Urethral massage for men. Stimulant of sexual sensations. At home

Inflammation of the prostate gland is one of the most common male diseases... The occurrence of prostatitis can be caused by a variety of factors: irregular intimate life, genital trauma, urinary tract infections, etc.

The main problem with the onset of this disease is the fact that prostatitis is often asymptomatic, and therefore difficult to diagnose. Failure to diagnose inflammation of the prostate gland can lead to problems such as prostate cancer and infertility.

To avoid these consequences, experienced urologists recommend that men carry out regular prophylaxis. It consists in stimulating the prostate gland. Moreover, massage is not only useful, but also quite pleasant. For great results, use a prostate massager.

Features of the massager

A prostate massager is a stimulant used to improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation in the prostate gland. The massage ensures the natural drainage of prostatic juice. The procedure also improves lymphatic drainage.

This device can be used not only for prevention, but also for treatment measures... In addition, the stimulant is often “prescribed” as part of a complex medication-based treatment.

Classification of massagers

All massagers have a different principle of action. They are divided into two types: invasive and non-invasive. The most popular are the first ones, contact ones: they are injected into the rectum. It should be added that for the patient, this type of effect on the prostate is considered uncomfortable. However, invasive devices have 3 effects:

  • Thermal. The massager emits heat, which heats up the intestinal canal from the inside. Due to this, the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy increases, immunity is strengthened, blood circulation is accelerated and the development of congestion in the prostate is minimized.
  • Magnetic. Magnetic radiation liquefies stagnant secretions and relieves inflammation. Urination is facilitated, regenerative processes are triggered, and damaged cell structure is restored.
  • Vibrating. A similar effect stimulates the muscular frame of the small pelvis and prostate gland. Thus, stagnant prostatic juice departs and muscle tone increases.
  • As for non-invasive devices, they are most often used in preventive purposes... Such devices are designed to eliminate non-essential congestion in the prostate gland.

    It should be added that non-contact prostate massagers are ineffective if chronic form prostatitis.

    Impact principle

    The principle of operation of most models of prostate massagers is vibration vibrations with different amplitudes. Due to this, the tone of the smooth walls of the prostate gland is restored, blood circulation is stimulated and any swelling is eliminated.

    For convenience, modern models are equipped with a timer that allows you to set the required procedure time. After the end of the massage, the stimulator gives a signal.

    It should be noted that there are also devices with electrical effects; they are used in a hospital environment. They are not suitable for home use.

    The work of electrostimulators consists in the action of two electrodes on the urethra and the coccyx area. This massage relieves pain and affects secretion discharge.

    Application rules

    In order for stimulation to be as effective as possible, it is important to follow a number of rules. First, before using it, you need to consult a urologist. It will make sure there are no contraindications. In addition, the doctor will prescribe the optimal number of sessions and suggest their duration.

    Secondly, the use of such a massager is possible only on an empty intestine. An enema is usually used for washing.

    Thirdly, before the session, it is necessary to carry out an antiseptic treatment, to buy a special condom for ultrasound examinations. In addition, for painless insertion of the massager, the anus should be lubricated with a special water-based lubricant.

    Prostate massager: benefits and harms

    To determine the benefits and harms of a prostate massager, the advantages and disadvantages of a stimulator should be considered. The "pluses" include:

    • the ability to eliminate chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction and other diseases of the reproductive system;
    • easy to use at home;
    • greater efficiency (compared to drug treatment).

    Among the main disadvantages of prostate massagers, it should be noted:

    • there are contraindications for use;
    • prostate massagers cannot be attributed to the goods of the budget segment.

    Popular models

    Today, the most popular massager models are the Nexus Revo 2, BARRACK 30, Faun Factory Duke, Nexus G-Play S, Nexus Sparta, Nexus Max 5, PrettyLove Leonard BI-014463, Levett Titus and LKS 205.

    You can buy an excellent stimulant at the Taste of Love intimate hypermarket. Here are the available models at the best prices; you can always get a free and completely anonymous specialist consultation.

    It is rightly believed that due to the fact that the bougie penetrates into the very depths of the urethra and helps the inflammatory secretion to be released, the terms and quality of treatment are significantly reduced. Not unimportant in carrying out this massage is, so to speak, the dexterity of the hands of the masseur. Because the sensations during the procedure and the quality of its implementation depend on this.

