How does painting affect a person. "the influence of fine arts on the human psyche". What is art

Energy paintings by artists
ART Studio "Art of Russia"

Nowadays, it is considered almost a sign of good form to have in the house, real author's oil paintings, and not cheap and poorly (or even not bad) lithography conveying the color and texture of the original. Even if a copy - not everyone can afford Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Gainsborough or Korovin, and there will not be enough for all the originals, but always “made by hand”, without the use of technical means and duplicating equipment. And even better - a completely original work. There is a certain, quite understandable reason in this.

The fact that artistic images, especially paintings, have an energetic effect on a person and his condition has been known for a long time. Even books have been written on this subject - remember, for example, Wilde's "The Portrait of Dorian Gray", but in the novel about mysticism - a clear overkill. Of course, it makes no sense to keep such a picture in the house, but having a positive, invigorating and supportive energy is very useful.

What constitutes the effect of the painting on environment and people? There are three main factors: the mood of the artist at the time of writing, the material used in the work, and the triad "plot - style - genre".

Let's start with the latter. According to the genre for the home, it is better to select a marina, still life, lead. Some intermediate position is occupied by portrait, nude, bodegon, everyday and historical genres. Their relevance largely depends on the plot and premises for which they are intended. It would never occur to a sane person to hang "nudity" in a child's room or in the kitchen. But the battle genre and vanitas with its skulls and rotting fruits are best avoided. Needless to say, paintings depicting the grave have a very bad influence on people, up to the complete destruction and destruction of their owners!

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With caution and knowledge of the matter, it is worth considering the paintings of the animalistic genre, because animals originally metaphorically and allegorically symbolized human vices and virtues. These comparisons exist in the human subconscious, so the image of a pair of swans in the bedroom is much preferable to an attacking falcon or eagle. But this is already the second aspect of this triad - the plot, which carries the informational load.

As for the style, this is already a matter of taste, but in all their variety, the ones that are closest to reality are more preferable. It is clear that the plot should also correspond to a balanced combination of genre and style - no need to choose “heavy”, “tense” types. In general, evaluating this triad, we can conclude that the most preferable styles, plots and genres that have been worked out for centuries, which are perfectly manifested in copies of the works of famous artists of the past, will be the most preferable. A copy of a landscape by a Dutch master of the 17th century will certainly not bring negative energy to your home.

The power of the impact of paintings on the state of people

The second aspect that determines the strength of the impact of the picture on a person is the material used in its creation. Scientists have found that natural drying oils (oils boiled in a special way) have a special structure capable of "recording" energy-informational signals. Specific matrices appear in them, which retain the record for an indefinitely long time (until the paint made on this drying oil is destroyed). All other materials have a much shorter and smaller memory. It is this fact that determines the preference for choosing paintings made in oil on canvas (natural material is also used for it). It's no coincidence main character TV series "Liquidation" - David Gotsman, to all other types of paintings, preferred "oil painting"! However, it should be borne in mind that oil varnishes remember both positive and negative information equally well, therefore the plot, genre and style of the canvas are extremely important.

The third, no less significant element is the author of the work, the specific artist who created it, and his psychological attitude. In author's works, this is easily seen and felt even by an unprepared person - he will simply say that he likes it, he does not like it, without even knowing why.

Is there an easy way to choose and buy a painting that will surely not harm your home? Yes, and very affordable. We offer our visitors ready-made paintings that fully meet all of the above requirements. You will not see Vanitas there, but we will offer a lot of aesthetic, positively charged works of authorship. If desired, the masters will create a picture according to your "project", at the highest artistic level.

In any case, the "oil painting" from Wall painting and the Art of Russia gallery will bring only positive things to your home!

IN last years In our country, very great importance is attached to "emotions": it is no coincidence that today a professional psychologist works in almost any organization, and it is becoming a natural norm of life for many people to regularly seek psychological help. We will not lag behind such practice: let us in this article figure out what kind of connection exists between paintings, as works of art, and human emotions.

And first, let's define the concepts. So, emotions are experiences that have a very strong effect on the mind and body of a person. At the same time, the experience of any person suggests that emotions are capable of influencing all aspects of a person's existence, which, in principle, is wonderful. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that people who are deprived of any emotions, as a rule, are undergoing constant treatment in psychiatric clinics.

