Dream orange color to healing. Dream interpretation: color red, white, black. What does color mean in a dream? Interpretation of color in a dream. Orange in a modern dream book

The mechanism of dreams is aimed at satisfying our desires, even those that we have not yet realized at a conscious level, which fleetingly flashed in our thoughts, were safely forgotten, but deposited at the subconscious level.

These desires are poured out in a dream in bizarre images, sometimes ridiculous and painted in different colors.

At all times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of dreams, encrypted with the help of figurative symbols and verbal puns.

The most powerful tool in the interpretation of dreams is the color in a dream, which carries a certain meaning, reflects the reality around a person and his inner world.

Turned yellow with envy, turned white with anger, blackened with grief, put on rose-colored glasses, crimson with shame, youthful green - these and many other expressions have become part of our everyday life.

The color scheme prevailing in can help us understand what exactly excites us, what we dream about, what we strive for, assess the physical and emotional state.

In the ancient cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Tibet, China, Maya Indians, the meaning of color was given special magical significance. Modern medicine and psychology also use its power for medicinal purposes.

People of different nationalities react in the same way to the same color: blue is relaxing, red and its shades are exciting, etc. Apparently, this reaction is due to centuries of genetic inheritance.

When trying to interpret a dream, you should pay attention to the degree of color saturation: the closer it is to the main tone, the more closely it corresponds to the symbolism embedded in it.


It symbolizes vitality, power and energy of creation, active actions, will, power. This is the color of strong personalities. It can bring positive emotions: strength, cheerfulness, passion, fun, joy, sexual arousal, physical pleasure. And also, have a negative connotation: aggressiveness, anger, cruelty, revenge, lust.

Associations with red among different peoples:

Maya Indians - Victory and Success.
The Chinese are happiness, warmth, joy.
Hindus - creativity, growth, vitality - Prana.
Christians are faith, love, a symbol of the crucified Christ.

Red is considered a color that carries energy, good news or a warning sign of the need to stop and reconsider your actions.

Effects on the body:

Creates a feeling of warmth, stimulates cardiac activity, accelerates metabolic processes, eliminates congestion in organs, activates muscular strength, deepens breathing.

Relieves melancholy and fear.

Increases endurance and performance, improves mood, strengthens willpower, encourages active action, motivates to achieve the set goals.

Awakens vivid active emotions, which, with prolonged exposure, can lead to excessive fatigue, high blood pressure, irritation and anger.


Symbolizes the sun, fire, joy and expressiveness. He helps:

Relax and feel more free, open and sociable.
rise above the personal, understand your belonging to a single whole,
rebuild life if a person is experiencing loss, grief, shock,
distrustful and withdrawn people to free themselves from fear and realize their abilities.

It is the color of happiness, social unity with society, the color of trust and universal love.

Effects on the body:

Stimulates the adrenal glands, stimulates appetite, improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, endocrine system.

Helps with infertility, cleansing the body.

Useful for depression, mental breakdowns, awakens optimism, gives emotional balance

Relieves obsessive fears.


It is the color of energetic people, a symbol of joy, fun and optimism. Its tonic effect on the body is milder than that of red or orange. Provides balance vitality organism, self-control, increases self-esteem, sociability. Negative emotions are intolerance and criticism.
Associations among different nations:

Indians and Hindus are a symbol of immortality, life. Dirty and dark yellow - betrayal, unbelief, greed, secrecy, treachery.

Buddhists - saffron yellow - is self-denial, lack of passion, self-denial.

Effects on the body:

Pulse quickens, pupils dilate, eyesight improves, gives feelings of joy, spaciousness, warmth and lightness.

Promotes clarity of thought, the desire to speak out, which cleanses the soul and gets rid of obsessions.

Increases vitality, awakens curiosity, helps the rapid assimilation of information.

Eliminates gloomy thoughts and depression, improves, stimulates intelligence, clears thoughts.


It is a symbol of security and renewal, harmony and balance, integrity and stability. Gives a feeling of peace and tranquility. Helps to get rid of negative emotions, renews and heals physically and spiritually.

If a person denies the color green, this may mean that he is dissatisfied with his emotional mood. Adherence to tones of dark green speaks of a defensive attitude towards life, stubbornness, lack of flexibility.

The ancient Greeks considered him "the beginning of great deeds" and perceived a dream in green tones especially successful if he dreamed on the eve of an important event.

Effects on the body:

Stabilizes the work of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, normalizes blood pressure.

Improves blood circulation, cardiac activity, liver function, relieves headaches, reduces nervous tension.

It relieves of negative emotions, feelings, helps to make the right decision, restores stability, disposes to generosity.

Possesses a powerful healing effect of a wide range.


A symbol of intuition, spiritual and emotional growth, it is considered the color of "truth", peace, inner harmony.

Blue color among Christians means faith, devotion, immortality. This is the color of the Virgin Mary. It is associated with true spirituality, piety, intelligence, generosity, justice, peace.

This is the color of idealists, people who are patient and hardy, who do not like changes. Dreams can indicate the need to take time for mental rest and relaxation.

Effects on the body:

Reduces blood pressure, relieves inflammation, reduces pain, stops bleeding, slows down pulse and breathing.

Gives a state of detachment, peace and tranquility, reduces mental pain.

The abundance of blue in dreams makes a person more tolerant, softer and calmer.


Symbolizes the power of reason, clarity and wisdom of thought. Clears thoughts, awakens intuition.

Finding inner peace, stimulates creativity, flexibility in communication and actions.

For mental fatigue, anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.

Has a greater sedative effect in comparison with blue, can be depressing.

Effects on the body:

Improves the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, eyes, endocrine and skeletal systems, relieves pain.

Effective for insomnia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, manic-depressive psychosis.

Recovers from emotional turmoil and relieves painful memories, promotes creativity.


A symbol of intuition, calmness, comfort, striving for unity with the Universe, personal growth, love and kindness. Dreams with this shade are filled with meaning and deserve the most attentive attitude to yourself, they can predict your future.

This is the color of an optimistic person, able to understand the inner world of the people around him, endowed with good intuition, striving for spiritual development.

