Interesting information about hedgehogs for children. Facts about hedgehogs

Jerzy are very close to people. But the person himself knows about his neighbors not so much. They live their quiet nightlife, almost invisible and not visible. Is that in the evening rustling in a flower bed or a pile of leaves under the tree reminded himself. This animal with spines Instead of wool in the imagination, it seems to be a mute, cheerful, carrying a ruddy apple. What are these familiar strangers?


This spiny lumps can not be confused with any other animals: his fur coat of Walking out of ten thousand grayish needles. They grow slowly, each needle protects the owner of three years, then changes to a new one. The tail at the hedgehog seems to be, but it is not easy to see it among the needles because of a small size. Thirty-six hero teeth are very sharp, but begin to fall out when it goes to old age. And old age for the animal occurs at the age of 4-5 years, and if in captivity, then ten years.

You can meet the hedgehog everywhere: in the yard, in the forest, and even in the desert. According to the nature of these creatures, communicate with each other by whistle. Peerly coexist with pets. If the spiny ball snorts, then it is angry; Testing hunger, grumbling and rustling foliage.

Entry in finished pits and emptiness, they do not want to equip her own Norah. If, before the start of the hibernation, they will not find their homes, they may die from frost. Father does not take part in the upbringing of small hedgehogs, and Mom leads his children with a rope for themselves, it is very interesting to look at how little girls with needles are trying to keep up with their mom.

To survive, barbed swabs had to learn:


Interesting facts about the hedgehogs - meals. These mammals are very voracious, each of them needs about 200 grams of food per day. But the apples and mushrooms on the barns do not wear, as we can see it in the pictures, sometimes something is punched onto a barbed fur coat, and the hedgehog cannot or does not want to lose it, it seems that the animal is specifically used for himself. Sometimes eat fruit, but in small quantities.

Their food is frogs, insects, worms, eggs and chicks, May beetles. With pleasure, they would eat and mice, but cannot catch up with them. Well, if you catch a horny or viper - eat, hedgehog is difficult to bite and they are immune to snake poisons.

Did the hedgehogs drink milk? Maybe yes. They are often settled near farms, appearing during the boobs to enjoy just separated milk. It would be ice cream, would not refuse. By winter, needle lumps must be "feeding fat", otherwise they will die.


What are the hedgehogs:

  • distilted rats and mice from the courtyard, those far from unwanted acquaintance;
  • know how to run at a speed of up to 3 kilometers per hour;
  • have a developed sense of smell, feel delicious prey for several meters;
  • actively cover the needles saliva, feeling some kind strong smell, first
    Lick an unfamiliar subject, then rub about it with needles (probably they do it because of the masking so that the predator does not hear their smell);
  • have a good rumor, eared hedgehog has big ears, but they not only look like burdocks, but also hear well;
  • they know how to sleep well, staying in a hibernation of 128 days;
  • in the warm season, the afternoon sleep, at night they go to seek food;
  • move even on the swamp, they know how to swim well, but long swims are dangerous for them, since in water they quickly get tired and can drown;
  • overcome easily a distance of 2 km per day;
  • control their territory, and considerable, it can reach up to 20 hectares.

People are not alone in this world. Together with them live, adapt, survive and bring offestness of animals. Nature does not get tired to surprise a person with beauty, perfection and a variety of animal world. And hedgehogs, these spiny creations, which appeared about 500 million years ago, are also interesting and unique. Their way of life, behavior and habits are still not fully studied.

All familiar Jeys appeared on our planet for a very long time - about 15 million years ago. Of course, it was not those hedgehogs, what we know now, but their ancestors.

On average, the Yozh has about 10 thousand needles, which are updated approximately 1 time in 3 years. The needles themselves grow for quite a long time - almost a year. But, of course, the hedgehogs are not bald overnight - the change of needles occurs gradually, as well as molting in many other animals.

Hedgehog almost as many teeth, how many people are 36. And, as well as we, the hedgehogs they can fall out in old age.

