Causes of headache with nausea. Why does the head hurt and feel sick - what to do? What examinations are prescribed for headaches

Headache is an unpleasant common symptom that, even in a mild form, negatively affects a person's lifestyle, reducing his physical and mental activity. Head pain manifests itself in different forms and is accompanied by other pathological signs, which can be used to judge the nature of the origin of the pain syndrome. For example, the cause of a headache and nausea may be a serious pathology that requires the intervention of doctors and urgent treatment.

Causes of headaches and nausea

Moderate head pain with nausea is often associated with exposure to weather conditions, pregnancy and menstruation in women, hangovers, or air pollution from harmful toxic fumes. In this case, the duration of the attacks depends on the time of influence of these factors, and as soon as they are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

If headache attacks become intense and regular, and nausea often ends with vomiting, then the cause must be sought in one of the following pathological conditions:

  • Hypertension... Increased blood pressure is a consequence of poor nutrition, excessive weight, lack of mobility, hormonal changes and chronic diseases of the body's working systems. The pressure increases against the background of nervous experiences or changes in weather conditions, the patient develops pulsation or squeezing pain in the head, weakness, nausea, arrhythmia, a feeling of numbness in the limbs. With abnormally high pressure, vomiting, muscle cramps, chest pain and fainting are added to the symptoms described.
  • ... Head pain of an intense nature is caused by spasms of the cerebral vessels. In most cases, it is localized in the temporal part and radiates to the frontal lobes, has a pulsating and one-sided character. A concomitant symptom of migraine is nausea, which, in severe manifestations, is aggravated by vomiting. Also, the patient experiences chills, shortness of breath, dizziness, hypersensitivity to sounds, smells and light, changes in complexion.
  • ... Headache with nausea for this serious and dangerous pathology are the main symptoms. The intensity of pain increases in the evening, constant nausea leads to loss of appetite, which negatively affects physical and mental activity. The patient's vision decreases, cyanosis appears under the eyes, he quickly gets tired and irritated for no apparent reason. A sharp increase in ICP can lead to fainting, seizures, and even death.
  • ... Symptoms of tumors of a different nature are dizziness, weakness, morning attacks of head pain, accompanied by nausea. Against the background of loss of appetite, drowsiness and weight loss occur. If the tumor grows, then the intensity of pain and accompanying signs increases, while the work of such reflex functions as memory, smell, sight, touch, and hearing decreases. A feature of the pathology is that the pain syndrome occurs in the part of the head opposite the affected area.
  • Rotavirus... Nausea, vomiting, pain in the head and intestines, diarrhea, weakness and redness of the eyes are manifested when a viral infection enters the body. Symptoms persist for several days, after which the patient feels better. Basically, children and the elderly are susceptible to the virus, representatives of the rest of the age group tolerate the disease more easily, and the symptoms resemble mild food poisoning.
  • Food poisoning... Due to dangerous bacteria that are activated in expired products, the human body is intoxicated, as a result - headache and nausea, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting appear, which relieves the condition for a while.
  • Infectious brain pathologies... Acute symptoms of such dangerous diseases as encephalitis and meningitis appear in the form of unbearable spreading head pain (it is impossible to determine its exact localization), nausea, muscle and joint pain, and high temperature. If proper medical care is not provided, the patient's condition is aggravated to confusion, fever, seizures and epileptic seizures.
  • Thermoneurosis... Against the background of nervous experiences and stressful situations, narrowing of the capillaries occurs, due to which the temperature rises, while there are no signs of colds or inflammatory processes. Often the temperature does not exceed 38 ° C and may be disturbing in time for several weeks. During this period, the patient develops weakness, insomnia and nausea.
  • Injuries to the brain and skull bones... Head pain develops at the site of injury and hematoma formation, the intensity of nausea, vomiting and other pathological signs depends on the severity of the injury.

