Consensual prayer, Christian love and the saved child. What is prayer by agreement: when and how to pray correctly Prayer by agreement how

Prayer by Agreement - How to Pray Properly?

There are a huge number of prayer texts that people say when there is a need for it or simply because of the desire of the heart. You can also pray in a group, and it doesn't matter where the members are. In this case, prayer by agreement is used, which is capable of working miracles.

What is prayer by agreement?

If we touch upon the origin of this concept, then it is worth noting that the word “church” means “assembly”. People come to temples to pray and communicate with the Lord God. If we move on to what prayer by agreement means, then it implies the simultaneous pronunciation of sacred texts by several people who are in different parts of the world. It is believed that the power of prayer is multiplied by the unification of believers. They use it to solve various life difficulties.

Prayers by agreement - for and against

According to the believers, the results from the use of prayer by agreement are overwhelming. People with the same problems connect and send their sincere requests to the Lord. Priests say only good things about prayer by agreement and urge you not to be alone with your troubles. As for possible shortcomings, they mostly relate to the conscientiousness of the group members, that is, whether people will responsibly pray at the appointed time or break a promise, but this cannot be controlled.

Prayer by agreement is not easy, so you need to weigh everything carefully before agreeing to participate, as many people will count on help. A person should join prayer groups exclusively voluntarily, remembering that self-discipline is of great importance in this matter. If the participants do not approach this matter seriously, then you should not count on positive changes.

How does prayer by agreement go?

An organized prayer team can have a different number of people, starting with at least two. Reading prayers is a whole ritual that can be performed up to several times a day. There are special rules for reading a prayer by agreement:

  1. First, there is a reservation, what is the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher Forces. It is important to indicate not only the problem, but also the name of the person for whom you need to pray.
  2. After that, the praying people begin to read the Psalter together, that is, on the first day one kathisma is read, the next day the second, and so on.
  3. At this stage, a prayer text is read, the purpose of which is to help specific people.

Consensual Prayer - How to Get Involved?

Technological progress has reached the faith, as many temples and cathedrals have their own sites where you can find various information. Some resources provide help for prayer by agreement. There are special sections where you can choose a suitable akathist, indicate the problem and describe the people for whom you need to pray. As a result, it will be indicated on what day and time you have to get up for prayer. The sites have information on how to pay for prayer by agreement.

Prayer by Agreement - How to Pray Properly?

Before proceeding to the pronunciation of prayer texts, it is necessary to undergo preparation. First, you should go to the church to the priest and ask for blessings for the work ahead. He is encouraged to tell what the problem is, who would like to help and list the names of those who will be included in the prayer group. An Orthodox prayer by agreement can be said only after confession and approval of the spiritual mentor.

Only people who have been baptized in Orthodox Church and belong to one of 15 recognized autocephalous churches. This rule also applies to those for whom the believers will pray. Prayer by agreement is added to the morning and / or evening prayer rule. Before pronouncing the selected sacred text, preparatory prayers are necessarily read.

Does prayer by agreement always help?

There are times when prayer appeals remain unanswered and many do not understand what the problem is. This does not mean that the power of prayer by agreement is small and the request did not reach heaven, but such an outcome is considered normal, since there are such words: "Thy will be done." The Lord has the right to decide whether the request will be implemented or not. A negative total is also considered a result. Many are interested in why you get sick even more by prayer by agreement, this is due to the fact that healing is taking place, since getting rid of everything negative you can get better.

Prayer Aid Facts By Agreement

There are a huge number of messages that believers leave on sites where you can join prayer, forums and other sources. To give an example, just some miracles by prayer by agreement:

  1. The girl, who had serious financial problems, only read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker on three Thursdays, and the very next day she was taken on Good work and the situation began to change for the better.
  2. One woman prayed for her brother, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He lost hope, quarreled with all his relatives and wanted to die. The woman began to read the akathist to the Mother of God, and her brother began to change before our eyes. He brightened up, began to convince everyone that everything would be fine, asked to bring him the Bible and made peace with his loved ones. He left life as another bright person.
  3. With the help of the akathist "Unexpected Joy", the girl, who was afraid of childbirth and the doctors told her that there was a risk of caesarean section, adjusted the situation. As a result, the delivery went well and even painlessly.

Prayer before reading prayer by agreement

The list of mandatory preparation includes the pronunciation of the prayer "Our Father", which is considered the most powerful and universal for believers. In order for it to activate its power, it is necessary during the pronunciation of the text to fully concentrate on the words and open your soul before God. A request for help should sound sincere and from a pure heart. Remember that prayer of agreement cannot be said without a blessing.

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Prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly

Many people agree to offer a prayer together for something, that is, they get up for a prayer address at the same time, even though they may be thousands of kilometers apart. But what is prayer by agreement and how to pray correctly, in what situations and to whom you can find out from the article below.

what is prayer by agreement

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who have had a chance to face a difficult life situation and this method is able to solve various problems that a person can no longer solve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

Trouble, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

The main characteristic feature a prayer request by agreement is that a special prayer team is organized for its implementation, which can include both 2-3 people and 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox Christians are at a fairly considerable distance from each other, they begin to pronounce the prayer at the same, but pre-approved time.

The reading of prayers by agreement itself is a whole prayer rite that can be performed every day and not only one at a time, but also several times. In most cases, it is carried out on the basis of such a plan:

First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what will be the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above, that is, what the petition is about and for whom;

And only after that the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they pronounce the next kathisma after the read;

The last stage after pronouncing the kathisma is considered to be the reading of the prayer itself itself, which carries a good purpose - an appeal to the Almighty to help their loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly overwhelming, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times.

But along with this, the ceremony also has a weakness - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer team will be. At the same time, the efficiency itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in prayer petition, will become due to their forgetfulness or insecurity, skipping days.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, from which it follows that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person should think carefully about everything and really assess his capabilities, and also take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out according to one's own will and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be a member of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline, and only then by joint efforts can one achieve success.

Preparing for a prayer conversion

From the participants in the sacrament, the prayer requires the observance of certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree with all the details about everything, eliminate the ambiguities that have arisen, as well as take into account all the details and start an appeal to the Savior.

However, the very purpose of prayer is truly important to Orthodox Christians, and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to a clergyman in the church and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead, which in turn will be the most correct option.

The priest should tell about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, name those persons who will read the prayer appeal with you.

After the priest gives his blessing words and the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement

Based on experience, the ministers of the temple advise to pronounce such a prayer when they find themselves in a particularly difficult life situation, grief or illness overcomes him. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity that his request be fulfilled.

The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips:“ Amen, I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father,

Heaven: where are two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, slaves

Your (names), who agreed to ask Ty (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions, such as, for example, prayer by agreement for family and faith, as well as prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in helping to get a job, in captivity, in prison and not only.

The text of the prayer address to St. Nicholas:

“O All-Holy Nicholas, the Lord's most splendid servant, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one, pray to the Lord God of all creatures, the Sourer, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever ... Amen."

May the Lord protect you!

See also the video on prayer by agreement:

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Prayer by agreement - how to pray correctly, when to read

Although Christianity has ancient history, but modern trends are not alien to him either. Thanks to the Internet, thousands of Orthodox Christians communicate with each other. They share news, information, unite for joint events. On the Internet, a phenomenon such as prayer by agreement is gaining popularity among believers. How to pray correctly, to join this process - this article tells.

Well forgotten old

Don't forget that every new trend is based on the traditions of the past... Likewise, prayer by agreement is nothing more than the fulfillment of the words of Christ, who bequeathed in the Bible that people come together for prayer. An indication of this can be found in the scripture of Matthew, in verses 19-20 of the 18th chapter. There, the Son of God directly promises that he will fulfill the requests that will be offered up by several people gathered together.

Today, the only difference is that everything is organized via the Internet. Modern methods of communication make it possible even for those who are thousands of kilometers from each other to unite for a good cause.

How to recite a prayer by agreement?

  • The most common variant is the singing of akathists - a special form of church versification, very popular in our time. These prayers are addressed to different saints, Mother of God, To the Lord, to the Angels.

Before promising your participation, it will not be superfluous to ask the priest's blessing in the temple. He should describe the purpose, tell what text will be read, answer questions, if any. Most likely a blessing will be given... Perhaps the priest himself will want to participate or offer to gather for prayer in the temple.

