Are there earthquakes in. Major earthquakes in Russia. Earthquake statistics in Russia. Sakhalin earthquake

Hello dear reader! I am glad to see you on the blog, the author of which is me, Vladimir Raichev. And today I want to tell you about the most powerful earthquake. This earthquake has not yet happened, but scientists are already predicting its occurrence.

Friends, I recommend that you read about the most destructive earthquakes in the history of mankind, which I wrote about here in this article. But scientists say the worst earthquake is yet to come.

As a result of this natural disaster, the land will move more than 10 meters, and the rivers will begin to change their course.

A powerful earthquake and large floods threaten Bangladesh and India. More than 140 million people are under threat, geophysicists at Columbia University warn about it. Scientists have explored the boundaries of tectonic plates in Bangladesh. They argue that geophysical stresses in this region have been increasing for over 400 years.

Scientists warn that Bangladesh and India are threatened by an earthquake of magnitude 9 (possibly much more) on the Richter scale. As a result, the land will move more than ten meters, and the rivers will change direction of flow, resulting in huge floods in the most densely populated region of the world.

When the earthquake hits

Scientists admit, however, that it is impossible to predict when a disaster will come:

- We do not know how long it takes to unload tectonic plate stresses, because we do not know exactly how much time has passed since the last earthquake. It can be very a short time, the coming decades or even years, but this may happen over the next 500 years, scientists admit.

Where else an earthquake could occur

Experts say a similar threat is popping up across the globe. The stresses in the San Andreas Fault, which runs through California, are also constantly increasing. Geophysicists are convinced that 99% of the earthquake in this region will occur within the next 15-30 years, and its strength will reach 7 points.

Just imagine: an earthquake of 9 points! This is simply deadly for India and Benladesh. When we were in Goa, I noticed that even in this relatively wealthy state of India, there is no seismic protection of buildings. Roughly speaking, a powerful earthquake will simply wipe this beautiful country off the face of the Earth.

For today I’ll probably finish scaring you. I hope that nothing bad will happen to our wonderful planet. Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss anything interesting, share this article with your friends at social networks... Until next time, bye, bye.

It seems that natural disasters happen once every hundred years, and our vacation in this or that exotic country lasts only a few days.

The frequency of earthquakes of various magnitudes in the world per year

  • 1 earthquake with a magnitude of 8 points and above
  • 10 - with a magnitude of 7.0 - 7.9 points
  • 100 - with a magnitude of 6.0 - 6.9 points
  • 1000 - with a magnitude of 5.0‒5.9 points

Earthquake intensity scale

Richter scale, points



Not felt

Not felt

Very weak aftershocks

Only felt by very sensitive people

Felt only inside some buildings


Feels by the slight vibration of objects

Pretty strong

Feels like sensitive people on the street

Felt by everyone on the street

Very strong

Cracks may appear in the walls of stone houses


Monuments are displaced, houses are badly damaged


Severe damage or destruction of houses


Cracks in the ground can be up to 1 m wide


Cracks in the ground can be more than a meter long. Houses are almost completely destroyed


Numerous cracks in the ground, landslides, landslides. The emergence of waterfalls, the deviation of the flow of rivers. No structure can withstand

Mexico City, Mexico

One of the most populous cities in the world is known for its insecurity. In the 20th century, this part of Mexico experienced the force of more than forty earthquakes, the magnitude of which exceeded 7 on the Richter scale. In addition, the soil under the city is saturated with water, which makes high-rise buildings vulnerable in the event of natural disasters.

The tremors of 1985 were the most devastating, with about 10,000 deaths. In 2012, the epicenter of the earthquake was in the southeastern part of Mexico, but the vibrations were well felt in Mexico City and Guatemala, about 200 houses were destroyed.

2013 and 2014 were also marked by high seismic activity in different regions of the country. Despite all this, Mexico City is still an attractive tourist destination due to its picturesque landscapes and numerous monuments of ancient culture.

Concepcion, Chile

Chile's second largest city, Concepcion, located in the heart of the country near Santiago, regularly falls victim to tremors. In 1960, the famous Great Chilean earthquake with the highest magnitude in history of 9.5 points destroyed this popular Chilean resort, as well as Valdivia, Puerto Montt, and others.

In 2010, the epicenter was again located near Concepcion, about one and a half thousand houses were destroyed, and in 2013 the center sank to a depth of 10 km off the coast of central Chile (magnitude 6.6 points). However, today Concepcion is not losing its popularity among both seismologists and tourists.

