In which foreign countries is it better to open a company. Business abroad. Stages of company registration abroad

Business promotion to the international level can be provoked by various objective reasons: among them - a change in the organizational structure of a business, diversification at the international level and optimization of various business processes. It is highly reasonable to register a new company overseas to solve these problems or to acquire an existing legal entity.

If you decide to take your business to a whole new international level, you need to choose the appropriate jurisdiction. These choices are primarily driven by the strategic goals of your business. Registration of a company abroad remains the most economical solution for business expansion. It is easy to reduce production costs and the existing level of taxation, provided that the optimal structure of tax planning is chosen.

In addition, registration of a company abroad is an opportunity to use the most advanced solutions in the field of qualified labor reserves, international logistics, energy resources, etc. in terms of the development of business structures.

The procedure for promoting a business to the international level is not as complicated as it might seem. Let's consider the main stages. So, in order to register a company abroad, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the best jurisdiction for your business;
  • Choose a suitable legal form of the company (limited liability company, joint stock company, etc.);
  • Determine the structure of the company (owners and managers, local agent, availability of corporate services, etc.);
  • Additional requirements and parameters (opening a real or virtual office, mailbox, legal address, qualified personnel, banking services, industrial and other premises, etc.);
  • Choose a specialized company that will carry out the registration and subsequent legal support of the business.

An entrepreneur must understand that the main goal of promoting a business to the international level is not tax evasion, but the optimization of both individual components and the entire business process. Remember that withholding income and tax evasion is a serious violation of the tax laws of any country, and this can lead to serious negative consequences for the business and its owners.

In modern practice, several legal methods are used to optimize the tax base, each of which has its own objectives and goals. The political and economic stability of a jurisdiction is a major factor for some entrepreneurs, while others opt for the country's preferential taxation terms.

Registration of a company abroad - true or false

There is a misconception among entrepreneurs that registering a company abroad is very expensive. Now let's see how to register a company abroad.

You must have objective information in order to get an accurate idea of ​​the costs that are expected when moving a business abroad. Experts recommend working only with trusted companies and professional lawyers who will not only tell you about the estimated costs, but also carry out a comparative analysis of different jurisdictions in relation to your business.

As a rule, a client who registers a company abroad for the first time has many questions due to a lack of information. In such a situation, you can always count on professional support and maximum assistance. You just need to use the "contact us" form and you will receive expert answers to all your questions.

Our company has a wealth of experience, and we are ready to provide you with all possible support in various aspects. The choice of the appropriate legal form, preparation and formation of a set of documents for registration of a legal entity on a turnkey basis - we will take care of all the uncertainties regarding the organizational issues of your business. In addition, our clients can count on the following services:

  • Thorough analysis of the information on the required jurisdiction;
  • Choosing a country and legal form of a legal entity, taking into account the requirements of your business;
  • Preparation of an application and constituent documents of the company;
  • The procedure for registering a legal entity;
  • Selecting an appropriate banking institution and opening a corporate account;
  • Legal support of business and assistance in the presentation of financial statements.

Benefits of registering a company abroad

So, what are the advantages of registering companies abroad. Among the main advantages of transferring a business to optimal jurisdictions, there are several key points, in particular:

  • Optimization of various business processes of the company;
  • Positive and respectable image of the company;
  • Entering new markets and looking for business partners;
  • Preferential access to regional markets;
  • Simplified registration procedure and minimum reporting requirements;
  • Stable political and economic situation within the country;
  • A stable financial system and a modern banking sector;
  • Customs and tax incentives for foreign investors.

Modern practice shows that one of the effective tools for developing international business solutions and increasing managerial and tax efficiency is the registration of a company abroad in jurisdictions with a low taxation level. Registration of a foreign company is an opportunity to use competitive advantages in the implementation of entrepreneurial and economic activities.

Dear readers, we would like to draw your attention to five reasons why you need to register or buy an already established foreign company.

