All disabled people will be checked. The state plans to recheck disabled pensioners. Why it is worth contacting the AutoHistory service

All complaints about incorrect identification or withdrawal of disability will be considered and carefully checked. The Ministry of Labor will conduct an audit of disability assignments among children and the elderly, said Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Grigory Lekarev.

The department plans to radically improve the work of the ITU bureau over the next two years, to make the service more convenient. “Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to ensure that all 100% of citizens who have passed the ITU will be satisfied with its results,” Lekarev noted. always and not for everyone. But our task is to make the work of the bureau as transparent as possible, and the procedure itself - comfortable for clients. "

Peer review will help make ITU's work more transparent and objective

Electronic coupon

The Ministry of Labor of Russia plans to radically change the appearance of ITU institutions in two years. The introduction of electronic registration will help to reduce waiting in queues and improve service, following the example of how many banks, tax authorities and client services of the Pension Fund already operate.

Audit of decisions for children

Recently, the Ministry of Labor has received a lot of complaints about the non-appointment of disability or its removal from sick children. The Ministry of Labor has prepared an order expanding the list of diseases and conditions that give rise to the assignment of a disability to a child. As for the decisions already made, the ministry is going to double-check all the controversial points.

“We are preparing targeted monitoring in relation to all ITU decisions adopted in 2015,” said Grigory Lekarev. “This is, in fact, a detailed audit of decisions made to remove disabilities from children. for those children whose disability group was either withdrawn last year or not established during the re-examination. "

All regional offices of ITU Russia will take part in the audit. "We are ready to present information on the results of monitoring and audit to journalists within three months," the deputy minister added.

Now, about 15% of doctors' referrals for passing the ITU are unreasonable, and applicants, as a result, receive a refusal to establish a disability, Lekarev specified.

According to him, the practice of establishing disability is very different in different countries. In fact, the number of disabled people in relation to the total population ranges from 2 to 25%. For example, in the Scandinavian countries the percentage is the highest - about 20-25%. It depends on many factors: how in a particular country the criteria and medical grounds for assigning disability are established, whether benefits and cash payments are tied to the status of a disabled person, what assistance programs the state implements. In Russia, for example, people with disabilities have not only state cash benefits and free provision of medicines, but also significant benefits for utility bills, travel, and so on. Therefore, the removal of disability is almost always perceived by people as extremely painful, the official explained.

On average in the world, according to statistics, the number of people with disabilities is about 10% of the population. "In this regard, Russia is in a trend, our population is disabled by about 9%," said Grigory Lekarev.

Independent expertise

Another fundamental decision: the Ministry of Labor, together with the Ministry of Health, are working on the creation of an independent examination institute. Citizens who remain dissatisfied with the ITU decision and have decided to defend their opinion in court will be able to pass it.

“I cannot say yet how the independent bureaus will work, who will finance them. commercial establishments ". But the option is not excluded that such structures will be created under charitable foundations.

The task is set as follows: we need an independent authority that would have the same competencies as ITU. "These should be not just doctors, who, unfortunately, are not always well acquainted with the normative regulation of medical and social examination. They should be specially trained people," Lekarev said. "The Institute of Independent Expertise will be a sobering link for the entire ITU system," the deputy minister added.

People with disabilities will assess

Another innovation that should improve the quality of service and ITU loyalty to customers: this year, the Ministry of Labor will begin to conduct surveys of people with disabilities at the exit from ITU institutions. "This is a kind of exit-pools, we want to conduct them together with public organizations. We will conduct a survey according to certain criteria: admission, announcement, results, explanations, availability of information at the stands so that people can really evaluate the work of institutions," Lekarev said.

Help "RG"

The number of disabled people in Russia over the past two years has decreased by 270 thousand people - from 12.69 million in 2013 to 12.42 million in 2015. Patients and human rights activists themselves associate this, in particular, with the fact that after the new rules for establishing disability came into force in 2014, ITU institutions began to refuse patients more often. Social activists believe that the reason is in budgetary savings, because when disability is removed, a person is deprived of the right to free medicines and benefits. Grigory Lekarev assured that there are no "pitfalls" and that there are no unspoken orders and directives to toughen decision-making either. Let us remind you that Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets proposed to the Council on Guardianship in the Social Sphere under the Government of the Russian Federation to conduct a check on the appeals of disabled people. The audit of the Ministry of Labor is the first step in this direction.

Dad will stay at home


Fathers of disabled children will be able to receive a deferment from military service until the child reaches the age of 10.

