Niger: a short description of the country. School Encyclopedia Niger Country Area

Niger on Africa map
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Geographical position

Niger is a state in West Africa. It shares borders with Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin and Burkina Faso; has no outlet to the sea. Most of the country's territory is located on the plains, the northern regions are occupied by the high rocky plateaus of the Sahara Desert. Niger is the largest country in the region, with an area of ​​about 1.3 million km².

The climate is tropical. In most of the country, precipitation almost does not fall, a small amount falls only in the extreme southwestern regions, but even here their annual rate does not exceed 100 mm, and only in the regions bordering Benin and Burkina Faso, where the climate is replaced by subequatorial, does it fall up to 800 mm of precipitation per year. The climate of Niger is characterized by sharp daily temperature fluctuations: during the day the average temperature is + 30-40 ° C, and at night, especially in the desert, frosts are possible.

Flora and fauna

The flora of Niger is represented by semi-desert vegetation. Date palms are common in the oases.

Among the animals in the sands of the Sahara, you can find only jerboas, sand foxes and antelopes. In the southern regions, giraffes, elephants, antelopes and warthogs are found.

State structure

Niger Map

But state structure Niger is a presidential republic. The legislature is parliament. Geographically, the country is divided into 8 departments and a metropolitan area. The local currency is the CFA franc. The capital is the city of Niamey.


The population is about 18 million people. These are mainly representatives of various peoples of the Niger-Congo and Songhai linguistic groups, as well as the Tuareg Berber tribes living in the north of the state. The official language is French, in everyday communication the languages ​​of Songhai, Bantu, etc. are used. Up to 80% of believers are Muslims, the rest remain adherence to ancient traditional beliefs.


Niger is an agrarian state with a predominance of the agricultural sector Agriculture... Peanuts, sugar cane, cotton, millet, sorghum, and cassava are grown here. Livestock breeding is nomadic. The mining industry is developing (uranium ores and cassiterite). Main export items: uranium concentrate, livestock, peanuts.

Until the middle of the XIX century. the lands of Niger were inaccessible to Europeans, but by the beginning of the XX century. the territory of the modern country became part of French West Africa. The independent Republic of Niger was formed in 1960 after French West Africa gained independence and disintegrated into a number of separate states.


Currently, the country regularly experiences uprisings of Tuareg tribes and armed conflicts between government troops and residents of the northern regions. Therefore, although there are no restrictions on movement, it may not be safe to visit these areas.

The city of Zinder is known for its unusual architecture, where you can find many monuments of Muslim culture, for example, mosques. Not bad when compared with other cities, the infrastructure is well developed. In the oldest quarter of Birney, there are square houses with geometric patterns and paintings on the walls. There is the Zengu quarter, inhabited mainly by the Hausa tribe, and the New City, which is the economic center of Zinder.

Niger photos

Niger is a country in West Africa characterized by poverty, hot climate and extremely underdeveloped production. Tourists for this country are an outlandish rarity. However, we will try to find interesting sights here that could attract them.

Niger: getting to know the country

Regionally, Niger belongs to West Africa, although geographically the country is located in the center of the northern part of the continent. If you look at the map of the state, then its outline may resemble a potato with a small appendix in the southwest. It is there that the city of Niamey is located and most of the country's population is concentrated.

The area of ​​Niger is 1.27 million sq. km, the population is about 16 million people. According to the state structure, this is a presidential-parliamentary republic, which gained its independence in 1960. Before that, the territory was a colony of France. Recent history countries are a series of popular uprisings, revolutions and military coups.

Niger: country details

State to the World Ocean. It shares borders with seven other African Libya, Nigeria, Chad, Benin, Mali and Burkina Faso.

Niger is one of the hottest countries in the world. And one of the driest. About 80% of its population lives in the southwest, where the only deep river in the country flows - the Niger. By the way, it is from her that the name of the state comes from. And even later, this word was used to refer to all black people on the planet.

The Republic of Niger is predominantly flat. Only in the extreme northwest is the Air mountain range up to 1900 meters high within the country. The typical landscape of Niger is sparsely populated deserts with sparse vegetation. Two largest rivers countries: Niger and Komadugu-Yobe. In the southeastern part, Lake Chad enters the territory of the state.

