How to open a shawarma kiosk action plan. Business idea - cooking and selling shawarma. How to open shawarma

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How to make money off street food

In 2017, Ilyas and Mark opened three points with shawarma in Petrozavodsk.

Anastasia Osyan

talked to the owners of the shawarma chain

The start was not smooth: suppliers inflated prices on invoices, the roof leaked in the pavilion, and employees did not leave for shift. But within a year, entrepreneurs brought points to constant profit and sold the first franchise. Now shawarma brings 300 thousand rubles a month.

While working on the article, Mark sold his stake to Ilyas in order to manage another project. The text was left as it was.

Where did you start

In 2013, Ilyas and Mark were competitors: both opened hostels in Petrozavodsk. But the guys talked and even consulted with each other. A year later, the crisis hit, and there were fewer tourists in Petrozavodsk. Mark closed the hostel and went to work in Moscow. Ilyas continued to develop the business, but did not receive the desired income.

In 2017, Ilyas realized that there are few places in Petrozavodsk where you can eat quickly and inexpensively. He offered Mark to open points for the sale of shawarma - it is difficult for one to launch such a project.

Entrepreneurs saw that people were afraid to buy shawarma in pavilions near the metro. They were afraid of unsanitary conditions and meat of unknown origin. Ilyas and Mark decided to open beautiful retail outlets, find reliable suppliers and cook shawarma in front of the buyer. The next step is to build a network and sell a franchise.

We know that there is no metro in Petrozavodsk. Vendors investigated the shawarma market in St. Petersburg

In past projects, entrepreneurs did not plan the launch carefully enough and lost money. For example, Ilyas used to have a pizzeria. The cook who made the recipes suddenly left the business. It turned out that after him the employees did not know how to cook some dishes - the chef had not taught them. To prevent this from happening again, this time Ilyas and Mark outlined all the business processes: what kind of dishes will be needed and how the cashier should communicate with customers.

In parallel, we went to points with shawarma in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Finland and Belarus. In Russia, we looked at 30 points in St. Petersburg: We studied the location of the kitchen and the tastes of the customers.

It took 5 months to draw up a business plan and a trip. The LLC was opened in May 2017, having paid a fee of 4000 rubles.

Requirements and documents

To launch a point with shawarma, you need to submit a notification to Rospotrebnadzor and prepare health books for employees. In Petrozavodsk, they are issued by the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology". One document costs 857 rubles.

According to the law, the employer pays for the registration of sanitary books. It cost Mark and Ilyas 14 thousand rubles. Two other workers came with ready-made documents.

When the guys opened the first point, the landlord prepared it for fire safety checks. He installed fire alarms and extinguishers with valid passports. The extinguisher must be recharged once a year and the data logged. Smoke detectors, luminous "Exit" signs and "No smoking" announcements were also installed in each room.

Ilyas and Mark opened the second point in a separate pavilion, so they installed fire extinguishers and alarms themselves. It cost 27 thousand rubles. In the third room, the guys bought an alarm system for 25 thousand rubles - the rest was done by the landlord.

Ilyas and Mark also signed an agreement with the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance to conduct laboratory tests of ready-made meals. This is a requirement of the law: twice a year, shawarma is checked for compliance with the norms. Ilyas and Mark pay 13 thousand rubles for testing.

13,000 RUB

guys pay for laboratory tests of ready-made meals

Every day, the chefs at the outlet fill out the documentation. These are the logs of the cleaning schedule, the receipt and consumption of disinfectants, the temperature regime of the refrigerator, the oil change in the deep fryer and the rejection log - a special log where the results of the internal assessment of product quality are recorded.

In the buyer's corner there should be a book of reviews and suggestions and the latest editions of the laws "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "On the Protection of Legal Entities", Rules for Trade and Services, Sanpin.

How the place was chosen

First, Ilyas and Mark looked at the rental price. It is more profitable to choose a room with less traffic and cheap rent - otherwise it may not pay off. The entrepreneurs expected to spend 70 thousand rubles for a seat with a traffic of 10 thousand people a day. From the experience of previous businesses, our heroes knew that 1-3% of passers-by would enter the institution. This is enough to make a profit.

110,000 RUR

Ilyas and Mark spend on renting three points a month

  1. The point is at the corner, not at the end of the building.
  2. The sign is clearly visible from different angles. It is not covered by trees, poles or stalls.
  3. There are large tenants nearby - federal chains that people definitely go to. For example banks or supermarkets.
  4. There is a parking nearby, it is easy to get on it.
  5. Nearby bus stop or budget institutions.
  6. Cars pass by at a low speed so that the driver can see the sign.

Ilyas and Mark were also evaluating who passes a potential point. For example, if it is located next to a business center, sales may drop on weekends.

Rental of points "Senor Doner"

First point

0 R

Rent price

30,000 RUR

Second point

50,000 RUR

Rent price

30,000 RUR

Third point

200,000 RUR

Rent price

50,000 RUR

Construction and repair

When planning the first point, the technologist was consulted. For this they gave 6 thousand rubles. The technologist prepared a plan on how to separate the streams of dirty and clean dishes, install an exhaust hood and connect the sewer. He told how to arrange the equipment so that the cook would be comfortable. If every time he has to bend down to get the sauce, he will get tired faster, the cooking speed will slow down, and the business will lose money.

250,000 RUR

the guys spent on the repair of the first point

Now the chef at “Senor Doner” collects shawarma in 1 minute 57 seconds. This is a good indicator: in other establishments, the process takes up to 8 minutes.

After consulting a technologist, the designer drew a plan on paper. It cost 10 thousand rubles.

For the following points, the guys hired an interior designer. He calculated the materials and made a 3D visualization of the room. It is easier to work with builders with it: the task does not need to be explained on the fingers, and the result must match the image. The designer's work cost 70 thousand rubles.

A separate pavilion was built for the second point, because there were no vacant premises in the selected area. The guys ordered an individual project from a private builder.

In winter, the ceiling leaked in the pavilion - it was examined by several specialists, but no mistake was found. I had to remove the cladding, rearrange the tiles and replace the lamps. They spent 1.5 million rubles and half a year on repairs and construction.