Interestingly, the elements haunted Concepcion for a long time. At the beginning of its history, it was located in Penko, but due to a series of devastating tsunamis in 1570, 1657, 1687, 1730, the city was moved slightly to the south of its former place.

Ambato, Ecuador

Today Ambato attracts travelers with its mild climate, beautiful landscapes, parks and gardens, massive fruit and vegetable fairs. Old buildings from the colonial era are bizarrely combined with new buildings.

Several times this young city, located in central Ecuador, two and a half hours from the capital of Quito, was destroyed by earthquakes. The most powerful aftershocks were in 1949, which razed many buildings to the ground and claimed more than 5,000 lives.

Recently, the seismic activity of Ecuador persists: in 2010, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred southeast of the capital and was felt throughout the country, in 2014 the epicenter moved to the Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador, however, in these two cases there were no casualties ...

Los Angeles, USA

Predicting devastating earthquakes in Southern California is a favorite pastime for geoscientists. Fears are true: the seismic activity in this area is associated with the San Andreas Fault, which runs along the Pacific coast across the state.

History remembers the most powerful earthquake in 1906, which claimed 1,500 lives. In 2014, the solar one twice managed to survive tremors (with a magnitude of 6.9 and 5.1 points), which affected the city with minor damage to houses and a strong headache for residents.

True, no matter how much seismologists frighten with their warnings, the "city of angels" Los Angeles is always full of visitors, and the tourist infrastructure is incredibly developed here.

Tokyo, Japan

It is no coincidence that a Japanese proverb says: "Earthquakes, fires and father are the worst punishments." As you know, Japan is located at the junction of two tectonic strata, the friction of which often causes both small and extremely destructive tremors.

For example, in 2011, the Sendai earthquake and tsunami near Honshu Island (magnitude 9) killed more than 15,000 Japanese. At the same time, the inhabitants of Tokyo are already accustomed to the fact that every year there are several minor earthquakes. Regular fluctuations only impress visitors.

Despite the fact that most of the buildings in the capital were built taking into account possible shocks, in the face of powerful cataclysms, residents are defenseless.

More than once in its history, Tokyo has disappeared from the face of the earth and rebuilt again. The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 turned the city into ruins, and 20 years later, rebuilt, it was destroyed by a massive bombing of American air forces.

Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, seems to be created for tourists: it has many cozy parks and squares, miniature bridges and tunnels, architectural monuments and unusual museums. People come here to take part in the grandiose festivals "Summer City Program" and admire the panoramas that have become the film set of the Hollywood trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".

Meanwhile, the city was and remains a seismically active zone, from year to year experiencing tremors of varying strength. In 2013, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck just 60 kilometers away, causing power outages in many parts of the country.

In 2014, Wellington residents felt tremors in the northern part of the country (magnitude 6.3).

Cebu, philippines

Earthquakes in the Philippines are quite common, which, of course, does not in the least frighten those who like to lie on the white sand or swim with a mask and a snorkel in a transparent sea ​​water... Over the year, on average, there are more than 35 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0-5.9 points and one with a magnitude of 6.0-7.9 points.

Most of them are echoes of vibrations, the epicenters of which are located deep under water, which creates the danger of a tsunami. The tremors of 2013 claimed more than 200 lives and caused serious damage to one of the most popular resorts in Cebu and other cities (magnitude 7.2).

Employees of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology are constantly monitoring this seismic zone, trying to predict future cataclysms.

Sumatra Island, Indonesia

Indonesia is considered to be the most seismically active region in the world. Especially dangerous for last years managed to become - the most western in the archipelago. It is located in the place of a powerful tectonic fault, the so-called "Pacific Ring of Fire".

The slab that forms the bottom of the Indian Ocean is "squeezed" under the Asian slab as quickly as a fingernail grows. The accumulating stress is released from time to time in the form of tremors.

Medan is the largest city on the island and the third most populous in the country. As a result of two strong earthquakes in 2013, more than 300 local residents were seriously affected and about 4,000 houses were damaged.

Tehran, Iran

Scientists have been predicting a catastrophic earthquake in Iran for a long time - the whole country is located in one of the most seismically active zones in the world. For this reason, the capital Tehran, where more than 8 million people live, was repeatedly planned to be moved.

