Which celebrities have served in the army and who have not? Grigory Leps: success story, biography and personal life Reaping fruits and new facets

Actors, politicians, artists, businessmen - all were once at that age when the state reminds of the need to repay it. And you will obviously be surprised to know which of them did it and which did not.

Philip Kirkorov

In one of the interviews, the singer mentioned that he was not averse to taking part in the work of the army orchestra. But it did not work out - first his studies, and then his work pushed this perspective away from him.

Nikolay Baskov

Serving in the infantry, going to fight in the forefront - that's what the Basque would not refuse. But he has long outgrown the draft age ...

Grigory Leps

He served in a unit near Khabarovsk, then went into show business. Young Leps moonlighted by performing in cafes and Sochi restaurants, was a member of many rock bands in the 80s.

Yury Nikulin

A skinny, awkward boy immediately after the 10th grade was drafted into the army. The Great Patriotic War broke out and many went to the front. Nikulin recalled that at first he was a laughing stock for the entire detachment, since he could neither march nor do heavy soldier's work. Even the greatcoat hung on him as if on a skeleton, and his thin legs dangled in his boots.

Joseph Kobzon

The singer, like many of his peers, honestly went to serve after graduating from college. But he did not pull the strap for long - a year later he was noticed and transferred to the song and dance ensemble.

Nikolay Rastorguev

The military uniform sits on it okay, but the singer only exploits this image. He did not serve in a real army.


In the world, Timur Yunusov openly declares that he is the owner of a military card, but he did not spend time serving in the army. An empty idea, but he already knows how to use a weapon.

Prokhor Chaliapin

He turned away from the army for an official reason: Chaliapin is completely fit for health, but he is the only one in the family and is its breadwinner. Therefore, you cannot join the army.

Oleg Yakovlev

The medical board revealed that he had heart problems and considered him unfit for service. Yakovlev himself is not upset by this - he did not want to go to the army and it was not bad that everything coincided so successfully.

Leonid Agutin

Agutin served in the border troops, but after some time, for his musical talent, he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble. And then back to the border - because of the AWOL.

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Sergey Garmash

The actor was an aggressive and assertive conscript - he had a fight with an old soldier, for which he ended up in a penal battalion. He had to work hard at a construction site in the harsh conditions of the Arkhangelsk region, but for his exemplary behavior and shock work, he was soon transferred back to Moscow.

Sergey Zverev

An interesting fact - Zverev rose to the rank of sergeant and commanded a whole platoon. He served in the Air Defense Forces in Poland.

Valery Kipelov

In May 1978, 19-year-old Kipelov played a wedding, but he did not succeed in enjoying his honeymoon with his wife - in June he was drafted into the army. And he went to serve honestly.

Lev Leshchenko

The future singer completed the course of a young soldier in 1961, near Tambov, after which he was transferred to Germany, to the 62nd tank regiment. A year passes and the command decides that he will be more useful in the song and dance ensemble.

Sergey Mironov

As a student at a technical school, he voluntarily decided to go to the army when he was 18 years old. Mironov served not just anywhere, but in the Airborne Forces and recalls 1971-1973 with nostalgia for the military brotherhood.

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Timur Batrudinov

The artist, not without pride, emphasizes that he honestly served the entire term, although this was not held in high esteem among his generation. Therefore, the farewell came out crumpled, but Timur remembers the service itself perfectly.

Nikolay Valuev

Didn't serve. Valuev is an excellent student in studies and sports, so from an early age his life was planned and there was no place for the army in it.

Dmitry Bilan

When asked, the singer touchingly talks about why he prefers to give his debt to the country on stage, and not in boots and with a gun at the ready

Maksim Galkin

Galkin is not an evader, not at all. And ready to join the army even immediately. How late is it?

Oleg Gazmanov

Gazmanov is an experienced military man, now a reserve officer. He graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School with a degree in engineer-miner and served near Riga.