There is no need to impose on anyone participation in this holy work. It may be uncomfortable for a person to refuse - as a result of the prayer, he will read it casually. There is no benefit from this. It is better to have a few really caring people who sincerely wish to devote time to fellowship with the saints, to help those in trouble. There have already been many occasions when people gathered to pray received prompt responses to their requests.

At the appointed time, all distractions should be eliminated: television, the Internet, mute the sound on the telephone. You can light the lamp, if it is available in the house or in advance to purchase a candle in the temple. Standing in front of the images, mentally focus on what is the purpose of addressing higher forces. It is better to read the text out loud, without haste. It can be an akathist to St. Nicholas, the holy Psalms of King David - it doesn't matter, the rules are the same. What should the participant feel? “Prayer is my duty towards my neighbor,” - such an attitude will definitely bring a positive result.

My spiritual beacon

As a permanent parishioner of any Orthodox church, it is quite possible to organize such meetings in your church. But no one bothers to participate in them remotely. This can be done through the website, groups on social networks.

The temple in the small Russian town of Bolgar became very famous., where a variety of akathists are regularly read:

Each participant can remotely submit his own name for mentioning during a joint reading. A donation may apply for this! The main thing here is not to fall for the bait of scammers, of whom there are a lot of them on the net. It is worth remembering that the Lord does not demand money from anyone for prayers, He only cares about the heartfelt disposition of a person.

To make participation convenient for people from different time zones, prayers begin at different times, four times a day. It is possible to join both early in the morning (before work) and late in the evening (when everything is finished, the children went to bed).

So is there really a prayer by agreement"My Spiritual Beacon"? Yes, it is. But in order to have complete confidence, it is better to carefully watch the video with the participation of the priest Vladimir Golovin. There he explains in detail how to engage in prayer by agreement. The temple does accept donations, but this is not at all a condition for participation. Father reads out all the names that come to him from the believers.

"Athos" deception

Who among the Orthodox has not heard of the monks from the holy mountain? It is a special honor for everyone to pray for their blessing. Allegedly, the Athos prayer by agreement has recently become widely known on the Russian Internet. One of the Orthodox activists conducted an investigation, trying to find out who was hiding behind this.

It turned out that in the Athos skete to which the site refers, there is not only the Internet, but the light is not always there. The monks did not create any website, donations for prayers are not collected by agreement. Scammers have settled in Ukraine. Their goal is one - to collect more easy money from gullible people.

Believers should be careful. It is quite easy to distinguish the details of a real-life church, monastery from a bank card of a private person. If in doubt, inquire. It should be remembered that you don't have to pay anyone to read prayers. Only trusted organizations should transfer funds.

Saint Nicholas - the patron

This person will be recognized by millions of people. although he died almost two thousand years ago. Also, the elderly bishop became the prototype of everyone's beloved Santa Claus. How did he deserve such love? The fact that he loved God and the people who lived nearby. As a young man, Nicholas was already doing things for the good of his neighbors. He saved from dishonor the girls he knew, whose father was completely ruined.

Prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker can have any purpose:

  • healing from illness;
  • way out of a difficult financial situation;
  • request for the gift of children;
  • about the successful start of your own business;
  • about a successful trip by any means of transport.
To do this, it is necessary to read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, this is done without fail while standing. The number of times does not play a decisive role here. It is better to do it once, but with full dedication, than several, but inattentively.

You can even ask for a new one, more modern household appliances. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, such things help to save energy and time that you can devote to your children, raising them. During his lifetime, Nicholas the Wonderworker just helped his neighbors in such ordinary everyday affairs. There is nothing wrong with household amenities if they are honestly acquired. The main thing is not to forget to thank God and the saints for their help. It is also important not to stop praying.... After all, on earth, someone always needs help, including sincere requests to the Almighty.

What saints can you pray

There are no restrictions here. The spiritual world of the Russian person contains a whole pantheon of holy martyrs, righteous men, reverends. Each has its own history and is related in church tradition to different life situations. In fact, this binding is rather arbitrary.

On the Internet you can find a special small text of a prayer by agreement, addressed to the Lord. It is available in both Church Slavonic and Russian. It takes very little time to read it, therefore, it is the akathists that are most often used in prayer by agreement. Reading one takes an unprepared person about half an hour. If the content is already familiar, then a little less. You can use the Psalms or any other prayer that you like - it is important to agree on this with other participants.

A responsibility

It would seem that it is much easier to read the finished text and success is guaranteed. But this method has weaknesses. After all, a lot depends on diligence, responsibility of each participant. If even one of the believers thinks: “My voice does not matter,” the effectiveness of the conversion may decrease.

Unanswered requests - what to do?

"My desire is not fulfilled - does it mean there is no God?" - Probably everyone has asked a similar question at least once. But the Orthodox understanding of the will of the Most High is very different from the philistine view. An inexperienced person looks at prayer as a magic conspiracy - said and you can get what you want. But the spiritual world is somewhat more complicated.

Any prayer request must be imbued with humility. Man is simply unable to comprehend the will of God... And he should not be offended by his Creator because his wish was not fulfilled. The Lord is wise and wants only the best for everyone. “My weak human mind is far from understanding the higher plane,” you should remind your ego in case of doubt.

The lack of a result only indicates that that it is necessary to accept the current circumstances and do what is in human power. After all, God sees what is still unknown to mere mortals. Under no circumstances should one lose only faith in His goodness and hope for the best. If unkind thoughts are overwhelming, be sure to talk about it with your spiritual mentor. But as many participants testify, prayer by agreement brings quick, positive results.

"Truly also, I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask will be for them from My Father in Heaven." (Matthew 18:19)

An ugly house in Nakhalovka, an old district of Tbilisi. A garden with an ever-wide open gate. Someone nearby is singing in a drunken voice: "A gang from Rostov arrived in Odessa to commit gangster affairs, ah!" Badrijans are fried on a hotplate in the shade.

You know, I flew in, - Lida informs me, putting a new batch of badrijans on the sizzling frying pan. - We'll have to do it.

Maybe not? Give birth to a second.

Sergei freaks out, doesn't want to. “Why do I need this child,” he says. "I'm still young." And where to give birth? He has a job that is, it is not. You see - there is nowhere to live. This is one kennel, three by four. And his brother, just not enough evil, again burst into our house with an ax yesterday. I'm all on my nerves. You don't know how to raise this kid. All in the father. Not two years old, but already swearing. And I can't give birth after cesarean.

Yes, but since God gives a child, he will give him the opportunity to raise him. Everything will work out.

What can be done? Problem on problem. As if I'm against a child! There is simply no way out. I'll go to negotiate tomorrow. And don't tell me anything about God. I know it's a sin without you.

Maybe you will miss this particular child later.

Oh, stop, please. Nerves are not iron. My something, as he starts to freak out when he gets drunk, so everything flies. Do you hear, his dad is giving out another concert. Go deal with drunks! They have it in their blood. You will explain to them what is sin and what is not.

So we parted with Lida in a depressing mood: is it really an abortion?

It is rare happiness in our time to meet a spiritually literate person from whom you can get an answer to a difficult question. It is for this purpose that I go to my sister in Christ and tell her about Lida. The longer she listens, the more she experiences and, worried, is baptized into the image of the Savior:

Lord, stop you from her! Save this life! - and, turning to me, says. - This abortion should never be allowed. After all, she will never forgive herself later.

Tell her that when a couple kill their children like this, their marriage dies spiritually. And the matter ends in divorce. Tell her my story. About my abortions and how I had to pay for it.

Is it convenient?

It's not about embarrassment. If my grief keeps her from sinning, then this will somehow cover my fall. After all, for the rest of my life it is necessary to atone for it.

Useless. Lida has already decided everything. And the period after cesarean is very short - a year.

So what? I know several women who gave birth to cesareans every year, and everything went well. Do not waste time, call all of ours. Let's all together at nine in the morning read the prayer of agreement, so that the Lord will take her away from this murder. After all, the child already exists, he feels everything, he just is not visible yet. Here's some money for you - give me a note for the Liturgy. I believe the Lord will perform a miracle, but our common prayer is needed.