Now such a delay is provided for by law, but it is valid only until the child turns three years old. Such a procedure does not provide normal conditions for the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled children, especially if a young family lives away from relatives and does not have material support, says the author of the initiative, a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, co-chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev ... According to him, many families with such children, after the father leaves for the service, remain practically without means of subsistence.

The bill, if passed, will allow young people of draft age who have a disabled child under 10 years of age to get a deferment if the conscript is the only breadwinner in the family.

Everyone who is assigned a disability is assigned a rehabilitation program. Making an expert decision In addition to examining the citizen himself, the commission will be interested in the social and living conditions of his life and work. Was there any harm in the workplace? Based on the medical reports, the commission concludes whether the patient has recovered from his illness and to what extent he needs social support. A person is unconditionally recognized as disabled if:

  • the subject needs the help of social protection authorities;
  • the patient has persistent dysfunctions of the body, health is significantly undermined;
  • persistent loss of working capacity.

ITU Help - what is it and how do I get it? Upon passing the examination by a citizen, he is given an ITU certificate. It indicates when (terms), where (in which institution) and on the basis of what the survey was carried out.

What scams are faced by the St. Petersburg bureaus of the mse

  • Come to the Pension Fund in order to obtain a copy of a certificate from a special examination report of a person considered disabled. In addition, this certificate must be officially certified.
  • Fill out an application according to the model to the ITU state institution located at the place of registration, explaining the circumstances of damage or loss of the certificate.
  • Contact the institution that draws up such certificates, providing a document from the internal affairs bodies, copies of the opinion from the pension fund authorities and a statement explaining the fact of the loss of the ITU certificate.
  • Please note: this confirmation of the results when passing the VTEK (stands for medical-labor expert commission) is carried out in an arbitrary form with the obligatory indication of the data of the medical institution, which was made by the ITU for the applicant.

Passage of the MSE and confirmation of disability: topical issues

  • an act on the case of an occupational disease;
  • the conclusion of the state inspector for labor protection, other officials who control the state of labor protection and compliance with labor legislation, on the causes of damage to health;
  • medical report on occupational disease;
  • a court decision on establishing the fact of an industrial accident or occupational disease.

In ITU, the causes of death of a disabled person are additionally submitted:

  • a copy of the medical death certificate;
  • an extract from the protocol (card) of the pathological examination;
  • a copy of a certificate of the deceased's disability, issued by the federal state institution of medical and social expertise;
  • medical documents of the deceased disabled person available to the applicant.

It is possible on the Internet. The application is filled out in Russian.

What data does the disability certificate contain?

The Bureau reviews complaints about the work of lower-level bodies and conducts re-certification. Who is eligible to refer to ITU? The expert is sent by: 1) the body of social protection of the population; 2) the body of pension provision; 3) medical institutions. If these organizations refused to give a referral to ITU, then they issue a certificate of this refusal. You can contact the bureau yourself with the last document.

Documentation required for conducting ITU I. Copy and original of passport or other identity document. II. Application for holding ITU, which must be written on the day of submission of the documentation.
III. A form that is a direction. IV. For those who work - information regarding working conditions. V. Also for those who work - a copy of the work book. And for those who do not work - the original work book and its copy. Vi.

Disabled people make it easier for the mse

  • the federal bureau of medical and social expertise (or simply - the federal bureau);
  • the main bureaus of medical and social expertise for the respective constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • the ITU main bureau for workers in certain industries with particularly hazardous working conditions and the population of certain territories (hereinafter - the main bureaus):
  • branches of the main bureaus in cities and regions (hereinafter referred to as simply bureaus).

At the same time, you can apply to the federal structure only to appeal against the decision of the main bureau or in its direction in cases of especially complex special types of examination. Citizens have the right to apply to the regional structure - the main bureau - only with a complaint about its branch (just a bureau) or also in the direction of the bureau in cases requiring special types of examination. Citizens are not entitled to choose a bureau for the examination.

MSE certificate (medical social examination) - what is it and when is it necessary

And what did this deception turn out to be for the patient in the end? - We have informed the Pension Fund, social protection authorities that it is not entitled to any benefits. The disability was removed. Everything happened quickly enough: the person had not yet had time to receive a pension and there was nothing to punish him for. However, a new order from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has now entered into force.

In accordance with it, we must report any attempt at deception to law enforcement officers, even if the person did not have time to damage the budget of the Russian Federation. The order says: "If in the course of and as a result of the ITU, there is a reasonable doubt that a citizen has submitted false documents and knowingly false information, the head of the bureau sends the relevant materials to the prosecutor's office." This, of course, is a difficult requirement to fulfill. It is not always possible to take the liberty of accusing a person of cheating.