    Urethra massage

    This type of massage, like most other therapeutic massages, is performed in the supine position of the patient. To get rid of the secondary flora from the urinary canal, it must be rinsed with a special solution and filled with the same bladder. With one hand, fixing the penis, the second doctor slowly introduces the bougie into the urethra and begins to massage them with slight pressure. After the end of the procedure, the canal should be flushed again. As a rule, the duration is one minute, and the procedure is carried out at an interval of one day.

    Due to the delicate nature of the procedure, it is better not to try to massage at home to solve this problem. Contact the professionals. You can find a really good specialist based on the reviews and recommendations of your friends.

    How to tell if you have inflammation

    The main sign of inflammation is the appearance of a discharge, but it can have several causes. Remember that normal discharge is only with sexual arousal and they appear under the influence of the work of the urethral glands.

    Non-inflammatory discharge

    If you notice uncontrolled sperm flow without intercourse, do not ignore this process. This happens when chronic diseases central nervous system, as a result of which there is a weakening of the muscle tone of the ducts that remove sperm.

    Foreign body damage to the urethra can cause bleeding. This can happen when taking a test or examining the urethra. But there may also be more serious causes, such as swelling of the urethra of the penis or arterial hypertension, requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment.

    If, after visiting the toilet, you observe discharge without admixture of spermatozoa, then this may be a symptom of a prostate gland disease.

    Inflammatory discharge

    A drop of translucent milk-white discharge or mucopurulent discharge is the main symptom of non-gonococcal urethritis that occurs with ureoplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and other diseases. Concomitant symptoms may include pain, itching, and cramps.

    A thick yellow or green fluid from the urethra is a symptom of gonococcal urethritis, trichomoniasis, or bacterial urethritis. The main signs are significant discharge of pus, itching, stinging and pain.

    A man can masturbate in different ways, and one of the rare types of self-gratification is urethral masturbation. This is the process when objects are inserted into the urethra. Not everyone likes this type of stimulation, and many people do not get pleasure from it on the first try.

    Features of sounding and sex toys for such masturbation

    Sounding is the stimulation of the inner surface of the urethra. This is a very delicate area, touching which gives incomparable emotions. But the correct preparation of this procedure and the use of certain items are important.

    In sex shops today, you can find special devices for such an impact. They are called differently: urethral catheters, urethral massagers or urethral dilators. They are made of glass, silicone or metal. The surface of each sex toy is absolutely smooth, and the diameter does not exceed 1 cm. The options for beginners are very narrow, you can gradually choose wider models.

    The urogenital canal is 4 to 7 mm wide, but stretchable. When you first dive inside, pleasant emotions do not always arise. And after that there is necessarily a tingling and burning sensation during urination. With further experiments side effects become less pronounced, and the pleasure is more and more.

    Stimulation of the urethra easily leads to injury, and infection can enter any wound. Therefore, the procedure is carried out after thorough treatment with an antiseptic of instruments, hands and genitals.

    Safety rules for urethral masturbation

    It is forbidden to enter objects not intended for this into the urethra. Do not use knitting needles, pen paste or other things. Firstly, they cannot be well disinfected, and secondly, they can injure tissues.

    It is better to start experiments with silicone sex toys. They are soft, flexible, less traumatic. Metal or glass are suitable for those who already know the features of the procedure and have gone through it many times.

    The urethra massager should be treated with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, or another disinfectant solution. They also wash their hands and a member. It is very important to prevent any bacteria from entering the penis. That is why hollow urethral catheters are best avoided by beginners. They allow you to experience ejaculation without a withdrawal device, but they are much more difficult to wash.

    The masturbation lubricant must be sterile. This is a special type of lubricant that will prevent contamination. It is necessary to choose a water-based option. Apply the lubricant in several passes. First, a little substance is squeezed onto the sex toy, it is driven 1 cm into the penis, the lubricant is removed and reapplied, and the procedure is repeated. It is important that the correct amount of grease gets inside.

    Movements inside are made smoothly to avoid scratches. Harsh jerks and jerks are prohibited. And you also don't need to rush. You have to get used to this procedure, but then it gives bliss.

