Skills 1 year. We develop a child at one year old. Is it possible to accelerate the development of the baby

The development of a child, especially a first-born, is not only a great joy, but also a difficult test for the nerves of parents. In our age of advanced technologies and spreading hyper-care, any deviation from the ideal norm can cause almost panic in newly-made moms and dads. Most often, this attitude is not substantiated or supported by anything, since different children belong to different psychotypes, are born with different weight, height, have different physical health, different metabolism and a lot of other characteristics of the body. This difference determines the fact that all children develop in different ways: someone starts to crawl early, and someone does not crawl at all, someone almost from birth grabs everything that comes to hand, and someone loves for a long time and consider objects thoughtfully. There are no two identical children, however, certain norms for the development of children still exist. It is about how a child develops up to 1 year old, and what he should be able to do by his first birthday, and will be discussed in this article.

Baby development at an early age

The younger the child, the more rapidly his development takes place. It includes socializing, gaining insights into certain skills, recognizing parents, exploring the world. Up to a year, the fastest change in the mind and behavior of the baby occurs.

At the earliest age, the child actively learns the world around him. He has no idea about his own "I" yet, but he is extremely interested in everything that happens around him.

A one-year-old child is a researcher who needs to be given the opportunity to actively explore the world around him, climb into interesting places, touch interesting things - but at the same time protect him from the dangers that may lie in wait for him: hot pots and teapots, falls, sharp objects. And then the baby will quickly learn everything that a child should be able to do at 1 year old.

Most psychologists admit that the most effective in this period of child development is moderate laissez-faire technique... Allow your child to explore the environment as much as he sees fit. It is very good if parents have the opportunity to regularly change each other as a kind of “guardian” of the child.

As a rule, up to three years of age, women are solely engaged in raising a baby, but such round-the-clock work is extremely difficult and requires constant concentration, which is very difficult to achieve during regular lack of sleep. Therefore, in order not to limit the child's freedom in exploring the world at the same time, parents should agree with each other or find a good nanny. Of course, the luckiest ones are those who have caring aunts or grandmothers who are ready to devote time to the baby.

Difficulties faced by parents of a one-year-old child

What difficulties can await parents at this stage of development? Of course, first of all, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the infant is a creature that is not yet fully aware of the causal relationship between many phenomena. He does not yet understand that touching hot can be painful, and swallowing small hard toys can suffocate. That is why the baby needs almost constant monitoring. At this age, it is a good idea to use a joking example to explain to your child that certain things can be painful and dangerous.

So, a long way has passed from birth to reaching the age of one year. It's time for parents to check the list of things and skills that a child should be able to do at 1 year old.

Basic and mandatory skills of children upon reaching the year: what to look for

When evaluating your child's development, be sure to evaluate his achievements in mastering skills such as walking, caring for oneself when eating, concentrating, communicating and interacting with the world around him. Do not forget to pay attention to fine motor skills of your hands.

Walking is one of the criteria for a child's skills at 1 year old

Perhaps one of the most exciting moments in a parent's life is their child's first step. However, it is precisely because of the tremendous value of this moment that many are frightened when it does not come for too long; or vice versa, the child begins to take steps too early.

On average, children take their first relatively independent steps, holding on to some kind of support, precisely by 12 months. However, there may be exceptions to this rule. Average indicators indicate that independent walking can be started both at 9 months and at 15. Therefore, if your baby is already 14 months old, and he still cannot take an independent step, you should not panic and urgently guide him to all doctors ... Be patient with your child, give him time.

Essential Self-Care Skills in Nutrition

Until one year old, it is necessary to teach a child to eat from a spoon. Doctors (especially dentists) recommend weaning your baby off bottles and pacifiers as early as possible. The fact is that overuse of nipples can lead to other dental problems in the future.

Motor skills: what a child should be able to do at 1 year

Up to one year, the child actively studies the world around him, as well as his reaction to his own actions. The kid must learn to hold various objects firmly enough in his hands, carry them, perhaps twirl in his hands and examine. Some motor problems at this age may be normal, but if your child has poor control over his fingers and cannot hold an object at 12 months, it is best to see a pediatrician who can help deal with the problem. Subsequently, delays in motor development may become more noticeable and result in pathological clumsiness and awkwardness. However, as a rule, the period of active needlework (when kids collect origami and sculpt from plasticine) evens out these delays and helps to actively develop fine motor skills.

To assess the fine motor skills of a child at the age of 1 year, they also use such simple games as:

  • building pyramids from rings;
  • building "turrets" from cubes;
  • placing items in a box.

