Class hour “How to avoid conflict with classmates. Class hour "I am among my classmates" Who are classmates class hour

Communication with peers is a special area of ​​a teenager's life. It is known that the influence of his comrades, classmates, both positive and negative, can be very great. However, the psychological mechanisms of this influence are often incomprehensible to both teachers and parents. They are determined by the originality of the developmental processes occurring at this age associated with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Communication with peers is a special area of ​​a teenager's life. It is known that the influence of his comrades, classmates, both positive and negative, can be very great. However, the psychological mechanisms of this influence are often incomprehensible to both teachers and parents. They are determined by the originality of the developmental processes occurring at this age associated with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence is characterized by the emergence of a new level of self-awareness, conventionally called by psychologists the sense of adulthood. It is expressed in the desire to be and be considered an adult. Compared to primary school age, this is a completely new position in relation to yourself and the world around you. Adolescence is characterized by the emergence of a new level of self-awareness, conventionally called by psychologists the sense of adulthood. It is expressed in the desire to be and be considered an adult. Compared to primary school age, this is a completely new position in relation to yourself and the world around you.

Friendship Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Trust and patience are essential attributes of friendship. People connected by friendship are called friends. A prerequisite for the existence of friendly ties is the absence of interpersonal competition in the circle of friends, a relatively equal position in the social ladder

Shabalina Maria Alexandrovna I think that school friendship is the strongest friendship, because it is for life. It is very important not to lose it. That is, to part with school friends after grade 9 or 11, and then meet with them, communicate, call on the phone, etc.

School is not only a constant flow of new knowledge, but also a real test of strength, including a test of friendship. Everyone is friends in different ways: for someone a friend is a person with whom it is fun and pleasant to spend time, for another - someone you can always rely on, who in any trouble is your right hand, which is sometimes so nice to hold on to, knowing that you are not alone with your experiences and sad thoughts!

Topic: My classmates

Purpose: to contribute to the development of the ability to understand another person, the establishment of friendly relations between students, the upbringing of a sense of the team.

Form of conduct: ethical conversation.

Event progress

Classroom teacher.Today we will try to take a closer look at our classmates and discover them in a new way. And a romantic fairy tale will help us. Why do you think?

(Children's assumptions.)

Yes, miracles happen in a fairy tale, its characters appear in an unexpected, sometimes transformed form. The essence of a person is clearly manifested in their actions and words. So, we go to a fairy tale.

(As the tale is read, the heroes of the tale are compared with

guys from the class.)

The Hunter's Tale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a hunter.How would you like to see this hunter? What kind of guys from the class could you choose for this role? Why?..

The hunter was young, kind, cheerful and, although he did not live well, he never lost heart, generously shared what he had with anyone who needed his help. And then one day, carried away by hunting, he went too far into the forest and found himself in a dense forest kingdom. All around were some kind of frozen trees, the grass was motionless, like petrified bushes. The sun did not break through the thicket, and the forest paths were shrouded in shadow and cold.

The hunter felt uneasy and, although he was a brave man, he wanted to quickly find himself in a more welcoming place. But he did not know the way back, and his legs somehow did not obey, they involuntarily carried him further through this strange forest. After wandering for several hours and desperate to get out, he suddenly found himself in a large clearing, where a huge herd of forest dwellers were resting. But the herd was also strange: lions, tigers, wolves, fallow deer, foxes, hares and many other animals from different countries and continents were together, peacefully settling in one clearing. And these animals themselves were also unusual. Some kind of suffering, melancholy expression united them, and their postures felt sadness and hopelessness.

The hunter felt that he could not kill any of these animals, although he was very hungry. Trying to explain to himself his feeling, he went out on By linu. The animals immediately sensed the stranger and instantly surrounded him. There was no animosity in their intentions. The hunter felt a kind of hidden pleading in the expression of their eyes turned to him. There was definitely some kind of secret kept here, which was very important to unravel. He sat down on the hill and, intently peering into the eyes of the animals, began to think intently. And then in my thoughts flashed a long-forgotten story of my grandfather about a monstrously evil sorcerer, who turns all living things into frozen images, and people into animals. This sorcerer is merciless, he does not tolerate good in life. No one was able to see him, only traces of his evil, and no one knows the secret of counteracting this evil.

  1. So you are people! - the hunter burst out with horror.

The animals bent their heads sadly, and it seemed to the hunter that their human features were more clearly defined. He began to peer intently, trying to guess and unravel the face and appearance of a man in each of the animals. Here, in the guise of a bunny, a sly, cheerful, with a mischievous gleam of eyes, probably a kind and gentle girl ...

  1. Which guys are your classmates like this image? What can you add, how to expand the characteristics of the named girls? Help the hunter, the outcome of the tale depends on it.

Here is a little angular, but very nice for his soulfulness kid in the form of an elk.

