Passage of Spectrum Project: Path in the darkness. Passage of the mod "The path in the haze The path in the haze the password from the door

Here is a complete walkthrough of the "Path in the Dark" story mod, another name for the "Spectrum Project" project.

  1. When trying to cross the cordon, our hero is detained by the military. It turns out that the documents are fake and our partner named Borland is taken prisoner by the military. The redemption price is 30 thousand rubles.
  2. We immediately go to the garage at the checkpoint, near the UAZ, there we select the "Thunderstorm" machine gun, it will be useful to us in the future. The best way to make money is in the beginners' village. They are periodically attacked by warriors, good loot drops from the corpses, we sell it to a local merchant. There is also a sniper rifle on the roof of one of the houses in the village (in the chimney). You can also complete the tasks of the Wolf. When we collect the required amount, preferably 35-40 thousand, then we go to rescue the partner.
  3. Then we act in tandem with a friend. We run to the ATP, there we carry out the task of the merchant about the Rat. We take away the PDA Rat and svobodovtsa. We go to the point on the elevator, our hero is stunned. We return to the village and speak with Borland. Then we rush to Sidorovich and from there we save ourselves to the grandfather in the swamps.
  4. Grandfather gives us instructions, we listen to him, we return to Sidorovich for equipment and a key card from the secret laboratory. In the laboratory, we kill all the zombies and the controller, we are looking for a device to open the door. In the corpse of the Chistonebo man there is equipment for breaking, and it is with it that we break open our cherished door. We take away the documents and return to our partner Borland.
  5. According to the script, after a conversation with Borland, a door explodes and we are attacked by the Monoliths. We take supplies from the corpses, then we find the monolith at the door, we take the key from him. In the open room we select the key card. We get out of the premises through the pipe, we get to the dump.
  6. Borland is already waiting for us in the car at the checkpoint, after talking with him we learn that we are infected with a terrible disease. Our path leads to the diggers. We take the PDA from the corpse, the level below we find antidotes with the medicine. On the way, the Spectrum fighters interfere with us, we kill them, and we give the medicine to our partner.
  7. Further, the plot leads us to the Bar. We speak with Voronin, we carry out his assignments. Then we carry out the tasks of the Barman. In the swamps we kill the Psycho, we remove the key from his corpse. In the location where Psycho lives, you can find valuable artifacts, do not miss them! We return to the bartender, sell junk and buy good equipment.
  8. Under the Duty base we find a secret passage to the laboratory. There is an artifact at the entrance to the lab, which adds well to the weight to be carried, we are looking for it. We collect documents in the laboratory, kill all the zombies. Closer to the exit, the controller will meet, he is not a hindrance to us, we go out to the surface in the city.
  9. In the city we find ourselves at a military checkpoint, we receive a task from their leader to search for a box. A box in the center of the anomaly. Caution, Spectrum fighters appear there, we fight off them. We hand over the quest to the military and go in search of dynamite.
  10. Dynamite lies on the playground. It needs to be installed on an enemy armored personnel carrier, it is best to sneak up on the military vehicle from the side. We install dynamite and run to the military, the assault will begin soon.
  11. It is better to keep the defense in a two-story building, from there it is easiest to shoot down enemy helicopters. We crawl through the hole in the fence and find ourselves in the House of Culture, there are no mines. We clear the building from enemies and go down to the basement. There we talk with the leader of the Spectrum group. We take the money and run upstairs, we return in the same way that we got to the city. End.

For those who are looking for tools in the "Way in the Dark" fashion:

- for rough work: the attic of one of the houses of the beginners' village.

- for fine work: the roof of the elevator on the Cordon;

- for calibration: in the underground on the Cordon, under the stairs.

Codes from locks to laboratory doors (for those who don't want to bother):

- laboratory X5: code 7200;

- laboratory X14: code 0519;

- soldering of bugs in the quest with Nitrogen: values ​​93 and 186.