Communication skills of one year old children

A one-year-old child should know the meaning of at least 10 words. Pay attention to such important words as "no", "hot", "dangerous", "tasty" and the like. Through these words, you can instill in the child various reactions to interaction with the outside world and instill an understanding of the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

Also, a 1-year-old child should understand the meaning of words such as “give”, “stop”, “take”, “show”, and be able to respond to them correctly (take an object when they say “take”, stop at the request).

By the age of twelve months, the baby should have developed an understanding of the person's emotions. He must understand when mom or dad praise him or, conversely, scold him. Crying "for the company" is a very striking indicator of a baby's emotional development - when a child hears his peer crying, he can join for no particular reason. In no case should you scold him for this - this can lead to a decrease in empathy in the future. You need to gently convince the baby that nothing bad has happened to him, and calm him down.

The kid should be able to communicate with peers. As a rule, the communication of one-year-old children is limited to games, but this is already a vivid indicator of good emotional and social upbringing.

A one-year-old child should know well how to call his relatives and closest people: mom, dad, woman, grandfather; in the case of siblings, the simplified form of the name. Also, a child at 1 year old should know his name - be able to call it to other people and respond to it.

note: a very important element of social education is the ability to express agreement or disagreement. The child should know the words "yes" and "no", nod or shake his head in response to monosyllabic questions.

Reaction to the outside world

At this age, it is often very difficult to determine the presence or absence of any diseases that cause disability or loss of certain sense organs, for example, partial deafness.

That is why it is important to determine the baby's reaction to the world around him. What factors should you pay attention to:

  • whether the child recognizes the voices of parents and loved ones;
  • whether the child recognizes the faces of parents and loved ones;
  • Does the child feel pain when hit, burned, or hurt?
  • whether the child loses orientation in space when crawling or walking.

Important: if any of the above factors are violated, you should contact your pediatrician and conduct an examination. If you notice in time the improper development of the auditory system, visual organs, touch and other systems of the body, then you can correct them.

The ability of a child at the age of 1 year to concentrate

A very important moment in the development of a young child is the ability to concentrate on one thing (cartoon, game, communication) for at least a couple of minutes. Children under one year old are often incapable of such a relatively calm behavior - their attention is almost impossible to hold, since they still do not know how to cope with a certain willpower, which is necessary for this. However, in a year, the child should already have an idea of ​​the duration of the actions.

Note: if your one-year-old toddler is unable to concentrate on an activity for at least a minute, you should visit a pediatrician. The reason for this condition may be.

At such a small age, he does not play a big role in the child's life, however, with admission to kindergarten, and then school, he can play a cruel joke and turn carelessness and restlessness against the child himself. The consequences can be the most unpleasant - from poor academic performance to the inability to master any skills due to low concentration of attention.

What a child should not do, but a child at 1 year old can do

In addition to the above skills, children often develop the following skills by one year:

  1. The child is able to express his natural needs (hunger, potty, inconvenience) by any means other than crying. For example, it can be specific sounds (grunting, puffing, characteristic hum), by which the parent can understand what the baby needs.
  2. The kid is learning or already knows how to play simple ball games. Knows how to push, throw, grab the ball, pass it to others.
  3. Attempting to reproduce adult speech is a great sign that can indicate that a baby is developing quickly at 1 year old and his potential is good. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of children's pronunciation, special words are obtained that only remotely resemble the real ones (for example, "dog" - "babaka") and firmly enter the child's speech in this "childish" form.
  4. Generalization of objects on a common basis is a clear sign that your child at 1 year old has an extraordinary mindset and is capable of abstract thinking. If a kid calls his doll "lala" and, seeing another child on the street, points with his finger and says "lala" - this is a good sign. Try to develop your child in this direction.
  5. Drawing with the help of improvised means, fingers and palms often develops even before a year, but this skill is not mandatory and necessary, and its absence does not indicate developmental problems.

Early childhood development at 1 year old

We recommend reading:

Parents should understand that the complete abandonment of the baby to himself is just as detrimental to his skills as the excessive enthusiasm for expensive "development" and constant loads of various activities. To continue developing the existing skills of a child at 1 year old, it is necessary to catch the middle - to play with the baby in educational games, but not to put pressure on him when he is tired and just wants to play around, crawl or watch cartoons.

Educational toys to help develop the skills of a child 1 year and older

Now stores are full of a variety of development toys for every taste and color. They all have one thing in common - they are grossly overrated. Some parents are convinced that if they spend a fortune on the purchase of educational toys of all stripes, the child will grow up to be a genius. This is not true. The important thing is not the number of toys, but the ability of an adult to present them in an interesting and understandable way for a child. It is not necessary to buy expensive toys in children's stores in order to teach a child to distinguish colors (use cards made of colored paper), shapes (again, cut out triangles and squares from paper).

Do-it-yourself educational toy:

Note: It is also worth mentioning that without certain toys, the baby will have a delay in motor development. The most effective and inexpensive toys for this purpose are cubes, pyramids made of rings, balls.