There is even the concept of "hourly" - this is the number of ticks that Yuzh collects in one hour walk through the forest. "Ezhels" are recorded, and this helps researchers to identify the foci of tick-borne encephalitis.

The hedgehogs also fall into the hibernation and are 128 days in it. In this state, the hedgehog body temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius, although under normal conditions its temperature ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b34 degrees. Waking up, hedgehog is extremely hungry and therefore a few days after returning from the hibernation of the animal only makes that it extracts and eats food.

The hedgehogs have a small tail, however, it is not visible at all from under the needle needle - after all, its length is just 3 cm.

Jerzy, although they are poorly seen, however, they know how to distinguish colors. In addition, they have a very sensitive sense of smell and very acute hearing.

There is a kind of eared hedgehogs that are much less common in the tangle than their burgers. But this species runs very quickly, and it is almost impossible to catch up with it. But if all the same, his enemy will overtake him, hedgehog will try to jump and how to stronger the enemy as much as possible.

Although the hedgehogs do not hunt for snakes, however, they have a resistant immunity to the poison of Gadyuk. Other strong poisons are also not operating on the hedgehogs: potassium cyanos, arsenic, sulema, syntic acid, etc.

Many are confident that hedgehogs are hunters on mice. But this is not the case - they are simply unable to catch up with a yurus mouse.

Yozh carries apple

In children's books, hedgehog is depicted on the back of an apple. In reality, hedgehogs are not engaged in such transportation - they are simply physically not capable of turning out so that it is sharpening an apple or mushroom to their needle. Maximum that can be closed to the hedgehog needles - a couple of fallen leaves.

Jerzy perfectly get along with other pets, such as cats or dogs, so sometimes hedes are kept as a pet.

The famous network of McDonalds restaurants has become a culprit of many deaths. The reason is that the animals love to lick the glasses from under the ice cream, but often stuck in the neck of the cup, because Needles do not let them get out. But as a result of a plurality of protests of animal protesters, the diameter of the neck of the cups was reduced, so there was a lot of little lives.

Hedgehog in Tumane

"Hedgehog in the fog" is one of the most popular Soviet cartoons.

Funny fact: in Serbia, the Izhina urine was used as a means of alcoholism.

Gypsy has a traditional dish, the main part of which is fried yoke.

In ancient Rome, hijan skins were used as sheep wool crests.

Cooked, cunning and very smart hedgehogs is hardly better than everyone adapted to survival in the forests middle strip. All the omnivores also play on the arm, and reliable protection from barbed needles, and developed intelligence. Moreover, cute and cute hedgehogs that are so funny and snort, are also magnificent hunters. They are not only eating mushrooms and berries, and willingly include in their diet any liverity, which they can overcome.