    Urethral stimulation methods

    There are many ways to work on the urethra. All of them can be traumatic in everyday life, but this rarely stops anyone. You can choose from:
    • Progressive movements. Immersion in objects. You can enter them slowly or quickly, move them in different directions. The speed is self-regulating.
    • Vibration. Urethral stimulators can be equipped with a vibration function. After the introduction, the desired speed is simply turned on. This reduces the effect on the mucous membrane, but at the same time gives a pleasant experience. Vibration can be external, then there is a stimulator inside, and outside a massager or vibrator, they can be driven along the shaft of the penis and around the head.
    • Electrical stimulation. Today, the impact on the urethra is possible even with the help of current. Special urethral massagers are created for unusual caresses. Small shocks of electricity give a gamut of sensations, from tickling to tingling, and it's definitely worth a try.

    Sex toys for urethral masturbation

    There are special products for sounding. They are presented in our catalog. These are narrow stimulants that work safely on the urethra without damaging the skin inside the penis.

    Urethral Stimulator Sport Fucker Ultra Sound

    Flexible and gentle silicone urethral stimulator. It can be used from both sides. It has a ball at the end. Its introduction may even be painful, but some people like it. The diameter of the ball is 1.5 cm. The other side is narrower - 0.8 cm in diameter, its introduction is more suitable for beginners. The stimulator is not smooth, its surface changes its thickness, but there are no sharp corners and any protrusions that can injure the skin. The length of the stimulator is 18.5 cm. It is easy to clean and does not require special storage conditions. Accepts body temperature quickly.

    Vibrator for Urethra Dilator Vibe

    The urethra vibrator is made of silicone. It is a delicate material that is pleasant to the touch. The diameter of the immersed part is 0.6 cm. This value does not injure the body, it is easy to insert into the man's penis. After diving, you do not need to make any movements, you just need to turn on the vibration to get pleasure. In total, there are 7 modes of operation with different speeds. Can only be used with a water-based lubricant. Powered by batteries.

    Urethral Muscle Stimulator - Thin Finn

    The metal stimulator is a stylish sex toy crafted from aluminum. The device is hand polished, so there are no sharp protrusions on the surface. It is used to stimulate the urethra in a variety of ways. But the most interesting one is electric shock. To work, you need a Stim device or a base to which you will connect. Electric discharges make sensations indescribable, and it will be possible to experiment with different strengths of influence.

    Urethral Masturbation Lubricants

    Sterile lubricants are ideal for stimulating the urethra. But they are rare on sale. You can replace them with intimate lubricants for sensitive skin. A prerequisite is a water base. It is not recommended to inject silicone-based or oil-based products inside the body. We have selected 3 quality urethral lubricants.

    Regenerating Lubricant with Hyaluronic Acid PJUR®MED REPAIR GLIDE

    Healing lubricant is ideal for sounding. A special composition protects the mucous membrane from damage and then helps to eliminate microtrauma. It has a medium texture and is easy to inject into the body. Can be used with any sex toy. Does not cause allergies, irritation, softens the skin well. Made in Germany. Not the cheapest masturbation gel, but one of the best in terms of its properties and user reviews.

    JO for Men H2o Water Based Lubricant

    Men's lubricant does not contain glycerin. Its composition is natural and safe. Even if ingested, it does not cause irritation. Water based, odorless. The consistency is not liquid, but also not thick. The bottle is 125 ml, it lasts for a long time, as it is consumed very economically. Suitable for any sexual experiments, it is permissible to use for urethral masturbation. The cost is average, but the quality is excellent.

    Lubricant Swiss Navy All Natural hypoallergenic

    a neutral gel was created for mucous membranes that are prone to irritation. It is this composition that is needed for the urethra. It does not contain fragrances, dyes or other ingredients that can cause negative feelings. Produced in different volumes, it is more profitable to buy a large bottle. A bottle with a dispenser, and this ensures that no dust or other particles get inside. And it is also easy to apply, and one portion is really enough to lubricate the penis before any manipulations.

    Urethral masturbation is not a pleasure for everyone. You need to take this process responsibly so that everything goes safely. With the right choice of devices and a clear sequence of actions, there is a possibility of experiencing orgasms that cannot be obtained with the help of other caresses.