How to improve communication skills of a child at 1 year old

Of course, communication with parents plays a key role in the development of the baby. The main principle is - do not forget that he does not yet know most of the elementary things. Try not just to tell the causes and consequences, but to show them visually, by your own actions.

Encourage your child to communicate their needs at 1 year old. For example, when planting it on a pot, say a "conventional sign", for example, "psss". The kid will remember the sound and be able to repeat it. Here it is up to instilling an understanding of the connection - the pot and the sound. As soon as the baby learns this, he will be able to inform you about his desire to use the toilet, not even knowing how to speak properly.

The child meets his first anniversary with a grown-up, stronger and more conscious. He has personal character traits inherent only to him, has his own opinion, preferences in games and food. The baby seeks to actively explore new territories, and it is practically impossible to keep him, because such qualities as perseverance, and even stubbornness, begin to appear. Now parents will have to reckon with the opinion of the little person, and knowing what a child should be able to at 1 year old, try to guide him in the right direction.

A child at one year weighs about 10 kilograms, and his height is about 76-78 centimeters, compared to the first months of life, he has tripled. Now, due to active pastime, the baby will grow more slowly, but he will begin to improve his abilities and acquire new skills.

Features of the changes:

  1. By the age of one, many children already have about 8-12 teeth, four of which are molars. Even if not all have appeared yet, this should happen in the near future.
  2. A characteristic feature of the kids at this time are their feet, while they are absolutely flat, since there remains a cushion of fat, which disappears over time. Despite this, children are already free to stand up from any position and can walk without support and assistance from adults. In general, most children learn to walk by the age of one and a half.
  3. The kids know all their relatives well, call them by name, respond to their name, violently showing joy or grief if parting is ahead.
  4. Now, day by day, the child will become more and more independent, and by copying the behavior of the elders, he develops his own manners, so parents should monitor their actions and not the best habits, so that later they do not see their repetition in the actions of the baby.

Proper upbringing is important during this period - if children live according to a certain regimen, they quickly learn discipline. In this case, it is easier for them to explain the meaning of the requirements and taboos on some things. Unfortunately, one cannot do without prohibitions; moreover, the child himself feels more protected when they exist. In the end, the established rules make life easier for the whole family, and protect the health and psyche of children.

The physical and mental development of a child at 1 year old has reached certain heights, but it is too early for parents to relax, there is still a lot of work to be done so that the little person grows up not only strong and smart, but also has such important human character traits as kindness, sensitivity, empathy. ...

What a child should be able to do at 1 year old

Physically, the one-year-old child has stepped far ahead, and in the literal sense. Some early toddlers, although rare, immediately choose to walk and skip crawling.

But considering the average option, the following skills should be listed that apply to most children:

  • one-year-old babies are very mobile - they crawl a lot, sit well, know how to get up and sit down, doing it quite dexterously;
  • children walk, holding on to the hand of dad and mom, or leaning on the sofa;
  • many succeed in squatting and getting up on their own;
  • toddlers have mastered climbing stairs well and can carefully go down, including climbing down hills;
  • a child's speech skills at 1 year old significantly improve - his lexicon is about 15-20 words, although sometimes he confuses syllables;
  • the kids understand the speech of their parents perfectly and try to repeat all unfamiliar words after them;
  • a one-year-old toddler can already quite answer the question "Where" and "Who" addressed to him by giving a name or by pointing a finger;
  • the child can be entrusted with some things, for example, wiping the dust, helping the mother set the table or washing the fruit;
  • a child will very quickly build a tower from several cubes, and with his hand he can already take two small objects, using two fingers to manipulate;
  • in a year, children love to find and hide toys, throw them, take them apart;
  • children at this age know the names and appearance of many animals, trees, household items;
  • they remember events that happened 4-5 days ago;
  • use cutlery, a cup, a toothbrush and a comb on their own.

The social activity of children also increases, they become more sociable and are drawn to communication with their peers. Adults are truly happy, observing what manifestations their emotionality is replenished with - now they are able to smile, laugh, have learned to hug and kiss dad and mom. With an overabundance of feelings, they even kiss their toys - their favorite bears and dolls. The feelings of one-year-old children are sometimes visible in their gestures and facial expressions, and relatives, as a rule, understand this language well.

However, children can express not only contentment and positive emotions - they can be angry and resentful about prohibitions, look upset when dad leaves for work, show resentment if they are put to bed ahead of time. Babies themselves are well versed in the emotional state of the father and mother, determining it by their tone of voice and facial expression, and due to the rapid formation of long-term memory in them, they often demonstratively show offense by remembering recent unpleasant events.

