What is a bot in general. What is a bot? How much do the offers cost?

They say that the word “robot” was invented by the writer Karel Čapek, and the word means “work”. Since then, the word has stuck in all languages, but in the youth Internet environment it was truncated to "bot". The visual recognition of the word has also undergone changes: once so called futuristic humanoid electronic creatures, but in the real world, this kind of itself did not justify itself. For example, famous Japanese robots can hardly climb stairs and walk in general, but they have remarkable achievements with facial expressions. Industrial robots, on the other hand, are unlike anything else.

Bots in an electronic environment are controlled programs, often not only capable of fulfilling certain specific requests, but also exhibiting the beginnings of artificial intelligence. In this regard, a bot is used for simple and tedious work, where it copes more accurately and faster than a person: in mass mailing systems, when analyzing sites for changes, with automatic registrations. Especially smart bots can even trade on exchanges using rule sets. Bots are often used with good intentions, but even more often they have malicious functions. For example, many viruses and worms can install bots on computers, and on a certain day and hour they begin to carry out distributed DDOS attacks on unwanted services and sites, "filling up" servers. Bots can roam the Web, look for holes in installed software, and collect confidential information that can be used to compromise systems. Many players in online games use bots to achieve mercantile goals: programs can collect artifacts and fight human players much more efficiently. With the development of AI, it becomes more and more difficult to deal with this phenomenon, because bots have even learned to chat in chats and forums, forming completely natural phrases and thereby heating up their biological opponents.

Bots are especially often used to collect relevant email addresses from various network sources in order to send out advertising spam later. One of the ways to deal with them is to use captcha (captcha) - data input from a picture, which a person can easily identify, but the bot is no longer able to. Such captchas are placed almost everywhere: when registering clients, when downloading files, when commenting on blogs. But cunning bots also know how to bypass such protection: they cut out the captcha and send it to special services, where people will recognize them for money. In response, new types of captcha appear, where it is necessary to show sometimes remarkable knowledge, which makes it inconvenient for real users to visit resources. So the bots have tarnished their reputation on the Web.

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Robots, or just bots, are little personal assistants on your gadget. They are programmed with numerous functions and are incredibly useful in a wide variety of areas of our lives.

  • @Chess_Bot- you can play chess with this bot.
  • @saytextbot- This funny bot will convert your text message to an audio file. The male voice has voice acting like in films - you can entertain friends with such messages.
  • @strangerbot arranges a chat with a randomly selected user of the same bot. Who knows, what if you meet your destiny or a good friend? Or you just have nothing to do.
  • @PandaQuizBot is an entertaining quiz with over 25 thousand questions. A good way to while away the time in line.
  • @zodiac_bot- if you believe in horoscopes, you should pay attention to this operational bot. Its developers guarantee, if not the veracity of predictions, so stability and daily alerts for sure.
  • @PokerBot- a poker bot. You won't make money with him, but the game is pretty gambling. Your rivals are 4 "random" players - users of this channel.
  • @delorean_bot - send yourself a message to the future! Well, or just a reminder.
  • @magic_sticker_ball_bot- the bot will help you make a decision. He will answer your questions and doubts with the phrases of the same American ball of fate number 8.

Surely it happened to you - you go to the site, and you are offered to install a free mobile application? Sberbank, Gett taxi, Facebook, Avito, Lamoda - in general, “do it” you are offered by many sites every day. Looking at my phone, I counted more than 10 installed applications, and I use almost all of them every day. But due to the fact that the user's life is flowing from the "big Web" into messengers, the developers have come up with chat bots for us, which are designed to help users (navigate the Internet, search for the necessary information and much more).

A bit of history

Back in the 1950s, Alan Turing was doing research (Turing Test) whether humans could figure out a robot.

What was the essence:

A person must determine with whom he is talking to a person or a robot. The subject could ask questions and draw a conclusion only on their basis, and the task of the robot was to make the subject believe that he is a human.

And in 1964, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joseph Weisenbaum wrote the ELIZA bot program that could plausibly portray a psychotherapist and ask a patient questions.

As we can see, back in the middle of the 20th century, scientists tried to create a bot that would help us in our work and replace the assistant. And already in 1984 the director James Cameron made a splash with the film "The Terminator" (everyone watched it, and, I suppose, more than once). Everyone remembers that the essence of the film is to defeat artificial intelligence.