I hasten to submit a note to the church. A day goes by, then another. The warned read every day at home a prayer by agreement about a person they do not know, knowing only that they are asking everyone to save the life of the child at the same time.

A week passed, and I was again in the yard with a non-locking gate. Someone's swearing with unprintable expressions is heard in the annex. Lida comes out. Everything glows.

Well, finally, he hugs me. - I'll tell you the news, you will be more delighted than me now. I leave!

Blimey! And how did you decide?

After you left, I thought for a long time, said to myself: "Lord, do something."

Then Sergei and I went to the doctor, and they got the money. And there is a poster all over the wall, as if a child writes: "Mom, don't kill me." I burst into tears and show my husband: "Look - I say - I have no strength." Well, he, of course, his own: "Fuck you!" And the doctor, who was waiting for us for the operation, suddenly began to talk to Sergei. He explained that maybe we wouldn't have any more children at all, and persuaded to leave. Sergei somehow quieted down, agreed, and now he says: "I want a girl."

After this conversation, several months passed, and there was another series of miracles. Lida, exhausted from the constant drunkenness of her neighbors, was invited by her sister to give birth to her in Russia. In winter, when the painters have a low season, Sergei got money for the trip and sent his wife by plane. She reached Ivanovo normally. She told me later how complete strangers helped on the road. The birth went well. And one morning, while reading the already familiar prayer by agreement, I felt: there was no need to read anymore, Lida and her children were already at home. She and the children are already at home. I'm running to find out. And it’s true!

Congratulate me, - Lida shouts to me. - I have a girl. How did you know that I arrived? I didn't call.

The Lord is faithful in promises, and I have been convinced more than once how prayer by agreement helps. Here's a recent case.

Winter. The two of us enter a hotly heated house. Behind the partition, a goat bleeds from an old folding bed, tormented.

Oh, it's good that you came, - the hostess meets us. - And my goat suffers for five hours and cannot give birth.

Let's say a prayer of agreement now.

Without undressing, we read, turning to the icons:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou didst declare with Thy pure lips:“ Amen, I say to you as if two from you, he consults on earth about every thing, even if he asks, it will be from My Father, like in heaven: where else is there two or three are gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us to Thy servants ( here we call our names) agreeing to ask Ty ( “Help your creation give birth), the fulfillment of our petition. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen, ”we proclaim in chorus.

Me-e, - echoes the newly born kid.

AFTERWORD: The righteous John of Kronstadt wrote about the power and effectiveness of prayer by agreement: “On personal experience I was convinced how quickly God hears the prayer of two and three, praying from the bottom of their hearts. " And in the book of Archpriest Konstantin Rovensky (+ 1943) "Conversations of an Old Priest", it is told how, during the years of fierce persecution of the Church, prayer by agreement helped the Orthodox, and literally a miracle recovered a young mother, already sentenced to death by doctors. Another almost blind parishioner regained her eyesight, and suddenly unexpected help came to the priests languishing in camps and exile. So the well-known elder Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) advised in hopeless situations to resort to prayer by agreement, for the Lord is faithful in the promises, Who told us: “Truly also I say to you that if two of you agree on earth to ask for any deed, then, whatever they ask, it will be for them from my Heavenly Father; for where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. " (Matthew 18: 19-20)

Usually this prayer is read in Church Slavonic, but there is also a Russian test for it:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, You said with Thy pure lips:“ Truly I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask will be from My Father in Heaven, for where are two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. " Your words are immutable, O Lord, your mercy is useless and your love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to You: grant us, Your servants ( names of those asking), who agreed to ask You about ( petition) the fulfillment of our request. But let it not be as we want it, but as Thou, Lord - Thy will be done forever. Amen".

Now this prayer is read daily at nine in the evening by Orthodox Christians of Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and pray to the Lord to help the sick baby Luka. In the publication (conversation between Anastasia Rakhlina and the writer Nina Pavlova), we have already talked about Luka. Let us briefly recall. Luka is six years old. This is a very kind and gifted child - he draws, uses a computer, but only with the help of his legs. The baby has a congenital disease - arthrogryposis, he cannot move his arms. But the disease is curable, and paid surgeries abroad and in St. Petersburg give excellent results. Many of our readers responded to the request to help the Georgian child, and about 250,000 rubles have already been collected. Luca's mother Nino wrote to us: “I am ready to kiss the feet of everyone who responded to our misfortune. After all, my husband and I were already desperate at the thought that our son would remain disabled for the rest of his life. And suddenly a miracle of God - help for our boy began to come from all over the world. " According to doctors, Luka may need 2-3 operations plus an expensive rehabilitation course. The collected funds will not be enough for this, and therefore we continue to collect donations.

But now the main difficulty is not even money. Luka's parents received a call for an operation in France, but they were denied an exit visa. It is also impossible to leave for treatment in Russia, because only those who have close Russian relatives are released from the country. But only Luka's parents, Koba and Nino, no longer have the strength to look at the child's suffering, and on August 13 they left for Belarus, where the visa regime is softer. There are too many obstacles on their way, and there is only one hope - for God's help. Now, with the blessing of Hegumen Anthony, a prayer for an agreement about a sick child is read in Optina Pustyn and in several other monasteries. And since among our readers there will certainly be those who wish to join this congregational prayer, we remind you that you must read every day at nine in the evening Moscow time, and expound the request in those words that your heart prompts.

Bank details:

Recipient: Branch No. 8608 of Sberbank of Russia, Kaluga / 0171
Pavlova Nina Alexandrovna
Transfer purpose: donation
INN / KPP 7707083893/402702001
OKPO code 09132341
account 30301810322246004000
Beneficiary's bank: Branch No. 8608 of Sberbank of Russia, Kaluga
to / from 30101810100000000612 in the GRKTs GU Bank of Russia in the Kaluga region, Kaluga
BIK 042908612
Account no. 40817810222240145620
Additional office No. 8608/0171

Transfers to Tbilisi for Luka's parents in dollars or euros must now be sent to the name of their trustee - Anna Mariamidze. To do this, in a bank where there is an international transfer system, you must present your passport and provide the recipient's address; " Georgia, Tbilisi, Anna Mariamidze". Then immediately send a letter to Anna at [email protected] and provide the transfer number, transfer amount and sender's name.

Prayer by agreement - what is it? You will learn about this from our article. There is everything here: the text of the prayer, interpretation and reflections on the topic of her help.

Prayer by agreement

Prayer by agreement - text in Russian

“With deep faith in the immutability of Thy words and with the hope of Thy immeasurable mercy towards us, we humbly ask You to hear Thy servants (names) who agreed to jointly ask You: Lord, let Thy Holy will be done. Give us understanding, strengthen us and help us in everything for the benefit of people and for Your glory, Lord. Let us, Lord God our Savior, follow You, helping our neighbors to follow the path of salvation, doing the deeds of faith, so that with Your help and by Your mercy, our efforts serve to increase good and reduce evil in deeds, words and thoughts. Amen".

Prayer by Agreement - Church Slavonic text

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips:“ Amen I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father, Like in Heaven: where is two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, Your servants (names), who have agreed to ask You (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

This article is about a very short Prayer by Agreement.

In the text of this prayer, the central words are the Gospel words: “Truly I say to you, if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be from My Heavenly Father; for where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them ”(Mt 18: 19-20). The text itself suggests that this is a supplicatory prayer - a joint, concordant request: "For this sake we pray to You, grant us, Your servants (names) who agreed to ask You (request) to fulfill our request ...".

Well, it seems that the text of the program is set, it remains to load the data and wait for the receipt of what is necessary for the deeds of the flesh and what is essential for the deeds of the soul.

But it would not hurt to figure out what, why and why we ask, and what we need to ask the Lord - based on His own words.

We ask for the minor, but for the sake of the more significant

“Give us this day our daily bread ...” This is a request that affects the very essence of man, fills his life with meaning. A request for something, maybe insignificant, but necessarily for the sake of something more significant. "Everything temporary cannot be an end in itself, it is inconceivable as something self-sufficient, either it is needed for something else and has meaning as a means, or it is meaningless," writes the famous Russian philosopher S. Frank.