Effects on the body:

It is useful for internal inflammation, for disorders of the central nervous system, supports immunity, for pain and eye fatigue.

Sharpens vision and senses, promotes the union of spirit and body.

Calms nervous people, pacifies, combines strength and softness.


Almost all peoples have a positive meaning: purification, spiritual development, chastity and simplicity.
Closed and constrained helps to become more sociable, "break the ice" in communication, and increase self-esteem.

Psychologists believe that in relation to color, you can determine the traits of a person's character:

People who are restrained, calm, gentle and easy-going, prefer cold colors.

Ardent, domineering and strong personalities love warm colors.

White synthesizes all shades, it is the color of faith and dreams. The temperament of the person who gives preference to him is difficult to determine: he can be cold as ice or hot as a flame.

This color gives a sense of holiness, purity; it should be remembered that the predominance of white is fraught with the creation of excessive sterility, superiority and inaccessibility.

A person who prefers white is ready for change, for liberation from old stereotypes, attachments, ready for a new one.

Effects on the body:

Creates a feeling of coolness and lightness, disposes to cleanliness, carries a festive mood.

Normalizes the activity of all functions of the body, the central nervous system.

Increases efficiency, gives vigor.


Symbolizes negative forces: destruction, death, hell, protest. This is the color of uncertainty and denial of life, it is focused more on the inner world, on what is hidden in the depths of the subconscious.

It can accompany the end of a cycle in life: relationships, marriage, work. With its help, despondency and depression find a way out.

Effects on the body:

His fans can be extremely dissatisfied with themselves, their lives, be in deep depression. They are not sure of achieving their goals, they do not expect anything good from life.

It turns out a vicious circle: a person dresses in black because of an emotional state, which increases depression and negative emotions. To get out of this circle, it is worth resorting to other more positive colors in clothes.


A symbol of kindness and gentleness, romance and tenderness. This is the color of good feelings and reconciliation, it helps to resolve conflict situations gently. Develops intuition, sensitivity, relieves obsessions.

A person who is passionate about pink is trying to subordinate life to his will, is too self-confident and emotional.

Effects on the body:

Improves mood by eliminating negative emotions. Soothes and evokes feelings of coziness and comfort.


A symbol of strength, reliability, protection. Gives a feeling of security, confidence.

Negative aspects include feelings: dissatisfaction, frustration, depression, obsessions.

This is the color of a purposeful person, a wise strategist, unhurried and practical, inclined to perceive life as an eternal struggle and overcoming difficulties.

Effects on the body:

Soothes, relieves tension and anxiety.


A symbol of stability, balance, peace, harmony.

People who prefer this color are reasonable and moderate, they have common sense, they know how to resolve difficult situations.

Negative sides of gray: sadness, fatigue, depression, criticism and asceticism.

Effects on the body:

Helps to manage emotions, restore harmony, brings stability to the processes that are out of control.


The symbol of femininity. Associated with starlight, moonlight, silver and mirrors.

Develops imagination and imagination, removes emotional stiffness, restores mental balance, immerses in the mystical contemplation of the world. Helps to see your mistakes and the true essence of your soul.

Negative qualities: a person may be delusional about the real state of affairs, be in his imaginary world.

This is the color of people who are impartial and tolerant, respecting the opinions of others.


Symbolizes power, strength, glory, purity. Helps to overcome any obstacles. It is the source of wisdom and love, life and joy.

Active and purposeful people find additional energy and strength in it.

Negative side: extreme distrust, fear of success and fear of failure, unwillingness to actively participate in anything.

* * * * * *

If your dream is dominated by cold colors (blue, green, blue), then you are in a balanced state.

Bright tones speak of excitement, and its degree is higher, the brighter and more saturated the tone: bright red can speak of aggressiveness, bright yellow of a joyful mood.

The passive color of sleep indicates fatigue, a depressed mental state.

Thus, knowing the meaning of the color, you can understand what message was encrypted in the dream, what problems should be paid attention to.

I wish you colorful dreams that give you rest and peace!


The blue ocean merges on the horizon with the blue sky

forming a blue infinity - to stand on the ocean and watch the waves wash

it is like touching and connecting with the universe.

M. Annie Sweet

Colors undoubtedly play an important role in every person's life. Research shows that even the blind can sense color. Colors play a role in "night theater" and allow us to better understand the shades of our life.

Colourful dreams

Several theories answer the question of whether we have colored dreams. Calvin Hall, a dream researcher who has recorded nearly a thousand dreams, claims that two-thirds of dreams are black and white. Hall believes that only one of the three dreams is colored or that there is color in it. According to the researcher, only a few people see only colored dreams, and in the dreams of some individuals, color is never present.

True, not everyone agrees with this view. Gladys Meyer, another researcher, claims that all dreams are colored. In her opinion, the person simply does not remember that he had a colored dream.

Aldous Huxley in his essay "Heaven and Hell" says that symbols and signs in dreams do not need color. "A valuable note: the experience of most people shows that the most vividly colored dreams are landscapes in which there is no action, no sign of conflict. A simple deserted space that appeared to consciousness," he continues. Huxley believes that a sign of psychological conflict does not need color. Therefore, color appears where there is no conflict. Some researchers argue against Huxley, arguing that there is a certain psychological conflict hidden in any dream. Another voice against this theory: some people always dream of color, regardless of the presence or absence of conflict.

Another theory is that colors in a dream can mean various painful conditions. For example, it is assumed that excess green indicates liver problems, and red indicates circulatory problems. I would add to this theory that shades of colors also matter. An impending illness can be indicated by a violation of shades. However, the pure green color of spring foliage can also mean a powerful healing stream, while the bright red color can mean physical strength and sexual potency.

Some researchers believe that colored dreams speak of artistic talent. According to their theory, a person who sees a color in a dream feels it much better than an ordinary person. Proponents of this point of view also argue that drawing lessons are capable of "provoking" colored dreams.

Color is both the simplest and most powerful tool for understanding dreams. We distinguish the shape of everything that surrounds us, by the transition of color, by the play of shadows, by shades. There are a great many shades around us. Color has been used as a key to interpreting dreams for thousands of years. To understand color means to understand the essence of energy.

