Adventure author. Favorite adventure novels. The Mysterious Island, Jules Verne

Adventure novel is a well-established genre of literature, characterized by rapid plot development, poignant plot twists, and true adventure. As a rule, adventure books are intended to entertain, but often such literature is not limited to this function only. In this section you will find the most different and dissimilar books, tightening from the first lines so that it will be difficult to come off.

Features of Adventure Romance Books in 2020

The best adventure novels are captivating from the first pages: the authors masterfully immerse us in the atmosphere of the book, and then the screws of the developing plot are screwing faster and faster. The genre began with history books filled with adventure: remember only books about Indians, Caribbean pirates, the shores of the Amazon, treasure islands, travel around the world, the jungle and much more. At the heart of such works is a real live drive: chases and abductions, battles, battles, riddles and secrets. The heroes of the books are charismatic, strong personalities, capable of going in defiance of troubles and fate, and delight the reader with their actions. It could be the captains pirate ships, Indians, travelers, young guys - the main thing is that a rich series of adventurous adventures awaits them ahead.

Today, in addition to the fact that you can download adventure novels in a classic form, the genre has developed and began to intertwine with many directions of science fiction, fantasy, detective stories and even a young direction. After all, adventure will find a place anywhere, in any world, both in the distant fantastic future and in the early Middle Ages. In fact, the genre does not have a rigidly established framework, and this is what continues to attract new readers.
Reading adventure novels (or adventure novel, as it is sometimes called) means enjoying interesting and impressive books.

Why is an Adventure Novel more convenient to read online on Booknet?

Booknet is an advanced and emerging literature portal that allows you to download or read adventure literature online. Every day the website traffic is growing, because the readers here find works for every taste, and in large quantities. No wonder - after all, here many authors publish their away books exclusively, and this is done both by long-established professional writers and young and energetic beginners who have already managed to conquer readers with their bright and exciting novelties.

Adventure novels are very popular among reading lovers, and this is not surprising, because the plot of these fascinating stories is full of unexpected twists, and the main characters constantly find themselves in various situations that will take your breath away.

Today, when almost every one of us cannot imagine our life without the World Wide Web, it becomes possible to no longer carry heavy printed books with us. And they are not cheap. But you can always find your favorite adventure novel on our portal and read it online for free. You can flip through the pages of your favorite book in free time being anywhere. On our portal, you can download stories and novels describing adventures in fb2 format and read them on an electronic device (PC, smartphone, laptop, etc.).

Works written in this genre are able to instantly captivate the reader, plunging him headlong into an intriguing story. And this state will be maintained throughout the book. The events that unfold in adventure novels are full of pursuits, abductions, battles and riddles, the answer to which can be found only after reading the book to the end. And the heroes of these stories are created by the authors as charismatic and strong personalities who are not afraid of obstacles on the way - they are ready to overcome them all and get out of any situation with honor!

As for the varieties of this literary movement, works can be written in the following genres:

  • fantastic;
  • fantasy;
  • an action-packed detective story;

Adventure happens everywhere. This applies to both ancient times and the present and distant future. Therefore, such works do not have clear time boundaries, and this attracts readers to them.

Our portal contains a library of stories and novels written in this genre. You can not only read any books online for free, but also download them in fb2 format to plunge into the world of adventure! The variety of books presented in our library can satisfy the needs of any reader, even the most demanding one. Here you will find works of not only famous, but also new authors, whose books have already managed to gain popularity due to the brightness and originality of the storyline. What you read with us, you will definitely like it!

With numerous top tens loaded into this reader.
Got to a wonderful genre that I once loved more than Stratosphere candy. Once, from the first scholarship or something, I bought a whole kilogram of these sweets (they didn’t give more to some hands), ate it and since then I can’t stand the soufflé in chocolate.
Roughly the same thing happened with my adventure books. When I reached them as not a reader, but a writer, and realized all my dreams about all the adventure novels that I would like to read, but no one wrote them for me, I got tired of the genre. I overfed them. Now I am drawn to the boring: the history of the Russian state and aristonomy.
Alas. Old love rusts.

