In literature first love summary. The consequences of long-standing history, or death of the beloved

Plan Revet Ochaw

1. The owner of the house proposes to tell the story of the first love.
2. The young Vladimir falls in love with Zinaida, a neighbor in the country.
3. The first conversation with Zinaida.
4. A sought evening in the house of the state. Acquaintance with other cavaliers Zinik.
5. Vladimir tells the Father on the visits to the state.

6. Zinaida plays men's feelings.
7. Vladimir cannot decide which Zinaida in love with.
8. The young man is convinced that he is the happiest.
9. Vladimir understands that Zinaida is actually in love with his father.
10. The same guests in the house of Zinaida. Game of phantas with stories.
11. Vladimir suffers, not knowing for sure, loves or does not love his Zinaida.
12. A quarrel of young parents.
13. The family of Vladimir moves to the city.
14. Vladimir Snojka sees how his father talks to Zina.
15. Father Vladimir dies, and the Son receives his unfinished letter.
16. Vladimir learns about changes in the life of Zinaida. The heroine is dying.


After the guests went away, only the owner, Sergey Nikolayevich, "a round man with a plump blonde," Vladimir Petrovich, "man of forty, black-haired, with recovery, remained in the house. The owner offered to tell everyone about his first love. Sergei Nikolaevich admitted that he had no first love, but was the second and then all the others. Well, a serious feeling, according to him, he had only to his nurse. The owner himself his first love was taught in several sentences: "... With Anna Ivanovna, everything went on with oil: the fathers sucks us, we very much fell in love with each other and entered into marriage, not bag." Only Vladimir Petrovich first love was "not quite ordinary." And since he "not a master to tell," offered to record everything that remembers. Two weeks, he fulfilled his promise.

When Vladimir Petrovich was sixteen years old (in the summer of 1833), he lived in Moscow from his parents at the cottage near Kaluga obeda. Vladimir was preparing for admission to the university. Parents belonged to it "indifferent-gentle" and not "shy his freedom." The weather was beautiful, Vladimir read poems, walked, traveled to the horse. In everything, what he thought, "there was a semi-aware, going to the premonition of something new, extremely sweet, female." The date of his family consisted of two fligeels: in one there was a factory of cheap wallpaper, the other surrendered. And one day, the poor princess of the cursory was entered there.

Vladimir went to the garden and Karaull Raven with a gun. And once in the evening he saw a strange sight: "A high slim girl ... four young men were crowded around her, and she alternately slapped them on the forehead with flowers." And he filled this "surprise and pleasure" that he himself wanted her to hit him on his forehead. And after he threw a gun and looked only at her. Suddenly some man covered him, and the girl noticed Vladimir. Shooting, she ran away. The image of this girl did not come out of his head.

In Vladimir's head there was only one thought: how to get acquainted with the family of a girl? And once his mama came a letter from the princess to the state "on gray paper, sealed the brown pests, which was used only on cheap wine traffic jams. She requested the patronage and requested the permission to come. Mama could not refuse the princess and asked her son to go to her. Vladimir rejoiced to the configuration of his desires.

Vladimir came to the neighboring Flygelek. There was quite poor and untidy. Princess Decay was an unpleasant woman of fifty years. Then the girl from the garden appeared in the living room, called her Zina. Young Princess and Vladimir talked. She was twenty-one and she, pointing to it, said that Vladimir, like a younger, should always tell her the truth. Zinaida Alexandrovna, so she asked himself to call himself, communicated with him very frankly and relaxed. This is a little embarrassed by Vladimir. He had to admit that she liked her.

Vladimir throughout the conversation considered it. "Its face seemed more in lovely than the day before: so everything was fine in it, cleverly and cute ..." She had fluffy golden hair, an innocent neck, showed shoulders. Sitting next to her, he hardly kept his delight. Then the Belovzorov came, "Hussar with a ruddy face and with eyes," he brought her kitten, which she wished yesterday. And Vladimir had to leave, for him sent a lackey, since he was very lingered.

Mother met with the princess of the state, and she did not like. Mother called her vulgar and blustery. And Vladimir's father remembered Prince County, "Excellently brought up, but an empty and fidelled man," which lost his entire condition. Vladimir's parents seriously thought about how Princess did not ask them to be looked. Later in the garden, Vladimir met Zinaida, but she did not pay attention to him. But when his father appeared and greeted her, the girl spent his eyes.

The next day, the princess with his daughter was half an hour before lunch. Zinechka looked important and cold, and the princess "did not shy anything, a lot ate and praised the Kushan." Zinaida did not pay any attention to Vladimir. But after dinner, she invited him to visit; And her mother was discussed immediately, after it washed, saying that he hoped for the patronage of Maria Nikolaevna and Peter Vasilić.