We live in an endless ocean of energies, the vibrations of which have different speeds and intensities. And this ocean of energy swirls in its eternal dance of changing matter. Energy is in various states - solid, liquid, gaseous - and each of the states finds its temporary home in the Universe. Light and color are also vibrations in this eternal play of energies. Warm colors — red, orange, and yellow — have a much lower vibration frequency than cooler colors — green, blue, and purple.

Sir Isaac Newton in 1667 first decomposed sunlight into its components. He sent a beam of light through a prism and received a spectrum of sunlight white light, consisting of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet. Light is radiant energy that propagates in the form of waves of various lengths and frequencies at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second. The longer the waveform, the lower the frequency, and vice versa.

We are also a collection of energy fields. Your entire body is constantly vibrating in an energy field. You participate in movement every second. Your body's energy field is affected by energy changes around it, such as sunlight, wind, other people's fields, and food energy. And color is no exception: it has a very profound effect on your body and psyche.

Even without realizing the influence of flowers on our life, we recognize the presence of this influence. Remember the expressions: "wearing pink glasses", "Black Monday", "young green", "orange mood", "crimson with happiness", "turn yellow with envy", "blush with shame". The list goes on and on. Colors play a huge role in all areas of our life.

There were times when the color was recognized as a much greater influence on humanity than now. In fact, it is only recently that color has become an interior detail, and nothing more. Throughout the history of civilization, color was considered the greatest and most important symbol in the world. Each color had its own deep meaning, which, in turn, was an integral part of all ancient cultures that used dream. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, China, Tibet, American Indian civilizations and even the esoteric traditions of medieval Europe - they all knew the power of color. Modern science also uses color to influence the human psyche for therapeutic purposes.

Researchers have found that the same color causes similar reactions in people regardless of the cultural-ethnic environment of upbringing. Shades of red and orange are perceived as a stimulus for action, while dark blue is relaxing. It seems that the psychology of color, like music, lies deeper than national, racial, or cultural boundaries.

You will undoubtedly dream of countless shades of the basic seven colors. But the closer the color is to the main one, the more closely it corresponds to its symbolic meaning. The duller the color, the more closed the area is to you.


This is the color of the first chakra, which is located at the bottom of the spine. Red symbolizes our drive to survive. This color encourages the physical body to be active and aggressive. It stimulates the heart and increases the heart rate. It is not by chance that red is used in the interior of restaurants, as it increases appetite. Red is also associated with our sexual energy and has to do with feelings of pleasure. This color brings physical pleasure.

Red also means anger. Bright red in dreams symbolizes overt anger, while dull red is associated with suppressed anger. It can also mean pugnaciousness, aggressiveness, sensuality, tension, physical strength. This is not the right color for receptionists, as it lengthens our subjective time.

Red is a sign of direct and active actions. It is associated with will and power. Strength, cheerfulness, strength, health, cheerfulness, sexuality, sensual love and danger are the keywords associated with the color red. In a dream, it can be extremely invigorating and help to cope with slowness, depression and melancholy. Red can help people who are afraid of life and tend to run away from it. It helps to stand firmly on the ground. If you are used to living tomorrow, this color will help you take root in today. It will help to take root in the now. Red gives strength and motivation to achieve your goals. This is the color of "doing", the color of "doing work".


This is the color of the second chakra, which for most people is located 7-8 cm below the navel. Orange represents our desire for public recognition. It is a warm, exciting color, but its vibrations are lighter and higher than the vibrations of red. Therefore, his energy in the body spreads to wider areas. Orange has less to do with survival and more about group participation, social functions. It is the color of happiness, a fun color used by clowns all over the world. It gives rise to optimism, expansiveness and emotional balance in a person. In dreams, this color means herd instinct, ambition, restlessness, mastering new things and being busy. It can also express the flow of sexual energy into the thought process, which generates interest in politics and pride.

A person whose favorite color is orange is extremely ambitious, passionate, optimistic, open and welcoming. Such people are looking for social contacts and universal acceptance. They are proud of their nation, country or their company and adore global projects - that is "their size".

In dreams, orange means optimism, confidence, change, aspiration, enthusiasm and courage. Orange is a social ray, it is able to heal from the tendency to blindly and thoughtlessly trust. Therefore, if you are characterized by pride, suspicion and distrust, if you are looking for power, the orange color in a dream will help you find discrimination and balance. The healing power of the orange ray awakens the inner knowledge that we are all truly one. This helps the consciousness to rise above the level of the personality. Essentially, orange in a dream is about expansion, exploration, and society.

Unlike sensual red, orange is a public color. It means the desire to find reality through other people, the desire for partnership. Red energy is aimed at the survival of the individual and the acquisition of security. In orange, the desire for social stability, for the safety of society, family, and public formations is more pronounced. Orange is the acceptance of our social love. It is the ability to sing, dance and speak without fear of oneself as a person who loves people.


It is an intelligent color that belongs to the third chakra, the solar plexus. He is the last warm color. In dreams, yellow is associated with thought processes. The energy of this ray stimulates linear logical thinking and the activity of the left side of the brain. Yellow engenders mental discernment, structuring, attention to detail, appreciation, proactive work, thought, discipline, management, praise, sincerity, and harmony. Thus, yellow uplifts and liberates, which manifests itself in dreams as joy.

People whose favorite color is yellow tend to analyze and evaluate everything. To understand a phenomenon, they must understand its logic. Such people tend to strive for originality and diversity. Their creativity is very strong, they are eager to express themselves in art, literature, music and speak ... speak ... speak. These people are flexible, expressive and convincing, they are well aware of their capabilities and abilities, they are excellent at planning and organizing. Yellow is not characterized by a spontaneous reaction to an event, as is the case with red and orange. On the contrary, yellow seeks to understand how the event is organized and what caused the event, where and when it will happen and what the result will be. This color has a broader outlook on life. It conditions our desire to live by the rules, but at the same time encourages us to show our individuality and gives rise to the desire to be understood.