Reflecting on what a child should be able to do at 1 year old, we add that he can dance and sing, study his reflection in the mirror with interest, know the purpose of many home devices, and fulfill simple requests and tasks of adults. It remains only to set a good example for them, so that the child quickly absorbs useful information and translates it into reality.

How boys and girls develop at 12 months

The differences between the abilities of children of both sexes, in fact, are not distinguishable, but the patterns of behavior begin to differ greatly. When the question arises of what a one-year-old boy should be able to do, it is logical to answer “everything”, with the difference that he is less sensitive, more independent, often protests when he is offered help. The child begins to feel not just a person, but a little - a man who, in fact, is busy, for the most part, with male affairs. He plays a lot himself, loves cars, constructor, outdoor ball games.

Does a girl need to be able to do this at 12 months - of course, yes, but the baby will prefer a quieter pastime for feeding and changing dolls, treating animals and similar activities.

But natural egoism is developed in children of both sexes - they do not understand why they need to give their toy to someone else. And psychologists do not advise to force them to do this, in order to avoid scandal and hysteria, it is better to distract the child with something more interesting.

By the age of one, children are also firmly in the habit of self-care skills. In addition to using a spoon and a cup, they already use a fork, bite off and chew hard pieces, wash their hands, wipe them with a towel, and master the pot. Kids can already take off their hat, outerwear, socks and Velcro shoes. And to get dressed faster, they need training.

What should a child be able to do per year? Of course, what his own parents will teach him, finding the right time for this and interest the baby. Basically, the achievements and failures of one-year-old children depend on them.

Joint games and activities

Years should develop different skills and abilities, paying attention to each item. At this age, everything is important - the physical and creative improvement of the baby, the formation of his logical thinking, the training of memory and attention.

Activities and games with a baby can pursue different goals, but they are all necessary:

  1. The development of motor function is probably one of the main goals. To help the baby in this difficult business for him, you can advise parents to purchase a gurney for the baby in the form of a large beautiful car or a toy stroller, which will stimulate the desire to walk, at the same time, being a support for the baby.
  2. Among the games that develop fine motor skills, as well as logic and memory, one can distinguish large mosaics and puzzles, constructors, lacing games, cups, jars and small parts for folding and pouring.
  3. More complex educational toys are already suitable for one-year-old children - insert figures, labyrinths, simple applications.
  4. To develop the coordination and dexterity of the little hands and fingers, use salt dough or plasticine. Of course, a child will not be able to mold a figurine from this material yet, but he will be happy to decorate a rolled cake with small elements - shells, buttons, colored beads.
  5. Reading is a necessary element not only of development, but also of upbringing, so a child needs to read every day. Firstly, he can memorize new words, and secondly, he will learn the correct pronunciation. In addition, the study of interesting and necessary information will increase his intelligence and broaden his horizons.
  6. Children will be happy to play musical instruments if they are presented with a drum, a children's piano, a xylophone, maracas, a toy tambourine or a harp.
  7. Little children love drawing very much, and this is a very useful activity for them. In the process of creating their extraordinary masterpieces, children improve their visual function, train their fingers, learn to correctly perceive the combination of colors, develop imagination, memory and thinking. In addition, paints and pencils are excellent tools for children's experiments, as long as mom and dad are nearby.
  8. Finger theater will be a good workout and, at the same time, a game. In this case, the child has the opportunity to independently create characters from paper, cardboard or other materials, and then arrange a real performance. Such a game involves several aspects of a child's development at once.

You should not literally understand the normative indicators of what a 12-month-old toddler should be able to do, because a lot depends on the desire and real interest of parents in the success of their child. And here it should be recalled that it will help to carve out time for joint lessons and games - a correctly drawn up schedule of the little man's day.

The daily routine of a one-year-old baby

When drawing up a regimen for a child, it should be borne in mind that children who prefer to sleep once a day should get up later. This, of course, is not a kid's whim, but his body peculiarity and one quiet hour during the day is enough for him to remain vigorous and cheerful. In total, a child needs about 13-14 hours to rest per day, while at night he can sleep from 9 to 10 hours, and during the day 3-4 hours. During this period, it is time to teach children to fall asleep on their own.

One-year-old children eat with adults, but they are prohibited from certain foods, including pickles, marinades, sausages and smoked products. Foods that are too soft, cooked the old fashioned way, as at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, can lead to malocclusion and indigestion, so children need to be given enough solid food in the form of small pieces. In a year, it is already possible to gradually transfer the child to four meals a day, especially if he no longer feeds on mother's milk.

The rules of care remain the same as in the previous months, and include all basic hygiene procedures. As for charging and massage, babies need them, as they help to strengthen the structure of muscle tissues, provide normal blood circulation and enrich the body with oxygen. Massaging, moreover, relieves tension after active wakefulness.