3.5 million R

it took three points to launch

The premises in the shopping center for the third point also needed renovation. The guys pledged 200 thousand rubles for this. But the builders analyzed the site and said that it was necessary to pour the screed - this is the basis for the cement coating. The cost of the project has doubled.

The first point earned in May 2017 - Ilyas and Mark invested a million rubles from their personal savings into the opening. The second and third were launched in December. For the opening of the second, the guys found an investor who provided 1.5 million rubles for a 40% stake in the enterprise. A million was spent on the launch of the third one from the turnover of the first point.


The guys bought only new equipment for the outlets. When Ilyas opened anti-cafe with another partner, they bought TVs from Avito, and then they constantly repaired them. The guys are sure: when the equipment is good, it will not be sold cheap - they will throw off a maximum of 20% of the original price.

Grills for meat were chosen from three options: Russian - for 35 thousand, Turkish - for 90 thousand, German - for 120 thousand. The first point was Russian, the second and third - Turkish, then to compare the quality. We agreed with the supplier about a discount for the wholesale: we bought three pieces at once. One Turkish grill cost 60 thousand rubles, but in practice it differed little from the Russian one.

15,000 RUB

there is an automatic italian knife

To make the chefs cook faster, we bought an automatic Italian knife for 15 thousand rubles. It cuts meat three times faster and thinner than a regular kitchen knife. Such pieces look more aesthetically pleasing.

Ilyas and Mark spent 1.3 million rubles on equipment for three outlets.

Equipment costs for one point

Refrigerated salad table

67 900 RUB

55,000 RUR

Coffee machine

45,000 RUB

Refrigerator for food

40,000 RUR

Grill for meat

35,000 RUB

Refrigerator for drinks

35,000 RUB

Kitchen dishes

30,000 RUR

TV sets

30,000 RUR

Exhaust umbrella

29,000 RUB

Bread press

24,000 RUB

Blank tables

22,000 RUB

Washing bath

13,000 RUB

Deep fryer

5000 RUB


Shawarma is made from pita bread, meat, vegetables and sauce. All these products need to be taken somewhere, and not in a local supermarket, but at wholesale prices. Such purchases are made through suppliers.

It is not profitable for the owners of one point in the region to work with federal suppliers. The volume of orders is small, so the delivery will not be repulsed. Local suppliers have twice the price or they do not have the right product.

When the guys opened the first outlet, they ordered lavash from a bakery nearby. It was cooked by hand, so the lavash often came uneven: it was torn from one end, and there was too much dough on the other. On other days, he weighed less than usual. The customers didn't like it.

Local suppliers did not have prepared meat cuts. The meat was butchered and skewered. Newbies often worked at the outlets, and they could not cope with this task: the meat burned on one side, and remained raw on the other.

When Ilyas and Mark opened three points, the volume of purchases made it possible to conclude contracts with large companies. The federal meat supplier was found at an investment forum in Sochi in September 2017. The trip was paid for by the Karelian Ministry of Economic Development after Ilyas and Mark won the competition for young entrepreneurs.

At the forum, the guys talked about their business to the top manager of the meat factory. A week later, the company agreed to supply the entrepreneurs with ready-made meat, which simply needs to be skewered. This saved 50 thousand rubles a month. As soon as Ilyas and Mark signed agreements with other federal suppliers, the chain's profit doubled.


Our heroes selected recipes while traveling to outlets with shawarma in St. Petersburg and Azerbaijan. Now in the menu "Senor Doner" there is a classic shawarma with meat and vegetables and unusual rolls - for example, with a fried egg. Classics cost 149 rubles, rolls - 99. The guys also sell shaverboxes - this is shawarma with country-style potatoes in a box instead of lavash. A portion costs 210 rubles.

Every season Ilyas and Mark add new items to the menu. This helps to retain loyal customers who have tasted everything on the menu. Before deciding on a recipe, entrepreneurs study the menus of competitors and outlets abroad, search for recipes on the Internet and experiment. Greek feta doner and vegetarian shawarma were released this summer. Usually they put falafel in it, but Ilyas and Mark opted for deep-fried onion rings.

Buyers are often asked for their opinion. Recently, they wanted to sell shawarma with sauerkraut - this recipe is popular in Germany and the Scandinavian countries. When Ilyas and Mark asked clients in the Vkontakte group if it was worth doing, the audience voted against.

Chicken meat is put into “Senor Doner” shawarma. It is cheaper and easier to prepare than beef. The guys are planning to introduce it as an additional trial position. Now the supplier is developing blanks with marbled beef for Senor Doner.

149 RUB

there is a classic shawarma in "Senor Doner"

If the meat is grilled for a long time, it is fried and loses 30-70% of its weight. Such an error costs the point 70 thousand rubles per month. Shawarma with fried meat is also tasteless: salty and dry. To prevent employees from frying meat, Ilyas and Mark regularly train them.

Before the opening, the guys argued about which sauce to put in the shawarma: hot red or garlic white. Left both for the client to choose. Now 65% of sales are for white sauce, 10% for red and 15% for mix.


Ilyas and Mark planned to deliver the shawarma immediately after the opening of the first outlet. As a result, they did it six months later: the product was not ready for delivery.

The first problem the guys faced was liquid sauce. They came up with the recipe themselves and missed the consistency. The sauce flowed out of the shawarma onto hands, pants and shoes. Also handmade lavash, which Ilyas and Mark bought from a local manufacturer, quickly absorbed this sauce. Shawarma had to be eaten immediately after cooking - otherwise it would fall apart. The problem was solved when they ordered pita bread from a federal supplier, and the sauce was made thicker.

120 RUB

receives the courier for one delivery

"Senor Doner" promises to prepare and deliver shawarma in 39 minutes. On average, pizza and sushi in Petrozavodsk are delivered in an hour.

The order from the site falls into the system and is distributed to the nearest point out of three. Shawarma is delivered on time in 90% of cases. The remaining 10% are delays due to high demand, traffic jams, accidents and other force majeure.

For one delivery, couriers receive 120 rubles - this is the average price on the market in Petrozavodsk. They use private cars and pay for the gas themselves.