Finally, we got to the very essence of our article - artificial intelligence. Today, it is almost impossible to surprise anyone with robots that speak and understand our speech, but the problem is that they look unnatural, so we do not trust them (not like Schwarzenegger, right? Here is a good example of a robot that will be trusted). But until we have created such humanoid robots (although companies are already working on this), we will talk about other robots that, by the way, you already trust - chat bots.

Who are bots and why are they needed

Bots are internet robots that are meant to help us. They are ready to answer any question that interests you, tell you where you can dine, how to get to the place you need, what is in fashion today, what is the weather and much more.

Bots are everywhere

We meet robots everywhere, we just don't think about it. For example, last year Yandex announced a new format for news generated by bots.

According to Yandex, while such bots will create simple news notes that will be generated based on monitoring and analyzing data from the Web. The news excited news journalists, for whom news writing is their main source of income. Perhaps very soon robots will write not only news, but also analytical articles, and maybe do all our work. This is possible because a robot only needs to download information, while a person needs a lot of time to study a particular subject.

However, Yandex news is still far from perfect.

What are chatbots doing?

You can communicate with a bot on any topic, ask questions, find out news, and you do not need to use stamps, it will understand you and answer the way you want it. By the way, for each user / client the answer will be formulated differently (individually).

While I was writing this article, the wonderful British sci-fi movie Out of the Machine came to mind. If you are interested in robots and artificial intelligence, I recommend watching it.

Now let's move on to the chatbots that surround us.


Personal assistant developed on the iOS platform. Siri was born back in 2010 and was available as an application in the App Store, but soon it was bought by Apple and now it is an integral part of Apple iPhone (4S and older), iPad (third generation and older, as well as all iPad mini devices) , iPod touch 5g and Apple Watch. Siri spoke Russian only a year ago, when the developers updated the firmware to 8.3.


This assistant from Microsoft helps Windows Phone 8.1 users. It is designed to anticipate the needs of the user. If you wish, you can give her access to her e-mail, address book - all so that she can help you (she will never forget about a friend's birthday or an important meeting).


A self-learning teenage bot from Microsoft, created for Twitter at the end of March 2016. He was programmed so that his communication style did not differ from English-speaking teenagers.

But as soon as the bot was launched on the Web, they began to ask him incorrect questions, one might say that the bot contacted a bad company. So, in just a day, the bot became a Nazi, after which Microsoft disabled its bot.

Google Chatbot

Google continues to experiment with a chatbot to make it even smarter and not at all different from a person. The Google bot can communicate with you on various topics, watch movies, and then discuss them, perhaps someday bots will replace human communication.

Facebook Messenger

On April 12, Facebook announced the launch of a chat bot, which will issue a user with a complicated text, but a colorful picture with a description. With the help of bots, users will be able to book a table in a restaurant or buy the desired product.

Bitrix 24

So we got to the Russian developers, ours still have gunpowder in their flasks! It is not hard to guess that the bitrix bot is available only for those who use Bitrix 24, these lucky ones can take advantage of this. The bot's name is Martha, she is always in touch, she will answer any question, help you understand the internal programs, and also talk with you on abstract topics.


Yandex developers have been working on the creation of bots for a long time, which are designed to help users. A month ago Yandex announced a new smart bot for the Telegram platform. This bot is designed to not easily search for music and video, translate texts, it can tell you what's new in the world or just talk to you. In addition, you can connect it to your internal correspondence with a friend, and if you need help or a suitable picture, the bot will always help you.

And I found this chatbot when I was preparing this article. Christina is a sex bot, but she can communicate on other topics as well. If interested, you can see for yourself.


As we found out, today we are surrounded by many bots, and, sometimes, we do not notice them. And due to the fact that this direction is only developing, we will meet with them more than once. Remember that they are designed to make our life more convenient, easier, but they are not alive, so appreciate human communication!

Few people know that many processes on the Internet are performed by bots, and not by real people. The bot helps to send hundreds of emails in a short time, plays online games with us and even helps to earn money! What is this "beast" - a bot? And how does it make life easier for users?