Child development at twelve months: video

Imagining what a child should be able to do at 1 year old, and knowing the rules of education and training, parents, of course, should constantly encourage the child to cognitive activity and the desire to do everything on their own. But at the same time, we must not forget that before you is a small child who, as before, needs parental love and affection, and they cannot be replaced by a dry, teacher's tone.

The long-awaited moment has come: your baby has celebrated his first birthday. This year has been filled with excitement, anxiety and unforgettable moments of happiness. How happy the parents are with the skills and abilities acquired by the crumbs! Nevertheless, every attentive and caring mother for this milestone asks herself questions: “What can a child do in a year? Is there something important missing? "

Don't worry if your child's scores don't match the list below 100% (this is average). Perhaps your baby will lag somewhat behind the age norms.

Work out with the baby - soon everything will work out for him. Children who have been striving to develop since birth are often ahead of the average, which is a matter of special pride for parents.

Basic skills of a one-year-old child

Important article: "Child development by months from birth to one year"


  • Follows the light source with his eyes ()
  • Listens to the sound of a rattle, follows it with his eyes ()
  • Smiling at mom ()
  • Holds the head (when a child)
  • and back
  • Draws hands to toys
  • Sit ()
  • Agukaet ()

Mastering motor skills, a child should be able to:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  • Stand confidently without support.
  • Walk with the support of an adult with one (both) hands or independently ().
  • Actively crawl (this does not apply to the category of babies who do not crawl at all: such children begin to walk early enough, bypassing the crawling stage, which is a variant of the norm) ().
  • Crawl up and down stairs.
  • Step up the stairs with a side step with the support of an adult.
  • Squat, straighten, rise to your feet from any position.
  • Get on the bed, sofa, chair, get down to the floor.

Cognitive development is normal if the baby is able to:

  • Collect and disassemble the pyramid (imitating the actions of an adult and independently).
  • Open and close the lids of jars, boxes, put small toys in them, take them back (imitating the actions of an adult and independently).
  • Build a "tower" of cubes.
  • Can play with various household items (dishes, shoes, hats, etc.).
  • Perform various actions with figurative toys: "feed", "comb", "scold" (imitating the actions of an adult and independently, if a game situation was created).
  • Grab small objects (button, eraser) with your thumb and forefinger.
  • Roll a toy on wheels in front of you, roll a ball.
  • Open and close cabinet doors, take out and look at various things, slide and slide drawers.
  • Imitate the actions of an adult: “combing your hair,” “putting on your mom’s makeup,” “blowing hot,” etc.
  • Imitate the actions of peers: knocking, clapping, pouring, digging sand, etc.

The emotional and social development of a child at the age of 1 year should correspond to the following indicators:

  • The kid can emotionally express his feelings: kissing, hugging mom, dad, favorite toy.
  • Enjoy fun games with elders, new toys (sometimes a child may even be frightened by the appearance of a new toy).
  • Get to know all those close to you and rejoice at their arrival.
  • Recognize loved ones in the photo, point with your finger where mom, dad are.
  • The kid can become alert, cry when a "stranger" appears.
  • Flipping through books, looking at pictures with interest, showing, upon request, to any image (cat, dog).
  • Emotionally react to music: “dance”, “sing along”.
  • Imitate the facial expressions of an adult.
  • Express your dissatisfaction with facial expressions () on the prohibition, strict tone of an adult.
  • Look in the mirror, admire your reflection, play with it, make faces.
  • Imitating adults "talking" on the phone.

When assessing a child's speech development, experts consider two indicators: active speech and speech understanding. In a year, a child should be able to:

  • Speak in "children's" language from 2 to 10 words, to the question "Who is this?" answer with autonomous words.
  • Depict familiar sounds and actions: imitate the voices of animals, respond with a show to the question "How does Vanechka cry, sing, dance?" etc.
  • Imitate (intonationally), repeating new words after adults.
  • Imitate familiar words spoken by peers.
  • Show, upon request, one of 4 toys and one of 2 pictures.
  • Fulfill requests: “bring”, “give”, “put down”, “close”, “open”.
  • Understand the word "no".
  • Show on request to named items in the house.
  • Wave the handle "bye-bye", play "okay", show how the bird flies (wave the arms), play the game "peek-a-boo" (cover and open your face with your palms).
  • Knows and reacts to his name

By the age of one year, the baby should master the simplest household skills:

In general, all children are different and individual!

In every family, the performance of a year old for a child is a great holiday that moms and dads are looking forward to. After all, so many things happened this year: the first "agu", the first complementary foods, the first "mother", the first step. Did your kid manage to do everything? Not missed, any skills or abilities? Let's talk about what can a 1-year-old child do and have you not missed anything?

What should a child be able to do at 1 year old? What are the standards to be equal?

