How can a school psychologist help a child? Methodological materials for a teacher-psychologist according to FGOS download free Materials for the work of a psychologist in a mother's school

When a child is in school, the conditions for his life and development are quite extensive. He communicates with classmates and teachers, gains knowledge and personal experience, forms self-esteem and develops self-confidence. In addition to the fact that the child develops within the walls of the school, he also grows up with his family - during communication with parents and friends, travel, events and activities related to family relationships.

Sometimes a child has problems of an individual or family nature. They can relate to complexes of his personality - shyness, aggressiveness, low self-esteem, self-doubt, or family crises - parental divorce, the appearance of another child in the family, moving to a new place of residence, and more.

Problems, no matter how different they are, can negatively affect the life and development of children. How does it manifest? Low academic performance, refusal to study and attend school, the emergence of bad habits, laziness and other changes in behavior.

Adults do not always have enough resources and knowledge to help them cope with a child's problems. Then they can seek help from a school psychologist. How does this specialist work and under what violations can he help the child cope with difficulties?

The school psychologist works with the mental processes of children. Also, with the help of special psychological methods, he is able to influence the student's behavioral changes, his character, habits and behavior model. How does a psychologist work? First of all, he looks at children objectively, without giving assessments, as, for example, parents or teachers.

This helps the professional to see the student not as a bully or rude person, but as a child who uses deviant behavior as a way of protection. Children at school age can protect themselves from bullying in the classroom, prejudiced attitude of the teacher, their own fears, and misunderstanding of parents. This approach allows the psychologist to be close to the student, to feel him, to be "on the same wavelength" with him. When a child feels such support and that he is no longer scolded or evaluated, he begins to "open up", which helps the specialist to work with himself and goes to a new prosperous level of development.

If parents wish to seek help from a school psychologist, this article will tell them about what a specialist can help a student with.

The psychologist will help the child learn to communicate

Communication is an important area in the life of every student. Through it, children learn about the world, better understand themselves and others. When communication with classmates is not laid down, the student is not accepted by them or does not know how to be friends, this has a bad effect on his mood and academic performance.

Often, children who have no friends in the classroom complain to their parents that they are being bullied. It so happens that this leads to a refusal to attend school.

The first thing a psychologist does is to find out what is the reason for not accepting the child and constitutes the psychological characteristics of the student. In his work, he collaborates with the class teacher in order to better understand the nature of children's communication with each other. With a student, he can conduct special classes that develop in him the ability to communicate or defend himself. The psychologist also works with the whole class to develop cohesion in it.

Will help get rid of complexes and fears

If children have character complexes or fears, a school psychologist will also help get rid of them. To do this, you should go to his reception and tell in detail about the child's problem. Fears of non-pathological forms lend themselves to correction: fear of darkness, loneliness, public speaking, animals, water and others. The specialist works with personality complexes: increased aggressiveness, low self-esteem, refusal to communicate with children, shyness, isolation, shyness and other problems. The psychologist in his work will use individual lessons that correct children's processes, beliefs and attitudes in the child's psyche.

The area of ​​competence of a school psychologist includes a diagnostic study of school children for their individual natural characteristics that they possess. He conducts special tests that will help students better know their character: inclinations, talents, weaknesses. Parents can also get this information from a specialist.

Psychologist works with parents

The mother or father can also seek individual counseling from a psychologist. This can be done in case of difficulties in upbringing, the presence of psychological trauma in children, a situation of divorce in the family and other difficulties that are at home or at school and which negatively affect the development and well-being of the student. In this case, parents receive a number of recommendations from a specialist regarding how to behave, what to do, how to change their behavior and attitude towards the child, and so on.

The psychologist corrects the development of children

The mental processes of schoolchildren - memory, thinking, attention, perception, imagination - play an important role in learning. If some of them are at a low level, children may study poorly, not understand school material, and lag behind in subjects. To tighten the development of mental processes, the psychologist uses various techniques. He conducts individual lessons with children, during which they train their intellectual development and gradually it reaches a good level.

What should parents know when they see a school counselor?