The beginning of my writing career. Me and the heroes of my adventure novels

I am still convinced that it is very important for a person to read as many adventure novels as possible in childhood. Then the habit of reading will become a lifelong habit, because the very process of reading will be associated with an adventure. For me, for example, it has remained so forever. The most exciting adventures I have experienced is when I read good books. Which is what I wish for all of you. In the sense - so that you encounter dangerous adventures only in literature, and not in life.
Here are ten of your favorite childhood and adolescent adventure novels. Alas, not a single domestic one. Not our Russian forte. I think heavy-bloodedness interferes, "forest" pedigree.
The list includes six English-language books, four French ones. As usual, I give it alphabetically.

Richard D. Blackmore. Lorna Doone

This reading is very teenage. Reassuringly English - when you know that love will be difficult, enemies are insidious, difficulties are almost insurmountable, but everything will end as it should. We will get married, we will overcome our enemies morally and physically, and difficulties will only make us stronger. Blackmore seems to have written nothing more worthy of his long literary career.

To be good is good, to be bad is bad. And Good will win, because it is right.

Théophile GOTIER. Captain Fracasse

When I first discovered the novel, I wanted to give it up, because it starts out boring and is all composed of elephant-like phrases, which in Gaultier's time were considered a sign of delicate taste.
But when you wade through endless descriptions, you find yourself in a wonderful and touching variation of "Lorna Dun" about the fact that good people everything will be fine. Only here the texture is not baggy, like Blackmore's, but elegant and smart in French. The latest age to read this book is fourteen years old.

And our captain Frakass is the most beautiful

Alexandr Duma. Three Musketeers

I will not be original: this is the best adventure novel of all time. Because all the characters are alive. And because adventure is not the main thing there. And most importantly, each reader determines for himself. For me, the key scene is the picnic on the Saint-Gervais bastion. The idea of ​​defeating a hundred thousand enemies, drinking and eating, captivated me for life.

Illustrations by Ivan Kuskov remained the best for me.

Alexandr Duma. Countess of Monsoro

The plot is perhaps even more intricate than "The Musketeers". The "supporting actors" are very good: Shiko, Navarre, Henry III. The main characters are more generic. But still a great thick book ...

Shiko is a character no worse than D "Artanyan

Alexandr Duma. Forty five

... Especially if right after "Countess Monsoro" read "Forty-five", the third part of the trilogy. Unfortunately, the beginning - "Queen Margot" - I am somehow not very good. La Mole is such a campy bore. And Coconnassus is a pity. One disorder. Therefore, I give the trilogy without the first part.

And again the wonderful Shiko is acting. Historical, by the way, a character.

James Clavell. Shogun

I read this novel when I was in Japan when I was twenty. And he saw her with different eyes, although Clavell, of course, is full of all kinds of branchy cherry blossoms. My Diamond Chariot is an homage to this wonderful huge novel. Only the Russian translation came across to me unimportant, all the beauty flowed out somewhere. English is much better.

The show was much worse than the book. But still good.

Joseph CONRAD. Duel

About what men are idiots. And that women mainly love them for this.
Means, too, not very smart.

Rafael SABATINI. Captain Blood's Odyssey

In the third "A" we had a queue for this book by appointment. On the day my turn came, I got sick and did not go to school. It was one of the worst traumas in my life. I didn't want to live directly. Mother got me a copy somewhere, brought it. I began to read and recovered. This is the kind of book it is.

The same book

Robert L. Stevenson. Treasure Island

I recently wrote about this novel. That he is not what it seems at first glance. Certainly not about treasures. As you remember, most of them remained on the island, and the hero is not going to return there (br-r-r).
In my opinion, this is a book about the charm of Evil (John Silver) and the charm of Good (Dr. Livesey). Moreover, without the giveaway game: Silver is more interesting and brighter. And for him, let's pay attention, everything ends with a happy ending. “The disgusting one-legged sailor is gone forever from my life. He probably found his black woman and lives somewhere for his own pleasure with her and with Captain Flint. Let's hope so, for his chances of better life in the next world are quite small. "

The last phrase of the novel is written as if about me:
“Until now I dream at night breakers breaking on its shores, and I jump out of bed,
when I think Captain Flint's hoarse voice:
Piastres! Piastres! Piastres! "

Henry Ryder Haggard. King Solomon's Mines

For a long time I could not decide what to give from Haggard - this or the "Daughter of Montezuma". Both novels did not fit in the top ten. I chose Kopi after all. Because of Gargoyle and the Portuguese da Sylvester. That's when it really took my breath away - this was when I realized that Gagool ...

