How to remove the start page Webalta, Megogo, Goinf. How to untie a card from Megogo How to unsubscribe from megogo

Modern man appreciates quality leisure services. The high pace of life should be compensated by a pleasant pastime in the company of family and loved ones. One of these opportunities is watching interesting high quality films.

The Megogo service offers a huge selection of video content for “every taste”. Every connoisseur of cinema will find something interesting for himself. But many users of the resource are interested in the issue of payment for its services and the possibility of refusing them if necessary, including how to untie the card from Megogo. Detailed answers are given below.

About the service

Today, the service's video library contains more than 80 thousand media works, including feature films and documentaries, serials, TV shows, cartoons, sports events, news and new music videos. Most of this list is only available to subscribers or buyers. In addition, it is possible to rent a movie for several days. And only a small fraction of the content can be viewed for free according to the advertising model.

Interesting: The service is equipped with an intelligent system of recommendations and fixing the place of stopping viewing.

The creators of the project have signed contracts with well-known copyright holders around the world:

  • world - European and international (Fox, Universal Pictures, MGM, Miramax, etc.);
  • Russian (TsPSh, VGTRK, Lenfilm, Soyuzmultfilm, etc.);
  • Ukrainian (Odessa Film Studio, Media Group Ukraine, Starlight Media, Kvartal 95, etc.).

The main sources of income for service owners are:

  • short commercials, which are shown to viewers before watching the film, at the end of it and during a pause;
  • one-time purchase of new films (section "Premier");
  • paid subscriptions of various content "Cinema and TV", thanks to which the client gets access to 200 channels and 7 thousand films.

Technical highlights

It should be noted that the services of the service are available from the browser of any device with access to the worldwide network. Also, special applications have been developed that can be downloaded at mobile devices on iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms. In addition, the program can be used with LG, Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Philips and Toshiba TVs with the Smart TV option, as well as with Apple TV, Dune HD, Aura HD, iNext HD media players, etc. Plus the whole service provides an opportunity to use the mono-brand Megogo Box prefix.

Fact: Megogo has its own video content delivery networkCDN, which consists of hundreds of servers around the world and hubs in Frankfurt, Kiev and Moscow.

Megogo's own projects

Today the company is also engaged in the production of video of its own production: in 2016 the multi-part film "Cossacks" was released on the screens, live broadcasts of large-scale sports and cultural events were launched, including Z-Games, Red Bull BC One, Invasion and a musical project on Nashe TV ...

Starting in 2015, the creators began to develop their own thematic channels with interactive functions. And in 2017, the company's first travel project of 8 episodes "Dasha on the Wave" was released. In the same year, the service began broadcasting football matches in Germany, France, Italy.

Also, Megogo is trying to develop innovative developments. At the end of 2015, a VR application was released, and in the summer of 2016 the company announced the introduction of a test mode of advertising using computer vision and neural networks. At the same time, Megogo became the world's first service that allowed users to watch live broadcasts of the most important youth events in unique form: professional video shooting plus self-streaming.

In 2016, the video service began offering HDR movies for viewing. In the same year, Apple recognized Megogo as the app of the year. And in 2017 this fact sounded in the version of Google.

How many visitors

The attendance of the web resource has increased significantly since its launch. For example, already in March 2012 (six months after the launch of the project) 4.5 million unique visitors came to the Megogo website, in July of the same year - already 9.6 million people, in 2013 - about 20 million. users monthly, and by 2018 the figure reached 50 million people per month.

Who can use the services of the service

Access to the service is open to almost any user of any country in the world. That is, the resource can be used by:

  • users of European and Asian countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, etc .;
  • connoisseurs of cinema from other countries can also use the video service, but only on a paid basis. They also have access to free content, but the list is very limited.

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What to do if, when starting the browser, various unpleasant sites open, such as Webalta, Megogo, Goinf, and the standard method to change the start page does not work? How to get rid of this scourge and return your home page?

