Why sell unsweetened sugar. Salad facts about Sahara. Hollywood smile and good mood, farewell

For example, the share in the Latvian market of such a supplier as Dan Sukker exceeds 50 percent. The company also acquired the old Latvian brand "Yelgavas Tsukurs" and scatters its products in it. And our claim does not consider manufacturers and distributors of sugar seriously, arguing that sugar technology has not changed.

In order to determine the depth of the problem and confirm or disprove its feelings, we went to the central market, where we talked to experts, as ordinary housewives performed. In one voice, they said that sugar was worse.

In addition, it turned out that the low sweetness of sugar makes it difficult to work confectioners. They not only complain that this product is constantly growing in price, so they have to deal with the achievement of the normal taste of their products. After all, sugar is disadnant.

"We also feel it, because the sugar produced in Latvia was much sweeter. Now we get imported sugar, and therefore our products have no desired sweetness. In this situation it turns out that

we need to increase the norms of bookmarking sugar in baking, and this increases the final price of the product.

Subsequently, people will less buy our products, because it has become more expensive, "the head of the Bakery Department of the Riga Food Technical School of Ingmara Azautsk explained the head of the bakery department.

Moreover, from housewives, we heard a complaint that the jam was not welded with modern sugar. For some reason, the covers with cans fly away. Traders offer an output - sugar with pectin. True, it is almost twice as expensive than usual. The technologists explain why housewives fail to cook jam.

"Sahara has no desired concentration, because of this, the product lacks sweets and it begins to wander.

The pressure in the bank is growing rapidly. Therefore, the lids begin to fly away, "Azaoutka told.

However, our experts on the market revealed a possible conspiracy.

Manufacturers do not deny that some types of products entering our market are made from sugar cane. But

As for the oversight of the products, the representatives of the food and veterinary service say they do not have something to do. Sugar manufacturers work using modern technologies and in accordance with the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers. But sugar does not become sweeter. The situation could be corrected from the East, but it was not there.

sugar from Belarus and Russia is problematic because the customs difficulties will arise.

Explained the head of the food supply department of the food and veterinary service Maris Eiklon.

In history with unsweetened sugar, it is difficult to say whether it is about targeted consumer deception or this modern technologies harm the process. But one thing is extremely clear. If instead of two sugar spoons, we put four or five in tea, then we are twice as often need to go to the store.

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Sugar sweet. This is well known. And why is he, actually sweet? What is the associated feeling of sweetness, which cause sugar molecules and some other substances? Lucretia car Two thousand years ago, trying to explain this phenomenon, wrote that honey is because it has a pleasant taste that it consists of smooth and round calves, while substances with an unpleasant taste contain particles hooks. And how is modern science explains the sweetness of sugar?

One of the most widely famous sugars - glucose - is a molecule consisting of six carbon atoms, six atoms and twelve atoms.

The structures of the molecules of all sugars are very similar: they contain a chain of grouping H-C - it and a separate oxygen atom, which can form a cycle with carbon atoms. However, the taste quality of sugar can be the most different - from "tasteless" or "bitter" to "extremely sweet." For example, glucose is two times sweeter than galactose.

It is impossible to call the sweet ethyl, while ethylene glycol tastes quite sweet. What does it depend on? Comparish the structure of the molecules of these two substances. Apparently, Sakharam gives a sweet taste part of the molecule.

The characteristic feature of the ON-Group is the ability to form chemical, so-called hydrogen, connections with similar groups. It is easy to guess that the "sweet" unit can cause a feeling of sweetness in flavoring papillars, forming hydrogen bonds with the corresponding groups on the surface of the C-OE receptor or - NN group. However, there is a real possibility of forming a single or even double hydrogen bond within the "sweet" unit itself.

If our hypothesis is correct, the formation of such intramolecular ties should reduce the "sweetness" of the molecule, especially if the intramolecular communication is double. Hydrogen bonds can be detected by the absorption of infrared rays. And indeed, when comparing infrared glucose and galactose spectra, it turned out that galactose, which is half less sweet than glucose, the amount of hydrogen bonds is twice as much.

The study of the spatial structures of both sugars shows that one of the Galactose groups is located so that it can form a relationship not only with a neighboring one-group, but also with an oxygen atom. And the resulting double hydrogen bond reduces the ability of the molecule to cause a feeling of sweetness. In the molecule of glucose, the formation of hydrogen bond with an oxygen atom is impossible.

One more proof can be given in favor of the hypothesis. Hydrogen bonds are not very durable and destroyed with an increase in temperature. Therefore, it can be expected that if glucose and galactose heat, they will become equally sweet. Try to do it, and you will be convinced of the fairness of the assumption.

And finally, another confirmation of the proposed hypothesis. The close arrangement of two groups, it should always lead to a decrease in sweetness.

We will put experience with fructose. If we put the crystals of this sugar into the tongue, they will seem unusually sweet: fructose is the sweetest of famous sugars, it is approximately 80% sweeter than ordinary table sugar - sucrose. However, if you dissolve fructose in water and leave a solution for several minutes, its sweetness will decrease much.