The question is not what we are asking for, but for what. “Whoever makes good out of any kind,” writes St. Gregory the Theologian, - he is not firm in virtue, because the goal is passed, and he will leave a good deed, but who does good for the sake of good, he loves something permanent, feeling something in himself that is peculiar to God. "

Seraphim of Sarov spoke about this no less deeply: that the main goal of a Christian's life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, and how virtue is done is already secondary. From each, as they say, according to his ability, to each according to his mind.

Is it “Spiritual” to Pray for Little Things

But this does not mean at all that we should not "scatter over trifles": ask ourselves suitable job or a new TV with DVD. If, for example, you watch TV without a DVD, you can easily get caught up in an easily digestible synthesized sin, because it is so difficult to stop in time after watching the news. And with DVD you can form your own spiritual diet for yourself and your loved ones.

Therefore, every little thing is very important, and you definitely need to pray for it, because “God is so great that there are no little things for Him” (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh).

There will always be little things, and there will be many of them, and they will certainly "sink into oblivion," but the habit of praying, always being somewhere near and in harmony with grace, will certainly remain. “Change all your everyday affairs,” says St. John Chrysostom, - with frequent prayers, as it were, with the ties of logs, and thus protect your life from all sides. "

In addition, the great is manifested in the little things, the man is manifested, his inner content, the path he follows, the choice he makes.

When the little things matter

In the life of the Monk Ambrose of Optina there was an interesting case in which he made a choice in favor of a trifle.

Once he talked with people about spiritual life. And suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, when they were talking, it would seem, about the most holy, he interrupted the conversation, fished out some old peasant woman from the crowd and talked to her for a long time about how to feed the turkeys. After the conversation, he was dumbfounded with disappointed questions, they say, how could he interrupt the conversation about God, about spiritual life, about the salvation of the soul, in order to talk with a simple old woman from a neighboring village about trifles, about trifles.

And he said a wonderful thing: “The conversation that we had with you was a luxury, you know a lot without me, on what you know, you can live and enter the Kingdom of God. But for this old woman, her turkeys are a matter of life and death, she is hired to graze them and does not know how to do anything else in life. If the turkeys die, she will be kicked out and she will be a beggar. "

“Elder Ambrose,” reflects Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about this case, “with his shrewd mind and enlightened heart, he made a choice: to talk about the simplest, but one that has absolute meaning for a person, instead of saying loud words about what can wait - not because God is secondary, but because God is love. " And in this, at first glance, little thing, the whole person is, therefore Ambrose, not for the successful outcome of the enterprise, but for the person prayed to God together with the old woman. He filled her prayer with his prayer, healed her soul, which suffers in these turkeys. But this is prayer by agreement, when two hearts ache with the same pain.

Why is our prayer a joy to God?

A person perceives prayer as a means to achieve some goal and with this often crosses the threshold of the temple. And then, in the overwhelming majority of cases, when all other means have already been exhausted, psychics and "like them" are already behind.

But still, if for a person prayer is a means, then for God it is a goal and joy. The joy that a person begins to feel the need for Him.

When one day the Lord passed through Jericho, two blind men turned to Him, disrupting the public order with their cry. "What do you want from me? - Lord, to open our eyes. Jesus, having compassion, touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received their sight, and they followed Him ”(Matthew 20: 33-34).

But the main thing is not what happened when the hand of Christ touched their eyes at the request of their lips, but what happened to the souls of the blind, when grace touched their souls at the request of those crushed under the burden of the sorrows of their hearts. The blind followed Him. And they not only got sight. They received a new vision of the world, different values, a different life - with Christ.

The groom's prayer for the bride: tactics and strategy

As an example, I will also tell you about my very good friend, who is known as the “legendary groom”.

About ten years ago, he began to pray intensely and ask God to send him a pious wife. But he does not touch brides at all, as it might seem at first glance. When discussing the next candidate, the conversation never goes down to the "legs", but always lingers in the heart of a person, because my friend is looking for a heart, which is also according to with him to pray to God about with whom it is better to live life.

And I realized that it is important for him not to beg the bride, but simply to pray, and the bride is the theme of the text for his inner innermost prayer of the heart, and he is happy in this. As FM Dostoevsky noted in his diary: "Happiness is not in achieving a goal, but in the very process of achieving it."

The tactical goal of the prayer-petition is the bride, and the strategic one is simply to be happy in your vocation and in the process of achieving the goal it is better to comprehend what it is.

Happiness is in the very process of prayer. The result is already a "bonus"

The modern church writer and psychologist Marina Kravtsova, referring to today's brides in her book "On Female Loneliness", simply cries out to "groomsmen hunters" (however, this also applies to brides hunters too) that there is no prayers and fasts read according to a certain technology will not break through the goal. After all, if there is no inner satisfaction and peace, which comes only from sincere prayer, even now, before marriage, then after that this dissatisfaction will increase tenfold. Because the emphasis is placed not on love, but on self-love, not on prayer, but on goals, not "what, Lord, you please", but what "I want."

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all the rest will be added to you,” says the Lord. This means that you need to initially, independently, regardless of external circumstances, try to be happy in Christ. And then there will definitely be a person who wants to share your happiness with you. And the source of this happiness will not be mutual vampirism, but mutual prayer.

Not receiving what is asked in prayer is also a blessing

Even when you do not receive what you ask for, then this is already a blessing in itself, because if you received, then from God, and did not receive, then also from God. The main thing is to humble yourself. This is exactly what is said in the closing words of Prayer by Agreement: “But both of us not as we want, but as You. Thy will be done forever. "

"Sometimes victory is also a defeat, and sometimes a defeat is a victory," wrote St. Gregory the Theologian.

One of my close friends made a very touching confession about his "defeat" in life. He really wanted to get married and have children. I put in considerable inner prayer efforts for this. And he got married, but has no children. However, at the same time, I am absolutely sure that God did hear his prayers: "After all, I will not reproach my wife that she cannot give birth, but God, that He saves me from an unbearable burden." And it's not easy beautiful words, but a piece of life experience suffered with blood.

“Just think - grief; take a closer look - the will of the Lord, ”wrote F.M. Dostoevsky about a four-year piece of his life experience of hard labor.

Prayer by agreement is the path to harmony

When you carefully listen to the inner harmony of the content of "Prayer by Agreement", then the conclusion suggests itself that this is a prayer for harmony between God and man. About aligning our will, our life with God's will and life.

And His will is that we love each other, because His life in us is love. Where people are together in His Name, there they look at the same thing in different ways, but in one direction, and ask for help to live in harmony on this path.

Each person has his own little piece of experience of sin and grace: today I am fallen, and my neighbor is standing, tomorrow everything can be exactly the opposite. But only in the communion of love, even with those who pay for trust by betrayal, is the mystery of the fullness of this experience possible, the fullness of the Church possible.

How many times to forgive? And what for? ..

It is in this context, after the parable of the lost sheep, after the instructions on how to look for a person who has turned away from you (“if your brother sins against you, convict him between you and him alone ...” (Matthew 18:15) and were told by Christ the words: "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20).

With these words, the Lord asks us, close to lost person people, to pray for him, when all efforts have already been exhausted and simple patience is no longer enough: “Lord, how much to forgive my brother who sins against me, up to seven times,” the Apostle Peter asks after this speech of Christ about the measure of love. And the Lord replies that there is no such measure: "I do not tell you until seven, but up to seventy seventy times" (Matthew 18: 21-22).

“His words,” writes St. John Chrysostom in his interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew, “have the following meaning: if someone sets Me up as the first foundation of love for one's neighbor, I will be together with him. But we see that many have different motives for love: one loves because he is loved himself, another because he is respected, another because his neighbor is useful to him. But it is difficult to find someone who would love his neighbor sincerely, for Christ's sake. The saints did not love so much, but for Christ's sake, because although they themselves were not loved, they continued to love. That which in others serves to destroy love, here contributes to its affirmation ”.

Prayer by agreement - wishing a little happiness, learning to love and be loved

Thus, our Wise Teacher, in the person of His Church, teaches through the desire for a little happiness to beg the TV for great happiness to love and be loved.