  1. The psychologist is not a magician - in one lesson he is not able to make the child “learn better”, “behave better” and, in general, “be better”. Correction of behavior and development without establishing the reasons is impossible, and the reasons often lie in dysfunctional relationships in the family. Therefore, everyone should work to improve the child's behavior - psychologists, parents and teachers.
  2. A psychologist cannot make a child with a humanitarian mindset become a genius in mathematics. The nature and conditions of development, which were previously created for him by his parents in the family, are responsible for his individual manifestations.
  3. The work of a psychologist with a child may not be effective if, returning home, he suffers from a lack of attention and love in the family. Parents are fully responsible for how the child grows and what happens to his mental state. The school psychologist is an assistant and the link that corrects, but does not fundamentally correct, behavior. The exceptions are cases when parents, having teamed up with a specialist, make every effort to help the child. Typically, this help consists of working on your own mistakes and behavior.

This product has several versions for purchase:

  • Disc - a compact disc (CD or DVD) for use on a personal personal computer (PC).
  • Download version is a program for a PC that can be installed via the Internet immediately after payment.

This electronic manual "Diagnostic work of a psychologist at school" of the series "To help the school psychologist" is intended for educational psychologists, class teachers and teachers of educational organizations of all types, PPMS centers, it can be useful for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions, parents.
The CD contains material for psychodiagnostics of students, OO teachers, and parents.
The manual consists of the following sections:
- "Techniques";
- "Questionnaires";
- "Tests".
The proposed methods, questionnaires and tests will help ensure the successful socialization of students, cope with communication problems, develop stress resistance skills, and also allow teachers to conduct classes aimed at developing attention, memory, thinking and imagination.

Minimum system requirements:
operating system - Windows XP / VISTA / 7/8 / 8.1;
processor - Pentium-II;
RAM - 256 MB;
screen resolution - 1024x768;
CD-ROM drive - 24 CD-ROMs;
free hard disk space - 400 MB.

Detailed description

This e-manual"Diagnostic work of a psychologist at school" series "To help the school psychologist"is intended for educational psychologists, class teachers and teachers of educational organizations of all types, PPMS centers, can be useful for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions, parents.

In modern education, it is the competence of a practical school psychologist that makes it possible to timely record qualitative changes in the psychological development of students, to know their age and individual characteristics, on the basis of this, to help the teaching staff use the means and methods of educational work with maximum efficiency.

The CD contains material for psychodiagnostics of students, OO teachers, and parents.

The proposed guide is divided into the following sections:"Techniques", "Questionnaires", "Tests".

Section "Techniques" contains various techniques aimed atpersonality research("G. Eysenck's test", "Determination of the level of anxiety-anxiety of the individual"), studycognitive processes and the level of mental development("School test of mental development (SHTUR)", "Determination of stability of attention"), methods for studyingcool team("Map-scheme of psychological and pedagogical study of the class team", "Determination of the interpersonal acceptability of students in the class"), as well as various other well-known methods aimed at working with the family, the teaching staff, individual and group research.

To the section "Questionnaires" included such a type of psychological research as questioning , which helps to identify individual psychological characteristics of a person: inclinations, interests, tastes, attitudes towards life facts and phenomena, other people, and oneself. The advantage of this method is that it makes it possible to obtain mass material relatively easily and quickly. The section contains questionnaires for parents and teachers ("Pedagogical Council", "System and structure of school management"). Questionnaires that assess the climate in the team, as well as the success of the teacher's educational work (Questionnaire "Climate in the team" (for teachers and students); "Assessment of the success of the teacher's educational work" and many others).

Test - this is a special type of experimental research, which is a special task or system of tasks; they are used in the study of abilities, the level of mental development, skills, the assimilation of knowledge, as well as in the study of the individual characteristics of the course of mental processes. The test study is distinguished by the comparative simplicity of the procedure, it is short-lived, carried out without complex technical devices, and requires the simplest equipment. The result of solving the test allows for quantitative expression and thus opens up the possibility of mathematical processing.

Examples of such a method of psychological research as a test are presented in the section"Tests": tests to check the intelligence quotient; assessment of visual memory, logical thinking, concentration and temperament characteristics; tests by Luscher, Cattel, Sterlyau; individual and group tests and many others. dr.

The proposed methods, questionnaires and tests will help ensure the successful socialization of students, cope with communication problems, develop stress resistance skills, and also allow teachers to conduct classes aimed at developing attention, memory, thinking and imagination.