The healing power of yellow works with our fears. You probably know the sensation that fear causes in the stomach area. Over the course of many incarnations, a wide variety of fears can accumulate in the solar plexus. Often a person is not even able to understand what he is afraid of. Yellow color can significantly reduce tension in the solar plexus. It is very useful for people prone to judgment, criticism and verbal aggression. This color helps a person gain flexibility and the ability to adapt to change. The yellow ray will not leave any mental problem unresolved. It will also help us realize that it is better to change ourselves and not other people. We will see more clearly the need to balance the mind and heart.


In a dream, this color means safety. It belongs to the heart chakra, the fourth energy center of our body. Green is in the middle between warm - red, orange and yellow - and cold - blue, blue and purple - colors. Therefore, it engenders feelings of love, balance, harmony, peace, brotherhood, hope, development and healing. I have found that my clients start to see green more often in their dreams during the healing period. People, whose favorite color is green, are generous and cheerful, their hearts are open to nature. This color awakens in us a clear, persistent and uncontrollable desire for security, as well as a desire to love and be loved.

Green is very beneficial for deep feelings of regret. It also helps to release various limiting attachments. Attachments give rise to many anxieties in the heart. Green helps you learn to enjoy what a person has in this moment, and live without attachments and desire to possess.

Green is the color of nature, it symbolizes the endless inexhaustible power of the Universe. This power is always in abundance. You've probably noticed that American dollars have been green for decades. New Zealand banknotes were also once green, and their color change caused the New Zealand currency to fall. Green energy heals doubts and feelings of insecurity. Through meditation on green, we can see our true nature - broad, generous and heartfelt. If our hearts are open and we feel the stream of universal love that flows through us, then a feeling of the greatest security and self-confidence comes to us. We learn to love without getting attached or seeking to prevail. Green is a very powerful healing color.


This color - the first in the colder part of the spectrum - is associated with the throat chakra. He pushes in search inner truth... Dreaming in blue tones helps to achieve inner peace and balance of the mind and to experience your ideals. Blue develops our spiritual security and the desire to understand the inner essence of things.

People who like the color blue are idealistic, their souls are patient and hardy. By nature, such people are prone to nostalgia, they are devoted and pious, peaceful and tolerant. These highly sensitive people live in a fictional world of their own ideas and commitments. They seek contentment and peace of mind and are not prone to change.

Blue in dreams brings inspiration, creativity, spiritual understanding, faith and devotion. It speeds up the passage of time and evokes memories of the past. Blue is an ideal color for waiting rooms, reception areas and study areas. The abundance of this color in your dreams creates the conditions for you to become softer, more satisfied, more tolerant and calmer. Blue is useful for people who act out of habit without thinking. It will also help those who have become tough and intractable to change. The blue ray carries the power of unification, it is able to merge disparate elements into a single whole. It also means real sincerity. When we are honest with ourselves, we can be honest with others.


It is the color of the frontal chakra, the color of intuition, the color that is most strongly associated with dreams. Be extremely alert to dreams that have purple, dark blue, or violet colors. It awakens our desire to feel one with the Universe, the desire for conflict-free relationships, the desire to learn and develop. Like blue, this color brings calm, silence and comfort. Very often in dreams, purple accompanies the voice of intuition. Be very attentive to these dreams!

It is very interesting to see what happens to our sense of time as we move from color to color. The closer we are, for example, to our physical sensations and feelings, the more time it seems to us in front of us. The closer you get to the imagination, the more time it feels like. The color red creates an image of the present moment, as a cat sees a mouse. Looking at the present from the standpoint of the mind (yellow) creates a sense of consistency, as road traffic on the expressway. Perception from the point of view of subtle sensations (blue) gives rise to the image of history, like rings on a tree stump. Looking at reality with intuition (purple), we see the future like an eagle that soars high in the sky and looks down. From this height, a person is able to see both what is close and what is far away. Therefore, in dreams painted in purple tones, you look far beyond. These are vision dreams, prophetic dreams. A person who likes purple is usually incomprehensible, inspired, endowed with faith in the future and the ability to penetrate into the inner world of other people. Purple develops intuition and teaches a person to see the spiritual aspects of life.


White in dreams refers to the imagination, it is associated with the upper chakra, or the crown chakra. Its vibrations are the fastest among all other colors. White manifests in our essence as divine awareness, humility and a creative image. It clears like snow on a winter day. White includes all colors. The same goes for dreams. It is energy that can move the point of imagination. White is useful for people who tend to dream in reality. White and purple are creative images, in dreams they lead us to divine love. People who like white have a deep sense of divinity, bliss and bestowal. Transformative power white able to help those whose self-esteem is low or negative.

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Typically, people have colored dreams. Remember how one Russian performer sings: "... and how do they dream of colored dreams?" It is clear that the interpretation of the dreams of the "Color" of this or that object will be very different.
To explain this more clearly, let's take for example black roses and a black car. Black roses are immediately clear what they say about death, mourning and grief, but a black chic car can portend a chic life to its dreamer or an excellent opportunity to carry out his plans. In other words, those objects that are found in this color in life and look natural in it are deciphered based on the object itself, but objects whose color you can only see in a dream will naturally already be interpreted in relation to this color. Now is it clear what this is about?
Also, you need to look at the interpretation of the “Color” dream if you paid attention in your dream to the color of the object, not to what you did with it, what he did and what state he was in, namely the color. Then, of course, you need to look for an interpretation by the color of the object. Also, special consideration deserves those objects, the color of which in the dream stood out from those around them or attracted your attention with its non-standard color.
Our dream book pays a lot of attention to the color of the object seen in a dream. In almost every dream there is a whole subsection, which describes the colors and gives different decryptions based on this color. Below are collected famous dream interpreters who also paid special attention to the color seen in a dream.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Dream interpretation: colors in a dream complement the plot of the dream itself and fill it with a special meaning. The lightness and intensity of color in a dream also plays a big role:

  • Darkness in a dream speaks of the dreamer's depression and his negative mood.
  • The light in a dream promises the dreamer positive changes and an improvement in the current situation.
  • White in a dream - symbolizes a pure, innocent and open relationship.
  • Black in a dream - symbolizes longing, death and separation.
  • Red in a dream - someone is threatening the dreamer.
  • Yellow in a dream - the dreamer has the gift of foresight of the future.
  • Green color in a dream - the dreamer needs rest and for this now is the right time.
  • Blue in a dream - symbolizes an unknown danger,