  • Confidentiality of information about the owners of the company. In conditions of rather aggressive and unfair competition, any business seeks to protect its economic activities. The optimal solution in this matter is the registration of a foreign company, since information about the shareholders and ultimate beneficiaries of the business is closed.
  • Security of information about business partners and trade secrets of the company. Where vendor exclusivity is a major competitive advantage, protecting information about such matters is essential. For example, registering a company abroad in the United Arab Emirates is an excellent opportunity to ensure the secrecy of information about trade secrets and key business partners.
  • Optimization of foreign exchange regulation of the country. It is no secret for entrepreneurs engaged in international commercial activities that such transactions are often associated with a large volume of documentation. This problem is of particular importance if the company has a large number of foreign business partners. For each such transaction, it is necessary to obtain permission, prepare a large set of documents, etc. Preparing the necessary documentation requires a lot of time and the entire team of qualified employees. In such a situation, a foreign company can be an effective solution. For example, one contract is concluded with a subsidiary, which will subsequently distribute and consolidate financial flows from foreign partners.
  • Entering the international capital market. It is no secret that foreign banking and credit institutions offer the best conditions for financing various business processes. Registration of a company abroad allows you to get access to unlimited financial resources in the form of loan products and programs for business development. Business abroad can count on more attractive financing terms.
  • Optimization of tax payments and other expenses. Of course, an additional advantage when registering a company in a foreign jurisdiction is cost optimization, including tax payments. Jurisdictions that allow a business to minimize the tax burden are known in world practice. For example, in the UAE, business is exempted not only from corporate taxes, but also from many other taxes.

The five reasons listed above show all the advantages and benefits of registering a company abroad. If you have not thought about the possibility of optimizing production cycles and increasing profits by lowering taxes, you have such an opportunity. Taking into account the fact that the cost of registration in most cases is comparable to the cost of registering a company in the domestic market, and you do not even need to travel to another country to register a company abroad, you should at least consider this possibility. Contact our experts and find out how to promote your business internationally with minimal costs and maximum efficiency.

Sooner or later, almost everyone thinks about moving to another country. Someone goes further and puts this idea into practice. People move for various reasons: career advancement, changes in personal life, an unfavorable situation in the country, but someone is simply forced to do this, for example, to transfer their business abroad due to the lack of prospects for its development at home. Some simply open a business abroad, investing in the economy of other countries, as this is often more profitable. BroDude and decided to figure out how to competently build your own profitable business from scratch in a foreign land and what is needed for this.

1. Find a suitable country

Before packing your bags and contacting a cargo transportation service, you should decide where you will generally go. Choosing a country for a business is one of the most important components of its successful operation. It is necessary to carefully analyze the market, tax legislation, legal and accounting nuances. Entrepreneurs transferring an existing business or starting a new one are guided by international projects and an international buying audience. For this, Canada is a very interesting and suitable country. Two state languages ​​- English and French, and this is an additional favorable condition for international companies. Also, Canada has a large domestic market, close ties with the United States, an unblemished reputation in the international market and an infrastructure that is constantly evolving and improving.
Many major gaming companies such as Ubisoft, Rockstar, Electronic Arts and their affiliates are based there. Of particular interest are Canadian limited partnerships - a form of company that allows corporate income tax to be reduced to 0%, provided that all income is received outside the country. Partners pay dividend tax at the rates of personal income tax in the country in which they are tax residents (in the Russian Federation, as you know, it is 13%).

2. Choose a free niche

Cool if you can enter the market with something innovative and unique that creates an entire entrepreneurial direction. However, you can use the advantages of a particular country and existing niche to show yourself. It is important to come up with features that will distinguish you from many competitors.