Exactly at eight, Vladimir in Surtuk came to a pitch evening. Entering Flygel, he was surprised by a large number of men. All of them were crowded around the young princess, which kept his hat. It was decided to play the phantas. Volodya as a newcomer was lucky, he got a ticket with a kiss. He was honored to kiss the pen princess. "I closed in my eyes; I wanted to fall on one knee, fell on both - and so awkwardly touched her lips to the fingers of Zinaida, which slightly scratched his end of her nose of her nail. " The rest of the men openly envied him. After a while, the evening the evening in the loud fun. Vladimir Inexian and "began to laugh and chat louder than others," and the hostess of the holiday everything looked at him, "smiling mysteriously and Lukovo."

Graf Malevsky showed different card tricks, "Maidanov recreed excerpts from his poem" Killer ", the old man of vonifati dressed in a cape, and Princess put on a male hat ..." One Belovzorov stood lonely in the corner and was angry so, "what is it now Ringed and breaks us all. " For Vladimir this kind, the fun was unnatural and new "crazy" adventure. When everyone calmed down, happy "Woldemar" walked home. Through the back porch, he snuck into his room. All night until the morning he did not sleep. "I got up, went to the window and stood there until the morning. Lightning did not stop either for a moment; It was called the people, Sparrow Night. " The image of Zinaida pursued him all night.

The next morning, the mother swore Volodya and forced to prepare for the exams. Since the hero knew that the care of his studies would be limited only by this, he did not mind and went along with his father to the garden. Father respected the freedom of the boy and calmly asked to tell about what happened in the evening in the house of the state. For Vladimir, his father was a sample of masculinity, and he often regretted that his father does not pay him more time. Once he told his son: "Take himself, what can you, and do not let me in your hands: belongs to yourself - this is the whole thing about life." The young man told everything in detail, and he was "half half a half, he listened to him. After that, his father went to the princess of the state and was there for more than an hour, then went to the city. Vladimir himself decided to go to the state and saw in the room only the old princess, which asked to "rewrite her one request"; He promised to perform. Then Zina came, looked at him with "big cold eyes" and retired.

The passion and suffering of Vladimir began from that day: he fell in love. Zinaida immediately noticed this and "having fun to my passion, fooling, whisen and tormented me." All men who visited her house were crazy about her. And she spit all over his whim, and they did not even resisted: "She kept her legs, each of her fans was needed." Belovzorova she called "My Beast" or just "mine"; He "would have rushed for her in the fire" and already offered her hand and heart, "Maidanov answered her soul poetic strings," Lushin, "mocking, cynical, knew her best" and loved too.

Vladimir's mother did not like his passion, his father treated it calmly. He himself spoke with Zina "Little, but somehow it is especially smart and significantly." The young man threw his studies and walks, "How tied behind the leg of the beetle, constantly circling around the beloved fluegel ..." Once, Vladimir met a girl in the garden, she sat quietly, not moving. Then she told him to sit next to her, asked if he loved her. He was silent, everything was clear. Then she burst into tears: "I all overgrowed with me, I would leave on the edge of the world, I can't take it, I can't speak ..." Then they went home to her, listen to Maidanov's poem. When he read it, the eyes of Zinaida and Vladimir met, and at that moment he understood: "My God, she loved!"

From that moment, Vladimir noticed that Zinaida changed. She often walked alone or sat in her room. All the gentlemen who visited their house, noticed that the young man was in love. One day, Lushin arranged him interrogation, why he goes to the princess and whether his new feelings were good for the young man. Then in the room where they talked, the old princess was entered and made Dr. Lushina wander Zein for the fact that he often drinks water with ice. The doctor warned a girl that she could catch a cold and die. She replied that "there she and the road, such a life is worth the chance of risk it for the moment of pleasure."

In the evening, on the same day, all the same guests gathered in the house. Was there and Vladimir. Guests discussed the poem Maidanov, and the young princess sincerely praised her. But herself offered another plot: young girls sing the hymn, they are dressed in white dresses, dark wreaths and gold. Vakhanka is called them to themselves. One goes to them, and the Vakhanka, surrounding it, take the girl. Maidanov promised to use this plot for a lyrical poem. Then all guests begin to play the "comparison" game, which was invented by Princess. She asked everyone, what the clouds look like? And then herself answered that it was "Purple sails who were on the golden ship Cleopatra when she went to a meeting to Anthony ..." Thing, she asked how many years An Nonia was. Everyone was answered that he was very young, only Lushin exclaimed that he was forty. Vladimir soon left home. "She loved," his lips whisper involuntarily. - But who? "

There were days, Zina became all strange and incomprehensible. Once, Vladimir caught her in the crying room. She grabbed his hair and pulled the block, and then regretted.