How to treat nausea and headache

Before starting the treatment of these symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and, by examination, establish the reason why your head hurts and you feel sick. In most cases, the removal of inflammatory processes and the normalization of the life-supporting systems of the body improves the patient's condition, the unpleasant sensations pass and the patient can only follow certain instructions in order to prevent the onset of seizures.

For the treatment of pathological conditions accompanied by head pain and nausea, the following methods are used:

  1. First aid medicines. Before the doctor's appointment, you can relieve head pain with pain relievers or antispasmodics. For these purposes, Nurofen, Spazgol or Tempalgin are used. The choice of medication for nausea depends on the reasons for its development. In this case, adsorbents (Sorbex or Activated Carbon) or Cerucal, Motilium, Splenin preparations can help.
  2. Drug therapy. The course of tablets, injections and intravenous droppers is prescribed for acute pathologies and infectious diseases. The appropriateness of home or inpatient treatment is determined by a specialized doctor, depending on the patient's condition.
  3. Surgery. It is prescribed for severe conditions caused by brain injury, tumors, abscesses or abnormal intracranial hypertension. The operation is resorted to in exceptional cases, when other methods of treatment are ineffective and there is a risk of death.
  4. Physiotherapy, massages and remedial gymnastics. Medical procedures and gymnastic exercises are prescribed in combination with drug treatment or during remission as preventive measures.
  5. Homeopathic and folk remedies can be prescribed by a doctor as an adjuvant therapy, in most cases, to achieve an effect, they require long-term continuous use.

The method of treatment and means for quickly relieving these symptoms should be determined by the doctor, taking into account not only the cause of the development of pain, but also the general condition of the body, chronic processes occurring in other organs.

Non-drug methods for relieving symptoms

There are many non-drug treatments available to relieve head pain and nausea, depending on the cause.

Quick means of eliminating unpleasant symptoms are:

  • warm tea with mint and lemon;
  • cool water compress with the addition of essential oils of lemon, grapefruit or lemon balm;
  • eating fresh citrus fruits (orange or lemon wedge) for nausea;
  • clay compress with menthol oil;
  • decoction of mint, willow tea and oregano.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

To prevent headaches, together with nausea, use safe non-drug cumulative drugs:

  • Corn oil for migraine, which must be consumed for 14 days in portions of 2 tablespoons. In the first days, the reception is made 1 time a day, after which it is gradually brought up to 3 times.
  • Raisins, tangerines and walnuts. Half an hour before breakfast, you need to alternately eat tangerine, a dozen raisins and 3 walnuts kernels for 3 months without mixing the ingredients, and after half an hour drink everything with a glass of water.
  • A decoction of mountain ash bark, which should be drunk in three doses per day for up to 30 days. To do this, 400 g of bark is boiled for at least 2 hours and consumed in a cooled form in a tablespoon.

Headaches and nausea appear in people for a variety of reasons. In some cases, pain is due to illness, in other situations due to injury or simple stress, weather.

If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with pain in the head, nausea is only an additional phenomenon, in addition, the pain in the head itself may occur with nausea.

To carry out treatment, it is necessary to know the possible causes of pain, as well as the danger to human health.

Main reasons

As a rule, severe headache and nausea are symptoms that indicate problems and diseases of the human nervous system.

In addition, the causes of this condition are head injuries, cerebral edema and other injuries.

Due to the mechanical effect on the head, a person's internal cranial pressure may increase, as a result of which vomiting and headaches appear.

Sometimes symptoms can be with severe fatigue and stress.

