Regimental ladies duel. Name day, explanation with Shurochka. The main characters of the story. The composition "Heroes and Problems of the Novel by A. I. Kuprin" The Duel "" Images of Regimental Ladies

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Bek-Agamalov's features are present in each of the officers. Many are generally bestial. During a scandal in a brothel, this bestial essence comes through especially clearly: in the bulging eyes of Bek-Agamalov "naked round squirrels glittered terribly", his head "was low and menacingly lowered", "an ominous yellow shine lit up in his eyes." "And at the same time, he bent his legs lower and lower, cringed all over and absorbed his neck, like an animal ready to take a jump."

After getting drunk, the officers made a scandal in the brothel, quarreling with each other. After this scandal, which ended in a fight and a challenge to a duel, “everyone dispersed, embarrassed, depressed, avoiding looking at each other. Each of his own horror, his own slavish, guilty longing - the horror and longing of small, evil and dirty animals, whose dark mind suddenly lit up with a bright human consciousness.

At the end of this story about the wild act of drunken officers, Kuprin draws our attention to contrast of this description, followed by the description of the dawn: “It was dawn, with a clear, childishly clear sky and a still cool air. The trees, damp, enveloped in a barely visible steam, were silently awakening from their dark, mysterious night dreams. And when Romashov, walking home, looked at them, and at the sky, and at the wet grass, gray with dew, he felt short, disgusting, ugly and endlessly stranger among this innocent beauty of the morning, smiling awake. "

Thus, in "Duel" he showed the moral and spiritual decay of the military intelligentsia, its remoteness from the people. Kuprin helped the officers to know themselves, their position in life, all its informality and tragedy.

3.3. Officers' wives are the personification of extreme spiritual impoverishment

The officers' wives are as predatory and bloodthirsty as their husbands. Regimental ladies are the personification of extreme squalor. Their everyday life is woven from gossip, provincial game of secularism, boring and vulgar connections.

The most repulsive image - Raisa Peterson, angry, stupid, depraved and vindictive. "Oh, how nasty she is!" - Romashov thinks with disgust. “And from the thought of his previous physical intimacy with this woman, he had such a feeling as if he had not washed for several months and had not changed clothes. And he says how disgusting, thought Romashov. “It’s strange that I haven’t noticed this until now. She speaks as if she has a chronic runny nose or a polyp in her nose: "don't fight it."

The rest of the "ladies" are no better. Even the outwardly charming Shurochka Nikolaeva shows the features of Osadchy, who does not seem to be like her.

While Romashov is looking for ways of personal self-assertion of a person, and by and large - of humanity, Shurochka Nikolaeva seeks to fully realize the possibilities of her extraordinary nature, and physical - an irresistible feminine charm, femininity, and intellectual - a lively, energetic mind. But to realize it with an obvious selfish goal, the role of a regimental lady does not satisfy her. She longs for more: a brilliant and idle life, a real society, where "light, music, admirers, subtle flattery, clever companions." How can this be achieved by an ignoble woman without sufficient means and education? Only thanks to the career of her husband or another person who selflessly loved her. Shurochka is not only selfish in her mind, but also bloodthirsty. Mercy, forgiveness, elementary concepts of good, spiritual nobility and tact are alien to her: they are "brakes", obstacles on the way to the fairy tale she cherishes about "real" life. Therefore, she strongly condemns the "sentimental opponents" of the officer's duels. She is impressed by fights with blood: “What kind of tenderness are these: they are afraid of a shot! Your profession is to risk your life! " She is ready to mercilessly dispose of the life of Nazansky, who loved her (I would shoot such people like mad dogs. Such officers are a disgrace for the regiment, an abomination! ”) And disposes of life, brings her husband to a duel, Romashov who loves her selflessly in a duel. However, she would also leave her husband without remorse, even dispose of his life, if Nazansky or Romashov could become active assistants to her in the implementation of an egoistic plan. It is impossible not to notice that in Shurochka Nikolaeva there is a further development of the character discovered by L. Tolstoy in Helen Kuragina-Bezukhova.

Why is Shurochka still drawn with a certain amount of author's sympathy? The best heroes of the work are in love with her. Apparently, not only because Shurochka stands out against the background of insipid, vulgar and depraved regimental ladies with female charm and intelligence, but because, with all her moral flaws, which for the time being remain unsolved, she has a whole, strong-willed nature, a predisposition to personal self-determination. And the writer's sympathies have always been on the side of such natures who found the strength to resist the flow, even with all the obvious or hidden viciousness.

The image of Shurochka is one of the most successful creations of the writer in the "Duel". AV Lunacharsky noted that Kuprin was able to "deduce both a curious and completely lively and indisputably interesting female type."

Nevertheless, in Shurochka, the egoism of an ambitious bourgeois woman, external charm and intelligence intertwined. Her will and perseverance are aimed at achieving selfish, selfish goals.

Thus, although Shurochka's "ideal" is shallow, vulgar and limited, other regimental ladies are many times worse than Shurochka: angry, stupid, ignorant, hypocritical. Such are Raisa Peterson, Anna Ivanovna Morgunova, the wife of Captain Talman and others.