When the young man returned home, he heard his mother scolding for something father. Vladimir could not hear anything. Only then Mother told him that Zinaida Alexandrovna from those women who would go to everything. Once in a secluded place, on the ruins of the greenhouse, he was sitting on a high wall and thought about the young princess. Suddenly he saw that she passes by. Seeing the young man, she asked him to jump him to her if he loved her so much. Vladimir, without thinking, jumped, fell and lost consciousness. When he began to recover, the girl said, leaning over him: "How could you do it, how could you obey, because I love you, stand up." And she began to cover his head with kisses, then seeing that he woke up, called him to the chaluba and retired. And Vladimir stayed on the road. He has everything sore, but "the feeling of bliss that experienced then was no longer repeated in my life. For sure: I was still a child. "

All day, Vladimir was cheerful and proud. With delight, he recalled every word of Princess and her kisses. Then he went to her, experiencing a terrible embarrassment, but she accepted him very calmly. It really wounded the young man, he realized that she belongs to him as a child. Then the Belovzorov came, he searched her horse for riding, but could not find anything suitable. Then she said that he would ask Peter Vasilić, the father of the boy. "She simply mentioned his name so easily, accurately she was confident in his willingness to help her." Belovzorov fired and said that he didn't care what she would do with whom. But she calmed him down that she promised to take him with her horseback walk.

The next morning, Vladimir walked for a long time, intending to go to "sadness and sadness", but good weather and fresh air alarmed his memories of the kisses of Zinaida. He lay on the grass and thought about her. And when it was walking back home, I saw my father and Zinaida, jumping on horseback. Peter Vasilich smiled her. And after a few seconds, Belovzorov was rushed behind them. Vladimir thought that Zina was very pale, and then hurried home to dinner.

All the following days of Zinaida "affected patients", and her men were sullen and unemployed. And only Lushin somehow said: "And I, the fool, thought she was coquette! It can be seen, sacrificing sweet - for others. " Vladimir did not understand this expression. He was worried that Zina avoided him. Since he picked it up with the bush of the elder, from where he liked to look at her window. And that evening she appeared in the window. The girl was in all over white and was white herself, and her gaze was immobile. Three days later, Vladimir met her in the garden, her face was smiling, "exactly through the haze." Zina offered him to be friends, and the young man was offended at her, saying that he used to be in another role. Then she admitted to him that he loves him as a "child, cute, good, clever," and told him that from that day Vladimir would be her PJ.

After lunch, Zinaida gathered the same guests. Everyone was also having fun, as before, only without a "gypsy element". And now they played a new game: it was necessary to tell "something certainly fiction." Gusar Belovzors could not focus anything, and the next phanta took Zinaida. She introduced the ball of a young queen. "Everywhere gold, marble, crystal, silk, lights, diamonds, flowers, smoking, all the whims of luxury. All crowd around her, all the most flattered speeches are crushing. And there, near the fountain, he is waiting for me who I love who owns me. " Throughout the story, the guests were silent, and only Lushin sometimes cynically responded about the fiction of Zina. Then the girl anticipated the events and put herself into the queen's place. She said that Belovzori would cause a stranger on a duel, Maidanov would have written a long yamba about him, Malevsky would bring him poisoned candy. What would have done "Voldemar," she lowered. But Malevsky cynically screwed up that Vladimir, as her personal package, "she would hold her a train when she would run into the garden." Princess was indignant and asked him to retire. After such audacity, she was supported. Malevsky for a long time asked for forgiveness, and he was allowed to stay princess. The Phanti game lasted for a short time.
On this night, the young man could not fall asleep for a long time, everything thought, was there any hint in the story. He dreamed of being that lucky at the fountain. Then he decided to go to the garden. To the moment it seemed to him that he saw a girl there, but then everything around froze. "I felt a strange excitement: I just went for a date - and stayed alone, passed by someone else's happiness."

The next day, Volodya met Malvsky, he warned the "Pizza", which should be "not to sleep at night and watch, watch all his might. Remember - in the garden, at night, at the fountain - that's where you need to make a box. Thank you to tell me. " The young man returned to his room, took the English knife and chose a place in advance where the guard. The night was quiet, no one was visible. Vladimir thought Malevsky swirl over him. Then he heard the creak of the door and the root and saw his father. And "jealous, ready for the murder of Othello suddenly turned into a schoolboy." Vladimir threw off the knife and went to his bench at the zinic window. "Small curved glasses of the window is dimmed with a weak light: Behind them - I saw it - carefully and quietly descended the whitish curtain ...". Volodya did not know what to think.

In the morning, Vladimir got up with a headache and, "it seems, something died in it." Her younger brother came to Zinaida, too Volodya. She asked the young man to treat him with love, walked with him, in general, took under his patronage. When Vladimir offered the cadet to take a walk in the garden, Zina was very happy, and he thought that he had never seen "such adorable paints" on her face.