  1. And here, what guys would you name? Why? Tell us more about them.

A strong, brave, courageous, but somewhat stern man was seen by the hunter in the eyes of the tiger.

  1. Which classmates would you name here? Why?

A light, slender and beautiful girl was implied in a tall doe.

  1. Which classmate is similar to this image?

As soon as the hunter mentally imagined the appearance of the last animal, the unexpected happened: animal heads turned into human faces. What a joyful meeting took place in the clearing, and what sadness tore at the hunter's heart! After all, people did not finally acquire a human appearance, they only had faces and the ability to speak. But one cannot live in the image of a human beast, one must seek salvation from the spell of a sorcerer. The savior and the rescued in a clearing of an outlandish forest spoke all night. Each told his story, told that he knew about the secrets of witchcraft.

  1. Who wants to get involved in a fairy tale and, having chosen an image for themselves, tell "their" story?

(If there are such guys, it is imperative to give them the opportunity to express themselves. This will allow children to discover new things in their classmates.)

  1. And who wants to tell about the secrets of witchcraft?

(When the guys speak out, the tale continues.)

It became clear to everyone that in order for the spell to disappear completely, their savior still has a difficult and difficult path. But the hunter now knew what to do, and realized that he was no longer alone. He will not be left in trouble. And trouble could happen. He had to go at night along the narrow path of this terrible forest far into the depths, into the possession of an evil sorcerer. On this path, anger lay in wait,

insidiousness, cruelty of the invisible servants of the master of the forest. They guarded the road to the top of a steep mountain, where a wonderful shell lived in a deep cave in a special depression. At midnight, its doors opened to the surprisingly melodic sound of the surrounding bells, and a beautiful little pearl was presented to the eye, the rays of which illuminated everything around with a gentle blue radiance. All the good beginning of life was contained in the radiance of the pearl. Its rays were life-giving and powerful, they destroyed evil witchcraft and gave victorious power to good. The pearl cannot be destroyed, it is stronger than any force of evil, and therefore tried to make it inaccessible to people as a sorcerer. The light of this pearl could only destroy witchcraft. And the hunter moved along the cherished path forward, to this light, surrounded by animals-people thirsting for salvation.

Walls rose in the way, waterfalls toppled, chasms gaped, swamps mugged. But here everyone was for one and one for all, they believed each other and rushed to help. And their unity won: punching holes in the walls!) Holes, in front of the waterfalls they themselves turned into a solid wall and overcame them, a bridge was erected over the abyss, there was a trace in the swamp. And up the hill, his companions served the hunter as steps. The top of the mountain was already out of reach for the sorcerer. The power of the pearl acted there, and the sorcerer was no longer afraid of everyone who remained below. Whatever he turns them into, the hunter will break the spell.

When the melody of bells rang out, the shell doors opened, everything shone with a blue light. The hunter carefully took the pearl, raised it, and a kind light illuminated everything around him far away. Evil witchcraft fell, the sorcerer was destroyed by the power of good. It became light as day, the forest came to life, people who had acquired their human form laughed, hugged, rejoiced. In the rays of goodness, everyone was happy, easy.

Well, how do you guys like our fairy tale? As you know, "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows." What's the lesson?

(Answers of children.)

Yes, guys, together, in a team where one for all and all for one, reliably, joyfully, easily. You and I should always think about great friendship. Indeed, the team is very closely intertwined, go together such concepts as "I", "you", "we". Why do you guys think? Let's do a kind of interview.

(Those who wish come to the teacher's table (there should be no more than 5-6 people). They are asked any questions about class life, problems in the classroom, in relationships. If the students do not immediately (they can join in such an interview, the teacher can help them. )

So guys, our team is a friendly "we" that acts, decides and represents a single attitude towards everything that we face in our collective life. But this "we" is made up of very different "I" s. And each “I” seeks to help “we” become stronger, stronger, brighter and more interesting. So? Therefore, each "you" is always with the "I" and merges into the common "we". Do you agree? Let's think about the following situations.

Situation 1

The class was preparing for the song contest for a long time: they made costumes, rehearsed. 5 people did not show up on the day of the competition.

  1. What do you think, for what reason could the guys be absent?
  2. What experiences fell on the class, as well as on the lot of those who were absent?
  3. How will these guys meet with the team?

Situation 2

The class was preparing for the concert. The guys came up with a lot themselves and, so that everyone could take part in some business, posted a colorful announcement with the program and with an invitation to everyone to get involved in the work. Seryozha really wanted to show tricks at the concert, but hesitated to sign up. He did not perform at the concert.

  1. What did the team fail to take into account?
  2. What advice can you give to Seryozha?

(The reasoning of the children.)

Conclusion: we must not forget everyone, pay attention to everyone. Not to forget anyone's "I" is the duty of "we".

Situation 3

Petya and Kolya were friends. They were always together, helped each other and rejoiced at the successes of their comrade. And suddenly they quarreled. The guys tried to find out the reasons and reconcile them. "What's your business?" - Petya said to the guys' questions. And Kolya silently turned away.