Passage of the mod "Path in the Dark" also watch the video:

Zone. This is not just an unusual and dangerous place. This is not only the result of the fatal error of a risky experiment. It is not part of the world. The zone is a living, unpredictable and changeable world with its own laws and rules. Or without rules. No one can explain why the Zone is the same, how it appeared and how it changes. It is impossible to understand the Zone with the help of logic and feelings. It can be studied, measured and described. But it is impossible to understand it. The zone hides many secrets - both their own and those introduced from outside. Adventure seekers calling themselves stalkers are trying to unravel these mysteries. Some succeed, but most disappear into the Zone forever. But this does not stop new seekers - the dangers only attract more and more restless souls to themselves.

Mod features:

New plot
Changed GSC locations
Brand new locations
New animations
New models


- Viн [email protected] b
- Yerez
- Denis2000
- FantomICW
- sesa ™
- Johann

The development was attended by:

- kiperenok
- Azone
- LafuGix
- Phantom

Optimized patched version, with all fixes.
PATCH ver 1.05 from 05/30/2014
Minimum requirements: Core i3 | 4GB RAM | Video 1GB
For installation:
- remove the previous version of the mod.
- unpack the archive into a folder with a clean game.
A new game is required!

Patch fix
- fixed a crash when trading with bandits near the railway
- fixed rare crash when ejected
- fixed a glitch of Borland's dialogue on ATP after rescuing him
- fixed inaccessibility of dialogue from Borland in the Laboratory х5
- fixed crash when going to the Lab x14
- fixed a crash when repairing a bandit mechanic
- fixed a bug with the sound of rain
- fixed a crash related to the dialogue of the monolith in the arena
- sky textures are optimized
- fixed texture curves
- fixed the logic of many NPCs
- reduced view range of NPCs (there will be no immortal military in the village of newcomers)
- corrected and adjusted all sounds
- fixed quest with student
- fixed the quest "visiting the bandits"
- fixed minor bugs in quests
- fully adapted weapon pack from Gaz1k
- slightly corrected balance
- fixed upgrade

Thanks for the help with the patch:

Answers to frequently asked questions related to the passage of the story

Spike bugs

If you have a problem with the soldering of bugs in the bar in the NITROGEN quest

enter values ​​93 and 186


If you have problems with the oscilloscope in the bar in the NITROGEN quest

In the GUI menu Do not press F, but close with the mouse on the "close" button

Laboratory door codes

Laboratory x5 - 7200
Laboratory x14 - 0519

Errors have already appeared, and here are the solutions:

Expression: fatal error
Function: CInifile :: r_section
File: D: \ prog_repository \ sources \ trunk \ xrCore \ Xr_ini.cpp
Line: 502
Arguments: Can "t open section" ammo_gaus ". Please attach [* .ini_log] file to your bug report

Download the latest version of the mod

Expression: error handler is invoked!
Function: handler_base
File: D: \ prog_repository \ sources \ trunk \ xrCore \ xrDebugNew.cpp
Line: 764
Description: pure virtual function call

Expression: data
Function: CVirtualFileReader :: CVirtualFileReader
File: D: \ prog_repository \ sources \ trunk \ xrCore \ FS.cpp
Line: 545
Description: c: \ games \ s.t.a.l.k.e.r-Path in the Dark \ gamedata \ textures \ wpn \ an94 \ ​​
Arguments: Not enough storage is available to process this command.

Departure related to insufficient memory of your computer, download the latest version of the mod

If Borland freezes and his dialogue does not work in the bar at the ATP

When you save him, do not follow him, let him get to the ATP himself, as soon as he will call you and everything will be fine.

If Borland in the laboratory x5 does not speak

Then boot from the start of the location and do not save in front of him, only after you talk, OR download the latest patched version of the mod

When trying to open the mod options, the crash:
Expression:! M_error_code
Function: raii_guard :: ~ raii_guard
File: D: \ prog_repository \ sources \ trunk \ xrServerEntities \ script_storage.cpp
Line: 748
Description: .... r. - Call of Pripyat \ gamedata \ scripts \ _s_options.script: 193: attempt to index field "?" (a nil value)

This option is for developers, forgot to cut.

