What to do if a loved one is missing. The person is missing. What to do? How to prepare an elderly person to go to the forest so they don't go missing

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, every year police officers manage to establish the whereabouts of 90% of the people who have been reported missing. The search for the remaining 10% of missing people drags on for many years. Moreover, adults disappear more often than children.

No "three days"

The duty officer is obliged to immediately accept the statement about the disappearance of the person, regardless of the duration of his absence and the place of the alleged disappearance!

Among the townsfolk, a mistaken opinion has been established that it is possible to apply to the police about the search for the missing person only after three days have passed since the disappearance of the person. However, no 3-day period from the moment of losing contact with a person to contacting the police did not officially exist before. Three days from the date of receipt of the application is the standard period in which the law enforcement agencies decide the issue of initiating a criminal case. After all, not every case of a missing person becomes a pretext for initiating a criminal case under the article “Murder”, but operatives are obliged to initiate a search case.

If the duty station is asked to wait or is dissuaded from submitting an application, demand to accept it (Article 12 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Police"), call "02". Your case will be sorted out and, if necessary, the employee will be punished.

Disappearance "at will"

As we were told by the head of the department for the organization of search work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Yakutskoye" Yuri Ivanov, after accepting the report on the disappearance of a person, the duty units of the police departments immediately notify the department of organization of search work (tel. 43-91-23). From there the information goes to the Accident Registration Bureau (tel. 45-46-49). All external services (PPS, precinct commissioners, traffic police) receive guidance on the missing person.

Usually, police officers consider four versions of the reasons for disappearances: 1 - accident, 2 - suicide, 3 - disappearance on their own initiative, 4 - crime. If the missing person is a minor teenager, then most often he leaves the family on his own initiative, due to a misunderstanding of his parents, from not happy family, where every day is a booze-party, and no one cares about the child. But it also happens that children from a prosperous family also disappear because of bad relations with their parents, when they are friends with “bad” boys and girls.

That is why three days are given to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case on the missing CPC. During this time, the "opera" thoroughly study and analyze the environment of the disappeared, his character and habits, whether he left earlier. Thus, the establishment of a search case depends on many factors and circumstances.

According to Yuri Vyacheslavovich, the bulk of the "lost" are drunks who are found with friends, rarely - in "Krasnaya Yakutia". They are followed by minors who repeatedly leave the family. Typically, these children "are" during the day. These two categories of “lost” account for 80% of reported missing persons. To establish their whereabouts, the Criminal Procedure Code is given 10 days, which can last up to 30 days. However, as we were told in the Investigative Committee, this has never happened.


10% - crime, when there is information and suspicions that a person has become a victim of a crime. In this case, the search case is opened immediately and a criminal case is initiated under the article "Murder" (if there are no grounds for other articles, such as kidnapping - article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This was the case with the Sino girls, who have not been found so far and whose criminal case has been suspended. The statement about their disappearance was received in the evening, the next morning a criminal case was opened under the article “Murder”. Also, within three days, a criminal case was initiated into the disappearance of Karina Chikitova from the Olekminsky district, which, fortunately, was found alive.

The remaining 10% are suicides. When analyzing information about a person, it becomes clear to the "operas" that the person has decided to leave this life voluntarily. As the detectives say, it turns out that usually these people tell their surroundings about their intentions.

In January and February 2017, the metropolitan police received more than 100 reports of missing people, of which 32 were about missing minors. This figure does not include those found during the day. For the same period last year - 35 children in Yakutsk. All found. V this moment two children are wanted.

In 2016, 320 underage children were put on the wanted list throughout the republic. All children were found. One criminal case was initiated under the article "Murder"

A week after the disappearance in the Olekminsky district, the corpse of a boy was found with no signs of a criminal nature. The child left the drunk mother to the grandmother across the river and never made it - he froze.

Volunteers and psychics - for serious cases

Thanks to the media, we all witnessed how the Sino girls and Karina were searched for by the whole world. According to the head of the criminalistics department of the ICR ICR for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mikhail Wan-Chu-Ling, in the process of searching for the missing, depending on the volume of search activities, law enforcement agencies never refuse outside help. Whether it's volunteers, the local population or the local oligarch. So it was in the case of the girls from Sino, when the notorious Afanasy Maksimov sent his private helicopter to help in the search. Do not forbid him ... Although all detectives are skeptics, even all the put forward versions of the so-called psychics and fortune-tellers of all stripes were checked! By the way, on that day, according to several interviewed local residents, exactly during the disappearance of the girls in the village, for no reason at all, a strong whirlwind arose and just as abruptly fell asleep. What was it? Is it a trail of aliens, as the same locals think?

