Lee Oswald, the only suspect in the assassination of John F. Kennedy: biography and photos. Lee harvey ovald the killer of lee harvey oswald

His father - Robert Edward Lee Oswald - died of a heart attack even before his birth, his mother - Marguerite Francis Clavier - raised the boy and his two brothers herself.

In 1956, Lee Harvey dropped out of school and joined the United States Marine Corps, where he trained as a sniper. He served at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, from September 1957 - in Atsugi (Japan) as part of the Air Control 1 naval squadron. In December 1958 he was transferred back to El Toro. On September 11, 1959, he retired, citing the need to take care of his mother.

At the end of September 1959, Oswald provided fictitious documents confirming his intention to study at one of the colleges in Switzerland and went through France and England to Finland.

Was there a "Russian trace" in the assassination of John F. Kennedy?The version about Moscow's hand in the Kennedy assassination will always exist because Oswald spent almost three years in the Soviet Union, recalls Larisa Sayenko.

On October 14, in Helsinki, he received a Soviet visa allowing him to travel to the USSR for no more than 6 days. On October 16, 1959, Oswald arrived in Moscow and settled in the Berlin Hotel. Through his guide, Rimma Shirokova, Oswald announced his desire to remain in the Soviet Union, but on October 21, after a long conversation with KGB officers, he was refused. Returning to the hotel, he tried to commit suicide by opening his veins. In an unconscious state, he was taken to the City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin.

A few days after being discharged from the hospital, on October 31 at the US Embassy in Moscow, Oswald announced that he intended to renounce his American citizenship. Until the end of the year, the American was waiting for the decision of the Soviet consulate and practically did not leave the hotel room, actively studying Russian.

On January 4, 1960, Oswald was given an identity document for stateless persons and was told that they were ready to leave him in Minsk.

In 1960-1962, Oswald lived in Minsk, worked as a turner at the V. Lenin Minsk Radio Plant. The American was given a separate apartment and a salary of 700 rubles. At the same time, Oswald was constantly monitored by the KGB.

Shushkevich: convinced that Oswald could not have killed KennedyMore than 50 years later, the former leader of Belarus told RIA Novosti in Minsk about his student, assuring that he categorically did not believe that he could have killed US President John F. Kennedy.

By the beginning of 1961, Lee Harvey became disillusioned with the Soviet way of life: he was refused admission to the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba (now the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia), in his diary entries, he complained about the lack of entertainment and the opportunity to travel. In February 1961, Oswald asked the US Embassy to help him return to his homeland.

In April 1961, he married a Soviet citizen Marina Prusakova, on February 15, 1962, their daughter June was born.

June 1, 1962, after receiving all required documents Lee Harvey Oswald left the USSR with his wife and daughter.

Returning to the United States, Oswald settled in Fort Worth, not far from his brother's mother and family. He often changed work and place of residence, wrote memoirs about life in the Soviet Union. Soon, using false documents, I acquired a 38 caliber revolver and a rifle.

According to one of the versions, on April 10, 1963, he made an unsuccessful attempt on the life of retired Major General Edwin Walker, known for his anti-communist views.

In April 1963, in New Orleans, Lee Harvey initiated the creation of a local branch of the Crusade to Free Cuba Committee, which opposed the Fidel Castro regime. Tried to get a transit visa at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, applied for a visa at the Soviet embassy, ​​citing FBI surveillance.

On October 20, 1963, Audrey's second daughter Marina Rachel was born into the Oswald family.

In October 1963, Oswald joined the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.

As established by the Warren Commission (to investigate the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy), on November 22, 1963, from a window on the sixth floor of the depository building, Oswald shot three times at US President John F. Kennedy while he was riding in a motorcade. Killed Kennedy and wounded Governor John B. Connally with his shots.

Oswald managed to escape the crime scene, but was soon stopped on the street by patrol officer J.D. Tippit, who was also shot by Lee Harvey.

A few hours later, Oswald was detained outside the Texas Theater. After analyzing the evidence remaining at the crime scene, he was identified as a suspect in the murder of John F. Kennedy and arrested. During interrogations, he did not admit his guilt.

On November 24, 1963, on his way to interrogation, Oswald was fatally wounded by the owner of the nightclub, Jack Ruby, and died a few hours later at Parkland Hospital.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

On November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the United States was fatally wounded while driving through the city in an open car in Dallas. John F. Kennedy. Despite all the efforts of the doctors, half an hour after being wounded, Kennedy died in the hospital - he initially had no chance of surviving.

An hour and twenty minutes after the assassination attempt, the police detained a 24-year-old employee of the school book depository Lee Harvey Oswald, became the prime suspect in a crime.