Moreover, scientists note that each emotion can affect a person in a special way. Therefore, it is no coincidence that each person seeks to surround himself with the most positive emotions and, if possible, completely get rid of the negative aspects of our life. In order for a person's life to flourish with bright colors and there is art, which in our difficult time as a great emotional "outlet" is given great importance.

Imagine that a person, tired and annoyed after a hard day at work, sits down heavily at home in his favorite chair and for a few minutes immerses himself in contemplation of his favorite oil painting, which is located on the wall opposite. Experience shows that at the same time the negative emotions accumulated by a person during the day are capable of receding and disappearing in the most amazing way. So, a pleasant summer landscape or a delightful still life with roses can give its owner in just a few minutes a feeling of serene joy and fill a person with new inner strength.

But, this is provided that the paintings of the artists who are in the house belong to the category of "your" paintings. And so that, for example, oil painting brings you only one positive emotion, you need to understand two main psychological aspects. First of all, it is worth, looking at oil painting, to imagine what feelings guided the artist at the time of writing the canvas, and what emotional message he wants to convey to people with his work. It is not always easy, but with enough experience it always turns out well.

Secondly, you need to understand what kind of emotional state you have when dealing with this picture. Moreover, you need to approach your introspection quite "corrosive" and, as psychologists say, try to "delve" into yourself. To give an example, imagine that in a painting we see a wonderful rural landscape with shocks of fresh hay and a horse in the background.

Most likely, many people will just look at such an oil painting and that's it. But for a person who, perhaps, spent his entire childhood with his grandmother in the village, where it was so good and carefree that in 30 or 40 years his appearance of freshly cut hay will fill his soul with something light and airy and return his thoughts to the happiest time of my life.

Please note that everyone will have their own emotions in this regard, and they will be based on experiences, associations and their own emotional basis for perceiving the world. It is also worth noting that when creating pictures, symbols and the chosen color scheme play an important role in their emotional perception. So, everyone knows that, for example, red color promotes emotional arousal, while green color - calms the human psyche.

As you can see, paintings by artists are capable of generating a variety of emotions in a person. We wish you to find such pictures that will influence you in the most positive way, and then use their amazing ability to give you joy and satisfaction in life.

Irina Alekseeva

Everyone realizes that medicine and education have a profound effect on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few will admit the idea that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our life.

What is art?
There are many definitions in various dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of its creation) that expresses the artist's view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, creating something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Also, art is a way of knowing the world. For example, for a child who, by drawing or singing songs, memorizes new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with oneself. This concept is so multifaceted that it is impossible to say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our life. After all, it is under his influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

Types of art and its impact on human life
What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All this is art, such as photography, circus, arts and crafts, sculpture, architecture, stage and theater. The list can still be replenished. With each decade, genres develop and new ones are added, since humanity does not stand still.
Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on human life is expressed in the love of fairy tales. One of the most influential species is literature. Reading has been around us since childhood. When we are completely crumbs, my mother reads us fairy tales. Girls and boys are taught the rules of behavior and the type of thinking on the example of fairytale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works, there is a moral that teaches us how to act.

At school and university, we read the obligatory works of classical authors, which already contain more complex thoughts. Here the heroes make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

Art functions: additional arguments
The influence of art on a person is extensive, it has various functions and goals. One of the main goals is educational. The same morality at the end of the tale. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this is the hedonistic function - to bring pleasure. Some literary works often have a predictive function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their science fiction novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word "compensation", when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. Here often it comes about mental trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget, or go to the cinema to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument is the influence of art on a person through music. Having heard a song that is symbolic for oneself, someone may decide on an important act. If we move away from the academic meaning, then the influence of art on human life is very great. It gives inspiration. When the person at the exhibition saw a beautiful picture, he came home and began to paint.