    Urological massage involves massage of the urethra, prostate. Manipulation includes mechanical action of the prostate and cooper glands, seminal vesicles and the massage of the urethra itself. Mechanical stimulation is performed to increase blood circulation and lymph flow in the problem area. This helps the tissues to clear of stagnant phenomena, and the cells to receive the necessary nutrition.

    For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system, penetration massages are practiced.

    The benefits of massage of the urethra and prostate in men

    Prostate massage always has a positive effect on the health and well-being of a man. Mechanical effect on inflammatory zones helps to get rid of stagnation in tissues, improve blood supply and enrich cells with oxygen, consolidate the results of complex treatment, and increase potency. Additionally, the duration of intercourse increases, and the sensations during orgasm improve.


    The process itself is not painful, but it is better to entrust its implementation to an experienced specialist in order to avoid complications. Stimulation of the genitourinary system with the help of special techniques is carried out for the diagnosis of diseases and their treatment, namely, it is eliminated:

    • testicular injury;
    • seminal vesicle disease;
    • spontaneous ejaculation;
    • loss of muscle tone in the prostate;
    • periods of exacerbation of prostatitis;
    • inflammation of the cooper gland;

    Varieties of massage procedures

    Transrectal massage

    The procedure is performed with fingers inserted into the anus by 4-5 cm. Prerequisites are sterilized medical gloves on the doctor's hands, lubricating the patient's anus with petroleum jelly, slow and careful manipulations. The patient gets on all fours or lies on one side, pulling his legs to the chest. The duration of the procedure is 2 minutes, and the duration of the course itself is 2 weeks.

    Hardware techniques

    The massager is used to treat and prevent prostate disease

    Modern medicine also offers hardware techniques for stimulating the prostate. Various massagers are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. Popular massager "Turboprost", acts with a stream of air. The device "Androgin" - massages the gland with microcurrents. "Yarovit" - the device operates with laser radiation. For comfort, before starting the procedure, the patient is advised to cleanse the intestines and fill the bladder, so you need to drink plenty of fluids. After the massage, you need to urinate and rinse the urethra with a special solution. This procedure also has contraindications:

    • cyst;
    • frequent urination;
    • inflammation of the hemorrhoids;
    • thrombosis;
    • inflammation of the epididymis;
    • rectal pathology;
    • tumor;
    • acute infection.

    Hydromassage of the prostate

    The hydromassage procedure is considered to be the prevention of prostatitis, and during treatment it will be a good addition to the transrectal massage. The process consists in injecting a special solution into the rectum. Such stimulation of the rectum increases its tone and eliminates congestion of the prostate. This is facilitated by the movement of the fluid up and down, which irritates the nerve endings of the massaged section.

    Home massage

    Most men are not ready to carry out such an intimate procedure outside the home. Performing the massage on your own is permissible, but you need to carefully study the instructions for conducting it. It is important to know the diagnosis and consult a doctor. The prostate massage is performed with full bladder to facilitate stimulation. For your own comfort, you need bowel cleansing, medical sterile gloves, petroleum jelly to lubricate your working finger.

    Self-massage is possible at home

    It will be convenient to perform the procedure on your own while lying on your side. The finger is inserted gently without sudden movements. The anus should be relaxed. On the front wall of the anus, you need to grope for a small formation - the prostate gland. It is located just below the bladder. It is better to start stimulation with gentle stroking, then light pressure is added. Self-massage should not cause unpleasant sensations... The procedure lasts up to 2 minutes. The release of a small amount of a secret indicates the correct massage. Massage the prostate every other day for 2 weeks.

    There are main types of movements:

    • finger movements resembling a figure of eight;
    • circular movements;
    • up and down the groove.

    The genitourinary system is very sensitive to the environment, therefore, men often have various problems. As a therapy, wellness and preventive procedures are prescribed, one of which is massage of the urethra in men at home. Urethral massage requires significant skills and some knowledge, so it should be performed by an experienced and highly qualified doctor. However, at the current pace, there is no time to visit medical institutions, so many are thinking about carrying out the procedure at home. Is it possible to do this and how to correctly perform such manipulations?