Oswald did not appear in court. Two days later, while being transferred from the police department to the county jail, he was shot and killed by the owner of a nightclub. Jack Ruby.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most beloved stories by conspiracy theorists. At the same time, in most "conspiracy theories" Oswald appears either as a minor figure, or in general as a person who was framed.

"How could a loner deal with such a powerful figure as the President of the United States?" - ask the question of skeptics.

"Marxist" from New Orleans

Lee Harvey Oswald himself would probably be offended. All his life he believed that he was underestimated, and tried to achieve respect for his person.

He was born in New Orleans on October 18, 1939. The boy's father died a month and a half before his birth. The family lived hard - Oswald's mother was even forced to send him and his brothers to an orphanage for some time, since there was nothing to feed them. Lee went through many schools, but never completed his secondary education. The family often changed their place of residence, and the boy never had a permanent circle of friends. In addition, he was under pressure from an overbearing mother and dreamed of leaving home in order to get rid of him.

He was about 15 years old when he declared himself a Marxist. True, Lee's classmates said that he did not have any clearly formed views. He spoke with quotations from books and articles he had read, but he could not really compose a coherent concept out of them.

At 17, Oswald joined the United States Marine Corps. He received the nickname "Oswaldskovich" from his colleagues because he often spoke with sympathy about the Soviet Union. Oddly enough, such conversations did not cause the command to doubt the reliability of the serviceman. The young guy looked like an eccentric, but not at all like a convinced communist.

Disturbed by violations of discipline committed by Oswald - he either fired for no reason at the post (though not at people), then fought with a sergeant.

To the USSR and back

He was trained as a radar operator, but like all Marines, he was trained and passed the shooting exam. His results were not outstanding, but he was not an absolutely helpless shooter either.

In 1959 he retired to help his mother. However, a month later he suddenly found himself in the USSR, where he declared his desire to become a Soviet citizen.

Those in charge who communicated with Oswald did not have the best impressions of him. The head is confused, the behavior is nervous, on the verge of collapse. This cannot be used for propaganda purposes. But they did not dare to send home a retired marine seeking refuge in the Soviet Union. Li was sent to Minsk, got a job at a factory, provided an apartment and a higher salary. But Oswald soon got bored. “The work is gray, there is nowhere to spend money, there are no nightclubs and bowling alleys, there are no rest places except for trade union dances. I've had enough, ”he wrote in his diary.

Soon, an American who managed to marry a student Marina Prusakova, declared that he wants to go back to the USA. They did not hold him. It seems, on the contrary, they were carried out with relief.

A man on the verge of collapse

The Oswald family (Lee and Marina had a daughter by that time) settled in Dallas and immediately came under the supervision of American special services. The hot-tempered Li was less interested in agents than his Russian wife. She was seen as an agent of either the GRU or the KGB sent to the States. Lee was pissed off. He promised the FBI agents serious trouble if Marina was not left alone. But this time Oswald did not manage to frighten anyone.

In the spring of 1963, Lee moved to New Orleans for a time, where he tried to find work. But he was quickly fired, because he preferred not to work at his workplace, but to read magazines. In the same place in New Orleans, Oswald found himself a new hobby - he began to carry out actions in support of Fidel Castro. It looked as strange as possible in a city that was teeming with opponents of the Cuban revolution. Lee even got into a fight with political opponents.

In September 1963, Oswald suddenly arrived in Mexico, where he tried to obtain a visa from the Cuban embassy to enter Liberty Island. The Cubans sent a strange guy to their Soviet colleagues to assess Oswald's intentions.

The American looked like a man on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Lee persuaded that he was being persecuted in the United States, that he was in danger, but it all sounded more like delirium. unhealthy person rather than reality. In the end, Oswald was denied a visa, believing that he would cause too much trouble.

"He was always dissatisfied with the world around him."

Marina and her daughter settled in Irving, near Dallas. Lee visited his family on weekends. All week he worked in Dallas, in the school book depository, where he managed to get a job in October 1963, and lived in a rented apartment.

Back in the spring of 1963, Lee acquired a Carcano carbine and a Smith & Wesson revolver. Almost immediately, he put the weapon into action, trying to shoot the retired major general Edwin Walker.

Walker, a notorious segregationist and a right-wing idol, was considered by most Americans a "fascist son of a bitch." If Oswald managed to shoot him, he would have turned into a hero in the eyes of many. However, Lee only wounded Walker. His involvement in this story surfaced already during the investigation into the Kennedy assassination.