In the evening, "Young Othello" cried, and when the princess kissed him in a wet cheek, he whispered through sobs: "I know everything; Why did you play me, what did you need my love for? " The girl confessed to him that he was to blame and very sin, but just did not understand what he knew? The boy was silent, and soon, along with the younger Voloder had already run and played.

All subsequent weeks were feverish. Volodya did not want to know if his Zinaida loves, and did not want to admit to herself that she loves the other. Returning once to dinner home, he noticed that something unusual happened. From Buffetcher Philip, he learned that his mother and her father had quickly quarreled, and everyone heard in the house. She accused Peter Vasi-Lita in infidelity, in connection with the next young lady, to which the Father hinted on the years of Maria Nikolaevna, and he burst into tears. Now Mother is unhealthy, and the father left somewhere. This news was "unable" to Vladimir, "this sudden discovery crushed it." "Everything was over. All my colors were doried by once and lay around me scattered and wounded. "

Mother wanted to first go to the city alone, but his father talked to her, and she calmed down. Then the fees began home, "everything was done quietly and slowly." Vladimir wandered as crazy, thought how Zina could decide on such an act: "... this is love, it is a passion ...", and he went to say goodbye to Prince. Seeing her, he told her: "Believe me, Zinaida Aleksandrovna, whatever you do, no matter how you suffer me, I will love and respect you until the end of my days." And she kissed him. "Who knows who I was looking for this long, a farewell kiss, but I greedily tasted his sweetness. I knew that he would never happen again. " Family Vladimir moved to the city. The experiences slowly subsided, and against his father did not have anything. But Vladimir was destined to see Zinaida once again.

Once, Vladimir with his father riding. "We drove all the boulevards, visited the girl's field, jumped over several fences, moved twice through Moscow river ..." Then the father noticed that the horses were tired. And he left them to Vladimir, and he left somewhere. Volodya walked with horses along the coast, going towards where his father retired. And suddenly he was dumbfounded because he saw him with Zinaida. Father almost noticed him, but it was clear that he was too busy with a conversation. A strange strong feeling forced Vladimir to stay in place.

Peter Vasilich insisted on something, but Zina did not agree. Then he hit his wagon in her hand, and she only kissed her scar on her. Father threw out his whip. Vladimir could hardly resist not to intervene. He returned to the place where his father left him. Soon father approached. The young man asked where he was a whip, his father replied that he threw. And Vladimir saw how much tenderness and regret could express his strict features.

Two months passed, Vladimir entered the university. The feelings of Volodya constituted him, and he was already treated for his experiences as something for children. Once he had a dream that the whiteovs are all in the blood threaten his father, and Zinaida sits with a red stripe on his forehead in the corner.

After a year and a half, the father died from strike in St. Petersburg, but shortly before that, he asked the mother for a long time and cried. Then Vladimir received an unfinished letter from Peter Vasilyevich: "My son, afraid of female love, fighting this happiness, this poison ..." Mother after the death of his father sent a significant amount to Moscow. XXII

Four years later, Vladimir graduated from the university and once met at the Maidanov Theater. He told him that Zinaida was said to Mrs. Dolsk, despite the "consequences", but with "her mind everything is possible," and gave her address in the hotel. Vladimir was going for a long time, and when he came to the hotel, he was told that Mrs. Dolskaya died of childbirth. This bitter thought "dug in his heart with all the power of irresistible reproach", and meanwhile:

From the indifferent mouth, I heard the death of the news,

And I am indifferent to her ...
He wanted to pray for Zinaida, for his father and for himself.

Year of writing: 1860

Genre: tale

Main characters: Volodya, Prinja Zinaida


The teenager of Volodya with his family lives in the country, next door to them removes the princess County with his daughter Zinai. After the first meeting, the young man falls in love with the girl, despite the fact that she is five years older. He tries to care, and the girl plays with him, flirting and flirting, as well as with his other numerous fans. Volodya is sometimes seriously jealous of his beloved. And soon he learns that she has a serious affair with his father.

After the ugly scene between the parents, the Volodya family returns to Moscow, and then change the residence permit to St. Petersburg. However, six months later, Vladimir's father died suddenly from hit after receiving some news.

And after some time, Volodya learns that Zinich was married and died after a few months childbirth.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The young man was disappointed in his first sense, so he stopped trusting women, and it was difficult for him to love again. Correctly say that the first love is never forgotten.

In 1860, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote a story "First Love". Interestingly, the author with a special trepidation belonged to this work, because many moments described in the story were taken from Ivan Sergeevich's biography and his own father. What is she talking about?

Here describes the impressions of your first deep feeling and reveals the details of the family drama. As reflected in the story of his own first love, summary, heroes and the main thought - the topic of our article.