Kuprin portrayed the world of "regimental ladies" with the same ruthlessness as the world of officers.

3.4. Moral and ideological orientation of the main characters of the story - Romashov and Nazansky

Romashov was conceived as a real hero, an opponent of the generally accepted in the then society and negative, and approved as positive value orientations in the story. Nazansky, on the other hand, appears in the work as a herald of a new faith, a new philosophy of the century, which appeals to the author, one might say, a mouthpiece of his ideas, in short, a mentor, inspirer of the activating Romashov.

In the plot of the story, Nazansky completes the characterization of the human "quality", and, accordingly, the social and state expediency of the officer corps, and also proclaims promising, from the point of view of the author, philosophical ideas of the time. So far, in the speeches of Nazansky, Nietzsche's ideas of the "superman", the rejection of traditional humanism, have been recognized. But a significant place in these speeches was occupied by the ideas of V. Soloviev and N. Berdyaev. In the criticism of traditional mercy, there is an intertextual overlap with the famous remark of Ivan Karamazov Dostoevsky about Julian the Merciful (for some reason, Kuprin has John the Merciful).

The richness of the richness of the postulated by Nazansky model of the man of the future is impressive. These are, first of all, the ideas of personal self-permanence, self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of harmony with the natural world, based on the mobilization of the still little-demanded principles of existence ("love for oneself, one's mind, for the infinite wealth of one's feelings"), personalistic motives for denial power, false, illusory authorities determined by human culture (“You are the king of the world, his pride and adornment<…>the god of all living "), equality is not of similitudes, but of different, that is, individuals who are unequal not in the legal, but in the existential sense (" do not fear anyone in the universe, because there is no one above everyone and no one is equal to you "), in Tolstoy-Dostoyevsky motives of a careful sensation of the beauty of living life, nature (“how beautiful, how seductive life is!<…>oh joy, oh divine beauty of life<…>blue sky, evening sun, calm water<…>, Oh, how wonderful everything is, how tender and happy everything is! ").

This model lacks what can be called selfishness, violence against others in the name of one's own benefit. The main thing in this model is the desire for freedom of spirit: “somewhere far from our dirty, stinking camps, a huge, new, radiant life is taking place. New, brave, proud people have appeared: fiery free thoughts light up in their minds ... ”. On the contrary, intolerance of freedom of spirit, a tendency to violence among adherents of traditional values: “We (brought up on the same values. - VL), pouting like Indian roosters ... haughty mumble:“ What? Where? Be silent! Riot! I'll shoot you! " The role of love in this model is enormous - for a woman, for a neighbor. Kuprin took an interest in the idea of ​​the high ethical meaning of sexual love, the role that was assigned to it in the harmonization of society in the philosophy of V. Solovyov ("The Meaning of Love"), N. Berdyaev ("Metaphysics of Sex and Love"). This idea is pathetically expounded by Nazansky: “for Dante, all love is the charm, the charm of spring! ... I'm talking about love in the direct, bodily sense. But it is the lot of the chosen ones ... Love ... has its heights, accessible only to a few out of millions. " Such love is capable of sacrificing everything, encouraging people to overcome their own egoism, in the spirit of the philosophy of Solovyov and Berdyaev: “always adoring, always ready to give for her (chosen one - V.L) - no, why for her, for her whim, for her husband, for a lover, for her beloved dog - to give both life and honor, and everything that is possible to give! ... handsome men and winners do not know such joys ”. This is a paraphrase of Solov'ev's postulate: "the moral meaning of love requires the reunification of that which is unjustly divided, requires the identification of both."

The paraphrase is minted, like an aphorism, in Nazansky's monologue: "Love, freed from the dark fetters of property, will become a light religion of the world, and not a secret shameful sin in a dark corner, with a look around, with disgust."

The main thing is that Kuprin's model of a perfect person excludes the slightest possibility of people confronting each other: “a great faith in one's Self will overshadow, like the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit, the heads of all people, and then there will be no slaves or masters,<…>how dare I then offend, push, deceive a person in whom I feel an equal ... "

Designing existential harmony excludes its achievement through social confrontation that was in the atmosphere of that time. This would contradict the essence of the Russian spiritual Renaissance, towards which Kuprin is oriented. Through the lips of Nazansky it is said: "What interest will make me break my head for the happiness of the people of the thirty-second century?" He does not share the calls for a violent breakdown of the regime, does not agree with the cliques: "Let's join hand, let's go and perish, but let's prepare a bright and easy life for future generations." The harmony of a bright life for Kuprin is possible only through the spiritual transformation of a person, the predominance of not an egoistic, individualistic, but a personal principle. Of course, the mass man of the past, as well as of the present new century, has defended and is far from this romantic ideal. It turned out to be illusory and happy life, which they tried to achieve through social confrontational revolutions.

The temptation, brightness, beauty of the new model of man is also supported by the portrait of its champion: “Golden hair fell in large, solid curls around his high, clean forehead, a clean, rectangular shape, a red, small beard lay in regular waves, as if crimped, and his whole massive and graceful head, with a bare neck of a noble design looked like the head of one of the Greek heroes or sages ... Clear, slightly moist blue eyes looked lively, intelligent and meek ... ".