The Warren Commission, which investigated the events in Dallas, wrote in its report: “Obviously, Oswald had a predetermined hostility towards his environment. He seems to have failed to establish serious relationships with other people. He was always dissatisfied with the world around him. Long before the assassination, he expressed his hatred of American society and acted in protest against it. Oswald's search for what he believed to be an ideal society was doomed from the start. He was looking for a place for himself in history - the role of a "great man" who would be recognized in due time. "

It is generally accepted that the Warren Commission's report is biased. but psychological picture Oswald, drawn in the document, is very similar to the truth. By the age of 24, Lee had exhausted everyone - himself, his mother, his wife, and a few friends. He frantically searched for a way out.

On the eve of President Kennedy's visit to Dallas, the route of his motorcade was published in local newspapers. The path of the head of the White House passed by the warehouse where Oswald worked.

No special regime was introduced in buildings along the route of the cortege. Oswald had the opportunity to bring a rifle to work and calmly prepare the place for shooting.

We emphasize once again: the distance from which the fire was fired was small, and the retired marine was shooting pretty decently.

Why was it necessary? Well, first of all, in his eyes, Kennedy was the enemy of Fidel Castro. Secondly, the American state, represented by FBI agents, haunted his wife. And thirdly, it was Oswald's chance to prove that he is not a small fry, to which no one pays attention, but a "new Herostratus."

Reagan and Jodie Foster fan

Many doubt that the US Secret Service could have allowed such a "puncture." But do not overestimate this department. 18 years after Kennedy's death, someone John Hinckley Jr. watch for the 40th President of the United States on the street Ronald Reagan. Before he was stopped, he fired six bullets from a revolver. A police officer, a Secret Service agent, a presidential press secretary and Reagan himself were injured. Moreover, the president's injury was not even noticed immediately. Reagan was just lucky, but his press secretary James Brady remained disabled for the rest of his life.

Hinckley stated that he was in love with actress Jodie Foster and, having shot Reagan, wanted to impress her. The shooter was sent to a psychiatric hospital, from where he was released with a clear conscience 35 years later. As you can see, the history of 1963 did not teach the president's bodyguards anything.

Grave with a laconic inscription

But back to Oswald. Just two days later, he himself became a victim and died in the same hospital as Kennedy.

His residence in the USSR and his Russian wife, it would seem, should have generated hysteria on the theme that "the president was killed by the Soviets." Such conversations did go on, but ended quickly. First, the American intelligence services reported that the Soviet leadership was shocked by the Kennedy assassination, and this did not seem like a pretense. Secondly, Oswald did not in any way resemble a cold-blooded killer, whom anyone, including the Russians, could entrust with the operation to eliminate the head of state. Everything indicated that the eccentric "Marxist" really managed to shoot the first person of the superpower without any outside help.

Lee Harvey Oswald is buried in Fort Worth Rose Hill Park Memorial Cemetery. On his grave there is a small granite slab with the laconic OSWALD inscription. There is no need to explain anything to anyone else. If anything Lee was able to achieve for his short life so it is world famous.

On November 22, the United States celebrates the Day of Remembrance of John F. Kennedy, announced by the order of President Barack Obama. The 35th President of the United States, who is most revered in the "Stars and Stripes" country since the Second World War, was assassinated exactly 50 years ago.

On Friday, commemorative events will be held in Washington, DC, wreaths will be laid at Kennedy's grave at Arlington Cemetery near the capital. At Obama's call, national flags will be lowered across the country, and the same request is addressed to ordinary Americans.

Commemorative ceremonies will be held in Dallas, Texas, where the tragedy occurred in 1963. In the central square of Daily Plaza, not far from the scene of the murder, excerpts from Kennedy's speeches will be read, then church bells will ring in the city. At 12:30 (21:30 Minsk time), when the fatal shots thundered, a minute of silence will be announced. Military planes will fly over the city, and the choir of the US Naval Academy will perform in the square.

As you know, the only official suspect in the assassination of Kennedy is the United States Marine. Lee Harvey Oswald, who, by the way, lived and worked in Minsk for a couple of years. Oswald was originally arrested for the murder of a police officer, about 40 minutes after Kennedy was shot. Oswald denied any involvement in both murders. Two days later, during his transfer from the police department to the county jail, Oswald was shot and killed by the owner of a nightclub. Jack Ruby.

According to the conclusions of the Warren Commission (1964), Oswald fired three shots into the president's car from the sixth floor of a book warehouse in 5.6 seconds on November 22, 1963, as a result of which President Kennedy was killed, Texas Governor Connally was seriously wounded, and one of the passers-by was slightly wounded. ... Then, according to the investigation, Oswald killed a local policeman. According to the findings of the commission, he "Acted alone and without anyone's advice or help".

