What does gg vp in cs go mean. What does GG WP mean? What does ez mean in cs go

Many gamers, after the end of their battles in chats, often see the phrases gg wp or gg wp, without understanding what this means. Meanwhile, these short words, unsubscribed in the chat, mean a lot both for the public and for the outcome of the match. It is worth noting that the initial form of gg wp was the combination gg, which also has its own history, but first things first.

History of YG

The abbreviation gg or gg in Russian means "GoodGame", which means "good game". Many consider it a waste of time, but professional players are very sensitive to this two-letter line of GG.

It is used in the following situations:

  1. Confession of defeat in the tournament. After writing the command, a timer starts counting down, after five seconds of which the throne of the writing command will be destroyed, and their opponents will become the winners.
  2. Claiming defeat in a public game. Here gg means about the same thing, with only one difference: the winning team itself must demolish the barracks and the main building, and the defeated will not interfere with them.
  3. Agree that the game was great. After the end of the match, the winning team can acknowledge the efforts of the defeated opponents, thereby agreeing that the time was not wasted.

As you can see, GG is not just letters, it is respect for enemies and a sign of good manners.

History of GG VP

Now, for sure, it's no secret to anyone what GG WP means. This is an improved version of the phrase that stands for "GoodGameWellPlayed", that is, not just a recognition that the match was interesting, but sincere admiration for the spirit of the opponents. Here's what GG WP wrote in the chat means:

  1. On behalf of the losers: the winners deservedly prevailed, showing the wonders of control, farming and tactics, and the process itself was a pleasure despite the defeat.
  2. On behalf of the winners: the defeated characters fought hard, the victory was fun to conquer, and the battles were epic.

It is not necessary to write any of the two phrases, but you will show your best side. Unfortunately, currently not everyone knows what gg wp means.


Inexperienced gamers do not understand what it means to show respect, and therefore use gg vp completely for other purposes. Typical examples of incorrect use of a phrase are:

  1. Taunts an ally or foe. Seeing any jamb from the side of a gamer, stupid or inexperienced players will certainly write it to the chat.
  2. False admission of defeat. Having spammed the chat with the phrases "gg wp", "yy wp" and "demolish", the players do not at all strive to stop the resistance, thereby prolonging the game, the outcome of which is already clear.

Many people around the world have played computer games at least once. There are many genres, so everyone can easily choose the one that they like the most. Many people prefer online games in which they usually feel like an integral part of what is happening. This article will discuss what "YY, VP" means, in which game such an expression is used. This knowledge is guaranteed to save you from embarrassment in a dispute.

What does "GG, VP" mean?

A PC user has heard at least once about games where people compete against each other to win. In them, gamers feel the team spirit, the desire to win and the desire to never give up. This is a good reason that attracts more and more people. Since the language tends to change over time, the game moments only speed up this process. They used to communicate much less than they did in the era of computer technology. Modern communication methods make it possible to literally change the language of entire nations, because the younger generation is most connected to the Internet.

Often in public transport you can hear the expressions: "It was easy", "She just hype" and many others. One of these can be heard in Dota 2. "YY, VP", as a rule, is pronounced at the end of the game, when the fate of the match has already been decided. This expression can still be heard from young people when a session is passed or an assessment is received without unnecessary effort. Translated, “GG, VP” is “a good game, well played”, that is, people express their satisfaction with the work of the team. Like other words, this is often used as sarcasm when a team is systematically trying to ruin your game.

The number of such words of GG WP has no boundaries, every day there are more and more of them, so sometimes it is difficult to have a conversation with the younger generation. In order for you to understand each other, you must at least have a rough idea of ​​what kind of words are used in the dialogue. Here is a list of new words often used by young people:

  1. "Microchelik" is a defective person, a player who does not perform his role well in the team.
  2. "GL HF" is an abbreviation for Good luck Have fun, that is, a person wishes you good luck and fun.
  3. "Trouble" means "problems" in translation.
  4. "Hype" is popularity, an event that is rapidly gaining discussion in society.
  5. "Noob" is a non-professional.


We hope this article helped you to better understand new words. It is only worth remembering the areas of use of some expressions. The use of the above, for example, in an essay is a gross mistake. Choose your words carefully, use them in the right context.