But life according to the old, well-established rules and norms destroys fresh, new shoots. The outward beauty of the character turned black, burned like bright green in dry weather: "The eyes sunk deeply and blackened around, the eyelids turned yellow, and the cheeks with uneven dirty skin sagged and sagged down, and ugly overgrown with liquid curly hair."

Nazasnky is a thinker, a forerunner, a herald of new ideas, a character who reasoning and explaining, one might even say, the mouthpiece of the author. Romashov, however, is called upon to embody these ideas in his activities, in practice. It is he who is the most lively, dynamic, active hero in the "Duel". Already in the exposition of the plot, he was distinguished from the masses by unofficial features: he blushes with confusion, speaks inconsistently, unnecessarily straightens his glasses. The main thing is that he does not share the hackneyed officer ethic, which allows him to mock civilians. True, in exceptional cases: "if he is a decent person, a nobleman and so on ... why am I going to attack him unarmed with a saber."

Kuprinologists (V. Afanasyev, A. Volkov, F. Kuleshov, O. Mikhailov) call Romashov ordinary, weak. Most likely, they reproduce the opinion of Shurochka Nikolaeva, to whom, from the point of view of strong-willed, selfish aspirations, Romashov seemed weak, because he could not spiritually accept them. But already in the first portrait characterization of Romashov, strength is declared, as well as the non-officer trait that restrains her: "of average height, thin, and although quite strong for his build, but, from great shyness, awkward."

The physical strength of the character in the plot is found in the dominant of a consistently growing spiritual strength, the basis of a real, effective opposition to the generally accepted caste and wider - universal, mass, worship of generally accepted traditional priorities. Already at the outset of the plot, Romashov spoke out against the undeserved insult of the lower rank by the regimental commander, stood up for the defenseless, wordless Tatar Sharafutdinov. An application for the hero to overcome the musty, stagnant, atmosphere of provincial life is in the ambitious fantasies with which the hero lives in his free time from service. Evening walks to the station, evening dawns, as it were, signal the exhaustion of former values, the search for a path to new ones, and their illumination at the end of the day. Most of the plots of these fantasies branch out according to the prevailing images. Like Andrei Bolkonsky, Romashov dreams of his own "Toulon" - about accomplishing feats in the field of defending the Fatherland, even when suppressing workers' riots, but more as a military intelligence officer, or the commander of a general battle that determines the fate of the war. It doesn't matter that these are the fantasies of a romantic youth. They train the will and spirit of the character in an existential litigation with an ordinary, inert everyday life. The challenge, thrown on the parade ground to the soldier Colonel Shulgovich, demanded no less courage than dignified behavior in battle. Determine the features of his worldview, outlook on life, which are reflected in the stories "Molokh", "Olesya", "Duel";
To comprehend and compare the specificity of the general and the different in the depiction of the spiritual and emotional world of the heroes of the stories;
Analyze the author's position in relation to their heroes;

Chapter 1. Features of the image of the spiritual and emotional world of man in the stories of A. I. Kuprin - "Molokh", "Olesya", "Duel"

1.1. With pain for a person: the story "Moloch" by A.I. Kuprin ..................... 10

1.2. Reflection of the socio-ethical problems of the people and the intelligentsia in the story "Moloch" ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .25

1.3. Characteristic features of the spiritual and emotional world of the heroes of the story "Moloch" …………………………………………………………………… ... 30

1.4. Disclosure of contradictions in the character of the main character of the story - Bobrov. 39

1.5. The value of a realistic depiction of reality in the grouping of images .............................................. 42

Chapter 2. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya"

2.1. Kuprin's discovery of true poetry in ordinary people …………… .47

2.2. The autobiographical nature of the story "Olesya" ……………………………………… .52

2.3. The role of landscape in revealing the emotional and spiritual world of the main

heroines ………………………………………………………………………… .... 58

Chapter 3. The depiction of the crisis of the army as a crisis of Russian life in the story "Duel" by A.I. Kuprin

3.1. The originality of the conflict in the story "Duel": the personality in the army

environment …………………………………………………………………………… .... 67

3.2. The immorality and lack of spirituality of the army environment …………………… ..76

3.3. The wives of officers in the story "Duel" are the personification of extreme spiritual impoverishment ............................................................................. 79

3.4. The moral and ideological orientation of the main characters of the story - Romanov and Nazansky ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..81

Conclusion… ... …………………………………………………………………. 87

List of used literature …………………………………………… ...… 90

My service in the Old Guard. 1905-1917 Makarov Yuri Vladimirovich

"Regimental ladies" or "officers' wives"

In the Assembly, according to an unwritten rule, it was considered the height of indecency to raise a conversation about familiar ladies, and even more so about the wives of their officers.

This question could not even be touched upon in principle, since from the reasoning general, it was easy to imperceptibly collapse into particulars, and this would, of course, be completely unacceptable.

But in frank conversations face to face, about what the officers' wives should be, of course, they spoke and on this issue, as I recall, there were two opinions.