FPS boost tip, keep grass to a minimum.

Increase the paging file.
... In the "video / extended" settings, the quality of shadows, the density of the grass, half the visibility range
put static.
... 3 sound, turn off EAX to begin with.
... Disable all extraneous processes (torrent, Aero, and other programs you do not need at the moment).
... Defragment the partition (s, if the game is not on C: \)
... Increase the size of the paged memory pool.

Departure "Not enough storage is available to process this command",
translated into Russian "Insufficient resources to execute the command." With regard to "Call of Pripyat" - the WINDOWS OS Memory Manager cannot allocate memory from the paged pool.
To solve the problem, it is proposed:
1. Increase the size of the paged memory pool.
2. Reduce the amount of filling the pool, after which, the Memory Manager will begin to trim memory.
To solve the problem, do the following:
(go to "Start> Run ...")
Launch REGEDIT (Registry Editor).
We go to the address:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management
We set the maximum pool size to 4 Giga.
"PagedPoolSize" = dword: ffffffff
We cut memory when the pool is full by 40%. (The default is 80%).
"PoolUsageMaximum" = dword: 00000028

We reboot the computer. The problem must be resolved.

Departure "Out of Memory. Memory request: …… K ".
Not enough memory. Memory request:….
The main thing here is to understand that 32-bit Windows allocate only 2 Gig of memory for a process (and starting Stalker is a process). And not a byte more, even if you have 8 Gigabytes installed in your computer.
And 64-bit Windows allocate as much memory for a process - “as the process needs”.
Here are two options for solving the problem:
1. You have 2 Gig of RAM installed in your computer.
Reduce render settings down to static. Remove the density of the grass, the quality of the shadows, etc. to a minimum. If it does not help, then remove all game add-ons (voice acting, atmosphere, music, anomalies, mines, etc.). If this does not help, then you need to go to the store to buy additional memory modules.
2. You have 4 Gig of RAM or more installed in your computer.
A) Install 64-bit Windows.
B) "Force" 32-bit Windows to allocate not 2, but 3 Gigabytes of memory for the process, by cutting the kernel memory (the system itself, drivers, etc.).
I advise you to start the task manager, go to the "Performance" tab and look at "Memory". If less than 1 Giga, then we begin to act. (If more, then unload all side processes from memory except for the system kernel, video and audio drivers).
Here's an example of a crash.
*: free, reserved, committed
* [D3D]: textures
*: crt heap, process heap, game lua, render
*: economy: strings, smem
Expression: fatal error
Function: out_of_memory_handler
File: D: \ prog_repository \ sources \ trunk \ xrCore \ xrDebugNew.cpp
Line: 336
Arguments: Out of memory. Memory request: 3629 K
Here you can see that [win32]: free is 65.32MB free memory, and
committed-1,93 Giga is already taken under the process. That is, there is practically no free memory.

We solve the problem:

Windows XP 32 bit
1. On the system disk, find and open the boot.ini file with notepad.
The file is systemic, so it will be hidden, it will be necessary in the properties
explorer enable display of system files.
2. Make a copy of boot.ini, open the boot.ini file, select "Save As", the filename is boot.ini.bak.
3. From the command line (go to "Start Menu" -> "Run ..." or press Win + R) run the command:
bootcfg / raw "/ 3GB / userva = 2500" / A / ID 1
where "1" is the configuration number in the boot.ini file. There is only one configuration by default.
If you are an advanced user, you can add the parameters "/ 3GB / userva = 2500" yourself
to the boot.ini file using a text editor.
4. After applying the settings, you need to restart your computer.
In case of failure to boot the OS, you will have to go to safe mode and restore the settings from
backup by simply renaming the boot.ini.bak file to boot.ini

Windows Vista / Seven 32bit:
1. Run the command line (cmd.exe) with administrator privileges (right-click
by shortcut / run as administrator). In the window that appears, write:
bcdedit / export "C: \ BCDBackup"
press "enter"
bcdedit / set IncreaseUserVa 2500
press "enter".
2. Restart your computer.
3. Start the game.
If the OS did not boot successfully, you will have to go into safe mode and execute the first
by writing the item on the command line:
bcdedit / import "C: \ BCDBackup"

And here is the log after the above actions when exiting the game:
*: free, reserved, committed
The process is committed 1.86 Giga and still free 1.197 Giga.