Images of the main characters of the work "First Love" are written off from real people:

  • Volodya. This hero is the embodiment of the author himself in his youth. Vladimir Petrovich's experiences and feelings can tell us that Ivan Sergeevich had been experiencing.
  • Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna. This heroine also had a real prototype. This is Ekaterina Shakhovskaya - a poetess, in which the writer was in love.
  • Peter Vasilyevich is the father of the main character. Prototype - Father Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev - Sergey Nikolaevich, who did not love his wife, married due to the allying material benefit.
    Spouse, Varvara Petrovna, was much older. Sergei Nikolaevich in life was successful in women, and a rapid romance continued with Shakhovskaya for a long time.

Interesting!The tale was filled four times, and not only by Russian directors, but also overseas. For example, in 2013, French film screening came out.

Turgenev said that it was remotely important to describe everything for him. Resentment either for a former beloved, no father left. The author tried to understand their actions.

Start a story

The action of the story "First Love" Turgenev unfolds in 1833. Chief Hero of the Book, Vladimir Petrovich, 16 years old.

The young man, along with his father and mother, lives at the cottage in Moscow, is preparing to become a university student.

Suddenly, an event occurs in the life of the main character, the life of his whole family itself is cool.

Near the cottages of Volodya and his parents was located a poor outbreak, in which the princess was settled with his daughter.

Volodya randomly faces the young prince Zinaida, and the girl likes him. He wants to meet her closer.

This was helped by the case. Mother Princess wrote a letter of the Mother Volodyina. The message was not too literate and contained a request for help. Clearance asked to provide her by patronage.

The mother of a young man was not indifferent to the stranger's troubles and told the young man to go to the house to the state and invite for lunch.

During this visit, Volodya met with Prince Zinaida. It turned out that she was twenty-one. Princess first Koxes with the hero of the story, but soon ceases to do it.

At dinner it becomes clear that the princess is not too strong in manners: loudly sniffs tobacco, it can not calmly blend on a chair and constantly complains of a complex material situation.

The daughter seems to be a complete opposite - behaves restrained, proudly. Zinaida Alexandrovna in French communicates with Volodya Father and at the same time looks incredulously at him. Interesting to Vladimir himself for dinner, she does not show. And, nevertheless, before you go, in a whisper invites him in the evening to visit.

Number of first love

Having come to the princess, the young man discovers that the girl has many fans:

  • poet for the name of Maidanov,
  • dr. Lushin,
  • nirmatsky's retired captain
  • gusar by the name of Belovzorov.

In this company, the evening was very fun and noisy. The young man even manages to kiss the cursor handle. The girl does not let go of Vladimir Petrovich from himself. The young man decides that he is also not involved in her.

The next day, Volodin, his father asks about the princess and family, and after himself went to the outline of the state.

After dinner, the young man also goes to visit the princess, but it does not even go out. From this point on, the girl seems to ignore him, and because of this, the hero suffers.

When Zinaida appears again, feels happy.

So a young man becomes addicted to the presence of a lover, feeling a feeling of jealousy to girls fans. That soon guesses the feelings of the hero.

In the House of Volodya Parents Zinaida Alexandrovna appears quite infrequently. The mother of the young man dislikes the princess, and his father sometimes communicates with a girl - little and restrained, on some kind of two understandable language.

Important! Wikipedia in an article dedicated to the story provides users with not only a brief content, but also a lot of interesting facts about creating a work.

Mystery Zinaida

Suddenly the princess change dramatically - from the coquette turns into a pensive girl. For a long time walks alone, it often refuses to go out when guests come.

Vladimir suddenly understands - the princess fell in love with a joke. But at the same time, the hero does not recognize, who has become a sense in the princes.

One day, the young man was sitting in the garden, on the wall of a dilapidated greenhouse and suddenly saw Zinaida.

The girl also noticed Vladimir and ordered the immediately jumping on the road to prove his feelings. The young man fulfilled this request, but having fallen on the ground, he lost consciousness for a moment.

Because of the girl, the girl is very frightened and even kisses the young man in the gust, but when he comes to himself, it goes and does not allow to go with her. A young man feels hooked. True, the next day, at the meeting, the princess keeps removed removed.

Later, Volodya and Zinaida are again found in the garden. The young man wants to leave, but the princess does not give it to do. The girl behaves kindly and cute, says that it is ready to be a friend and jokes that Vladimir can become her PJ.

This joke picks up the Graph Malevsky, who says that a young man is obliged now to know every trifle about his "queen" and constantly be near.

Vladimir attaches great importance to these words and departs at night to the garden to guard the girl by taking a English knife with him.

Suddenly, he meets his father, frightens, drops his weapon to the ground and runs away.

The next day, the young man wants to discuss with the beloved what happened. But Zinaida cannot communicate with the eye on the eyes. Her twelve-year-old brother from the Cadet School comes to the girl, and she asks a young man to entertain the boy.