Let's consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how actively hand-made is developing. People are not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Various areas of body art and tattoo - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

Art around us
Has anyone thought, decorating their apartment and thinking over the design, that in this moment can you see the influence of art on you? The creation of furniture or accessories is a part of arts and crafts. The selection of colors, harmonious shapes and ergonomics of space are exactly what designers study. Or another example: when choosing a dress in a store, you preferred the one that is correctly cut and thought out by the designer. At the same time, fashion houses will not be modest, trying to influence your choice with bright commercials. Video is also part of art. That is, when we watch ads, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument, the influence of genuine art on a person is nevertheless revealed in higher spheres. Let's consider them as well.

The impact of art on humans: arguments from literature
Literature influences us infinitely. Let us remember how Natasha Rostova sang for her brother in Leo Tolstoy's brilliant work "War and Peace" and healed him from despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save lives was described by O. Henry in the story "The Last Leaf". The sick girl decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell outside the window. She did not wait for her last day, since the sheet was painted for her on the wall by an artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from literature are very revealing) is the main character works by Ray Bradbury "Smile", who saves the painting with Gioconda, believing in its great importance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books, a person will become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particular, there are several wonderful paintings under the same title "Boy with a Book".

Correct influence
Like any impact, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works are boring, do not carry great aestheticism. Not all films teach good things. We should be especially careful to monitor the content that affects our children. The correct selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us good mood and instills the right taste.

MBOU Secondary School No. 5 of the city of Kropotkin

Municipal District Caucasian District of Krasnodar Territory

Public lesson

in fine arts

on this topic:

in the 9th grade.

Teacher Koroleva A.D.

2016 year

The purpose of the lesson:

Show children how works of art can affect the human psyche (positive and negative points)

To acquaint children with one of the healing methods of art - art therapy

To form an interest in the fine arts, a desire to participate in the creative process themselves.

Material: presentation, student reports.

During the classes:

(slide number 1 - lesson topic)


Today in the lesson we will talk about the influence of works of fine art on the human psyche.

(slide 2 - quote)


The English writer Oscar Wilde has this saying: "Art is a mirror reflecting the one who looks into it, and not life at all." And today we will try to prove it. Interesting information students in your class have prepared about this. Let's listen to them.

The fine arts and mental processes are an interesting and still little studied topic by modern psychology. Almost nothing is known about the influence of the fine art of the great masters on the mental state of the audience. Until recently, specialists in the field of the theory of psychological knowledge have paid insufficient attention to this issue. In the last decade, the prestige of the fine arts has noticeably increased among specialists in helping professions: psychologists, teachers, doctors, social workers. They readily dictate that art undoubtedly has a significant impact on the formation and functioning of an individual. The nature of the relationship modern man towards art, the activity of consumption and orientation reflect the structure of his personality at a given moment in life and give an integral idea of ​​the person as a whole. It is the ethical taste, assessment, choice, interest, preference or denial of a work of art that reflect both the innate (temperament, intellect) and acquired (cultural) parameters of its personality structure. In addition to the influence of fashion, spontaneous hobbies, normative and cultural factors, certain, stable inclinations appear in ethical perception. For_ one person is characterized by a preference for joyful, major works of art, while for others, on the contrary, minor, complex, with philosophical overtones or light, sentimental, entertaining. One prefers the form, the other seeks to delve into the content. "Sometimes we can tell in advance exactly how a person we know will react to a certain film, book, who should and should not recommend visiting a particular exhibition. It has long been noticed that people with similar psychological makeup like the same works of art... Sometimes there are circumstances when the same person, being in such a state of mind, is not sensitive to the effects of works of art and is not capable of aesthetic perception, and sometimes vice versa.

(slide number 3 - reproduction by I. Repin, "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan")


I would like to cite as an example the work of Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan", pay attention to how the artist reveals the sharpness of the plot, how he reliably conveys the feelings of a father who has lost his only son.


1. What techniques does the artist use for this? (tone, color, perspective building).

2. How do you feel about watching this picture?


- The artist conveyed his inner state with great accuracy - painful tension, fear of death, leading to depression Appearing for the first time in the Tretyakov Gallery, she made a tremendous impression on the viewer. This was due to the fact that they hung it in a narrow long room. From the door to the picture, one had to walk along the red carpet. Dim candlelight ... and it gave the impression that you entered the room where the murder was committed ... (In the picture, the floor is covered with a red carpet ...) The combination of red and black has an exciting effect on the psyche. The last visitor, the Old Believer, stood by the picture for a long time. And shouting: "Enough blood!" pounced on the painting and cut it. But this case is not an isolated one.