There are other reasons that cause pain, bouts of nausea. Possible diseases include:

  1. Migraine. This pathology leads to damage to the nervous system. The person is nauseous, a headache appears, and there may also be glare in the eyes. In this state, people cannot tolerate bright lights, loud music or sounds. Symptoms can last from several hours to several days.
  2. Brain tumor. In this case, patients suffer from frequent headache, bouts of nausea. These symptoms appear all the time. If the patient is unaware of other possible causes, and the condition is only getting worse, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. You also need to determine when exactly the deterioration appears. If severe pain, nausea and other symptoms appear in the morning, then the causes may be in the tumor or hematomas.
  3. Meningitis. Such a disease is infectious in nature and when infected in a person, the brain becomes inflamed. The person is nauseous, the temperature rises, a severe headache appears, and dark spots on the skin are symptoms of meningitis. Severe pain appears if you bend your head to the chest. But there is no way to diagnose the disease on your own, medical help is required.
  4. Borreliosis. Such a pathology negatively affects the skin of the skin of people and their joints. In addition, the disease can affect the functioning of the heart, as well as the nervous system. Symptoms of this disease are severe headache, bouts of nausea, muscle and body weakness, and dizziness.
  5. Arterial hypertension. A dangerous disease that slowly kills people, because the pathology proceeds without symptoms.

A person may suffer from nausea, headache, weakness and other symptoms from food or chemical poisoning, in some cases the symptoms appear as a side effect of medications.

Headache often occurs in diabetics when proper nutrition and daily regimen are not applied. Also, symptoms are characteristic of anorexia.

Morning pains

It is important to understand why you feel nauseous with a headache and why such a condition appears at all, especially if the symptoms begin in the morning.

You can make a diagnosis yourself if you know the exact symptoms, which have a narrow focus:

  1. Diseases of the brain. This point includes many pathologies that can occur in any form, be it acute or chronic. About 10% of people suffer from nausea and headache in the morning for these reasons.
  2. Vascular pain. This condition is typical for migraine or arterial hypertension.
  3. Psychogenic headaches. This includes stressful situations, fear and other reasons that affect the emotional and psychological state. With constant stress, a person will have a headache and an attack of nausea in the morning.
  4. Internal pains. In humans, this condition is felt as a bursting of the skull due to high intracranial pressure. In some cases, symptoms are complemented by a sudden loss of consciousness.
  5. Extracerebral causes. This is a pathological condition that is caused by infections or viruses, as well as by alcohol or drug poisoning. A similar condition appears in half of the total population.

If the headache is sharp and severe, appears for no reason, then these are symptoms of serious abnormalities that need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

Also, a headache in the morning can appear after a difficult day, when there is a strong load on the muscles of the body and the person is simply physically tired.

If a person sleeps during the day, and when he wakes up, he feels an attack of nausea and headache, then the reason lies in the cerebrospinal fluid - this is the fluid that washes the brain. During daytime sleep, its volume begins to increase.


Headache treatment should be carried out by a doctor, since it is more important not only to eliminate the malaise, but also to cure the main reasons why a person is nauseous and a headache appears.

If you just get rid of the uncomfortable sensations, then the headaches will return after a while.

Initially, the doctor will conduct a complete examination by collecting the following data:

  1. Frequency and recurrent headache and other additional symptoms.
  2. Time of day when nausea and headache start.
  3. Duration and strength of unpleasant sensations.
  4. Where exactly does the feeling of malaise appear and how can headaches be described.
  5. Discuss possible causes, such as a virus infection or head injury, as well as a psychological state.
  6. The doctor learns about additional changes in the body, for example, checks the reaction to light, sound.
  7. A survey is conducted on how the patient gets rid of the headache at home.

For a complete examination, tests are taken, and after receiving the results, doctors can establish the reasons, prescribe complex therapy.

Treatment can be by various methods:

  1. Surgical intervention.
  2. Drug therapy.
  3. The use of traditional medicine.

It should be noted that the operation is carried out only in the presence of neoplasms, but the medicines of traditional and traditional medicine are used to treat other diseases and conditions of the patient.

If there is no way to endure headaches, then it is allowed to drink 1-2 tablets of analgin or citramone to get to the doctor.

To combat nausea, you can take several tablets of activated charcoal or other sorbents. After a while, the nausea will pass.