In the evening, Princess finds Volodya in the garden and asks what happened and why he is so sad. He responds that it is dissatisfied with the fact that the beloved refers to it is non-serious. The girl asks for forgiveness. Volodya can not keep evil on his beloved, so in a quarter of an hour it runs in the garden with a girl and her brother and rejoices of life.

Test history

The hero is trying to communicate with her beloved as if nothing had happened, she tries not to keep bad thoughts in the head and could not suspect a girl. But a week later, returning home, becomes a witness to the scandal between parents.

Mother says that her husband has a connection with the prince's current state: an anonymous letter has come with information about it. The young man cannot believe it.

The next day, the mother declares that he moved to another city and takes his son with him.

Volodya wants to say goodbye to the beloved before leaving, recognized as Zinaida in love, and says that he will not be able to love anyone else.

After some time, the young man meets randomly with Zinaida. Together with his father, Vladimir goes to the horseback walk. Suddenly, his father gives him reins and disappears.

The young man goes after him and discovers that he communicates with the princess through the window, the girl says persistently, and Zinaida suddenly stretches his hand. The father sharply raises the whip and hit. The girl is frightened, but silently brings the bruised hand to her lips. Volodya is very alarmed seen and runs away in the fright.

It takes some time. The hero of the story moves into St. Petersburg with his parents, becomes a university student.

After half a year, his father suddenly leaves his life: he gets a letter from Moscow and after that dies from a heart attack. After Mother, Volodya sends a solid cash to Moscow.

Pass four years. Suddenly, Vladimir in the theater faces an old acquaintance, Maidanov.

He told him that Zinaida now lives in the northern capital. She is married and wants to move abroad.

After the loud story with the father of Volodya Zinaida was difficult to find a good groom. But since the girl was smart, she could do it.

Maidanov even tells the young man, where Zinaida lives. Volodya comes to the princess after a while and on the spot gets sad news. His lover four days ago died in childbirth.

Important! Like other works of Turgenev, this story on many resources can be read online for free.

What is the story?

The story "First Love" practically completely reflects the difficult situation that occurred in the author's life. It describes the details of the family drama. The work is written with a light, simple language, and thanks to this, the reader may feel the experience of the heroes and deeper to understand the essence of the work.

It is impossible not to believe in the sincerity of the feelings of Vladimir Petrovich and survive with him the stages of his mature - from fervent and enthusiastic first love before sympathy.

In the work it is well traced, how the relationship of Volodya and Zinaida change, as well as how his attitude to his own father is changing.

The story also revealed the image of the princess Zinaida Aleksandrovna. We see how it turns out of a frivolous flirty young lady in a loyal and loving woman. In addition, Turgenev reflects the deep sense of Father Volodya.

He did not like his wife, married her for money. And Zinaida sincerely loved, but he had to put this feeling in himself.

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Let's summarize

Despite the fact that I had to endure the chief hero, he did not feel hate to Zinaide or to his father. On the contrary, he loved his father even more.

In contact with

The story "First Love" Turgenev was written in 1860, and in many ways he was a reflection of the personal experiences of the author. This is a story about the first, still half-child love, which had to face adult love, full drama and sacrifice.

On our site you can read the online brief content "First Love" on the chapters, and after - to pass the test to verify the knowledge gained. A brief retelling of the work is useful for the reader's diary and preparation for the lesson of literature.

main characters

Vladimir - Sixteen-year-old young man who had to survive all the joys and troubles of the first love.

Zinaida - 21-year-old impoverished princess, spoiled by male attention, in which Vladimir was in love.

Peter Vasilyevich - Father Vladimir, smart, freedom-loving middle-aged man, who started a novel with Zinaida.

Other characters

Princess County - Mother Zinaida, untidy, uneducated woman with bad manners.

Mother Vladimir - A restrained, delicate woman who was much older than his spouse.

Malevsky, Lushin, Maidanov, Nirmatsky and Belovzorov - Fans of Zinaida.

Chapter 1

Sixteen-year-old Volodya was preparing for admission to the university at the cottage from the parents. He lived in the premonition of something extraordinary and this "was destined to come true soon." Soon in a small flaguel, the Knyagini family was drunk.

Chapter 2.

During one of the walks of Volodya, he saw an unusually attractive blond girl in a company of young people. The stranger struck the young man in the heart and he, feeling "unprecedented excitement," ran home.

Chapter 3.

The next morning, all thoughts of Volodya were occupied only to how to get acquainted with the object of their passion. I reserved the young mother, who ordered "to go to the princess and in words to explain to her" so that she regretted her.

Chapter 4.

Once in the shakers of the state, Volodya was unpleasantly surprised by excessive simplicity and untidiness of the decoration and the princess itself. The opposite is the opposite of her daughter Zinik - tender, elegant, with beautiful manners. She admitted that over Volodya for five years, and asked to tell her "always truth." In this moment, the young man was so "good as fish in water." But soon his joy was a shot when the sequeuric appeared a young hussar and presented with Zinaida Kottenka - Volodya for the first time in his life jealous.