The defenders of the "regimental ladies" institute said something like this:

A Semyonovsky officer cannot marry a person who is "unsuitable for the regiment". The eligibility conditions are as follows: a good family, good upbringing, and an impeccable reputation. In all monarchical countries of Europe, wherever there is a "court", and in Germany, and in Austria, and even in Sweden, attention is drawn to the origin and social status of the wives of the guard officers. In England, for example, it is required that the wife of a guard officer be "presentable", that is, she would have the right to be presented to the "court."

The title of the wife of the Semyonovsky officer is as high and honorable as the title of her husband. By law, in order to marry, an officer must ask permission from the regiment commander. But this is still not enough. It is necessary to collect certificates about the future wives of officers and the more difficulties are created in this matter, the better ... But then, when all the deadlines have passed, all the conditions have been met, and permission has been received, the officer's wife is, as it were, "accepted into the regiment" just as her husband was admitted to the regiment in due time. From that time on, she entered the corporation of "regimental ladies", becoming to the wife of the commander of the regiment in approximately the same relationship as her husband to the commander.

There is no written subordination for the "regimental ladies", but there is an unwritten one, and it is expressed in greetings, visits, etc. Theoretically, the wife of the regimental commander, if necessary, can give the wife of a young officer "advice" to do this and that. then, or not to do this and that. The regimental ladies are one family, women of the same circle and upbringing, and in this case it is only natural if the older and more experienced will guide the younger and more frivolous on the path of truth.

The other side spoke like this:

There are no "regimental ladies" and should not be. For a good military man, a wife is always an extra place of vulnerability. Therefore, it is best if the officer does not marry at all. There are old cavalry regiments in Russia, where, according to tradition, an officer cannot marry younger than the rank of lieutenant colonel. Otherwise, leave the regiment. And in terms of camaraderie and military prowess, these are the best regiments in our entire army. But if the officer cannot do otherwise and will take this step anyway, then no one has the right to interfere in his choice. The only judgment that should be applied to an officer's wife is whether she is a good wife to her husband or a bad one. Our sovereign founder, Peter, was married for the second time not to a muslin young lady, but to a woman who saw the views. And Peter was happy with her and she helped him in his labors.

The corporation of "regimental ladies" is not only useless, but also harmful. The officers of the regiment are connected by a lot: uniform, service, common interests, regimental traditions, regimental partnership in peacetime and combat in wartime. All this fills life so much, entangles a person so much from all sides that the inevitable difference in characters, some difference in social circles, and often a very large difference in financial situation, all this fades into the background and ceases to be felt. The regiment knocks dozens of people into one family and develops its own type. And in the development of this type, loud names and throwing money do not play any role. There is absolutely no way to knock fifteen officers' wives into one family, if only because, apart from the identical form of their husbands, nothing essentially binds them together.

It is unnatural and absurd to try to introduce some kind of subordination among officers' wives. The colonel is always older than the captain, by years, by service in the regiment and by experience. He receives his share of respect and respect from the younger ones legally and naturally. But suppose such a forty-year-old bachelor colonel, with 20 years of service in the regiment, wishes to marry a 20-year-old girl, fresh from school. And the captain's 30-year-old wife, a mother of three children, will have to become her junior, give her a place, be the first to visit her, etc.

Already by their nature, in all their associations, especially those deprived of a direct, immediate goal, women, no matter what circle they belong to, and no matter how brought up they are, inevitably bring pettiness, whence picks, gossip, gossip and all sorts of petty nasty things. ...

Of course, one cannot demand that all 45 officers of the regiment be best friends with each other. But with the help of the off-duty discipline that exists in Sobranya, it is easy to ensure that very few people who sympathize with each other will be in outwardly decent relations.

With women, again completely regardless of the circle and upbringing, it is unthinkable to achieve even such modest results. Among the ladies there will always be "inseparable friends", but there will also be those who "cannot stand" and "cannot stand" each other, they will not hide their feelings and, of course, will try with all their might to draw their husbands into their quarrels. And that is not all. In such regimental "families", with the inclusion of wives there, courtship, flurries, and, as an inevitable consequence of them, duels, divorces, exchange of wives and swift departures from the regiment inevitably begin.

Therefore, no regimental social life, obligatory acquaintance with "houses", obligatory general amusements, etc. should not be. Compulsory communication should be only between officers, in the Assembly or in other places, but exclusively on the “idle leg”. If the regiment was a "diplomatic corps", the participation of wives in the common life would be necessary. If the regiment were stationed in some remote place on the Austrian border, where the only civilized women are the wives of their comrades, this would be inevitable. But in the city of St. Petersburg, everyone has the opportunity to find a pleasant circle of acquaintances in addition to the regiment. Beware of the "Little Garrison" and Kuprinsky "Duel". And therefore, down with the "regimental ladies" and long live the "wives of the officers", who the less they take part in the regimental life, the better for themselves and the more peaceful for their husbands.

In my time, both of these currents resulted in something in between, but with a significant bias towards the second. "Regimental ladies" existed, but they almost did not take part in the life of the regimental.

Before marrying, an officer legally asked permission from the regiment commander, but permission was relatively easy, especially during the war. I remember two or three cases of refusals, but in these cases, if the young officers asked permission from their fathers, the result would be the same.

At the time of marriage, one pressing question arose imperatively. The question is material. If a single officer had only enough personal funds for himself, and the bride had nothing, then he had to leave and look for a service that was paid better than the officer's.