The curator of the Tretyakov Gallery, Khrustalev, often lingered at the canvas and plunged into thought. And here's the result: while on night watch, he hanged himself. I believe this is the negative influence of the painting on the weakened human psyche.

(slide number 4 - Edvard Munch)


The artist conveyed his inner state with great accuracy - painful tension, fear of death, which led to depression.

This work was named "The Scream" by the artist. 1983 is located in the Museum of Art in the city of "Oslo". Crowds of people stand for hours near this canvas, it shocks them. How do you feel from what you see?

(slide number 5 - V. Gog.)

The Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was accompanied all his life by poverty, the vicious mistrust of others and misunderstanding on their part. The artist's emotional experiences are reflected in many of his canvases. Has the use of cold tones and new techniques shocked his contemporaries?

What impression did you get from watching this picture?

(slide number 6 - canvases of Russian landscape painters)


Guys, the picture does not necessarily have to traumatize the psyche, it can delight the soul, touch us to the depths of the soul. Such works include works by famous Russian artists: Shishkin, Vasiliev, Levitan. The beauty of nature, conveyed by them, brings relief to the soul. Their canvases are distinguished by a deep lyrical feeling.

(slide number 7 - art therapy)

Treatment and restoration of the nervous system by the method of art in the scientific vocabulary sounds like art therapy. This term appeared in the 80s. Scientists draw on outstanding discoveries in the field of psychoanalysis.

Of particular interest is the thesis about the perception and experience of works of art by the artist himself, on the one hand, and by the viewer, on the other. A thoughtful, sensitive viewer perceives the creation of art, enters into co-creation. It is this phenomenon of the transformation of the viewer's soul, its departure that the surreal world of poetry and art takes as a basis for art therapy. Acting on the human psyche, a work of art excites affects that lead to an explosion, to a discharge of nervous energy.

(slide number 8 - view of the hospital)

Pupil # 1:

-All this prompted the creation of an art gallery in the surgical department of the Republican Clinical Hospital. G.G. Kuvatov. Great help in the creation of the gallery was provided by the Artist E.A. Vinokurov. The main exhibits are works by artists of Bashkortostan: landscapes, still lifes, portraits. The effect of the exhibition is amazing. Once, a 79-year-old patient, looking at the landscape works of the artist Ramil Latypov, said to the doctor: “These pictures give me warmth and desire to see my household, which cannot be without me for so long. Many thanks to the artist who, as a doctor, brought relief to my soul. " Observing the reaction of patients to the work of artists made it possible to notice the relationship between the preference for color and the internal state of a person.

(slide number 9 - works of artists exhibited in the hospital)

In seriously ill patients, the red color causes irritation, and recovering patients are pleased with the works of artists, in which there is a lot of red, yellow and orange flowers... All this confirms the expediency of using art therapy in the treatment of patients. The art gallery of the Republican Clinical Hospital serves this purpose.

Pupil # 2:

The mechanism of the impact of a work of art on a person is the effect on the senses. We have a feeling of admiration, pleasure when we see pictures in warm colors and joy covers us. We cannot always explain why we like or dislike this or that work. Works of the realistic genre activate the psyche, interest in life. Art opens before a person a wonderful world filled with colors, sounds that conquer the soul. It acts on him like a medicine. It is not for nothing that the main principle of healing is the ancient expression - "Heal not a disease, but a patient." This shows the relationship between medicine and art. difficult, critical moments of life, we often turn to art, which not only temporarily distracts from problems, but also allows us to look at them differently, to comprehend, to experience them. When we are in an art gallery, at a concert or express ourselves in creativity (playing on musical instrument, painting, etc.), art becomes a rich source of self-knowledge, joy, strength and health.


Guys, let's summarize: what functions does art perform?

Question answer):

-Cognitive .

(It is a means of enlightening and educating people. The information contained in art adds to our knowledge of the world)

- Worldview.