Facts about hedgehogs

  • In total, there are 24 types of these animals in the world.
  • Hedgehogs usually seem to us, although they really have a tail, they are just very short. And in some species of so-called rat, the tail length can exceed 20 centimeters.
  • And on the front, and on the rear legs they have 5 fingers. Curious Fact: Bellochius Yuzh differs in the way that he has only 4 fingertips on his fingertips.
  • Depending on the type of heroes on the body there are from 4 to 10 nipples.
  • On the upper jaw they have more teeth than on the bottom - 20 against 16.
  • Spiky and pretty strong needles at the hedgehogs are actually hollow inside, there is nothing but air ().
  • As you grow up, the number of needles on the body of hedge increases. A young individual is about 3,000 of them, sometimes a little more, and in an adult this number comes to 6000.
  • Hedgehog always remains wet if the animal is healthy. About how cats.
  • Needles at the heroes grow around at the same speed, with what hair we grow.
  • There are also ordinary hair between the needles, but you can only notice them with attentive inspection, because they are thin and very rare.
  • The first hedgehogs appeared on Earth for a very long time, more than 20 million years ago.
  • Russian ordinary hedgehogs In winter, they fall into the hibernation, so in the fall they are eaten. As scientists installed, thin hedgehogs, who did not scold weights at least 0.5 kg, the winter is usually not worried.
  • If the echoes have weak eyesight, but they compensate for this deficiency with acute hearing and excellent sense of smell ().
  • Despite the seeming clumsiness, they are able to run very quickly, overcoming up to 3 meters per second.
  • Hezhi often hunt for snakes, including on poisonous. The poison is dangerous for them, but to a lesser extent than for other mammals.
  • European hedgehogs know how to swim well, but their African counterparts are no, so they always drown if they are pleased to fall into the reservoir.
  • Residents of country houses sometimes expose hedge treats in the form of a saucer with milk. This should not do, because these animals can absorb milk only in childhood. Adult hedgehogs drink it too, but then they are not good.
  • Foxes sometimes hunt enemas. They are impossible to deploy the animal curled into the prickly ball, but they ride them into the water, where the topics have to straighten ().
  • The hedgehogs never tolerate mushrooms with berries, as in pictures in children's books.
  • Needle needles consist mainly of keratin, like hair.
  • The hedgehog needles change about once every three years, but, of course, not all at once, but as they grow.
  • They are thoroughly prepared for the winter, insulating their home, and it is so good that even in a 20-degree frost, the temperature inside remains above 0 degrees.
  • On average, per day, adult yoke overcomes about 2 kilometers in search of food.
  • In contrast to many other animals, which for the winter also fall into the hibernation, the hedgehogs do not dig holes. They decide their home in voids under roots and stones.
  • When the air temperature drops to +6, they are against their will begin to fall asleep - the body goes into the hibernation. If this happens when the Yozh had not yet equipped her housing, he would most likely falls right on the spot, and if the temperature drops below 0, it will frown to death.
  • The cubs have only females. The males in this participation process is not accepted.
  • Newborn hardware are born with soft needles, which are also under the skin. But already an hour after the appearance of the light, they begin to straighten and harden.
  • On average, one Yozh out of a thousand is albino.
  • In captivity, these animals can live to 9-10 years old, but in nature it is usually twice as smaller.
  • In the summer, when warm, hedgehog does it up to 180 shots per minute, and in winter, when the animal falls into the hibernation, heartbeat Slows up to 20-50 shots per minute.
  • Some poisons, such as arsenic and blue acid, are almost harmless to heroes in those doses in which they are able to kill a person.
  • In ancient Rome, hedgehogs specifically diluted in culinary purposes.
  • During hibernation, the temperature of the hedgehog is descended to about +2 degrees.

1. The hedgehogs appeared on Earth about 15 million years ago.

2. At the average hedgehog about 10 thousand needles. They are updated every three years. Hedgehogs grow long, about a year. Fortunately for the hedgehog, their update is gradually.

3. Herp has 36 teeth, which, like people, can fall to old age.

4. Winter hibernation of heroes lasts 128 days. While herself sleeps, its body temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius (under normal conditions it is 34 degrees). Breathing in sleeping hens is seriously slowed down: the maximum of 8 breaths-exhale per minute, although they usually breathe with a frequency of 40-50 times. Waking hedgehog - a walking embodiment of hunger, so a few days after waking up the animal spends exclusively in search of food.

5. Most types of heroes have a tail. True, it is very short - only 3 cm, so it is not visible from under the needles.

6. Despite the fact that the hedgehogs are able to distinguish between colors, they are in their nature sublinks. But they have very sharp hearing and a subtle smell.

7. Eared Ezhi differ from their fellows by the fact that it is extremely reluctant to turn into a ball in case of danger. This type of heroes runs very quickly, and to catch up with its terrestrial predators is not easy. If the eared hedgehog overtakes the enemy, then the animal jershits and tries to prick his opponent in sensitive places.

8. In herself immunity to the poison of Gadyuk, although they do not hunt for these snakes specifically. However, if the opportunity comes down, hedgehogs will bloom with a big appetite.

9. The hedgehogs do not hunt mice - this is a myth. They may have be happy to be enjoyed by Musatina, but caught up the mouse is not capable.

10. In children's books, you can often see the hedgehog carrying an apple on the back. In fact, the hedgehogs do not stick to the spine neither apples, no mushrooms, nor other major items - they are physically unable to turn it out to do this. The "father" of the myth that the animals are transferred on the back of stocks, is the ancient Roman historian Pliny senior. Where he took it - unknown.

