My wife has very beautiful piercings. Piercing for int. places for girls: reviews, consequences. Female genital piercing. How to get intimate piercings: labia

People from time immemorial tried to somehow embellish their appearance. And one of the most ancient types of "decoration" is piercing. At one time, warriors going into battle adorned themselves with earrings in their ears and nostrils. Nowadays, piercings can be seen more on women than on men.

But for many girls, a simple piercing of the ears or navel is no longer enough, they want more. Some people just choose a special procedure in the secret corners of their body. Why do piercings on the int. places with girls, how do they do it and does it hurt? You will learn about this from this material.

Where to get intimate piercings

Usually the puncture is located:

    On the clitoris. Usually, either the clitoris itself or the fold above it is pierced. This type is not suitable for everyone, since the structure of the clitoris is different for everyone. And for many girls, a puncture of the clitoris can cause discomfort and pain.

    On the nipples. A very common type of piercing, especially among young people. With the help of such a puncture, you can give a new one, which will make the breast more beautiful, as well as exacerbate the sensations during sex.

    On the labia minora. It is considered the fastest healing puncture in such places; it practically does not cause any inconvenience.

    On the labia majora. It is very important to make a puncture in the right place so that nothing chafes or interferes when sitting. In this place, the wound heals for a long time, and it is more painful to pierce here.

    Why is this procedure done?

      girls who do piercings on intimate places often want to emphasize their individuality and peculiarity;

      it just looks beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure to the woman herself;

      jewelry in such a place is very pleasant to the opposite sex, it turns on;

      it can diversify sex and bring new sensations;

      piercing in such a place stimulates not only the girl, but also the partner.

    Choice of jewelry

    Nowadays there are many different "intimate jewelry" in stores, and of course there are good and bad among them. It should also be noted that they must be selected based on individual characteristics body structure. All these decorations differ in different parameters, namely in color, material and shape. An experienced craftsman will always help you choose the right earring. So, the most popular piercing jewelry for intimate places:

      Banana. This decoration in the form of an arc is used for piercing the nipples and genitals. It is most often made from titanium as well as gold.

      Horseshoe. The name speaks for itself, there are wraps around the edges of the product.

      Barbell. This type is most often used for nipples.

      Rings. Popular decoration for nipples and genitals.

      Spiral. Best for labia piercings. Made from almost all materials.

      You should be especially careful about the choice of material, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

      For example, surgical steel is good because it does not change shape over time, does not rust or oxidize. It is also not demanding on storage conditions and a lot of jewelry is made from it. The price of products made from this material is small. However, such steel changes temperature quickly, which is inconvenient when visiting a sauna.

      Titanium is another popular material for female intimate piercing. Its advantages are that jewelry made of it weighs little, and, therefore, problems such as stretching of fabrics and inconvenience when wearing can be avoided. Titanium also does not lend itself to rust, it is resistant in contact with water. When wearing these earrings, the likelihood of allergic reactions is very low. A huge plus is a huge selection of a wide variety of colors for jewelry. But there are also disadvantages. Titanium is also sensitive to temperatures, so it is not very convenient to wear jewelry made from it in winter or in the sauna.

      Bronze is a popular jewelry material because it is inexpensive and can last for quite some time. But you should carefully buy earrings, because products made of this metal from unknown manufacturers may contain hazardous substances. Traces of jewelry may also remain on the skin, and this does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, bronze oxidizes and the jewelry can change its appearance.

      If you choose silver jewelry, then you will have a wide choice, because the metal can be different, for example, light or dark. Such jewelry will last a very long time, and at the same time it also looks beautiful and expensive. Note, however, that some people may show up because it contains various impurities. The metal becomes dirty over time and therefore needs to be cleaned periodically. Well, the price of silver jewelry is much higher in comparison with many other types.

      Also, piercing earrings can be made of plastic, glass, porcelain, gold, wood, etc. All materials have their own characteristics, so carefully read all the characteristics of the jewelry before buying.

      Clitoral puncture

      This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone, since this organ is very sensitive and has a different structure for all women. If the girl has a small one, then the nerve endings can be damaged as a result of improper placement of the jewelry. The clitoris must be large to pierce. Also, it should not be covered with a thick layer of leather. This organ can be decorated with a banana, ring, or barbell.