Senior Doner employs a chief accountant, merchandiser, supervisor, operator and cook. Couriers and cook assistants work on a contract basis. Staff members are paid twice a month, while the rest receive a daily wage. Ilyas and Mark do not pay their salaries: they simply divide the profit once a quarter.

Entrepreneurs regularly conduct exams for cooks. Beginners are checked 3 days after employment, the rest - every 2-4 months. Evaluate whether the length, width and weight of the meat in the finished product are within the standard parameters. They also look at how much the cook collects shawarma and how it looks. The results are recorded in the table.

The standard rate for employment is 75 rubles per hour. The employee takes the first exam 3 days after starting work. If the cook meets the standards, the payment per hour increases to 90 rubles. After the second exam - up to 100 rubles, after the third - up to 115 (this is the maximum). For comparison, the average rate of a cook in Petrozavodsk is 100 rubles per hour. Usually 3-4 months elapse between the first and third examinations. After that, the guys continue to check the chefs to control the quality of the product.

115 RUB

maximum rate for a cook in the "Senor Doner"

At each point there is a camera that records video. The operator monitors each employee three times a day for 10 minutes. As a result of the check, he fixes in the table which points of the instructions the employee does not follow, and discusses this with him. If an employee systematically violates an employment contract, they are fired. There were 10 such employees during the year.

Ilyas and Mark are ready to hire young people without experience: retraining is more difficult than teaching. People who have already worked in public catering often violate the instructions, because they think they know the job better than the owners. For example, one employee put in more meat. When customers came to other points and received meat according to the technological map, they believed that they were being deceived and wrote angry reviews on social networks.

How to overcome difficulties

Six months after the opening, the profit of "Senor Doner" fell by half. It was twenty-degree frost on the street, people had no time for shawarma: they were celebrating the New Year or were sick. Ilyas and Mark sat down to analyze where to cut costs.

One point worked in January until 02:00. At this time, there were almost no buyers, and two employees were replacing. The guys reduced their working hours and left one cook in the evening. Then they revised the costs of household goods: they changed the gloves and saved 7,000 rubles a month at each outlet. After spending optimization, the margin increased from 100 to 190%.

Once at the point 5 liters of milk deteriorated. It turned out that the staff did not wash the cappuccino pipe in the coffee machine. When they put it in a new carton, the milk began to turn sour. By law, employees cannot be fined, so Ilyas and Mark added a paragraph on washing the pipe to the instructions for employees.

Then the supplier brought cabbage in a cheap package to Senor Doner. The party began to rot and rotted in two days. Another time, the guys ordered more meat than was required. 150 kg of chicken fillet had to be thrown away. This happened after the opening - now the guys do not make such mistakes, because they can predict the volume of sales.

Other difficulties arise with the software. The guys use different programs at points of sale and for delivery. They pay 2600 rubles a month for each point, which is 2.5 times cheaper than using a single software. From time to time there are problems: an order or a comment to it is lost. Recently, a client mixed up the number in the number, and the order did not go to the kitchen. To quickly solve such problems, Ilyas and Mark throw information into a chat with the developers in Telegram.


From time to time, the guys hand out flyers on the street, buy advertisements in the local media, on the radio or on the buses. On average, they spend on promotions from 10 thousand rubles.

  • Subtleties of production
  • Shawarma in a mobile trailer
  • OKVED code
  • Tax system
  • Opening permits
  • Production technology

The profitability of business on "shawarma" or "shawarma" is beyond doubt. This is food, tasty, fast and relatively cheap. The demand for this product is always high, at any time of the year. The success of such a case, according to practitioners, depends on two main factors: the location of the outlet and the qualifications of the cook ...

Shawarma business - choose the format!

The most common format in the shawarma trade is the installation of a kiosk or a small pavilion in highly passable places. The most popular of which are: public transport stops, metro exits, markets, auto and railway stations, airports, universities and technical schools, shopping and entertainment centers, city beaches, cinemas, central city streets. Places on traffic-congested roads are also profitable. The point with shawarma can be opened even in a small village if a federal highway passes along it. In this case, every trucker and tourist is a potential client of the establishment. Most often, all the responsibilities on the spot are handled by one employee who prepares the dish and accepts payment. The second person (administrator or supplier) monitors the availability of ingredients, consumables and supplies them on time.

How much can you earn on shawarma

The exact income of such a point cannot be named, since a lot of factors affect the final profit. For example, the location of the outlet, the range of goods, the presence of competitors, etc. One can spend 50 thousand on rent, and the other - 250 thousand. By the way, we recommend reading the article “ How to conclude a lease correctly". To increase turnover, in addition to the classic shawarma, the organizers include in the assortment related products: coffee, tea, chocolate, cold drinks, smoked meats, salads and grills.

Depending on the place, at a certain time the emphasis is either on shawarma or on the grill. For example, for grilled chicken they can come purposefully in the evening (after work), while shawarma is more often acquired spontaneously by people passing by during lunchtime. The sale of related products allows you to close the cost of rent, utility bills, taxes, fuels and lubricants, while shawarma and grill bring the main profit to the point. In some cities there are popular "fast food" places where dozens of shawarma outlets are located on one line. And everyone, you know, lives well. Nobody closes, there are enough clients for everyone, and the place can be bought only for big money. One portion is sold for an average of 190 rubles, and the average bill is 250 rubles. (by buying coffee, tea, etc.) Cooking one shawarma takes 1.5 - 2 minutes. The most successful points are sold 300 portions a day, making revenue under 60 - 100 thousand rubles. Net profit per month reaches 250 thousand rubles. and more. And this is from just one point in the kiosk format. Individual organizers create a network of 5-10 similar objects and live very well. The real queue for shawarma:

True, as in any business, there is an important economic component here. Because even the presence of customers cannot guarantee the profitability of a business. The main expenses of the point with shawarma are rent and salary of the “shawarma” cook. Rent in a more or less advantageous location in Moscow costs at least 50 thousand rubles. And in especially busy places, for example, near the metro, you will have to pay more than 250 thousand rubles for rent. per month. The exit of the shawarista to the point costs an average of 1,500 rubles. Plus, it is customary to pay bonuses to motivate employees. For example, for each portion sold, the cook may be paid 10-15 rubles. Individual employees manage to sell 250 units per day, thereby earning an additional 2500 rubles.