Let's turn again to a specific example - Gibraltar and the same IT-sphere. Gibraltar is considered one of the most attractive places to start and register an IT business. This tiny jurisdiction is especially popular with e-commerce projects related to the development of games and mobile applications on Google Play and the App Store, selling ads through Google Adsense and Facebook, trading, online casinos, cryptocurrencies, but they require licensing. The conditions for the rest of the IT business are also very pleasant: Gibraltar is a member of the Eurozone, offers a corporate tax of 10%, but with the option to reduce the effective rate to 0%. Dividend tax - 0%. Gibraltar is not part of the EU customs zone, so no VAT is charged there, and businessmen are allowed to open accounts in other countries, including Europe.

3. Understand taxation

Each country has a separate taxation system, which is obvious in principle. In order not to get into trouble, you need to carefully capture all the subtleties and nuances of the tax system of the state in which you do business, as well as track changes. Submit your tax return on time, keep records; after all, pay on time. In order not to break your head and something else in such intricate mechanisms, it is better to hire a specialist who will take care of all this instead of you. In this case, you can focus directly on the development of the business, and not on the accompanying details. All this will be done by a specially trained person.

4. Choose a bank account and payment systems

To conduct business and receive payments, it is necessary to provide an appropriate financial infrastructure for the business - accounts in banks or payment systems, methods of accepting payments (online and offline). Different banks are suitable for different types of business, and you need to take into account both their requirements and the characteristics of your own company.

You should also take into account the citizenship of the founders, directors of the company, the country of registration of the company. Opening a bank account for foreigners is not that easy, but even impossible. It is important to prepare for the Due Diligence procedure - a thorough check of the company and controlling persons. In the course of this audit, an independent collection of objective information and an expert assessment of information about the owners, directors of the new company or the asset being sold is carried out. It is carried out in order to provide the bank with authentic data about the object of the transaction, the financed company or about the invested project. Specialists are involved in consultations on these issues.

5. Pay attention to infrastructure

If you are engaged in trade, you need to find channels for transporting goods in a new country, reliable suppliers and establish an international delivery network. Renting a room is the easiest and far from the only thing that needs to be taken care of.

If you are producing something, analyze the availability of the infrastructure necessary for the smooth operation of the enterprise. It includes logistics, the availability of working space and skilled labor, markets for products, the availability of the necessary raw materials for production in the country of manufacture, equipment on which people will work and create a product, and much more.

Also, take an interest in the existence of free economic zones - free economic zones, which provide everything necessary for the operation of foreign companies and at the same time practice preferential taxation, which is extremely beneficial for entrepreneurs when working with foreign clients. For example, there are such free zones in the UAE and Georgia. Without all this, you shouldn't even think about the commercial success of your own brainchild - everything should be debugged and work synchronously for the result.

The portal is part of the international Offshore Pro Group. The company's specialists provide a full range of services in the field of international business: registration of companies and opening of bank, brokerage and merchant accounts for registered classic offshore, mid-shore or onshore companies; opening accounts for the purchase and storage of precious metals. In addition, Offshore Pro Group is known for its asset protection advice (also free of charge) and paid advice on setting up foreign structures to conduct international business or expanding an existing one to a transnational level.

The company "Yurhaus" provides services for the registration of offshore companies in any country in the world. Contact our specialists in Moscow - and the offshore will be opened as soon as possible without your visit to the jurisdiction.

  • The term for registering a company from scratch is about 10 days.
  • The approximate cost of an offshore company is 950 USD, the exact amount is calculated individually.
  • The price includes nominee service, registration fee and service fee, payment of a legal address.
  • Registration is possible both in the Yurhaus office (Moscow), and remotely.

Offshore registration stages


Jurhaus specialists have opened companies for various fields of activity around the world. They will help you find a balance between low taxes and a country's reputation, between anonymous ownership and business development internationally.

Tell us for what purposes you want to register an offshore, and find out in which countries it is possible to achieve them. Experts will talk about the experience of other companies, about the strengths and weaknesses of the legislation of the selected country, about the registration procedure and the possibilities for opening an offshore account.