      You can pierce the hood vertically, that is, the needle passes through the skin over the clitoris. Also, a puncture is made horizontally. The needle is then passed through the fold of skin above the clitoris in a horizontal direction. This type of puncture is the most popular. Hood piercing can increase the pleasure of having sex and experience new sensations. Decorate it with bars, rings, half rings and horseshoes.

      "Decor" of the chest

      Typically, when nipple piercings are done, pain relief is always given first. That is why this process passes almost painlessly. Most often, nipples are pierced as follows:

        vertically - they do it less often;



      You can pierce one breast or two. It depends on your taste.

      How to get intimate piercings: labia

      The procedure depends on where you want to "place" the decoration. If you make a puncture on the labia minora, then you need to pay attention to their thickness. After all, it will pass through the skin of the inner labia. The thinner they are, the easier and faster the procedure will be. To decorate the piercing, rings with or without a ball are most often used. Thrill-seekers adorn themselves It should be noted that a puncture of the labia minora is the simplest piercing on the int. places with girls. Therefore, this decor is popular.

      The labia majora are also pierced. But in this place, healing takes longer. The piercing goes through the skin of the outer labia, so the thickness of the skin is also important. It should be noted that you should not make a puncture at the edge of the lips so that there is no irritation from frequent contact of an unhealed wound with clothing. For jewelry, rings, arcs, and less often rods are most often used.

      Post-puncture care

      After piercing on int. places, girls may experience various inflammations, bleeding, allergic reactions, which can subsequently lead to serious problems. Wounds in such places need to be looked after especially carefully.

      During the first two or three weeks, the puncture must be washed 5 times a day with a special disinfectant solution (miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). You also need to apply an ointment with a healing effect.

      Naturally, you need to control hygiene, do not touch the piercing with dirty hands, and keep this place clean and dry.

      Until the wound is completely healed, it is necessary to give up baths, saunas, swimming in pools and ponds. It is also better to exclude sexual contact so as not to be injured.

      You should not change your piercing jewelry until the wound is completely healed, because there is a risk of infection.

      It should be remembered that the healing time is individual for everyone. In addition, a lot depends on the puncture site and the choice of decoration. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the master, then everything will heal well.

        it is best to wear underwear made of natural fabrics during the healing period;

        only a specialist in a good salon should do the procedure;

        during the healing period of the wound, try not to let the clothes come into contact with the jewelry;

        you can make several punctures of the labia at once, but you must be sure that you can cope with leaving and possible pain;

        you can re-pierce in the same place, but only after the old wound has completely healed.

      Who can do this procedure

      In salons, genital piercing is done only for those girls and guys who have reached the age of 18. If you are less, then be patient for a few more years. At the same time, you can think carefully about whether you need a female genital piercing or a nipple piercing.

      In some salons you can come with your parents, then, perhaps, you will undergo this procedure.

      Also piercings on int. places for girls are not recommended to do in the presence of such factors:

        blood diseases;

      • lowered immunity;

        allergy to metals;

        skin diseases;

        high sensitivity to pain.


      If you did this procedure with a good master in a proven salon, followed all the rules for caring for the wound, then you should not have disastrous consequences. However, if mistakes were made in the process, then after the puncture you may run into serious trouble. Negative consequences of intimate piercing:

        entry of infection, up to hepatitis B and AIDS;

        allergic reactions - redness of the skin, first near the wound site, and then throughout the body;

        if you did this procedure on the clitoris in the wrong place, or if you chose the wrong jewelry, then during sexual intercourse you can injure yourself;

        if the nipples are not properly punctured, they may lose sensitivity.

      How much does the procedure cost?

      The cost of intimate piercing is varied. It depends on the city where you will make it. An important role is played by the choice of the salon in which the procedure will be performed. The level of the master also affects the price, a beginner will charge less money for a puncture than a professional. On average, the cost starts from a thousand rubles. Nipple piercing will cost about one and a half or two thousand rubles. But a puncture of the labia or clitoris will cost more, about four thousand. This price does not include decoration. In addition, you should additionally purchase various ointments, plasters and bandages, which the master will advise.