Vladimir Vinokur

Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov - like quite a few other artists of the former school, Vinokur comes from the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The future politician served in the Transcaucasian Military District, in the special propaganda department. And there I gained experience, honed the skills of rhetoric and pressure on the interlocutors.

Many people know the hit "A Glass of Vodka on the Table", not a single wedding can do without it, they sing it in karaoke, listen to it at home and in the car.

But not everyone knows that the real surname of the performer of this brilliant song is Lepsveridze, as well as the fact that Grigory Leps grew up in an ordinary working-class family and now has four beautiful children.

Childhood and study

Grigory was born on July 16th in the south of Russia. It was 1962. His father worked at a meat factory, and his mother earned money at a bakery. In addition to Grisha, they had a daughter, Eteri.

In childhood

The boy studied at a simple school in the city of Sochi. Studying was not easy for him.

Grisha was more attracted to sports and art. After leaving school, Leps became a student at a music school, enrolling in the department of percussion instruments.

Grigory served in the army, and after returning from Khabarovsk to his homeland, he began to sing in local institutions. He performed with the "Index-398" collective, sang rock, slept little and hardly rest, and spent all the money he earned on gambling, alcoholic drinks and girls.

In young age

Such a life quickly tired him, Leps began to have problems with alcohol. Before him was a choice: to change something in his life and climb up, or fall to the bottom, without achieving anything.

The artist chose the first path.

Carier start

Many famous artists such as A. Rosenbaum and M. Shufutinsky, visiting the establishments where Grigory sang, talked about his talent and that he must definitely conquer Moscow.

The capital city met Leps coldly. He was not particularly interesting to producers and listeners.

The people who promised to arrange it did not. The artist again took up the old, began to drink alcohol and even became addicted to drugs. The singer's weight has reached 100 kilograms.

Grigory continued to sing in the capital's institutions and look for like-minded people until he met Vitaly Manshin and Anatoly Dolzhenkov. There were many vain attempts to record songs, but in 1995 the album "God bless you" was finally released. The composition "Natalie" received public recognition, it was often asked to be put on the radio.

After such success, the artist shot videos for the songs "Natalie" and "God bless you". Suddenly, at this very time, Gregory fell seriously ill. He spent many days in a hospital bed with gastric ulcer, was unable to attend the "Song of the Year".

This made him reconsider some things and put an end to bad habits forever. The doctors warned that by drinking at least a glass, the artist can say goodbye to life.

Creative life

In 1997, the listeners were presented with the next album "Life". It includes songs "Kachok," Glaze "," Chizhik ". Finally, Leps sang the song "My Thoughts" at the "Song of the Year" festival. The singer's popularity began to grow.

In 1998, he became a guest of the "Christmas Meetings" at the Prima Donna, and also sang songs at an evening dedicated to the work of Vysotsky, which was organized by A. Kalyanov.

In 2000, Gregory had a misfortune - he lost his voice. At the same time, the third album was released, which was named "Thank you, people ...". The singer with a nightmare recalls the surgery he had undergone, he was afraid to forever lose the opportunity to sing. During this difficult time, his wife Anna was always next to him, who helped and supported the singer. He soon returned to the stage.

In 2001, the artist appeared on stage at the Rossiya Concert Hall, and in 2002 won the Chanson of the Year award thanks to the composition Tango of Broken Hearts. His songs became popular, his albums sold out instantly.

In 2002, the public was presented with the next album "On the strings of the rain", which was the fourth in a row. The songs "I Believe, I Will Wait", "A Glass of Vodka on the Table", "Angel of Tomorrow" became real hits. The last song was sung together with. The album became megapopular and lifted Leps to the peak of fame.

In 2005, a collection of the best works was released, and a year later the albums "Labyrinth" and "In the Center of the Earth". All this time, Leps filmed videos, traveled to cities on tour. In 2007, the singer's fading glory once again rose to a new level, a video collection entitled “I'm Alive!” Was released.