Search for a registered agent

Most offshore jurisdictions cooperate with foreign entrepreneurs through registration agents: their signature is required on the agreement and charter, which are submitted to the registration authority. The agent must have a local license - only then his services will be accepted by the state.

The registration agent checks the documents that are required for registration, provides a legal address in the country, telephone. He often stores accounting and other constituent documents. He is responsible for a number of important tasks for the entire business, therefore, as an agent, you need a person or a company that you can completely trust.

Jurhaus has been working in the field of offshore registration for 10 years: there are verified agents in most classic offshore jurisdictions.

Agreements with denominations

If you need to protect information about the real owners of an offshore company, Yurhaus specialists will prepare contracts with nominee directors and shareholders that cover all risks. Nominee directors and shareholders will not participate in management, will not know about the accounts and addresses of the company, but will provide information and signatures for public lists and transactions.

You can cancel or renew the contract with the nominee director and shareholder at any time and without any problems: contracts are concluded only with verified persons, provide for all risks and are valid for exactly one year.

Preparation of documents

To register an offshore company, you need a charter and memorandum of association, confirmation of the legal address and statements, and other documents. Jurhaus specialists will prepare a full package of documents that meet the requirements of the legislation of the selected country.

If your company requires a license, it will also be issued by Jurhaus lawyers.

Protection of interests and information of the client

A staff of lawyers and extensive international experience, large partners and transactions, good reviews confirm the competence of Jurhaus and give a guarantee of the protection of your information.

Offshore companies are opened on condition of complete anonymity. The details of the procedure will not be disclosed even after years.

Receiving documents and courier documents

Offshore registration documents will be delivered by courier to you in Moscow or another city. The set will include:

  • registration certificate,
  • confirmation of the legal address of the company in the territory of the country of registration (term - 1 year),
  • contracts with a nominee director and a shareholder for a period of one year,
  • general power of attorney for management,
  • confirmation of payment for the company's services for a period of one year.
  • company's stamp.

Legal address, general power of attorney can be renewed annually.

Opening an offshore account

If you need a foreign company to open an offshore account, "Yurhaus" will help you choose a bank, submit documents and get details, set up Internet banking for remote account management. Your visit to the bank is not required.

To start the registration procedure or choose a jurisdiction for opening an offshore company, contact the Jurhaus managers in a convenient way.

"Working for an uncle" is not a pleasure for anyone. Few manage to break this vicious circle. But Russian economic conditions are a big problem for the aspiring entrepreneur. Huge loan rates, low profitability, pressure from inspectors. What's the way out? Business abroad - let's start with theoretical foundations.

Overseas business culture

What is the main scourge of the business environment in Russia? This is a focus on big business. Anyone who has studied the basics of economic science knows that the basis of the market economy in developed countries is, on the contrary, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). It is he who determines the rate of economic growth, the structure and quality of the gross national product.

It is not surprising that the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the EU GDP structure is 67%, and in some countries it reaches 80%. For comparison: in Russia, the share of SMEs in 2017 was about 20%.

How do other countries achieve such results? Here are some of the main factors:

  • Implementation in the EU of the practice of applying preferential taxation and cancellation of duties.
  • Government support, including broad loan guarantees, subsidies and interest rate compensation.
  • Other non-financial assistance, including consulting services, trainings, courses for young entrepreneurs.
  • Doing business in a "favorable environment" with a stable economy and currency.

Business activities

Despite the different foundations of legislation in different countries, economic theory is the same for all states. Therefore, both in Europe and the USA, and in Russia, an important basis for strategic planning of business activities is an understanding and vision of the form and type of business that is planned to be established.

Based on the foregoing, the first criterion by which it is worth classifying types of business is its size. As we know, there are small, medium and large businesses.