Veronica, I also love piercings in women, my 50's, I also have nipple punctures, but here's the question
for me, 17 in each ear is a lot, but as in each nipple there are 3, I somehow do not understand, but intimate 7 is as normal for me, I think that there should be more piercing hidden, and open is like -O....

The history of the first puncture.
That was 19 years ago. A large male team ended up in one of the towns near Moscow, where he underwent long-term training. Somehow, on the eve of March 8, we went to congratulate the sponsored teachers (charming young and not quite girls) on their favorite Women's Day. We bought flowers, champagne and congratulated, after the official part - a banquet. I sat down next to, let's call her Natasha, teacher in English... She was then about 30, I was the same. After some time, I looked closely at her face and discovered that in addition to two earrings, there were also holes in her ears, and in her nose too. Even then, I was interested in girls who have more than one earring in their ears, and in general, somehow from childhood I liked earrings as a decoration.
Well, I asked her a question about her punctures, then the word piercing was not used yet. As she said, she also loved having a lot of jewelry. She admitted to me that at that time she already had 18 active punctures. Such a figure did not fit in my head. But due to the strict rules at the school, the headmistress allowed her to wear only 3-4 earrings to school, so that her appearance would not introduce the fragile consciousness of children into fornication.
So, Natasha, of course, intrigued me very much, well, as a true gentleman after the end of the event, I went to see her off, we chatted about all sorts of things. Near the house, she herself invited me for a cup of tea, and I could not refuse.

We went up to her, I was a neat little apartment, she took me into the room and asked me to wait. Like, now I'll change and make coffee. Of course, I had to wait decently, I probably would have fallen asleep altogether (the time is late, and it was not a little drunk). And then she comes out, I was speechless, and my lower jaw was somewhere in the floor area. Natasha was wearing a transparent peignoir, under which there was nothing else except lace bikini panties. The protruding papillae with golden rings drew my gaze almost at lightning speed. I think she really enjoyed my numbness. After some time, when I came to my senses and was able to fully cover all her jewelry with a glance, I was stunned again. There were 5 of them in the right ear (4 in the lobe and one in the cartilage), in the left ear - 6 (4 - lobe, 1 - cartilage and 1 - tragus), in the nose and in the tongue - tongue. I saw the tongue when she called me and brought me out of stupor. Further, both the nipple and the navel. Each new earring I saw was another shock, then later - Natasha told me that it was quite funny to look at me, I probably resembled a native who saw a white man for the first time. We drank coffee, as I remember now, with a good liquor - "Old Tallinn", and all the talk was only about her piercing, I was interested in absolutely everything. How, why, does it hurt or not, etc. She showed me a piece of the film - "Shocking Asia", exactly about all possible punctures. And she even allowed me to touch something with my hands.
At some point, she asks me if I examined her jewelry well and if I remember how many of them she has in total. I began to remember and count on it, 1, 2, 3… ..17, "Oh my God, she was talking about 18, it seems, where is the other one?" She did not immediately admit, like you find it - you know.

You understand that the view of a half-naked woman could not leave me indifferent, everything was boiling in me, my "boyfriend" was ready for a long time to tear off his trousers and break free, but to be honest, she was already all ready, Then there were caresses, I kissed her ears, each earring separately, sweat nose with a charming button, the turn came to juices, my tongue played with these rings, her tongue with a bead just worked wonders. But here I was again dumbfounded, my fingers groped for a strange object on her pubis, from the beginning I thought that this is a birthmark, but no - this is the last 18 earring. Well, then it was, as always, between a man and a woman.
After that night, an interest in piercings arose in me. I became interested in this "culture", it's good now, I typed in a search engine the word and all the information in all languages, even in Chinese, and then the very word Internet was something akin to a piercing. We began to meet with Natasha periodically. The fact is that she was the wife of "Novy Russky", who had money on his mind, he worked in Moscow, he appeared at home once every two or three weeks, he needed his wife as a decoration and a toy, all his thoughts were only about money. ... By the way, for his Natalie, he did not feel sorry for them, and was quite tolerant of her innocent pranks, I mean piercing. So this entertainment of hers started out of boredom. One evening she invited me to her house herself. When I came to her, there were 5-7 more people there as guests, I don't remember exactly, mostly girls and a couple of men. As it turned out later, it was a kind of "Piercer's Lovers Club". And that evening one of the guys was accepted into him, but I was a witness (later Natalya told me that she had vouched for me). The outfits of all were quite revealing, so that one could see the jewelry. For a while, one guy and a girl left, and then returned, The guy proudly boasted to everyone about the ring in the nipple, and the girl somehow moved around strangely, as if limping