After all, the Church draws her prayers from the Gospel, which exists not only in the form of a book. We comprehend it as the life of the Church and life in the Church. A book is just a means, an opportunity to dwell on any episode of your life and consider yourself in it soberly and impartially, take the first words for your first sincere request, hear the right note for your prayer of the heart. To see oneself somewhere a tax collector, and somewhere a Pharisee, somewhere a legalist, somewhere a harlot. To pity someone and to pray for him, but at the same time to feel the prayer and pity for Christ for himself.

After all, "The Church is a prayer to the Father in Christ," wrote the famous liturgist Fr. Nikolay Afanasyev. That is, a prayer for each other and for oneself, the revelation of oneself in another person, according to the apt expression of St. Nicholas of Serbia: "The Lord is like every man and every man can recognize himself by looking at Him."

Therefore, in the conclusion of this little article about a very small prayer, I dare to conclude that this is not just a "Prayer by agreement": we agreed, begged for what was needed and dispersed, but, most likely, a request-cry for agreement in Christ of all people together with Christ every single person in our sinful universe.

People's problems and grief often coincide. The absence of children, illness of loved ones strengthen faith in God, and a person begins to pray more persistently and more often. How can you increase the power of prayers on the same topic? You can get together and read a prayer by agreement - the main thing is to know how to pray correctly.

The very concept of "church" means a meeting, that is, the tradition of getting together and asking God goes back a long way. The main rule of prayer by agreement is to pray at the same time at the exact time. Moreover, people can do this anywhere on the planet.

Reviews about the power of such a prayer are extremely positive - however, if the agreement is not fulfilled and the group of prayer books is not supported, God can punish.

What is prayer by agreement

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who have had a chance to face a difficult life situation and this method is able to solve various problems that a person can no longer solve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

  • Everyday troubles;
  • Serious ailments;
  • Trouble, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

What is it for

Jesus Christ told his disciples: "Where two or three pray to me, there I am in the midst of them."

  • It is for this reason that people gather in churches to offer their prayers to God in the hope of being heard.
  • But the difference between temple reading at church services and prayer by agreement is that everyone turns to the higher powers in different ways and about different things.
  • Therefore, prayer in the temple cannot be called prayer by agreement, like family prayer, even if people read the same text.

Many priests are often asked by parishioners the question: "What is prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly?" First of all, this is a simultaneous request to God, a text that is read by several people at the same time, even while in different cities.

You can pray for anything that concerns a few people, while there may be a lot of them.

  1. Most often, by agreement, they pray when, for example, a child is seriously ill.
  2. All relatives turn to God to help him recover. Or you need a solution to some difficult issue.
  3. At the same time, most often, by agreement, they read akathists - texts in which some kind of request is indicated.

There are cases when a prayer by agreement was read during epidemics and hostilities.

Prayers by agreement - for and against

According to the believers, the results from the use of prayer by agreement are overwhelming.

  • People with the same problems connect and send their sincere requests to the Lord.
  • Priests say only good things about prayer by agreement and urge you not to be alone with your troubles.
  • As for possible shortcomings, they mostly relate to the conscientiousness of the group members, that is, whether people will responsibly pray at the appointed time or break a promise, but this cannot be controlled.

Prayer by agreement is not easy, so you need to weigh everything carefully before agreeing to participate, as many people will count on help. A person should join prayer groups exclusively voluntarily, remembering that self-discipline is of great importance in this matter.

If the participants do not approach this matter seriously, then you should not count on positive changes.

How is it going

An organized prayer team can have a different number of people, starting with at least two. Reading prayers is a whole ritual that can be performed up to several times a day. There are special rules for reading a prayer by agreement:

  1. First, there is a reservation, what is the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher Forces. It is important to indicate not only the problem, but also the name of the person for whom you need to pray.
  2. After that, the praying people begin to read the Psalter together, that is, on the first day one kathisma is read, the next day the second, and so on.
  3. At this stage, a prayer text is read, the purpose of which is to help specific people.

How to turn on?

Technological progress has reached the faith, as many temples and cathedrals have their own sites where you can find various information. Some resources provide help for prayer by agreement.

There are special sections where you can choose a suitable akathist, indicate the problem and describe the people for whom you need to pray. As a result, it will be indicated on what day and time you have to get up for prayer.


The main characteristic feature of a prayer petition by agreement is that a special prayer team is organized to carry it out, which can include both 2-3 people and 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox Christians are at a fairly considerable distance from each other, they begin to pronounce the prayer at the same, but pre-approved time.

The reading of prayers by agreement itself is a whole prayer rite that can be performed every day and not only one at a time, but also several times. In most cases, it is carried out on the basis of such a plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what will be the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above, that is, what the petition is about and for whom;
  • And only after that the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they pronounce the next kathisma after the read;
  • The last stage after pronouncing the kathisma is considered to be the reading of the prayer itself itself, which carries a good purpose - an appeal to the Almighty to help their loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly overwhelming, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times.

  1. But along with this, the ceremony also has a weakness - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer team will be.
  2. At the same time, the effectiveness itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in the prayer request becomes, due to his forgetfulness or unreliability, skipping days.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, from which it follows that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person should think carefully about everything and really assess his capabilities, and also take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out according to one's own will and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be a member of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline, and only then by joint efforts can one achieve success.

Preparing for a prayer conversion

From the participants in the sacrament, the prayer requires the observance of certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree with all the details about everything, eliminate the ambiguities that have arisen, as well as take into account all the details and start an appeal to the Savior.

However, the very purpose of prayer is truly important to Orthodox Christians, and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to a clergyman in the church and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead, which in turn will be the most correct option.

  • Before a prayer conversion, it is recommended to ask for a blessing, but best of all from that priest who would know you and your spiritual state well.
  • The priest should tell about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, name those persons who will read the prayer appeal with you.
  • After the priest gives his blessing words and the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

Does prayer by agreement always help

There are times when prayer appeals remain unanswered and many do not understand what the problem is. This does not mean that the power of prayer by agreement is small and the request did not reach heaven, but such an outcome is considered normal, since there are such words: "Thy will be done."

The Lord has the right to decide whether the request will be implemented or not. A negative total is also considered a result. Many are interested in why you get sick even more by prayer by agreement, this is due to the fact that healing is taking place, since getting rid of everything negative you can get better.

Help Facts

There are a huge number of messages that believers leave on sites where you can join prayer, forums and other sources. To give an example, just some miracles by prayer by agreement:

  1. The girl, who had serious financial problems, only read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker on three Thursdays, and the very next day she was hired for a good job and the situation began to change for the better.
  2. One woman prayed for her brother, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He lost hope, quarreled with all his relatives and wanted to die. The woman began to read the akathist to the Mother of God, and her brother began to change before our eyes. He brightened up, began to convince everyone that everything would be fine, asked to bring him the Bible and made peace with his loved ones. He left life as another bright person.
  3. With the help of the akathist "Unexpected Joy", the girl, who was afraid of childbirth and the doctors told her that there was a risk of caesarean section, adjusted the situation. As a result, the delivery went well and even painlessly.

Testimony of God's help through prayer by agreement

Before the icon of the Mother of God the Tikhvin "Child-Giver" I asked the Mother of God that, if there is the will of the Lord, help us give birth to another baby, but only when we are READY for this in all respects. At the same time, I ordered an akathist for the image of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" in the church and began to pray. After 9 months of prayer, we learned that we were expecting a baby !!!

Akathist "Unexpected Joy" also continued to be read weekly. For a short period of time, Sasha and my son, I tried to come weekly to the temple in the village of Tri Ozera on Saturdays for spiritual treatment. The pregnancy went very calmly and safely, without toxicosis, the threat of termination.

And even from all viral and infectious diseases The Mother of God kept me during pregnancy !!! But! There was one very exciting moment closer to childbirth. The baby has already turned over for a long time and sat upside down, and the breech presentation of the fetus is now an indication for a cesarean section. I really didn't want the operation!

The special gymnastics that I performed did not help, but time passed .. On July 9, the patronal feast was in the village of Tri Ozera - the Day of the celebration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. We definitely decided to come to thank and bless the childbirth. Sasha was even lucky to carry the miraculous image part of the way during the procession! And also the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia !!!