Information about the features of re-passing the commission is also useful. The Pension Fund and Social Protection can issue a referral to the ITU in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 874. If all the listed organizations refuse a referral to a person, he can file a complaint with the ITU office.
The next step in the order of passing the examination is the collection of documents. Moreover, their list, most often, is issued together with the direction. This list includes:

  • Identity document of a person and his / her guardian.
    If a child under 14 needs a disability, then his birth certificate and the passport of one of his parents are needed.
  • All medical papers that confirm health problems.

How to check the MSE certificate of disability

Registration and terms The maximum allowable time at the ITU according to the regulations is 30 calendar days from the date of application. Moreover, this is taking into account the time required for all additional examinations. The date is calculated from the date of registration of the application for holding the ITU in the journal of incoming documentation.

Further, 5 days from the date of registration are given to send an invitation for examination. If some documents are not enough for the examination, the citizen is given 10 calendar days to provide them. On the day of examination, a citizen should not wait in line for more than 30 minutes.

If you need additional research, their program should be drawn up in the bureau on the day of examination, so as not to drive the sick person several times. However, the applicant has the right to refuse these examinations - for this he is given another 5 working days. Based on the results of the survey, an act is drawn up.
Extracts from it are sent within three days from the date of the decision to the pension authorities - if the person is recognized as disabled, or to the employer and the policyholder - if it comes to the loss of professional ability to work. A rehabilitation program must be sent at the same time. At the request of a citizen, an extract can be handed over to him only if he himself applied for the ITU.


The military registration and enlistment offices must receive information about the disability of conscripts within two weeks. How to appeal the examination If you are unhappy with the ITU's decision, you can appeal it to the main office and then to the federal bureau. Appeals must be submitted at the place where the examination (examination) is carried out.

At the same time, it is advisable to clearly state all existing objections. You have the right to provide new information about your health and demand to request them officially.


Disability Commission Why do you need an ITU certificate, what is it? These questions are of interest to many. More on this below. ITU bureaus are divided into territorial, federal or main. A citizen can pass the examination in any. Referrals to ITU can be issued:

  • the municipality;
  • the clinic or hospital where the candidate received therapy recently;
  • By the tribunal's decision;
  • it can be a person's own decision.

The commission must be provided with certificates and conclusions that confirm the loss of ability to work.

A citizen himself or a trustee (who has a power of attorney certified by a notary) submits an application and finds out the time of the ITU meeting.

However, applicants for this assistance have to regularly go to a medical and social examination to confirm the group.

Perpetual disability - can they be removed?

  • complete lack of vision;
  • malignant tumors at any stage;
  • acquired or congenital dementia;
  • incurable diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory failure and associated respiratory diseases;
  • limb deformities or amputation;
  • benign tumors of the brain or spinal cord, recognized as incurable;
  • deafness in both ears;
  • pathological changes or serious brain damage;
  • neuromuscular diseases that can develop due to heredity.

In the presence of one of these diseases, the patient can be assigned a life-long 2nd group and do without an annual visit to the commission. But the current legislation also establishes a number of additional conditions under which the assignment of indefinite disability is carried out.

Rules and procedure for granting perpetual disability

When disability is granted indefinitely Lifetime disability can be recognized without a time limit upon the initial establishment of this diagnosis, upon recognition of a citizen as a disabled person. If no improvement was found during treatment.

The state keeps records of all people with disabilities who live in Russia. For this purpose, the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter also referred to as FRI, Register) has been launched relatively recently.

In this article, you will find out who is leading it and how it will help people with disabilities.

Who keeps the register

To begin with, the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities is an information system of measures of state social support, which expands the possibilities of information accounting in this area. It includes the most complete data on all persons with disabilities.

Let's tell right away who maintains the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities.
Its developer and administrator is the Russian Pension Fund. Now he is actively working on its development and improvement.

How the registry works

Historically, the operation of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation started at the end of 2017.


At the same time, it began to receive the first data on people with disabilities from information providers - government agencies and institutions related to the provision of services to people with disabilities. Including, these are:

  • institutions of medical and social expertise (ITU);
  • federal ministries;
  • regional and municipal authorities.

So, since 2017, data from them began to come to the FRI constantly.

  • the completeness and reliability of this information was checked;
  • connection to the FRI of all users and information providers, including at the regional level.

Note that in the second half of 2017, the PFR launched a pilot project to provide public services based on information from the IDF (Belgorod, Vologda, Irkutsk, Penza, Samara and Smolensk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk Territories, Crimea, Tatarstan, Chechnya and Chuvashia). So, citizens who applied to the FIU were appointed:

  • all types of disability pensions;
  • monthly cash payment, which is also due in case of disability.

