiday of purity!
Dirty. Feast of Purity? Ha ha ha! It would be better if they organized a Gryaznul holiday! I would be the main Dirt on it! Remember: cleanliness is our enemy! Never wash your face! Brushing your teeth - no way in the world! I am already very pretty and there is not so much dirt on me.
Have you washed the dishes? So I will be arriving soon.
If you haven't washed the floor, I was invited to visit.
Stop washing, washing windows, sweeping the floor.
I hate rags, brushes. I, friends, am afraid of tickling
I climb into the corners - where there is dirt and spiders.
Aibolit. What are you, Gryaznulya, our children love cleanliness, order, they love to wash, brush their teeth.
Dirty. No, no, no, I don't believe you! I will ask riddles about things that are needed for cleanliness. Let's see if the guys know them and if they can guess!
1. Slips away like a living thing, but I will not let him go.
Foams with white foam, hands are not lazy to wash (soap) - illustration
2. Who counts our teeth in the morning and evening? (Toothbrush) - illustration
3. He lay in his pocket and was on guard:
I roar, cry and get dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose (handkerchief) - illustration

4. Everyone takes me into their hands
And they diligently rub the body.
How nice to be rubbed!
I guys ... (towel) - illustration
5. I do not wander through the woods,
And through the mustache, through the hair
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears (comb) - illustration
6. The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy:
He is ready to go without clouds, without clouds all day (shower) - illustration
7. Where the sponge does not cope, does not wash, does not dry up,
I take the work on myself - I rub my heels, elbows with soap,
And I rub my knees, I don’t forget anything (washcloth) - illustration
Dirty. Well, it was an easy task. It's easy to speak, but can children find these things?
Aibolit. Come on, Dirty, let's check it out.
Game "Be attentive"
One child from each group of children present at the party takes part in the game. Each child chooses from the items in the basin only those that are needed to maintain cleanliness. The number of cans with objects corresponds to the number of children playing. Each basin contains the same groups of objects: cubes, soap, hairbrush, ball, cleaning powder, napkins, etc. The game is played 2 times (first with boys, then with girls)

You can play the game in the form of a competition: from two gathered groups of children, assemble two teams that stand in two ranks. At the signal, the first children from both teams run to the basins, each to his own, quickly find the object necessary for cleanliness, and return back to the team. When all the children from both teams have run and brought the items, Aibolit checks the correctness. You can hold such a competition 2 times: first, there are only girls in the teams, then only boys.
In addition, in the preparatory group for school, you can hold a competition "Make a Word": from two groups of children who have gathered, assemble two teams, each of which will have 4 people (according to the number of letters in the word "SOAP"). At the signal, the first children run, find the letter "M", come back, the second guys from the team must find the next letter, and so on.

Aibolit. Well, now you are convinced?
Dirty. Well, let it be, I don't like it with you!
Moidodyr enters to the music. The filth is hiding.

Hello kids, girls and boys!
I was in a hurry to visit you in kindergarten, I am glad to see you all!
I am the great laver
Famous Moidodyr,
Washbasin chief
And the washcloths commander.
Aibolit. Guys, did you recognize the fairy tale from which Moidodyr came? (children's answers)
Thank you, you guessed it,
You recognized my tale (notices Gryaznula, shakes her head sternly)
Oh you ugly, oh you dirty
Unwashed pig!
You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself (brings Dirty to the mirror)
You have wax on your neck (shows),
There's a blot under your nose
You have such hands
That even the trousers ran away
Even pants, even pants
Ran away from you (show how the trousers "run away")
Filthy (does not look in the mirror)... I hate being re-educated! I will not wash anyway! I want to be Dirty! All cleanliness - shame and disgrace! Don't you guys shout? Do you really not like the dirty?
Moidodyr. Look at yourself in the mirror, monster!
Dirty looks and gets scared.
Dirty. Take your crooked mirror! There is some kind of monster sitting there! It's not me!
Aibolit. Yes, it's you in the mirror - dirty, unwashed, uncombed.

Filthy (crying)... It's not me. Am I that dirty?
Aibolit. Do not Cry. Here's a soap and a towel. Go wash and come to us (The filthy leaves)
To you boys and girls
I have prepared ditties!
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
To the wrong advice
Say: no, no, no!

You constantly need to eat
For your teeth:
Fruits, vegetables, omelet,
Cottage cheese, curdled milk.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,
It is completely, completely tasteless,
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice?
No no no no!

Lyuba told mom:
"I won't brush my teeth!"
And now our Lyuba
A hole in everyone, in every tooth.
What is your answer?
Well done Lyuba? No?

To give shine to teeth,
You need to take a shoe cream.
Squeeze out half a tube
And brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice?
No no no no!

You brushed your teeth
And you go to sleep.
Grab a bun
Sweet to bed.
Is this the right advice?
No! No! No! No!

Remember useful advice,
You cannot gnaw an iron object.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.

To strengthen your teeth,
It is useful to chew nails.
Is this the right advice?
No! No! No! No!

Remember forever dear friends,
You can't go to sleep without brushing your teeth.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Well done guys, there was your correct answer, what is useful and what is not!
The transformed Dirt enters to the music, dances, smiles.

Aibolit. Oh, Dirty, you don't even recognize! How clean and pretty you have become!
Now I love you
Now I am praising you.
Finally you, Dirty,
Moidodyr pleased!
Now you will not be Dirty, but Clean!
Cleanliness. I have such a cheerful mood, and when I'm having fun, I want to dance! And I invite you all!
Moving game-song "Smooth circle"
In an even circle one after another,
Let's walk merrily.
What Chistyulya (Aibolit, Moidodyr) will show us now,
Then we will perform (movements are used: wash, comb, brush your teeth, etc.) The game is played as many times as the heroes of the holiday show the movements.
Long live fragrant soap
And the towel is fluffy!
Both tooth powder and a thick comb!
Let's wash, splash,
Swimming, diving, somersaulting.
In a trough, in a tub, in a tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.
And in the bath, and in the bath,
Anytime and anywhere -
All heroes.
Glory to the cleanliness!
You can show and tell these final words using video clips from the cartoon "Moidodyr" (1954)
All heroes.
You need to remember forever:
The key to health is cleanliness!
Heroes with children dancing show dance ("A song about purity" Vasily Bogatyrev and Alina Kukushkina from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")
Moidodyr. And so that you always remain the same clean, rosy and healthy, I want to give you small but very useful gifts - soap!
Aibolit. And also tasty and also useful gifts - hematogen!
The heroes give gifts to children, say goodbye and leave.

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