Easy labor

  • I remember that on the way back home the baby in his stomach was very active, moving a lot ...
  • After 2 days at the doctor's appointment, I find out that our baby lay down correctly with his head down, no cesarean is needed! Another mercy was shown to us!
  • And on July 30, our precious "Tikhvinenka" was born - Ilyushenka! The birth was quick and easy!

The name of my son and her husband was unanimously approved, especially when they read the meaning of the name (my God is Lord, the strength of the Lord, the power of God, the believer). Yes, and the date of birth was set to us on August 2 - on Ilyin's day just. We are very glad that he has such a strong heavenly patron, the prophet Elijah. This is a completely unique life and power of the prophet, who is the only one of all people on earth, except for the Queen of Heaven, was taken alive to heaven!

We believe that the baptism of our beloved "Tikhvinenko" could not be in another church ... August 28, on the Assumption Holy Mother of God, we brought our treasure to the village of Three Ozera to the FUNERAL GIVER! To the One who helped him to come into this world! Father George, dear and dear to us, has honored us by agreeing to become Ilya's godfather!

Prayer before reading prayer by agreement

The list of mandatory preparation includes the pronunciation of the prayer "Our Father", which is considered the most powerful and universal for believers. In order for it to activate its power, it is necessary during the pronunciation of the text to fully concentrate on the words and open your soul before God.

A request for help should sound sincere and from a pure heart. Remember that prayer of agreement cannot be said without a blessing.

Prayer texts by agreement

To Jesus Christ

Based on experience, the ministers of the temple advise to pronounce such a prayer when they find themselves in a particularly difficult life situation, grief or illness overcomes him. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity that his request be fulfilled.
The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips:“ Amen, I say to you, that if two of you consult on the earth of every thing, if you ask it, you will have it from My Father,

Heaven: where are two or three gathered in my name, that I am in the midst of them. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant us, slaves

Your (names), who agreed to ask Ty (request), the fulfillment of our request. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions, such as, for example, prayer by agreement for family and faith, as well as prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in helping to get a job, in captivity, in prison and not only.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

A distinctive feature of this prayer from others is that it is read not by one person, but by at least two, but a maximum of thirty people. Even if they are at a minimum distance from each other, they begin to read it at the same time. It is pronounced if a difficult situation, an incurable disease, trouble or grief, etc. has arisen in the life of one of your loved ones or acquaintances.

The very reading of such a prayer is a whole Orthodox rite. It can be done daily and even several times a day. As a rule, it goes as follows:

  • Before deciding to read a holy appeal by agreement, you need to clearly define the purpose and group of people who will turn to the saint.
  • After the goal is set and all the details are agreed (namely, the time, the period of reading and what the petition will be made about), you can start reading the akathist.
  • Only after reading the akathist can one begin to say the prayer.

Strong prayer of Michael the Archangel for every day

  1. Before starting to read the prayer, by agreement of the Bulgarians, Akathist Nicholas the Wonderworker must undergo training.
  2. It is imperative to visit a church or temple and go through the rite of communion, confession.
  3. You also need to turn to the priest for a blessing. This approach will only increase the likelihood of successful completion of the path begun.

And the words of the prayer will be much stronger with the blessing than without it. It is recommended to ask for a blessing from a priest who knows your spiritual state well. Before he blesses him to read the akathist and prayers, it is imperative that he briefly summarize the essence of the problem that prompted you to read the akathist. Do not forget to name all the persons who will conduct such a ceremony with you.

After receiving a blessing from the priest, God will certainly send his grace for a good deed.

What to do to make your prayer heard

In order for the prayer of conciliation to be heard by Saint Nicholas and the Almighty, it is necessary to take the ceremony seriously. All participants must have good intentions. The ceremony will not be successful if you perform it for the sake of a favor.

Also, the effectiveness may decrease if the person who agreed to conduct such a rite will not read the prayer regularly, but periodically.

  • Remember the ceremony must be carried out regularly, every day without missing a single day.
  • This kind of prayer is not easy.
  • Therefore, before agreeing to participate in it, you need to think carefully about everything and really assess your capabilities, so as not to harm yourself or the person who asked you about it.
  • Only if you are serious and sincere will you surely achieve good results.

The text of the prayer by agreement to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“O All-Holy Nicholas, the Lord's most splendid servant, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one, pray to the Lord God of all creatures, the Sourer, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever ... Amen."

Variant of the prayer of John of Kronstadt

This text is a Church Slavonic version. In addition to John of Kronstadt, the Moscow pastor, Father Konstantin Rovinsky, also used it. The words:

Father Konstantin read this text 4 times a day - morning, afternoon, evening and night. Those who agreed to pray with him did the same. The petition was pronounced until the Lord fulfilled the request expressed in it.

Fr. Konstantin more than once witnessed the miraculousness of this prayer. With its help, even seriously ill people regained health (to whom the doctors did not attribute anything but death), sight returned to the blind, the ability to move and walk to the paralyzed, etc. This method continues to help those in need to this day.

When reading this text, instead of parentheses, you must first name those who take part in the process, and then voice the specific request itself (for example, “about the recovery of such and such”, “about family well-being such and such ”, etc.)

Another option

Prayer is also available in this version:

Any request can be expressed here.

On the gift of children

The most important thing for parents, to whom the Lord, through their prayers and desire, will nevertheless give a baby, is never to forget that their child is really begged.
Exalted children are also a special responsibility, both spiritual and physical. After all, asking a child from God, hoping for His miracle, we often give the Lord many promises and vows.

And what happens then? We bring up, as usual, for ourselves and our quiet old age, forgetting about the given vows, but it is very important to fulfill your promise and, above all, in the name of the begged child, because from now on he is your spiritual sacrifice to the Lord. To set an example of a worthy life for the future child, the parents themselves should live according to Christian laws.

The fate of the prayed for children will entirely depend on your spiritual life and the attitudes handed down to the children. The more you remove him from the Creator, wrongly educating and teaching money-grubbing and orienting him, say, only to his career, the more tragic his fate can be. Prayer children should serve God in their lives. And parents need to gradually lead them to this, direct them to a godly life.

  1. We see examples of saints - they, fulfilling exactly the vow given to the Lord, brought their prayed children to the service of God.
  2. The main thing is to grow up a Christian. After all, the Lord quickly takes back the prayed souls to Himself if he sees a bad influence on them, so that they do not harm them at all by the worldly deeds of their parents and society.
  3. Therefore, you need to thoroughly think over and weigh everything, reviewing your life again, before asking for the miracle of motherhood.
  4. Sometimes it can happen and naturally, unexpectedly, if you spiritually work on yourself, do not grieve, help people in their needs.
  5. To pray for a miracle always requires suffering and maturity - mental and spiritual, otherwise it will be impossible to evaluate and understand the miracle that happened.

Case 1

One woman had no children in her first marriage, and doctors diagnosed her with an inexorable diagnosis - complete infertility. All methods were tried by her. And she decided to take an extreme measure for herself - to beg the saints for a child. She succeeded, her happiness knew no bounds, the shaken family was revived again. But as time went on, the son grew up, and then the parents decided to push him along the dishonest criminal path, forgetting about their promise to the saints to raise him as a spiritual and honest person.

Problems gradually began: at first, the son was seriously and seriously ill, then had an accident, but survived. And this was the first warning from the Heavenly Forces.

  • His mother repented of breaking her vows and begged him for life, but then everything returned to normal, and an emergency immediately happened: the son again had an accident in his car and again miraculously survived.
  • And then he already thought about whether he was living the right way, and partly decided to change his life, but his parents intervened - they had a very important deal planned and they needed the help of their son.
  • And the deal took place, and already the last in the life of their son. My son was hit by a car in the street.

The Lord took him back, returned to His bosom the soul once begged from Him, so that it would not finally spiritually perish. And those people returned again to their devastated, now truly, state of mind, and now there was no one to save material wealth for.

Case 2

In another case, a woman was abandoned by her husband due to infertility. But she did not despair, but accepted it as a given from above and transferred her life to a different direction - a spiritual one. She visited the temple, many holy places, helped those who were physically harder than her. And the Lord Himself first sent her a person worthy of her, and then blessed her with a child, a girl, who now, together with her mother, attends temples, helping all the disadvantaged.

This is the true happiness of motherhood for the Lord's sake, not darkened by any vices and passions, this is where you can live happily (because with God!) And wait for a calm old age and, God willing, grandchildren.