Also see


At the same time, the medical institution that performed the treatment must draw up a supporting document, which indicates that there was no positive dynamics in the restoration of health. After how many years can they be appointed? According to the law of the Russian Federation No. 805 "On Amendments to the Rules for Recognizing a Person as a Disabled Person", an indefinite disability can be given within such a period: After the first diagnosis of disability, no more than two years must pass. adult citizens and minors.

Re-examination of disability.

medical and social expertise

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 664 n dated 09/29/2014. "On the classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination", a list of categories of groups that can receive the status of a lifelong disabled person has been created. Everything depends on some factors, which include - the ability to take care of oneself, the ability to work, movement, conversation (speech, communication) and at the psychological level (orientation, learning, dementia).


Law No. 181 "On Social Protection of Disabled People" says who can get this category - disability, and what conditions exist for this. On legal grounds No. 442 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" there is an opportunity to receive social services from the state for people with disabilities.

List of diseases due to disability

Disability caused by a particular disease is established on the basis of classifications and criteria prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Diseases due to which a person can get a disability (when the term for re-examination is not indicated) 1.

Lack of vision in one and the other eye. 6.

How to check disability online

The employer must inform the employee about the purposes, the alleged sources and methods of obtaining personal data, as well as the nature of the personal data to be received and the consequences of the employee's refusal to give written consent to receive them (clause 3 of article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Our certificate A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and necessitating his social protection (Part.

Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation"). schizophrenia forum - communication treatment

Soon the court with the ex-husband on the use of a one-room apartment How can you find out whether he is disabled or not before the trial? question number No. 2595646 read 2833 times Urgent legal advice 8 800 505-91-11 free of charge

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How to check online disability

The organisation's response is yes if the evidence is genuine.

Is it possible to hide a disability?

It is a citizen's right to report a disability to an employer. He is not obliged to provide a certificate if he does not want to.
When applying for a job, no individual or legal entity has the right to demand these documents. But if a disabled person does not prove his disability with a certificate, the employer may not take into account the state of his health.

He is not obliged to provide preferential terms. Such cases happen if a disabled person is ashamed of his illness or worries about losing his position.

It makes no sense to hide the disability if such an activity is contraindicated. This deteriorates the well-being of a person, and the organization in which the disabled person worked is not responsible for this.

But if the work is allowed by a doctor, then you can not specify the fact of inferiority with the device. No one can find out about the presence of problems without the desire of the employee.


If it is necessary to check the originality of the certificate, you need to contact medical organizations, the Pension Fund or social protection authorities.

If a person, when applying for a company or firm, hides that he is disabled, he acts lawfully. But it is illegal to try to create a forged disability document.

How do you know if an employee is disabled?

Originally posted by pooch: But when hiring a safety specialist, you are obliged to report such things.The current legislation does not oblige the employee to inform the employer about the establishment of a disability, as well as to present the employer with documents confirming this fact, both when hiring and during the period of validity of the employment contract. Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract. In this list, there is no indication of documents confirming the fact of assigning a disability. Moreover, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits demanding from a person applying for work documents other than those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. It is the employee's right, not an obligation, to inform the employer of a disability determination.

How to find out if a person has a disability

In addition, the employer can receive personal data of an employee only from himself. This follows from Art. 10 of the Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, and paragraph 3 of Art. 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to general rules, the employer can receive information about the health status of the employee only if it is provided for by the legislation due to the specifics of the employee's work, through medical examinations of the employee: If medical examinations are not provided for by the position of the employee and he himself does not provide information about disability, then, unfortunately, the employer does not have the right to receive such information from other bodies or persons.

These include:

  • surname, first name, if any - patronymic;
  • age, place and date of birth;
  • citizenship of the person;
  • passport or birth certificate data;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (or SNILS);
  • data from ITU;
  • address of the place of registration, actual residence.

After registration of a disability, the bureau provides up-to-date information about the citizen. The rosreestr indicates:

  • date of establishment of disability, certificate number;
  • number and date of the ITU protocol;
  • ITU reference data (series, number, date of issue);
  • information on the issuance of a duplicate extract from the ITU act;
  • conclusions about the types and severity (in degrees) of various spheres of life;
  • conclusion about persistent disorders of body functions due to trauma, defects or diseases.

Citizens who underwent re-examination in terms different from those indicated in the ITU certificate, indicate in the register information about the reason for the pass (respectful or disrespectful). The bureau also notes whether the pension provision has been counted during this time.