Often, headaches can cause fever or chills. In this case, you need to lie more under the covers.

Symptoms during pregnancy

If pregnant women feel sick and headache appears, then this is often a normal, natural process, since the body begins to rebuild and the hormonal background changes, a strong release of serotonin begins.

Due to this, the vessels are constantly in good shape and cause pain. Nausea in this case is a sign of toxicosis, but women should not drink pain relievers.

The main threat of this condition is that the symptoms are often attributed to the position of women, due to which the development of various pathologies can begin.

Nausea can cause vomiting, which leads to dehydration of the expectant mother, and pain provokes a constant nervous state. These factors negatively affect the development of the fetus.

If symptoms appear frequently and last more than an hour, then it is recommended to visit a neurologist who will diagnose and establish the exact cause, after which the doctor can prescribe such treatment that will be useful to the woman and not harm the child.

Drug treatment

Doctors advise going to the hospital if the headache and nausea persist within 24 hours, and if various methods of relief at home are used and symptoms persist, then see a doctor after 12 hours.

You can get rid of headaches using various methods and the simplest is to drink strong brewed tea with added sugar and lemon.

This product can only be used under reduced pressure. If the problem is caused by hypertension, then it is necessary to use antihypertensive drugs so that a crisis does not occur.

If the reason lies in the usual fatigue or emotional stress, then pain and nausea are relieved quite easily. It is enough just to rest and sleep.

If the pain is severe, the following medications can be taken:

  1. No-shpa.
  2. Ibuprofen or Nurofen.
  3. Spazmalgon.

For some, a massage of the neck and temples helps, which can be done by itself. You also need to exclude any loud sounds and bright lights.

If nausea does not go away and constantly appears in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, then drugs are used to treat diseases of the stomach or intestines. By stopping the underlying causes, nausea and pain will go away.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can help with many diseases, they are recommended to be used as additional remedies for treatment.

Various teas, infusions and decoctions can reduce the severity of seizures, which is why they are recommended for use at home.

In addition, they do not harm the body, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Effective remedies for nausea and pain include:

  1. Elderberry. A decoction must be made from berries and flowers, for which 2 tsp. add 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes to infuse. After preparation, you can drink 50 ml of the product throughout the day before meals. The course of treatment should be from 2 weeks to normalize the condition.
  2. St. John's wort. This herb allows you to stop not only head pain and nausea, but is used as a remedy for constant emotional stress. Such a plant is not recommended for men, since St. John's wort reduces the rate of the male hormone. The infusion is done by analogy with elderberry, and you need to take the medicine from 3 weeks.
  3. Oregano. A decoction is made from such an ingredient, which perfectly helps to stop unpleasant symptoms. Oregano can be put in tea and drunk in case of attacks. The broth will require 1 tbsp. of dried herbs, fill with a liter of water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Drinking folk medicine should be 2-3 weeks to improve the condition. In the day you need to consume ½ glass in the morning and evening before meals. Broth is prohibited during pregnancy and lactating mothers.
  4. Mint. The plant can be used in the form of a tea, a decoction, or simply make a pillow out of dried mint to sleep on, this relieves attacks in the morning. Mint, prohibited for use for a long course, treatment should be carried out for a week, after which there is a pause.
  5. Valerian. Valerian root is used to relieve pain. To prepare the infusion, you need to grind the plant to make 2 tsp. with a slide.

Such an ingredient is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. You need to take the medicine before a meal, 100 ml, a course per week. Valerian root is also sold in the pharmacy in the form of tinctures or tablets.

The described problems can be prevented and prevented by changing the daily routine and diet. It is also recommended to do more sports, stay outdoors, and also protect yourself from stressful situations.

That is why, if simple rules are not followed, discomfort in the head and nausea appear. Of course, if the symptoms are strong, do not stop and last for a long time, then you should seek qualified help.