(Expresses feelings and representations in an artistic form)

- Educational.

(Influences people through aesthetic ideals, allows you to enrich the experience of other people)

- Aesthetic.

(Forms the aesthetic tastes of people's needs)

- Hedonistic.

(Gives people pleasure, makes them involved in creativity)

- Communicative.

(Art transmits information from generation to generation)

- Predictive.

(Works of art sometimes have elements of foresight)

- Medical and health-improving.

(For example, music can have this effect)

- Compensatory.

(The influence of art on the human psyche allows him to survive in the most difficult conditions).

- Teacher:

Our lesson is coming to an end. I want to remind you once again that art heals a person with color, tone, rhythm, melody, and the methods of work of a doctor and an artist are in many ways similar.

Art ... It is able to revive the soul of a man of their ashes, make him experience incredible emotions and feelings. Art is a means by which authors try to convey their thoughts to a person, to accustom him to beauty.

The author discusses the need for art in our life, he focuses on the fact that "beauty must be learned and appreciated, just as one must learn to feel high music." Yuri Bondarev cites as an example the work of Mozart "Requiem", which in an unimaginable way affects the audience, "people openly shed tears in the episode where the life of the great composer ended." So the author shows that art is capable of touching the delicate strings of a person's soul, making him experience extraordinary feelings.

Bondarev argues that art can greatly influence a person, because it is precisely this that is the most beautiful in his life. Art can change a person, his inner world... This is something that must be learned. Indeed, one cannot but agree with the author. I believe that art can make us feel joy and sadness, longing and excitement, happiness and many other emotions.

So, in the work of IAGoncharov "Oblomov", the attitude of the protagonist to music is vividly described. Oblomov, visiting Olga Ilyinskaya, first heard how she played the piano. The author shows us how music can affect the inner world of a person, his emotions. Listening to the great game, the hero could hardly hold back his tears, he felt strength and vigor, a desire to live and act.

However, the attitude of the protagonist of the work of IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" to art is very negative. Bazarov does not perceive him as an integral part of a person's life, he does not see its benefits and advantages. This was the limitation of his views. But a person's life without art, without a "sense of beauty" is very boring and monotonous, which, unfortunately, the hero did not recognize.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that art is the most important part in the life of each of us. You just need to let it into your heart and soul, and it can conquer the whole world.

Option 2

Any kind of art for a person is the highest reward for the efforts that he made in order to take part in it - either as the creator of a masterpiece, or simply admiring its results.

Musical compositions, mysterious canvases, graceful sculptures arose thanks to human knowledge, natural gift or desire to achieve such perfection.

In the process of creating any masterpiece of art, a person applies his talent, showing his capabilities in full force. Art develops, does not allow to stay in one place, in a state of inaction. Due to this, people improve. Those who to some extent relate to this area are creative people who are in constant search. Plunging into this world, they actively develop spiritually.

Thus, through the manifested imagination, purposefulness, fantasy, patience, art helps in establishing a life position, affects a person's worldview, helps to find oneself, to form one's own way of thinking.

If we are talking about music, then after listening to just classical works, the emotional, mental and even physical condition of a person improves. Depending on the rhythm and content of melodies, songs, you can either get an incredible charge of vigor, or calm down.

Under the influence of art, the inner world of a person is transformed. In any of its types - graphics, theater, painting, etc., there is so much deep meaning and passion, which are expressed through peculiar expressive means that they make you think about yourself, the meaning of life, allow you to look at the world in a new way.

Any of the works of art contributes to the distinction between good and evil, good and bad. Literary works have tremendous power that can act on a person, transferring him to another world. Becoming the hero of the events depicted in the books, people learn new information, on the basis of which they become better, correct mistakes after meeting his characters, sympathize and rejoice with them. Literature can fundamentally change a person's worldview.

Under the influence of painting, the formation of the spiritual world of a person takes place. Participation in this type of activity contributes to self-expression, enhancement of impressions. In sculptures, people embody their aesthetic desires, and for outside observers they are cognitive.

Thus, art brings up only the best character traits in a person, increases intelligence, identifying and developing those qualities that were previously invisible.

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