Nobody decides on purpose to attract the forces of volunteers. The population itself offers its services spontaneously. The simply created headquarters coordinates their actions - which square should be given to the volunteers for the search, which - to the local population, which - to the police with dogs.

Elderly - Sew in the address

As for the elderly, suffering from memory loss, who do not have documents and a telephone with them, they are taken to the police department, fingerprinted, photographed, questioned, if there is evidence, then they are hospitalized in a medical facility. The police advise the relatives of such people not to let them out of the house unnecessarily, and always put a note in the pocket of their clothes, just in case, with the indication of their home address and telephone number. Better yet, sew this note in a visible spot on your outer garment. There was a case when detectives, using just such a piece of paper in their pocket, contacted the relatives of an elderly man wandering the streets of the city.

Since the beginning of 2017, three bodies have been found on the streets of Yakutsk. All of them "had enough" and froze. The identities of all three were identified "by fingers" and by orientation from the search file.

Hello, morgue?

Usually, people who have lost their loved ones tell everyone that they have phoned all hospitals and morgues. As we were told in the morgue on Stadukhin, yes, indeed, people often call them. However, the employees of the morgue have no right to give any information to anyone, except for law enforcement agencies. Relatives can also identify the corpse only when accompanied.

As for hospitals, the police and the ambulance bring people who are frozen on the street to the burn department. With medical indications, such as visible trauma or bruises - in the Republic of Bashkortostan №2-TsEMP. According to the head of the admission department of the Republic of Bashkortostan №2-TsEMP, Artem Timofeev, if a non-contact patient has a telephone, the medical workers begin to look for relatives, starting with the last incoming call. Further, according to the references: mom, dad, wife, etc.

“After a family quarrel, people leave home for two or three days, drink somewhere, and then they are brought to us. But our hospital is not a dispensary or a hospice. The ambulance also tries to bring people with minor injuries to us all the time, although we are a specialized institution. Relatives also come and demand hospitalization, they say, he has an injury. So they lie here in the observation room or in the corridor sometimes up to two days. They take a person only when we start to frighten them with the police. Of course, this does not happen often, but ... it happens, ”says Artem Alexandrovich.

If the doctors fail to establish the identity of the patient, he is not in contact, he has no documents and no telephone, then the doctors notify the police. Subsequently, she also establishes the identity of the patient.

To my question whether the information in the pocket about the availability of a non-contact patient will help doctors chronic diseases, the doctors replied that it was not necessary. For example, if a person has blood loss, then, first of all, the task of doctors is to save the patient's life. And it doesn't matter if he suffers diabetes mellitus, hypertensive or heart disease. For health reasons, in any case, the person will be sent to the operating table under general anesthesia. And concomitant diseases are treated only later, when the threat to life has passed.

Lost or gone "in English"?

Note that the reasons for the disappearance of a person can be different. Some go missing, while others simply lose family ties. The difference is that a missing person is a person who was not going to go anywhere and had to come home, but ... disappeared. And a person who has lost a family connection leaves himself somewhere and does not inform his relatives about himself. These include those who lead a vagrant lifestyle, who enjoy living in basements and drinking in the company of their own kind. These include those who simply do not want to communicate with annoying relatives or owe a large amount of money (to banks or other creditors) and decided to go into the fog. For example, a person is tired of living with relatives - they "got it"! He rents an apartment, does not contact his relatives, changes his phone number. Relatives write a statement about his disappearance. When the police do establish his whereabouts, the “missing person” states that this is his constitutionally protected private life, and that his relatives should not be told where he is. As a result, the “opera” take pictures of him “in his right mind and firm memory,” presenting the photo to his relatives that everything is fine with him.

Some are hiding from the investigation and from alimony. For example, as Mikhail Wang-Chu-Ling, the head of the forensic department of the Investigative Directorate of the ICR for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), told us, there was a case when the investigating authorities opened a criminal case under the article “Murder” on the disappearance of a trucker. A man worked, worked and went missing. Soon, his car, in which he was transporting fuel, was found. But there was neither fuel nor man. And they found him in another region of the country, hiding from law enforcement agencies for stealing the very fuel he was transporting. As it turned out, the driver decided to hit the jackpot - he sold the fuel and was like that with the money. As a result, he was convoyed to the republic, where the criminal case on the murder was dropped, in exchange for initiating a case for theft.

How much to wait?

When a person disappears for many years, there is no information about whether he is alive or not, the corpse is nowhere to be found, and there are no suspicions that he has become a victim of a crime, then five years after the initiation of the search case, relatives can go to court to count the missing dead.

If there is no corpse, but there are suspicions that the person has become a victim of a crime or accident, then, according to Art. 45 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in court a person can be considered dead in six months. For example, a person went fishing and disappeared. The police find an overturned boat in the river, the body is gone. Naturally, the only acceptable version is that the person drowned, which means death due to an accident.