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A condition in which a head hurts a little and at the same time nausea does not always indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body. The manifestations can be caused by pregnancy, strong emotional stress or fatigue. With a pronounced severity of symptoms and their combination with a number of additional signs, it is better not to take risks and consult a doctor. Headache and nausea in combination can indicate the development of serious systemic diseases and emergency medical conditions.


In adults, a headache with nausea can occur against a background of dozens of diseases. To make a primary diagnosis, you should carefully assess your condition and note even the slightest changes in it. In cases where the clinical picture persists for 12 hours and no medicines or traditional medicines relieve the condition, an ambulance must be called.

To understand why an adult has a headache and nausea or vomiting, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • at what time of day and in response to what stimuli the condition arose;
  • what is the nature of head pain, how often it occurs and how long it lasts;
  • whether there is an increase in symptoms and whether they are accompanied by the appearance of weakness;
  • headache and nausea appear at the same time or one symptom occurs against the background of another;
  • whether vomiting occurs after nausea and whether it brings relief;
  • localization of headache: in the temples, in the frontal or occipital part, throughout the cranium, passing, unilateral;
  • Do medicines or traditional medicine relieve head pain and nausea;
  • whether there is a history of hereditary pathologies or conditions that can provoke such a combination of symptoms (trauma, hypotension, hypertension, migraines, and others);
  • as important additional symptoms are: hypersomnia, fever, high or low blood pressure, violent reaction to sounds, smells, light, eye pain.

Sometimes a condition when nausea and a headache becomes familiar to a person. It can occur in men and women who smoke or regularly consume alcohol. The listed symptoms against the background of drowsiness characterize chronic fatigue. This does not mean that problems can be ignored. Refusal to diagnose and then make changes in your lifestyle can lead to the development of serious disorders in the work of systems and organs.

If a child complains of headache and nausea, do not waste time trying to cope with the manifestations on their own. In cases when the baby is lethargic, apathetic and he constantly wants to sleep, action must be taken immediately. This combination of symptoms often indicates an inflammation of the meninges.

Why does one feel sick with a headache?

A condition in which the head hurts severely and at the same time nausea requires immediate diagnosis. The most common cause of poor health in adults is overwork, prolonged psychoemotional stress, decreased vascular functionality, or the effect of external stimuli on the body. It is important to understand that headache and nausea will completely disappear only after the cause of the sensations is eliminated. Taking medication at random can only bring temporary relief.


In this case, headache and nausea occur systematically. The clinical picture is the same every time with possible minor deviations. Most often women of childbearing age suffer from migraines. Often, the disease is inherited. At the same time, the sensations are strong, paroxysmal, concentrated on one side of the cranium. Against the background of pain, nausea occurs, which at its peak can turn into vomiting. After this, there is a slight relief, and the patient is even able to get some sleep.

The duration of the attack ranges from 3-4 hours to 3 days. It usually occurs against the background of fatigue, stress, prolonged mental stress, smoking, being in a stuffy room. Its development is facilitated by triggers (irritants), which are individual for each person.

You can learn more about migraines with aura in this article.


Inflammation of the meninges caused by the activity of meningococcal infection is most often found in children. Pathology is difficult and progresses rapidly, so you need to act quickly.

In addition to severe headache and vomiting, there are a number of other signs that make it possible to suspect a diagnosis before a diagnosis is made.

Meningococcal infection - the cause of the development of inflammation of the meninges

A characteristic clinical picture is characteristic of meningitis:

  • inability to bend the neck - the patient takes a forced position lying on his side with his head thrown back and legs pulled up to the stomach;
  • a bursting headache, strongly presses on the eyes and forehead, it is accompanied by bouts of nausea;
  • profuse vomiting is possible, which does not bring relief;
  • a specific rash appears on the body.

The patient often has a fever. If you do not respond to the symptoms in time, he may faint. With purulent meningitis, even in an unconscious state, patients hold their heads.