    Most of all urological activities cause fear and psychological discomfort in men. But such manipulations are very useful and highly effective, they allow you to eliminate various pathological phenomena.

    In the presence of punitive prostatitis, such procedures allow you to quickly cope with the disease. Even after the first course, the man feels an improvement in potency. In addition, it increases the quality of blood circulation, and also promotes the release of stagnant secretions. This allows the blood to be filled with nutrients and oxygen, the flow of such fluid improves reproductive function, and also allows you to cope with various diseases. You can use the procedure for such pathologies:

    1. punitive form.
    2. Chronic urethritis.
    3. Spermatorrhoea.
    4. Atomy of the prostate gland.
    5. Testicular inflammation of the traumatic type.
    6. Vesiculitis.

    In most cases, such therapeutic manipulations are used to get rid of the inflammatory process concentrated in the urethra caused by gonorrheal infection. The procedure is carried out by a specialist on the booze. For those who do not know, bougie is a device designed to explore and expand channels. Before the procedure, the doctor flushes the urethral cavity with a solution consisting of oxycyanic mercury. This procedure affects the flora of the secondary type. The solution should also be filled with the patient's bladder, followed by the process of active canal massage.

    Earlier, we considered that for the procedure you will need special tools - bougie, they are able not only to expand it, but also to restore the original state of the mucous membrane. The procedure is carried out with various instruments, their choice depends solely on the purpose of the massage, bougie can differ not only in shape, but also in material, for example, it can be given to metal or plastic.

    The metal bougie is great for repairing damaged tissues, and the plastic ones for diagnostics.

    The metal instrument is divided into several varieties, depending on the characteristics of the future procedure. The following types can be distinguished:

    • direct are used exclusively in the field of female urology;
    • curved bougie are suitable for examining the male urethra;
    • a long instrument is used for diagnostic measures and therapy of the stronger sex, since in men the urethra is impressive in size, although it is often used to treat women.

    In addition to straight bougie, you can find tools with expanders, they are located at the end or in the middle of the device. With the help of such a tool, the doctor has the opportunity to examine the urethra at almost any point, and it also increases the quality of eliminating the ailment, for which even bougie is meaningless. It's a funny fact that instruments and synthetic materials are excellent for diagnostics and therapy, since they perfectly penetrate into the urethral cavity, rarely lead to injury or tissue rupture, which cannot be said about metal devices. However, the use of the former is unacceptable in treatment, according to WHO rules, therefore they are used only for diagnostic measures.

    The main indications for massage are urethritis, difficult emptying of the bladder and inflammation localized in the urethra, but more on that later. The development of problems with the genitourinary system can be facilitated by the presence of neoplasms, scars, or even adhesion of the canal walls. The exact cause of the pathology is difficult to establish, since there are various factors that contribute to such a pathology. Massage requires serious preparation, it includes a list of important procedures. To begin with, a man must donate urine and blood, and also conduct a biochemical analysis. As a result of such manipulations, it will be possible to draw up a picture of the development of the disease in order to take appropriate treatment measures.

    To detect problem areas that have undergone pathological changes, and also to establish the size, structure and nature of the formations, the body should be analyzed through the following diagnostic measures:

    • ultrasound diagnostics of the organs of the reproductive system;
    • endoscopic examination;
    • urethrography;
    • analysis of urethral tissue under a microscope.

    After that, it is important to determine the dimensions of the urethra of that region of the urethra, where the lumen is minimal. As a result of these actions, you can determine what size awakening should be preferred.

    Special massage is considered the most common and useful method treatment, a special bougie is used to perform it. Before the procedure, without fail, the urethra must be rinsed with an antiseptic substance. After this, a bougie is inserted, which is necessary to expand the urethra. Be sure to fix it with one hand, and with the other you need to massage from the beginning of the penis to the very head. The duration of such a massage should not exceed 120 seconds. Upon completion of the procedure, the specialist takes out a bougie and flushes the urinary canal using a special catheter. This method must be carried out at an intensity of once every 3 days.