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

The color seen in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer's explicit and hidden emotions. Different color combinations also have special meanings:

Loff's dream book

For objects of one color or another seen in a dream, interpreters traditionally associate them with the mood, feelings and emotions of the dreamer who sees these objects. All of this is related to the YUNGA theory. However, you should not rigidly put colors in any frames and limit them to a certain interpretation: the color symbol cannot always be described unambiguously, because this is directly related to the perception of the color of the dreamer himself and his personal relationship to him, as well as to a specific situation in real life. which was associated with a specific color. If the interpretation of the color and characteristics of the YUNGA does not suit you for personal reasons, or you simply feel that this is so, then you need to compare the image from real life with the object that you saw in a dream.
People live in a colored world and have colored dreams. However, if the color becomes dominant in a dream, it deserves a closer study and your attention. You can also consider an object depending on color if it attracted the dreamer's attention with its non-standard color or by the fact that it stood out strongly against the background of other objects seen in a dream.

Modern dream book

  • Standard symbolism of flowers, which does not depend on other details of sleep:
  • I dreamed of a red object - vice, passion and rage.
  • I dreamed of a black object - night, mourning, anxiety.
  • I dreamed of a white object - virginity, purity, coldness, immaturity.
  • I dreamed of a yellow object - intuition, the gift of foresight.
  • I dreamed of a green object - awakening, life, hope.
  • I dreamed of a blue object - humility, brevity.
  • Dream Interpretation: to change the color in a dream of a vehicle (car, bicycle, carriage, etc.) - in reality an unexpected event awaits you, which you will be very surprised at.
  • Dream Interpretation: will change the color of your hair or paint your face with different colors in a dream - you will look ridiculous in the eyes of others, or you want to put on a mask and hide your true feelings and emotions. (cm. )
  • If you dreamed of painting the face of another, the dream warns: do not laugh at others, this will return you like a boomerang. (cm. )
  • If in a dream you paint an object with any color - in reality you will be insincere and dishonest in relation to a loved one
  • I dreamed of buying paints of different colors in a dream - you want to change something in your life, you are longing for change.
  • If you dreamed of preparing watercolors for drawing - in reality you will get involved in an unreliable and dubious business.
  • Seeing oil paints of various colors in a dream - in reality, your position will be strengthened.

Complete dream book of the New Era

This dream book defines different colors in different ways:

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Colors dream in a dream, the dream book from A to Z gives an explanation for each color separately:

  • Dreaming of white is a risky business in reality that will bring either big profits or big losses.
  • Dreaming of yellow (the color of ocher in a dream) - in reality, your successful completion of the case or the successful development of events will cause the envy of enemies, and they will begin to hinder you in every possible way.
  • Dreaming of a golden color (golden) - in reality, thanks to your strength and irrepressible optimism, you will emerge victorious from a difficult struggle.
  • Dreaming of green - in reality you will find hope, confidence in the future. Either you have a long trip that will end in monetary success, or you will receive business people who have come from far away.
  • Dreaming of brown or coffee color - in reality there are big troubles in the family.
  • Dreaming about red or colors close to it - in reality you will receive an invitation to a celebration, or improve your health by having a good rest.
  • Dreaming of blue or light blue - in reality your plan will come true and there will be fun on this occasion.
  • Black dreams - in reality bad luck, loss, grief.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream interpretation: colors in a dream - each color seen in a dream is inherently a special indicator (hint) in real life that our dream gives us. If we consider the colors as standard, then they can be interpreted only in general terms, without going into the details of the dream itself: red - energy and sex; orange - communication and pleasure; yellow - inspiration and conversation; green - healing, abundance and life itself; blue - spirituality and peacefulness; the color of purple in a dream - spiritual wisdom and mental perception of the world; pink - love, dreams; black - darkness, uncertainty; white - light and purity; gold - wealth and radiance; the silver color in a dream is equated to the moon color in a dream - mysticism and magic.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Bright colors in a dream symbolize achievements, the implementation of the plan, success. The exceptions are: bright blue, which symbolizes danger and trouble; black, which symbolizes sadness, mourning and fear.
The more intense and brighter the colors in your dream, the more optimistic all the predictions in real life are. These can be the colors of any object, clothing or vehicle, as well as the surrounding landscape or the bright rays of the sun, the color of the water or the sky.

English dream book

I dreamed of flags of different colors in a dream - in reality, changes for the better will take place in your life. You will achieve both a high position and the respect of others or the goal that you have been striving for for many years.

Italian dream book

Any color (image of a color) seen in a dream is in a fairly close connection with variations in the shades of the etheric field. White, purple, turquoise, light green and yellow colors symbolize the positive driving forces of the dreamer. Also, these colors include all colors with a high degree of transparency. The meaning of other flowers seen in a dream is determined by the moments that accompanied the general image.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Before comparing the interpretation of colors with the dream, you need to take into account the general gamut of colors seen in the dream (background), as well as the image of the central spot to which the dreamer turned his attention or to the color transformation that occurred in his night fantasy. The psychoanalytic dream book describes the standard colors, so to speak, the most common.

Symbolic dream book

  • The dream "color" reflects the feelings and mood of the dreamer, and can also show how a certain period of his life or some specific event takes place, which has its revenge at a given moment in time.
  • The dream "dark colors" is a dream to despondency.
  • The dream "gray colors" is a dream of futility.
  • The dream "solid color, colorless dream" is a dream of bad luck.
  • Dream "bright colors" dream of a bright and interesting life. How bright the colors were in a dream, so will be an eventful and successful life in reality.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation: dirty colors in a dream with impurities and blackouts speak of a negative mood of the dreamer, but rich colors speak of well-being and success.

Gypsy dream book

  • Gypsies associate blue with the sky, and therefore the dream "blue" means your desire to leave, rest or just relax.
  • Yellow is the favorite color of the gypsies, carts are painted with them, in a dream "yellow" brings happiness, love and family cohesion.
  • Gypsies love green because it is the color of grass. Sleep "green" means prosperity in the family and harvest.
  • The gypsies associate brown with the earth, and therefore the dream "brown" suggests that you need to return to the roots or start solving the problem by finding its beginning, source.
  • Dream "purple color" promises luxury and wealth.
  • The color orange is associated by gypsies with the rising of the sun, and therefore the dream "orange color" prophesies new beginnings that will be successful.