The two main criteria by which they are usually divided are headcount and turnover / income. At the same time, the specific values ​​of indicators that determine the boundaries of types of business may differ in different countries. Most often, it is the number of personnel that plays a decisive role in classifying a business as one type or another:

  • 1-15 employees - a micro-enterprise, also referred to as a small business;
  • 15-100 employees - small business;
  • 100-250 employees - medium business;
  • 250 or more employees are big business.

As we have already found out, the key to success is small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who annually generates up to 85% of new jobs in the EU, and in general, he accounts for about 66% of jobs in Europe.

At the same time, 70% of all representatives of European business are micro-enterprises with a staff of up to 9 people. What are these enterprises? As a rule, these are shops and small manufacturing shops, travel agencies and consulting rooms, service providers and outsourcing companies, rental business, food production and even catering establishments.

There are a great many options for the direction of such a business - microenterprises and small businesses can be represented in any of the business segments.

Forms of business organization abroad

The forms of business organization in each country are determined by its internal legislation, in accordance with the traditions of doing business that have been formed over the centuries.

Each form of business organization is based on the property (capital) of entrepreneurs, and based on how it will be used, three main forms of organization can be distinguished:

  • Private entrepreneurship (Sole proprietorship) is a form of organization when a business is solely managed by an individual entrepreneur who is inseparable from the business. They exist in most countries as the simplest type of business structure, characterized by a minimum number of taxes (in Russia - individual entrepreneurs).
  • Partnership is a form of organization where a business is owned by two or more people. A partnership is also often referred to as a partnership. Depending on the country, it can be a legal entity (for example, in the Russian Federation) or a form of organization of individuals. In most countries, partnerships are not legal entities, so the participants respond with personal capital.
  • Corporations are commercial legal entities. These are usually limited liability companies or joint stock companies.

The level of taxation in different countries of the world

Business taxation is considered one of the decisive factors in the business climate formed in the country. Therefore, let's figure out where the weakest and most severe tax burden in the world is. For such an assessment, the profit tax, turnover tax, corporate property tax and the amount of insurance premiums are summed up.

So, the highest taxes are characterized by:

  • Argentina - 137.3%, where 90% is only one value added tax;
  • Bolivia - 83.7%;
  • Algeria - 72.7%;
  • Colombia - 69.7%;
  • Brazil - 69.2%;
  • Venezuela - 65%;
  • Italy - 64.8%;
  • Gambia - 63.3%;
  • France - 62.7%;
  • Belgium - 58.4%.

At the same time, there are enough countries with a tax-friendly burden:

  • UAE - 15.9%;
  • Saudi Arabia - 15%;
  • Kazakhstan - 29.2%;
  • South Africa - 20%;
  • Croatia - 20%;
  • New Zealand - 22%;
  • Switzerland - 28.8%;
  • Great Britain - 32%;

Tax rates are really important, but their importance in the overall structure of business attractiveness should not be overestimated. Business tax audits and other regulatory audits, qualifications and labor costs, fair competition, level of corruption, political risks, investment protection, and so on should also be considered.

State support for business

One of these significant factors is government programs to support entrepreneurship. In developed countries, government support reaches a scale unprecedented for Russian entrepreneurs. Let's consider specific examples:

  • USA. Since 1959, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has been operating with an extensive regional network. It provides funding, consulting, independent appraisal and auditing, and proposing cost-benefit measures. The main support is provided in 4 areas, in which more than 40 government programs operate: access to capital, education, provision of government orders, and defense in the courts.
  • Canada. There are about 290 state programs for consulting, training and financing, more than 100 consulting centers, 150 business incubators, 36 IT-clusters have been created.
  • Germany, France and other EU countries. The most simplified registration procedures, low registration fees, educational and consulting support programs. In Germany, since 1978, a program for financing risky business projects has been in place.