It was believed that all wives of officers should be familiar with each other. To do this, each had to visit each on reception days, between 5 and 7 o'clock in the evening. It was considered sufficient to do this once a year. The younger ones started, the older ones answered.

In order to recognize the wife of his comrade on the street and in public places, all officers had to make the same annual visits to the regimental ladies. For young people, this was a rather heavy duty. For courage, they usually set off in two in one cab. It was necessary to end this matter before the second half of November, before the regimental holiday. Then, before the holiday, it was supposed to be with the wife of the regiment commander.

As I remember now my first visit to the commander's house, the visit was not so successful.

When I entered the regiment, the commander was G.A.Min, although he himself was a man of modest origin, but according to his wife, born Princess Volkonskaya, who belonged to the greatest Petersburg world and loved all splendor and splendor. In his wife, Yekaterina Sergeevna, on the contrary, there was nothing "grandamast", and in her appearance, manners and dresses she very much reminded some Tula landowner of an average hand. There was also a daughter, Natasha, who was also a very sweet and modest creature. Nevertheless, thanks to the tastes of the owner, the commander's house was put on a very big foot, and even the commander's orderlies, instead of ordinary white soldier's shirts, on solemn occasions wore livery tailcoats and red vests.

Visiting day at Ekaterina Sergeevna was Saturday. As far as I remember, I went on a visit alone. Already approaching the entrance, I strongly disliked that the whole courtyard was full of carriages. There were also courtiers. Cars at that time were not yet found, at least in general use. I went into the Swiss, took off my coat and, as it was supposed to, in the newest frock coat, with long trousers, with a saber over my shoulder, my left hand in a white glove, on a very slippery parquet floor, with a constricted heart, went to torture. I walked through two empty halls and came to a large drawing-room, from where they heard lively voices. I walked pretty quickly to keep up. The drawing-room was not very large, and for a timid visitor it was rather despicably arranged. A large mahogany carved "trellis" was placed near the door, presumably from the time of Alexander I, when he commanded the Semyonovsky regiment as his heir and lived in this house. This trellis, like a screen, obscured the entire living room with all the guests from the entrance. And when you go around it, then at high speed, there is no time to think. A few more steps and you are in the thick of it. I dimly saw that some ladies were sitting, some generals were standing, several officers of other regiments, two or three of ours; I saw a round tea table, not with a samovar, but with a silver alcohol machine, around it some girls and people in civilian clothes.

The hostess of the house, Ekaterina Sergeevna, I somehow caught a glimpse of, but of course I did not recognize and walked briskly to the first lady, which seemed to me the most suitable. And, of course, I didn't. He shuffled his foot, kissed the lady on the hand, and then, as was supposed in the Assembly, began to bypass all the guests, from the right flank, saying: Second Lieutenant Makarov, Second Lieutenant Makarov ... Of course, he did not hold out his hands.

I was waiting for it to be served to me. I knew this from childhood. Then the worst happened. I sat down on some kind of fragile gilded chair and one of the girls brought me a cup of tea (not a glass at all, glasses were not given at social events) and brought in a small porcelain plate with cookies. I thanked politely and took it. I'm sitting. In my right hand I have a cup, and in my left a cap, a glove and a plate. Very uncomfortable. To taste cookies, you need to put a cup on the floor, which is not customary. To take a sip of tea, you need to somehow get rid of your cap, gloves and plate. But where to put them? You could, of course, put your cap on your knees, put your right glove in it and put a plate upstairs. But it was very difficult to do it with one gloved left hand, without long preliminary practice and with a restless soul. I did not dare and sat there for a long time with the most gloomy look. Finally, a very young girl took pity on me, took my cup and plate from me and took me to talk to the windows. On the way, I heard one of the ladies say to the other, pointing at me with her eyes: "pauvre garcon". She said softly, but I heard. Our conversation at the window was more like a questionnaire.

How long have you been in the regiment? - Five months. - What company are you in? - I have to get up early in the morning ... I couldn't do that, and so on.

A few minutes later, I regained my composure and slipped out of the living room without saying goodbye. My rescuer turned out to be Ye.S.'s niece, Olga V., with whom we later became great friends and often remembered my first appearance in the "big world" with her.

After the first winter in St. Petersburg, I realized what major tactical mistakes I had made on that memorable day. Firstly, you can enter the barracks quickly, but you had to enter the living room slowly. There is no hurry. Entered, it was recommended to stop at the threshold and figure out, so to speak, a campaign plan. And the first step is to find out who the owner is and where her location is. You had to go to her and kiss your hand. They were supposed to say hello only to acquaintances, and half-bows to unfamiliar ladies, and nothing to men. The "headdress" could be freely put next to it on the carpet. It was more prudent to refuse a cup of tea, and a plate of cookies, when there was nowhere to put it but on the floor, should not have been accepted at all. In general, it was better to make such a visit while standing, going up to someone from your acquaintances.

But all knowledge is acquired by experience, not excluding knowledge in secular circulation.