The city is located on the territory of several seismic faults. An earthquake of 7 points would destroy 90% of Tehran, whose buildings are not designed for such riots of the elements. In 2003, another Iranian city of Bam was destroyed by an earthquake of 6.8.

Today Tehran is familiar to tourists as the largest Asian metropolis with many richest museums and majestic palaces. The climate allows you to visit it at any time of the year, which is not typical for all Iranian cities.

Chengdu, China

Chengdu is an ancient city, the center of the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan. Here they enjoy a comfortable climate, explore numerous sights, and immerse themselves in the original culture of China. From here they get along tourist routes to the gorges of the Yangtze River, as well as to Jiuzhaigou, Huanglong, etc.

Recent events have reduced the number of visitors to these regions. In 2013, the province experienced a powerful magnitude 7 earthquake that affected more than 2 million people and damaged about 186,000 homes.

Residents of Chengdu every year feel the action of thousands of tremors of varying strength. In recent years, the western part of China has become especially dangerous in terms of earthquake activity.

What to do in case of an earthquake

  • If an earthquake hits you on the street, stay away from the eaves and walls of buildings that may fall. Don't take shelter near dams, river valleys, and beaches.
  • If an earthquake hits you at the hotel, open the doors to freely leave the building after the first series of aftershocks.
  • During an earthquake, you must not run out into the street. Falling debris is responsible for many of the deaths.
  • In case of a possible earthquake, it is worth preparing a backpack in advance with everything you need for a few days. A first aid kit should be at hand, drinking water, canned food, crackers, warm clothes, washing accessories.
  • As a rule, in countries where earthquakes are frequent, all local cellular operators have a system to alert customers of an impending disaster. On vacation, be careful, watch the reaction of the local population.
  • There may be a lull after the first shock. Therefore, all actions after it must be thoughtful and cautious.

An earthquake is a physical vibration of the lithosphere - the hard shell of the earth's crust, which is in constant motion. Such phenomena often occur in mountainous areas. It is there that underground rocks continue to form, making the Earth's crust especially mobile.

Causes of the disaster

The causes of earthquakes can be different. One of them is the displacement and collision of oceanic or continental plates. With such phenomena, the Earth's surface vibrates perceptibly and often leads to the destruction of buildings. Such earthquakes are called tectonic. They can form new depressions or mountains.

Volcanic earthquakes occur due to the constant pressure of hot lava and all kinds of gases on the earth's crust. Such earthquakes can last for weeks, but, as a rule, they do not carry massive destruction. In addition, such a phenomenon often serves as a prerequisite for a volcanic eruption, the consequences of which can be much more dangerous for people than the disaster itself.

There is another type of earthquake - landslide, which occur for a completely different reason. Groundwater sometimes forms underground voids. Under the onslaught of the earth's surface, huge areas of the Earth crash down with a roar, causing small fluctuations, which are felt many kilometers from the epicenter.

Earthquake scores

To determine the strength of an earthquake, they generally resort to either a ten- or twelve-point scale. The 10-point Richter scale determines the amount of energy emitted. The 12-point Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik system describes the effect of vibrations on the Earth's surface.

The Richter scale and the 12-point scale are not comparable. For example: scientists detonate a bomb underground twice. One at a depth of 100 m, the other at a depth of 200 m. The energy expended is the same, which leads to the same Richter estimate. But the consequence of the explosion - crustal displacement - has varying degrees of severity and affects the infrastructure in different ways.

Degree of destruction

What is an earthquake in terms of seismic instruments? A one-point phenomenon is determined only by the apparatus. 2 points can be palpable animals, and also, in rare cases, especially sensitive people located on the upper floors. A score of 3 feels like the vibration of a building from a passing truck. A 4-point earthquake causes slight rattling of glass. With five points, the phenomenon is felt by everyone, and it does not matter where the person is, on the street or in a building. An earthquake of 6 points is called strong. It terrifies many: people run out into the street, and mother-in-law forms on some walls of houses. A score of 7 leads to cracks in almost all houses. 8 points overturn architectural monuments, factory chimneys, towers, and cracks appear on the ground. 9 points lead to severe damage to houses. Wooden structures either topple over or sag heavily. 10-point earthquakes lead to cracks in the ground, up to 1 meter thick. 11 points is a disaster. Stone houses and bridges are crumbling. Landslides occur. No building can withstand 12 points. In such a catastrophe, the relief of the Earth changes, there is a deviation of the flow of rivers and the emergence of waterfalls.