The difference between business in the Russian Federation and developed countries

Evaluation of business in Russia and abroad made it possible to single out the range of problems that domestic entrepreneurs who do business in Russia have to face. The factors that most distinguish the business climate in the Russian Federation from developed countries include:

  • Limited access to financial resources: excessively high lending rates of 16-20% (in the USA - 4-5%), the absence of "long" lending programs, the inability to take out loans for development and modernization.
  • Bureaucratization: low interest of state and municipal authorities, frequency of inspections, frequency of changes in legislation in the Russian Federation.
  • Corruption: high interconnection between administrative resources and business, unfair competition, extortion.
  • Quality of human resources: low professional training of young employees, a small number of highly qualified personnel.
  • High costs: utility costs, property prices, high taxes and their rise.

Together with the low profitability of small and medium-sized businesses, all this rightly forces businessmen to once again think about investing abroad.

How and where is it easier to open a business abroad

Any entrepreneur from Russia who is not familiar with foreign economic activity can find it difficult to open a business abroad. In this section, we will look at how to open a business abroad.

The first and, perhaps, one of the main stages will be the choice of the country, so we will dwell on it in more detail. It is worth choosing a location for conducting economic activity based on the goals that the entrepreneur pursues.

Let's consider the three most common cases:

  • Tax optimization. To this end, Russians massively open companies in offshore and low-tax areas: Panama, Maldives, Seychelles, Hong Kong, Malta, Cyprus, and so on. All of these countries offer loyal taxation terms to foreign investors if they receive income from sources outside the country of registration. For example, in Panama, only one tax has been introduced for such firms, which is $ 250 upon registration and $ 300 annually.
  • Investment reliability. The security of capital invested abroad, the stability of the legal framework is one of the most important factors of the business climate. Plus, a company registered in a reliable country will increase trust among partners. Among the disadvantages are high taxes, but they do not always solve absolutely everything. Such locations include Great Britain, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, USA and some Asian countries.
  • Simplicity and low cost of registration. Having decided to start a real business abroad, an entrepreneur is looking for countries with the most convenient registration conditions for him. This will help the ranking of countries from the World Bank "Doing Business":
  1. New Zealand. Zero authorized capital, for registration you will need to go through only one procedure and spend more than 4-5 hours. The amount of mandatory payments is about $ 120.
  2. Canada. Zero authorized capital, registration includes two procedures and will take no more than one and a half days. The cost of the required payments is about $ 170.
  3. Hong Kong. Zero authorized capital, registration includes 2 procedures and takes on average one and a half days. The total amount of mandatory payments is $ 475.
  4. Georgia. Company registration takes 2 days and involves two procedures. We will add the cost of mandatory procedures to the zero authorized capital - only $ 95.
  5. Singapore. Registration here involves 3 procedures and 2.5 days of time. With zero authorized capital, the costs will be about $ 260.

Having decided on the country for doing business, we proceed to the main stages:

  1. Study the legislation of the selected country. Corporate law differs from country to country. A detailed study of it will help to understand the nuances of registration, the need to hire a nominee director, reporting, the degree of control by the state.
  2. Prepare a business plan. This will help not only to understand the prospects of the business and plan the profitability and return on investment, but also to find partners, to attract investors from outside.
  3. If necessary, if required by local legislation, apply for a business visa.
  4. Choose a name and type of ownership. Regardless of the country, the name must be original and comply with the requirements of the law. For example, by analogy with the Russian Federation, in China it is impossible in the name to indicate the connection with the government and the ruling party.
  5. Prepare the documents. A standard package of papers for registration includes an application, a passport, constituent documents (charter, constituent agreement), a letter from the bank, a document on the place of residence. In some countries, a business plan (Denmark), minutes of the meeting of the founders (Czech Republic) and other documents may also be required.
  6. Rent a room or use the services of intermediaries who provide addresses for registration.
  7. Give the package of documents to the registrar or intermediaries. In some cases, a remote registration procedure is provided (Cyprus, England).
  8. After registration - select a bank and open an account.