Natasha later told me that the ceremony consists in a conscientious piercing according to the principle you tell me - I tell you. After that evening, I began to think more and more often, maybe I might have something to pierce. And somehow, at the next meeting, I said to Natalya that it seemed like I was not averse to piercing my nipple.
What happened next - the details were somehow lost, apparently from shock. We had sex, at some point she turned out to be over, and to be honest, I liked to play with her nipple rings. At some point, she caught that I was almost ready to spew out all the "energy" from myself, she squeezed and pulled back my left nipple with one hand, I closed my eyes from the pleasure and horror, he was instantly pierced by a sharp blissful pain at that moment, I did not immediately understand what was the matter, and I was covered with a frenzied orgasm, I have never had this again. Naturally, Natalya pierced my nipple for me, when she managed to prepare the needle, I did not even notice. When all my emotions subsided, a ring fell into place of the needle. This is how I got my first puncture (piercing). But on this day, my adventures were not over yet, with a sense of the matter, as an experienced nurse Natalya treated my puncture. And then he says, they say you are now initiated into our secret club, but you owe me a favor, now you have to make a puncture for me, I have long wanted to pierce my little lip. Come on - dare. My roof began to slide down again, I began to deny, they say, my ear still did not go anywhere, but there, they say, you’re in your mind, and I can’t. And she convinces me that everything will work out for me and everything will be fine. She told me how to do it and what to pay attention to. In short, with joint efforts, with trembling hands, I coped with the task and she had a golden ring on her pussy about an hour after me. So I was not only initiated into a secret society, but I also became an amateur piercer.

That's the whole story, somewhere in less than a year we left this town. And Natalia's husband two years later bought a beauty Solon in Moscow, and she became the mistress there. It is quite famous now salty, and the prices are decent there. I saw her two times after that, so they chatted, remembered the past. But she has her own life, her own interests, I have mine. But I am very grateful to her for the introduction to the culture of PIRSING.
This is my story.
Since then, I had 7 more "victims", whose girls I "seduced" and introduced to the piercing.
So now I have 5 decorations, although I had to re-puncture several times. Holes are growing, and according to the style of work, it happened that you had to shoot for a long time

21/05/03, Miss evil
It is insanely sexy, and most importantly, you feel that Your Intimate Zone is special, because INTIM PIRSING is not the standard piercing of the earlobes and navel that every second person has. But the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise, instead of a neat HMM ... the holes will turn out to be a sieve. The best is a puncture over the clitoris. And of course, a small barbell with rhinestones made of surgical steel.

26/08/04, crazypepper
There is nothing better than caressing a girl and climbing under her skirt, discovering with your fingers some kind of cunning pin on her pussy ... :))))

26/08/04, lubitel
yes, yes ... and sucking a girl between her legs is much more interesting if you feel such a toy with your lips and tongue

26/08/04, unknownn
Recently I met a girl in a club, we both drank a little, and began to caress each other right there, since it was dark. I remember when I felt some kind of pin in her tender pussy through her panties, then I went crazy. I don’t know, in my opinion, very erotic.

03/04/06, psychologue
For sophisticated people. I don’t know if it’s comfortable for men, the girls said that afterwards it was exciting to wear tight underwear and didn’t interfere at all, not to mention the direct movement of the earring during pleasures. External piercings and tattoos are something African, so primitive, and clitoral piercing is nothing more than a desire for a stronger orgasm or additional arousal. Although I don't have such problems, I would like such a toy for myself. Just thinking about it drives me crazy. Dangerous, of course, but no more dangerous than another piercing.