Japanese earthquake

V Pacific 373 km from the capital of Japan, Tokyo, there was a destructive earthquake. It happened on March 11, 2011 at 14:46 local time.

A 9-point earthquake in Japan caused massive destruction. The tsunami that struck the country's east coast flooded much of the coastline, destroying homes, yachts and cars. The height of the waves reached 30-40 m. The immediate reaction of people prepared for such tests saved their lives. Only those who left their homes in time and ended up in a safe place were able to avoid death.

Earthquake victims in Japan

Unfortunately, there were some casualties. The Great East Japan Earthquake, as the event was officially called, claimed 16,000 lives. Japan's 350,000 residents were left homeless, resulting in internal migration. Many settlements were wiped off the face of the Earth, electricity was no longer even in large cities.

The earthquake in Japan radically changed the way of life of the population and severely undermined the economy of the state. The authorities have identified the losses caused by this disaster at $ 300 billion.

What is an earthquake from the point of view of a Japanese resident? It is a natural disaster that is keeping the country in constant agitation. The impending threat is forcing scientists to invent more accurate earthquake detection instruments and more durable building materials.

Affected Nepal

On April 25, 2015 at 12:35 pm, an almost 8-point earthquake occurred in the middle of Nepal, lasting 20 seconds. The following happened at 13:00. The aftershocks lasted until May 12. The reason was a geological fault on the line where the Hindustan plate meets the Eurasian plate. As a result of these tremors, the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, moved south by three meters.

Soon, the whole earth learned about the destruction that the earthquake in Nepal brought. Cameras installed right on the street recorded the moment of the tremors and their consequences.

26 regions of the country, as well as Bangladesh and India, experienced what an earthquake is. The authorities still receive reports of missing people and collapsed buildings. 8.5 thousand Nepalese lost their lives, 17.5 thousand were injured, and about 500 thousand were left homeless.

The earthquake in Nepal caused a real panic among the population. And it is not surprising, because people lost their relatives and saw how quickly what was dear to their hearts collapsed. But problems are known to unite, as has been proven by the people of Nepal who have worked side by side to restore the city's streets to their original appearance.

Recent earthquake

On June 8, 2015, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 hit the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This is the last earthquake to exceed 5 points.

Speaking of the terrible natural disaster, one cannot fail to mention the earthquake on the island of Haiti that occurred on January 12, 2010. A series of shocks ranging from 5 to 7 points claimed 300,000 lives. The world will remember this and other similar tragedies for a long time to come.

In March, the coast of Panama learned the magnitude of an earthquake of 5.6 points. In March 2014, Romania and southwestern Ukraine learned from their own experience what an earthquake is. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but many experienced the excitement of the elements. Recently, earthquake scores have not crossed the brink of a catastrophe.

Earthquake frequency

So, the movement of the earth's crust has various natural causes. Earthquakes, according to seismologists, occur up to 500,000 annually in different parts of the Earth. Of these, approximately 100,000 are felt by people, and 1,000 cause serious damage: destroying buildings, highways and railways, cuts off power lines, sometimes takes entire cities underground.

An earthquake is a violent shaking of the earth's surface, resulting from a sudden release of energy in the earth's crust, which creates seismic waves. It is one of the deadliest natural disasters and often leads to earth faults, earth tremors and liquefaction, landslides, tremors or tsunamis.

If we look at the structure of earthquakes occurring in the world, it becomes clear that most of the seismic activity is concentrated in a number of different earthquake belts. Earthquakes are unpredictable in terms of when they strike, but some areas are the most likely to be hit.

The world map of earthquakes shows that most of them lie in precise zones, often along the edges of continents or in the middle of the ocean. The world is divided into seismic zones based on tectonic plates and earthquake magnitudes. Here list of the most vulnerable to earthquakes in the world:

Several cities are also vulnerable to earthquake damage in Indonesia. The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is in a difficult position. Not only is it located at the top of the Pacific Ring of Fire, but slightly less than half the city is below sea level, sits on soft ground that has the potential to liquefy if struck by an earthquake of sufficient magnitude.

But the complications don't end there. Jakarta's height also puts the city at risk of flooding. On December 26, 2004, an earthquake struck the Indian Ocean with an epicenter on the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.

A mega-strength submarine earthquake occurred when the Indian Plate subducted beneath the Burma Plate and caused a series of devastating tsunamis along much of the Indian Ocean coastline, killing 230,000 people in 14 countries and flooding coastal areas in waves up to 30 meters high.