The soil cover of Niger, of course, is extremely poor, which calls into question the development of full-fledged agriculture here. But the bowels of the country are quite rich in minerals. So, there are significant reserves of coal, phosphorites, limestone and gypsum. Recently, geologists have also discovered deposits of oil, copper and nickel ores here. In terms of uranium reserves and production volumes, the Republic of Niger is confidently among the top ten countries in the world.

Niger's modern economy is underdeveloped. It is based on mining, scarce agriculture and heavily dependent on foreign aid. Mainly peanuts, sorghum are grown here, and livestock are raised. There are small enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials in the country.

The Republic of Niger is a country that does not have a railway at all. The construction of highways and railways is one of the main tasks for the current government at the present stage. In cities (small and large), cargo is still transported on horse-drawn carts, as well as on decrepit trucks that can fall apart on the go.

Population and standard of living

Niger is very often confused with neighboring Nigeria, a prosperous and fairly wealthy country. But the Republic of Niger is an incredibly poor country. GDP per capita here is only $ 700. According to this indicator, the country is in the "honorable" 222nd place in the world. In the ranking of countries according to the HDI (Human Development) Index, Niger also occupies the bottom lines from year to year.

The coat of arms of the state is interesting, which reminds many Europeans of the face of a circus clown. In fact, it depicts things familiar to every inhabitant of this country: a hot scorching sun, the head of a local zebu bull, a hunting arrow and inflorescences of pinnacle.

Niger has the highest fertility rate on the planet. For a local woman to give birth to 5-7 children in a lifetime is a common norm. Obviously, 2/3 of the population of Niger with such indicators are children and young people under the age of 25 years. The average life expectancy for Nigerians is 52-54 years.

There is also no need to talk about the high level of education or medicine in Niger. Only every third person in this country can be called literate. Despite the fact that education at the age of 7-15 is compulsory by law, many children (especially from villages) do not attend school. There are only two institutions of higher education in the country: the Black Africa Institute in Niamey and the Islamic University in Saye.

Republic of Niger: attractions and tourism potential

No more than 60 thousand tourists visit the state annually. These are mainly travelers from other African countries, as well as the French. To obtain a visa, a European must be vaccinated against cholera and yellow fever.

What to see in this hot African country a tourist? First of all, the European guest will clearly be interested and amazed by the way of life and living conditions of Nigerians. For this it is worth going to countryside countries. Local residents build their dwellings from straw or clay. Those who are wealthier can afford to enclose their homes with clay blocks. Near traditional dwellings, one can often see similarities of terraces or gazebos made of straw and branches, which are held on curved pillars.

It is worth noting that the people of Niger are very friendly and welcoming. They are not afraid of cameras, as in others, and are happy to take pictures with tourists.

Of the cities, you should definitely visit the capital of Niamey, Agadez with its old quarters and fortifications, the former capital of Niger, Zinder, as well as the mysterious town of Dogonduchi.

Niamey and its attractions

Niamey is the capital and largest city in Niger with over one million inhabitants. This is a completely prosperous and modern settlement. Niamey today offers quality roads, modern buildings and bright street lighting. Foreign tourists are surprised by the striking transparency of the sky. At night in Niamey, you can watch the starry sky for hours.

The main attractions of Niamey are the Grand Mosque, the National Museum of Niger, and the Grand Market, surrounded by picturesque fountains. Here you can buy inexpensive souvenirs, skillfully embroidered capes, leather goods and various jewelry.


The Republic of Niger is a hot, arid and unusually poor country in West Africa. Local authentic villages can attract foreign tourists here. Many interesting sights are concentrated in the cities of Niamey, Zinder and Agadez.

Number City (fr.) Population
1977 year 1988 year 2001 year 2007 year
1. Niamey 233 414 391 876 674 950 829 255
2. Zinder 53 914 119 827 170 574 202 072
3. Maradi 44 458 110 005 147 038 171 603
4. Agadez 20 643 49 424 76 957 94 682
5. Arlit 10 386 32 272 67 398 92 452
6. Tahoua 31 252 49 948 72 446 84 558
7. Dosso 16 959 25 695 43 293 53 278
8. Birni N'Konni 16 286 29 034 42 897 50 813
9. Tessaoua 10 590 19 737 31 276 38 174
10. Gaya 8 709 14 868 27 856 35 973
11. Dogondoutchi 14 629 20 407 28 951 33 216
12. Diffa 4 253 13 387 23 233 30 525
13. Ayorou 12 462 27 370
14. Madaoua 14 988 11 649 21 749 26 555
15. Mayahi 3 292 5 723 16 740 25 589
16. Birni N'Gaouré 10 479 25 029
17. Tera 8 761 12 313 18 872 22 275
18. Mirria 8 420 13 225 18 783 21 721
19. Tibiri 7 283 15 000 21 218
20. Tillabéri 5 270 8 377 16 181 21 011
21. Magaria 7 856 11 723 17 444 20 455
22. Dakoro 10 688 14 577 18 551 20 400
23. N'Guigmi 8 267 9 537 15 807 19 036
24. Matameye 7 085 11 151 15 376 17 587
25. Illéla 8 299 11 699 15 463 17 281
Details Category: West African Countries Published on 03/12/2015 17:56 Hits: 1859