Low pressure

Usually, with hypotension (blood pressure below 100/60), mild headaches are observed. They can be throbbing, dull, aching, pressing, or paroxysmal. Most often occur after a day's sleep, in the heat, in a stuffy atmosphere, against the background of mental or physical fatigue. Those. at such moments when the pressure drops below the usual indicators. Against the background of pain, the patient develops nausea, a desire to yawn, and dizziness. He may faint.

Cervical osteochondrosis

It occurs against the background of wear of the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine, which leads to compression of blood vessels and nerve endings. It is characterized by pain in the back of the head and neck, accompanied by mild nausea. As the situation worsens, the patient no longer has the ability to move his neck freely. When turning the head, there is a sharp pain that radiates to different parts of the skull and the arm. Tinnitus and dizziness appear, nausea intensifies.

Arterial hypertension

The causes of the pathological condition may be different, but the manifestations will always be approximately the same. The human body, which has a consistently high or jumping pressure, reacts violently to weather changes, stress and fatigue. They cause vasoconstriction and spasm, which provoke headache attacks in combination with nausea and facial flushing. The clinical picture can be supplemented by an increased heartbeat, swelling of the lower extremities.

If you suspect hypertension, it is extremely important to quickly find out why exactly your head hurts and is sick. If you do not eliminate the provoking factor and do not start therapy in a timely manner, there is a high risk of developing a stroke or hypertensive crisis. These are emergency conditions that require urgent care and can lead to the death or disability of a person.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

This diagnosis is given to people who have felt mental and physical fatigue for at least six months, which does not go away even after a long rest. The pathology is based on the violation of connections between the centers of the autonomic nervous system. Most often this occurs against the background of the course of infectious diseases of a viral nature. Patients complain of fatigue, weakness, fatigue, decreased concentration, and sleep disturbances. At the same time, they note muscle pain, their head crushes a lot, dizziness and nausea appear at the peak of pain.

It is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis in this case. Pathology can be accompanied by a variety of disorders and disguise itself as organic or systemic diseases. Many patients spend months and years unsuccessfully treated for somatic diseases and depressive conditions until traces of the virus are found.

Tension headache

This nuisance is typical for office workers who, due to the nature of the workplace, hour after hour are in a physiologically incorrect posture. Constant tension of the muscles of the occiput leads to their rigidity, disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues. The phenomenon is aggravated by active mental activity, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, stress. The sensations are characterized as persistent, breaking, growing towards the end of the day. Pathology may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Brain tumor

Headache and nausea can occur against the background of the appearance and growth of neoplasms in the brain. Tumors press on the meninges, provoking a characteristic clinical picture. Malignant formations can provoke the appearance of such symptoms, regardless of size. This is due to the toxic effects of cancer cells on healthy colonies. Usually, the symptomatology of pathologies is not limited to these manifestations. Malfunctions in the work of organs and systems, mental problems, changes in the emotional background are possible.


In this case, nausea is usually accompanied by vomiting. Headache occurs against the background of intoxication of the body and is localized in the temples or the back of the head. The picture is complemented by joint aches, muscle soreness and an increase in body temperature.


Inflammatory brain damage can proceed according to different scenarios, but in all cases there are headache attacks. Most often, they are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. Sensations are sharp or dull, shooting or aching, throbbing or bursting. Patients become extremely excitable. They react violently to light, sounds, smells, and even light touch. As the disease progresses, signs of mental disorders and malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system appear.


In some cases, headache occurs under the influence of physiological processes in the body. When listing its causes in women, special attention should be paid to hormonal changes during pregnancy. In the early stages, it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. The woman's body still perceives the fetus as a foreign body and tries to reject it. By week 12, biological processes return to normal, and the symptoms disappear.