  1. Are the boys right?
  2. What can a team do?

(The reasoning of the children.)

Conclusion: it is not always convenient and tactful to climb with questions, but the class can come up with some situations that will help the guys make peace. It can be a joint assignment, a common cause in which both will be involved, or some kind of group communication that will help the boys to establish contact.

This means, guys, "we" must always take into account every "I", and our "I" must always remember about "we".

  1. Explain how the popular wisdom reveals this idea: "People, like stones in a river, grind each other."
  2. Can our class be called a collective?
  3. Why?

And what can you say about V. Sukhomlinsky's statement that the collective should teach each student “by eyes, by movements, by speech, to recognize grief and joy, grief and anxiety, anxiety and confusion in the people around them. If you do not cultivate this quality, a person grows up as an insensitive blockhead. "

  1. Do you think we can teach everyone what V. Sukhomlinsky is talking about?

Let's strive for this, then there will always be friendly relations in our class.

The game "All Together"

A circle of such a size is drawn on the floor to puzzle the children with a difficult but solvable problem: how to fit all of them in the delineated space. In order to complicate the task, you can invite the children to make an island of newspapers that can neither be torn nor pushed apart.

The game "Applause in a circle"

Classroom teacher. We have a very good class and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to offer you a game, during which the applause sounds quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger. The game proceeds as follows. You become in a common circle. One of you starts: he walks up to someone in the class, looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might. Then they both choose the next student, who also gets a round of applause - they both go up to him, stand in front of him and applaud him. Then all three choose the next contender for a standing ovation. Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. So the game continues and the applause should get louder and louder.

(The game is interesting in that, as a rule, the applause of the whole class goes to children who are not leaders in the class, more often they are outcasts.)

Class hour



2012-2013 academic year

Irina Malakhinskaya
"Me and my classmates are one team!"


Help children get to know each other better, learn something new about their classmate.

Emphasize the uniqueness of each participant.

Teach adolescents to be attentive to themselves, respect and accept themselves.

Form a positive attitude towards other people.

No one can love another

if you haven't loved yourself before.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Necessary materials: leaflets, felt-tip pens, musical accompaniment, ball of thread, ball.

Carrying out plan.

Participants sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

I. Introductory part

Introduction to the problem.

The required time is 5 minutes.

Educator-psychologist: Good day! I am very glad to see you in class today.

The rules of work in group:

1. In a circle, everyone is equal. Any opinion can be expressed without affecting each other's dignity.

2. The rule of sincerity in communication.

3. The rule of activity.

4. The rule of listening. When one speaks, everyone else listens to him.

5. The rule of a raised hand (if you want to say something, raise your hand, if someone speaks, then everyone is silent).


Time required 15 minutes

Exercise "Badge"

Warm up

Exercise "Say hello to a friend"

Guys, I suggest you say hello to each other in an unusual form:








Yes, guys, a kind greeting helps to establish friendly relations with the interlocutor, improve well-being in the group. But it is simply impossible to live without good friends!

Exercise "Magic ball"

Material: a ball of thread.

Instruction. Each of you now has the opportunity to tell us your name and tell us about yourself. Your hobby, hobby, your motto for life, etc.? Do you have a lot of friends? Do you value your friends? Do you have a best friend?

My name is ... and I am very ... (Hold the free end of the thread firmly in your hand and throw the ball to the person sitting opposite).

My name is Yulia Evgenievna ... I am a teacher-psychologist. This means that I help to understand what hinders the achievement of the goal, and I can support a person in a difficult situation. I love working with people, children, families, I have many different games and exercises for you.

Thus, the tangle is passed on and on until all participants are part of one gradually expanding cobwebs. Then talk to the participants about anything that can promote group cohesion. Ask their: Why do you think we made such a web?.

Look what kind of web we got! And what do you think, thanks to what or to whom?

After this conversation, you will need to dissolve the web again. To do this, each child must return the ball to the previous one, calling him by name and, perhaps, retelling his story about himself. This continues until the ball comes back to you. Perhaps sometimes the thread will get confused - in such cases, you can humorously comment on the situation, saying that the members of the group are already closely related.

Time spending: 10-15 minutes

Exercise "Magic Lake"

For the exercise, you will need a box in which the psychologist puts a small round mirror in advance.

All participants sit in a circle and close their eyes.

Psychologist. Now you will be passing the box to each other. Whoever receives this box must open his eyes and look inside. There in "Little magic lake", you will see the most unique and inimitable person in the world. Smile at him.

After everyone looks into the box, the psychologist asks the students questions:

How do you understand the meaning of the word "unique"?

Who is the most unique and inimitable person in the world?

How did this person respond to your smile?

How should we relate to a unique and unrepeatable personality?