Why do relatives go to court? First, the wife (husband) can get married (remarry). Secondly, there will be no need to pay for housing and communal services for an absent person. Third, children are entitled to a survivor benefit. Fourthly, for the heirs, the countdown will begin for the entry into the right of inheritance.

Thus, when there is no corpse, only the court can recognize the missing person as dead! However, the court's decision is not a basis for stopping the search for the missing person. The police will still be looking for him. Searches cease 15 years after the opening of the search file, but his card remains in the archive and waits for its "hour".


People are often irresponsible to each other. Adults are arrogant. The grown-up children believe that now they are big and should not "report" to their parents where they are going. In vain! After all, you never know where you are lucky. Therefore, take care of your loved ones, if you are late or do not intend to return home, write at least an sms message.

The missing person: step by step instructions

Step 1 - calls

If a relative or friend is away for a long time, and his phone does not answer, call everyone who may be near him or may know where he is. Maybe he just had a drink while visiting and fell asleep there, forgetting to call.

If you could not find a person through friends, immediately contact the police. The sooner the search begins, the more chances you have to find the missing person and prevent any harm to him.

Step 2 - "Accident registration office"

As soon as there is a suspicion that a relative is missing, immediately contact the "Accident Registration Bureau" by phone 45-46-49.

The Bureau collects data on the discovery of unidentified bodies, on persons detained by the police, and persons taken to hospitals who are unable to provide information about themselves. That is, the Bureau's database contains all operational data from the duty units of the police, narcology, morgue, hospitals, as well as about all accidents and road traffic accidents that have occurred over the past day.

The Bureau dispatcher needs to be told in detail about the incident. Try to be calm and speak clearly so that the employee can understand what you are talking about.

It will not be superfluous to call an ambulance - "03" to check a possible hospitalization.

Step 3 - police

A wanted statement can be made at any police department by phone "02" or at the department of the organization of search work (tel. 43-91-23), regardless of the place of residence or the disappearance of the person. The attendants are strictly forbidden to refuse to accept applications.

To apply, it is advisable to have with you:

Identity documents (passport of the Russian Federation, international passport or driver's license);

Documents containing information about the missing person (a copy of his passport or birth certificate, student ID, military ID, etc.);

The last photo of the missing person (face, profile), so that the appearance corresponds to reality.

In the application, try to indicate as much and in detail as possible any information that may seem unnecessary and insignificant to you, but may be very useful for the search:

Signs: height, physique, facial features, hair and eye color, haircut, features of gait, speech, gestures;

Special signs: the location of scars, birthmarks and moles, the pattern and location of tattoos, the presence of physical disabilities or injuries, injuries and diseases (they can cause memory loss);

The presence of inserted dentures (or lack of teeth), limb prostheses, hearing aids, pins and braces inside the body, a pacemaker;

Signs of the clothes in which you saw the missing person for the last time, as well as the things that were with him (umbrella, glasses, jewelry, telephone, documents);

If the missing person constantly wore jewelry, it is advisable to provide a photo of the jewelry;

Pay attention to the clothes in which your loved ones left the house, and especially minor children and the elderly. Ask where, with whom, what route they went.

Do not disregard the circle of acquaintances of your relatives, their place of residence, telephone, the presence of conflicts and disputes. In some cases, his diaries help to find the missing person, notebooks.

Do not leave children unattended, pay more attention to them, control the movements of elderly relatives suffering from loss of memory and orientation.

If you wish, you can go through the procedure and register for fingerprinting at the place of residence by applying to the passport and visa service.

At the request of the parents and in their presence, a child under 18 can also be fingerprinted. Based on the results of the procedure, a dacticard is handed over to the hands. In which case, she will facilitate the search for the missing.

He left and did not return - this is how almost every story about the missing begins. One didn't return from work, another from school, the third from the store, the fourth from a walk. In this case, the main thing is to know what needs to be done in order to find him as soon as possible. Incorrect behavior can lead to irreparable consequences.

The site, together with the Department of Internal Affairs of Astana, volunteer organizations that specialize in finding people, and IT specialists, prepared an instruction: to whom and in what order to seek help, as well as a list of what you should not waste your precious time on.

1. How to understand that a person is missing and it's time to sound the alarm?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because each case is individual. But there are almost always circumstances that should alert you. There are three main reasons for disappearances: conflict, health problems and kidnapping.

The main thing is not to panic ahead of time and not to wind yourself up. But if a person does not come, although he should have long ago, does not answer phone calls, relatives, friends, acquaintances and colleagues do not know where he is, if at least one of these circumstances occurs, you need to start acting.

