What is a classroom hour? Class hour functions What is class hour help

The concept of the classroom hour The generalized concept of the classroom hour: The classroom hour (class teacher's hour) is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take an active part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of attitudes towards the world around them. "Classroom hour is a form of educational work of teachers with students outside of school hours."

The concept of the classroom hour The classroom hour is one of the most common forms of organizing frontal educational work. (NI Boldyrev) The class hour can be called a specially organized value-orientational activity, which contributes to the formation of a system of attitudes towards the world around schoolchildren. (NE Shchurkova) Classroom hour is the time for the class teacher to communicate with his team, when he uses various techniques, means and methods of organizing interaction. (E.V. Titova)

Functions of the classroom hour Educational - the classroom hour expands the circle of those students' knowledge that is not reflected in the curriculum. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the country, abroad. Any phenomenon or event can be the subject of discussion.

Functions of the class hour Orientation - the class hour forms value orientations in students, a certain attitude towards the world around, to what is happening in it, contributes to the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate the phenomena occurring in life.

Functions of the class hour Formative - the class hour forms in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, the skills of conducting a dialogue and building statements, defending their opinions. Promotes the formation of basic skills and abilities (due to a variety of activities), strengthens relationships in the children's team.

Types of classroom hours Information classroom hour Objectives: formation of students' involvement in the events and phenomena of the social and political life of their country, their city, region; application of knowledge gained in history and civics lessons; the formation of their attitude to what is happening; development of research skills.

Types of classroom hours Moral classroom hours Objectives: educating students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments; study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations; critical reflection and analysis of one's own moral actions, the actions of peers and classmates; development of moral personal qualities (kindness, a desire to help people, the ability to admit one's mistakes, defend one's point of view and respect someone else's, etc.).

Forms of classroom hours; classroom meeting; conversation (ethical, moral); disputes; meeting interesting people; quizzes in various fields of knowledge; discussions, KVN; interactive games; games - travel; theatrical premieres; Trainings; reader conferences, etc.

Form is the outward outline, outward appearance, contours of the object; external expression of any content. The choice of the form of the class hour depends on the level of development of the team, on the characteristics of the class, on the age characteristics of children, the professionalism of the teacher! Forms of the class hour

The main components of the classroom hour Target - target settings should be associated, first of all, with the development of the child's personality, with the design and establishment of his unique way of life. Content - the content of the classroom hour is personally meaningful. It includes the material necessary for self-realization and self-affirmation of the child's personality. Organizationally active - students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour. Actual participation and interest of each child, actualization of his life experience, manifestation and development of individuality. Evaluative and analytical - the manifestation and enrichment of the child's life experience, the individual-personal value of the assimilated information, which affects the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students, act as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the classroom hour.

The preparation of the class hour can be built according to the plan: defining the topic of conversation with students; formulation of goals and objectives of the class hour; selection of the necessary material and equipment; creation of an initiative group of students, distribution of assignments between them; determination of the appropriateness of participation in the classroom hour of other teachers, parents, specialists on the topic under discussion.

Concluding part (10 minutes) It is important to stimulate the students' need for self-education, their desire to make changes in the work of the class. It may be longer if the conversation turned into the mainstream of practical class affairs, but no more than 10 minutes, so as not to overshadow the "meaning" of the impression from the main content of the class hour. Classroom technology

Analysis of the classroom hour There are two sides of the analysis: The first side is a joint analysis of the teacher with the pupils (reflection). The other side is pedagogical analysis: Why? What for? - needs, features, interests. What? - purpose. How? - methods, forms of work. Activity, involvement, interest, emotional state of students. Good luck, difficulties. And what do we have from this? - result, continuation of work.

Criteria for assessing the classroom hour. Correspondence of the structure, forms of organization of the class hour to its goals, objectives, age characteristics of students; the use of non-traditional forms and techniques for the development of the student's personality; the use of active forms of educational work; the level of presentation of the prepared material to schoolchildren; attention, activity of students at various stages of the event; the relationship of the teacher with the students.

Tips for conducting classroom hours From substantive information to evaluating information; from general assessments to detailed judgments; attention to the performances of students; emphasis on important points; reflections with children; joint search for solutions to the problem; taking into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the material by students (weak attention, change of activity, musical pause, physical minute, acute question).

“Once a man had a dream that he was walking through the city and entering a trade shop. He wanders for a long time among a variety of exotic fruits and vegetables. There are very strange and unusual fruits and berries, not even close to those that he had previously seen. Some attract him with their incredible colors, others attract with their aroma, and still others - with exquisite sounds coming from the cores of fruits. And of course, each of the people chooses the fruit that he likes, it often turns out that this is what he needs. But as soon as the buyer picks up the fruit, it disappears, and only a tiny seed remains in the palm of his hand. A lot of surprise, the man decided to cheat and went up to the owner of the shop: - Give me, please, that fruit, - he said and pointed to the shelf. The owner of the shop handed over the most beautiful exotic fruit, but, barely touching his hand, he disappeared, and a tiny seed lay in his palm. Seeing the surprise on the face of the buyer, the owner of the shop said: "We do not trade in fruits, we trade in seeds." Parable "Shop of Opportunities"

"Cool hours"- Technology for preparing and conducting a student-centered class hour. The draft decision of the teachers' council. Traditional class hour. The concept and functions of a classroom hour. The theme of the teacher's council is "Classroom hour in the system of educational work." Guide - a class hour helps to transfer theoretical knowledge into the area of ​​practice, to direct students to real practical matters.