The final statement, which is usually pronounced at the end of a video game, with the manifestation of an undeniable advantage of one of the parties. This slang expression can also be used as a derogatory way to tease anyone outside of the video game, including even yourself. Typically, GG is pronounced when they notice that someone is making a fool of themselves during a verbal confrontation or argument.

In a different sense acronym GG can be used to show someone's inferiority.

For instance:

  • Person A: Nah dude everyone likes me better, just saying.
  • Person B: Nahhh dude im pretty sure I "m better than you.
  • Person A: Dude I "m like a level 71 archmage and your just like a level 1 priest."
  • Person B: Did you just compare yourself to a video game? (Did you just compare yourself to a video game?)
  • Person A: yeah? (Yes?).
  • Person B: Wow, GG, nerd (Wow, GG,

2 In this short article, we will touch on Internet slang, or rather, we will try to decipher an unusual abbreviation that is not clear to everyone, this is GG VP.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you a few new publications on the topic gaming slang. For example, who is Damag-Dealer, what does Double-Line mean, how to understand the word Griffer, what does Gren's term mean, etc.
So, what does GG VP mean asked by many inquisitive users? This abbreviation was borrowed from the English language GG WP, and stands for " good game, well played"which can be translated as" good game, well played. "
A similar abbreviation is usually used at the end of the rinks, or when the battles in the arena end, GvG, PVP, and many other similar events.

GG VP(GG WP) - this abbreviation for "good game, well played", translates as "excellent game, well played"

What does GG WP mean? You have probably noticed more than once that after the end of the game, lines with the letters "ГГ" or "ГГ ВП" begin to run quickly in the chat, as it is customary to write after any successful battle, respectfully emphasizing the pumping of heroes and the skill of gamers. Particularly polite players can write this way even to the opposite team, if they fought in good faith.

Of course, many noobs have a question, in what cases to use "GG WP"?

So, there are several main criteria when you can say "GG VP":

First criterion... It is used when the battle is almost on an equal footing, and the winner is determined only at the very end. And the whole battle goes on with varying success, and it is impossible to say for sure who will win.

Second criterion... When the enemy is obviously weak, but despite his disadvantageous position, he fights to the very end. And although the trend is already clear, using its clear organization and competent strategy makes the top players strain their convolutions. In this case, a strong opponent writes to the team that made him nervous GG WP, as if as a sign of respect.

Third criterion... If a gamer was able to learn something new in this game, then he writes GG VP, as if thanks for the help.

This reduction is used by both sides, both the winning and the losing team. This abbreviation usually they write in a general chat, but sometimes they even send to a personal mailbox.
Since this term is borrowed from the English language, it is clear that it is used mainly by English-speaking people, that is, in Western Europe and the United States, in Russia they usually say "thank you for the game." Quite often, the word " Easy", and some have a question, what does GG VP Easy mean? The word Easy was borrowed from the English language " easy", and is translated as" easy ".

What does GG WP mean?

Fans of computer online games could come across the expression gg at the beginning or end of a fight, as well as the expression gg wp at the end of the confrontation. But what is hidden behind these mysterious letters?

What is GG?

GG is short for good game ( translation - "good game"). At the beginning of the game, this contraction is a wish for a good game, something in the spirit of "may the best man win". If you met this reduction at the end of the fight, then this is a statement of fact - "the game was good." Russian-speaking players often write "yy" instead of "gg".

The expression “ YG Easy"(GG easy) in games such as Dota, KS, etc. It is usually written to a team with the meaning" played well, won easily. " If this message is written to the enemy's team, it means, as a rule, a mockery - “we played well, defeated you easily” (read as “tore you like toilet paper”).

What does GG WP mean?

GG WP are 2 abbreviations: good game ( translation - "good game") and well played ( translation - "well played" or "well played"). So the expression GG WP means “good game, well played”. It is used, as a rule, after a serious confrontation for the moral support of a defeated adversary. Something like "played well, don't be upset, you'll be lucky next time."

Also GG WP used to praise the allied team. It means something like the following: "all great, they played well." For example, the phrase GG WP in Dota 2 written in the team chat means that all players have completed their tasks, all have contributed to the victory. This is roughly the same as GG WP in CS: GO and in other games.

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