The register of the issued certificates to employees is a sample. Register of certificates issued to employees. Components of the journal

The register of certificates issued to employees makes it easier to find the information you need and allows you to make selections for statistics. Read about how to fill in and maintain it correctly, download a sample

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How to fill out and keep a register of certificates

The register of certificates issued to employees makes it easier to find the information you need and allows you to make selections for statistics. In addition, the manager, based on the register, can monitor the implementation of relevant tasks to determine the amount of work performed, assess the effectiveness of the HR department, etc.

There is no approved form for the register of certificates in 2020, each enterprise has the right to keep it in any form. You can purchase a ready-made form and fill it out, you can independently compose your own according to our sample by printing out the form.

Some enterprises keep records of issued certificates in electronic form, using MS Excel or special programs for organizing document flow.

In whatever form the journal exists in the organization, its structure will be, if not the same, then very similar. With a large number of documents being drawn up, it is permissible to organize their differentiated accounting - for example, by type, by division, etc.

If the clerk draws up the journal on his own, he can use a simple A4 notebook, title it appropriately with the name of the company, and also mark the start date of the accounting on the cover and leave space for the subsequent end date.

In the register for registration of certificates in 2020, it is advisable to number the pages, to stitch it, making a confirmation inscription “the number of sheets was stitched and fastened in the magazine”, to endorse with the signature of the manager and put a seal.

The first sheet will contain the section "Employees responsible for keeping the journal", depending on the volume of the enterprise, 2-3 sheets can be allocated to it.

The journal exists in a single copy, therefore one person is engaged in its maintenance at a time. Usually this is a personnel worker or a secretary-clerk. There shouldn't be any difficulties in filling out the section. It is designed in the form of a convenient table with columns:

  • number in order;
  • getting started with the magazine;
  • end of work;
  • Full name of the person in charge;
  • his position;
  • details of the order of the head, on the basis of which the responsibility for registration is assigned to this employee;
  • signature.

The main section of the form is also presented in tabular form and contains the following information:

  • line number. For each issued document there is a separate line, without gaps between them, in order to avoid registration "retroactively";
  • the date of issue of the certificate, which coincides with the date indicated on the document itself;
  • Full name of the employee who requested the document, his position;
  • the content of the document (on the amount of salary, on contributions to the Pension Fund, on the period of work, etc.);
  • Name and position of the issuing employee;
  • purpose of issue, place of provision;
  • list of the applicant in receipt. If the document was not handed over personally, it is necessary to write down how it was handed over to the employee (certified letter, courier);
  • it is advisable to create an additional column for comments in non-standard cases (for example, to enter outgoing details into it, if any)

The sequence of columns and headings of columns must be identical on each spread. When the journal ends, it is sent to the archive and a new one is started. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the numbering of the volumes in chronological order.

Error correction

Corrections in the reference log are acceptable. The erroneous entry is crossed out with a neat line, and the correct information is written either above the crossed out, or, if space permits, the line below (without assigning a new serial number to this line).

If it is initially typeset on its own, it would be reasonable not to save paper space and make the lines larger in height, then, if necessary, make corrections, you will not have to shallow it, and the blot will not look illegible and sloppy.


Lost or spoiled a personnel document? about what to do in such situations, what is recoverable and how, and what cannot be recovered

After completing the correction in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to put down next to it the inscription "Believe the corrected", as well as the signatures of persons: responsible for maintaining the journal and issuing the certificate (if this is the same person, of course, there will be only one signature).

How long to keep the log

In accordance with paragraph "g" of Art. 358 "The list of typical management documents generated in the activities of organizations", indicating the storage periods, approved by Rosarchiv 06.10.00, for the registration logs of certificates and copies of documents, the storage period is 3 years (from the closing date).

The register of certificates issued to employees makes it easier to find the information you need and allows you to make selections for statistics. Read about how to fill in and maintain it correctly, download a sample

Read in our article:

How to fill out and keep a register of certificates

The register of certificates issued to employees makes it easier to find the information you need and allows you to make selections for statistics. In addition, the manager, based on the register, can monitor the implementation of relevant tasks to determine the amount of work performed, assess the effectiveness of the HR department, etc.