"Class hour of the Second World War"- Participant of the Second World War. 1941 - 1945 G. We remember and are proud. Children of war. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Nikolay Danilovich. Kucherenko Nikolai Ignatievich. Classroom hour. Marfin Ivan Abramovich. Tankman.

"Class hour about the besieged Leningrad"- Bread has become practically the only food for Leningraders. "Everyone who defended Leningrad was not just a city dweller, but a soldier." But the risk paid off: Leningrad lived! Failed! Zyukova Olga Gemellovna. One of the most beautiful cities in the world. The "Road of Life" began to operate - in autumn and summer on water, in winter on ice.

"Classroom hours and education"- Personal relevance to students; Comfort, favorable psychological climate; Opportunity for the manifestation and development of individual and creative abilities of schoolchildren; Enriching the life experience of students; Spiritual and moral value; The involvement of students in the preparation and conduct of the classroom hour.

Development of the primary school teacher Sultanshina M.R. Thinking the student out loud and choosing the optimal version of the hypothesis. Work in micro-groups "fours", the choice of the best hypothesis. Family. Didactic goals. Why are grandparents my family? Teacher activity. Class hour "My FAMILY". For teachers.

"The main thing is the man"- Rainbow The main miracle? Person. See the world more fun. Jami? No man can always be right. Classroom hour. ? We, like rainbows of color, are never inseparable. ? ORT: Original, romantic, talented. Boys and girls. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Tears of sorrow will not help. Man lives among people.

There are 16 presentations in total



Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .. 2

The class hour and its characteristics …… .. ………… .. …… .... 5

Educational goals and objectives of the class hour …… .. …………… ...… ..6

Functions of the class hour …………………………… .. ……… .. ………… 7

The main components of the class hour …………………………… ..… .. 8

Methodology for organizing a class hour ………………………… ...……… 9

Technological aspects of the organization

class hour ………………………. …………………… ...… .. 9

The structure of the plan of the class hour ...................... ... ... ... .11

Tips for organizing a class hour ………………… ...… .11

Forms and types of class hours …………………………………… ....... 12

Classroom hour - communication hour …………………………… .......... 13

Classroom meeting ……………………………………… .......... 16

Thematic class hour ………………………… ....… ....... 17

Situational class hour …………………… ...................... 18

Information class ………………………… ........ 20

Classroom hours for the development of intelligent

students' skills ………………………………………… ......... 21

Classroom hours schedule ……………………………………… ...… ..21

Consistency in educational work ………………………… ... …… 22

Methodological support for the preparation and conduct of class hours …………………………………………………………… ....... 26

Preparation of thematic planning of class hours ... ... ........ 27

Pedagogical analysis of educational activities (cases) ... ......... 29

Annex 1 Forms from A to Z ………………………………… ..... .31

Appendix 2 Forms of conducting class hours …………… ....... 37

Appendix 3 Methodology for creating a school Dictionary of Ethics ... ...... 40

class hours on the topic "Culture of student behavior" ... ... ......... 45

Appendix 5 Approximate topic of classroom hours for the development of intellectual skills of students ...................... ... ... 47

Appendix 6 Pedagogical advice "Classroom hour in the system of student-centered education" ………………. ……… ...... 48

Appendix 7 Classroom Activity Analysis Diagrams ……… ......... 59

Appendix 8 Working materials for drawing up thematic planning of classroom hours from 1 to 11 grades …………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A classroom hour is a form of educational work in which schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, are involved in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system to the world around them.

NOT. Shchurkova


The complex and multifaceted process of education is carried out using a variety of forms. Their choice depends on the content of educational work, the age of the students, the skill of the educators, the characteristics of the class and other conditions in which the educational process takes place.

The form of organization of upbringing is a way of organizing the upbringing process, reflecting the internal connection of various elements of this process and characterizing the relationship between educators and pupils. In a broad sense, the forms of organization of upbringing characterize the organization of upbringing as a whole, and not individual educational activities. In this understanding, it is legitimate to talk about upbringing in the process of education as one of the forms of organizing upbringing, about extracurricular and out-of-school educational work.

In the educational process, there is a wide variety of forms of work with the children's team. (Appendix 1, "Forms from A to Z") . Purposeful, systematic, cyclical use of them, high-quality preparation and conduct will undoubtedly affect the effectiveness of collective creative work or the direction of educational work, and the whole process. This is especially important for the basic forms of educational work, which include the class hour.

What is the role and place of the classroom hour in the system of extracurricular educational activities of the school, in the upbringing of the classroom?