Purchase of an operating company

Those who consider the process of setting up their own company too complicated can buy a ready-made business abroad. The purchase of an already registered company is seriously underestimated by domestic entrepreneurs.

  • Firstly, it is an opportunity to acquire a company "with a history" of economic activity, which in many countries gives the right to a residence permit.
  • Secondly, streamlined business processes make it possible to immediately work on business development.
  • Thirdly, all this saves a lot of precious time and effort: it is possible to buy not only a package of documents, but also property, premises, a base of suppliers and customers.

The buying process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Establishing cooperation with a business broker or an independent search for a ready-made business.
  2. Finding contact with the owners, negotiating the terms and price of the transaction.
  3. Verification of an enterprise: appraisal of assets and liabilities, auditing, legal verification of concluded contracts, litigation and litigation, arrests and other encumbrances, verification of unfulfilled obligations, surety agreements, and so on.
  4. Checking shares and stakes in the company, in particular, studying the minutes of shareholders' meetings for the correctness of corporate documents.
  5. Conducting a transaction. As a rule, the purchase of shares and shares in any of the countries is subject to a notarial re-registration.
  6. Entering information about the change of ownership in state registers.

Among the popular countries for investment in a ready-made business are:

  • Germany: manufacturing and logistics companies or real estate agencies are popular among Russians. The amount of investment starts at € 1 million.
  • Spain: everything related to tourism is popular here - souvenir shops, restaurants, nightclubs, entertainment complexes. But all this is a serious investment - to obtain a residence permit, it is enough to establish a company with a capital of € 3,000.
  • Czech Republic: here you can get your own restaurant, brewery, printing company or, for example, a massage parlor in the center of Prague. After the acquisition, the investor receives a residence permit, and after 5 years - permanent residence.
  • Bulgaria: The most popular way to invest is in hotels. Training in the hotel business will not take much time, and the invested 500 thousand € will pay off in several years of active work.

Sale of an overseas company

The matter, as they say, did not go well, you see yourself in another field of activity, or you are tired of everything and you want to return to your homeland - anything can cause the sale of assets abroad. But regardless of the reason, we recommend following these tips:

  1. Conduct an independent assessment of the company: the sale of the business should bring income, not losses. An independent assessment will allow you to see the real market value, justify it and defend it during negotiations.
  2. Prepare before the sale: expand your customer base, improve financial statements, restructure debts, take an asset inventory, optimize staff work - this will increase value.
  3. Use the services of business brokers: intermediaries will save you from unnecessary hassle, negotiations with potential buyers and problems with paperwork.
  4. Check if the authorized capital and shares of the founders have been paid. Make sure all equity holders are ready to sell their assets.
  5. Maintain confidentiality. Do not expand on the identity of the buyer and the value of the transaction.

Business ideas that are not yet common in Russia and the CIS

It is not news that the lion's share of successful businesses in Russia are business ideas bought under a franchise or simply stolen from Western colleagues. Take a closer look, perhaps among them there is an idea for you. In 2019, the following will be relevant:

  • Production of paving slabs from tires. The production technology is simple: old car tires are converted into crumb rubber, by heating a rubber liquid mass is produced, which is poured into molds. The result is durable and pretty paving stones. An excellent family business - the payback will be 3-4 months.
  • Mobile hotels. The bus converted into a mobile hostel is a hit of 2019, especially for resort regions. In addition to all the amenities that a hotel provides, such a mobile home can itself come for guests to the right place. Payback - 1 holiday season.
  • Mobile health food store. The American company GMonkey has launched a network of trucks selling delicious vegetarian dishes to the residents of Durham, Connecticut. Having proved that fast food can be not only tasty, but also healthy, the founders of the business have recouped their investment within 1 year.
  • Installation of colors. Are there many vending machines for fresh flowers in your city? Placed in crowded places, especially if there are no flower shops, they will pay off in six months. Of the advantages - a long shelf life of flowers, an automated sales process and a rush that will cause an outlandish machine for the residents of your city.
  • Toilets for rent. The British company ElizaJ rents comfortable and attractive portable toilets for outdoor activities. Flattering reviews from customers do not allow doubting the popularity of the service. In addition, the company sells its franchise - perhaps you will become its first partner in the CIS.