Subtleties of production

The cost of shawarma can vary dramatically depending on the season. So, in summer, prices for vegetables are much lower than in winter. And, as you know, one of the main components of delicious shawarma is cabbage, tomato, cucumber and greens. The approximate weight of the dish is 440 grams. 80 grams is meat, the rest is vegetables, Korean carrots, sauces and mayonnaise. Meat for shawarma is used in different ways, up to mutton and turkey. The most popular is chicken, as it is the most affordable in terms of price. The principle of cooking for each type of meat is the same: the meat is cut into fillets, beaten a little and poured with marinade for 12 hours.

The marinade contains cinnamon, cloves, coriander, black pepper, red vinegar, olive oil and parsley. In the classic version, the meat is cooked over an open fire, but some also use a regular frying pan. The orange, which is planted over the meat on a skewer, gives juiciness to the dish. The juice flows down and permeates the meat evenly. One of the basic rules is that pita bread must be absolutely fresh. Lying pita breads tend to crack, which is why all the components of the shawarma can crawl out. The client will definitely not be happy with such a surprise. So, you need to pay special attention to the search for stable supplies of lavash, since almost every city has similar mini-productions.

How much money is needed to start a business

At first glance, it may seem that large investments are not required here. However, a cursory calculation shows that even with modest calculations, investments to open one kiosk with shawarma exceed half a million. Approximate calculation of investments:

  • Trade stall / pavilion - 250,000 rubles with installation
  • Approvals and permits, electricity supply - 80,000 rubles.
  • Commercial and refrigeration equipment, grill, coffee machine, etc. - 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of products, ingredients and assortment of goods - 25,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 20,000 rubles.
  • Reserve capital for unforeseen expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 525,000 rubles. If you add design elements to the point, for example, make a pavilion in a wooden style, install a bright sign, good lighting and put tables for snacking, the initial investment will approach a million. Those who are not interested in this business can choose a different direction. For example, do profitable investments in cars or make money on real estate.

Shawarma in a mobile trailer

As a room for shawarma, you can use a regular stationary pavilion or kiosk. But, you can also open a business in a mobile tonar trailer, in the appropriate design. The mobile option has one big advantage - mobility. It didn't work in one place, we move to a new one without any special losses. The stationary option may and looks more thorough, but still the subsequent costs of moving the point in case of an unsuccessful start will be higher. Moreover, today there are many offers for trade trailers fully equipped for cooking shawarma. Moreover, they are completely autonomous. The lighting and grill in the trailer are gas powered, and the water is taken from conventional boilers (15 liters).

The point can be installed even on the roadway, where there are no communications! The area of ​​the trailer is 8-10 sq. m. (and more, depending on modifications). The package includes: refrigerator (Atlant type), chest freezer, gas compartment, sink with water heater, exhaust ventilation, electric meter, shelves, counters, lighting, clothes compartment, etc. Issue price - 450,000 rubles. For an additional fee, the manufacturer can install a skirt on the trailer (covers the wheels for an aesthetic look) and make a complete advertising design. It will cost approximately 100,000 rubles (we recommend reading the article “ Snack bar as a business»).

What documents are needed to open

No licenses are required to carry out such activities. The requirements for such facilities coincide with the requirements for a classic catering outlet that has a kitchen. An employee, who is also a cook and a salesman, must have a medical record, and issued according to the labor code of the Russian Federation... All ingredients must have certificates of conformity provided by their supplier. These documents can be useful when checking by law enforcement agencies or an unscheduled check by Rospotrebnadzor. Attention to such points is always special, since there are quite a few cases of fast food poisoning due to the negligence of the organizers.

OKVED code

As an organizational form for one or two points, an ordinary individual entrepreneur is more often registered. OKVED, you can choose either 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes", or 52.22.2 "Retail trade in meat and poultry meat". More precisely, on this issue, they will consult with the tax office, in which the business will be registered. The most suitable taxation system: UTII (imputed) or STS, depending on the region. You can also look at the patent system, which is considered the most profitable and hassle-free in terms of reporting - paid once and "forgot".

A step-by-step plan for opening a shawarma shop

The sphere of fast food, the so-called fast food, attracts entrepreneurs with the relative ease of opening and the quick payback of the project. To start, you just need to purchase equipment, find space for accommodation, hire personnel and negotiate with food suppliers. The turn-based strategy is as follows:

The location for placing a point of sale is a key point, since earnings directly depend on the number of potential customers and competitors. It is best to locate such points in crowded places - markets, squares, near educational institutions, office buildings, enterprises.

In order to start a business, you need register as an individual entrepreneur, or open an LLC, if, in addition to the sale of shawarma, it is planned to sell alcoholic beverages.

The sale of food products requires the mandatory presence of these documents.

After all the steps have been followed, you can launch a business project. Don't forget about the advertising campaign. If you are looking for the most profitable options for promoting your products, you can contact the kwork freelance services store, where you can order the necessary content, promotion of a group or site .

Equipment for business on shawarma

The main equipment for the production of shawarma is a grill machine. Choosing the right model shouldn't be difficult as there is a wide range of grills from various manufacturers on the market. At the initial stage, it is possible to purchase used equipment, or from Chinese manufacturers. The price range varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, Chinese manufacturers provide equipment from 300 dollars. In addition to the grill, you must also purchase a refrigerator, various kitchen utensils, a water heater, a washstand, a microwave oven and a two-sided grill to brown the finished shawarma.

Tax system

The best option for choice of taxation system is the Simplified taxation system (STS), which implies the payment of 6 percent of the proceeds, or 15 percent of the profit, the interest rate is chosen by the entrepreneur himself.

Opening permits

The necessary permits for opening this type of business include the following documents:

  1. Individual entrepreneur certificate.
  2. Tax registration certificate.
  3. Certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological station.
  4. Availability of sanitary books.
  5. Conclusion of the Fire Department.

Production technology

Shawarma cooking technology boils down to cutting grilled meat, adding spicy sauce, spices, herbs, fresh vegetables and distributing all the ingredients in a pita bread sheet. Depending on the selected recipe, you can use not only lavash, but also Arabian pita - flat, round bread. Want to discover something more original? Read the article “ Business idea - Pizza glass, a new fast food format«!