Noble dream book by Grishina

  • Colorful colored dreams speak of figurative thinking a person, about his artistically mindset.
  • A dream of black and yellow color is seen by rational individuals, their emotions are always suppressed by the intellect, they live by the mind, and not by emotions.
  • A green dream is a dream of someone who has peace of mind and well-being.
  • Red dreams are companions of anxiety and excitement, as well as raging passion and loss of peace of mind.
  • Dreams of black color are harbingers of anxiety, misfortune, terrible loss and grief.
  • A dream of a bright green color is a harbinger of illness.
  • A yellow dream should make you suspicious.
  • Everything brown in a dream speaks of the danger that you should not trust in reality.
  • Sleep is dark of blue color very unfavorable.
  • Everything purple in a dream - in reality everything will be unfavorable. Purple dream is favorable if there were spirits and the like in the dream.
  • In a dream, the color changed from red to green - in reality everything will be fine.

Small Velesov dream book

  • In a dream, yellow warns of danger from enemies, envious people or competitors.
  • In a dream, green speaks of security, hope and money.
  • In a dream, red promises good health.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Ukrainian dream book
Dream "Color" - secret love, sometimes portends illness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
In a dream, bright colors are very good. The more intense the brightness of the colors in a dream, the more successful things will be in real life. This applies to all colors except blue.

Dream interpretation of Felomen
Dreaming of multi-colored dreams - you have rich potential and you are developed both mentally and philosophically.

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

  • Colorless dreams or darkness in your sleep highlights depression and your negative feelings.
  • Bright light in a dream promises a change for the better.
  • The dream "white" speaks of a pure and innocent relationship.
  • The dream "black" speaks of longing, death and separation.
  • The dream "red" warns: in reality someone is threatening you.
  • Dream "yellow" says that you are able to guess the future.
  • Sleep "green" says that now is the best time to relax.
  • Sleep "blue color" warns: you are in danger of an unknown, be extremely careful.

Idiomatic dream book

  • Dream interpretation: a white object is associated with purity.
  • Dream interpretation: white snow in a dream - associated with purity, a bride and a wedding, loyalty and goodness.
  • Dream interpretation: white milk in a dream - in reality a funeral shroud, a hospital ward, doctors' robes, illness.
  • Dream interpretation: a blue object is associated with the sky, homosexuality, coldness, nobility of the family ("blue blood"), romance ("blue dream"), tenderness, purity and innocence.
  • Dream interpretation: a yellow object is associated with sunlight, sun, gold, egg yolk, urine, wheat, wax, desert sand, inexperience (yellow-mouthed), jaundice, irritability (bilious), and poor health (yellow complexion). Yellow has always been considered the color of betrayal, betrayal and envy.
  • Dream interpretation: brown in a dream is associated with earth, dirt and sewage (animal, bird, human feces).
  • Dream interpretation: a green object in a dream is associated with youth, immaturity ("young - green"), nature ( green grass, foliage), dollars ("green"), growth, creation, medicinal broths ("potion"), alcoholism (serpent green) and premature (green, not yet time). Additional green idioms are "green with anger" and "longing is green."
  • Dream Interpretation: a red object in a dream is associated with blood, excitement, excitement, passion, activity, fire, wine, hot coals, love, a red banner, health ("red blush on the cheeks"), beauty ("red maiden", "red well done "), as well as bashfulness (" blush with shame "),
  • Dream interpretation: gray sleep is associated with ignorance, mediocrity ("gray man", "gray mouse") and darkness in the soul.
  • Dream Interpretation: pink-colored objects in a dream are associated with unfounded optimism ("see through rose-colored glasses"), illusion, deceptive perception of reality ("pink dream"), tenderness and a childish outlook on life, as well as with tender sublime love feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blue object in a dream is associated with the blue sea, peace, depth, serenity, "boundless blue sea", danger and a bruise on the body.
  • Dream interpretation of black color, the subject in a dream is associated with a gloomy mood, pessimism ("everything is in black"), depression, renunciation of everyday simple joys ("sulfur monasticism", "black clergy", "put on monastic clothes"), poverty (" rabble ", as the lowest stratum of society), mourning (" black clothes - a mourning robe), a demonic person (a demon of black color) and just with a bad person.

Collection of dream books

Psychological dream book

Dreams do not always dream in color, there are also black and white dreams and gray dreams or dreams in the dark, in fog or in darkness. What is most interesting, but the overwhelming majority of people see green or red in their night dreams:

  • Why is green dreaming - because hope or healing enters your life, but envy or jealousy can also enter.
  • Why does the color red dream - because the dream wants to warn you of a certain danger that is hanging over you or anxiety that you will experience in real life. What is most interesting, but the overwhelming majority of people see green or red in their night dreams. But this is just a note. You can draw an analogy with a traffic light: red is a signal to stop, stop movement. However, the color red speaks of arousal and passionate love.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that colors in a dream do not just dream, if it is to them that you turned your attention after you woke up from sleep. A certain color of an object can tell you what to do in a particular case, warn your dreamer about the impending danger, or vice versa, reassure him and say that everything is fine and things will be successful. Therefore, you should not ignore dreams in which you clearly saw an object that stands out in its color from the background of everything else. Be optimistic and enjoy your dreams.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

bright - good; brightness of colors in a dream - achievement, success, regardless of the color itself or light, perhaps, except for blue; soon implementation.

What is the dream of blue color

according to Hasse's dream book

Why is the blue color dreaming? Hasse's dream book says that if a person is blue in a dream, then this is in big trouble.

I dreamed about a cherry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing cherries in a dream means that you will achieve popularity due to your friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries - portends the possession of some very desirable item. Seeing green cherries is a harbinger of approaching good luck.

Why do cherries dream

according to the dream book of plants

As a tree that bears flowers earlier than leaves, cherry symbolizes the fact that a person is born naked in this world and the earth accepts him naked. For the Chinese, cherry symbolizes spring bloom, hope, youth, courage, as well as feminine beauty and femininity in nature. The cherry blossom is the emblem of Japan. Symbolizes purity of thoughts.