Disabled child data

In the unified federal register, information is indicated on whether the disabled person received an education, according to what program, the fact of vocational training, information about labor activity. This eliminates the need to send inquiries directly to educational institutions, to the employer.

For children with disabilities, the following information is noted: whether the child went through preschool education programs, data on education in a general education school (separately primary, middle and senior classes), information on obtaining secondary vocational and higher education, whether the disabled child underwent any additional developmental programs.

If a child with a disability was adopted or taken into care, this information is also indicated in his personal information.

To find out about the authenticity of the certificate, contact these authorities, provide the series and number of the document.

These bodies can be:

  1. Medical organization, regardless of activity;
  2. The body responsible for the payment of pensions;
  3. Social authority protection.

The faster you can find out the answer from the organization that issued the identity, because access to the registry is unambiguously open to it.

How to check the certificate by last name?

It is impossible to establish the originality of a document by its last name. It is possible to identify a fake only by the number and series through FRI. There are no other ways, access to it is limited and available only to specialized institutions. If the certificate does not have a number, it is fake. Papers without a unique number are not issued to people with disabilities.

Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities

FRI exists so that people with disabilities have an official resource on which all the necessary information is located. The answers to the questions are on the forum. Information about employment, establishing a health category, receiving a pension and social benefits is located on this site. The database of people with disabilities is in closed access.

To receive data from FRI Russia, the following conditions are required:

  • The body is part of the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction;
  • The person requesting the data has the right and grounds to receive the materials;
  • The request is correctly completed with all the necessary information.

If necessary, an employer authorized to do so can obtain information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation. This process is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is controlled by the SMEV.

Within a few days, the requested data will be sent to the applicant.

Diseases of the nervous system, characterized by a chronic progressive course. 7. Progressive neuromuscular diseases that are hereditary.

Complete deafness. 9.

Neurodegenerative diseases of the brain. 10. Diseases related to high blood pressure.

11. Heart ischemia. 12.

Medical and social expertise

  • prescription drugs;
  • annual health-improving vouchers, in the presence of medical indications - more often;
  • we will compensate the costs of travel to the place of rehabilitation and back;
  • free use of transport lines, including suburban ones;
  • reduction of tariffs for utilities (the amount is established by local regulations);
  • a set of social services, and in case of refusal - a surcharge;
  • free services of social workers, including at home.

Attention: as of 2017, people with disabilities were paid a social pension:

  • 1 group - 10,217.53 rubles;
  • from childhood - 12,231.06 rubles.

Preferences for the second group People with disabilities in the second category enjoy the same privileges.

They are not only entitled to a second recovery during the year.

In what cases give an indefinite disability group

If we combine in general terms, the process of passing a medical examination and a commission meeting of the ITU, then the order is as follows:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • the analysis of the treatment method is carried out before the commission is passed;
  • see if it makes sense to continue the rehabilitation courses further.

If the last assessors do not see the point that nothing influences and does not help the course of the disease, towards improvement, a firm decision is made to assign a disability group without further re-examination.

In the event of the death of a disabled person, information on the fact of closing his individual personal account is reflected in the federal register.

How the Federal Register works

The register is included in the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning. The creation of a unified list of disabled people makes it possible to assess the availability of various types of services, the implementation of state programs, predict what funds should be allocated to help disabled persons, eliminate unnecessary paperwork, and improve the quality of services provided.

The presence of one database solves the problem of access to information.

For example, when a person moves from the city of Saratov to Moscow, local authorities and social protection will be able to independently and promptly obtain the necessary information without sending requests and wasting time waiting for a response. To prevent errors in calculations, employees responsible for the state of the state database add information about new disabled people and delete "duplicates" of data.

Representatives of those departments that provide information and persons with disabilities themselves have access to data on persons entered in the register. You should not be afraid that any personal information may be available to third parties. All data in the registry is protected. Unauthorized people will not be able to view them or make any changes.

Adding a person to the database as a consumer is as follows:

  1. Local authorities will email the application to the Federal Register Operator.
  2. The operator examines the document, analyzing the completeness of information about the disabled person and the authority itself.
  3. If the application contains complete and correct information, the disabled person is registered.

Since January 2017, the transfer of information on the establishment of disability and information from the individual program of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people to the information system "Federal Register of Disabled Persons" (FRI) is carried out in real time.

Data are transferred to the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities in real time from the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. In this mode, more than 630 thousand documents have already been received in relation to 308 thousand people with disabilities.

Currently, active work is underway to connect all departments to the system - both suppliers and users of information from the IDF, including at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the information that was posted in the FRI as a result of the initial download is being updated, in particular, from the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, the Ministry of Education and Science.