Simple but convenient fast food outlets - shawarma kiosks - are widely spread.

They can be found in any big city and at the same time starting a similar own business is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

This type of business is attractive for its relative simplicity and speed of creation. The initial investment is quite modest and, if the circumstances are right, it will pay off quickly.

The variability of the final form of the establishment is enormous, you can open both a small kiosk specializing exclusively in the sale of food, and a larger room where visitors can eat comfortably at the tables.

The street food format fits perfectly into the atmosphere of a bustling metropolis, and with proper positioning, your business will exist for many years.

Recently, the spread of shawarma stalls has slightly decreased due to increasing competition from numerous mobile fast food outlets. The disadvantage of starting in this area is its low prestige; most believe that this type of business is the lot of emigrants exclusively. Most establishments are very similar to each other, and if you give your own unique flavor, then consumers will notice it, and income will certainly grow.

What documents and permissions are needed

The required package of documents is quite large, and it takes some effort and a lot of time to get everything. Most entrepreneurs arrange such a business, but if it is planned to sell not only shawarma and soft drinks, but also alcohol, then it is necessary.

You will also need the following:

  • After successfully searching for the location of the stall and concluding a lease agreement, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to install a retail outlet in a specific location. In fact, this document confirms that in the event of fires and other emergencies, your kiosk will not create obstacles in the evacuation of people.
  • Additionally, the same authority issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion that the production process meets all standards.
  • Rospotrebnadzor does not stop there and still requires a production control program, which, in theory, should be a tool for constant monitoring of product quality.
  • All offered assortment must be issued with certificates of conformity to the requirements of standards.
  • It is forbidden to wash the staff uniform at home, you need to conclude a contract on the use of laundry services.
  • Even if the sanitary situation in the room is impeccable, government agencies will still require an agreement on disinfection, disinfestation, deratization of surfaces and ventilation systems.
  • Employees must be registered in accordance with labor law and have properly completed medical books, which are admission to work with food.

Bureaucratic red tape is the most tiring process when starting a business, and many use the intermediary services of agencies that, for a reasonable price, will save you hours spent in queues.

Also, it is not recommended to get involved in bribery when applying for permits, regulators like to carry out numerous checks, during which it is easy to identify obvious violations. It is best to initially do everything in accordance with legal requirements.

Format options

All point format options can be divided into stationary and mobile("on wheels"):

  • The advantage of mobile establishments is their fast transportation when celebrating City Day and other public events, when the need for fast food is maximum.
  • At the same time, fixed premises may have more efficient equipment, comfortable tables and other amenities. Most often, stationary points are opened on the first floors of buildings; angular placement will only enhance the recognizability of the institution. Ready-made small architectural forms are often used. The range of such kiosks is huge, while they have basic communications for further equipment. It is advisable to give your own point a unique appearance in order to advantageously differ among the many faceless competitors.

Location selection

Perhaps this nuance is the most important for the profitability of the future enterprise. Of course, you can cook the best shawarma in the city for a reasonable price, have a very attractive exterior, but without a constant human flow, all your efforts will be useless.

The next factor is the potential demand for street fast food in this place. For example, often near metro stations there are 2 or even 3 points for the sale of shawarma, and the next establishment of such a plan is unlikely to pay off quickly, and in the face of competitors you will become a true enemy, because of which their incomes have fallen.

The ideal option would be a crowded place, but so that no similar points could be seen on the horizon. Many people buy shawarma spontaneously, just seeing a kiosk nearby with alluring aromas, and your outlet should become just such a choice for customers.

Point equipment

Cooking shawarma is a simple process, and special devices are not needed here. The following devices are basic:

  • grill;
  • burners;
  • refrigerator;
  • cash register.

The grill is the main place for food preparation, and there is no great difference between gas and electric models. Everything is based solely on the required performance and financial capabilities.

Grill burners require more careful consideration when purchasing. When purchasing a simple grill, the quality of the product will not be affected in any way, but if you choose an unreliable burner, you can lose customer preferences.

With a refrigerator, everything is very simple, it must contain all the necessary ingredients. But it is very difficult to accurately plan this parameter in theory, everything will become clear only in the first months of work. Therefore, you should not purchase refrigeration equipment of small capacity, it is easier to buy a large device at once than to buy another one later to meet the growing demand.

Since it is preferable to operate completely legally, the simplest cash register will be an excellent proof of the legal origin of income.

You can carefully study the cooking process in the following video:

Required personnel

The staff is the face of the enterprise, it is worth hiring people of appropriate appearance, the presence of charisma is only welcome. Cooking shawarma is very simple, and it is irrational to require a cook's education. With the proper skill, even the most hopeless employee will become a virtuoso of product preparation in a matter of days.

Obligatory is the absence of venus-dermatological diseases and a correctly completed sanitary book. Staff turnover in this business is significant and it is always worth having a reliable employee in stock.

Purchase of raw materials

The ingredients for shawarma (meat and fresh vegetables) are perishable, so you need to constantly analyze the level of sales so as not to expire. After reaching a certain level of predictability of implementation, it is worth thinking about the quality of the products.

Ideally, if a farmer is found who supplies consistently high-quality products at reasonable prices.

The use of such components will strikingly distinguish your product from the product of competitors who purchase factory raw materials at wholesale sites. In negotiations regarding the cost of raw materials, it is worth insisting on progressive discounts on the volume of purchases. This will serve as an additional incentive for the development of the enterprise.

Place advertisement

Traditional advertising channels are ill-suited to popularize shawarma establishments. The overwhelming majority of customers know that this particular shawarma is delicious, or they just make a purchase, because this outlet turned out to be closer than others.

But this does not mean that advertising for your business is unnecessary. Many people create whole networks from many points, and if you are thinking about perspective, then it is recommended to take participation in all kinds of festivals street food, periodically offer shares, for example, when buying shawarma - tea is free. Also high quality, conspicuous and unique sign is one of the best advertising media that must attract attention.

Project costs and profitability

All business expenses, in addition to the initial investment, should be divided for further analysis by constants and variables... Depending on the size of the business, the start-up investment may be from 3 to 10 thousand dollars.