The country periodically faces prolonged droughts, when groundwater levels drop everywhere, wells dry up, agriculture and cattle breeding suffer.

Climate this country is due to its continental position, the proximity of the Sahara and the equator. The seasons are distinguished here not by temperature, but by the regime of atmospheric precipitation. There are three seasons: dry cool, dry hot and rainy.

Niger shares borders with Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali. It has no outlet to the sea.
The country is named for the Niger River flowing through it. Official name - Republic of Niger.

State symbols

Flag- is an almost square panel with an aspect ratio of 6: 7. The upper orange stripe symbolizes the sands of the Sahara Desert in the north, the central white stripe represents purity and simplicity, and the lower green stripe represents hope, as well as the fertile lands of southern Niger. The orange circle in the center is a symbol of the sun. The flag was approved on November 23, 1959, before gaining independence from French West Africa.

Coat of arms- is a silver shield, in the center of which is the sun, in the upper right corner there is an arrow directed upwards, crossed by two crossed swords in a sling with hilt downwards, in the upper left corner there are three crossed inflorescences of pearl pinnacle, at the base is the head of a zebu. All figures are gold. Under the shield there is a silver motto ribbon with the inscription "Republique du Niger" in black letters. The shield is framed by draped national flags, two on each side. Orange color symbolizes the Sahara desert, green is the color of plains with grass in the south and west, white is the color of hope. For the state of Niger, it is also a symbol of the Savannah region.

State structure

Form of government- republic.
Head of state- the president.

The current president since April 2011 Mahamad Issouf
Head of the government- Prime Minister.
The Nigerian Constitution recognizes traditional chiefs as holders of customary law.
Capital- Niamey.
Largest cities- Niamey, Zinder, Maradi.
Official language- French.
Territory- 1,267,000 km².
Administrative division- Niamey metropolitan area and 7 regions, which are divided into 36 departments. The departments are composed of urban and rural communes.

Population- 17 470 530 people. Average life expectancy: 52 years for men, 54 years for women. The urban population is 16%. More than 90% of the country's population belongs to the Negroid race. Tuaregs living in the north are of the Mediterranean type of the Caucasian race. The Fulbe are a mixed people. The majority of the population of Niger (55.4%) are Hausa, who inhabit the south of the country along the border with Nigeria.

Religion- Sunni Islam is dominant (80%). There are Christians, about 7% of the population adhere to local African beliefs.
Currency- CFA franc.
Economy Is one of the poorest countries in the world. Has the lowest human development index in the world.
Large reserves of uranium. In the late 90s. oil and gas fields were discovered. Only 3% of the land is suitable for agriculture. Underdeveloped infrastructure, frequent droughts, instability. Natural resources- deposits of uranium, iron ore, phosphorites, coal, tin, tungsten, tantalum, molybdenum, gold, manganese.
Agriculture completely depends on the amount of precipitation. The main consumer culture is millet. They grow oranges, rice, and sugar cane. Export: uranium concentrates, cotton, livestock, leather, skins, peanuts. Import: food products, engineering products and chemical industry, transport equipment, petroleum products, industrial goods.
Building railways and securing access to the sea is a major challenge for transport development in Niger.

Education- literacy of the population is about 28% (43% of men, 15% of women). The school system follows the French model. Training on French... Although education is compulsory for children between the ages of 7 and 15 by law, many do not attend school. Only 30% of children of age attend primary school and less than 10% - medium.
In 1973 was opened State University in Niamey. In 1987, the Islamic University was opened in Sai.
Sport- the country has been participating in the Olympic Games since 1964. The only medal was received in 1972 by Issac Dabore, who won bronze in boxing competitions.