Webalta is a very cunning search engine and leaves a lot of its "roots" on the computer. Penetrates PCs with the installation of various counterfeit software. Some categorize it as a virus. The rest of the services use a similar technology to implement their software product on the user's computer.

Read on how to clean your computer from sites like,

Instructions for removing removal instructions

Remove Megogo, Webalta, Goinf from Google Chrome browser

The instruction is universal. Suitable for removing Webalta, Goinf, Megogo from Google Chrome, Opera, IE, Yandex browser, Mozilla.

We go to "Start" - "Control Panel" -...

0 0

Recently, there are more and more computers infected with browser hijackers from traflab. As a rule, it looks like this: when you launch the browser, a site like traflabsn, traflabse-cng, or searches-poisk is loaded, which then redirects to,, or other sites ... In this article, we will share how to get rid of flickering pages and remove browser hijacker.

Intermediate redirecting sites

End sites

Where does and come from in the browser?

When downloading and running files from dubious sources, malicious programs (classics of the genre) penetrate the system. They change browser shortcuts and download and install ...

0 0

The situation is similar as with The treatment procedure is the same as for the treatment described here. Only in the explorer you need to search for "", and then delete all found files. Also in browsers you need to delete all suspicious plugins and extensions. Then clear the browser cache using CCleaner. After that, in the installed programs, find all kinds of toolbars, plugins and programs that were installed without the knowledge of the user. Usually, they are disguised as conventional programs and can be called "video player", "media player", "Net driver", etc.

For these purposes, it is convenient to use IObit Uninstaller or a similar program, which cleans up all the tails during uninstallation. IObit Uninstaller has a Recently Installed tab that shows all the latest installed programs. Also, a very useful "Browser Plugins" tab. It is convenient and you do not need to view the entire list of programs installed on your computer. Personally, on this list you can ...

0 0

Attention! Recommendations are written specifically for this user. If the guidelines are not written for you, do not use them -
it can damage your system !!! If you have a similar problem - create a topic in the Computer virus treatment section and follow the Rules for requesting help.

Begin ShowMessage ("Attention! Before executing the script, AVZ will automatically close all network connections." + # 13 # 10 + "After restarting the computer, network connections will be restored automatically."); ExecuteFile ("net.exe", "stop tcpip / y", 0, 15000, true); QuarantineFile ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ chrome.bat", ""); QuarantineFile ("C: \ iexplore.bat", ""); QuarantineFile ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ test \ Bind.exe", ""); DeleteFile ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ test \ Bind.exe"); DeleteFile ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Google \ chrome.bat", "32"); DeleteFile ("C: \ iexplore.bat", "32"); QuarantineFileF ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ test", "*", ...

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(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Users of the online cinema Megogo who have subscribed to a paid subscription may in the future face difficulties in finding a function on the website to disable the renewal of the service. Therefore, consider, how to disable subscription toMegogo, remove auto payment, as well as how to untie the card.

This article will be especially relevant for those who have just started using the Megogo online cinema and signed up for a trial initial subscription for a promotion for the first month, after which automatic write-offs began Money from a bank card in full.

How to unsubscribe from Megogo | Unsubscribe Megogo | Disable auto payment

To unsubscribe from Megogo (cancel subscription, disable auto payment), you need to:

The Megogo subscription will not be canceled immediately, you can use it until the end during the paid period. But there will be no automatic renewal of the subscription and auto payment. After the end of the paid period, the Megogo subscription will be permanently removed.

How to disable Megogo subscription on TV (Smart TV)

There are several ways to disable subscription to Megogo Megogo on TV (Smart TV):

  1. Open a browser on your TV (any model: LG, Samsung) and go to the Megogo website. Then - go to the payments section as described and unsubscribe;
  2. Megogo's account is shared. It is available on all devices, that is, to disable Megogo's subscription, you can log into your account from any device: computer, phone, TV and follow the procedure already described above.

So we looked at how to unsubscribe from Megogo, and now let's figure out how to unlink the card from the account.