Three times in 2009, the singer performed in the Kremlin hall. In 2011, his collaboration with the rap artist began. And today their joint duets continue to sound. Also, since 2011, Grigory began to wear the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Leps has a huge number of hits. Among them are "I will go to live in London", "The best day", a composition recorded with A. Rosenbaum, "The Shores of Pure Brotherhood". The artist has received many music awards, he was awarded the "Golden Gramophone".

In 2014 he received the Ru.tv award as "Best Singer", and with Timati they became the "Best Duet". During his creative career, the singer has recorded duets with many famous performers. Among them, Victoria Ilyinskaya,.

In 2013, the singer again had complications with his voice. Doctors temporarily banned him from any performances. The course of treatment took several months, the artist was helped by specialists from France, and Gregory returned to the stage to the delight of the fans.

Today, Grigory Leps gathers whole halls, tries himself in different roles. Since 2012, he has been working as a mentor in the popular show "The Voice" together with, A. Gradsky,. In the winter of 2015, he was the host of the music festival in Sochi.

Personal life of Grigory Leps

The first wife of the artist was called Svetlana. They met while still students of the school. The young spouses were in no way inferior to each other and constantly quarreled. In addition, they lived with Grisha's parents, and Sveta could not get used to them. In 1984, she gave birth to a daughter, Inga, but this did not save their marriage. The couple broke up.

With daughter Inga

Leps did not pay alimony for a long time and did not participate in raising his daughter. When she was 16 years old, Grigory took his daughter to Moscow and began to take care of her. He maintains a warm relationship with her today. Inga is in no hurry to get married, now she lives in Europe.

The artist met his second wife Anna in 2000. Vaikule invited him to celebrate her husband's birthday. Anna worked as a dancer in the ballet with Laima and also came to the party. The singer courted the girl for a long time and still got her hand and heart.

With his second wife Anna Shaplykova

The lovers got married only after the birth of their daughter Eva in 2002. Then they had two more children: in 2007 - Nicole and in 2010 - Ivan. The singer was looking forward to the birth of his son, he had long dreamed that he would have an heir.

Anna always supports her husband in everything, trusts him. The couple have no disagreements about raising children. The spouse speaks of her husband as a loving and caring father, a gorgeous artist and a talented person. Now his family lives in Thailand. Gregory wants to devote more time to his wife and children.

With a family

In addition to his creative activities, Leps is engaged in business. He has a chain of restaurants, a karaoke bar in the capital, a restaurant in Kiev, and a production center in the Moscow region. The artist collects rare books, icons and glasses, of which he already has more than three hundred pieces.

The singer leaves no one indifferent with his performance. Someone is delighted with him, someone categorically does not like him. But the fact that Leps is considered the most expensive performer on the Russian stage says a lot.

Leps now

Recently, the singer's activity has been too stormy. He seems to be trying to make up for the time when he wasted his talent in regular restaurants. So, in 2016, Grigory Leps gathers a Christmas festival. In addition, his work as a mentor in the "Voice" project does not stop. Now he has to work with Daria Stavrovich (Slot group), and with Alexander Panayotov. Alexander took 2nd place among all the artists of the season.

In his younger years, many of our famous people served in the army. You will be surprised to know which of the famous people did military service and who did not.

Leonid Agutin
He served in the border troops on the Karelian-Finnish border. For his ability to sing he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble, and for "AWOL" - back to the border.

Oleg Gazmanov
He received the profession of a mine engineer (!) At the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School, then served near Riga in mine and torpedo warehouses. Reserve officer.

Sergey Garmash
For the fight with the "grandfather" the actor was sent to the dispatcher battalion, to the construction troops, to the Arkhangelsk region. For shock service they returned to their former unit, to Moscow.

Vladimir Vinokur
Private Vinokur served in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District, from where Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov and others came out.

Sergey Zverev
Zverev served not just in the army, but in the air defense forces on the territory of Poland. The artist commanded an entire platoon and rose to the rank of senior sergeant.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky
For two years he was "kinked" as a special propaganda officer at the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District, even then honing his oratorical skills.