There is no approved form for the register of certificates in 2020, each enterprise has the right to keep it in any form. You can purchase a ready-made form and fill it out, you can independently compose your own according to our sample by printing out the form.

Some enterprises keep records of issued certificates in electronic form, using MS Excel or special programs for organizing document flow.

In whatever form the journal exists in the organization, its structure will be, if not the same, then very similar. With a large number of documents being drawn up, it is permissible to organize their differentiated accounting - for example, by type, by division, etc.

If the clerk draws up the journal on his own, he can use a simple A4 notebook, title it appropriately with the name of the company, and also mark the start date of the accounting on the cover and leave space for the subsequent end date.

In the register for registration of certificates in 2020, it is advisable to number the pages, to stitch it, making a confirmation inscription “the number of sheets was stitched and fastened in the magazine”, to endorse with the signature of the manager and put a seal.

The first sheet will contain the section "Employees responsible for keeping the journal", depending on the volume of the enterprise, 2-3 sheets can be allocated to it.

The journal exists in a single copy, therefore one person is engaged in its maintenance at a time. Usually this is a personnel worker or a secretary-clerk. There shouldn't be any difficulties in filling out the section. It is designed in the form of a convenient table with columns:

  • number in order;
  • getting started with the magazine;
  • end of work;
  • Full name of the person in charge;
  • his position;
  • details of the order of the head, on the basis of which the responsibility for registration is assigned to this employee;
  • signature.

The main section of the form is also presented in tabular form and contains the following information:

  • line number. For each issued document there is a separate line, without gaps between them, in order to avoid registration "retroactively";
  • the date of issue of the certificate, which coincides with the date indicated on the document itself;
  • Full name of the employee who requested the document, his position;
  • the content of the document (on the amount of salary, on contributions to the Pension Fund, on the period of work, etc.);
  • Name and position of the issuing employee;
  • purpose of issue, place of provision;
  • list of the applicant in receipt. If the document was not handed over personally, it is necessary to write down how it was handed over to the employee (certified letter, courier);
  • it is advisable to create an additional column for comments in non-standard cases (for example, to enter outgoing details into it, if any)

The sequence of columns and headings of columns must be identical on each spread. When the journal ends, it is sent to the archive and a new one is started. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the numbering of the volumes in chronological order.

Error correction

Corrections in the reference log are acceptable. The erroneous entry is crossed out with a neat line, and the correct information is written either above the crossed out, or, if space permits, the line below (without assigning a new serial number to this line).

If it is initially typeset on its own, it would be reasonable not to save paper space and make the lines larger in height, then, if necessary, make corrections, you will not have to shallow it, and the blot will not look illegible and sloppy.


Lost or spoiled a personnel document? about what to do in such situations, what is recoverable and how, and what cannot be recovered

After completing the correction in accordance with all the rules, it is necessary to put down next to it the inscription "Believe the corrected", as well as the signatures of persons: responsible for maintaining the journal and issuing the certificate (if this is the same person, of course, there will be only one signature).

How long to keep the log

In accordance with paragraph "g" of Art. 358 "The list of typical management documents generated in the activities of organizations", indicating the storage periods, approved by Rosarchiv 06.10.00, for the registration logs of certificates and copies of documents, the storage period is 3 years (from the closing date).