It is planned that during 2017 the regulatory framework will be expanded, which will allow the provision of state and municipal services to persons with disabilities based on information from the IDF without a request from other departments, while the disabled themselves will not have to submit duplicate documents and information.

In this case, all information in the FRI will be legally significant.

Recall that the state information system "Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities" was put into operation in 2017, and the full use of information from the FRI for the provision of public services to persons with disabilities is planned to begin in 2018. The IDF will become a single database for all departments and organizations that deal with the rehabilitation of disabled people, as well as for the citizens themselves.

The federal register of people with disabilities will contain all information about people with disabilities, which will avoid multiple and multidirectional document flow between authorities and the need to provide a disabled person with documents to receive services.

Each person who has received a disability is assigned a rehabilitation course. In the process of examining the condition, the medical commission looks at his health, living conditions and work.

An analysis of the impact of work on disability is underway. Based on the conclusion, a conclusion is made about the need for social support. This creates questions related to the employment of a citizen.

Disability certificate check

Disability is established if:

  • A citizen needs the help of social security institutions;
  • The person has severe health and functioning problems;
  • The person has reduced working capacity.

When a disability is established, a certificate is issued, which can be provided when applying for a specialty.

The personnel department, when hiring a person with a disability, checks the employee's documents. There are not many ways to check, because information about health restrictions is the personal information of a citizen. In cases where the category was obtained during employment, a corresponding mark is put in the act. But how do you check the validity of a certificate of disability?

How to check the authenticity of the reference number?

When applying for a position, a citizen may not indicate the organization that has established the category of health. The work book must contain the ITU seal.

The original contains the series and number in the following form: "ITU-20117 No. 1889521".

If there is a suspicion that the certificate was obtained illegally: it was printed and self-laminated so that it was impossible to determine the type of material and the accuracy of the print, the employer has the right to ask for all ITU papers. The verification of papers is carried out by bodies that have access to the federal register of disabled people in Russia.

Perpetual disability check

For 2018, the parameters are set at the following level:

  • 9 years of experience;
  • 13.8 points.

Can lifelong disability be lifted? The ITU certificate of the perpetual group is not a complete guarantee of receiving preferences for the rest of your life. There are situations where a previous decision can be reversed.

They are as follows:

  • identification of forged documents in the patient's file, for example, fake test results;
  • determination of errors in diagnoses and the like.

For information: control over the activities of bodies of medical and social expertise is carried out by the Federal Bureau. It detects fake cases and reverses decisions. Changes in 2018 All changes in 2018 will be announced later. You can find out about this from the news on our website. The information will also be updated in this article.

Can disability group 2 be removed for an indefinite period?

The procedure for issuing a life certificate The method of assigning a life category does not differ from a regular examination. The algorithm of the applicant's actions is as follows:

  1. Collect the necessary certificates (list below).
  2. Passing a compulsory medical examination at a polyclinic.
  3. Obtaining a referral for medical and social expertise.
  4. Working with specialists.

Attention: if the patient cannot come to the ITU, then this circumstance is indicated in a separate application.

Certification of incapacity for work sometimes requires the conclusion of several doctors. But this is individual.
As of: 10.12.2010 Magazine: Everything for a personnel officer Year: 2011 Author: Zulfiya Burnasheva Subject: Required information, Mandatory and additional conditions Column: Is there a problem? Here is the decision. Normative documents Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (extract) Labor Code of the Russian Federation (extract) Articles Trade union inspection: workers' rights and labor protection Direction of the head - a law for a subordinate? Grounds for terminating the employment contract with the head of the organization Six months ago, we hired V. as a cleaner of industrial premises. She recently approached me with a request to give her a description of working conditions.

When I asked why she needed it, she hesitated, and then answered that it was for ITU, and very much asked not to tell anyone that she had a III group disability.

It should be noted that the IPR is mandatory for the employer, but for the person with disabilities it is advisory in nature. Therefore, the employee has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as from the implementation of the program as a whole.

This is directly provided for by Art. 11 of the Disabled Persons Act. In this case, as the law says, the employer is exempted from liability for failure to comply. At the same time, the procedure for such a refusal is currently not established by law. However, in any case, such a refusal, in our opinion, should be drawn up in writing, at least so that in the future, if necessary, the employer has the opportunity to confirm the fact of the employee's refusal to fulfill the IPR in whole or in part.

How to find out if a person has a disability via the Internet

How to be in this situation? Leave everything as it is, and do not give out any characteristics or demand from V.

The EGISSO system: what is it and why is it needed ”.