These animals from the detachment of insectivores are already about 15 million years old inhabit a variety of spaces of almost all climatic zones. They do not live only in the districts of permafrost and in swampy locations.

2. In ancient Rome, hedgehogs were used as a crest for combing sheep wool. Interesting that courts Ancient Rome They were literally inquired by the affairs of the fake of the helics - so running it was the goods.

3. Hedgehogs publish a variety of sounds. They snort, sneeze, grunt, grumble, snoring and clay teeth.

4. Vision at the heroes are unimportant, but the smell and hearing compensate for this flaw.

5.Aece are remarkably tamed and go well with other pets - dogs and cats. But few can keep the hedgehogs at home because of their loud topota at night.

6. In the world there are about 17 types of heroes.

7. The most widespread, well-studied and popular - our ordinary, or European hedgehog. However, it is so called inaccurate, because he lives on a wide expanse of Eurasia to the Pacific Ocean.

8. The barnness of the hedgehogs lasts 7 weeks.

9. The message of these animals occurs with the help of a whistle.

10. The country highway can very often be seen under the wheels of heroes. Some believe that these animals rush under the wheels from the heat. In fact, the hedgehogs seek to move the highway not just like that. The roads are separated by the aroles of animals on fragments of a small area. To save ecologists, ecologists offer tunnels under highways.

Eared Yezhik

11. Close relative of Ezhua ordinary, eared hedgehog, living in southern steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. From an ordinary, it differs quite a bit: he has a larger ears, he himself is 2-3 times smaller, and his prickly shell is lowered to the abdomen.

12. On the pictures in children's books, hedgehog are often depicted as styling animals that make mushrooms and apples on their spines. In fact, it does not correspond to reality. Of the vegetation food, they sometimes eat berries and fruits, but they never worry them, they are physically able to cross it up to do it. The "father" of the myth that the animals are transferred on the back of stocks, is the ancient Roman historian Pliny senior. Where he took it - unknown. In winter, they fall into the hibernation, but they have no need to make reserves - the nutrients of the hedgehog are accumulated in the form of fat.

13. Ordinary, i.e., European, hedgehogs swim well. But sometimes they are dying in water due to the fact that they cannot get out of the reservoir with steep shores.

14. In contrast to the mangoshos, which are absolutely immune to the serpentine poison, hedgehog, although sometimes they hunt for snakes, only partially stable to the poison. From the serpentine poison, the Erinzin proteins. However, if the snake bit the hedgehog several times, the battle may end out not in his favor.

15. The summer period for hedgehog is extremely important to gain enough fat stocks. If the animal in October will weigh less than 500 grams, during hibernation it can die. In the early spring, hedgehogs sometimes wake up before the deadline. For an animal, this is very dangerous as the subsequent cooling can kill it.

16.eza - our assistants on cottages and gardens. They destroy insect pests and rodents. To lure in the garden of Hedgehog, leave him in the evening on the street something edible (piece of chicken, fish, dog or cat feed, etc.). The animal will probably enjoy the treat, and he will look at you not once, pass, destroying slugs, caterpillars, May zhukov, etc.

17. While the hedgehog is in a winter hibernation, its body temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius (under normal conditions it is 34 degrees). Breathing in sleeping hens is seriously slowed down: the maximum of 8 breaths-exhale per minute, although they usually breathe with a frequency of 40-50 times. Waking hedgehog - a walking embodiment of hunger, so a few days after waking up the animal spends exclusively in search of food.

18. Most of the types of heroes have a tail. True, it is very short - only 3 cm, so it is not visible from under the needles.

19. The average hedgehog is about 10 thousand needles. They are updated every three years. Heady needles grow long, about a year. Fortunately for the hedgehog, their update is gradually.

20. Eared Ezhi differ from their fellows by the fact that it is extremely reluctant to turn into a ball in case of danger. This type of heroes runs very quickly, and to catch up with its terrestrial predators is not easy. If the eared hedgehog overtakes the enemy, then the animal jershits and tries to prick his opponent in sensitive places.