Oswald moved to the Soviet Union in 1959, shortly before his twentieth birthday. Upon arrival in Moscow, he immediately announced his desire to obtain Soviet citizenship, but his application was rejected. Then Oswald went to the US Embassy in Moscow and announced that he wanted to renounce his American citizenship.

Oswald intended to study at Moscow State University, but he was sent to Minsk to work as a turner at the Lenin Minsk Radio Plant, which produces consumer electronics and military space electronics. He also received an allowance, a furnished one-room apartment in a prestigious building, but was under constant surveillance.

After a while, Oswald became bored in Minsk. In January 1961, he wrote in his diary: “I'm starting to reconsider my desire to stay. The work is gray, there is nowhere to spend money, there are no nightclubs and bowling alleys, there are no rest places except for union dances. I've had enough ".

Shortly thereafter, Oswald (who never officially renounced his American citizenship) wrote to the US Embassy in Moscow asking for his US passport to be returned, and offering to return to the US if the charges against him were dropped.

In March 1961, Oswald met a 19-year-old student Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova and they were married less than six weeks later. On February 15, 1962, a daughter, June, was born to Oswald and his wife. On May 24, 1962, Oswald and Marina received documents from the US Embassy in Moscow allowing her to emigrate to the United States, after which Oswald, Marina, and their little daughter left the Soviet Union ...

First head of independent Belarus, former chairman of the Supreme Council Stanislav Shushkevich was one of those who communicated with Lee Harvey Oswald during his Soviet period. The party committee of the Minsk Radio Plant instructed the young engineer Shushkevich to study Russian after work with an American.

In an interview RIA News" Shushkevich recalls his student, assuring that he categorically does not believe that he could have killed Kennedy.

- How did it happen that it was you, a non-partisan graduate student of yesterday, who were allowed to communicate with Oswald?

It was the Minsk Radio Plant. I was an engineer. We have developed instruments for physics research. Naturally, one had to be interested in publications on this topic. And, naturally, the most effective publications were English-speaking. I have been quite adept at translating English-language texts, and I am translating now. It was believed that I knew English better than others, because everyone ran to me with articles. When Oswald got into the experimental shop, there was not a person there who could understand at least a little in English.

The secretary of the party committee of the workshop, Lebezin, came to me, despite the fact that we had a conflict with him. They gave me the workers' rationalization proposals for review. There were normal proposals, but there were many absolutely stupid proposals. I said that I can only write that this is stupidity, and the person does not understand where he is climbing. And he told me that the working class is the hegemon, and how can I reason like that.

Lebezin told me that there was an American at the plant, that it was necessary to study the Russian language with him and, after consulting, the party committee decided to entrust this matter to me, even though I was not a party member.

- Were you instructed before classes?

Lebezin immediately formulated the conditions. You couldn't ask questions. You can't even ask who he is or where he is from. Nothing is allowed. Besides, I was never alone with Oswald. We were always alone with Sasha Rubenchik. Now it is even impossible to assume, but then it was in the order of things. As far as I know, Sasha left for Israel long ago. We worked in the same laboratory. In the evening everyone left the factory at six o'clock. Lee Harvey Oswald came to our laboratory at six o'clock five minutes.

- Couldn't the security officer not be present with you in the classroom?

There was nobody. No Chekist has ever spoken to me on this subject officially or unofficially. I received all the instructions from the secretary of the party committee Lebezin. I do not think that Sasha Rubenchik was a Chekist, because he was a normal Jew - talented and hardworking. Decent fellow.

- You were probably interested in a living American?

Highly! By that time, I had never been abroad. I had no light to see, much less talk to a living American. Even at scientific conferences with the participation of foreigners, it was forbidden to contact them. And here - contact as much as you want, just don't ask questions. Well, I didn't ask. I was a disciplined person. Why would I ruin my career?

- What was Oswald in terms of personality? What an impression
did he produce?

I have a purely emotional perception. We had no less than seven, but no more than ten lessons. And all this was done in one month. I couldn't even ask him where he was from. One could only talk about cinema, about the weather. It was rumored that he was a deserter, that he had escaped. I could ask, but whether Sasha will lay me down, or Oswald will lay me down himself. Now it is difficult to imagine, but then it was quite natural.

- Oswald was different from the Soviet people?

He gave the impression of a very clean, well-washed and ironed person. Even all modest clothes fit very well on him. Everything was as it should be. He was different from most of the others.

- Was he an unbalanced person?

No. He never complained about anything. He was just, I would say, lethargic. He did not have any sharp gestures, any outbursts.

In Belarusian they will say: "Yak wet garyts". And he did not show much interest in our studies. I felt that for him they were some kind of obligation. In the workshop, we communicated at the level: hello - goodbye. I was afraid that my order would not get to him. Because he was a filthy locksmith. But at the same time he was pedantically accurate. Five minutes after finishing work, he appeared in the laboratory, and we began to study.