Valery Kipelov
The future star of the rock scene Valery Kipelov preferred military service to a honeymoon. The 19-year-old conscript got married in May 1978, and in June he went to pay his debt to the Motherland.

Grigory Leps
After serving in the army in Khabarovsk, he worked on a dance floor in Sochi's Riviera park, sang in Sochi restaurants, and played in rock bands. In the late 80s he was a soloist of the "Index-398" group.

Lev Leshchenko
In 1961, near Tambov, he completed the course of a young soldier, then he was sent to serve in Germany, in the 62nd tank regiment. A year later, he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble.

Yury Nikulin
In 1939, Yuri Nikulin, after completing the tenth grade, was drafted into the army, into the anti-aircraft troops. Later, recalling the army years, he said: “At first, some treated me with irony. Most of all I got it during drill. When I marched separately, everyone roared with laughter. On my clumsy figure, my greatcoat hung ridiculously, my boots dangled funny on thin legs ... "

Sergey Mironov
At the age of 18, he volunteered for the army, being a student at a technical school. Passed "real male service" in 1971-1973. in the airborne troops

Joseph Kobzon
Thundered into the army after graduating from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College, in the second year he was invited to the song and dance ensemble, but the year honestly "unwound the footcloths."

Timur Batrutdinov
"I served in the army, which, by the way, am very proud of. I remember the service itself well, but the farewell is very vague. I was terribly worried, everything was in some kind of haze."

But these celebrities did not serve in the army, although some position themselves as military people.

Nikolay Rastorguev

Nikolay Valuev

Timati, known to the military registration and enlistment office as Timur Yunusov, considers his time in the army useless: “You won't find fault with me, I have a military ID. And I already know how to use weapons. "

Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan tells a touching story that he prefers to serve the Motherland on stage, rather than in the armed forces.

Prokhor Chaliapin
“I am absolutely fit for service,” admits Prokhor Chaliapin. "But my father is a disabled person of the second group, and I am the only breadwinner in the family."

Maksim Galkin
Galkin does not consider himself an evader. He assures that he is ready to repay his debt to the Motherland at any moment.

Philip Kirkorov
When Kirkorov needed to serve, he first studied and then began to work. In an interview, the singer said that he would gladly go to a military band.

Oleg Yakovlev
The medical board rejected the future artist due to heart problems. - I had no particular desire to serve, - Yakovlev admits. - Therefore, I reacted calmly to the verdict of the doctors.

Nikolay Baskov
“I would go to the infantry if the need arose,” says the singer. - And now I have already left the draft age.

Lepsveridze, this is the real name of Grigory Leps. The shortened version, under which the singer is familiar to the wide masses, is a nickname. His artist was given at school. By the way, not at school, not before, not after, Gregory did not learn to sing. Instead of vocals, Leps chose to study percussion at a music school. How did the singer become such. These and other interesting details from the life of a celebrity are the heroes of the article.

Grigory Leps and his biography

Grigory was born in the city of Sochi in 1962. The singer's family is factory. Father - Viktor Lepseridze - a meat-packing plant worker. Mother - Natella, worked at an enterprise for baking bread products. "Damned poor student", as the teacher Leps was called, graduated from high school №7 in his hometown. He played in a school ensemble, and therefore, at the age of 14, he entered a music school on the same percussion instruments.

Soon, the guy was taken into the army. After serving, Gregory began to sing in restaurants. Drummers were not required there, but vocalists were held in high esteem. The debut took place in a restaurant where Leps's uncle worked. A relative was a musician and added a nephew.

Gregory was not shy about being self-taught, they listened to him with pleasure and paid good money. So he lived up to 30. At this age, psychologists say, a personal crisis sets in. Men wonder what they have achieved by the 4th decade? The answer to this question did not suit Leps, and he moved to Moscow.