Psychologist. We found out that each person is a unique and inimitable person, one-one of a kind. Therefore, we must carefully, with love and respect treat ourselves and others, cherish our life and the life of every person, accept ourselves and others as we are, that is, treat ourselves and others with tolerance. Similar in meaning to the word "tolerance" is the word "tolerance"... Let's listen to this word: "To-o-le-e-ra-a-nt-nost".

Praise Yourself and Others Exercise

Participants are divided into two subgroups. One the subgroup forms the outer circle, the other forms the inner circle. Students face each other.

Psychologist. If we do not learn to find in ourselves positive qualities of character, to talk about them to the people around us, we will not see anything positive in another person.

Therefore, now everyone should tell their partner what you like about him. The partner, after listening to you, should to tell: "And besides, me."- and continue to pay compliments to yourself.

For example, Sasha says Vera: "Vera, you are a very kind person, I like that you always help others in trouble." faith continues: "And besides, I'm persistent, generous." Then Vera must praise Sasha.

After exchanging compliments, the students in the outer circle move clockwise and repeat the task with a new partner.


What did you feel (and when you said (a) compliments to other members?

How did you feel when you were given compliments?

Was it easy to compliment yourself?

The exercise "You are great, because." (10 min.)

A soft toy heart is thrown from hand to hand in a circle. Everyone who has a heart in their hands refers to the hero by name, says his: "You are great, because."- and names some positive quality or useful skill of the hero. At this time, the presenter (psychologist or class teacher) draws up a leaflet with the sun, writing down all the named positive qualities of the child in the rays of the sun.

Farewell ritual "I wish myself and others."

The ball is passed in a circle. The participant who is holding the ball in his hand answers the questions below, says good wishes to himself and others, then passes the ball to a neighbor.

Questions to students:

What have you learned about the concept of "tolerance"?

How does the attitude towards oneself affect the attitude towards other people?


"Magic ball"

What did you like in the lesson

What did not like in the lesson

Exercises "Applause in a circle"

Instructions: We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause sounds softly at first and then gets stronger and stronger.

The presenter begins to quietly clap his hands, looking and gradually approaching one of the participants... Then this participant chooses from the group the next one to whom they applaud together. The third chooses the fourth, and so on, the last participant is already applauded by the whole group.

Classroom hour in grades 6-8

Team relationships.

How to prevent conflicts?


social teacher

O.A. Novikova

2013 g.

The class hour is devoted to methods of effective communication.

Many adolescent children do not have the skill to resolve conflicts peacefully. The consequence of these conflicts is the nervousness of children, the inability to withstand stress for a long time, the habit of aggression.

During the class hour, the concepts of "conflict", "conflict situation" are analyzed, the causes of conflicts are clarified, and options for constructive resolution of conflicts are proposed. Objectives: - to explain to children the concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation", to consider ways to prevent conflicts; - contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards people; - encourage children to cooperate and understand.

Target: Teach children to treat each other respectfully, learn some rules of conflict-free communication and getting out of conflict.

Equipment: sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens, cloud-shaped leaves for each student, the sun.

Registration: epigraph on the screen (slide number 1):

"Those who cannot cook soup make porridge."

Guys, have you ever had to "make porridge"? What was it? (Possible children's answers: “I messed up something,” “I quarreled with everyone,” “I got into a difficult situation,” etc.)

And there is another saying with the word "porridge": "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about? (Children: "about stupid, lazy, intractable", "about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.")

If the team cannot work together, relations are constantly being sorted out in this team, resentments accumulate, and collisions occur. How can you avoid them? How can one stop "clearing out" the mess that was brewed during such clashes? This is what we will talk about during the class hour called "How to prevent conflicts?" (slide number 2)

There is one interesting phenomenon in human relationships. Scientists conducted a psychological experiment, which made it possible to reveal WHAT people want to educate in themselves and see in others. And here is the data obtained.

People wanted to develop qualities in themselves: (slide number 3)

Confidence, decisiveness - 46% of respondents

Endurance, poise - 30%

Determination, willpower - 30%

Tolerance - 12%

Goodwill - 10%.

But everyone would like to add to the people around them: (slide number 4)

Kindness, humanity - 50% of respondents

Honesty, decency - 30%

Mutual understanding, empathy - 22%

Tolerance - 16%

Generosity - 12%

So, people want more firmness for themselves, and more softness for others. But those around us also expect mutual understanding, kindness, decency from us, and we are walking firmly in a different direction. As a result, there is mutual dissatisfaction, tension, conflict. As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for all are similar: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate. What is conflict? (slide number 5) (answers from the guys)

- (slide number 6) Conflict is a clash, contradiction, which gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people. What is the harm of conflicts?

First, human dignity suffers from conflict. Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when the work does not go well, and in general everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts. Correct behavior in a conflict will preserve your health, make you and others calmer and happier.

- (Slide 7) What do you think is the reason for the conflict?