Indonesia proved to be the most affected area, with the majority of deaths at an estimated 170,000. This is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph.

Turkey is located in the seismic zone between the Arabian, Eurasian and African plates. This geographic location suggests that an earthquake could strike the country at any given time. Turkey has long history large earthquakes that are common in progressive adjacent earthquakes.

The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck western Turkey on August 17, 1999 is one of the world's longest and most well-studied strike-slip (horizontal) faults: the East-West strike of the North Anatolian Fault.

The incident lasted only 37 seconds, killing about 17,000 people. More than 50,000 people were injured and more than 5,000,000 people were left homeless, making it one of the most devastating earthquakes of the 20th century.

Mexico is another earthquake prone country and has experienced several high magnitude earthquakes in the past. Located on three large tectonic plates, namely the Coconut Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the North American Plate, which make up the earth's surface, Mexico is one of the most seismically active regions on earth.

The movement of these plates causes earthquakes and volcanic activity. Mexico has a long history of devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In September 1985, an earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale was concentrated in a subduction zone at some distance from Acapulco, 300 kilometers long, in the city of Mexico City, 4,000 people died.

One of the most recent earthquakes hit the state of Guerrero with a magnitude of 7.2 in 2014, causing numerous casualties in the region.

El Salvador is another dangerous seismically active country that has suffered enormous damage due to the earthquake. The small Central American Republic of El Salvador has experienced, on average, one devastating earthquake per decade over the past hundred years. There were two major earthquakes on January 13 and February 13, 2001, with magnitudes 7.7 and 6.6, respectively.

These two events, which have different tectonic origins, follow the patterns of seismicity in the region, although neither of these events had known precedents in the earthquake catalog in terms of size and location. The earthquakes have damaged thousands of traditionally built homes and caused hundreds of landslides, which are the leading causes of death.

The earthquakes have clearly demonstrated the increasing trend in seismic risk in El Salvador due to the rapid population growth in areas of high probability of tremors and landslide danger, the situation is exacerbated by deforestation and uncontrolled urbanization. The institutional arrangements needed to control land use and building practices are very weak and represent a major obstacle to risk reduction.

Another country prone to earthquakes is Pakistan, which is geologically-chemically located in the Indus-Tsangpo seam zone, which is located about 200 km north of the front Himalayas and is defined by an ophiolite chain along the southern margin. This region has the highest seismic activity and the largest earthquakes in the Himalayas, mainly caused by fault movement.

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Pakistan's Kashmir in October 2005, killing more than 73,000 people, many in remote parts of the country, in sparsely populated urban centers such as Islamabad. Most recently, in September 2013, there was a powerful earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, causing tremendous damage to life and property, killing at least 825 people and injuring hundreds.

The Philippines lies on the edge of the Pacific Plate, which has traditionally been considered the seismically hot zone that surrounds the state. The danger of earthquakes in Manila is three times more likely. The city is comfortably adjacent to the Pacific Ring of Fire, which, of course, makes it especially sensitive not only to earthquakes, but also to volcanic eruptions.

The threat to Manila is worsened by soft soil, which poses a risk of soil liquefaction. On October 15, 2013, an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale struck the central Philippines. According to official statistics from the National Disaster Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), 222 people have died, 8 are missing, and 976 people were injured.

In total, more than 73,000 buildings and structures were damaged, of which more than 14,500 were completely destroyed. It was the deadliest earthquake in the Philippines in 23 years. The power released by the earthquake was equivalent to 32 Hiroshima bombs.

Ecuador has several active volcanoes, making the country extremely dangerous for earthquakes with powerful magnitude and tremors. The country is located in the seismic zone between the South American Plate and the Nazca Plate. Earthquakes that affect Ecuador can be divided into those that result from subduction junction movement along the plate boundary, those that result from deformation within the South American and Nazca plates, and those associated with active volcanoes.

On August 12, 2014, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 on the Richter scale struck Quito, followed by a 4.3 magnitude aftershock. 2 people were killed and 8 were injured.

India has also experienced a number of several deadly earthquakes due to the 47mm movement of the Indian tectonic plate every year. Due to the movement of tectonic plates, India is prone to earthquakes. India has been divided into five zones based on peak ground acceleration.