Military establishment- consist of ground forces and air forces. They are completed on a selective-draft and contract basis; draft age from 17 to 21 years old, service life 2 years; only an unmarried citizen of Niger can be a contract soldier; women can only serve in sanitary units.


The country is characterized by the process of soil degradation and erosion, which leads to land desertification; therefore, the most important task is to fight for the restoration and preservation of soils.
The water base of the Niger is the Niger River with tributaries and the closed lake Chad with the Komadugu-Yobe River. In the rest of the country, there are only temporary drains (wadis), which are filled only during the short rainy season.

Niger river- the third longest river in Africa. It flows through the territory of the country for about 600 km, it is here that the fertile plain is located, which is the granary of the country. The capital of the state of Niamey is located on the Niger River, here the river is crossed by one of the few bridges - the Kennedy Bridge.

Lake Chad

The lake with an area of ​​23 thousand km², located on the borders of Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and the Republic of Chad, has decreased 26 times and continues to dry up.
Lake Chad is shallow, 4-7 m deep, and in the rainy season 10-11 m. The shores are mostly swampy and overgrown with papyrus; to the northeast, the area has the character of a steppe, and only the southern coast is distinguished by rich tropical vegetation.

The lake is inhabited by manatees, hippos, crocodiles; water and wading birds, as well as fish.

The country's climate is due to its continental position, the proximity of the Sahara and the equator.

Dune Sea Erg Bilma
The east wind harmattan, reaching a speed of 10 m / s, often causes dust storms and dust fog, covering even the southern regions of the country for several days. The rainy season begins in April-May, with its peak in August.


In the zone of deserts and semi-deserts, the vegetation cover is extremely rare. Date palms grow in oases in the east of the country. In the valleys of the Air plateau, due to the proximity of groundwater, there are tall grasses, trees are more numerous.

Date palms
Savannah flora: various acacias, low-growing wild grasses, wormwood. They are the main food for camels, sheep and goats.
During the rainy season, the savanna is covered with fast-growing grass up to two meters high: bearded and elephant grass.

Elephant grass
Semi-desert vegetation suffers greatly from grazing and logging for fuel. The south of the savannah is better watered during the rainy season, so the vegetation is more abundant here: the neem tree, imported from India, the ceiba (cotton tree), baobabs, and shea grow. The richest and most diverse flora of the banks of the Niger River. From the trees grow here mangoes and papayas with juicy fruits, acacia and palms. Bamboo grows in the floodplain.

Cotton tree... Its fiber is lightweight, buoyant, elastic, and resistant to water. They are used for stuffing upholstered furniture, life jackets, circles, soft toys, as well as sound and heat insulating material.
A fatty semi-drying oil is obtained from the seeds, replacing cottonseed oil, which is used in the production of soap or as a fertilizer.


Many insects that live in Niger bring great harm to the economy - mosquitoes, locusts and termites.
Niger and other rivers and lakes are rich in fish. Savannah reptiles are diverse: snakes and lizards, from geckos to large monitor lizards. Crocodiles are found in the Niger River.

Griffon vulture
Birds: ostriches, eagles, bald vultures, kites. The southern savannah is inhabited by ducks, geese, waders, herons, cranes, ibises, storks, and marabou. Winter in Niger from October to March migratory birds from the north, including from Europe.

Oryx and Addax antelopes are found in the desert; in the savannah, there are lady and corin gazelles, cheetahs, hyenas and jackals.
In the southern savannah, the number of mammals has decreased due to human activities. You can still see giraffes, antelopes, wild boars, and lions here.

Two herds of elephants roam near Lake Chad and on the right bank of the Niger River, and hippos are found in the river itself.


Fine arts and crafts

The surviving rock paintings depict wild animals, people and hunting scenes from the Neolithic era. The most ancient of them date back to 9-8 thousand BC. NS.
Modern art began to develop after the country gained independence. Notable artists: Boubakar Bureima, Riss Ickx.

Wood mask. XIX century.
Pottery, leatherworking, blacksmithing, weaving, weaving, and jewelry are well developed. Known for jewelry art of Tuareg and Fulbe, weaving of Jerma, as well as painting calabash (vessels made of pumpkin) of the Hausa people. Works by Nigerian artists and artisans are on display at the National Museum of Niger. Blacksmiths, gold and silver chasers are famous for their art.