For a conflict to arise, the presence of two people, the presence of two points of view (the so-called internal conflict) and the subject of the dispute are enough. Like illness, conflict is better prevented than cured. We will learn to prevent conflict situations. There are many ways to do this. Communication is the basis for conflict resolution. Every day we have to solve certain complex problems. When communicating, very often difficult situations arise, and it is sometimes not easy to find a way out of them. But you need to.

Exercise "Clouds". (slide number 8)

I suggest that you close your eyes (so that the opinion of others does not crush) and raise your hand to those who have never called anyone an insulting word. The results of the survey are known only to the teacher.

I distribute to all the children leaflets cut out in the shape of a cloud, on which the child writes an offensive word spoken to him.

I collect clouds and attach them to the sun.

Let's see what we've got. "What can happen now?" (The children answer that a thunderstorm is coming to the class, the clouds have covered the sun.)

The teacher asks to tell the children how they felt when they were called, and what they did in response to the offender. The most common reactions are recorded on a two-column board.

Actions Feelings

I just stepped aside. I wanted to cry.

I said you shouldn't call names. I wanted to hit the abuser.

In the left column, we get several design solutions.

I suggest you find a way out of this situation so that the weather becomes clear again. Children offer their own options for a way out of a conflict situation: “I didn’t mean to offend you, forgive me”, “I was wrong”, “Let's make up” and. etc.

Ways to prevent conflicts (slide number 9)

One of the ways to prevent conflicts is soft a strong objection, expressed in a mild form. So you can defend your position, and not offend the other person.

Another way is called "constructive proposal"This is an attempt to find a compromise, i.e. a way out that could suit everyone.

I offer you several situations that need to be resolved. (Slide number 10)


1. (slide number 11) Ira is offended: “Yesterday, Vitya, you walked towards me and did not say hello. It is not polite". Vitya is surprised: “Why should I say hello? You saw me first, so you would have said hello. " Who is right? (Whoever is more cultured is the first to greet.)

2. (slide number 12) Nastya says: “It's not at all necessary to greet everyone you know. Our neighbor is so harmful that I don't want to wish her health. What am I supposed to pretend? " Is Nastya right?

3. (slide number 13) They called you. What is your reaction? a) I'll get off with a joke (bowing defiantly and thank you for the "good" words). b) I will thank you in kind (I will call you back). c) Complain to elders.

4. (slide number 14) You do not like that your deskmate never carries textbooks to school and uses yours. How will you proceed.

5. (Slide 15) Everyone in your company smokes. You don't want to start. But the guys are laughing at you. How can you be? "

6. (slide number 16) During recess, you gave your friend your brand new, just bought mobile phone. He went out with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was picking up the broken casing of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running by, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not guilty of anything. You know that your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to ruin your relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

The groups are given leaflets with a description of the conflict situation

Playing situations (call 2 people per situation) (slide number 17)

In this exercise, you will pair up. One will play the role of the perpetrator of the conflict, and the other the role of the victim.

1. (Slide # 18) You were told at the kiosk that they had hot pies, you bought, but the pie turned out to be cold. You return the pie to the seller and say ... (Statements of the children.)

2. (slide number 19) A friend said that he told someone your secret ... (Statements of children.)

3. (slide number 20) A friend took your favorite trousers from you for the evening, and in the morning returns them torn. You say ... (Statements of the children.)

Everyone wants to be a little better. I know this from myself. But there are many opportunities to learn to live without conflict. One way is to compliment. Let's learn to say nice words to each other.

Game "Compliment"(slide 21)

2 students are called - a boy and a girl. Taking one step forward, they compliment each other.

In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of courtesy. Politeness is an essential quality of communication.

Let's play Speech Etiquette(slide 22)

Two teams (groups) are playing.

1. What are the words of greeting? ("Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "Greetings", "Hello", "Salute".)

2. Make a request. ("You can tell me ...", "Could you tell me ...", "Please tell me ...", "Let me ask you ...", "Could you ...", "Be kind. .. ".)

3. What are the best words to start your acquaintance with? ("Let me introduce you ...", "Let me introduce you ...", "Meet ...", "What is your name?", "Do you know?", "Let me introduce you".)

4. How is it customary to apologize in a cultured society? (“I offer you my deep apologies,” “Let me apologize,” “I cannot help but offer you my deep apologies,” “Sorry for ...”.)

5. Do you have a few words of comfort and encouragement in store for you? ("Do not be upset", "There is no reason for concern", "There is nothing wrong with ...", "Everything will be fine", "Calm down.")

6. Words of gratitude. (Thank you, Thank you, Let me thank you, Thanks in advance, Thank you, Accept my thanks.)

7. How to say goodbye so that people would be pleased to meet you again? ("Goodbye," "Hope to see you again," "Good journey," "See you tomorrow," "All the best," "We are always glad to see you," "Nice to meet you."