- After the announcement that Oswald killed the President of the United States, did they show excessive interest in you?

The entire plant knew that Sasha and I were working with him. When the news of the Kennedy assassination was broadcast on the radio, everyone who met me wanted to joke: “How else do you walk down the street? And Lebezin has already been taken, arrested. "

- Do you personally believe that Oswald killed John F. Kennedy?

No! It is my deep conviction that he could not do it. When I was at the Belarusian educational center in Kansas, I stayed up, rented a car and drove to Dallas. I looked over the entire route where the presidential motorcade was traveling, walked it on foot, listened to many storytellers, and visited museums. There are three six-story buildings. Sit on any floor and shoot. Only pure idiots, and not professionals, could not provide for normal security there. So it was a planned, well-thought-out murder. And Oswald was framed as guilty.

Apparently, the Warren Commission, which investigated for 9 months and spent millions of dollars, made its conclusion based on political will. It could not be assumed that a planned political assassination of the president could have happened in the United States. Oswald was guilty. He was a soldier, to put it bluntly. So they set him up.

Lee harvey oswald

One of the eyewitnesses, Howard Brennan, who was in front of the book depository at the time of the shooting, told the police that after the first shot he looked at the book depository, where he believed the source of the noise was, and saw the shooting man in the sixth floor window. As Brennan testified to the police, an employee named Jarman came out of the library and confirmed that he had heard the shots from the inside. Another officer, Roy Truly, told police that his subordinate, Lee Harvey Oswald, left the building immediately after the gunshots were fired. He also gave his name and home address.

The Warren Commission established that Oswald left the gun behind the crates and immediately left the building shortly before it was sealed by the police. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Oswald got home, but stayed there very shortly. As Oswald was walking down one street, he was stopped by Patrolman J.P. Tippit. He got out of the car and Oswald killed him with several pistol shots. Shortly thereafter, Oswald was detained in a movie theater. An hour and twenty minutes have passed since Kennedy was wounded. Oswald tried to shoot the policeman with a pistol, but was rendered harmless. This fact raises doubts because there are only two witnesses to this crime, and both of them refused to identify Oswald as the man who shot the policeman. That same night, he was charged with the Kennedy and Tippit murders. He completely denied his guilt. Two days later, on November 24, 1963, Oswald, escorted from the police station, was shot and killed by the owner of the nightclub, D. Ruby. Therefore, Oswald's guilt was never proven or denied in court. This is the official data.

Oliver Stone, following Jim Garrison, makes Oswald a spy trained for work in the USSR. He claims that Oswald speaks excellent Russian. Neither is true. Naturally, Oswald, as a former infantryman, was under the control of the CIA and was an agent for Anti-Castro operations. But he had nothing to do with intelligence in its purest form. Moreover, Oswald, more often carried out assignments on the contacts of the CIA with the mafia. It was for this kind of activity that Oswald had contacts with D. Ruby. As for the Russian language, these are Garrison's fantasies, all the testimonies speak of a very weak Russian language in Oswald's. Even Marina's friends who came to her talked to Oswald in English.

Gary oldman as lee harvey oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 18, 1939, Mother of Marguerite Claverie.the father, Robert E. Lee Oswald, an insurance broker, had died of a heart attack two months earlier. Lee was the third of three children in the family, all boys. Lee spent most of his childhood years in Texas.The family flourished for a time when Marguerite got married for the third time. Behind Edwin Ekdahl, 1945. "We all loved Mr. Ekdahl and were in good relationship with him, "Robert Oswald later recalled," but I think Lee loved him the most. "

Ros Oswald as a withdrawn and uncommunicative child. At school, he had a problem with academic performance and every year his performance got worse and worse.In 1952, Marguerite Oswald brought Lee to New York, where his eldest brother John rented an apartment. After 13-year-old Lee threatened John's wife with a jackknife, they were asked to leave and found an apartment in the Bronx. Oswald started having serious problems at school with both academic performance and class attendance. And in early 1953 he was sent to a school for troubled teenagers.

Lee Harvey Oswald 1954

In 1954, the family returned to his native Orleans, where Oswald soon became imbued with the spirit of Marxism, and in 1956, at the age of 16, he wrote a letter to the Socialist Party of America:

Dear Sirs.

I am sixteen years of age and would like more information about your youth League, I would like to know if there is a branch in my area, how to join, ect., I am a Marxist, and have been studying socialist principles for well over fifteen months [.] I am very interested in your Y.P.S.L.