Crystal fructose consists of six-membered cyclic molecules. In solution, about 30% of these molecules turns into five-membered cycles.

In a five-membered cycle, two ON-groups are very close to each other. Obviously, a double hydrogen bridge is formed between them, and as a result, a five-membered cycle lacks an active "sweet" unit. Sweetness in solution will be created only in 70% of fructose molecules. That is why she "descends" to the level of sucrose. All these facts suggest that the group is responsible for the feeling of sweetness.

P. S. What else to say British scientists: that among other things, some sugar molecules are in the composition of sugar in others interesting substances, for example, in fluids in for refueling electronic cigarettes, such as on the site

Why does sugar happen in different degrees sweet, and salt is salty? And got the best answer

Answer from ° N.s. ° [Guru]
A person distinguishes taste quality - sweet and salty, which are quite well characterized by typical substances for them: Quality Substance Threshold of perception, mole / g Sweet Sakharozaglyukozasaharin 0,010,080,000023 Salted NaclcaCL2 0.010.01 Taste Sweet Associates mainly with natural carbohyded types of sucrose and glucose, chloride Sodium - salty, other salts are perceived as salty and bitter at the same time. Between chemical properties Substances and its taste There are no unambiguous correlation. For example, not only sugar, but also slices are sweet, and the sweetest taste of artificial substitutes of sugar sugar type. Moreover, the perceived quality of the substance depends on its concentration. The table salt in low concentration seems sweet and becomes purely salty only when it is raised. The emotional components of taste sensations are widely vary depending on the state of the body. For example, a person experiencing a deficit of salt considers the taste acceptable, even if its concentration in food is so high that normal person From food will refuse. With age, the ability to distinguish taste is reduced. This is the consumption of biologically active substances Type of caffeine and intensive smoking. According to the production method, the salt stone, self-smoking, welded and marine is distinguished. According to the nature of treatment, the salt is small-crystalline, crushed, large and hammer (small powder). Most often on the table hills the salt. For salty and marinades, this salt is not recommended. For the workpiece of products, it is better to use or crushed salt or large salt. The fact is that the salt is a good absorbent, and in the process of storage due to this phenomenon there is some product contamination. The salt of the finest grinding is stronger (absorption depends on the total surface of the substance) than salt in large crystals. In addition, it often happens that the salt of fine grinding is iodined. And although the supplements of iodine are very small, such a salt for the workpiece of products is simply unsuitable. Iodine is chemically active and spoils the taste of products with long-term storage. To check the number of impurities in the salt, it can be advised to crystallize salt from a saturated solution. If in the salt a large number of impurities you will not be able to get large and transparent crystals. If the salt is quite clean, then at the bottom of the dishes during the evaporation of water at room temperature will grow transparent crystals. This method is good, but requires considerable time. Very often, the hostesses restore salt by calcining it on a clean dry frying pan. Salt is suitable for canning, if the pumping crystals are sticking when calcined. After calcining the salt should be larger. Salt, obtained by different ways and in different places, initially has its own characteristic set of impurities, which also affects salinity salts. So the salt of the Solikamsky field in the solution seems less solka, as it is still, despite the cleaning, there is a certain amount of potassium chloride. Sugar beets and sugar cane are served by the raw material. In Russia, the only raw material is sugar beet. At the same time, we are processed by reed sugar raw. After multistage processing of sugar beets, the resulting sugar sand is dissolved and directed to the refining to remove impurities that give it yellow, specific taste and smell. Ready, dried sugar rafin must contain at least 99.9% sucrose, have white color And do not have an unauthorized taste and smell.

Answer from Vladimir andreev[guru]
This is determined by the structure of the sugar molecule. For example, simple sugars are glucose and fructose. The trivial formula of both: C6H12O6, as they are easers of each other. However, fructose contains a keto group, and glucose is an aldehyde. With such differences in fructose - the sweeter of glucose. Even diabetics with a not very high content of blood sugar are recommended to drink tea with fructose, since it is required to obtain a sweet taste. The color of different salts is determined by the combination of anions and cations. For example, NaCl (sodium chloride) is salty, and CaCl2 (calcium chloride) has a bitter taste.

Answer from Just Tatyana Sergeevna[guru]

Repeatedly heard us trying to convince that the sweetness of both types of sugar is the same because chemical formula same.

With the appearance of sugar made from sugar-raw sugar on the Russian food market, among the buyers, it became the view that sugar from reed raw was less sweet than beet clock. Opinion is a mistaken and completely unnecessary.

Commodity Sand, produced on sugar fabrics from reed raw and sugar beet, meets the requirements of one state standard. Both are a product with the same content (at least 99.75%) of the same chemical compound - sucrose.

The same chemical connection has quite definitive physico-chemical properties, regardless of origin. Therefore, the solutions of sugar and beet sugar are identical on the concentration, i.e. Solutions of equal concentrations of sucrose can not have different properties, in particular, by different sweets. So the sweetness of the tea depends not on the type of raw materials, from which sugar is made, and on the number of sugar spoons that you put in it.

But for some reason no one believes with these assurances.