What is a bot on the Internet

Bot is the abbreviated name of a robot program (robot is a bot). There are thousands of such programs, and each is aimed at certain actions that are difficult for a person to do manually and for a long time due to the monotony and repetition of the action. For example, there are bots only for downloading movies or responding to messages on social networks. The bot has a built-in program for performing an infinite number of times the same actions according to the script needed by the person. And he never gets tired.

On social networks, bots are used to promote accounts and groups, creating the illusion of a huge audience: one bot writes comments - another responds to them, one bot is added to a group - another puts "likes", etc. Usually, entrepreneurs use bots to make money on the Internet. increasing subscribers and views, because from a promoted group with tens of thousands of subscribers, you can get a lot of passive income.

Bots in games imitate an opponent. Many beginners do not even realize that it is not a person who plays a computer game with them, but a program.

Why is it needed and what the bot can do

It is indisputable that bots help people. They are everywhere. 21st century programs provide as many benefits as sometimes 1,000 people cannot. A bot is needed to perform entertaining, commercial, educational, activities. For example, it is impossible to imagine a modern business without a bot chat: the program “talks” with the opponent in his language, answers customer questions, informs about new products. Online stores, insurance companies, online banks all use bots.

The tasks for artificial intelligence are different. What is programmed is what the bot will do. Most, of course, are aimed at making it easier to do business: to find customers, send letters and advertisements, track payments, increase traffic. Every online entrepreneur knows what a bot on the Internet is and why you need one.

But there are entertaining and educational bots that help to learn foreign languages ​​(andyrobot), convert files (topdf_bot), find songs on the Internet by an excerpt from the text (auddbot), download films (iVideoBot), answer legal questions (pravorubot), make money on the Internet (Skinve - when you start Skype, the bot shows ads to all friends).

Bots translate texts, "sit" in the support service, make the Internet life more interesting, and the time is spent profitably. In general, they do everything that people need at the moment.

Can I make a bot myself

In order to create a bot on your own, you do not have to get acquainted with the programming language, it is enough to use a constructor, for example, Chatfuel (even Forbes uses bots created on the basis of this constructor), and to get acquainted in more detail with the concept of "what is a bot on the Internet".

If you need something more abrupt, something that does not exist yet, then you will have to learn programming, starting with learning Python and Javascript. After testing the bot and eliminating all errors, you can upload it to the general directory of all bots - at botfamily.com or storebot.me.

Examples of bots

This list is far from complete, but here are the most popular bots that make it easier to make money on the Internet, entertain in your free time and help you take action quickly and efficiently:

  1. SuperHRBot will allow you to pass a virtual interview.
  2. Utubebot only downloads videos from YouTube.
  3. SaveVideoBot will download videos from anywhere, even from Instagram.
  4. ImageSearchBot will find the desired image by word.
  5. MyTeleCloudBot will save the necessary files in Telegram, i.e. electronic cloud.
  6. Temp_mail_bot will create a temporary mailbox that will be valid for 10 minutes.
  7. Voicybot will type the message read aloud.
  8. Storebot will select an assistant.
  9. Chess_Bot will play chess.
  10. Saytextbot converts texts into an audio file.
  11. Strangerbot will find a random interlocutor (a very real person).
  12. PandaQuizBot lets you pass the time by taking part in an entertaining quiz.
  13. Zodiac_bot - for horoscope lovers.
  14. PokerBot will play poker with the user.
  15. Delorean_bot sends reminders of what to do.
  16. Flibustafreebookbot downloads e-books for free.
  17. Phistory introduces history through photographs.
  18. Science_pop will allow you to study scientific articles, watch thematic videos and photos.
  19. ProgrammingFAbot is filled with manuals and programming codes.
  20. Chgk_bot - for fans of the game “What? Where? When?".
  21. Xrumer sends emails to blogs and social networks.
  22. Cyberboard distributes messages to message boards.
  23. teaser.bz is a bot for autosurfing (viewing ads for money).
  24. Power_Money_RoBot attracts subscribers to the channel and earns on completing tasks.
  25. Icheatbot gains followers on Instagram, Twitter, Vkontakte, Telegram.
  26. Buddy_the_bot helps Instagram account owners find advertisers, and those, in turn, look for public places where they can place ads.