You will probably agree with me that the dispute, as a rule, does not bring either satisfaction or truth. No wonder they say: "Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is to blame." Of course, it is best to settle the quarrel at the very beginning. To do this, you can compromise, that is, either yield, or persuade to yield to the one with whom you are quarreling. The first is usually easier. Try to imagine yourself in the shoes of your opponent during an argument, and you will understand that he, too, has reasons to defend his arguments.

Let's try to play scene, in which two friends are quarreling. (slide 23)

Two students come out.

1st conversation option.

Oh, hello, where did you get that haircut?

What don't you like?

In general, no one has had a haircut for a long time - you look like a pensioner.

Look at yourself in the mirror! ..

I would like to note that generalizations like “no one at all”, “no one does that” only provoke the development of a dispute.

2nd conversation option.

This haircut just doesn't suit you.

Do you really think so?

Well, yes, I'm your friend, and who else can honestly tell you?

What should I do?

Come to me, I'll try to style your hair differently.

Let's go to.

In this case, sincerity and willingness to meet halfway helped to avoid a quarrel.

Test (slide 24)

Please answer the test questions.

"How do you usually behave in a conflict situation?"

If you have a particular behavior, put a certain number of points after each number of the answer characterizing the style of behavior. If you behave like this

often - 3 points

from time to time - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1 ... How do you usually behave in an argument or conflict situation?

  1. Threatening or fighting
  2. I try to accept the opponent's point of view, I reckon with it as my own.
  3. I am looking for compromises.
  4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.
  5. I avoid the enemy.
  6. I wish you, whatever the cost, to achieve your goal.
  7. I am trying to find out what I agree with and what I strongly disagree with.
  8. I am going to compromise.
  9. Give up
  10. Changing the subject.
  11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.
  12. I am trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.
  13. I will give in a little, and thus push the other side to make concessions.
  14. I offer the world.
  15. Trying to turn everything into a joke.

(slide 25)





















Count the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Determine your style (most points by letter)

A. is "a tough type of resolution of conflicts and disputes." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. At any cost, strive to win. This is the type of person, I am always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. Right from the start, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You readily take the opponent's point of view, abandoning yours.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your credo is to leave on time. You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

Draw conclusions from testing.

Having received the test results, perhaps some of you have discovered something new in yourself. But you shouldn't take it as something permanent. This is a reason to think about and in the future to change your point of view, yourself.

Piggy bank of good advice(slide number 26)

Are displayed on the screen.

Guys, listen to some tips that will help you look at the communication process in a new way.

First advice. Treat other people the way you would like them to treat you. How do you understand this? (Answers of students.)

Second advice. Remember the law of "mirroring": as you are to people - so they are to you. What needs to be done to mirror the best? (Answers of students.)

Third advice. See only the good in people. In all people, without exception. How do you understand this advice? (Answers of students.)

Fourth advice. Don't be offended. What is the meaning of this advice? There is a Russian proverb: "He who remembers the old will be out of sight." (Answers of students.)

Fifth advice. "But, going to sleep, ask yourself, / Whom and how did you please during the day?" How do you understand these lines of poetry? (Answers of students.)

So, everyone can avoid conflict, and in any situation it is possible. Look kindly at each other, smile, forgive all insults.

(slide 27)

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like planetary histories.

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like her.

(E. Evtushenko.)

- And the person who is next to you is different from you. This does not mean that he is worse than you: he is just different, with his own individual characteristics, with his own strengths and weaknesses of the personality.

(slide 28)

Final exercise "Gift"

Here in the class, there is a little gift for each of you. Remember your number, you will find your gift under the same number. And remember: nothing is accidental. What your gift says is meant for you. Everyone finds a leaf in the room (in the form of a heart, an asterisk, etc.) with his own number, on the back of which is written a wish. Wishes

1. To control the situation, you need to remain calm.

2. In a dispute, be able to listen to the interlocutor to the end.

3. Respect the feelings of others.

4. Any problem can be solved.

5. Be attentive to the people with whom you communicate.

6. Don't be angry, smile.

7. Start your day with a smile.

8. Be confident in yourself.

9. Open your heart and the world will open its arms.

10. Look at your abuser - maybe he just needs your help. 11. Be charming and kind.

12. Apologize if you're wrong.

13. Remember to express your gratitude.

14. Keep your promises.

15. Do not constantly criticize others.

16. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.

17. Sincerely try to see things from the point of view of your interlocutor.

18. Never tell a person that he is wrong; if you're wrong admit it.

19. The only way to gain the upper hand in an argument is to avoid it.

20. If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always received.

21. In life, there is the main and not the main thing, do not waste energy on trifles.

22. Do not condemn anyone so as not to condemn you.

23. Do not look for external enemies: to understand what is hindering your development, look inside yourself.

24. Don't give in to emotions.

25. Remember, everyone is worthy of respect, as he is a human being. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

26. Get to know yourself better. Finding interesting qualities in yourself will help you attract peers and maintain an objective judgment about other people.