21. Where is inquisitive, active and energetic, and in the difficult and complete dangers of the world around the world oriented with the help of acute sense of sense and fine hearing, which he has more sensitive than even the dog.

22. African hedgehogs You can't swim. Accidentally hitting the water, they are inevitably drown.

23. Although the owners of domestic hedgehis give them a sufficient amount of feed and leave food for the night, the pets are still trying to search for something edible under the sofa, in the cabinets, etc. Hunting instinct and biological rhythms make the hedgehogs wake up at night and go hunting even Not hungry. Because of a peculiar gait and long claws, the hunters in the house are accompanied by a trap.

24. If his hedgehog came into a ball, he will remain unharmed, even if he falls from a height of several meters.

25. In winter hibernation, hedgehogs are located for 128 days.

26. The fox is not able to cope with the prickly animal on land, but the tricky animal can stroll hedgehog to the water, where it is necessary to straighten his spines. There is a fox and grabs him.

27.uge do not hunt mice - this is a myth. They may be glad to enjoy the mouse, but it is not capable of catching up.

28. Shedral hedgehog is a traditional Roma dish. By the way, the goulash of the hedgehog is mentioned in one of the episodes of the film Guy Ricci "Sherlock Holmes: the game of shadows", when the main characters attend the Gypsy Tabor.

29. With the help of Radiomayts, scientists found that animals overnight overcome the distance more than a kilometer, and the average habitat area of \u200b\u200bone hedgehium may exceed 20 hectares.

30. Needle Hedgehogs are modified hair. They consist of keratin, inside the needle hollow and strengthened with transverse partitions. Due to such a structure, they are very durable.

Daurgy Yuzh

31. In the steppes of Transbaikalia and Mongolia, a Daurgy hedgehog is found - also a brother of an ordinary hedgehog.

33. It seems that the hedgehog is clumsy, but it is not. They can run very quickly - up to three meters per second.

34. In Serbian folk medicine Yellow urine is used as a means of alcoholism.

35. Magnical hedgehog live from 4 to 7 years, and small - from 2 to 4 years.

36.The fits are born completely blind and without needles.

37. To get rid of the slugs, the gardeners use beer traps - put the plates with beer on Earth, and then collect pests. The hedgehogs also do not mind to panic the beer - they like the flavor of the foam drink. Like other lovers to "take on the chest", they can even fall asleep next to a plate or right in it! If the animal drank too much beer, then he gets alcohol poisoning with all associated symptoms.

38. The head of the newborn is open only on the 16th day.

39.The reconnect crossing between relatives leads to the degeneration of the population, since genetic anomalies accumulate. Attempts by heroes to find "brides" on the side lead to what they do on the roads. It ends it is often sad.

40. In contrast to his close relatives - Moles, the hedgehogs do not like to engage in the ruin of underground moves, and the fences for them are a severe obstacle.

41. Herp has 36 teeth, which, like people, can fall to old age.

42. According to its nature, the hedgehog slightly silly, but they distinguish the colors are very good.

43.Is are not relatives of the dictum, despite their similarity in the structure of the body.

44.This, he has the ability to climb trees.

45. In epidemiology, there is a concept of "hourly". It denotes the number of ticks, hedgehogs collected For an hour running through the forest. Accounting "Ezhelsov" helps scientists to identify the natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis.

46. \u200b\u200bOften the owners of country houses, believing that hedgehogs are very loved by milk, leave the bowls with this product on the street as a treat for prickly animals. And indeed, they drink it, but after that feel bad. Like most mammals, these animals feed on milk only in infancy.

47. Summing up strong and caustic smell, hedgehogs starts to cover its own needles saliva.

48. Even the strongest poisons are almost not operating on the heroes: Sulema, arsenic, potassium cyanide, sinyl acid, etc.

49. For more time, the hedgehog sleeps, because they are considered night animals.

50. Hedgehogs never raise their own offspring.

South African Yozh

photo from the Internet

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