1. Definition the readiness of children to learn at school: diagnostic techniques, recommendations for teachers and parents, developing game activities. - (From the experience of a school psychologist) / comp. E. A. Chaus, G. P. Popova. -Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

2. Psychologist - pedagogical support of children with deviant behavior: psychological diagnostics, game technologies / author-comp. I. N. Khomenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

3. Psychologicalstudent support: educational activities, games, trainings and exercises / author-comp. E. D. Shvab, N. P. Pudikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

4. Psychologicalprevention and correctional and developmental classes (from work experience) / author-comp. E. D. Shvab. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

5. Psychologicalsupport for younger students: programs, lesson notes / author-comp. O. N. Rudyakova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

6. Psychologicalassistance to a teenager in crisis situations: prevention, technology, counseling, classes, trainings / author-comp. M. Yu. Mikhailina, M. A. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

List of used literature in the preparation of disc materials:

1. Abramova, G. S. On a smile, the letter "I", the words "must" and "must not": materials for psychocorrectional and developmental classes with younger students. - Volgograd: VGPI im. Serafimovich, 1992.

2. Anastasi, A. Psychological testing: Book. 1. / A. Anastazi. - M.: Pedagogika, 1982 .-- 305 p.

3. Anufriev A. F. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children: psychodiagnostic tables; psychodiagnostic techniques; correctional exercises / A. F. Anufriev, S. N. Kostromina. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M.: Os-89, 1999 .-- 224 p.

4. Birell Weissen, R.Learning life skills at school / R. Birell Weissen, J. Oli, V. Evans, J. Lee, B. Sprunger, D. Pelausks. - M.: Vita-Press, 1996.

5. Bityanova, M. R. Social psychology / M.R.Bityanova. - M., 1994.

6. Bugrimenko, E. A. Children's readiness for school. Diagnostics of mental development and correction of its unfavorable options: methodological developments for a school psychologist. Library of developing education / E. A. Bugrimenko, A. L. Venger et al. - Vol. 11. / - Tomsk: Peleng, 1992 .-- 92 p.

7. Vachkov, I. V. Group methods in the work of a school psychologist: teaching aid / IV Vachkov. - M.: Os-89, 2002.

8. Wenger, L. A. Home school of thinking (People's University. Faculty of Education, No. 12) / L. A. Venger, A. L. Venger. - M.: Knowledge, 1985 .-- 80 p.

9. Wenger, A. L. Methodological recommendations for monitoring the mental development of students in preparatory classes of schools and preparatory groups of kindergartens / A. L. Venger, M. R. Ginzburg. - M.: APN USSR, 1983 .-- 39 p.

10. Wenger, A. L. Scheme of individual examination of children of primary school age / A. L. Venger, G. A. Tsukerman. - Tomsk: Peleng, 1993 .-- 69 p.

11. Vygotsky, L. S. Development of higher mental functions. - M., 1960.

12. Gazman, O.S. To school with a game / O.S. Gazman, N. Ye. Kharitonova. - M., 1991.

13. Garbuzov, V.I. Practical psychotherapy / V.I. Garbuzov. - SPb. : JSC "Sphere", 1994.

14. Gorbatenko, L. S. For parents and educators: everything about drug addiction. Effective prevention programs, themes and materials for classroom activities / L. S. Gorbatenko. - Rostov n / a. : Phoenix, 2005 .-- 352 p. - (Series "Pupil's Library").

15. Deviant behavior of children and adolescents: problems and ways of their solution / ed. V. A. Nikitin. - M.: Soyuz, 1996.

16. Demchuk, E. V. Organization of an integrated approach in the system of prevention of drug addiction among students of educational institutions / Socio-psychological support of participants in the educational process: experience, problems, prospects: mater. scientific-practical conf. / author-comp. I. N. Khomenko. - Chita: CHIPKRO, 2007 .-- 113 p. (pp. 99-100).

17. Children with developmental problems: research and correction: interuniversity collection of papers. scientific. works. - SPb., 1999.