Later, the artist indicated in an interview that he was driving specifically for fame. He realized that staying in Sochi would fizzle out like a singer. I began to get very tired from night work, relieving stress with alcohol. In the capital, he gave up alcohol and went to the celebrities who advised him to move. The fact is that Rosenbaum, Gazmanov, Shufutinsky dropped in the restaurants where Grigory sang. They called Leps, said that he was an excellent performer, they called him to Beloglavaya.

In 1995 he released his first album. It had the song "Natalie" on it. She instantly made the singer an All-Russian celebrity. The frantic rhythm of concerts, recordings, interviews led the no longer young performer to a hospital bed. His mother came to look after the man. The singer was bleeding internally. Several other people were lying with him in the ward. All died. Leps survived, but the doctors made a condition - not to drink a drop and eat right. The artist adheres to these rules to this day. This year he will be 54 years old.

Creativity of Grigory Leps

Grigory Leps songs writes himself. Vitaly Manshin provided the artist with financial assistance for the recording of the first album. This producer also promoted the singer Maxim. Debut disc - "God bless you". The one on which the song "Natalie" was recorded. Leps released his second album "A Life" after being discharged from the hospital, in 19997th. But, the hardest thing, according to the singer, was the third collection "Thank you, people". Every track in it is biographical. The artist wrote lyrics based on his life and gave them to the audience in 2000.

Gregory is called the last courageous artist on the Russian stage. The man received the proud title after the release of the song “A glass of vodka on the table. “It is included in the album On the Strings of the Rain. The audience and critics noticed that domestic artists are effeminate, their lyrics and manner of performance are far from the characteristics of "courageous", and only Leps makes purely masculine lyrics.

The artist justifies his title in the choice of his favorite performers. He listens to the rebel of the Soviet era, Vladimir Vysotsky. Leps even re-sings many of his songs, which becomes a separate milestone in the work of the performer from Sochi. How Vysotsky sings Grigory Leps listen can be on the Internet. All entries are posted here. You can also find the artist's latest works of authorship. Among them - the album "All my life" and the collection of clips "I am alive!"

Leps does not refuse colleagues in show business to sing a duet with them. "I will go to live in London" - a joint work with hip-hopper Timati. Is in the artist's archive Grigory Leps "Mirrors"... This is a song with Ani Lorak. The artist collected his works with other singers in a separate collection, calling it "Duets". The Album includes compositions with Meladze, Slava, Gurtskaya, Rosenbaum, Allegrova and more.

Personal life of Grigory Leps

For the first time, Leps married after the army. The singer was then 21 years old. At 23 he was already divorced. By that time, Inga's daughter was already growing up. She was given birth by the youthful love of Grigory, because feelings arose even in the music college, where the ex-wife of the singer Svetlana Dubinskaya also studied.

Leps was a bachelor for almost 20 years. The second marriage took place in 2000, already in Moscow. The dancer became the chosen one of the artist. Anna (nee Shaplykova) worked in the ballet of Laima Vaikuli. At the birthday party of the singer's husband, Leps and Anna met. Grigory immediately proposed to the girl, right at the party. Such an impulse was not taken seriously, besides, Anna was not free at that time. However, Leps constantly reminded of himself, courted beautifully, gave expensive gifts. Later, in an interview with reporters, the artist explained that he fell in love at first sight. There was no doubt, therefore, and made an offer immediately. A year later, the dancer also had no doubts. She broke up with the previous chosen one and married Leps.

In the second marriage, the singer has three children. First, two girls were born. So Leps had three daughters. The artist wanted a son, and Anna gave him to her husband. The boy is the youngest in the family. Leps, according to him, is happy with the marriage and happy in it.

Concert activities of Grigory Leps

Leps works for wear. Singing live. Popularity requires giving a lot of concerts, singing at corporate parties, pleasing with performances of friends in show business. Such a pace for an artist who is in his 6th decade has resulted in problems with the vocal cords. In 2013, phoniators were banned from performing. Grigory stopped his concert activities. Much to the delight of fans, the lull lasted only a few months. Doctors performed a course of treatment.