The meaning of the dream about cherries

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream means that soon a wonderful feeling of love will descend on you. A fruiting cherry with ripe berries promises a person the pleasure of an intimate relationship with a new partner. The beauty lies in the novelty of the relationship. But the dried cherry, alas and ah, suggests that your feelings have faded and there is no hope of returning the past.

Why is brown dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

threat, danger.

Why dream of lilac color

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

loyalty, devotion.

Why is gilding dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Why is the red color dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

honor, health, passion for the one who is dressed in red.

Dreamed of flowering

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing trees and shrubs in bloom in a dream means that times of prosperity are approaching for you.

Why dream about purple

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

protection; protection from above.

Why do greens dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

hope, financial successes, thoughts, for a long trip or business news from afar.

See colors in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

As a rule, we have colored dreams because we live in a colored world. But if a certain color becomes dominant or appears in an unusual way in a dream, then it deserves more careful consideration, especially if the entire dream action takes place in an environment of different shades of the same color or if an object stands out for its non-standard color. Since many colors are traditionally associated with certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is archetypal and associated with Jung's theory. But do not limit yourself to an unambiguous interpretation: the symbolism of color goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and the situations associated with it. If Jung's characterization does not suit you, try the free association method, matching the images of real life with the color of the object in the dream. Color: Positive aspect - negative aspect. Blue, light blue: Nobility, calmness - depression. Black: Power - death or mourning. Brown: Earth, nature - scatological. Gray: Neutral - no passion, death. Green: Fertility, renewal, wealth - greed, envy. Red: Self-sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical injury. Orange: Spirit of adventure, change - forced change, destructiveness. Purple: Greatness, positive personal growth is handicap. Yellow: Enlightenment - cowardice, illness. White: Purity, health, sacred ritual - emptiness.

Full description of the dream on the topic: "If you dream about the orange color" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

In all dreams, warm shades of orange indicate optimism, well-being, and generosity. This color is close to gold and can also indicate the desire for wealth and success in life.

The dream in which you see this tone symbolizes a change for the better in the life of the sleeping person. It reflects the nobility and generosity that await you. But it can also indicate doubts, distrust that are present in your life.

As the dream book explains, orange with a saffron tint says that you are a person with great endurance, patience and fortitude. For example, if in real life you hope to find enlightenment and spiritual peace, then this dream suggests that your wish will come true.

According to the dream book, orange clothes characterize you as a person who seeks spiritual development, who thinks in real images.

As the dream book interprets, the orange color of a soft shade should prompt a person to think that he is too insecure with the people around him.

If in a dream, you look at some object and see that it is of an orange tone, then this means that you always look too soberly at things. Try to change this a little.

According to the dream book, an orange hat indicates your positive thinking. You will find something good in any situation, and this makes you a very positive person.

If you see an orange-colored flower in a dream, it means that you are completely satisfied with your life. Continue in the same spirit!

But a fist of this color, seen in a dream, on the contrary, symbolizes anger and aggressiveness.

Why does orange color dream in other dream books

According to the English dream book, this shade symbolizes optimism and cooperation. It kind of adds a warm nuance to your life and warms it up.

Why does the orange color dream in the dream book of the subconscious - if the orange color dominates in the dream, then this suggests that a change for the better has taken place in the sleeping man's life.

However, the modern dream book claims that this shade in a dream speaks of deception, doubt, both in others and in oneself. A person is dissatisfied with his achievements, his life. And if you dream of an orange passport, it means that you can continue the business you have started - it will lead you to success.

What is the dream of orange in the dream book of Colors? Orange tone is one of the main ones that are found in dreams, except for white and black. He comes into your dreams when you are on a wave of positive emotions. This shade promises you prosperity, positivity, personal growth and happiness. Orange color in dreams also symbolizes pleasant communication.

The dream book of the gypsy Seraphima claims that this color promises you energy and health. If in a dream you met a red-orange color, it means that your mind is controlled by feelings, if orange with a golden tint, then you make the right and wise decisions, do not go astray.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn points to this shade in a dream as a source of optimism, benevolence, enthusiasm, desire for victory and faith in oneself.

Orange in a dream instills confidence in oneself, faith in one's work and in oneself, helps to get rid of dissatisfaction with life, pride and other bad qualities, says the American dream book.

The color of the sun, joy, life, these are the epithets most suitable for orange. And in dream books this color scheme is associated with well-being, generosity, optimism, wealth, striving for a high position in society, and improvement in the professional sphere.

Why is orange color dreaming? Many dream books will give the answer: to positive changes in the fate of the sleeping person. It is also a harbinger of generous gifts, communication with noble people. But it also happens that the dreamed orange reflects the mistrust, doubt that reigns in the dreamer's soul.

Intensity of shades

The saffron shade of orange (slightly darkened yellow) is interpreted by the dream book as confirmation of the great endurance, patience and fortitude of the sleeping person. And if the dreamer actually strives to find harmony in his soul, then his intention is quite feasible.

You are aimed at spiritual development, but think in real images, this is what the orange color in clothes is for.

The dream book believes that the dreamed soft shade of orange characterizes the sleeping person as a delicate, nervous, vulnerable nature, in which it is difficult to build relationships with others. But if you dreamed about an intense orange hue, then the dreamer is pragmatic, calm, and even overly self-confident. All this is not bad, but sometimes such a sober view of things interferes with the flight of fantasy, imagination.

Painting specific items

  • Optimists, merry fellows, people who know how to see even in an unpleasant situation a positive grain in a dream sees an orange hat. Such people are always in good shape, cheerful and full of good energy, which they generously share with others.
  • Did you notice an orange flower in your night dream? It means that they are satisfied with their lives, do not complain about the circumstances and do the right thing.
  • But a fist of a strange orange hue in a dream is a symbol of anger, resentment towards the whole world. Such a personal attitude is harmful and dangerous, primarily for mental health.

Predictions from around the world

In the dream books of different peoples and countries there are very curious explanations about: what is the dream of orange for?