The plot begins with the fact that the stalker Shroud tries to enter the exclusion zone and meets on the perimeter Borlanda.

We speak with Borland and go towards the checkpoint.

Having reached the checkpoint, we speak with Shmatko and the military notice that the documents are forged and take Borlanda captured and asked for his release 30,000 rubles.

After a dialogue with the main one at the checkpoint, he goes to the garage and in the UAZ we take the Thunderstorm.

We go to the village of beginners. You can raise some money there.
For example, after the attack by the military on the camp, you can engage in looting, and sell all the loot to the merchant
Also in the village on one of the roofs you can find an SVD, as well as a grenade launcher

Next, we take the task from Wolf, but before sending it to perform, you can climb onto the roof, jump over to the next house and find Stalker's overalls in the attic.
After we collect 40,000 rubles, we go to the military and ransom Borlanda
Next, we go with him to the ATP and talk to the merchant.

We take from him a task to find a rat. We take his PDA and PDA of the dead svobodovtsa and go back. Then we go to the Elevator and lose consciousness there.

After we come to our senses, go to the beginners' village and talk to Borland... Then we talk with Sidorovich, then we run to the grandfather in the swamps.

After that, we run back and take the equipment and the key card from the laboratory from the merchant. We go to the laboratory. We kill the controller and look for a device to open the door.

We find the corpse - we search it. We find a device for opening the door.

We find documents in the laboratory and return to the village.

After the dialogue with Borland the door explodes and there is a shootout in the Monolith We deal with the Monolith.
We find the door where the monolith sits and take the key from him
Then we go to the door opposite and there we take away the equipment and the map. We go to the junkyard
At the checkpoint of duty we find out that we are infected
After that, we run to the diggers' bed and search there. We take away PDA, go further, and take 2 antidotes. And at the exit we meet guests
After we go to Borland and we give drugs.
Then we go to the bar and talk to Bartender... Next we go to Voronin and we carry out his task. After that we go to To the bartender and take a task from him.

We go to the swamps on Rostok and kill there Psycho... We search and take the key from him. There are 2 good artifacts nearby in the anomaly.
Before going into the dungeon, you can return to To the bartender and get ammunition.
Under the base we find the entrance to the dungeon and go to another location.
An artifact can be found in the laboratory near the entrance.

We find documents. We leave through the metro to the city.

After we rise to the surface, we meet the military and go to their base
There, their leader gives us a task to find a box - we agree.
We find the box in the anomaly. We select. 4 guests appear.
We return back.

After we hand over this task, we go in search of explosives.

We find explosives in the playground. Imperceptibly we approach the armored personnel carrier and install dynamite on it, and return to the military.

The assault begins.

We go to the 2-storey building and knock out the helicopters.
Then we go to the House of Culture through the broken fence and in the basement we talk with the leader of the group Spectrum

We take the money and go to the top. We kill the military and go to the hatch that led us to the city

Games of the Stalker series, based on the works of the Strugatsky brothers, burst into our lives as one of the first successful projects in the CIS. And in this regard, they acquired a huge number of fans throughout the territory of the former USSR. At the same time, it is overgrown with a whole garland of cards, modifications and other various near-game products, such as T-shirts, mugs and series of books.

The game has a lot of fans, but at the same time it remains one of the most difficult games to complete. Unsurprisingly, modding of game parameters is actively developing. Therefore, one cannot but pay attention to such a sensitive issue regarding. To embody your wildest gaming fantasies, visit unexplored locations and battles with scary mobs, you will first have to get into the game files and make some adjustments. First, you need to dig up a file called actor.ltx. It lies in the deep annals of the folder with configuration files. First of all, make a backup copy of the file, as you can easily run your licensed copy to a state of "non-standing".