The lion's share of fixed costs will be rent and wages. Direct costs for raw materials, electricity, and so on are relatively small, and there is no need to cut them.

It is important not to forget that making a profit is not the initial task of a business, the primary need is to recoup the money invested at the start.

Nowadays, most people are constantly moving forward, and cannot spend a lot of time on good nutrition. In the frantic rhythm of a modern big city, many of us eat in a hurry, on the go. But the aroma of freshly prepared shawarma attracts more and more ... In addition to all this, there are those who simply cannot afford to eat in a cafe. These are students, schoolchildren, seasonal workers, etc. etc. Opening your own mini-cafe with making shawarma does not require huge financial investments from you. And this business will bring you profit from the very first days of work. the most important thing in this matter is to correctly choose a location with high traffic. And then all that remains is to find a good cook and competently choose a valuable policy. This activity is a great start in the food service industry. Opening your own small stall with the preparation and sale of shawarma contains a lot of advantages compared to opening a cafe or restaurant:

  1. Small investment.
  2. The likelihood of finding a good chef who will make shawarma is much higher than finding a unique chef for a cafe or restaurant.
  3. Easy registration procedure.
  4. All checks in your stall will take place much less frequently than in large restaurants and cafes.
  5. An opportunity to start scaling your business.
  6. The total amount of start-up investments in this type of activity will be about 280,000 rubles.

And you can reach the break-even point in the first month of work. The payback period is approximately five months. Monthly profit - 80,000 rubles. the return on sales is 22 percent.

Description of the business, product or service

After reading this article, you will learn how to open shawarma. A business plan will be given here, where all possible costs will be taken into account. Shawarma (shawarma) is an oriental dish. It is prepared as follows: meat cooked on a special grill is chopped into small pieces. Then spicy herbs, fresh vegetables, sauce are added to it. Then the filling is tightly wrapped in a flat cake or pita bread. All ingredients are prepared by the chef in advance. For this reason, cooking the shawarma itself takes only 5-10 minutes. This dish is eaten hot without cutlery.

The cost of a dish that has a unique and original taste and quickly satisfies hunger is about 100-180 rubles. This will depend on the filling included in the sucking shawarma. All of the above advantages make this dish the most popular fast food trend. A stall selling shawarma should be located in a place with high traffic. The area of ​​the selected room should be about 10-15 sq. meters. Currently, there is a huge selection of stalls on the market. For this reason, finding a suitable stall, just for you, will not be difficult.

Shawarma assortment:

  • mushroom,
  • chicken,
  • cheesy,
  • meat,
  • dietary,
  • vegetarian.

For the opportunity to receive additional income, you can offer your customers related products: desserts, pastries, drinks.


  • Coffee.
  • Chilled juices.
  • Carbonated water, lemonade.

Other baked goods:

  • Pizza.
  • Samsa.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Hot dogs.
  • Desserts:
  • Chocolate bars.
  • Ice cream.
  • Milkshakes.

The discount schedule of the stall is as follows: from 9-00 to 21-00.

Description of the sales market

In this article, it is worth finding out shawarma, how profitable is this event or not? The turnover of the catering market in our country over the past 2016-17 years exceeded 1200 billion rubles. Rosstat data tell us about it. In addition, the growth in fast food is more noticeable: from May 2015 to May 2016, 409 new restaurants - fast food chains were created in Russia. At the beginning of 2015, the growth in this area was already 5.2 percent. In the region of our capital, in particular, the fast food chain could distinguish itself. For individual networkers, growth was ten percent, according to CBRE analysts. Based on this, the fast food area contains enormous growth potential.

The target audience.

The main clients of establishments engaged in the preparation and sale of shawarma are the following groups of citizens:

  • Students.
  • Pupils.
  • Mid-level office workers and managers.
  • Representatives of various working professions (loaders, builders).
  • Street food and fast food lovers.

Sales and Marketing.

Shawarma as a business idea is a great deal. But here it is worthwhile to act competently. The huge advantage of this type of activity is that you do not have to spend a lot of money on an advertising campaign. You just need to make a colorful advertisement that will be noticeable from afar. As part of the advertising campaign, in order to attract customers, you can arrange a festive opening of your mini-cafe with loud fun music, balls, and free drinks. In addition, we advise you to register in well-known social networks. networks, hold a drawing, inform their customers about the holding of promotions. From time to time you will need to distribute flyers in nearby streets. The best advertisement for a shawarma stall is, of course, your satisfied customer, who was fed very tasty, and, moreover, also cheap. There are very simple rules that allow you to form competitive advantages in order to be able to distinguish yourself well and profitably from the owners of other stalls:

You need to cook deliciously, but also healthy. It is necessary to change the oil intended for frying more often, try to use only high-quality products, fresh vegetables.

Try to add variety to the range of products offered. It is necessary to introduce into the menu vegetarian shawarma for those people who do not eat meat products, or baby shawarma, so that little children can enjoy their favorite dish without harm to their health.

The chef and the part-time seller are obliged to carry out customer service in a clean uniform, and all the ingredients used in the preparation of shawarma must be stored in closed and clean gastronorm containers. In addition, it is imperative to maintain cleanliness in such a way as not to be afraid of being checked by an auditor.

Do not in any way deceive your clients. Often, the owners of these eateries selling street food, not wanting to incur losses, try to sell the product, even if it cannot be classified as fresh. Such games with human health are very dangerous and can lead to serious and sad consequences.

Provide discount to wholesalers. For example, if a client buys five types of shawarma at once, then give the sixth one! Thus, it will be possible to encourage employees of the nearby offices. Try to add pleasant bonuses to the shawarma sold, for example, chewing gum, or a serving of tea or coffee. Such small things will cost the owner quite inexpensively, and as for the customers themselves, they will be pleasantly surprised and will visit your cafe more than once.

It is imperative to adhere to a reasonable pricing policy.

Production plan

Stage 1: Business registration.

If you are thinking about the question of how to open a shawarma, then find out what documents are needed in this case. Let's talk about everything in order.