18. Dubinin, N. P. Genetics, behavior, responsibility / N. P. Dubinin, I. I. Karpets, V. N. Kudryavtsev. - M., 1992.

19. Zavyalova, N. A. Getting ready for school / ed. O. G. Sverdlova. - M.: Knowledge, 1969 .-- 96 p.

20. Zak, A. Z. Differences in the thinking of children / A. Z. Zak. - M.: ROU, 1992 .-- 128 p.

21. Zakharov, A. I. Neuroses in children / A.I. Zakharov. - SPb. : Delta, 1996.

22. Zimardo, F. Shyness / F. Zimardo - M., 1991.

23. Zmanovskaya, E. V. Deviantology: psychology of deviant behavior: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / E. V. Zmanovskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 288 p.

24. Cle, M. Psychology of a teenager: psychosexual development / M. Kle. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

25. Kleyberg, Yu. A. Social norms and deviations / Yu. A. Kleyberg. - 2nd ed., Add. - M.: Vita-Press, 1997.

26. Klyueva, N. V. Socio-psychological training programs / N. V. Klyueva, M. A Svistun. - Yaroslavl: Assistance, 1992.

27. Klyueva, N. V. We teach children to communicate. Character, sociability. / N. V. Klyueva, Yu. V. Kasatkina. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

28. Kovaleva, A. I. Sociology of personality: norm and deviation / A. I. Kovaleva. - M.: Institute of Youth, 1996.

29. Kondrashenko, V.G.Deviant behavior of adolescents: socio-psychological and psychiatric aspects / V.G. Kondrashenko. - Minsk, 1988.

30. Konovalenko, S.V.The development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old /S. V. Konovalenko. - M.: Gnome and D, 2000.

31. Kryazheva, N. L. Development of the emotional world of children / N. L. Kryazheva. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

32. Kumarina, G. School maladjustment: signs and methods of prevention // Public education. - 2000. - No. 1.

33. Maksimova, N. Yu. A course of lectures on children's pathopsychology: textbook. allowance / N. Yu. Maksimova. - Rostov n / a. : Phoenix, 2000 .-- 576 p.

34. Maksimova, N. Yu. Psychological prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction of minors: textbook. allowance / N. Yu. Maksimova. - Rostov n / a. : Phoenix, 2000 .-- 384 p.

35. Obozov, N. N. Interpersonal relations / NN Obozov. - L.: LSU, 1989.

36. Ovcharova, R. V. Practical psychology in elementary school / R. V. Ovcharova. - M.: CT "Sphere", 1998. - 240 p.

37. Features mental development of children 6-7 years of age / ed. D. B. Elkonin, A. L. Venger. - M., 1988.

38. Preparation child to school. - Ed. 2nd, rev. - Tomsk: Peleng, 1994 .-- 206 p.

39. Psychologicaldevelopment of primary schoolchildren: experimental psychological research / ed. V. V. Davydov. - M., 1990.

40. Psychocorrectionalwork with children: textbook. manual / ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M.: ACADEMA, 1999.

41. Prokhvatilin, N.V.Psychocorrectional prevention of adolescent drug addiction: a practical guide to conducting training for school psychologists, teachers, social workers / N.V. Prokhvatiilin. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002.

42. Working book of a practical psychologist: the technology of effective professional activity. - M.: Red Square, 1996.

43. Working book of a school psychologist / ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M., 1991.

44. Developing and correctional programs for working with primary schoolchildren and adolescents / ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M., Tula, 1993.

45. Development communication among preschoolers / ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, M. I. Lisina. - M., 1974.

46. ​​Rodionov, V.A. Me and others. Social skills trainings. For students in grades 1-11 / VA Rodionov et al. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.

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49. Leadership practical psychologist: psychological programs of personality development in adolescence and senior school age / ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M.: Academy, 1999.

50. Sadovnikova, I. N.Written speech disorders and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren / I. N. Sadovnikova. - M.: VLADOS, 1997.

51. Samoukina, N. V. Games at school and at home: psychotechnical exercises and correctional programs / N.V. Samoukina. - M.: New school, 1993.

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53. Simatova, O.B. Model of behavior in adolescents: socio-psychological support of participants in the educational process: experience, problems, prospects: mater. scientific-practical conf. / author-comp. I. N. Khomenko. - Chita: CHIPKRO, 2007 .-- 113 p. (pp. 93–96).

54. Simatova, O.B. Primary prevention of psychotropic substance abuse in adolescents / O.B.Simatova. - Chita: Publishing house of Zab GPU, 2005 .-- 152 p.