In the present period of radical transformation of educational practice, the need for lighting class hour problems... In the current situation of the development of Russian education, they are treated differently: in some educational institutions, class hours were canceled, referring them to stagnant authoritarian forms of educational work. In others, on the contrary, they decided to hold it every day, setting aside the first lesson of the school day for the class teacher to communicate with his class. We have to admit that neither the one nor the other version of the attitude to the school hour is not pedagogically expedient. In the first case, the teachers simply lost the specially allotted time for communicating with their pupils, and in the second, this time turned out to be too long to be used strictly for its intended purpose, and the teachers began to conduct additional training sessions instead of hours of communication. Of course, teachers today are concerned not only and not so much with the frequency of class hours, but with the content and methods of organizing them.

Schools, having gone through periods of "educational vacuum", lack of systematic work are currently faced with a number of problems that take place to one degree or another in educational institutions:

    lack of consistency, frequency of class hours;

    lack of thematic planning of class hours from grades 1 to 11;

    insufficient knowledge of class teachers in the technology of conducting class hours, analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the class team;

    poor knowledge of the skills of organizing the activities of the classroom in planning, preparing and conducting class hours.

The main and, perhaps, the only most important form of frontal "educational work" - the school hour - gradually lost the signs of a collective educational event. During the classroom hours, not only the problems of academic performance and life activity were solved, but also activities were carried out in the "directions of education." They provided one of the few opportunities for schoolchildren to communicate and turn to the teacher outside the classroom. But the need for communication between students, like the need for students to turn to the teacher as an elder, helping comrade, remained.

Uniting children for education and training is an inevitable form of working with them today and in the future. It is impossible to get away from it, because unification - in various forms - is always more advantageous than the most impeccable individual work with a student.

The main advantageous difference- a humanistic approach to the association, where the main value is the interests of the individual, which are always priority in relation to the interests of the association and, paradoxically, it is thanks to this that ensure the overall success of the association, expressed in the most effective achievement of a common goal.

The second distinctive feature- in the process of achieving a single goal of activity. This is due to the differentiation of the means of achieving it. Translated into ordinary language, this means different ways of solving a common problem for individual members of an association or micro-groups that exist within it.

Third feature- the need to take into account the desire of a certain number of members of the association for a common goal, due to the conscious needs of each of them to get the desired result for themselves personally, which, nevertheless, is important for others.

Fourth feature- the task of the educator (teacher, leader) is viewed as a non-violent and imperceptible organization of conditions for the formation of such interpersonal relationships that are most favorable for the successful achievement of the goal.

So the class hour (parenting hour, educational hour, class teacher hour) continues to be one of the most important forms of organizing frontal educational work. The main thing is to provide purposeful, orderly business communication between the class teacher and students, to create a healthy moral atmosphere.

Consequently, the class hour can and should serve the solution of educational problems. True, at a completely different organizational level.

It is necessary to find out, first of all, what is understood in pedagogical science and practice by such a form of educational work as a class hour. Let's take and turn to the statements of famous scientists:

    « Classroom hour there is a form of direct communication between the educator and his pupils ”(V.P. Sozonov)

    « Classroom hour ... - this is ... the very "cell" of the educational process, which allows the school teacher to find time to communicate with pupils, openly proclaim and highlight the planned attitude to certain values ​​... "(L. I. Malenkova)

    « Classroom hour - this is a form of educational work in which schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system to the environmentthe world "(N. E. Shchurkova).

Based on the named definitions of the class hour, it can be distinguished characteristics... It is advisable to include the following among them:

    Firstly, this is a form of extracurricular educational activity, and, unlike a lesson, it should not be characterized by academicism and an instructive type of pedagogical interaction;

    Secondly, this is a form of frontal (mass) educational work with children, but it is important to remember that in the preparation and conduct of a class hour, it is possible to use both group and individual forms of educational activity;

    third, this is a form of educational interaction that is flexible in composition and structure, but this does not mean that all pedagogical contacts of the class teacher with the collective of students in the class can be considered class hours;

    fourthly, this is a form of communication between the class teacher and pupils, the priority role in the organization of which is played by the teacher. This form of educational work is called the class teacher's hour.

Classroom hours are the main component of the classroom teacher's work system. They are conducted for various educational purposes. Their forms and technologies can be of many variations depending on the purpose, the age of the students, the experience of the class teacher, and the school setting.

Sometimes in pedagogical literature and school practice, this form of organizing educational activities is called the hour of education, the educational hour, the hour of the class teacher. It's not about the name. It is important, as already mentioned, to ensure purposeful business communication between the class teacher and students, to create a healthy moral atmosphere.

Educational goals and objectives of the class hour

In the process of preparing and conducting class hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical goals and objectives:

1. Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

2. Enrichment of the student's consciousness with knowledge about nature, society, man.

3. Development of the emotional-sensory sphere and the value-semantic core of the child's personality.

4. Formation of children's skills and abilities of thinking and practical activity.

5. Promoting the formation and manifestation of the subjectivity and individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

6. Formation of the classroom as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Of course, the solution of all the listed tasks should be associated not with a certain separate hour of communication between the teacher and his pupils, even if it was brilliantly spent, but with a well-thought-out and detailed system of their organization, where each class hour is assigned a certain place and role.

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