First, you should register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) and choose a certain form of taxation. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will allow you to sell food products, as well as soft drinks. After you register and you are entered into the unified state register, you need to receive the following package of documents:

  • Permission to open a stall selling shawarma in a selected area - as a rule, this permission is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. It concerns only sanitary and epidemiological issues.
  • Business permit. Issued by the municipality.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. this document is issued according to the compliance of your company with the existing standards,
  • Sanitary and epidemiological standards, rules;
  • A document that acts as an appendix to the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor. it is called the "Assortment List of Manufactured Products";
  • A special program of production control over the observance of the order of sanitary rules, and the implementation of mandatory sanitary and epidemiological measures in the sale and manufacture of catering products.
  • Agreement for the provision of dry cleaning and laundry services for washing personnel uniforms.
  • The certificate of conformity of manufactured and sold products, according to the current regulatory documentation.
  • Agreement on disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  • Disinfection, deratization, disinfection agreement.
  • Contract for the removal of solid waste (solid household waste), as well as organic waste.
  • Medical book for workers.

Stage 2: Choosing a location.

The best places to install a shawarma stall:

The central part of the city (an ideal option would be to install a stall in one of the central squares, where it is crowded on weekdays and on weekends).

The location of the stall next to the market, bazaar.

Near the institute, or other educational institutions, office buildings, and hospitals.

Room characteristics:

  1. Availability of electricity and water supply.
  2. The area of ​​the premises must be at least 10 -15 square meters.
  3. Insulated walls in the stall.

Stage 3: Search for suppliers.

In all cities, without exception, there are wholesale companies or grocery stores that specialize in the supply of food. You should choose one or several suppliers for yourself. This will help you minimize various force majeure events. For example, the main supplier sharply overstates the selling cent, or simply cannot provide your company with uninterrupted supply. Only after you secure the signing of business contracts, you can safely count on providing customers with additional discounts. Should be purchased frequently but in small quantities. Yes, it is worth noting that you will pay more for delivery, but you will significantly save on food storage. You do not need special systems designed for long-term storage, such as a vegetable drawer. This will help you keep the food fresh. Most wholesalers have ready-made sets of supplies in their stock, or, more simply, they can completely take over equipping your stall with the necessary food products at a low cost.

Stage 4: Several activities.

So, in the next step, you should do the following:

  • Conducting an advertising campaign.
  • Selection of working personnel.
  • Repairing the premises.
  • Installation of the necessary equipment.
  • Furniture purchase.
  • Carrying out an advertising campaign for the network according to the plan of annual promotions.
  • The grand opening of the point.
  • Current work point.

Organizational structure

Basically, at the start of this business, the owner himself acts as the point manager. Staff: two salesmen / chefs. Work schedule: 2/2. in a shawarma stall, the chef can also play the role of a seller. But if there are a huge number of buyers, then in the future you can hire two people per shift. In this case, the seller will be able to serve the client and calculate the price, and also the cook.

The main requirements for working personnel:

Mandatory presence of a medical book;

  • Work experience as a cook.
  • Hard work.
  • Honesty.
  • Friendliness.
  • Responsiveness.

The salary of the seller should be calculated as follows: 10,000 rubles. Salary plus a bonus (0.08 revenue).

Financial plan

Investment costs for opening this type of activity will amount to approximately 280,700 rubles. The main item of expenditure is equipment. In the table below, we will detail it by article. The sales plan according to the project will be provided in the following table. In the future, sales are forecast to grow gradually over the first four months of this project. Based on this, the baseline scenario considered here is more realistic. In addition, this project has a reserve of sales growth in case of excellent market entry. Monthly costs include both variable and incremental costs, which will depend on total sales. In the table below, we have provided you with the average monthly costs. The main cost item is the purchase of products. In our next table, we present a detailed procurement plan. The general mark-up for shawarma is approximately 150 percent. And for desserts and other pastries - 100 percent. Fifty percent for drinks. For the first year of operation of the enterprise, the financial result will be presented in the table below. The net average income for the first year of operation of your company will be 91,000 rubles.

  • When planning for one year, the following economic indicators can be safely identified:
  • The average payback period is approximately 5 months.
  • The net discounted profit will be 555,900 rubles.
  • The discounted payback period is five months.
  • The profitability index is 2.99.
  • The company's internal rate of return will be 199 percent.

Risk factors

Now you were able to find out how to open shawarma what is needed for this. It is worth noting that this type of activity contains a number of disadvantages, which you should definitely know about before you decide to open a shawarma stall:

Huge competition in this area. Trying to find a free niche is quite difficult, but it is even more difficult to hold out in business and make it profitable. The point of sale for shawarma is a small business. And as we know, it is always very difficult for a small business to stay on the market.

Shawarma is made from perishable foodstuffs. It is necessary to carefully select and store products in order not to poison your customers.

Difficulties with the choice of personnel. The most important task is to find an honest chef who will work quickly and efficiently.

Increase in the cost of products. None of us, alas, is 100% insured against price increases by suppliers. If you anticipate the risks, you can be prepared for all sorts of negative consequences and thus minimize soybean losses.

Watch the video

Do you love oriental cuisine and would like to cook your favorite meals for other people? Then there is a unique and promising offer for you - the production of shawarma. This is a profitable business that can bring its owner a good income. A shawarma cafe can be an initial step on the way to your own restaurant. This is the best option for beginners, since the investment will be minimal.

In order for the point of sale of shawarma to be profitable, it is necessary to think over many questions. After all, the main task of any business is quick payback and profit. It is important that your establishment is visited by as many customers as possible, and they are satisfied with the service and product quality. Let's figure it out and calculate the effectiveness of the project.

The merits of a business idea

To start, there is no need to rent a large premise with a modern renovation. For the start, a standard stall or mobile van will suffice. Remember, this is not a restaurant of high principles, but fast and inexpensive fast food. Your clients will not be high-ranking guests of the city, but ordinary schoolchildren and students who just want a tasty and inexpensive snack between couples. You will give them the opportunity to eat in no time. Therefore, it would be optimal to be located near universities and technical schools. So, developing a business plan for selling shawarma is not a difficult task, but it requires a competent analysis of information.

How to draw up a business plan for opening a shawarma?