The birth of national literature began in the 1950s. It is based on myths, songs, proverbs and tales of local peoples. The first national writer is considered Bubu Hama. The works of some Nigerian writers were published in France.


The music was formed on the basis of the musical art of local peoples. Musical instruments: algaita (oboe), various drums, lutes, rattles, horns and rattles, flutes. Playing on musical instruments, songs and dances are closely related to everyday life local peoples.
Theatrical performances of itinerant "comedians" using wooden dolls are held on Muslim holidays.
The first national film, The Wedding, was filmed in 1962.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Niger

Air and Tenere National Reserve

The reserve is located in the center of the Sahara and is characterized by a variety of landscapes.

Air rocky plateau
Two fifths of the reserve are located on the eastern edge of the Air plateau.
The rest of the eastern part of the reserve is located in the sandy Tenere Desert. This is a dune sea with dunes up to 300 meters high.

Mammals, many species of birds, reptiles and one species of amphibians live on the territory of the reserve (Air plateau).
There is practically no vegetation in the Tenere Desert. The fauna is extremely poor. But here salt is mined, which is transported on camels. You can also cross the desert in jeeps.
The reserve is very attractive for tourists.

National Park "Double-Ve"

The first biosphere reserve in Africa. Located in Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso along the Niger River.
More than 350 bird species have been recorded in the park, including birds arriving from Eurasia.

Other attractions of Niger


The capital of the state since 1960. At the end of the nineteenth century. there was a small village of several hundred inhabitants. The favorable location of Niamey on the cross-trade routes contributed to its growth. More than 90% of the city's population is Muslim.

The most important landmark of the city is Big mosque.
Big market is also an important landmark of the city. This is one of the best markets in West Africa.

It was completely rebuilt after a fire in the mid-1980s. and now it is a picturesque example of architecture, surrounded by fountains in the old style.

IN National Museum of Niger you can see traditional crafts, learn about the development of art. You can buy any work of local craftsmen, especially jewelry or silver items, get acquainted with the way of life of the Tuareg, Hausa, Jerma, Fulani and Tuba, their traditional dwellings.

There is also Tenere tree- it was able to survive in the desert and became a symbol of life for the African people.


The former capital of Niger. The city was located on the ancient trade route between Agadez and Cano. It is the second largest city in the country. It was one of the richest cities in Africa.

The city is divided into two districts: the Zengu quarter in the northern part of the city, which has a large number of rich old buildings and adobe structures of previous eras, and the picturesque Birnin, an area in the southeast, which is a maze of narrow streets lined with houses with small gardens, excellent examples of architecture. hausa. The commercial center of the city is located between them.
The Great Mosque, like the Sultan's palace, was built in the middle of the 19th century. The city is notable for its unusual architecture. In the oldest quarter of Birney, there are square houses with geometric ornaments and paintings.


In the VIII-VI millennium BC. NS. existed in Niger kiffian culture... At this time, the climate in the Sahara was humid. In 2000, human remains of this culture were discovered in the Gobero area in the Tenere Desert. The Kiffians were hunters and gatherers. In the area of ​​their residence, bones of large animals characteristic of the savanna were found, which suggests that they lived on the shore of a lake that existed at that time. The Kiffians were tall, over 1 m 80 cm in height.
The Kiffian culture disappeared around 6000 BC. e., when a prolonged drought set in on the territory of the Sahara. Approximately 1,500 years after the disappearance of the Kiffian culture, when the climate in the Sahara became humid again, the area of ​​its habitat was colonized tenerian culture, the carriers of which belonged to another anthropological type: the Mediterranean subrace of the Caucasoid race. The Tenerian culture disappears without a trace after the drying up of the Sahara.
From the VII century. the valley of the Niger River was part of the Songhai principality. By the end of the 15th century. it became a kingdom. In 1591, the Songhai state was conquered by the army of the Sultan of Morocco, but the southern regions, located on the territory of modern Niger, retained their independence. Here the Dandy principality arose, headed by Askiy Nukha. Subsequently, the Dandy principality split into several small principalities. In the XVIII century. most of the territory of Niger came under the rule of the Tuareg (nomadic tribes). They founded the Sultanate of Agadez. The Tuaregs did not have a centralized government. The south of today's Niger was inhabited by sedentary agricultural peoples.