27. Do not notice the minor flaws of your friend. You, too, are not deprived of them.

28. Develop the ability to understand humor. Try to laugh it off if someone sneers about your appearance or academic performance.

29. Be able to listen to a friend, learn to conduct a dialogue, and not speak monologues.

I would like to end our lesson with the following words (Slide 29):

“A person who does not do a very good deed runs the risk of being left alone and causing condemnation from others. Conversely, there are actions that elevate people in the eyes of others. In both, when faced with a choice, before doing something, think about the consequences. And let the decision be correct. "

If we avoid conflicts, we will be friends. Well, friendship begins with a smile (Slide 30).

Literature. 1. Antsupov A. Ya. Prevention of conflicts in the school team. - M .: Publishing Center "VLADOS", 2003. 2. Bilyk NI Companion of the class teacher: 5-7 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. 3. Direleeva N. I. Classroom hours on the topic "Morality". - M .: 5 for knowledge, 2006. 4. Classroom hours (quizzes, conversations, contests, games): 7-8 grades / Auth.-comp. I. A. Zaitseva, N. A. Dogadova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. 5. Classroom hours: Grade 9 / Avt.-comp. N. G. Kolodezneva et al. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. 6. Savchenko E. V., Zhirenko O. E. Classroom hours: 5-9 grades. - M .: VAKO, 2007. 7. Classroom hours on etiquette topics: grades 5-11. - M .: Globus, 2007.

Class hour "Conflicts in our lives".

The class hour is devoted to ways of effective communication. Many children are simply not trained to resolve conflicts peacefully. The reasons for conflicts between adolescents are their nervousness, inability to withstand stress for a long time, the habit of aggression.

Clarification of the concept of "conflict", "conflict situation", understanding the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.


to acquaint children with the concept of "conflict" and "conflict situation", with ways of preventing conflicts;

contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master the skills of communication and social interaction;

encourage children to cooperate and understand.

Developing - the development of the skills of moral self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem.

Upbringing - to form friendly relationships between classmates.

RECEPTIONS: word of the teacher, oral communication of students, collective form of cognitive activity, theatricalization, work with the test, processing of test results, comparative analysis, reflection.

Form of carrying out: hour of communication.

Design: Epigraph on the board "Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge", tablets with an unfinished sentence: "The cause of the conflict was that …… ..", "Ways to prevent conflicts: soft opposition, constructive proposal."

Organizing time

Motivation: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher sets a provocative situation. 2 students go to the board. They are given a game task: quickly and beautifully draw a building. Students begin to paint. The teacher stops the game and asks to start over because the students made a mistake. So he stops the game several times, interrupts the students and puts forward more and more new claims: the building should be voluminous, not flat, the roof should be modern, etc. Then the teacher gives the student the opportunity to complete the drawing. After which he reports that all the same, the artists did the wrong job, for example, they painted a residential building, but a school was needed. Therefore, there are no winners in the game.

Did you like this game?

Students are upset after completing the assignment.

What happened in this situation? (conflict)

Why didn't the drawing work? (student comments: poorly explained, did not understand, etc.)

What was not done before the start of work? (did not discuss the rules for the drawing)

Could the conflict have been avoided? (can)

How? (learning answers)

Today I want to talk with you about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them. What does the word "conflict" mean? What associations does it evoke in you?

DISCIPLES - Quarrel, slamming the door, fighting, arguing, crying, screaming, dislike, etc.

K.R. - Let's hear what definition of this word is given in the dictionaries of the Russian language.

· Clash of opposing sides, opinions, forces; serious disagreement, heated debate. Complication in international relations, sometimes leading to an armed conflict.

· Collision, serious disagreement, dispute.

(Ozhegov S.I.)

Conversation on the topic.

Cl. hands. Guys, have you ever had to "make porridge"? What was it?

Approximate answers of children: Confused something, quarreled with everyone; got into a difficult situation, etc.

Kl.ruk. And there is another saying with the word porridge: "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about?

Children: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.

Kl.ruk. Read the epigraph to the class hour. How would you explain its meaning?

Those who are incapable of communication and understanding find themselves in confusing situations.

Those who cannot get along with people constantly create difficulties for themselves and others.

If in a team they cannot work together, any business there turns into a mess.

Kl.ruk. If the team cannot work together, relations are constantly being sorted out in this team, resentments accumulate, and collisions occur.

How can you avoid them? How to stop "unraveling" the mess that was brewed during such clashes? We will talk about this during the class hour.

Now raise your hands, who has ever had to participate in a conflict situation?

Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of the particular conflict?

To do this, I suggest that you finish the sentence written on the board: "The reason for the conflict was that ... ..."

Children's answers:

My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company. We have completely different characters. I didn't like his behavior. We started rooting for different football teams. Etc.

Cl. hands. As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for all are similar: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

K.R. Here's how you can schematically reflect the growth of conflict.

6. GAP.


4. Humiliation.




What is conflict?

A conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people.

Group work: discussion

Mom decided to check her daughter's school diary. When she took the diary in her hands, a sheet of folded paper fell out of it. Mom opened the sheet and saw that it was a note. Her daughter, who had returned from a friend, found her reading the note. The girl snatched the note out of her mother's hands. She yelled at her daughter. The girl slammed the door and locked herself in the room.

Answer the questions:

Who is involved in the conflict?

Who is to blame for the conflict?

What are the positions of the parties to the conflict?

Two 9th graders decided to hold a football match between themselves. At the appointed time, the guys gathered at the school stadium. Only the 9 "A" class goalkeeper was missing. No one knew why he was missing. His classmates asked not to start the game and to wait a while. But footballers 9 "B" began to demand to start immediately. It was clear that without a goalkeeper, Team 9 "A" would surely lose. An argument ensued. Passions ran high. One of the guys accidentally stepped on the foot of the captain of the opposing team. He could not restrain himself and, swinging, hit the offender in the face. The blow was so strong that the guy fell. Comrades rushed to his defense. A fight broke out. Draku was stopped by a teacher passing by. As a result, the game did not take place, the mood was ruined. The next day, there was an unpleasant conversation in the director's office.

Answer the questions:

What is conflict?

Why did the conflict arise?

What could be the ways of development of this conflict and its consequences?

A group of teenagers gathered to listen to music. Opinions were divided: some wanted to listen to pop music, while others were fans of "metal". An argument ensued that could escalate into a major quarrel. Suddenly one of the teenagers, remembering the cartoon about the cat Leopold, shouted loudly: "Guys, let's live together!" Everyone felt funny and cheerful. We quickly agreed to listen to our favorite music in turn: first pop music, then “metal”. Everyone was very pleased.

Answer the question:

How did you manage to avoid conflict?

Let's talk about our own behavior in a conflict situation.

I ask the children to answer the test questions.

"How do you usually behave in a conflict situation (when you quarrel)?"

If you have a particular behavior, put a certain number of points after each number of the answer that characterizes your behavior. If you behave like this

often - 3 points

from time to time - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1. How do you usually behave in an argument or conflict situation?

1 I threaten or fight

2. I try to accept the opponent's point of view, I reckon with it as my own.

3. Looking for compromises.

4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.

5. Avoid the enemy.

6. I wish to achieve my goal at any cost.

7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I strongly disagree with.

8. I compromise.

10. Changing the subject.

11. Repeat one thought persistently until I get what I want.

12. I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

13. I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

14. I offer peace.

15. Trying to turn everything into a joke.

On the desk:

Count the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Determine your style (most points by letter)

A. is "a tough type of resolution of conflicts and disputes." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. At any cost, strive to win. This is the type of person, I am always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. Right from the start, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You readily take the opponent's point of view, abandoning yours.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your credo is to leave on time. You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

Drawing conclusions from testing.

Having received the test results, perhaps some of you have discovered something new in yourself. But you shouldn't take it as something permanent. This is a reason to think about and in the future to change your point of view, yourself.

Workshop game.

There are different ways to get out of the conflict.

In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict.

Let's divide into groups.

Distribute tasks (the most typical conflict situations are selected).

Discuss the conflict situation, suggest finding a way out of this situation.

Situation number 1

The class is conventionally divided into two microgroups (groupings), in which, both there and there, there are strong leaders, activists, excellent students. Throughout the academic year, there is competition between them for grades, for teacher's respect, for authority in front of the class, for superiority. All this is expressed in the lessons in sharp jokes, in mockery of each other. During breaks, there were "clashes", quarrels and even cases of fights. This situation strains the whole class. How can the guys constructively resolve this situation?

Situation number 2

A new girl came to the class. Very good-looking, well-dressed, good at school, distinguished by eccentricity and originality. The girl immediately took a leading position in front of her classmates - boys. Naturally, the girls in the class do not like this situation. At first, the “newcomer” was warned that if she imagined so, then she would not study in this class. But nothing has changed. She was met on the street, and a substantive conversation took place. She replied that she was not interested in the opinion of the girls. How do you get understanding?

Situation number 3

At recess, you gave your friend your brand new mobile phone you just bought. He went out with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was picking up the broken casing of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running by, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not guilty of anything. You know that your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to ruin your relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

There are many ways to resolve a conflict situation that has arisen:

Before entering into an argument, calm down, think it over, weigh everything.

Count to ten in your head.

Be wiser.

Find out the reason for the quarrel, try to explain about possible moral trauma.






Smile more often.










K.R. Respect for people, knowledge of the rules of dispute, discussion, communication rules help to prevent unnecessary conflicts. But there are also special rules for preventing conflicts. These are the rules (posted on the board a poster with these rules, the guys get to know them).







K.R. Guys, today we talked about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Do you find the discussion on this topic useful, and will it change your behavior in conflict situations?

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