So, many are worried about a simple and logical question: in a small town? We can say that such a business option will be relevant and in demand there. However, it should be understood that you will have much fewer visitors. You will be competitive in any city if you offer your client the best range of quality products and decent service.

Indeed, in small towns there is no huge concentration of students and young people. And to get the maximum profit, it is the attendance that is important. Ideally, you need to locate your stall in the area of ​​the market or public transport, that is, where the maximum number of people pass. It is also important to choose the right pricing, as people are unlikely to appreciate products that are too expensive.

An example of a business plan for opening shawarma from scratch

First of all, you should find a stall that you can rent or purchase for work. However, we recommend that you take your time and first try yourself in a new business, and if the business goes on, then you can buy a stall or open a large restaurant. If you cannot find the best trading place, then you should not despair. After all, you must find the option that will bring you maximum profit and show positive progress. The profitability of the project is important here.

For this, there are mobile trailers that can be moved to new places and choose your best option for the place of sale of products. If you want to immediately start working in a supermarket or shopping center, then this option has a higher cost. Renting in such premises costs much more, although there are also more people here.

Business plan for opening a shawarma stall

A kiosk that has all the necessary communications will cost you about 150,000 rubles. It will be necessary to connect electricity to it, if initially it is absent. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the city authorities to open such a business, which also takes a considerable amount of time and financial investments. The competition in this business is quite high. But it seems so at first glance. There are really a lot of places with oriental cuisine, however, it is very difficult to find those who offer really tasty food at adequate prices. You can occupy this niche and come first.

Organizational plan and its nuances

To start a business, you will naturally need to draw up a package of documentation and register with the tax office. You can open an individual entrepreneur and choose the optimal form of taxation. Individual entrepreneurs are allowed to trade in food. However, it is worth noting that you will need additional permits and certificates to sell alcoholic products.

What documents must be in your hands when starting a project:

  • Business permit. It is formalized by the city authorities;
  • Permission to open a point with food. A sanitary permit is issued here. The check is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • IP opening certificate;
  • Premises lease or title deeds;
  • Certificates for the sale of products;
  • Contracts for disinfection and deratization of premises;
  • Communication systems maintenance contract;
  • Medical record and personal data about each employee.

Selecting the location of the object

So, the room must have all the necessary communications. However, for the profitability of the project, it is also important to choose the right location. What is the best location?

  • City center, if there are public transport stops and a constant flow of people. It can be a central street or a square, where there is a large crowd of people both on weekdays and on weekends;
  • In close proximity to parks, universities and office premises. That is, where there are people who are in the same area all day long and have a need to eat;
  • Within markets and parks.

If the location is chosen correctly, then with quality products, your profit will begin to grow almost on the opening day. One client, having tried your product, will definitely recommend it to another person. Thus, you will be able to acquire regular customers in the shortest possible time.

However, the premises must also meet certain requirements. Its area should be at least 10 sq. m. There must be a city communications. That is, the availability of water, electricity and air conditioning. It is important to take care of the insulation of the walls, since if there is no centralized heating there, then in winter it will be very cold and damp there. As a result, staff will simply refuse to work in such conditions and a constant turnover and lack of hands will begin, which can lead to the loss of regular customers and a decrease in the level of profits.

Search and networking with suppliers

This is an important aspect of the activity. You will constantly need ingredients for the manufacture of food products and it is important that they are always fresh, and delivery is carried out exactly on time. This will help you avoid interruptions. In every city there are food bases that supply products to local cafes and restaurants on terms of wholesale prices. Choose for yourself several optimal options for permanent cooperation. In this case, if one person has problems, you can quickly order the necessary products from another.

If a supplier you have worked with constantly raises prices or leaves the market, then you can quickly establish delivery with another. Otherwise, it will take time to find a new person, which can result in the loss of regular customers and downtime in trade, which is unacceptable in this business. It is recommended to purchase products frequently, but in small batches. So you can constantly work in the kitchen with fresh food.

Production plan: search for employees

For the constant production of shawarma, a minimum number of employees will be required. The main person in this business is the chef. It is important that he knows how to cook delicious meals and does not skimp on the composition and ingredients. If you are good at cooking and are ready to start a business with a minimum of investment, then at first you can act as chefs and prepare meals on your own.

So you will gain the first regular customers, see the approximate income and its growth, and you will be able to hire a person, knowing all the nuances of running this project. You need to look for a competent and experienced chef who has experience in making shawarma. He must have a health card, as he will be in contact with food in the kitchen. You can do the bookkeeping yourself. If you don’t know the nuances, then you can find a private accountant who will undertake to cooperate with you on an ongoing basis.

Basic requirements for employees:

  • Registration of a medical book;
  • Work experience of cooks;
  • Decency and honesty;
  • Sociability and non-conflict;
  • Friendliness and honesty.

These are the qualities that a cook who directly works with people should have. Remember, it is important not only to cook deliciously, but also to serve the client competently. You need to smile and ask for the opinion of each client in order to be able to correct your own mistakes in a timely manner. Remember, the client is always right and this rule is not negotiable.

A ready-made business plan for a tent with shawarma: important aspects of choosing equipment

Here is exactly the case when saving is impractical, since the taste of the prepared dishes will depend on the quality of the equipment. To open a stall, you should definitely purchase:

  • Grill. It can operate on both gas and electricity;
  • Burner;
  • Refrigerator for storing products and ingredients;
  • Cash register for conducting settlement transactions with customers.

To get started, you can opt for equipment from domestic manufacturers, and eventually replace it with a more modern and multifunctional one. It is important to buy only an original product without fakes, since most of the functions in them do not work or work incorrectly, which will negatively affect the prepared dishes. There are risks in this business. First of all, they are associated with competition and the wrong choice of location.

When the business starts to generate income, you can replace the old equipment with modern German-made devices. They have proven themselves positively. The cost price should be lower than the sale of goods. On the site, you can study a sample business plan for opening a shawarma with calculations and make sure that you need a minimum investment to open it.

Shawarma marketing plan

Marketing in this case consists in advertising quality products. If you sell delicious food and at the same time do not neglect the benefits for the body, then soon you will have many regular customers. In this case, the financial plan and expenses will quickly pay off and the business will begin to bring real money and pleasure.

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