An even more striking case took place with one of the fellow soldiers, but in a house of a completely different type. This house was large, with numerous daughters, nieces and girlfriends. The house adhered to Russian customs, and five o'clock tea was drunk in a large dining room, at a long table. All sorts of pies and cakes were honestly on the table, and glasses were supposed to be for men. And the guests went straight to the dining room. My friend came to the house for the first time and felt embarrassed. He was honored by honor first of all approached the hostess, everything was clean. The lady behind the samovar, she is the hostess, and then decided to bypass everyone and introduce himself to everyone. There were about 25 people at the table and the round took about ten minutes. The further he moved, the more tension increased. Some of the guests were busy talking and did not see that someone was standing behind a chair and eager to introduce themselves ... "Uncle Kolya! .. Uncle Kolya, they greet you" ...

And what ... where? Oh yes, yes, very nice.

When the young man finished his round, he had already reached the point, as they say, especially since he noticed that at the far end several pairs of sly eyes were watching him with cheerful curiosity. Finally, the poor man received his glass of tea from the hands of the hostess and carried it to his place, but ... did not carry it. The glass slipped out of his hands and dropped to the floor. Immediately after this, from the girl's end, there was an explosion of mad laughter. The young man stood for a while, then turned to the door and went out ... Downstairs in the Swiss, he put on his coat and went home with such a feeling that he wouldn’t be in this house anyway.

Life, however, judged differently. He not only began to visit this house often, but two years later he married the very girl who most bullied him.

I was cured of shyness pretty soon. I was also cured by our officer, Captain P., who is not at all a military man, but an intelligent man, observant and very "secular" himself.

One day he says to me:

Listen Yuri, are you shy?

Do you want me to cure you?

So listen. Shyness in a normal person comes mainly from an excess of pride. It always seems to you that wherever you come, everyone is only busy watching how you bowed, how you turned and what you said. Every minute you feel that you are the "center", the center of everyone's attention ... And this is the biggest mistake. As soon as you clearly, firmly and forever grasp the simple truth that all people are mainly busy with their own affairs and no one cares about you, and no one is interested in you, as soon as you realize this, you are saved ... Everything will go like clockwork, disappear connectedness and tension and you will not only stop suffering, but you will begin to find pleasure in the company of people, even if you don't know much.

The advice was wise and helped me tremendously. In less than a year, I was on the right track to recovery.

But my case was simple. I was a young man who grew up in the provinces and for whom, before St. Petersburg, the most "high society" house he visited was the house of our Yaroslavl governor, where, by the way, everything was very family-like. I remember the cases are much more complicated. I remember, for example, one of the Tsar's aide-de-camp, the bearer of one of the most famous Russian historical surnames, more precisely, the surname of Peter the Great's mother. Born in St. Petersburg and brought up in the Corps of Pages. A man who was well over 30. And I saw with my own eyes how, talking with unfamiliar ladies, he blushed crimson, like a 15-year-old boy.

Let me give you an even more striking example. In 1906, in June, our entire regiment was invited to Peterhof to the Tsar for a "garden party". The reception was to take place at the Tsar's dacha, in Alexandria, in a marvelous park with huge old trees and amazingly beautiful green lawns. The day before we arrived from Krasnoe Selo by train and spent the night in the Ulanskiy barracks. And the next day, at four o'clock, the whole regiment went to Alexandria, with a chorus of music at the head. I remember it was not very far to go. They stopped in front of the park gate, cleaned themselves up again and brushed the dust off their boots. All were in white, officers in white tunics, soldiers in white shirts, and all without weapons, no sabers, no rifles, no cleavers. The weather was such as can only be in Petersburg on clear, sunny, not hot, with a breeze, days. Arriving at the right place, we stopped and stretched out in two ranks, in company, the officers in their places. The king came out. He, too, was in a white tunic and unarmed, in our uniform; the uniform was visible only by the blue band of the white summer cap. He walked around the ranks and greeted. Then they ordered:


And we, officers, went to the other side, where under the trees there was a huge round tea table, covered to the ground with a snow-white tablecloth, and on it was a silver samovar, cups, cookies and all kinds of food. At the table sat the queen in a white lace dress and received "guests" ... Immediately the royal daughters ran around, the eldest was 10 years old. The two-year-old heir, who due to illness could not walk, was sitting in the arms of his uncle, the sailor Derevenko. Then he was handed over to our senior sergeant-major RL Chtetsov. There were almost no courtiers. The leader was appointed as the aide-de-camp on duty that day. book Boris Vadimirovich, who actually did not serve with us, but was listed in the regiment's lists, often wore our uniform and was considered, as it were, our officer. We all had a joyful and cheerful mood. The king was also cheerful and, as always, very simple to handle. He was afraid of clever ministers, he was shy in front of senior generals, but here, in the familiar environment of soldiers and officers, he felt like the same colonel, the battalion commander of the Preobrazhensky regiment, which he once was, and so he remained for the rest of his life.