FRI website

On the Internet, the official website of the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities has existed since 2017 and is located here. It is available to everyone.

Access to the 2018 Federal Register of Disabled Persons was obtained by the consumers of information on disability themselves. First of all, these are the authorities, for which the FRI opens up a number of new opportunities. In particular, to improve cost efficiency.

Note that information from the FRI is available to authorities at different levels, which will improve the extraterritorial provision of public services to people with disabilities. For example, to solve the problem of re-assigning the same payment to a disabled person in different regions.

Analytical reports based on IDF allow the authorities to more accurately assess the real need of a disabled person for certain social support measures and make decisions on the provision of such measures.

The FRI website contains:

  1. Open information about people with disabilities (statistics of the Federal Register of Disabled People on the number of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation and their age structure, disability group, age, reason for disability, education received and professional employment).
  2. Life situations of people with disabilities (a list of answers on everyday situations that are relevant for people with disabilities, including the establishment of disability, registration of pensions and social benefits, job search).

Personal Area

On the FRI website, an integral part of the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities is a personal account.

There are about 13 million people with disabilities registered in Russia. The Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities is a state information system.

It was created to obtain information on the number of people in need of services, planning funding, and other assistance. It includes not only persons who have passed the medical and social examination (MSE) for the first time, but also those who were previously recognized as disabled.

What data is contained in FRI

The Federal Register of Disabled Persons (or FRI) began its work in January 2017 on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 569n of October 2016.

This document contains a list of necessary information about persons who have lost their ability to work. Information about disabled people for registration in FRI is provided by:

  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • ITU institutions;
  • Pension Fund;
  • Federal Employment Service;
  • Ministry of Health;
  • Ministry of Education;
  • other organizations providing services to people with disabilities.

According to the order, the following categories of information are entered into the database:

  • personal data of the disabled person;
  • information about the passage of the ITU and information from the commission;
  • information about work, contacting the employment center and training of a disabled person;
  • data on adoption or custody of a disabled child;
  • information about the fact of using maternity capital;
  • data on receiving expensive treatment, performing some operations;
  • information on obtaining additional spa treatment.

Personal data in the register

When filling out information about a disabled person in the FRI, indicate all the necessary personal data.

Required package of documents For each group of disabilities, there is a specified list of required documentation. On the basis of all certificates, test results, etc., a decision is made whether to give a group or not.

After the establishment of the 2nd group of disability, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate, which entitles you to free travel in transport, a discount on utilities, vouchers to sanatoriums and other benefits from the state. When can a group be removed? Despite the fact that an indefinite disability group is established without specifying the terms of re-examination, the medical and social expert commission is still able to remove it.

In connection with the possibility of sending maternity capital for the rehabilitation and habilitation of children with disabilities, the register also indicates information about the fact of using funds for the purchase of special goods and services.

Medical care data

There is a list of diseases that require expensive treatment for health reasons. The federal register contains information about the fact of providing medicines for such pathologies and conditions as:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • conditions after organ and tissue transplantation;
  • hemophilia;
  • malignant tumors of the blood system;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pituitary dwarfism.

The personal account also indicates information about the receipt of spa treatment at the expense of the budget. This happens if the disabled person underwent it in addition to the one prescribed according to the individual rehabilitation program.

Employment information

The state register reflects in detail the work "way" of the disabled person. It records the following data:

  • current employment;
  • information about the employment of graduates of universities and colleges;
  • information about the appeal, referral to the employment service;
  • information about the device at a workplace specially created for a disabled person;
  • data on admission to a workplace under a quota;
  • information on the time of payment of contributions by the employer to the pension fund;
  • data on the disabled person's own file.

From the side of the employment centers, information is provided on assistance in finding a job, undergoing training or retraining, psychological support provided to a disabled person, data on moving to a job in the direction.

Therefore, informing the employer about your disability is a right, not an obligation of the employee, and you cannot require him to submit documents confirming his disability. The employer, in turn, is not entitled to inquire about the health status of the employee. However, we hasten to reassure you. If the employee does not consider it necessary to report his disability, then you do not have any obligation to provide him with appropriate guarantees. This obligation arises only from the moment they submit documents confirming their disability. These documents, in particular, include: certificate of medical and social expertise (form No. 1503004, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 30, 2004 No. 41); individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IPR) (form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 04.08.2008 No. 379n).

How to check a person's disability

IT IS FORBIDDEN! Require the employee to submit documents confirming or refuting his disability Now let's figure out whether you are obliged to give the employee a description of the working conditions. For this it is worth referring to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, upon a written application from an employee, the employer must, no later than three working days after submitting such an application, provide the employee with copies of documents related to his work. That is, in order to obtain a copy of a document related to work, an employee must apply to the employer with a written statement, and not orally, as happened in your case.