Case 3

Have married couple there were already two children, and after the last birth, a complication occurred, and the wife could no longer give birth to children, which did not suit both, because the family was oriental, which means it was striving for having many children.

  1. Finally, pleas for the gift of another child were crowned with success.
  2. A boy was born, healthy and beautiful, but, as in the first case, the family went off the rails of Christian spirituality and completely forgot about the vow given to God, and this story ended tragically.
  3. When the sons grew up, a drama ensued: the eldest son in a fight accidentally stabbed his abandoned brother, jealous of his fiancée.
  4. In this way, the Lord ended his earthly life.

Case 4

I know about one family in which there were no children for a long time. And so, the couple, no longer hoping to give birth to their children, took the child from the orphanage. And - a miracle - in a few months the wife finds out about pregnancy, gives birth to a child. After a while - pregnancy again! And ... she has an abortion - she kills her child.

Excuses: "How can we cope, there are already two, age, weather ..." Why, this is a miracle of God! The long-awaited miracle that you have been waiting for! This is the Lord's reward to you for the kindness and mercy that you showed to the orphan child by taking him into your family. The Lord is pleased with you! The Lord sends a second time the opportunity to experience the miracle of motherhood! After all, you've been waiting for this for so long, fought so much! Everything is easy, take it! And all on time!

We all need to know and remember the words of Archimandrite John Krestyankin: "God has everything on time, especially for those who know how to wait." ... It turns out: "No, Lord, I don't need more ..."

This is a cold, icy human egoism ... And how will those two children grow up, in fact, next to their murderous parents !? If the blood of the brothers or sisters they killed is on the parents? How to bring up these very children in such a terrible state, which is subconsciously, and consciously felt by living children?

This is a sin, a violation of the commandment of God, going down the path of evil, which leads the whole family to destruction.

Keeping Vows Made to God

Truly, the Lord endures for a long time, but he hits painfully. Therefore, in no case should we forget our vows given to God when we ask Him to grant us the long-awaited children (or something else). If we ask Him for something, we must understand perfectly well that we ourselves, our future children who will be with us, and our whole family must be watched over Orthodox faith and the commandments of God, pray, confess, take communion, go to the Temple. We must not forget about this.

There cannot be such a relationship with the Lord God: "You are for me - I am for You." Prayer and the fulfillment of prayer is not a deal, you cannot receive anything from God, thank Him and "go off in different directions." You need to dedicate your life to God, to become a real Christian.

This is what God calls us through hardship and sorrow. There are amazing words: "Listen to God in the commandments so that He will listen to You in prayers." So, always follow the commandments and keep all the promises you make to God.

Why does the Lord hesitate to answer us, to give what we really, really want, what we need? This is God's providence for us. The Lord expects that through this need and sorrow we will draw closer to Him, strengthen ourselves in faith, correct ourselves, and embark on the path of salvation. And we will devote our lives "to the glory of God." But then you cannot go from this correct path! Nothing is impossible for God.

So remember, your bold prayer will be answered, but do not forget about your responsibility for your children, for whom the Lord will ask you in his hour.

About the gift of pregnancy

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you said with your most pure lips:<<Истинно говорю вам, что если двое из вас согласятся на земле просить о всяком деле, то, чего бы ни просили, будет им от Отца Моего Небесного, ибо, где двое или трое собраны во имя Мое, там Я посреди них>>. Your words are immutable, O Lord, your mercy is useless and your love for mankind has no end.

For this reason, we pray to You: grant us, Your servants: (we should name the names of those praying at the same time), and to all those who are now offering congregational prayer with us, You know their names, Lord, who have agreed to ask You for the gift of a child. We pray to You for the fulfillment of our request. But let it not be as we want it, but as Thou, Lord - Thy will be done forever. Amen."

How You Can't Read Prayers

  1. Prayer cannot be printed and read
  2. It is necessary to rewrite all texts by hand and read from them. If possible, you can learn it by heart.
  3. It is important to know which days to read a particular prayer
  4. So prayers for healing are read exclusively on the waning moon.
  5. And for profit good harvest, on the growth of hair, on the growth of wealth, money, material wealth, be sure to read on the growing phase of the moon.

There are women's and men's days

  • Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are women's days, the rest are men's.
  • Sunday is a neuter on this day it is not customary to read conspiracies, prayers with requests, to heal, if this is not an uninterrupted process.

They do not conspire and do not heal on church holidays.

Every prayer has its own time of day

It is important to deserve god's mercy... After all, God is not a goldfish, so that upon hearing our words about help, he immediately rushed to fulfill them. God is the world around us, including each of us, since each has a part of God. You need to earn the mercy of the Almighty, live according to his commandments, compassion for others, not do evil yourself, be a worthy person.

Achieve the unity of soul and mind

God helps those who are ready to help themselves - so it says folk wisdom... Who takes responsibility for this life, who is firmly moving towards the goal, listening to what is happening around.

  • In order for your request or desire to be heard, it is important to achieve the unity of soul and mind. But not everyone succeeds in this.
  • The main thing here is your faith in the power of God in the power of all the positive forces of good.
  • Pray, send your promises to God, feed the energy of universal consciousness with good, create in your thoughts and you will be rewarded with good and joy in this world.

Be careful with the word, remember that we ourselves create our reality. The boomerang rule: Everything comes back to you, everyone knows. But for some reason in life this is so often forgotten.

Everything has its time

Don't see the results of your prayer? Or maybe your time hasn’t come yet. Learn to wait. And sometimes you just need to let go of the situation and without noticing yourself, suddenly you will see here it is and happiness. What you asked for in your prayers has come true.

  1. Very often, while praying, people expect deliverance from terrible diagnoses, cure of ailments. It is important to remember that neglected diseases cannot be cured by prayers alone.
  2. Everything should be put together here: healthy image life, healthy thoughts, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, everyday appeal to God, medical advice and, of course, faith in the power of God.
  3. And then God will hear you and help will come.
  4. And you will explain to others why prayers do not help and how to achieve the opposite.

So let our words and thoughts contain new bright images and feelings aimed at creating grace for all people. And then life will be true happiness for all of us.

Prayer Book Team

Do I need to take prayer books on the team? I would say that it is possible. Because if you know that some person will really pray sincerely and not because you will give him some kind of reward, but because he himself loves to be with God, then his help will be in demand.

But if there are no such special people around, then you can invite everyone who is not indifferent and who agrees to pray voluntarily from the heart. And you don't need to persuade anyone. Because if five or six people agreed to pray, but they pray only because they were uncomfortable with refusing, this is bad. If you approach prayer formally, there will be no benefit. The Lord sees the hearts of people and the mechanical pronunciation of prayer does not give results.

If there is no will of God

Do I need to set a deadline? I think no. Because God has his own timing. What is six months, a year, ten years? We know examples from the Holy Scriptures, when all the dates have already passed, but the Lord fulfilled the promised. Remember Joachim and Anna, Abraham and Sarah - how many years they prayed and the Lord sent what they asked for, when even hope was gone. Remember, they even found it funny that they would become parents at that age, but nevertheless, the will of God is immutable. If the Lord said yes, then yes.

But it also happens that people pray for a long time, but their request is not fulfilled. You need to be prepared for the fact that the will of God may not be. The reasons may be as follows.


The first reason is sin. Sin is the “universal separator” between man and God. If external pressure, illness, fear and other similar trials can alienate a person from God, and can bring them closer, then sin produces complete separation and will persecute us throughout our life.

There can be a fierce struggle with sin in our lives, and this is true. But living in sin is incompatible with living in God.

  1. Therefore, if we agree with the presence of sin in our lives, do not struggle with it, God most likely will not answer our prayers, except for prayers of repentance.
  2. If God is silent, does not answer, then soon our Christianity may come to an end.

Wrong motive

The second reason may be the wrong motive for our prayers. The Apostle James put it this way: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask not for good, but in order to use it for your lusts” (James 4: 3).

The Lord may not answer such prayers. And this is even better than if He answered.

There are times when the Lord answered an insistent request that was contrary to His will, but was very much desired by those whom He loved.