The Tsar's girls had a lot of fun. With loud shouts, they rushed about the meadow and played with young officers in tag and burner. The queen acted as a hostess. She poured tea and handed a cup to each personally. As far as one could judge from short phrases about children, about the weather, or about tea, sweet, strong, with lemon or milk, she spoke Russian quite fluently, although with a strong English accent. But she performed her master's office with such obvious suffering that it was a pity to look at her. At that time she was already a mother of five children and bore the title of All-Russian Empress for the eleventh year. It would seem what embarrassment and awkwardness she could experience in the company of some unknown 40 officers, who were rather embarrassed themselves in her presence. And yet it struck me that when she asked her simple questions, her face was red. This was clearly noticeable, since in those days decent women did not yet paint their cheeks. And when she held out the cup, her hand trembled violently. But here, of course, there was more than just shyness. Already in those days, our first regimental lady, the wife of the chief, was a sick and deeply unhappy woman.

In the first year of service, recognizing my ladies on the street and in public places often did not go smoothly.

For example, you sit in the theater. During the intermission you see your officer with a lady. Now who is this lady? If the wife, then it is supposed to come. If this is a relative, sister, sister of the wife, etc., then you can come up and not come up. If this is just an acquaintance, then you do not need to approach. One 20-minute visit a year is still not enough to remember 15 new female faces, which, in addition, tend to change radically with each new hat or dress.

In the second year, all the ladies were already studying firmly.

That is, in fact, all the social obligations of single men in relation to the wives of their comrades.

There were no obligatory congratulations, Happy New Year, Easter, name days, births. There were two or three married company commanders who easily accepted and fed mainly their junior officers, but nothing more.

No evenings, balls, performances, etc. were held in Sobranya and the ladies were not allowed to enter there. An exception was made only once a year. On the third day of Christmas, there was a Christmas tree in the School of Soldiers' Children. All officers and their wives were invited there. After the Christmas tree, at 11 o'clock, we went to have supper at the Meeting. Not all of the ladies came, but mostly young ones who liked to have fun. In order not to hinder the fun, neither the commander of the regiment nor his wife showed up. For this evening, the large dining room was cleaned up as a "restaurant". They took out a large table and put small tables and light bulbs with colored lampshades on them. By tradition, the ladies were invited not by their husbands, but by single men. They had supper for five or six people, and the husbands were seated at other tables. There was one for each table, two ladies and the tables were drawn up in advance, so that everyone would be pleasant to each other. Our little string orchestra, the so-called "ballroom", was playing, and when he was released at two o'clock in the morning, one of the officers sat down at the piano and the dance began. As a rule, Ungern-Sternberg played, who could only play dances, but on the other hand reproduced them with a special purely pianist thunder and brilliance. Foxtrots and shimmies did not yet know, but danced waltzes and square dance.

I remember one particularly successful evening. They drank normally, but the fun often comes not from drinking, but somehow by itself. That evening, some of us ran to the regimental museum, pulled out old uniforms and put on them, which, by the way, was strictly forbidden, but this only added to the spice of the pleasure. The officers who had never danced, and those who did not know how to dance, began to dance, which was especially funny. They began to drive dizzying quadrille, with frantic gallops. A couple rolled to the floor, fortunately it turned out to be a wife and husband. In a word, the merriment was unrestrained and exuberant ... A little more and it would have been bad. The next day, one of our wits, BS Pronin, an imperturbably calm wit, who dropped his words out of the corner of his mouth, which further strengthened the impression when he was asked how he liked the night before, without taking out his eternal cigar, and hissed: “It was very nice, a little prim ”.

This kind of fun, of course, did not work out every time, but it was always fun and pleasant. Mainly because this was the only time to get into the Winter Meeting, the young ladies loved these dinners very much and had been preparing for them for a long time.

It was easier to get into the camp Assembly. There, on the second floor, there were two rooms, arranged in the likeness of restaurant cabinets. There the officers could invite their families, or just acquaintances. This was used mainly when the officer himself could not leave the camp. On holidays, a certain number along with did not have the right to leave the camp location. But neither the lower large hall, nor the lower terrace, nor the garden, so as not to hamper the freedom of single men in their kingdom, was the ladies' element allowed. It was also not recommended for the officers to receive ladies in the camps in their barracks. The only exception was the commander's barrack, which had several rooms. But again, I do not remember that the wives of the commanders came there for more than a few hours, exclusively on holidays.

All these wise rules, the lack of compulsory communication, obligatory family amusements and the relatively very closed life of the vast majority of married officers did what, for the entire time of my close relationship with the regiment (from 1904 to 1917), I do not remember a single duel or one divorce and not a single romance story at all. Not all the regiments of the Petersburg garrison could boast of this. As a corporation, the officers' wives acted only once a year. When the regiment celebrated the regimental holiday in Tsarskoe Selo, the ladies did not go there. But if the celebration took place in St. Petersburg, in the Mikhailovsky Manege, and the empress was present at the prayer service and parade together with the sovereign, then the ladies also received invitations. At the prayer service, they stood with her, somewhat behind. His uniform was: a white hat, a white cloth or woolen tailleur suit, white gloves and fur on his neck. Those who had codes, maid of honor or institute, or medals, had to wear them. Before the prayer service, the commander's wife brought the queen a large bouquet of white roses, with wide blue, regimental, ribbons.