06/03/07, KatiaMorkovka
In my opinion, it is very cool and beautiful. My dream is to make myself a clitoral piercing, so that it is small and neat. Maybe I'll do it by summer. I will sunbathe at the dacha without panties - I just draw with my piercing

31/03/08, alex5417
Last year, my granddaughter matured for an intimate piercing. She asked me to help her in this matter. We pierced her clitoris, put a gold ring. And when the puncture healed, I bought her a pendant in the form of a little turtle. She is a young girl, she is 14 years old, her pussy looks well-groomed, perfumed. Her curvaceous forms are impressive. Youth is youth, and now you can't take your eyes off her pussy after piercing. A little time will pass and she will not only admire her piercing, but also get incomparable feelings, which many from the right column simply never experience. I say this, because I myself have a puncture in the head and Prince Albert is installed. I speak competently! See Through Thong) See Her Pussy With A Wonderful Intimate Piercing?

31/03/08, Gopstop
I would do such a piercing - with a nail and a hammer - so that it pierces through the skin, and then pour a packet of salt on the wound so that it does not heal.

21/12/08, dins
I don’t just love intimate piercings! I just LOVE him! girls, believe me, it's just super =) I would really like everyone to experience these sensations! it excites you yourself (no one has such a pier)), liberates, and brings simply incomparable sensations to almost nothing =) of course I don’t know how much% E

04/11/11, vanchester
I can't imagine my life without intimate piercing. My wife and I are crazy about this. My wife has large lips pierced, two rings in each, both nipples with large rings, a barbel in the navel, a barbell in the tongue, and also in the side of the nose, and my penis head is vertical, reverse RA, in the nipple rings, and in the navel huge hole. It turns me on so much when I see her naked, everything inside drives me down !!! And during sex, the rings clink a little, adding more and acoustic pleasure.

Someone will say that this is vulgar or even stupid, while others think it is very sexy. Disputes on this topic do not subside today, although punctures in intimate places can hardly be called a wonder. If you are reading this article, then you are interested in intimate piercings. How safe is the procedure, how it goes, what complications may arise, where intimate piercing is done, and whether an earring in an intimate place can really enhance sexual sensations, we'll talk about this.

Genital piercing technique

Genital piercing, like any other type of piercing, is a puncture of the skin with a needle, into which the master will insert a specially designed jewelry. Only a professional with experience in this field should carry out the procedure. In no case do this manipulation to yourself at home! If for any reason you suddenly think that this is a trifling matter, stop and read the article to the end. Intimate piercing is not for you. There are many subtleties and dangers here. Even not all salons are licensed to carry out this manipulation. If you decide on such a step as genital piercing, approach the search for a master very responsibly.

The step-by-step scheme of piercing is as follows:

  1. The master carries out the treatment of the skin at the site of the future puncture with an antiseptic.
  2. A mark is made on the skin where the puncture will be located.
  3. If necessary, an injection of anesthetic is given.
  4. With a special puncture tool, one edge of which looks like an ordinary needle, and an ornament is inserted into the other, the craftsman will make a “hole”.
  5. Simultaneously with the puncture, the decoration will already be installed in the right place.
  6. The master will fix it by winding a ball on the bar or fastening an earring ring.
  7. The procedure ends with recommendations from the master regarding the care of the puncture site.

Where can a puncture be made?

Types of intimate piercing in women

  • Inner Labia. Puncture of the labia minora. This piercing of the labia is considered the easiest to perform and the fastest in healing.
  • Outer Labia. Puncture of the labia majora. The piercing site can be selected individually, depending on whether you want to receive additional stimulation of the clitoris or to give pleasure to your partner. In the first case, the "hole" is made near the clitoris, and in the second, closer to the vagina. This piercing of the labia is quite difficult, it takes 3 to 4 months to heal.
  • Hood. Puncture the skin fold over the clitoris. It is considered the most popular type of piercing. It can be executed both horizontally and vertically.
  • Clitoris. Clitoris piercing. The anatomy of not all women allows for this genital piercing. A miniature adornment is used here to preserve the sensitivity of the organ. The healing period is from a month to two.
  • Christina. The puncture is made at the point of contact between the labia majora and the pubis. Decoration does not stimulate erogenous zones, but carries an aesthetic load. This type of piercing in intimate places is very impractical: you will probably feel discomfort if you wear skinny jeans.
  • Nefertiti. Deep genital piercing from the skin above the clitoris to the Mount of Venus. Healing is long lasting. Piercing is dangerous because it occurs along the nerve of the clitoris.
  • Superficial piercing of the genitals. This type involves a puncture of the skin on the pubis. One or more implantation is possible. Such piercing in intimate places is not practical, requires increased attention during healing and is quite often rejected.