Thus, the Israelites did not want to be content with theocracy in their society, that is, God's rule through judges and prophets. They really wanted them, like other nations, to have their own king. And God gave them a king, but at the same time said that when they understand what they have asked for themselves, they will deeply regret their request. Here are His words, spoken through the prophet Samuel: “Then you will rise up from your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; and the Lord will not answer you ... ”(1 Samuel 8:18).

Prayer without faith

A third reason might be a request without faith. This can be a doubt about the correctness of the prayer, or a doubt about how the answers will be used further.

  • The Apostle speaks of people who lack the wisdom to behave correctly during difficult life situations. He invites them to ask for wisdom from the Lord, but at the same time they should not doubt that they will receive this wisdom, so that they can then be guided by it.
  • If they start to hesitate and think, "Do I need this?" or “will I really act as the Lord prompts me?”, then they will not receive this wisdom from the Lord. This is precisely the meaning of the words of the apostle. James says that such a person cannot expect to receive anything from God at all.

The Lord answers our requests if we are internally ready to receive what we ask for and are ready to dispose of it correctly. But if we doubt that we really need what we ask for, then God may not give us. And, most likely, He will not give what is asked.


But, firstly, God does not act in relation to everyone in the same way, but acts with consideration of everyone's heart. He does not give a test that we could not endure, but he also gives relief in the test so that we can endure this test.

  1. Secondly, God does not do this in relation to everyone in a row, but only in relation to the elect.
  2. He can act in this way only in relation to those in whose heart there is an irresistible desire to know Him more.

He acts like this in the lives of those people who will stop at nothing to get to know God better.

Among these people, for example, the Apostle Paul, who considered all his suffering and adversity to be rubbish in comparison with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He knew that knowing Christ is something that can be paid the greatest price: life.

Lacks persistence

A fifth reason may be that our prayer lacks persistence.

The Evangelist Luke places particular emphasis on prayer in his Gospel. He has preserved for us two examples of how Jesus taught in parables about perseverance in prayer.

Not part of God's plans

A sixth reason may be that there is no room for what we ask for in God's plan for our lives or plans for the world. Here are two examples from Scripture that support this.

Not understanding my addiction

And finally, the seventh reason. It may consist in the fact that the asking person is not aware of his dependence on God. It must be remembered that prayer is an expression of dependence on the One to Whom you are addressing. After all, when we beg someone to do something, it is implied that we ourselves cannot do it. This is why a person begs the other person to do something. The same is true in your relationship with God.

A negative answer is also an answer. Therefore, we always say at the end of the prayer "Thy will be done." (In fact, repeating the prayer "Our Father" - it can also be read by agreement. The same words, only in a different form).

We must believe that if a person sincerely prays, then the Lord will certainly reveal His will to him through other people, through his life, through circumstances, and it will become obvious to you whether you need to continue praying about this. There will be no doubts. But, of course, you need to ask for reasonable things. If a person does not have an arm or a leg, there is no need to ask for it to grow back.

And most importantly, when the request is fulfilled, it is very important not to forget to thank God, to serve a thanksgiving prayer service, to remember the gospel lepers, ten of whom were cleansed and only one came to thank.

In many churches there is an announcement that sometimes Orthodox prayer is heard here by agreement and parishioners can become part of it. What does this mean, and how can you become a participant in this ministry?

What is "prayer by agreement"

The word "church" in translation from Greek means "assembly", that is, a group of people who are united by something common. In this case, it is prayer and communion with God. In the church, all actions are aimed at communion with the Lord and His glorification.

Gospel Foundations for Convenient Prayer

Orthodox prayer by agreement or conciliar prayer is the union of several people at once, who raise one request to the Lord.

Attention! Main feature such a petition is that people do not have to be present all together, they can be in different places, but at the set time, each of them in his place begins to ask for a specific need.

Why is this important for the Orthodox? It is believed that the purposeful prayer of several people immediately reaches God's ears faster and He answers it just as quickly. Jesus Christ in the Gospels said that "where two or three pray in the Name of the Lord, it will be for them, no matter what they ask."

Thus, prayer by agreement is a direct practice of the words that Jesus Christ said. In history, there are repeated testimonies and references to the supernatural responses of God to such collective petitions.

How to pray properly

A prayer is read in Old Church Slavonic or Russian.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art Thou most pure Thy lips: "Amen I say to you, as if two of you consult on earth about every thing, - even if she asks, it will be from My Father, Like in heaven: where does I eat two or three gather together in my name, that I am in their midst. " Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is without application and Thy philanthropy has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who agreed to ask Thee (content of the petition), the fulfillment of our petition. But either way, not as we want, but as you. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Thy pure lips: 'Truly I say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be from My Father in Heaven, for where are two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. " Your words are immutable, O Lord, Your mercy is useless and Your love for mankind has no end. For this sake, we pray to You: grant to us, Your servants: (your names), and to all those who are now offering congregational prayer with us, the Lord you know their names, who have agreed to ask You: (petition) - we pray You for the fulfillment of our petition. But let it not be as we want it, but as Thou, Lord - Thy will be done forever. Amen".

Its main feature is collectivity..From two people can participate in it and to infinity, if only at will. It doesn't matter age or nationality, it doesn't matter the place - the main thing is to stop at the same time and ask the Lord for a specific need. You can read the prayer at home or in the church, here is the main time, so you need to agree on it in advance. If the action takes place at home, you need to light candles in front of the icons and stand there.

Prayer by agreement

Any need can be the purpose of such a prayer, but it is worth remembering that there is a prayer rule - a request for insignificant, always for the sake of something significant. It is worth remembering that everything we ask the Lord for should be aimed at acquiring the Holy Spirit, and not simply satisfying our own flesh.

More articles on the practice of prayer:

Therefore, one should thoughtfully determine the request for which the group of believers will pray.... Of course, every little thing is important for a person, but sometimes it is useful to look at it with the eyes of the Lord, will it be useful to us and our loved ones?

Miraculous power

Among the miraculous evidence of supernatural responses to collective petitions, one can see very different reasons for the request itself:

  • a request for healing and a miraculous recovery from an incurable (according to doctors) disease;
  • a request for deliverance from smoking and alcoholism, as well as other psychological and physical addictions and the resulting freedom from any sin;
  • the miraculous birth of a child in a family, whom doctors determined to be infertile, in response to collective prayer;
  • a request for housing and a wonderful acquisition of it;
  • a request for getting rid of loans and debts and the presented work that could help in this.

Someone asks the Lord for answers to material needs, someone - to spiritual ones, but God does not ignore any of them. A collective request intensifies the prayer and the asking is answered. But the most important thing that everyone receives after such an experience is a living confirmation that the Lord hears us and answers us. The experience of His close presence is the most precious thing for a Christian.

Archpriest Vladimir Golovin often invites parishioners to take part in the Cathedral Prayer together with the entire St. Abrahamic Church in the city of Bolgar - this temple is the center of all collective prayers. The archpriest believes that this type of prayer is an "ambulance" for all people who find themselves in difficult circumstances and cannot find a way out of them, that is, when a person on his own cannot do anything else.

Why praying for small things is important

Human life is made up of little things. Therefore, you should not be afraid to ask the Lord about small, seemingly vain things, because He is our Provider. To reinforce this belief, you can read a life story.

Ambrose Optinsky

The elder once talked with people about spiritual life, and in the middle of the conversation he suddenly got distracted and approached old woman who stood and listened in the crowd. He talked to her for a long time, but not about her spiritual life, but about the way of feeding the turkeys. When the woman left, many people began to indignantly ask Ambrose why he talked to her about such nonsense?

To which the elder replied: “Our conversation about spiritual things was a luxury. You yourself know how to live on earth so that after death you enter the Kingdom of God. And for this woman, except for her turkeys, there is nothing more important - she devoted her whole life to them. And for her it is a matter of death and life, because her livelihood depends on them. "

Interpreting this incident, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh says that Ambrose chose to talk about turkeys because it was of the highest importance for a woman. If he spoke to her about the Kingdom of God, it is unlikely that she would have listened to him.

It is important to remember that sometimes, you can not speak loud words, not because God is secondary, but talk about simple and petty, because the Lord is love.

This is the essence of prayer by agreement - several people share the same pain, which may be caused by a minor problem, but important for a person.

Watch the video on prayer by agreement

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