Chapters 5-7

The mother of Volodya found the princess of the "woman quite vulgar", obsessive and mercenary. It turned out that she was a daughter of a rich clerk, and married a ruined prince, who soon wondered and her dowry.

At the reception of the parents of Volodya, the princess is "not at all cleaned", while Zinaida "kept himself very strictly, almost arrogantly, real prince." Saying good, she invited Volodya to come to them in the evening.

Having come to the appointed hour to the state, Volodya saw Zinaida surrounded by young people. Among her fans were "Count Malevsky, Dr. Lushin, the poet of Maidanov, the retired captain Nirmatsky and Belovzor." Guests are having fun: played in Fantas, "sang, and danced, and represented the Gypsy Tabor."

Chapter 8.

Mother was against the communication of Volodya with the neighbors who thought was ill-educated. She reminded her son that he had to "prepare for the exam yes."

Volodya shared his impressions of Zinaida with his father - a man of smart, interesting, which exceeded everything appreciated freedom. After a conversation with Volodya, he "ordered to settle his horse" and went to the state. In the evening, the young man found Zinaida pale and thoughtful.

Chapter 9.

Volodya gave away from love for Zinaida, which by that time was fascinated by the game with his fans - "she all kept them on the leash, at their feet."

Once Volodya found his chief in a strange mood. When looking at his face, she noted that he had "the same eyes," and after admitted that she was all overgrown. Volodya realized that Zinaida was in love.

Chapters 10-12.

Volodya, all tried to understand who became the luckiest in which Zinaida fell in love. Dr. Lushin tried to warn him from frequent visits of the sequence family - the choice of the house is "painfully unfortunate", and its atmosphere is destructive for pure, fervent young man.

In the meantime, Zinaida became strange, everything is not clear. " She began to allow themselves to be strange tricks, and once passionately kissed Volodya.

Chapters 13-15

The young man still felt indescribable bliss after kisses his beloved. Once he noticed how, during the horseback walk, his father whispered something enthusiastically at the ear of Zinaida. The whole subsequent week, the girl did not show anyone to the eyes, affirming the patient. After time, she said Volodya that "now everything went away," she asked for forgiveness for his former coldness and offered friendship.

Chapter 16.

One day, the young princess suggested to take their dreams. When she reached her turn, she described her dream. In it, she was in the image of the queen surrounded by fans. Each of them is ready to die for her, but the Queen's heart is given to the only one that is waiting for her near the fountain. "No one knows", but the queen is ready to come to his first call and "and stay with him, and get lost with him."

Chapters 17-19

The next day, Malevsky, "contemptuously playful" looking at Volodya, hinted that he needed to be undeveloped with his "Queen", especially at night. The young man realized that Zinaida leads a double life.

At night, in the garden of Volodya, he noticed the sophisticated father, but did not give this meaning. Soon everything fell into place - "A terrible scene took place between the father and Mother. The mother "reproached his father in infidelity, in acquaintance with the neighboring young lady," and he fought in response and left. This "sudden revelation" completely crushed by Volodya.

Chapter 20.

It was decided to return to Moscow. Volodya came to say goodbye to Zinaida and tell her that she will "love and adore" her until the end of his days. The touched girl pressed Volodya to him, "firmly and hotly kissed him."

In Moscow, the young man, who survived the love drama, did not soon "fall from the past, not soon began to work." His soulful wound was very slow, but he did not feel angry towards his father. During the frank conversation, Peter Vasilyevich gave the Son's Council "to live normally and not give in to hobbies."

Chapter 21.

Once Volodya went to ride his father. After a long walk, Peter Vasilyevich asked her son a little wait and disappeared somewhere in the alley. Tired of long waiting, Volodya began to look for his father, and soon found him near the wooden house, in the window of which Zinaida was visited. There was a tense conversation between them, during which Peter Vasilyevich hit the nude hand of Zinaida, and she only kissed her scar on it. " The father immediately "threw a whip" and ran into his house to his beloved.

Volodya was shocked seen - he understood what was the true, "adult" love, which did not have anything in common with his enthusiastic youthful feeling. Six months later, his father died from hitting, having received a letter from Moscow, which was extremely excited about it. " Before death, he warned Volodya from female love.

Chapter 22.

After four years, Volodya has fully completed the university. He learned that Zinaida married, but to make a party after connection with Peter Vasilyevich, it was not easy. Volodya delayed the meeting with his first love until she found out that she "died almost suddenly from childbirth."


After reading a brief retrade "First Love", we recommend reading the story in the full version.

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One of the most famous works of Russian classics is the "first love". Turgenev (a summary of the story will demonstrate it) introduces the reader with the emotional experiences of a young character. Published the work was in 1860. And his plot is based on the author's own experience, on the events that took place in his family.