There are many blood vessels in the puncture area of ​​the intimate area, so you need to be very careful so as not to cause severe bleeding and infection. You may also encounter pain when urinating. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the “affected area” for 2 weeks at least 2 times a day with a disinfectant solution. Do not visit saunas, swimming pools, postpone trips to the sea, going to the solarium. If you find redness, feel pain, immediately consult a doctor and remove the metal trinket.

Types of intimate piercing for men

  • Dydoes. This option appeared not so long ago. When performing, paired punctures are made on both sides of the head. Small rods are inserted. According to the owners of this type of genital piercing, sexual sensations after the procedure are revived with renewed vigor.
  • Frenum. He came to us from Europe. It is a stimulant of long-term enjoyment. The jewelry is placed in the skin at the base of the head, where the ring is placed around the penis. During sex, the ring compresses the organ, delaying ejaculation. This is the simplest type of male genital piercing.
  • Prince Albert. Came to us from the Victorian era. Prince Albert was quite an extraordinary person and wore a ring that was threaded through the glans of the penis to support it. The puncture was made through the urethra to the base of the head. The procedure is easy and does not have any negative consequences. Since the skin is very thin, it heals quickly enough. After such a piercing, it is necessary sexual abstinence from 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Ampallang. A rather unknown type of genital piercing. It is used by the Indonesian tribes when initiating a boy into a man. The ornament is pierced horizontally through the head. The ear ring passes both through the urethra and next to it.
  • Apadravya. Vertical puncture. The head intersects with the lower ball at its base. Such a genital piercing was even mentioned in the Kamasutra, as it brings a lot of pleasure. Apadravya can be called the most difficult, in order for the puncture to heal you will have to refrain from love relationship for several months.

Dangers of intimate piercing

If you decide to get an intimate piercing, you need to know what dangers you can face:

  • There is a risk of bacterial infections. Monitor the sterility of the instrument.
  • Nerve damage is possible. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional.
  • In case of an allergic reaction to metal, the jewelry may be rejected.
  • If you get bored of your genital piercing or have to remove it, an unaesthetic scar may remain at the puncture site.

Rules for a successful intimate puncture

For intimate piercing for girls to bring pleasure, not disappointment, it is necessary:

  • Check for genital tract infections.
  • Step by step follow the instructions for caring for the puncture site with your own hands.
  • To carry out the manipulation only in specialized salons, there can be no question of any independent puncture.
  • Do not skimp on jewelry, purchase only high-quality bars or rings made of gold, titanium or implantium.
  • Observe all recommendations: refrain from visiting the sauna, solarium, pool during the healing period.
  • Do not have sex until the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not remove jewelry until the wound is completely healed.

Intimate puncture - does it hurt?

The most pressing question: "Intimate piercing, is it painful to do?" A huge number of nerve endings makes the procedure painful in this area. Evaluating pain on a 10-point scale, intimate piercing in women can deservedly get a top ten. But it all depends on the individual characteristics and pain threshold of each woman. Some people note that wound healing is much more painful than the five-second puncture itself. If necessary, the technician can give you a local anesthetic.

Contraindications to an intimate puncture

Like any other manipulation associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, genital piercing has contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an allergic reaction to an anesthetic or metal.

How to care for a wound

Compliance with cleanliness and banal rules of personal hygiene is the key to successful and quick wound healing. A fresh puncture needs careful care: at least twice a day, wash the wound with a special disinfectant, which the master will advise you. Do not use greasy creams until the wound is completely healed. If you experience a burning sensation, soreness, or severe redness, see a dermatologist right away. In the event of an allergic reaction to metal, the jewelry may need to be removed.