Severe headache, accompanied by nausea and confusion, is one of the harbingers of acute cerebrovascular accident (ACV). The clinical picture is very specific and allows you to immediately suspect the diagnosis. The pain is localized on one side and is extremely intense. A person has inhibition of reaction, paralysis of the muscles of half of the face, impaired coordination and speech. Loss of consciousness may occur against the background of a sharp increase in blood pressure.

What to do if you have a headache and nausea

For headaches and nausea that occur from time to time, you should see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and refer you to a specialized specialist. The doctor will collect anamnesis, prescribe tests and diagnostic studies, diagnose and select treatment.

Informative methods for diagnosing headache:

  • general tests that will help exclude diseases of internal organs, the effect on the body of infection or inflammation;
  • spine x-ray - cervical spine;
  • MRI or CT scan of the brain.

If you suddenly have a sharp headache, it is better not to delay getting medical help and call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to measure the pressure and temperature. If you have hypertension, you should take a medicine to lower your blood pressure. Strong black tea with lemon and sugar can help with hypotension.

The principles for treating headache with nausea depend on the cause of the symptom:

  • massage and exercise therapy - effective for vascular problems, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • surgical therapy - may be needed if tumors in the brain are detected, the result of conservative treatment of a number of pathologies is absent;
  • medications - their action is aimed at restoring the functionality of blood vessels, removing cholesterol deposits from them, and fighting infectious pathogens. With a number of diseases, you just have to wait out the attacks with the help of analgesics or NSAIDs. Antidepressants sometimes work well;
  • traditional medicine - designed to weaken the severity of discomfort. A decoction of elderberries, St. John's wort or oregano can relieve a combination of symptoms. Mint tea relieves headaches and nausea, but it is not recommended to take it for more than one week.

In most cases, to treat headaches and nausea, it is enough to adjust your daily routine, quit smoking and alcohol, introduce sports or at least simple gymnastics in the workplace into the schedule. Do not abuse medications unless agreed with your doctor. Such experiments can become a source of abusal pain, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

I get headaches often. The work is creative and stressful. Tired of already swallowing pills. I want to go to the examination. Tell us in general what they are.

Yuri, 55 years old

Yuri, frequent headaches are a reason to see a doctor and undergo a series of diagnostic examinations. A similar symptom may indicate various pathologies of structures or vessels of the brain, as well as changes in the structure of the spinal column.

What examinations do you need to undergo for headaches? To identify the nature of the pain syndrome, appoint:

  • MRI. This is a highly sensitive research method that allows you to assess the state of soft tissues. With its help, neoplasms in the brain, inflammatory processes of brain tissue, intracranial circulatory disorders, and the presence of cysts are detected. In addition, MRI is used to determine the changes occurring in the brain in senile dementia, and to identify lesions of the spinal cord;
  • REG (). The method is based on the action of an electric current on body tissues. With its help, the tone of blood vessels and their blood supply are assessed. With the help of REG, the degree of damage to the cerebral vessels is assessed, atherosclerosis, vascular dystonia, and hypertension are diagnosed. The advantage of this method is the safety for the health of the subject and the ability to conduct research for prophylactic purposes as many times as required;
  • ... The study provides a complete picture of the physical condition of the brain. CT scan reveals organ injuries, hydrocephalus, impaired brain development in children, the presence of volumetric neoplasms;
  • EEG (). With this diagnostic method, the electrical activity of the brain is recorded. A feature of the EEG is the ability to manipulate and get a general picture of the state of the organ, even if the patient is unconscious. Electroencephalography allows you to assess the state of the brain of a person in a coma, to reveal signs of degenerative changes in the nerve tissues of the brain in the elderly with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, to diagnose epilepsy in children and adults;
  • X-ray examination of the vessels of the brain, which is carried out after the injection of a contrast agent into the vein. Using this method, the state of the brain after a traumatic brain injury is assessed, the nature and localization of the tumor is determined, and the source is identified.

The choice of a particular method for examining the brain depends on the prevailing symptoms that complement regular headaches.

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