It should be noted right away that all children are individual and at 1 year old they do not have to acquire the same skills. But still, for the prevention, as well as early diagnosis of possible developmental disorders (physical, psychological, emotional), WHO has developed average norms, according to which the state of development of a child at 1 year old is determined. What is assessed according to these standards?

  1. Physical development of a one-year-old child.
  2. Social behavior of a child at 1 year old.
  3. Emotional state (character formation).
  4. Development of motor skills and statics at 1 year (psychomotor development).
  5. What a child can do at 1 year old - household and motor skills.
  6. Speech skills and the beginning of the formation of speech.

A baby is like a blank sheet of paper on which skills, basic knowledge, and experience are recorded in the first year of life. The final result depends on how the parents "invest" in their child. Indeed, each family has its own microclimate, conditions and many other factors that can affect what a child can be able to do at 1 year old.

Physical development of the child according to WHO standards

The baby gains weight and by the age of 1 year increases it 3-4 times (8.5-11.5 kg.). Growth also becomes greater, because every month the toddler grows by 1–1.5 cm. At 1 year, according to the standards, the growth is 70–80 cm. From a disproportionate lump, the child acquires a "standard" physiology: arms and legs lengthen, disappear " toddler ".

Many already have 12 teeth at 1 year. Usually, babies whose teething process began at 4-5 months can boast of such a number, those who are "late" with these terms have 6-8 teeth, and there is nothing to worry about, in 2-3 months they will definitely appear. More details about milk teeth, their appearance and timing, are written in the article:.

Most toddlers already begin to walk by the age of 1. True, they do not always do it well. The fact is that young children have flat feet. But do not be alarmed, this is not flat feet. A similar shape of the foot is formed from a fat pad, from which the arch is formed in the process of growing up. More details about how the baby's foot develops and how to avoid the appearance of flat feet is written in the article:.

At this age, sleep should take 10-12 hours a night. Daytime sleep for 1-1.5 hours at lunchtime. Some kids still sleep twice a day, and that's okay. Daytime sleep plays a big role in the development of the baby, so you should not give it up, even if you really want to. Also, do not forget about the daily routine, it is very important to carry out the same actions (eating, sleeping, walking) from day to day.

What can a child at 1 year old do when communicating with society (social behavior)?

Kids who were actively communicating with their peers (in the yard, with the children of friends) are distinguished by their sociability, a desire to try everything. The main indicators of social communication include the following manifestations:

emotionally expresses his feelings for parents, grandmothers, other family members. They kiss, hug, and to the question "Do you love your mother?", Happily snuggles up to her, confirming their feelings;

  • makes contact with other children, regardless of whether they are older or younger. Rejoices at a new toy and actively brags about it in front of others;
  • recognizes people who often visit (neighbors, relatives, friends). He is waiting for their arrival, because he knows that something will be brought to him;
  • shows alertness and fear towards strangers. Can hide behind parents or even burst into tears;
  • dances to music, repeats the movements of adults (they especially like to talk on the phone);
  • examines himself in the mirror, conducts dialogue with reflection, smiles at him.

What can a child at 1 year old do? How is character formed?

By the age of 1, the first "grains" of the future character are visible, the child's personality develops. Your toddler is already noticeably calm or hyperactive, perhaps overly emotional, crying or complete phlegmatic. After all, all this is in the genes and is usually inherited. Of course, you can influence the formation of character (teach you to be kind, open, courageous), but the genetic basis will remain unchanged, because it is laid down by nature.

At the age of 1, a feeling of fear appears, it can be darkness, height, parting with mom. Parents need to be able to “smooth out” such emotions and allay any fears. This is done through a patient, lengthy explanation that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now it is very important to put into the baby the correct concepts for the words "no", "no".

What can a child at 1 year old do according to the norms of psychomotor development?

The baby's brain is developing more and more, the psyche becomes stable, and after stepping over the one-year-old barrier, the little one begins to make new discoveries, learns the world around him, both in general and in individual phenomena. He already understands the properties, as well as the purpose of objects. Thinks several steps ahead. In general, psychomotor development assumes that a child at 1 year old is able to:

  • play with the pyramid, folding, laying out the rings;
  • while playing, consciously add the cubes one by one;
  • to be able to occupy oneself while mom is engaged in household chores, the little one must entertain himself with the help of dishes, shoes, etc.;
  • project everyday life on toys: feed dolls, cook, eat, wash the floor;
  • carry out an "audit" in drawers, cupboards, cabinets. Open and close them on your own;
  • give in to instinct and repeat after peers: jump together, clap, shout.

Fine motor skills - what should a baby be able to do at 1 year old?

Fine motor skills are a very important part of development. Her parents are required to shape. Read how to do this in the article: By the age of 1, the child must learn:. By the age of 1, the child must learn:

  • collect small objects with your palm or fingers in a box or bucket;
  • take small objects with two fingers;
  • hold a spoon on your own with one hand;
  • tries to draw scribbles.