Why not all good ideas take root in the Russian Federation

The Russian market is characterized by its own specifics, therefore even good ideas from abroad can fail in the Russian Federation. What is the reason for this? Let's look at a few obvious reasons:

  • First, the conservatism of the target audience. Russians are used to buying either cheap goods or goods of well-known and proven brands. Anything new, even if it is of better quality, does not interest them.
  • Secondly, it is low solvency. Not all Russians are ready to spend money on their hobbies and leisure, and therefore the entertainment industry works only for a wealthy client. New, even budgetary ideas, simply do not take root.
  • Third, business problems. Lack of access to credit money, corruption, administrative pressure, excessive bureaucracy. All this prevents an honest business from developing, even with good ideas.


The culture of doing business abroad is fundamentally different from Russian realities, therefore many Russian businessmen are trying to transfer assets abroad. The most cost-effective option is small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to government support, it not only bears fruit for the owners, but also becomes the locomotive of national economies.

The best in this matter are the United States and European countries: despite high taxes, they provide investors with the safety of investments and a guarantee of their unimpeded withdrawal. At the same time, Russians are ready to invest not only in new enterprises, but also to buy ready-made businesses.

Where to blame for entrepreneurs? Business development abroad. Dmitry Potapenko and Ugears: Video

Basic information on how to open a company abroad?
When choosing a country to register your company, the first thought comes about England. The United Kingdom is renowned for its favorable business climate. A stable economy, clear and simple taxation, availability of information are very attractive factors for businessmen.
PBenefits of opening a company in England (Great Britain):

  • Simplicity and speed of company registration, with minimal maintenance costs,
  • Lending availability,
  • High level of protection of investors' rights,
  • Ease of doing international trade,
  • Avoiding double taxation with more than 100 countries,
  • No requirements for the director's residency - a director can be a citizen of any state,
  • Offshore schemes and UK company registration ensure no foreign exchange controls,
  • Protected assets in accordance with UK laws,
  • It is possible to open branches in any country,
  • The possibility of using tax schemes to optimize costs.

According to the legislation in England, the most common types of companies can be registered. The most popular company in England, as well as in other European countries, is a Closed Limited Liability Company (LTD). How to open such a company abroad -
England Limited Liability Company Formation Process - LTD
Opening your company abroad takes place quite quickly, 1-2 working days from the moment all the necessary documents are submitted. This requires:

1. Availability of a legal address. The address must be the actual (business address).
2. Name and date of birth of the director of the company. There must be at least one director. But the number of directors is not limited. There are no requirements for the place of residence and nationality of directors.
3. How to open a company abroad with a minimum capital? - for the registration of a company in England, the authorized capital can be, for example, only £ 1. Share capital is expressed in the issue of at least one share. Shareholders can be both individuals and legal entities. A company can have only one shareholder, who can own only one share.
When opening a company in England, a starting package of documents is formed:
-Certificate of registration of the company,
- memorandum of association,
- a certificate of distribution of shares,
- share certificate.
In addition to the registration of ordinary companies, due to different needs, firms have the opportunity to create various structures: holdings, agency companies, nominal companies and intermediary companies.
After the answer to the question "how to open a company abroad" has been received, many new questions will appear. Our company "Garrett & Co Ltd" will provide answers to all questions related to the registration of a company in England: our company will provide a legal address, as well as full or partial services: opening an account in the Bank of England, accounting, submitting reports and calculating taxes, registering VAT and submission of relevant reports, etc. Such a comprehensive service will allow your company to operate abroad efficiently and without problems.

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