Lee oswald

His second dream is to serve in the Marine Corps. Which he does, but for a very short time. During the service, he often engages in political discussions and fiercely discusses Khrushchev and Castro.

Lee harvey oswald

He leaves the fleet on the pretext of helping a sick mother, but he very quickly leaves for a Swiss college. However, in the college itself, he does not appear, but reappears in the USSR and asks for asylum. Initially, the USSR refuses Oswald, but after his attempt to open his veins, he decides to leave. He was sent to Minsk to a radio electronics plant and given a luxurious, by Soviet standards, apartment. Oswald marries a Russian girl, Marina. However, very soon he became disillusioned with life in the USSR. He doesn't like the complete lack of entertainment. The money he earns has nowhere to spend and Oswald is tired of this gray life. He expresses a desire to return to the United States and the whole family moves to Dallas.

After moving to America, Oswald starts having problems with Marina. The marriage is cracking. Oswald cannot find a normal job, beats his wife. At the same time, he becomes a member of some political movements in defense of Castro and even speaks on the radio in a dispute with a Cuban émigré. During this period, he comes into the field of vision of D. Ruby, who was a member of the Dallas mafia and made contacts with various Cuban organizations for the sale of weapons. In the process of communicating with Oswalbd, Ruby noted his dislike of Kennedy and later this served as one of the reasons for involving Oswald in the operation to eliminate Kennedy. Perhaps it was Ruby who later suggested leaving evidence pointing to Oswald and using him. workplace for one of the shooters.

Lee harvey oswald

Most likely, Oswald did not have complete information about the conspiracy and naturally did not suspect about the role assigned to him. That is why he was somewhat confused at the arrest and said that he did not admit any charges. He stated that he was framed. However, his mental state could lead to the fact that Oswald will start talking about the participants in the conspiracy. Jack Ruby was accused of Oswald being his man and was asked to eliminate the potential witness himself without arousing suspicion and under a patriotic pretext, so that nothing would indicate a connection between them. Ruby was ushered into police headquarters and while transferring Oswald from the headquarters to the state jail, Ruby shot him in the heart. Later in his interrogation, Ruby claimed to have done so for two reasons. To avenge the president and save Jacqueline Kennedy from having to testify in court.

Here are just a few proofs that Oswald could not do what he was eventually hanged:

1. The paraffin test confirmed that Oswald did not fire any firearms for at least two days prior to the murder. The fact that Oswald killed police officer Jay P. Tippit also raises many questions.

2. FBI experts refused to conduct any tests with the rifle found on the sixth floor of the book depository until ... ATTENTION, the optical sight is adjusted and adjusted and the trigger is replaced with a smoother one, since the rifle was very tight and the hand constantly broke down. In fact, the Oswald rifle was reassembled and at the time of the assassination attempt it was practically unusable.

3. A photo with a rifle and a newspaper presented as proof that Oswald acquired the rifle is clearly a forgery. At least 18 signs of photomontage were found on it. Most likely, Oswald did not even see this rifle and it was acquired on his behalf specifically to be left at the crime scene. In theory, tests should not have been carried out with it at all. members of the conspiracy at all stages of the investigation have already decided that the killer is a loner and additional evidence is simply not required. But ... the film of A. Zapruder became proof that was not counted on. The recording made it possible to fix the intervals between shots and raise suspicions whether this is possible in principle. Well, as a result, there was a clear need for experiments. The Warren Commission could not help but hold it.

4. And if we are talking about a rifle, then the rifle that is stored in the US National Archives, as a murder weapon, is not at all the one that Oswald allegedly acquired. The fact is that if you look at an advertisement for the sale of a rifle in one of the newspapers, you will notice that the length of the rifle purchased by Oswald under the name of A. Heidal is 102 cm long. see (we will dwell on in more detail). These are two different models of the same rifle. It is significant that the report of the Warren Commission contains a falsified advertisement for the sale of this rifle, where its length is the required 102 cm. But an inquisitive person can dig up a real edition of this newspaper with an advertisement for the sale of a completely different gun.

Announcement from the Warren Commission report length 40 inches = 102cm.

And this is a real ad in the same newspaper. Length 36 inches = 96 cm.

Oswald's guilt was never proven in court, and the evidence collected raises very serious and justified doubts that Oswald fired at least one shot at Daleyplaza. Although it is also safe to say that Oswald was directly involved in the death of President Kennedy and was in the Book Depository building at 12:30 min. November 22, 1963, where he played his clearly assigned role.

Oswald is buried in the suburbs of Dallas. On his grave there is a small stone slab with the inscription OSWALD

It is considered the largest national tragedy of the 20th century. On November 22, 1963, while driving in an open limousine through the streets of Dallas, Texas, the 35th President of the United States was shot dead. The only official accused, or, according to the Warren Commission, guilty, is Lee Harvey Oswald, an American who vehemently hated his country. The facts of his biography indicate that Oswald could have been the killer of John F. Kennedy or the victim of a conspiracy.