So, for example, in Miller's interpreter of dreams, this color scheme is a sign of cheerfulness and a willingness to be friends, to cooperate fruitfully and honestly.

According to the American Dream Book, orange instills faith, hope in the sleeping person, allows one to free oneself from stupid prejudices and false fears, as well as from such bad qualities as pride, high self-esteem, arrogance.

The dream book of Gypsy Seraphima prophesies energy and good health to the one who has seen the color of a ripe orange. If the dreamed shade was reddish, then the dreamer's feelings prevail over reason, and if golden, then he is wise and always makes informed decisions, is fair and consistently approaches his intended goal.

Versions from other sources

Maybe you didn’t even notice, didn’t realize, but a dramatic change for the better took place in your fate, which is why the orange color dreamed, according to the dream book of the Subconscious.

However, the Modern Dream Book warns that orange is a sign of deception or suspicion. In addition, the dreamer is plagued by doubts, perhaps not groundless.

Did you see an orange passport? Then feel free to continue the started project, regardless of the obstacles and difficulties, you will definitely achieve success!

Orange tone is one of the main colors in the dream book of Colors. Seeing him in a midnight phantasmagoria is possible for those who are full of positive emotions. Fate is favorable to such persons and in the near future will protect them from adversity, giving many moments of joy and happiness. Make the most of this opportunity: study, make acquaintances, travel.

We found the last version of the prediction in Denise Lynn's dream book. The fortuneteller believes that the orange color in a dream will give the sleeping person vigor and strength. He will wake up in a great mood, aiming at victory and will undoubtedly win it.

It instills optimism, cheerfulness, striving for victory, faith in oneself and one's business, enthusiasm, attractiveness, a sense of abundance, benevolence, the ability to expand.

Eliminates feelings of superiority, mistrust, pride and thirst for power, superficiality.

Orange is warm and stimulating, but lighter and higher in vibration than red. Orange was created for happiness and communication, and is used by clowns all over the world. It stimulates optimism, expansiveness, emotional balance, self-confidence, desire for change, determination, enthusiasm, and a sense of community. Orange is bright and warm-hearted, tolerant and sociable. If the orange color appears to you as a sign, then you must enter into a period of communication.

These colors are the colors of the setting sun. The historically formed symbol is the color of gold and wealth, a symbol of eternity and greatness. For Buddhists, they symbolize divine qualities - holiness and enlightenment. But overly bright yellow is envy; postponement of affairs; betrayal.

The color of life and new beginnings, perhaps because it is associated with the rising of the sun.

Orange is rarely seen in Tarot. One of these cards is the Emperor, where the sky and mountains in the background are indicated in orange, symbolizing difficulties and obstacles that can only be overcome with the help of a strong will. Often, orange in Tarot decks symbolizes, like red, the suit of Wands and the element of Fire.

Orange - emotionality, instinct, elevation.

Orange. The color of the robe of Buddhist priests. Mysterious power, close to golden.

Orange in a modern dream book

Orange is associated with the rising of the sun, so in a dream it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. And if in a dream you saw the orange sun rise, then soon a good period will begin in your life, and in real life you are now at the very beginning of it. You will be able to reach great heights and make your most fantastic plans come true. If you had such a dream on Wednesday night, then soon the most drastic changes will take place in your life, and you will be ready for them. You meet the orange sunrise with your friends - perhaps soon you will have minor conflicts with them, then they will quickly be exhausted. The sunrise on Thursday night warns that you overestimate your capabilities. Reconsider your priorities to avoid trouble. But the orange sunrise, dreamed on Saturday night, says that soon you will receive very promising offers from your business partners. And if you had such a dream on Sunday night, you will soon visit a party that will allow you to have a great rest, relax and forget about your problems. A person who sees trees hung with orange oranges in a dream is predicted to have close and joyful communication with relatives and friends. If he eats these orange fruits in a dream, then soon some trouble will happen to his loved ones. Dreams about orange oranges for unmarried women and girls predict long loneliness for them, gentlemen will not stay with them for a long time.

Orange in Miller's dream book

Orange trees, hung with ripe orange fruits that you saw in a dream, say that now you are in good physical shape, and the people around you treat you very favorably. But there are these orange fruits in a dream - to the illness of a friend or relative, which will greatly sadden you. But if the fruits are fresh and fragrant, then you will soon feel the favor of fate. For a young woman, such a dream can predict the imminent loss of a lover. If in a dream you see an orange blazing fire that leaves you unharmed, it is a very good sign. He promises lasting prosperity to all who have such a dream, especially farmers, sailors and travelers. A store owner who sees it in flames can expect lucrative projects to grow at a decent rate. If in a dream you fought with fire and did not let it flare up, you will soon find a restless job. A large fire with orange flames predicts a successful and safe sailing for sailors. And for businessmen it is good luck in business, for writers - creative success and honor.

Orange in Vanga's dream book

You see how an orange fire is approaching from the sky, then the earth will be threatened by a comet or a meteorite, which can bring destruction of villages and death of people. If you dream that you are basking by an orange fire, then in real life you are happy man... Your family and friends understand and support you. Appreciate this. An orange fire in the stove indicates that your home is in danger of fire. You should be careful with the fire to avoid being left in the ashes. The tiny orange glow of a burning candle is a good sign. If you follow the commandments of the Lord, happiness, love, peace and harmony will come into your life. If you dreamed of forests and cities blazing with orange flames, the Earth is threatened by a merciless drought. When all the water runs out, it will rain, which will continue for several days and nights, which will fill all the seas and oceans. People who survive the drought will be more caring for nature.

Orange in Freud's dream book

Orange orange is a symbol of pleasure and temptation. When you see him in a dream, you have sexual fantasies where a stranger is your partner. You think a lot about him, and you are ready to have sex when he wants. If in a dream you ate the orange pulp of an orange, soon you will find a person who can give you the deepest pleasure. This will be very unexpected for you, you did not even imagine that this person is capable of such a thing. If you see how you peel an orange peel, you will not recognize spontaneous sex in life, considering it rude and unromantic. But you should try it and see that there may be elements of romanticism in such sex. Orange fire in a dream says that soon the object of your sympathy will reciprocate you. Your relationship will be harmonious, including in the intimate sphere.

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