On December 26, 2004, an earthquake formed the third deadliest in the history of the world, a tsunami that killed 15,000 people in India. An earthquake in Gujarat occurred on January 26, 2001, to celebrate the 52nd Day of the Republic of India.

It lasted more than 2 minutes and was 7.7 points on the kanamori scale, according to statistics, from 13,805 to 20,023 people died, another 167,000 people were injured and about 400,000 houses were destroyed.

If the calculations are correct, then the likelihood of a citizen dying in an earthquake in Nepal will be more likely than any citizen in the world. Nepal is a disaster prone country. Floods, landslides, epidemics and fires cause significant material damage in Nepal every year. It is one of the most seismically active regions in the world.

Mountains are built as a result of the movement of Indian tectonic plates beneath Central Asia. These two large plates of the earth's crust are converging at a relative speed of 4-5 cm per year. The peaks on Everest and its sister mountains are subject to numerous tremors. In addition, the remains of a prehistoric lake, in a 300-meter deep layer of black clay, lie in the lowlands of the Kathmandu valley. This increases the damage from strong earthquakes.

Thus, the region becomes susceptible to soil liquefaction. During strong earthquakes, solid soil turns into something like quicksand, swallowing everything above the ground. In April 2015, an earthquake in Nepal killed more than 8,000 people and affected more than 21,000. The earthquake caused an avalanche on Mount Everest, killing 21 people, making April 25, 2015, the deadliest day on the mountain in history.

Japan tops the list of earthquake prone areas. The physical and geographical location of Japan along the Pacific Ring of Fire makes the country very sensitive to earthquakes and tsunamis. Ring of Fire - Tectonic plates in the Pacific Basin that are responsible for 90% of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's strongest earthquakes.

At the apex of its prolific tectonic activity, Japan is also home to 452 volcanoes, making it the most destructive geographic location in terms of natural disasters. The most powerful earthquake that happened in Japan on March 11, 2011, dealt a strong blow and became one of the five largest earthquakes in the world since the beginning of seismological surveys.

It was followed by a tsunami with waves up to 10 meters high. The disaster killed thousands of people and caused extensive material damage to buildings and infrastructure, leading to significant accidents at four large nuclear power plants.

Recently I helped my little son with a small report on this topic. Despite the fact that I know enough about this phenomenon, the information found turned out to be extremely interesting. I will try to accurately convey the essence of the topic and talk about how are earthquakes classified... By the way, the son proudly brought an A from school. :)

Where earthquakes occur

First you need to understand what is commonly called an earthquake. So, scientifically speaking, these are strong vibrations on the surface of our planet caused by the processes that take place in the lithosphere. Areas where high mountains are located are the places where this phenomenon is most often observed. The thing is that the surfaces in these areas are at the stage of formation, and the bark is the most mobile... Such areas are called places rapidly changing terrain, however, many earthquakes were also observed on the plains.

What are earthquakes

Science distinguishes several types of this phenomenon:

  • tectonic;
  • landslide;
  • volcanic.

Tectonic earthquake- a consequence of the displacement of rock plates, which is due to the collision of two platforms: continental and oceanic. This species is characterized by formation of mountains or depressions as well as surface vibrations.

As for earthquakes volcanic type, then they are due to the pressure of gases and magma on the surface from the bottom. Usually the tremors are not very strong, however can last long enough... Tellingly, this species is a harbinger of a more destructive and dangerous phenomenon - volcano eruptiona.

Landslide earthquake arises as a result of the formation of voids that can be formed by the movement of groundwater. In this case the surface just falls through accompanied by small tremors.

Intensity measurement

According to Richter scale it is possible to classify an earthquake based on the energy that is carried seismic waves... It was proposed in 1937 and eventually spread throughout the world. So:

  1. not felt- shocks are absolutely not caught;
  2. very weak- is registered only by devices, the person does not feel;
  3. weak- can be felt while in the building;
  4. intense- accompanied by a slight displacement of objects;
  5. almost strong- felt in open spaces by sensitive people;
  6. strong- felt by all people;
  7. very strong- small cracks appear in the brickwork;
  8. destructive- serious damage to buildings;
  9. devastating- huge destruction;
  10. destructive- holes are formed in the ground up to 1 meter;
  11. catastrophic- buildings are destroyed to the foundation. Cracks over 2 meters;
  12. catastrophe- the entire surface is cut with cracks, rivers change channels.

According to seismologists - scientists that study this phenomenon, about 400 thousand happen a year of various strengths of earthquakes.

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