Wow, it was scary

I will not say who has not read what is the matter. I feel sorry for you, who did not read King Solomon's Mines in childhood.

Now you are sharing. Your turn.

Tired of the gray routine, we want to plunge into fictional worlds filled with exciting adventures. Our top 10 best adventure books feature stories with fascinating stories.

10 The Headless Horseman by Mine Reid

This novel was written in 1865. The headless horseman is set in 1850 in Texas, USA. Louise, the daughter of a wealthy planter, falls in love with a poor mustanger named Gerald Maurice. Gerald and Louise meet in secret at night, and on the same night, Henry, Louise's brother, disappears. Gerald is found smeared with blood and with signs of a struggle on his body. And also - he is dressed in Henry's clothes. Gerald is immediately suspected of Henry's murder. At this moment, the mysterious Headless Horseman appears.

9 "Two Captains" Veniamin Kaverin

This adventure novel was created in the years 1938-1944. The life of the polar explorer Sani Grigoriev is filled with adventures and dangers. From a young age, he dreamed of understanding the disappearance of the expedition, which set off on a journey along the Northern Sea Route. Having matured, the purposeful Sanya Grigoriev begins to search for the disappeared expedition.

8 The Diamond Thieves by Louis Boussinard

This novel was written in 1883. Three men - Alexander, Albert and Joseph - go to South Africa to find the treasure. Native guides help them find treasures. However, criminals also want to find the treasure, so many dangers await Alexander, Albert, Joseph and their guides.

7 "Island of the lost ships" Alexander Belyaev

This book was first published in the years 1926-1927. The current carries the lost ship to a mysterious place in the Sargasso Sea. The ship is near mysterious island, which consists of dilapidated deserted sailing ships.

6 "Three Musketeers" Alexander Dumas-father

This historical adventure novel was created in 1844. The action of the novel "The Three Musketeers" develops in the years 1625-1628. The main character works - a young man named d'Artagnan. He embarks on a journey to become a Musketeer. Together with his three Musketeer friends - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - d'Artagnan finds himself on many exciting adventures.

5 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson

This novel was published in series in a children's magazine in 1881-1882. It was then published in 1883. Treasure Island tells the story of a treasure hid by the pirate captain Flint. The treasures were hidden on a desert island, so their search was filled with many adventures.

4 The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper

This historical and adventure novel was first published in 1826. The plot of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans" is set in August 1757, during the French and Indian War. Hunter and ranger Natty Bumpo and two Mohicans - Chingachgook and his son Uncas - try to rescue two female sisters who are the daughters of a British commander.

3 "Robinson Crusoe" Daniel Defoe

This novel was first published in the spring of 1719. it famous work Daniel Defoe tells about the traveler Robinson Crusoe, who, after a shipwreck, finds himself on an uninhabited island, where he spends 28 years. Robinson Crusoe is learning to survive in the wild and gradually makes his lifestyle on the island more comfortable.

2 "Hearts of Three" Jack London

This novel was published in the newspaper in 1919-1920. Hearts of Three is the fiftieth book written by Jack London. The young descendant of the pirate Morgan lives in luxury thanks to inheritance. He learns that the pirate ancestor has hidden treasures somewhere. After that, the descendant of the pirate goes in search of the treasure. He meets Henry Morgan, a distant relative of his. Together they continue the search that will lead them to unfamiliar lands and help them find love. The treasure seekers will have many adventures on their way.

This novel was first published in 1874. This book is a sequel to Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Children of Captain Grant. Five people find themselves on a desert island. They try to arrange their way of life in the wild. Soon they realize that someone is helping them to survive on a desert island.

For some people, the above books are reminiscent of youth. Then they read them and dreamed of the same exciting adventures as the characters in these books. If you are one of such people, reading these works will be doubly pleasant: you will be carried away by interesting stories, and immerse yourself in pleasant memories of how you first read these books.

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