Game parameters responsible for the loss of health units

By clearing all of the following parameters, you become invulnerable:
  • radiation_health_v = # - by specifying 0 instead of octatorp, you will stop receiving damage from radiation;
  • satiety_critical = # - the critical value of satiety (in tenths of one), at which the process of losing precious HP begins. Write 0 and don't starve;
  • health_hit_part = # - percentage of hits spent on wasting health. 0 - and again little is in danger;
  • power_hit_part = # - the same, but about power. Feel free to zero;
  • bleeding_v = # - bleeding strength. Measured in terms of blood loss from a normal wound. Equal to zero too;

Increase the octatorp value several times and you will regenerate as a mutant lizard:

  • min_wound_size = # - indicates the minimum size of the wound after its healing;
  • wound_incarnation_v = # - indicates the speed with which the wound heals;
  • psy_health_v = # - psionic health is restored exactly at this rate.

Reset the parameters and no triathlete in the world compares to you:

  • walk_power = # - losses in units of power during normal walking without a load, units per second. Equal to Zero;
  • walk_weight_power = # - a similar parameter, responsible for the loss of strength when walking, taking into account the maximum weight, units per second. Zero without a squeak of your heart.

Thus, we have considered not only that how to make immortality in Stalker, but also sorted out the individual parameters of such a "state", and therefore - if you do not want to lose the desire to play further - adjust only some of them in order to get partial invulnerability!

According to many fans of the game, the path of the stalker mod in the darkness is not only a risk, but also a danger. After all, this modification is its own unpredictable world, in which only its own rules exist. Or there are no rules as such. It cannot be understood. This will make you feel only the passage of the game stalker way in the darkness.

The exclusion zone is fraught with a huge number of secrets, both our own and those of others. If you have chosen the path of a stalker, then you will be able to reveal all these secrets of the Chernobyl world.

Most stalkers do not manage to go through this abandoned world to the end, since the stalker call on the path in the darkness cannot be called easy. But extreme players are attracted by dangers, and they fight to the finals. To understand whether you are a stalker or an amateur, immediately put this modification S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: The path in the darkness.

On the passage of the stalker path in the darkness, the full version is simply required. It fixed many clumsy patches, optimized locations and added Ukrainian voice acting. The requirements for installing the modification are minimal, but the RAM must be at least 4 GB, otherwise you risk paying with crashes.

The stalker path begins in the darkness of the hardcore passage with the fact that the stalker Sawan will try to sneak into the exclusion zone, but meets with Borland. This is followed by a long series of events, accompanied by harsh skirmishes and shootings. At the time of the hardcore passage, you can find new caches with useful gizmos, get acquainted with the history of the absolute unexplored part of Chernobyl. Hardcore without indulgences, but the hardest test. Nothing depends on the level of difficulty, because having chosen the path to the stalker in the darkness of the hardcore passage, you have already deliberately chosen the hardest path. Don't think of being heroic. The dead zone does not understand jokes.

Your hero will have plenty of problems, especially in the stalker path in the darkness passing the dump. The junkyard is exactly the place where you have to hold on tightly to the weapon in order to stay alive. Many secrets are kept in this area. And therefore, be patient to reach the end. The game is long. After completing the Azoth quest, you need to go to the junkyard and hand out the bugs. But here a problem can occur and the transition will not be counted. Moreover, locations may not be displayed at all. The issue is resolved by rebooting or starting an earlier save.

For fun in the game, the developers have invented an arena. Stalker path in the darkness passing the arena is perhaps a pleasant pastime. Thanks to the organizers. Once in the arena, you talk to Bonecrusher and sign up for a fight. He also issues weapons and uniforms for participation in arena battles. You will fight the enemy in a closed basement, cluttered with a bunch of old boxes and other boxes with trash. For a more detailed and clear passage of the lease, see the video:

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