Childhood and youth

Lee Harvey Oswald was born on October 18, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Father Robert Edward Lee Oswald Sr. died of a heart attack 2 months before his birth. Children - Lee and older brothers Robert Edward Lee and John Edward Peak - remained in the care of Margaret's mother, Frances Claverie. It turned out to be difficult to provide for three sons: the boys spent 13 months in an orphanage.

In 1944, the Oswald family moved to Dallas, where Lee entered 1st grade a year later. The teachers described the boy as "withdrawn and aggressive." The latter trait most often manifested itself in the school, because of which 12 institutions had to be changed. In August 1952, 12-year-old Li beat his mother and threatened his stepbrother's wife with a knife.

As a child, Oswald underwent a psychiatric examination that revealed "a personality disorder with schizoid traits and passive-aggressive tendencies." In other words, by demonstrating his strength, Lee tried to compensate for his shortcomings: he suffered from dyslexia - he read quickly, but almost could not write.

In 1954, the family returned to New Orleans. The teenager graduated from the 8th and 9th grades with difficulty, and dropped out of school in the 10th. He moonlighted as a messenger in the office, a courier. In July 1956, Lee made another attempt to graduate from high school, but dropped out at 17 for the Marine Corps.

Military service and career

On October 24, 1956, Oswald was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. At the Warren Commission (created to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy), Lee's half-brother John Peak testified that joining the army was an excuse to get out of his mother's oppression.

Private Oswald's personal card indicates that he weighed 61 kg with a height of 173 cm, was distinguished by mobility and nervousness. He had "permission to process classified materials, including confidential" as an operator of aviation electronics.

Like the other marines, Lee took the shooting exam. The result for December 1956 was 212 points, which is slightly higher than the requirements for snipers. 3 years later, his performance worsened - 191 points.

Weapons were the cause of Oswald's problems in the army. The first time he stood before a tribunal was when he shot himself in the elbow with a pistol that was not on the safety. The young man decided that one of the sergeants of his unit was guilty of this, and lost the fight. For the 3rd time, Lee unnecessarily shot into the jungle. On September 11, 1959, he resigned of his own free will.

Oswald was interested in communism, life in the USSR, and while still in the army he began to learn Russian. In October 1959, the American arrived in Moscow and applied for citizenship. The application was rejected. Enraged by the news, Lee tried to commit suicide.

After 10 days in a mental hospital, Oswald applied to the US Embassy in Moscow to renounce his American citizenship. He told the diplomats about the service at the radar station and promised to provide the USSR with interesting information. The proposal did not go unnoticed: Li was not deported.

The young man was sent to Minsk to work as a turner at the Gorizont electronics plant. His salary with bonuses and allowances was 700 rubles - 5 times more than that of any Soviet worker. Oswald was given a furnished apartment in a prestigious building on ul. Kalinin (now - Kommunisticheskaya street). Stanislav Shushkevich, the future head of the Republic of Belarus, taught him the Russian language.

In June 1962, Lee and his wife Marina Oswald and daughter June moved to the United States. The family settled near Dallas, in the "Russian quarter". The emigrant George de Mohrenschild became a close friend of the American. They discussed communist and revolutionary ideas, they hated the country in which they live. The Warren Commission suggested that it was these conversations that prompted the mentally unstable Lee to attempt to assassinate retired U.S. Major General Edwin Walker, an ardent anti-communist.

In March 1963, Oswald bought a rifle and revolver under the pseudonym A. Hidell. On April 10, Lee shot Edwin Walker at a table in his home from a distance of 30 meters. The bullet pierced the window frame, which saved the soldier's life. It is assumed that Oswald wanted to scare Walker rather than kill him, and deliberately misfired.

In the months that followed, Oswald pursued an active policy in support of the Cuban Revolution, tried unsuccessfully to infiltrate the island, and eventually returned to Dallas. He got a job at the Texas School Book Depository, from the window of which President Kennedy was killed.

Personal life

Both women in Lee Harvey Oswald's personal life are Russian. From June 1960 he was in a relationship with his colleague on "Horizon" Ella German. In early 1961, a young man invited her to become his wife, she refused - she did not love Lee and was afraid to marry an American. It is believed that Herman's refusal pushed Oswald to immigrate.

In March 1961, Lee met Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova, a 19-year-old student of pharmacology. The lovers got married in April of the same year, and on February 15, 1962, their daughter June was born.