55. Simatova, O.B. Theoretical and methodological aspects of primary prevention of substance abuse in adolescents / O.B.Simatova // Psychotherapeutic techniques in the complex treatment of psychosomatic disorders: materials of a scientific and practical conference. - Chita: Search, 2006. - pp. 76–82.

56. Talyzina, N.F. Workshop on educational psychology / N.F. Talyzina. - M.: Academy, 2002 .-- 192 p.

57. Tikhomirova, L.F. Formation and development of the child's intellectual abilities: junior schoolchildren / L. F. Tikhomirova. - M.: Rolf, 2000 .-- 160 p.

58. Khomenko, I. N ... The system of prevention of suicidal behavior in the work of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution / Socio-psychological support of participants in the educational process: experience, problems, prospects: mater. scientific-practical conf. / author-comp. I. N. Khomenko. - Chita: CHIPKRO, 2007 .-- 113 p. (pp. 88–90).

59. Zuckerman, G.A. Psychology of self-development / G. A. Tsukerman, B. M. Masters. - M.: Interpraks, 1995.

60. Chistyakova, M. I. Psycho-gymnastics / M.I. Chistyakova. - M., 1990.

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Program for the prevention of "burnout syndrome" among teachers interacting with children with disabilities.

In modern conditions of ongoing changes, the introduction of innovative technologies into the pedagogical process, ever higher requirements are imposed not only on the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher, but also on the level of his personal self-development, his psychological well-being.
Social work imposes strict requirements on the psychophysiological characteristics of a professional specialist and requires scientifically based methods of selection, adaptation of specialists in the field of social services and the prevention of "burnout syndrome". Therefore, there was a need to develop a program for the prevention of "burnout syndrome" for teachers of the rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities.

Most students experience stress before the exam, being in a situation of constant fear or anxiety. What happens to them in this case?
Constant stress weakens the immune system, blood pressure rises, and a large heart muscle contracts. Along with long-term memory, short-term memory also suffers, and vision deteriorates.
Relaxation exercises can be used to “recognize”, reduce stress levels, overcome stress, and can reduce and negate existing ones.
This training is designed for 40-45 minutes
Purpose: Relief of emotional stress and anxiety in students before exams.

Target audience: for a psychologist

Educators working with children are often faced with cases of complications of mental development, most of which are deviations from the norm, and not a symptom of mental illness. Among the most common difficulties in the behavior and development of children of primary school age, one can single out - hyperactivity.
The relevance of identifying and studying hyperactive children is due not only to the significant prevalence of such manifestations of behavior, but also primarily to pronounced maladjustment, which makes it difficult for these children to acquire knowledge and skills, to establish relationships in the children's team. It is in relation to children of this variant of development, like no other, that the readiness of adults close to the child to understand the features of his development and create optimal conditions for upbringing, that is, to provide "primary prevention" of the behavior and development of the child, is necessary. The difficult position of such a student in the class is determined not only by the peculiarities of his behavior and organization of activities, but also by the difficulties of learning caused by the violation of the formation of such functions as memory, visual, spatial perception, speech, motor development, as well as the ability to think logically, plan activities and self-control.
The developed correctional classes can be used as a methodological aid for working with hyperactive children to reduce the manifestations of hyperactivity.
The bank of extracurricular activities includes exercises aimed at developing attention, thinking, coordination of movement, relaxation, emotional and personal sphere

Target audience: for a psychologist

This questionnaire was developed by L. Yovayshi. It is very simple and easy to use. Since the interpretation of the test results is possible in the shortest possible time. That is, it belongs to the express method.
I have been using this technique for a long time. While still a school psychologist. It should be noted in the work of a special school teacher. Gives an objective assessment of the capabilities of graduates. The main thing is very pleasant to the students themselves. The main advantage is brevity and accuracy.

Target audience: for a psychologist

The art of understanding facial expressions, the ability to "read" the faces of other people is very important for any person living in our time. This skill is necessary for everyone - especially for people who plan to link their future career with professions in which it is necessary to work with people. In addition, the ability to recognize the emotions of other people is useful in all types of interpersonal communication. It will help you better understand friends and parents (after all, it is often difficult to understand and accept that people have differences in how the same emotions are experienced and displayed on the face). It will help to guess the intentions of unfamiliar people and be more successful in intimate and personal relationships. The purpose of the lesson is to awaken in the children an interest in this topic and encourage them to independently and more fully study non-verbal communication.