Colonial period

The first European on the territory of Niger was the Scotsman Mungo Park. He surveyed the Niger River in 1805-1806.

Through the territory of Niger in the XV-XVIII centuries. caravan trade routes passed
At the Berlin conference in 1884, Niger was included in the French sphere of influence. In 1897, the French sent a mission for Captain Casamage to Zinder, the capital of the Sultanate of Damagaram. He was killed at the court of the Sultan, who feared French influence. To punish the people of Damagaram, a military expedition was equipped, which went down in the history of Niger with its cruelty and bloodiness: thousands of local residents were killed, many Hausan villages were burned.
In 1900, the French established the "Zinder military territory". In 1905-1906. Muslim preachers and local sultans tried to provide armed resistance to the French.
The French colonialists introduced the cultivation of various crops in Niger, intensively developed the road network and recruited local residents to work in industrial enterprises in the coastal colonies in French West Africa.
In 1946, Niger received the status of an overseas territory within the French Union. An elected local self-government body was established. Places in it were occupied mainly by the leaders of local tribes.
1958 Niger becomes autonomous republic the French Community, and in 1960 gains independence. He becomes the first president of the country.

Several years of severe drought (1968-1973) devastated the country.
In 1974, a military coup took place, as a result of which Amani Diori was overthrown.
In 1989, a new constitution was adopted that returned Niger to civilian rule, but the country retains a one-party system. Only after a wave of strikes did President Seibu introduce a multi-party system. after a wave of strikes and demonstrations.
In January 1996, a second military coup took place in the country, led by Colonel Ibrahim Bare Mainassara, who won the elections in the same year. The elections were held with violations: all other candidates were put under house arrest. Mainassaru was criticized for his repressive actions, and several attempts were made on his life. And in 1999, Mainassara's bodyguards kill him. Major Daud Malam Vanke succeeds the presidency. In 1999 he was elected president, in 2004 he was elected for a second term.

In August 2009, Tandja Mamadu initiated a referendum, which adopted amendments to the constitution, removing restrictions on the number of terms for re-election of the head of state and giving him additional powers. Discontent with the president was growing in the country. On February 18, 2010, Niger's military staged a coup d'état. President Mamadou Tandja was captured and taken to one of the barracks. Major Salu Jibo was declared the head of the military junta, which was supposed to organize a legitimate presidential election.
Mahamadu Issoufu became the new president of Niger. On April 7, the inauguration took place, Salu Jibo handed over power to the legally elected president.
In May 2011, the Nigerian authorities released former President Mamadou Tanju from prison. In July 2011, another coup attempt was made.

Useful data for tourists about Niger, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Niger, cuisine, peculiarities of visa and customs restrictions in Niger.

  • Capital: Niamey
  • Territory: 1267 thousand sq. km.
  • Country code: +227
  • Domain: .ne
  • Network: 220V
  • Time: Moscow: -2 / -3 hours
  • A visa is required to enter

Information about Niger

Geography of Niger

The Republic of Niger is a state in West Africa. It borders in the north with Algeria and Libya, in the east with the Republic of Chad, in the south and south-west with Nigeria, in the south-west with Benin and Burkina Faso, in the west with Mali. Landlocked.

The country's relief is dominated by plains with heights of 300-500 m above sea level. In the northwest, the Air massif is located - a system of plateaus of different heights. The highest point, Mount Baghezan, reaches 1900 m. The eastern part of Cala drops abruptly to the huge sandy desert of Tenere. The northern part of the country is occupied by high rocky plateaus. In the southern regions of the country, flat plateaus prevail, composed of sandstones, sands and loams with individual outcrops of crystalline rocks. Average heights are 200-500 m.


State structure

Republican form of government. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. Legislature - National Assembly.


State language: French

Of the local languages, the most common languages ​​are Hausa, Jerma, Fululde, Kanuri and Tamashek.


95% of the population are Muslims (Sunni Islam), 4.5% are adherents of traditional African beliefs (animalism, fetishism, the cult of ancestors, the forces of nature, etc.), 0.5% are Christians (the majority are Catholics).


International name: KFA

Currency exchange can be made at banks and exchange offices, the exchange rate can vary significantly.

The use of credit cards and traveler's checks is only possible in banks and international hotels in the capital, Visa and MasterCard are preferred (although substantial commissions are very likely). Best course exchanges have checks and credit cards from French banks. In the provinces, their use is almost impossible.

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