2. To whom and where to contact?

The first step in the disappearance of a person must be reported to the police by calling "102" or in person at the nearest office. If there is reason to believe that the missing person is in trouble, it is better to first call so that law enforcement officers begin to act immediately, and only after that go to write a statement, since you will have to comply with this formality early.

Important: according to the law, an official wanted list is announced if a minor is missing during the day if an adult - within three. But they should start looking for them immediately after the signal arrives, without waiting for documentary registration.

3. What should be reported when reporting a missing person?

The information that is important to provide to the police is conditionally divided into two categories: the personal data of the missing person - this is the first name, last name, patronymic, age, hair color, special signs in the form of moles, scars or tattoos and information about the circumstances under which the person disappeared. Law enforcement agencies need to report absolutely everything that is known: who and where saw him last, what he was wearing, where he could go, whether there were any health problems, financial problems - every detail can help in the search.

If a minor is missing, you must provide good quality photo of the wanted person. This does not hurt in the case of an adult, despite the fact that the pictures of all adults are already in a special database.

4. What not to do?

The biggest mistake that those who are looking for a person can make is to spend time on their own searches or turn to psychics and fortune-tellers, instead of writing a report to the police. The experience of the search services and volunteer movements shows that appeals to people with so-called supernatural abilities have never helped to establish the whereabouts of the disappeared, whether he was alive at that time or no longer.

Seriously complicates the search when people who contact the police do not say something. For example, the wife may not tell about the fact that her husband has a mistress, the mother - about drug problems with her son or daughter, about the fact that the child had already run away from home earlier. Unaware of these or other important facts, law enforcement officers may go down the wrong path and look not at all where the disappeared person is. In a situation where a person has disappeared, first of all it is necessary to think about saving his life, not his reputation.

5. Is looking for children different from looking for adults?

Upon receiving a complaint about the disappearance of a person, law enforcement agencies should start an investigation into a criminal case under the so-called article "three zeros or missing." The "zero" article will remain until new circumstances become clear. If it turns out that a person has been kidnapped, then the article will be re-qualified to the appropriate one, in the same way in the case of attacks, beatings, murders. This is the order regardless of whether an adult or a child is missing.

As for the differences, in addition to the terms officially set aside for the announcement of the wanted list, more specialists are involved in the search for minors. Children and adolescents are looked for not only by the police search units, but the employees of the canine service with dogs, as well as the entire personnel of the juvenile police, are also involved. If there are forest plantations or water bodies near the alleged place of extinction, soldiers come to the rescue National Guard, rescuers and divers.

6. Should I call hospitals and morgues?

Having accepted the statement about the disappearance of a person, the police are obliged to independently check through the database whether the person wanted has not ended up in one of the hospitals or morgues of the city. But practice shows that it would be useful for seekers to double-check, preferably having personally visited these institutions. If the missing person has chronic diseases, then, first of all, one should go to medical institutions specializing in their treatment, for example, to cardiology, if the core is missing.

It is recommended to start bypassing morgues from those where unidentified persons are delivered. It is best to visit hospitals and morgues with prepared information in paper form about the missing person and his photograph, so that it would be easier for the employees of the institutions to find their bearings. Even if they do not have this person now, but he will enter later, they will certainly inform. In certain cases, it will be useful to call the sobering-up centers or read the diaries, notebooks of the missing person.

The participation of relatives, friends and acquaintances in the search for the missing person will only be beneficial if, of course, they coordinate their actions with the police. It is important that it is the law enforcement officers who coordinate the search operation, and those who are not indifferent only help them, but not vice versa. Seekers can walk along the routes that the disappeared person often used, visit the places he visited - shops, clubs, gas stations, ask possible eyewitnesses: service personnel, janitors, concierges, local residents.

It is best to take leaflets with a report of the loss with you, so that you can not only show them when polling passers-by, but also post them in places for ads. Establish a social circle of the missing person: remember all his friends and acquaintances. One of the loved ones should stay during the search for the house in case the missing person returns.

7. How to attract more helpers?

There are always a lot of people who are not indifferent, ready to help, however, everyone will do only what they can, so it is important to know who to contact and for what. Dissemination of information in in social networks with a request for reposts will allow mobilizing Internet users who can easily reproduce ads, media editors will inform their audience - all this often helps to find those who, one way or another, know something about the missing.

Volunteer movements are free of charge connected to searches: dissemination of information on the Internet, posting photos of the missing on message boards, and, if necessary, combing the area. There are various public organizations who are ready to help with this, who know how to cooperate with the police in order to help, and not interfere.

Some work locally, such as Public Safety Council (PSB)- only in Almaty and Almaty region. You can contact them by writing on social networks in special groups.

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