Target audience: for grade 8

Purpose: the formation of the cognitive sphere in first graders.

Age: 7-8 years old

Topic: "Adventure in the world of fairy tales"! Purpose: the formation of the cognitive sphere in first graders. Tasks: 1. Development of cognitive interests and outlook. 2. education of information culture of students, attentiveness, observation, perseverance. 3. to educate the skills of self-control, confidence in their abilities, to promote the cohesion of group relations. Lesson time: 45 min. equipment: interactive whiteboard, presentation, pencils, drawings - coloring Lesson type: cognitive.

Target audience: for grade 1

This lesson is designed for children 7-8 years old

Purpose: the formation of the cognitive sphere in preschoolers.

  1. development of cognitive interests and outlook.
  2. education of information culture of students, attentiveness, observation, perseverance.
  3. to develop the skills of self-control, self-confidence, to promote the cohesion of group relations.

Target audience: for grade 1

This development contains a summary of the lesson for students in grades 1. During the lesson, various modern educational technologies are used: problem-based learning, learning in cooperation, health-preserving, reflective learning, fairy tale therapy, color therapy, music therapy; COR: video with a physical education minute; ICT: presentation. The lesson can be used as part of a correctional - developmental adaptation program, and as an independent lesson on the proposed topic. If the performance of the children in the group is not very high, then the exercise with joint story drawing can be excluded. The task with coloring a backpack can be used by a teacher-psychologist for diagnostic purposes.

Target audience: for grade 1

Relevance: Teaching a child in primary school is the first and very significant step in his school life. The further education of the child, his development as a subject of the educational process and the formation of his attitude to school largely depend on the degree of his mastery of a new - educational - activity, the acquisition of the ability to learn.

Target audience: for a psychologist

Lecture for class teachers on the influence of color on the development of a child's personality. A skillfully, well-chosen color of the classroom, taking into account its properties, will help to achieve in it not only harmony, comfort, success, but also the preservation of the psychological health of students. Neglecting the properties of color and its psychology, you can make the room dull and inexpressive, or unnecessarily colorful for daily perception, and, therefore, tiring the eyes and brain. The lecture provides examples of the combination and influence of different colors on a person. The lecture is supported by examples in the presentation.

Target audience: for the homeroom teacher

This presentation can be used by educational psychologists in individual or group correctional and developmental classes with preschool children. The presentation contains tasks for the development of perception, attention, memory.

Target audience: for a psychologist

The presentation "Psychological Preparation for Exams" examines an objective view of the exam. The guys from the presentation will be able to find out what points preparation for the exam should consist of and how to properly organize it at each of the stages. What ways to deal with stress, what foods should be consumed. They will learn about the importance of sleep and rest during the preparation period, get acquainted with techniques that mobilize intellectual capabilities. The presentation can be used by an educational psychologist in the framework of preventive work.

Target audience: for a psychologist

This development will help you to correct the behavior of children. The material was developed on the basis of Michel Borbra's book "38 Ways to Change Problem Behavior in a Child". The material may be of interest to psychologists, class teachers and parents. This presentation can be used as a teaching aid at methodological associations and parent meetings.

Target audience: for a psychologist

This methodological development is aimed at preventing parent-child conflicts, studying methods of resolving them, teaching parents one of the communication techniques that contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relations. The main questions that the topic of the parent meeting reveals:
 causes of conflict situations;
 the ability to identify the problem (find out the reasons for the unacceptable behavior of a child or an adult) and analyze it;
 search for possible solutions to the conflict situation.
The material of the methodological development is aimed at parents of adolescents 11-14 years old.
As a result of the meeting, parents acquire the following skills:
 the ability to find a compromise;
 the ability to apply the acquired skills, anticipating possible educational difficulties;
 application of active listening techniques in personal practice

Target audience: for a psychologist

Parent Workshop Meeting contains exercises, guidance and presentation. Aimed at increasing parental self-confidence and increasing children's self-esteem. Helps to form trusting and benevolent relationships between parents and children. Contains information about the psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a parent to achieve success in the life and life of children. Opens up new facets of the individuality of children in the eyes of parents. Helps in ensuring psychological health, prevention of suicidal manifestations among children and adolescents.