How to untie a card from Megogo

It is advisable to protect yourself from possible write-offs of funds in the future and delete the card linked to the account.

To untie the card from Megogo (remove it from your account) you need to:

How to turn off Megogo email notifications

In order to turn off Megogo notifications, you must:

How to sign out of Megogo

To log out of your Megogo profile you need to:

How to get money back for Megogo subscription

Some users are wondering how to get a refund for the Megogo subscription that was withdrawn from the card as a result of the monthly auto-renewal of the subscription.

Unfortunately, the money cannot be returned. After all, the subscription was issued. And you don't even have to try to complain to the support team, they won't do anything about it.

Megogo customer support contacts

If you have any problems with the cancellation of Megogo's subscription, or you still have a desire to try your luck in trying to get your money back for the subscription, then you can do this by using the following contacts:

Phone: 8 800 100 49 07 (toll free)

Email: [email protected]

I hope this tutorial was useful to you and now you know how to unsubscribe from Megogo subscription, disable automatic payment and remove a bank card from your account billing information.

How can I disable Megogo's subscription in order to avoid unplanned debiting of funds from the balance of the linked card? Megogo is a very convenient service for watching movies, cartoons, serials, television shows. You can use it for free, or you can sign up for a paid subscription, which will open access to a huge number of new films in the film industry, and the viewing will not be interspersed with commercials. But situations are not uncommon when the need for a subscription has disappeared, and the money continues to be debited from the account. How to find a way out of the situation - read the article.

Avid fans of watching movies or TV series are probably familiar with the Megogo online cinema. It is one of the largest movie watching resources in Europe. It was created, by the way, by developers from Russia. The audience of the program has over forty million users every month. The platform is available for use from any device, regardless of the operating system installed. You just need to install the app and the cinema on the couch is ready to use. Statistics show that Megogo is most often used from smart TVs and tablets. What methods of monetization, that is, earnings, do the creators use:

  • Demonstration of commercials throughout the video.
  • Sale of subscriptions with monthly billing.
  • Sale of films from the category of premieres and new films, or renting them out.

The most common and beneficial format for developers is the subscription format. A person who pays, even if less, but regularly, will bring the company more money... Therefore, Megogo actively promotes these services to users.

Disable Megogo subscription on TV

How do I disable Megogo subscription on a TV with built-in internet access? You need to do the following:

It is worth noting that the online cinema account is single, so you can cancel your subscription by logging into it from any device connected to the Internet, be it a phone, tablet or PC. The order of performing the actions is no different from the above.

Unlinking the card

It seems to many that turning off automatic subscription is not enough, and money from the card can still be debited. To keep yourself safe, you can remove the linking of your bank card to your mego profile. What you need to do:

  • Go to the main page of your personal profile, find the item "Subscriptions".
  • On the top row, click the billing tab.
  • A page will open, on which the details of all bank cards associated with the account will be visible.
  • Click on the one you need and select the "Delete" line.

If you do not have time to untie the card or terminate the subscription, the money will be charged for auto-renewal. You will not be able to return the funds.

To exclude such an option, from the very beginning, when you subscribe, you must uncheck the box next to the "auto payment" item. Then the money from the card will not be debited automatically, and to renew the subscription, you will have to pay for it manually. This may not be very convenient, but this way you can fully control your expenses and prevent unwanted write-offs.

Disable notifications

An online cinema, like most of its similar services, actively promotes and advertises its services and innovations. For this, users' phone numbers and their email addresses are often used. How to get rid of annoying email campaigns that clog up your inbox:

  • Go to the official megogo page and go to your profile.
  • You need to find the line "receive notifications" and uncheck the box next to it. Done, spam from Megogo won't bother you anymore.

Megogo Support

If you still have any questions, or if you can't delete the subscription yourself, call Megogo's customer support service. You can find the contact phone number and email address on the official website. When contacting, you will need to give your identification subscriber number (ID), you can find it at the bottom of the profile page. Explain to the operator the essence of the problem, and he will be able to remotely cancel the necessary subscriptions from your account.

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