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The form of the logbook for the issuance of medical certificates corresponds to Appendix 1.2 to the Order of the Health Committee of the Administration of St. Petersburg dated 12.20.1999 N 270-p and the Main Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region dated 02.28.2000 N 140
The procedure for registering a register for the issuance of medical certificates:
1. The register for the issuance of medical certificates is filled out accurately, in legible handwriting in blue, purple or black ink (paste) in Russian.
2. In column 1 - the serial number of the issued certificate is put in ascending order.
3. In columns 2, 3, 4 - the surname, first name, patronymic of the driver (candidate for vehicle drivers (in full) shall be entered.
4. Column 5 - records the date of birth of the driver (candidate for drivers) of vehicles.
5. In column 6 - the address of registration (registration) of the driver (candidate for drivers) of vehicles is recorded.
6. In columns 7; eight; 9; 10; eleven; 12 - the declared scope of the survey is indicated (i.e. the categories of vehicles that the driver (candidate for drivers) wants to receive. If it is allowed to drive vehicles that do not fit into any of the vehicle categories, then the number of the permitted point of the permitting part of the certificate is entered.
7. In column 13 - the signature of the driver (candidate for drivers) of vehicles, who has declared the scope of the survey specified in paragraph 6, is put.
8. Column 14 - indicates the series and number of the issued certificate.
9. Column 15 - indicates the date of issue of the medical certificate.
10. In column 16 - the conclusion of the commission is entered (briefly) with an indication of the category.
11. In column 17 - the surname and initials of the chairman of the commission, who issued the conclusion of the medical commission, shall be indicated.
12. Column 18 - special marks are indicated (direction to KEK; direction for additional examination; others).
13. In column 19 - the signature of the driver (candidate for drivers) of the vehicles who received the certificate is put.
Journal of registration of issuance of medical certificates contains columns:
1.Number of p / p
2. Surname
4. Patronymic
5.Date of birth
6. Registration address
7-12. The declared scope of the survey
- A
- V
- D
- E
- N
13. Subject's signature
14. Series and reference number
15. Date of issue of the certificate
16. Conclusion of the commission
17. Full name chairman of the commission
18. Special notes
19. Subject's signature

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Using, you can customize the required number of pages, cover, logo, etc.

For the systematic organization of personnel papers and accounting for issued documents, the organization usually maintains a register of certificates issued to employees.


There is no unified form for this document; there are several design options. One of them is presented in the attached form and a sample of its filling.


In order for the employee to be issued a certificate, he first writes a statement. These statements must be kept. According to the laws existing in the Russian Federation, their storage period should not be less than three years.

In practice, there are situations when several times a salary certificate, classified by year, is required to calculate pension payments.

In order not to do the same work several times, personnel officers keep copies of at least once requested certificates for years in a separate folder. So that when they are needed in the future, the certificates are always at hand.

Components of the journal

The structure of the document is simple enough: the cover plus the main section. The title of the magazine, the date of its beginning are indicated on the cover (there is a special column for the end date, but it can be filled in only at the final stage of filling out). A separate place is allocated for the indication of the name of the organization. Some forms have fields to indicate the storage period of the document.

An important point! If the magazine is a continuation of the previous one, then this information with dates and links to the previous document should be indicated on its cover.

But the main thing in the document is the main section, consisting of a table with columns of the following content:

  • The number of the line to be filled. Inquiries are classified by date and logged in chronological order.
  • Date of issue. This data must match the date of the issued certificate. If registration numbers are assigned to requests in the organization, then it is indicated in the same column.
  • Full name of the employee. The application for issuance on behalf of this employee must already be in the possession of a personnel officer or other employee whose responsibility is to keep a log. His position, the department in which he works, his profession are also indicated. If necessary, the address and telephone number of this person are indicated for quick communication.
  • Help content. Briefly in this column it is reported what exactly the certificate was issued about. Basically, workers request certificates of the size and calculation of wages.
  • Date plus registration number of the issued certificate.
  • Receipt of receipt. If an employee is not able to get a certificate on hand, then the date and form of sending the certificate are recorded in this column. For example, by registered mail, through the courier service (with its name), etc.
  • Note. This column may contain that fundamentally important information that was not provided for in other columns. For example, the motive that prompted the employee to apply for a certificate.

Varieties of magazines

There are three main types of magazines:

  • Documents on personnel records management.
  • General business journals.
  • Occupational safety journals.

Each type of documentation has its own specifics. The journal of registration of certificates issued to employees is a vivid "representative" of documentation related to personnel policy.


When used for convenience, the magazine can be placed in a PVC film cover.

After the journal is finished (expired), it is not thrown away. This is against the law. It is placed in archival storage (a specifically presented form is for 5 years, only if employees do not work in harmful or dangerous working conditions).

For more convenience, the magazine may have a pair of holes. They allow you to conveniently place the journal in an archive folder. The cover of the document is removed before performing this action.