Piercing and sex life

Intimate punctures are most often done either to decorate intimate places, or to enhance the sensations in bed. Relatively sexual sensations and new emotions during sex, there are pros and cons that should be considered:

  • Argument FOR. It really delivers to many sexual pleasure a small piece of metal in an intimate place that stimulates erogenous zones. Some are turned on by the thought of a partner having jewelry for intimate piercing.
  • Argument AGAINST. Others, on the contrary, are frightened even by the thought of the presence of a piece of metal on the partner's body. Fear of injury does not allow you to fully relax and get the most out of sex.

That is why before getting a genital piercing, check with your partner. If he is open to such experiments, why not diversify his sex life in this way?

As many people exist in the world, you will hear so many opinions about intimate piercing. One way or another, an intimate female piercing is intimate, so that you personally decide to be or not be on your body.

Today, Khabarovsk marks the International Day of Intolerance regarding the practice of female genital mutilation. This is not a joke - the holiday, if it can be called a holiday, was initiated by the UN in 2003. This year, on February 6, the wife of the President of Nigeria made an official statement on the inadmissibility of physiological mutilation of female genitals for any non-medical reasons. V African country this has become a real problem. While the Khabarovsk pensioners do such things deliberately.

After the official recognition by the United Nations of the "day of genital mutilation", many states declared the existence of this phenomenon in their country. Russia as well.

"Maiming" is widely interpreted. For example, this includes genital piercings as cultural damage. With regard to Khabarovsk, we can say that this issue relates directly to us. Indeed, in the regional capital, there are about two dozen salons where you can get pierced in any place, including an intimate one.

Piercing and tattoo artists consider the introduction of foreign objects into parts of the human body not as a mutilating operation, but as an aesthetic addition. Akin to earrings. How common is intimate piercing in Khabarovsk? In my experience, not particularly. That is, we do not have a general epidemic of piercing intimate places. However, people come to buy such jewelry and get the appropriate piercing. I personally approve of them. For some, it brings aesthetic pleasure. There are times when codes come in pairs. For example, a girl chooses an adornment "there" for her boyfriend. Conversely, a young man buys his beloved a ring with a rhinestone. Such family "tricks" have a psychotherapeutic effect - they diversify the sex life, - says the master of the piercing and tattoo parlor Lilia Smirnova.

We were unable to collect statistics on female genital mutilation in the Khabarovsk Territory. Perhaps because it is not conducted or does not exist at all as a phenomenon. However, intimate piercing is common, and not only among young people.

- To us come and quite adult people, even in years. For example, one pensioner periodically visits - every few months she changes her piercing jewelry. I think that the desire to decorate yourself like this is not quite in the usual way typical for many. A person has, as it were, a little personal secret, an intimate mystery. Only the most know about her close person, - comments Lilia Smirnova.

Maxim Molotov, Khabarovsk news on

photo Maxim Molotov

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Journal of registration of certificates issued to employees
The register of certificates issued to employees makes it easier to find the information you need and allows you to make selections for statistics. Read about how to fill in and keep it correctly, download a sample Read in our article: How to fill out and keep a register journal
Simplified taxation system (USN, USN, simplified) New company transition to USN
Taxpayers who have opted for a simplified taxation system are exempted from VAT, income tax and property tax, with some exceptions provided for by the Tax Code. Instead of these taxes, simplified people pay only one
Journal of registration of certificates issued to employees
Dear colleagues, we have issued an "empty" magazine - with blank headings. If you decide to start a logbook / registration of any documents or events that are difficult to find on sale, you can purchase our "empty" magazine and fill in the "caps"
Stalin's funeral: newsreels and rare photographs Farewell to the leader
Encyclopedic YouTube 1 / 2✪ Tragedy at Stalin's funeral. How people died in the crowd ✪ The second funeral of Stalin Part 1 Subtitles Farewell Party and Government leaders at the coffin of I. V. Stalin. The Column Hall of the House of Unions on March 6, 1953. The face of L.P. B