If you do not develop fine motor skills, then you can notice inhibition of the process of formation of speech functions. Psychologists say that children with whom parents did not develop this skill have: problems with memory, logical thinking, lagging behind peers, lack of concentration.

What can a child at 1 year old do? Household, motor skills, self-service skills

A logical question that many parents are puzzled with is: what can a child at 1 year old do? After all, it is at this time that the baby learns to be in everyday life, he in every possible way strives for independence.

Household and self-service skills

A child at 1 year old should be able to:

  1. Holding a spoon, using it, even if it is not always successful, but realizing that it must fall into the mouth.
  2. Drink from a mug, it can be a sippy cup or a small glass. Gradually wean the toddler from the bottle, this article can help:.
  3. Help dress yourself. They serve handles, legs, pull on socks, boots.
  4. Chew food well. There is no problem for them to bite off a piece of bread, bagel, apple.
  5. Stretch the handles to the open tap with water, repeating the actions of adults when washing. Wipe hands, face with a towel.
  6. Understand when it is described or dirty, show that he is uncomfortable with the help of certain sounds or movements. Shows interest in the pot, if mom manages to "catch" even consciously walks on it.

Motor skills

A child at 1 year old should be able to:

  1. Stand on your own without support, get up from any position.
  2. Walk, if not independently, then with the support of an adult (by the hand). In cases when a baby at 1 year old does not walk yet, and parents, well, really want the process to "go faster", you can help him a little. Read how to do this in the article:.
  3. Walk up and down stairs. This is done with your feet, holding mom or dad by the hand, or by crawling, "conquer" the steps.
  4. Climb up a hill (bed, sofa). Overcome obstacles by climbing or overstepping them.
  5. Descend independently from the hill.

What can a 1-year-old child do in speech development?

One of the main indicators that everything is in order with speech development is that the baby understands when they turn to him, and also draws an analogy what they want from him. Of course, he does not understand most of the words, but he focuses on intonation. The more you talk to the child, the wider his vocabulary will be, although still passive.

A child at 1 year old should be able to pronounce up to 10 words. Do not be surprised, this is a little, since onomatopoeia always denoting one object ("bb" - a car; "mu" - a cow; "yum-yum" - to eat) is considered a word.

In cases where the baby does not understand what the parents are saying, and also does not make any sounds, one can suspect the following problems:

  • with a speech apparatus;
  • with hearing;
  • neurological disorders;
  • mental disorders.

In such cases, the help of specialists is needed. The sooner the problem is identified, the easier it is to compensate for it.

What else should a baby be able to do at 1 year old:

  • Respond to your name, understand that it is his name.
  • Attempts to repeat familiar sounds: animal voices, the hum of a car.
  • He willingly shows actions, while babbling something, when asked: "Who is crying, dancing, laughing?"
  • Fulfill the simplest requests such as: "for", "give", "bring".
  • To understand the meaning of the words "you can", "you can not".
  • Point to objects that are named by adults.
  • Wave "paka-paka", show "hello", be able to play "okay", "cuckoo".
  • Answer who is in front of him. "Speaks", as does a bird, a typewriter, a cat.

Speech development directly depends on how much time you devote to talking with your child. The more there are, the better he speaks.

If your baby is lagging behind the norms showing what a child can do at 1 year old, then you should not give in to panic. By the age of one year, each kid comes up with a base of certain skills. What they will be depends only on the parents. Exercise with your child, develop skills. You will be amazed at the abilities of your little one. And if you still doubt his progress, show the child to the doctor.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

The child is one year old, and this changes a lot: he becomes more independent and curious. Now, for a good mood, it is not enough for him to be just full and dry, the little man is actively beginning to learn about the world. Simple actions, such as learning to drink, eat, walk, are replaced by more complex ones: I learn to speak, think, analyze.

A baby at 1 year old actively learns the world

How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child so that it brings him not only benefit, but also pleasure?

Basic moments

The baby's brain is hyperactive and can absorb a lot of information. Scientists established more than 100 years ago that in the period of up to 3 years the foundation of intelligence is laid in the future. Today, there are many methods of early development. Which one should you give preference to? There is not and will not be a consensus of opinion, because we are all different, and our children too. Someone prefers to bring up a child "the old fashioned way", someone adheres to a certain author, and some mothers make a "mix" of all kinds of recommendations, and this suits them quite well.

The most important thing is that classes should bring joy to the child, therefore knowledge at such a tender age is given through play.

Development center for the little ones

If the mother decided to visit the developmental centers that are so fashionable in our time with the child, then it should be clarified in what form the classes are held. Sitting at a table will not be productive for your toddler. Little children cannot be forced to acquire knowledge. The child learns and does only what is interesting to him and brings pleasure.