Resume The employer does not have the right to require the employee to submit documents confirming disability.

If his personal data can only be obtained from a third party, then the employee should be notified in advance and his written consent should be obtained. The employer must inform the employee about the purposes, the alleged sources and methods of obtaining personal data, as well as the nature of the personal data to be received and the consequences of the employee's refusal to give written consent to receive them (clause 3 of article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Our certificate A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and necessitating his social protection (Part.

1 tbsp. 1 of the Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation"). schizophrenia forum - communication treatment


Soon the court with the ex-husband on the use of a one-room apartment How can you find out whether he is disabled or not before the trial? question number No. 2595646 read 2833 times Urgent legal advice 8 800 505-91-11 free of charge

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Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the button Answer Similar questions I pay alimony (I do not communicate), the child is 18 years old tomorrow. How do I know if I continue to pay until the age of 23 or not. She lost court with her ex-husband on illegal eviction and now he is demanding reimbursement of entertainment expenses. I am now on maternity leave and dependent on the state.

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How do you know if an employee is disabled?

Originally posted by pooch: But when hiring a safety specialist, you are obliged to report such things.The current legislation does not oblige the employee to inform the employer about the establishment of a disability, as well as to present the employer with documents confirming this fact, both when hiring and during the period of validity of the employment contract. Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract. In this list, there is no indication of documents confirming the fact of assigning a disability.
Moreover, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits demanding from a person applying for work documents other than those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. It is the employee's right, not an obligation, to inform the employer of a disability determination.

How to find out if a person has a disability

In addition, the employer can receive personal data of an employee only from himself. This follows from Art. 10 of the Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, and paragraph 3 of Art. 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to general rules, the employer can receive information about the health status of the employee only if it is provided for by the legislation due to the specifics of the employee's work, through medical examinations of the employee:
If medical examinations are not provided for by the position of the employee and he himself does not provide information about disability, then, unfortunately, the employer does not have the right to receive such information from other bodies or persons.
As of: 10.12.2010 Magazine: Everything for a personnel officer Year: 2011 Author: Zulfiya Burnasheva Subject: Required information, Mandatory and additional conditions Column: Is there a problem? Here is the decision. Normative documents Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (extract) Labor Code of the Russian Federation (extract) Articles Trade union inspection: workers' rights and labor protection Direction of the head - a law for a subordinate? Grounds for terminating the employment contract with the head of the organization Six months ago, we hired V. as a cleaner of industrial premises. She recently approached me with a request to give her a description of working conditions. When I asked why she needed it, she hesitated, and then answered that it was for ITU, and very much asked not to tell anyone that she had a III group disability.

It should be noted that the IPR is mandatory for the employer, but for the person with disabilities it is advisory in nature. Therefore, the employee has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as from the implementation of the program as a whole. This is directly provided for by Art. 11 of the Disabled Persons Act. In this case, as the law says, the employer is exempted from liability for failure to comply.
At the same time, the procedure for such a refusal is currently not established by law. However, in any case, such a refusal, in our opinion, should be drawn up in writing, at least so that in the future, if necessary, the employer has the opportunity to confirm the fact of the employee's refusal to fulfill the IPR in whole or in part.

How to find out if a person has a disability via the Internet


And we had no idea about this, when she was hired, she did not tell us anything! As an HR inspector, of course, I have no right to disclose personal data. But if V. has health problems, it will be my fault too. And then, according to the law, disabled people are entitled to additional guarantees - if we do not provide them, we will be held accountable.

How to be in this situation? Leave everything as it is, and not give out any characteristics or require V. to submit documents confirming disability, and arrange everything according to the law? Situations like yours are not uncommon. Workers often try to hide their disabilities. This is primarily due to the reluctance of employers to hire such employees, because they need to provide special working conditions, to provide guarantees provided by law.

How to check if a person has a disability

Engaging in work at night (from 22:00 to 06:00), overtime, on weekends and holidays is permitted only with the written consent of a disabled employee and only if he is not prohibited from doing so for health reasons in accordance with medical conclusion (Articles 96, 99, 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 23 of the Law on the Disabled). Guarantee 3. Provision of annual leave of at least 30 calendar days (Art. 23 of the Law on the Disabled); NOT FORGET! To acquaint a disabled employee against signature with his right to refuse overtime work, night work, holidays and weekends Guarantee 4. Granting unpaid leave at the request of a disabled person for up to 60 calendar days a year (Art.
128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Warranty 5.

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