Leps was allowed to return to the stage, but on condition. The artist should not interrupt the procedures and regularly consult with the doctors. Initially, the doctors feared that Gregory would no longer be able to sing. In this case, fans would have to be content with requests " Grigory Leps download" and " Grigory Leps online". Phonators from France, in particular, the singer's doctor Jean Abitbol, ​​helped to hear the artist's live performance.

In his younger years, many of our famous people served in the army. You will be surprised to know which of the famous people did military service and who did not.

Leonid Agutin
He served in the border troops on the Karelian-Finnish border. For his ability to sing he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble, and for "AWOL" - back to the border.

Oleg Gazmanov
He received the profession of a mine engineer (!) At the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School, then served near Riga in mine and torpedo warehouses. Reserve officer.

Sergey Garmash
For the fight with the "grandfather" the actor was sent to the dispatcher battalion, to the construction troops, to the Arkhangelsk region. For shock service they returned to their former unit, to Moscow.

Vladimir Vinokur
Private Vinokur served in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District, from where Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov and others came out.

Sergey Zverev
Zverev served not just in the army, but in the air defense forces on the territory of Poland. The artist commanded an entire platoon and rose to the rank of senior sergeant.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky
For two years he was "kinked" as a special propaganda officer at the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District, even then honing his oratorical skills.

Valery Kipelov
The future star of the rock scene Valery Kipelov preferred military service to a honeymoon. The 19-year-old conscript got married in May 1978, and in June he went to pay his debt to the Motherland.

Grigory Leps
After serving in the army in Khabarovsk, he worked on a dance floor in Sochi's Riviera park, sang in Sochi restaurants, and played in rock bands. In the late 80s he was a soloist of the "Index-398" group.

Lev Leshchenko
In 1961, near Tambov, he completed the course of a young soldier, then he was sent to serve in Germany, in the 62nd tank regiment. A year later, he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble.

Yury Nikulin
In 1939, Yuri Nikulin, after completing the tenth grade, was drafted into the army, into the anti-aircraft troops. Later, recalling the army years, he said: “At first, some treated me with irony. Most of all I got it during drill. When I marched separately, everyone roared with laughter. On my clumsy figure, my greatcoat hung ridiculously, my boots dangled funny on thin legs ... "

Sergey Mironov
At the age of 18, he volunteered for the army, being a student at a technical school. Passed "real male service" in 1971-1973. in the airborne troops

Joseph Kobzon
Thundered into the army after graduating from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College, in the second year he was invited to the song and dance ensemble, but the year honestly "unwound the footcloths."

Timur Batrutdinov
“I served in the army, which, by the way, am very proud of. I remember the service itself well, but the farewell is very vague. I was terribly worried, everything was in some kind of haze. "

But these celebrities did not serve in the army, although some position themselves as military people.
Nikolay Rastorguev

Nikolay Valuev

Timati, known to the military registration and enlistment office as Timur Yunusov, considers his time in the army useless: “You won't find fault with me, I have a military ID. And I already know how to use weapons. "

Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan tells a touching story that he prefers to serve the Motherland on stage, rather than in the armed forces.

Prokhor Chaliapin
“I am absolutely fit for service,” admits Prokhor Chaliapin. "But my father is a disabled person of the second group, and I am the only breadwinner in the family."

Maksim Galkin
Galkin does not consider himself an evader. He assures that he is ready to repay his debt to the Motherland at any moment.

Philip Kirkorov
When Kirkorov needed to serve, he first studied and then began to work. In an interview, the singer said that he would gladly go to a military band.

Oleg Yakovlev
The medical board rejected the future artist due to heart problems. - I had no particular desire to serve, - Yakovlev admits. - Therefore, I reacted calmly to the verdict of the doctors.

Nikolay Baskov
“I would go to the infantry if the need arose,” says the singer. - And now I have already left the draft age.

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