Play is the main element in the development of a child from one to seven years old. Play with your child a little (you can add this to), but every day; choose a time when you and he are in a good mood and full of energy.

The development of fine motor skills in children per year

  • Simple finger exercises with a counting ringer are popular with children and develop their motor abilities.

Sensory boxes were invented by Maria Montessori
  • Embroidered pillows will appeal to almost all babies. Sew buttons of different sizes onto the pillowcase, or fill the pillows with cereals, dried herbs, etc.
  • From 12 to 18 months, the child tries to pick up a pencil and scratch something on the surface with it. Support him in his first attempts at creativity.
  • Rustling books, tactile books, as well as a protective bubble film - affect the development of fine motor skills in a child at one year old.

Playing with cereals develops motor skills

Mom herself can build a tactile book, the pages of which will be pasted over with materials of various sensations: wool, jeans, silk, etc. Denim is rough, silk is delicate - all this sharpens the sensitivity and stimulates the development of children's fingers.

  • Don't forget to touch your croup. It is worth giving preference to safer, small cereals: semolina, buckwheat, etc. In the croup, you can hide any object that the child must find.
  • Games with pasta are a flight of imagination: pasta appliques, pasta beads or just sorting them out.

Test games - motor development

How to stimulate the development of speech in a baby per year

Remember: talking to your baby more means talking without stopping. Speech therapists say that it is useful for children to have a moment of silence. Let the child learn to listen to sounds other than her mother's voice.

Games for the development of intellectual and logical thinking of children per year

How to choose a book for a kid?

One-year-old children are usually not interested in fairy tales, they are closer to poetry and nursery rhymes. Mom herself should like the book, because the baby needs to read emotionally and with pleasure.

Now you can buy amazing educational books

Games for the psychomotor development of a child at 1 year old

  • The young explorer will be interested in toys on wheels that can be dragged and pushed. They allow you to study the movement of objects. The child is happy to put them into action.
  • There is nothing wrong with a baby having a passion for sorting toys. The composition of things at this age is much more interesting than the game.
  • The well-known pyramids and cubes develop better than expensive battery-powered toys. The simpler the toy, the more they are of interest to the one-year-old toddler, because he has room for creativity.
  • A home-made developmental simulator can become an entertaining toy: a board with a door handle, lock, latch, push-button doorbell, bells, etc. attached to it.

Water games - all kids love

All children, without exception, like games with water: catching objects out of the water; pouring water from one container to another; absorption of water by a sponge, squeezing it out and much more.

  • Long loved "Ladushki" are very good for a child a year, let him depict flying birds, clap his hands as best he can. Encourage your toddler to take action.

Fun exercise for the kid

Teach the baby the gestures and words of greeting - goodbye: "bye-bye", "hello", etc.

Development of creativity per year

  • At an early age, children are very natural in all forms, so they have no equal in dancing. Play music more often and dance with your child.
  • One year olds love simple and rhythmic melodies.
  • Sing to the child. Kids listen to the singing, they try to imitate adults, reproducing sounds, gestures, facial expressions.
  • Choose musical toys with a calm sound and as simple as possible, because a lot of sounds will prevent the child from concentrating.

The first musical toys

Development of social skills in one year old children

  1. Communication with peers is of great importance in the life of every child. He learns to play with other children, use shared toys, share them. This is how the ability for social communication is formed. Loneliness is not good for children. At one year old, it is recommended to communicate not only with peers, but also with older children for a year or two. From them, the baby can learn many household skills.
  2. At such an early age as 1 year old, joint games are not so much interested in children as in communication itself. Toddlers still do not know how to organize the game, parents should help in this: show what to do with a scoop, molds; teach to roll a car, etc.
  3. Children from one to three years old love everything related to animals. They imitate the barking of a dog, the meow of a cat. At one year old, communication with animals should be especially careful, the baby may be frightened by the crowing of a rooster or the loud neigh of a horse.
  4. Contact with nature is very important for the development of children every year. The child seems to be just discovering that there are leaves on the trees, for the first time meaningfully looks at the snow, rain. Teach your child about natural phenomena.

Even the smallest need company

Every mother who thinks about the question: "How to develop a child's abilities at one year old?" Should remember that the most important thing is to help the baby grow up as a full-fledged, self-confident person, both intellectually and physically.

Knowledge of the world is the main task of a child at 1 year old

A child's development in a year is impossible without physical activity. Arrange fun games in nature, explore the world together. Do not neglect the child's needs out of the desire to raise a genius. Remember that any method of early development is just a model, and to what extent it is up to you and your baby to adhere to it. A man who is one year old already has his own opinion, which is worth reckoning with.

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