These sample programs are just a small drop in the ocean of bots. And every day the number of robots is increasing. It is not known where everything will eventually lead, but let's hope that people will watch the uprising of machines only in the movies, and not in real life! What is a bot on the Internet? Of course, a very useful, even irreplaceable assistant.

Often the owners of VKontakte groups and publics turn to me with the question: "How can you quickly and cheaply recruit subscribers to a group?" They also ask about who are the bots and offers of VKontakte. I answer that this is not for me about "fast and cheap", since I work with groups of my customers using exclusively white methods using paid promotion methods.

Who are bots?

Working on social networks, and in particular VKontakte, is a big job that requires a serious investment of time, effort and money. Entrepreneurs often go to social networks without understanding how everything works here. That is why people "fall for" dubious offers, where they are offered "real live subscribers" for very modest money. Let's try to figure out what kind of "live" subscribers they are and where they come from.

Do you know who bots are and how do they differ from offers?

Bots are personal VKontakte pages filled with false information and performing automatic tasks. Who creates these bots? There are special programs that either create such pages or hack the pages of real people.

What are offers?

A few years ago, bots were actively used by Vkontakte, but today they are almost completely replaced by offers. The social network Vkontakte has a negative attitude towards inanimate accounts and if you manage to fill your group with bots, it will simply be blocked. You will then long and persistently communicate with the administration and explain where you got these bots.

Offers, unlike bots, are real people who are ready to join a certain VKontakte group and perform certain actions in it, for example, like, repost, or write a comment. Why are they doing this? For a fee, of course.

Before you is just a screen from a site where people are invited to earn VKontakte by performing certain targeted actions.

How much do the offers cost?

The prices for the offers are very different. To be honest, I myself have never used services for recruiting a group of offers, but it is not difficult to find them on the network. Go to the search engine and enter the search query "Buy VKontakte offers" and get acquainted with the prices. Here is a screen that I made by looking at one of the sites that provide such services.

But I want to warn you right away, when ordering offers, you think you will find yourself in the same situation as the author of this post in the discussion thread on the forum. That is, after joining your community, people will hang there as an absolutely dead audience, and this is even the best case. And at worst, they will begin to unsubscribe en masse and turn into "dogs".

Why bots and offers are useless for business

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - these people are absolutely not interested in your group and your business. They received their reward and happily forgot about you. And even if the cost of one such subscriber is much cheaper than the target one obtained by launching paid advertising, the question arises: why do you need these offers at all?

Some authors of VKontakte projects believe that they join a group with several thousand subscribers much better than an empty one. But the whole problem is that in order to powder the brains of people, you will also have to imitate at least minimal, but activity in your group. And you will have to pay for this too ... And again, this activity will be fake. That is why I never buy offers anywhere and I do not advise you.

Why buy offers

If you want your Vkontakte business to develop and make a profit, you need to learn not to buy offers, but to work competently in this social network. Make your group interesting to your subscribers and learn how to attract a real live target audience.

Some owners of VKontakte groups want to buy offers in order to get into the TOP results in the internal search on VKontakte. In this regard, I will say the following. If in order to reach the TOP you need to recruit up to 10 thousand subscribers to the group, then it is quite possible to cope with this task without any offers, moreover, in a fairly short time (provided, of course, there is a certain budget).

For example, the group "SECRETS OF CHINESE MEDICINE" is in the top three in the search results for the internal search on VKontakte among 410 communities. And they recruited this group exclusively in white ways.

If, in order to get to the TOP, you need to gain 100 thousand subscribers or more, it is generally thankless to recruit offers. Why? Because the lack of activity in a group with such a serious number of subscribers will rather work against you.

People will have a question: why in such a large group no one is interested in the product, does not ask questions, does not leave reviews. Are you going to imitate the "movement" in your group yourself? Maybe then you will buy from yourself?

Yes, and such a picture in the subscribers of your community will also not work to build trust in you and in your business:

So, my friends, I want to warn you against unnecessary and pointless spending. Do not trust the promises of recruiting a target and solvent audience for a small amount of money.
It's all a scam.

If you really want to develop your VKontakte business, then study paid advertising. And don't expect instant results! If you study and work, then the results will be sure, but not immediately.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! I will gladly answer.

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