The yellowish sugar is poorly purified, it is necessary to apply it in winemaking, and white sugar due to the residual amount of cleaning substances spoils the taste of wine. Such a recommendation read in one special. Item newspaper dedicated to homemade winemaking. But if the sugar is brushing bones, then there may be harmful, incomprehensible.

Now the time of fakes, maybe in sugar what is mixed, disadvantaged. Another option: if it slice Sugar, then it can be with an enlarged porosity - it looks like an ordinary one, but by weight less, and such a piece must be twice as much as possible. But when I put in my mouth just a little sand sugar from a teaspoon, once a cane, another times beet, then definitely the latter seems well.

Another mystery to me, who would explain: recently began to speak. That crude sugar is more useful than peeled, but crude more expensive, and several times. This is what it turns out, they take the dear crude, clean-clean it, while it becomes cheaper. As such may be, it is incomprehensible.

On the site http://kachestvo.ru it is said: "They present one solid sucrose - an easy-to-carry carbohydrate. True, there is a small difference in her level. In the cane sugar sucrose a little less. That is why many notice that cane sugar is not so sweet. " But I doubt that because of this.

Here is a quote from the magazine "Our Money":

Sugar is the domestic name of sucrose, which refers to water-soluble carbohydrates - valuable nutrients providing the body with the necessary energy. Sakharoza for the product called "Sugar" is distinguished from the juice of sugar beet and sugar cane. Is there any beet sugar from the cane? If a we are talking About the usual white, and not about brown sugar, then no. The final product as a result of technological operations loses any taste differences.

In addition to sucrose, natural sugars are also fructose (contained in fruits and honey), maltose (in germinated grains, it is also called malt sugar), glucose (it is often referred to as grape sugar, but it is in honey, fruits and vegetables) and lactose ( milk sugar).

On sale, as a rule, sugar comes from two main species: normal and refined. We are accustomed to referring to refine sugar in the form of cubes, but sugar sand can be refined. Rafine is the designation of the highest cleaning product, which is superior to the quality of ordinary sugar. In Russia now there are two regulatory documentregulating the requirements for the quality of the product: GOST 21-94 on sugar-sand and GOST 22-94 - on sugar rafin.

Distinctive features of the product called "Sugar-Sand" - an increased content of impurities: painting, mineral and other substances. The impurities cause sand color and a reduced degree of sweetness compared to rafin sugar. The type of sugar sand is sugar powder, these are crushed sugar-sand crystals with a size of no more than 0.2 mm.

Sugar raffin, in contrast to sand, contains less impurities removed during refined. It is sweeter, though, honestly, this difference is not fundamental. But the color of refined sugar is different from the color of sand sugar - it is purely white, without extraneous impurities, a bluish shade is allowed.

According to the method of producing sugar-raffin, it is divided into pressed (cubes), refined sugar-sand and refined powder.

For example, the share in the Latvian market of such a supplier as Dan Sukker exceeds 50 percent. The company also acquired the old Latvian brand "Yelgavas Tsukurs" and scatters its products in it. And our claim does not consider manufacturers and distributors of sugar seriously, arguing that sugar technology has not changed.

In order to determine the depth of the problem and confirm or disprove its feelings, we went to the central market, where we talked to experts, as ordinary housewives performed. In one voice, they said that sugar was worse.

In addition, it turned out that the low sweetness of sugar makes it difficult to work confectioners. They not only complain that this product is constantly growing in price, so they have to deal with the achievement of the normal taste of their products. After all, sugar is disadnant.

"We also feel it, because the sugar produced in Latvia was much sweeter. Now we get imported sugar, and therefore our products have no desired sweetness. In this situation it turns out that

we need to increase the norms of bookmarking sugar in baking, and this increases the final price of the product.

Subsequently, people will less buy our products, because it has become more expensive, "the head of the Bakery Department of the Riga Food Technical School of Ingmara Azautsk explained the head of the bakery department.

Moreover, from housewives, we heard a complaint that the jam was not welded with modern sugar. For some reason, the covers with cans fly away. Traders offer an output - sugar with pectin. True, it is almost twice as expensive than usual. The technologists explain why housewives fail to cook jam.

"Sahara has no desired concentration, because of this, the product lacks sweets and it begins to wander.

The pressure in the bank is growing rapidly. Therefore, the lids begin to fly away, "Azaoutka told.

However, our experts on the market revealed a possible conspiracy.

Manufacturers do not deny that some types of products entering our market are made from sugar cane. But

As for the oversight of the products, the representatives of the food and veterinary service say they do not have something to do. Sugar manufacturers work using modern technologies and in accordance with the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers. But sugar does not become sweeter. The situation could be corrected from the East, but it was not there.

sugar from Belarus and Russia is problematic because the customs difficulties will arise.

Explained the head of the food supply department of the food and veterinary service Maris Eiklon.

In history with unsweetened sugar, it is difficult to say whether it is about targeted consumer deception or this modern technologies harm the process. But one thing is extremely clear. If instead of two sugar spoons, we put four or five in tea, then we are twice as often need to go to the store.

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