Target audience: for a psychologist

This development contributes to the creation of a favorable relationship between parents and children. Describes the main reasons leading to misunderstandings between children and parents. The presentation allows you to take into account age characteristics according to the age and needs of the child. Draws attention to the importance of trusting relationships with children. A happy family is an example for others.

Target audience: for a psychologist

Good afternoon, dear teachers, students and parents! "My name is Yulia Sergeevna Doronina, I am a school psychologist.

On this page you will find out what I am doing, as well as in what cases you can contact me for help.

Same way at the bottom of the page you can find an appointment form.

My work schedule: Tue-Fri, from 10.00 to 16.00.

You can indicate in the form a convenient time for you, and we will definitely make an appointment. "

Completed research for the 2017-2018 academic year:

  • Urban Monitoring on Interscholastic Violence
  • Diagnostics of students 1.5 to study the level of adaptation and school motivation
  • Diagnostics of the structure of intelligence of students 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (the formation of UUD in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard)
  • Diagnostics of the readiness of 4th grade students for the transition to the middle level
  • Diagnostics of attention and memory of students in grades 2,3
  • Diagnostics of the suicidal risk of 6.7 classes.
  • Diagnostics of the giftedness of students in grade 1
  • Sociometric status of students (class passport) from grades 1-10.

Career guidance work for the 2017-2018 academic year (see page)


The main position of the psychologist is the creation of conditions for life systems and the choice of these systems for children. With the joint work of a psychologist and teachers, the child forms the conditions for creating a personal position: awareness of his own "I", self-confidence and the ability to form his own opinion. The school psychologist acts as an organizational link between children and teachers, as it is necessary to protect the interests and identify the opportunities of schoolchildren. The interaction of the psychologist and the administration, as well as the teaching staff leads to the creation of conditions for the protection of the health and development of the personality of students, their parents, employees and other participants in the educational process. The school psychologist is a kind of connecting link between teachers, parents and children. The psychologist helps the child to acquire and assimilate social experience through awareness of their behavior and building their own position - this helps the child to develop a conscious perception of the world.

When should you seek help from a psychologist?

1. Learning difficulties
Some guys don't study as well as they would like. There may be a lot of reasons for this. For example, not a very good memory, scattered attention or lack of desire, or maybe problems with the teacher and not understanding why all this is needed at all. At the consultation, we will try to determine what is the reason and how to fix it, in other words, we will try to find what and how needs to be developed in order to learn better.

2. Relationships in the classroom
There are people who easily find contact with others, easily communicate in any, even unfamiliar company. But there are, and there are also a lot of them, those who find it difficult to get to know each other, it is difficult to build good relationships, it is difficult to find friends and just feel easy and free in a group, for example? in class. With the help of a psychologist, you can find ways and personal resources, learn techniques for building harmonious relationships with people in a variety of situations.

3. Relationship with parents
Sometimes it happens that a common language and warm relations with our closest people - with our parents - are lost. Conflicts, quarrels, lack of mutual understanding - this situation in the family usually brings pain to both children and parents. Some find solutions, while others find it difficult to do so. The psychologist will tell you how to learn to build new relationships with your parents and learn to understand them, and how to make your parents understand and accept you.

4. Choosing a life path
The ninth, tenth and eleventh grades are the time when many people think about their future profession and, in general, how they would like to live their lives. If you are not sure? which way do you want to go, there is always the opportunity to go to a psychologist. It will help you realize your dreams, desires and goals, assess your resources and abilities and understand (or come closer to understanding) in which area (s) of life you want to be realized.

5. Self-government and self-development
Our life is so interesting and multifaceted that it constantly presents us with a lot of tasks. Many of them require unparalleled efforts and the development of a wide variety of personal qualities, skills and abilities. Leadership or arguing skills, logical thinking, or creativity can be developed. Improve your memory, attention, imagination. You can learn to manage your life, set goals and effectively achieve them. A psychologist is a person who owns the technology for the development of certain qualities, skills and abilities and will be happy to share this technology with you.

Sinitsina Irina Igorevna
Educational institution: MBOU OSHI No. 1
Brief description of work: This lesson outline is intended for primary school students. The purpose of the lesson: the regulation of the child's emotional state, the resolution of the conflict in the "child-parent" dyad by identifying the causes of children's grievances and reducing situational anxiety, the development of empathy.