Acquaintance with the main character

How starts the brief content of the story of Turgenev Events unfold in Moscow. Vladimir's chief hero was sixteen years old. Together with the parents, he comes to the cottage to relax and prepare for exams. After some time, the family of Princess was settled next door. The boy, seeing the princess, dreams of meeting.

When Mother Volodya comes from them the letter in which they ask for the patronage, she sends the Son to Knyagini's house. He must invite this family to visit. There, the teenager meets the princess Zinaida Alexandrovna.

She is older than Vladimir for five years. At first she starts to flirt with a teenager, but his interest quickly fades. So love begins. "Turgenev (a summary will continue to get acquainted with the characters) is extremely unflattering describes the family of the state.

Unpleasant impression, or retaliatory visit

When the princess and daughter came to lunch into the house of Volodya Parents, they made a very pleasant impression on his mother. The eldest brake was constantly complained of his poverty, while not having ceased tobacco nuhala and drunk at the table. And the young princess for lunch talked with the father of Vladimir in French and kept very proudly.

Despite the fact that during the meal, she did not pay any attention to a teenager when he left, whispered to come to her house. The coming to visit Volodya was just happy. Although the young clasine and introduced him to several of his fans, nevertheless did not leave him for a minute.

She in every way showed her location and even allowed to kiss her hand. But this is just the beginning of the story "First Love." Turgenev (a summary continues to follow his narrative) further events describes in a slightly different light.

First disappointment, or relationship with Zinaida

Father asks the boy about his visit to the prince's family and goes to visit them himself. And when Volodya came next time, Zinaida did not even come to him. A teenager begins to suffer from her feelings. He is constantly jealous of her. When there is no girl nearby, he is bad, but in her society, Vladimir is not easier. Of course, Princess guessed the love of Volodya.

She does not come to him, realizing understanding that he did not like his mother. Yes, and the boy's father reluctantly communicates with her. Suddenly the girl changed completely. Stopped communicating with people, preferring loneliness. Walking for a long time and rarely went to the guests. Volodya realized that Zinaida fell in love. That's just at whom?

"First Love": Contents (retelling)

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev continues to acquaint us with how the relationship of heroes is. It takes some time, and Volodya sees a girl sitting on the wall of the greenhouse. He jumped towards her and, having hit, lost consciousness. Zinaida was frightened and began to try to bring him into feelings. The girl begins to kiss Vladimir, and when he understands that he has already woken up, hastily removed. Of course, the teenager is happy.

The young princess does not cease to communicate with the Volodya in love. Appoints it with his PJ, which should follow his heart's lady everywhere. And once a teenager decided to go to the garden at night to guard the girl, but he saw his father there. Frightened, he escaped. What will the shortage tell? First love (Turgenev I. S. describes in detail the emotions of the teenager) did not bring Volodya, unfortunately, the response senses from the chosen.

Family troubles, or Father's connection with a young prince

It takes some time, and Vladimir learns that there was a scandal between her parents, during which the mother accused the spouse in treason. The culprit of the infidelity of the Father turned out to be the beloved boy - Zinaida. Parents are going to return to St. Petersburg, and Volodya, before leaving the country house, says goodbye to Prince, giving a promise to love her the rest of his life.

But it was not the last meeting. When he rides a walk with his father, he witnesses some conversation between him and Zinaida. The father tried to prove something to the girl, but she did not agree, and the man struck her whip in his hand. Frightened Volodya escaped.

The reader, of course, guessed what the author tells in the story "First Love". Turgenev (a brief content of his work comes to an end) So does not reveal all the details of the relationships of their characters, apparently, leaving the opportunity to the reader to draw conclusions.

Recent Works, or Fate of Young Princess

Volodya and his native returns to St. Petersburg. He successfully examines the exams and enters the university. But it takes half a year, and his dad dies from the blow. It happened almost immediately after the father came some letter. After reading him, he unexpectedly worried. When the father was buried, Mom Volodya sent a very large amount of money to Moscow. No more detailed teenager knew.

Pass four years. Once, by going to the theater view, Vladimir met Maidanov, who once also took care of Zinapace Alexandrovna. He tells Volodya that Princess has already married and soon leaves abroad.

The consequences of long-standing history, or death of the beloved

Also, Maidanov added that it was very difficult to find the spouse of Zinaide after those events that certain negative consequences had. But the girl turned out to be smart and still achieved his own. The young man also said the address for which Zinaida Alexandrovna now lived.

But before Volodya decided to bring her a visit, several weeks passed. And when he arrived, I learned that a young woman died at birth. So finishes its I. S. First Love (a summary of chapters demonstrates the development of the feelings of an adheating Volodya) did not bring the young man anything except bitter memories.

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