Lee's acquaintances at the Warren Commission testified that there was domestic violence in the Oswald family. Russian emigrants who lived nearby in Dallas felt sorry for the girl, brought her food and children's toys, but this only made Lee more angry.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy

The route of John F. Kennedy's motorcade through Dallas was known in advance - the route ran next to the Texas School Book Depository.

On November 21, the day before the murder, Oswald asked Weasley Fraser, an acquaintance, to drop him downtown - he had to move the cornices from Marina's house to a rented apartment, which he rented near work. On the morning of November 22, leaving, Lee left his wife $ 170 and a wedding ring, and took with him a long paper bag, supposedly with cornices. The package is believed to contain a rifle.

Charles Givens, a colleague of Oswald, told the Warren Commission that he saw him on the 6th floor of the book depository at about 11:55 am on November 22 - 35 minutes before the cortege appeared at the building. Several other employees saw Lee at work until 12:10 pm. John F. Kennedy was fired at 12:20.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy

The killer fired 3 shots. The first bullet flew past the presidential limousine, the second landed between Kennedy and John Connally, Governor of Texas, the third Kennedy was killed - the shot hit the temple. Later, Howard Brennan, a passer-by, reported that after the first shot he saw a man in the window of the book depository on the 6th floor.

It took Oswald a minute and a half to hide the rifle in the boxes of books and leave the book depository. On the 2nd floor, he ran into police officer Marrion Baker and his boss Roy Trulli.

In the report, Baker indicated that Oswald did not look suspicious, he was scared when a gun was pointed at him. After talking briefly with the policeman, Lee walked on and then left the warehouse through the front door. At about 13:00 a young man took things from rented apartment and left.

Targeting Kennedy's killer, drawn up from the words of Howard Brennan, helped Patrolman Tippit stop the suspect. As Tippit got out of the car, Lee grabbed the revolver and pulled the trigger 4 times.

Arrest and investigation

Trying to hide, Oswald, without paying, slipped into a Texas theater. A janitor from a nearby store who saw this advised the theater controller to contact the police. The killer wanted to fight off the arriving squad, pointed a pistol at them, but he was disarmed.

At about 2:00 pm on November 22, Lee was taken to the Dallas Police Department. By 7:00 pm, he was charged with the death of the patrol officer Tippit, and the next day - as the possible murderer of John F. Kennedy. Oswald told reporters:

“I didn't shoot anyone. They arrested me because I lived in the Soviet Union. "

During interrogation, Oswald denied having a rifle. The file contains photos in which a young man holds a rifle found in a book depository in one hand, and newspapers in the other. Photo taken by Marina around March 31, 1963. Lee called the photos a "duck."

The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald shot the President alone. The main motive is called "hatred of American society." 3% of the 888-page report is still unpublished, causing alternative points of view to emerge. Some experts call Lee a victim of a national conspiracy, while others say the killer was not alone.

According to another version, John F. Kennedy was not shot by Oswald, but by his "twin" from the Soviet Union. To test the theory, with the consent of the widow, the body was exhumed in 1981. From dental images and a scar left after an autopsy, it was established that Oswald was in the grave.


On November 24, 1963, police took Oswald to an armored car to take him to prison. Jack Ruby, the owner of a Dallas nightclub, stepped out of the crowd and shot Lee at close range. The bullet hit the stomach.

Oswald was taken unconscious to Parkland Memorial Hospital - the same one where John F. Kennedy had died two days earlier. Cardiac arrest occurred at 13:07.

Jack Ruby called his act an attempt to "save Mrs. Kennedy's soul." In March 1964 he was sentenced to death. The decision was contested. Ruby died of lung cancer in 1967.

Oswald's body was buried on November 25 at Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth. The original headstone with full name and dates of life and death was stolen. Now on the grave there is a granite slab with the inscription "Oswald".


The largest national tragedy of the 20th century was the reason for the release of documentaries and works of art, and Lee Harvey Oswald, as the only suspect in the death of John F. Kennedy, their key character.

If there are dozens of films about these events, then there are only a few books. in the fantasy novel "11/22/63" (2011) tells about the teacher of English language Jake Epping, who travels back in time to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Although the book is fiction, the facts about Lee Harvey Oswald are not distorted. The novel formed the basis of the mini-series of the same name. Daniel Webber played the role of a criminal.


  • 1964 - "Four November Days"
  • 1983 - Kennedy
  • 1991 - John F. Kennedy: Shots in Dallas
  • 1995 - Nixon
  • 2000 - The First Lady
  • 2007 - The Ghost of Oswald
  • 2011 - The Kennedy Clan
  • 2013 - Parkland
  • 2016 - Jackie
  • 2016 - "11/22/63"

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