Sergienko N.Yu. Zabiran S.A. Pliska A.V
Educational institution: GOBU MO "Center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance"
Brief description of work: A program for foster parents raising adolescent children, which is aimed at the formation of parental competencies in the upbringing of foster children, at expanding the range of effective forms of interaction between parents and adolescents, at developing parental tolerance and at preventing psycho-emotional burnout.

Ignatieva Natalia Borisovna
Educational institution: BU CR "Shumerlinsky center for orphans and children left without parental care"
Brief description of work: I offer you a synopsis of a psychological lesson with elements of the training exercises "How to communicate with a child." This material will be useful for teachers and psychologists of educational institutions.

Chervyakova Kristina Sergeevna
Educational institution:
Brief description of work: For a teenager, being on the Internet is not considered a deviation in itself, although the distinction between norm and pathology is a separate psychological problem. In order to highlight the features of non-chemical Internet addiction in adolescence, we will give a definition of the concept of "addiction" and consider the specifics of Internet addiction and Internet communication.

Vyazankina Irina Andreevna
Educational institution: GBOU Lyceum № 1367
Brief description of work: Psychological readiness for schooling is a necessary and sufficient level of mental development of a child for mastering the school curriculum in conditions of learning in a peer group. Psychological support is a special form of teacher's activity, aimed at interaction in providing assistance to the accompanying person in the process of his personal growth, interaction between the accompanying person and the accompanying person, aimed at solving the life problems of the accompanying person (N. L. Konovalova)

Sinitsina Irina Igorevna
Educational institution: MBOU OSHI No. 1
Brief description of work: Author's development. Memo for educators on working with children at risk of suicide. The memo provides information on the factors for the development of suicidal behavior in children, signs of suicidal risk in a child, as well as ways of interacting with a child if suicidal risk is suspected.

Feonycheva Lyudmila Anatolyevna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 48" Dolphin "in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Brief description of work: In the summary of the lesson, all educational areas are displayed, such forms of work are used as: breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics, didactic games, construction from non-traditional material.

Educational institution: CHILDREN'S CREATIVITY CENTER №5
Brief description of work: The workshop was developed for teachers and parents, since our task, in communicating with children, is not to teach them to think creatively always and everywhere, but to teach them to see situations where creative thinking is necessary and jointly solve the problems that arise in the child, as well as create conditions for him, guaranteed leading to a situation of success. Successful situations are the driving motivation that motivates children to attend our classes and to be creative.

Borzenkova Olga Mikhailovna
Educational institution: MAOU "Secondary School No. 24 with UIOP"
Brief description of work: The study of physical culture needs in theory and in practice should be closely interconnected. You should not talk about pressing problems. At the same time, in practice, it makes no sense to stagnate in one place, observing those traditions that have long lost their relevance and effectiveness. At the same time, new data must be critically assessed, compared, analyzed in order to provide a useful painless continuity in the course of the pedagogical process.

Chervyakova Kristina Sergeevna
Educational institution: Omsk State Pedagogical University
Brief description of work: A clear understanding of the mechanisms of formation and development of virtual Internet addiction involves the study of a wide range of socio-psychological, characterological and personal characteristics of adolescents who show a tendency to this type of pastime. The reasons for the formation of Internet addiction addiction, as studies show, lie in both the psychological and social spheres. The psychological block of reasons that determine the enthusiasm for Internet sites and the formation of gambling addiction is associated with characterological characteristics.

Khatkova Tamara Egorovna
Brief description of work: In modern conditions of reforming the education system, the problem of the formation of communicative abilities, as well as communicative readiness for school, is reaching the level of an urgent social and pedagogical problem, since the success of the development of school knowledge by children largely depends on its solution; the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction with teachers and peers, and in general - the success of school and social adaptation of children.

Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16" Ryabinushka "city of Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic
Brief description of work: Pedagogical activity makes high demands on the teacher. A wide range of professional duties and the range of his actions, for the competent and creative fulfillment of which he must be prepared, determines the special importance of the dialectical flexibility of scientific concepts that serve to reveal pedagogical problems. Some concepts related to the characteristics of the teacher's activity require deeper consideration.

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