On the back of the cover, on the last sheet, there can be a special sign-attestation, which allows you to prepare the magazine for long-term storage. But even if there are no fields for certification, the manager is obliged to put his signature on the back of the document after its completion, and there must also be the seal of the organization. Naturally, if such a procedure for sealing each copy is provided for by the internal regulations of the organization (different companies have their own orders on this matter).

Responsible for filling

The functionality of filling out the register of certificates issued to employees is in most cases carried out by a personnel officer. But this duty can be assigned to the clerk or accountant of the organization by a separate order of the head or spelled out in the employee's employment contract.

In most magazines, on the first pages, the name of the filler, his position, the period of responsibility for keeping the journal are indicated and a personal signature is put. The distribution of these kinds of responsibilities is a very important point in the entire record keeping of an organization.

Is this form required?

There is no established form for this magazine. However, these forms are very easy to use. They can be supplemented with various graphs. For example, these additional columns of the main body table might contain data about:

  • Reference registration number separately.
  • Full name and other data of the employee who prepared the certificate, as well as his signature.
  • What were the grounds for obtaining a certificate. References to the numbers of dated documents.

Each of the organizations has the right to independently decide which form for maintaining this document to choose and how to transform it. The main thing is that it should be adopted by the order of the head and be part of the company's accounting policy.

Are corrections valid

When filling in, errors are highly undesirable. However, corrections in this state of affairs are quite acceptable. In order to make a correction, you need to cross out the false information with one line, and write the correct information on the side or at the top, next to it.

The correction is considered to be correctly executed only if next to it there is an inscription "Believe corrected" and the signatures of all interested (responsible for filling) persons. Only in this way the register of certificates issued to employees will be filled in correctly.

  1. Labor and health (if any) books.
  2. Information about the amount of wages.
  3. Information about the insurance experience and personalized information about the insured person.
  4. Copies of acts, orders and orders on the labor activity of the departing person.

All documents issued upon termination of employment must be completed and certified by the seal of the organization.

Employment history

This is the main document about a person's labor activity and experience. In case of delay in extradition, the employer can be fined up to 50,000 rubles.

The issuance of documents upon dismissal, especially forms of labor and personal medical books, should be recorded in special journals.

Personal medical record

All employees who are associated with the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products, drinking water, education and training of children, communal and consumer services for the population are required to have medical records. Upon termination of the employment contract, the employer is obliged to return the medical book, even if it was drawn up at his expense. Detailed explanations about the personal medical book can be found in the letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated November 10, 2015 No. 01 / 13734-15-32.


Contains information about the amount of income from the beginning of the calendar year and on the date of termination of the contract, inclusive. Compensation for unused vacation is reflected in the certificate, but the amount of severance pay (if any), which is not subject to personal income tax, is not included in the certificate (for more details, see Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 18.04.2012 No. 03-04-06 / 8-118).

Salary certificate

Issued in the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n. Includes information about the employee's personal data and the amount of his earnings for the current and two previous years.


This form includes information for the month in which the person leaves, in the fourth section only information about the person being dismissed is indicated.

Report form

Certificate of insurance experience

Here it is necessary to indicate information about the calculated, withheld and about the listed additional insurance premiums for the funded part of the labor pension. This obligation is established by Federal Law No. 56-ФЗ dated April 30, 2008.

Personal data about the insured

The third section is being completed. Period - from the beginning of the quarter to the date of dismissal.

Other documents

What documents are needed when an employee is dismissed in each specific case is decided by the employee himself (with the exception of those that are mandatory for issuance - all of which are listed above). For example, a former employee may want to have all copies of regulations related to his job:

  • about admission;
  • moving;
  • translations;
  • dismissal, etc.

If the employee has requested all of these orders and orders in writing before the date of his departure, these copies must be issued on the last day of service. If the person requests them after they leave, the HR department has three days to prepare the necessary copies.

The transfer of cases

When an employee leaves the company, the organization, of course, is obliged to settle accounts with him and issue the originals and copies of the documents specified above, but in some cases the employee is also obliged to perform some actions, for example:

  • issue;
  • transfer the cases that were in his work.

These cases are not regulated by law, but in some cases, for example, when carried out, they are necessary.

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