    If the patient is diagnosed with adenoma, acute prostatitis, heat body, hemorrhoids or stones in the bladder, then you cannot resort to massage. In the presence of a gonorrheal infection, a specialist can prescribe the procedure only in rare cases, since this can lead to serious consequences. This view massage is carried out in a supine state, for this action, movements are carried out with slight pressure. After the procedure, the canal is washed with an antiseptic solution again. It is very difficult to carry out the procedure at home; this will require the help of a specialist.

    The main symptom of inflammation is the presence of a discharge, but it can have various causes. Discharge from the penis can occur exclusively during sexual intercourse, they appear as a result of the functioning of the urethral glands. If the release of male semen occurred without sexual intercourse, then this sign cannot in any way be ignored. This problem occurs as a result of malfunctioning of the nervous system, as a result of which the ducts lose muscle tone, which leads to uncontrolled ejaculation.

    Due to damage to the urethra by penetration foreign body bleeding may appear. This effect occurs when examining the urethral canal or diagnostic measures. But this symptom may also indicate more serious problems, for example, a neoplasm of the penis or arterial hypertension, these diseases need a quick examination and further treatment.

    If, after going to the toilet, there is discharge without the presence of male semen, then you should think about the development of the disease. This process may be accompanied by other signs, then you should immediately contact a medical institution, since the problem may be present in the prostate. The main symptom of non-gonococcal urethritis is low-volume discharge in the form of a white-milk or purulent fluid, such a disease may be a consequence of mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, chlamydia. Additional signs may include pain, cramps, and itching.

    A yellow or green thick liquid from the urethra can be a sign of trichomoniasis, gonococcal or bacterial urethritis. This symptom is accompanied by profuse purulent discharge, pain, itching and cramps. These diseases are amenable to drug treatment, as well as various procedures, including massage of the urethra. When consulting a doctor, be sure to warn him about the presence of any diseases, especially hemorrhoids, adenomas, proctitis, thrombosis and others. Individual intolerance to certain components of drugs is also of great importance.

    It is not recommended to massage the urethra for no apparent reason, of course, this normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system and improves blood flow, but under some circumstances it causes swelling and pain. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the indications, which include:

    1. Various diseases, such as chronic prostatitis.
    2. Pain in the pelvic region.
    3. Prostate congestion.
    4. Development of impotence.
    5. Inflammatory process in the seminal vesicles.

    These factors are the factor at which a massage of the urethra is prescribed for a man's buge. However, there are various signs that indicate the need to abandon the procedure. Otherwise, it can lead to significant consequences, so it is doubly important to pay attention to contraindications:

    • tuberculosis of the prostate;
    • infections localized in the genitourinary system;
    • acute inflammation of the prostate or exacerbation of a chronic type;
    • neoplasms of various kinds in the rectum, prostate or bladder;
    • filled bubble;
    • cyst of the prostate gland.

    Massage of the urethra in men can also be performed at home, but it is difficult to carry out manipulations on your own, so it is important to seek help. Because of psychological discomfort and fear, it is better to choose your soul mate as an assistant. To reduce pain, massage is performed in the lower abdomen, as well as the pubic symphysis.

    Consequences of manipulation

    After the bougienage procedure, a man should be examined by a doctor for a few more days, it is best that he stay in a hospital. Such manipulations can cause some complications that, without proper attention, lead to serious consequences. To alleviate these facts, anesthetic therapy is carried out, followed by the diagnosis of the patient. For control, you should follow:

    • the temperature of the patient;
    • the volume of urine in 24 hours;
    • the smell, shade and consistency of the discharge, it is possible that suspicious impurities will be present in them;
    • localization, frequency and strength of pain sensations.

    It is imperative to pay attention to the condition of the man, his psycho-emotional mood, as well as appetite. These parameters allow you to quickly fix the likelihood of a possible complication. In most cases, after stricture, the patient may suffer from:

    • sepsis and even blood poisoning;
    • damage to the walls of the urethra and mucosal injury;
    • the occurrence of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system.

    To prevent these factors, you should undergo extensive antibiotic treatment. The high probability of complications in most cases repels patients from this procedure, but it is due to bougienage that dangerous complications can be detected and the urethral lumen restored, in the future, thanks to this, serious consequences and even the death of a man can be avoided. Urethral massage is a complex procedure, it needs serious preparatory measures and further recovery, only this can guarantee success for a successful end of the manipulations.

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