There were two more cases when ladies could take part in the official regimental life, but this is optional. They could come to the All-night Vigil at the Cathedral on the eve of the Introduction and stand in the officer's enclosure, and in the summer, at the end of the camp, come to Krasnoe Selo for the "dawn with a ceremony." Since both dawn and the ceremony took place at the location of our regiment, they had the opportunity to pleasantly end the evening by having dinner with their husbands and their friends on the top floor of the Sobranye.

But then came the ever-memorable August of the ever-memorable 1914. The regiment went to the theater of military operations, the regimental ladies remained in St. Petersburg. How many thousands of years people have been fighting and how many thousands of years women close to the warriors think and feel the same thing. It's not easy to fight, but to have loved one in constant danger, to fall asleep and wake up with the thought of where he is, what is with him, here he is now, perhaps at this very minute, lying on the ground and bleeding, but I do not know this and cannot help him ... harder than fighting ... From a distance, everything always seems more terrible.

And these days in St. Petersburg something happened that was understandable and natural. The wives of the officers, who had barely known each other before, were united and akin to a feeling of common alarm in the face of a common test.

Even during the mobilization, some called others by phone:

Does your husband take a thermos with him? What about a Japanese heating pad? What kind of underwear? You know silk is best; they say a complete guarantee against insects.

By the way, how many things, collected with such love and touching care, had to be thrown out in the war for their complete uselessness ... How much money, gifts and all kinds of affection received from the young "ladies" loyal, but roguish orderlies, so that they only look better for "Lieutenant" or "captain".

And when the regiment left, they began to go and call the commander's house, where they used to go once a year, grimacing. And by itself the "Semyonovsky Ladies' Committee" was formed, and the wife of the commander who led the regiment, Maria Vladimirovna Etter, turned out to be its chairman, soul and main spring.

M. V.'s Semyonov form was the most brilliant. Her father, Count V.P. Kleinmichel, was once our commander and she was born in the regiment. And then, having married IS Etter, when he was still in young ranks, she went with him, so to speak, all positions from junior officer to commander. She did not have any specific features of a “mother-commander”. In peacetime, she lived in isolation and took care of her husband and son, a 15-year-old high school student. But with the departure of the regiment to the war, the MV family grew up to four thousand at once.

By birth and by her husband, she belonged to the largest Petersburg world, but it was difficult to imagine a greater "democracy". Her own "I" did not exist for her at all. It was possible to anger her, but it was unthinkable to offend her. With the wives of the sergeant-major and with the grand princesses, she spoke in exactly the same tones. On the street, she might have been mistaken for a governess from a poor house or a music teacher running through her lessons, but by no means for what she really was. It seems that she spent the whole war in one single black dress, with a skirt always slightly on the side.

From her husband, with whom she had established a semblance of a telegraphic and written "code", MV always had the fastest and most accurate information about where the regiment was: on a campaign, in reserve, in battle or on vacation. And it is clear that a one-story wooden house, on the corner of Zagorodny and Ruzovskaya, was a magnet to which the hearts of all women who had loved ones in the regiment were drawn.

Due to a fatal mistake made by our superiors, our regiment, like all the regiments of the Russian army, went to war in an overcrowded composition. The companies had four officers each, the sergeant major were in platoons, the senior non-commissioned officers were in the ranks behind the privates. A mistake, for which we had to pay dearly, when, in the very first months of the war, half of the command staff were knocked out.

Thanks to the exorbitant number of officers who had left, the Ladies' Committee had grown enormously in its immediate appearance. In addition to wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, brides entered in a natural way. With each new arrival of officers, the committee was replenished, which immediately led the case energetically and skillfully. Of course, they did not arrange any charitable teas or breeches, but first of all they imposed contributions on themselves, and for this they reduced their expenses. Those who kept horses began to ride cabs and trams. They stopped receptions, let go of the extra servants, if this servant herself did not need help. Young beautiful women they stopped going to restaurants and instead of 10 new dresses a year they wore and remade old ones. First, they took up the families of the ensigns and sergeants who had left with the regiment. All of them were entitled to a ration, but it was completely beggarly. Then, whenever possible, they found out the addresses in Petersburg and the environs of the families of reserve soldiers who had left with the regiment. There weren't many of them, but there were such. And we must give full justice to the women of this generation. All this assistance was not at all "charity". It was thought and said that our husbands and sons are now next to each other, side by side, fighting and suffering, helping and helping each other. Likewise, we women must and must help each other.

And there were members of the Ladies' Committee, who quietly and without publicity took into their care 5 or 10 spare families.

One of the types of assistance was sewing linen from ready-made material, at a special rate, depending on the situation and capabilities of each family.

Another matter of the committee was taking care of our wounded, soldiers, of course, officers, and so there was someone to take care of. To do this, they collected information about hospitals, visited and pampered their own.

Finally, parcels were collected and sent to the regiment, again for the soldiers, with linen, tobacco, tea, sugar, sweets, etc. Parcels were sent to officers by their families, but they were also sent through the Committee.

At the end of August 14, losses began. First, they brought one killed, then two, then five, and little by little cement coffins filled the entire lower church of the regimental Cathedral.

MV always met all those killed on the platform herself. And she did even more. When telegrams about losses came from her husband to her name, she took these telegrams and went to report the terrible news to mothers and wives. Another would say on the phone, in a roundabout way, to someone not very close to slowly, carefully prepare. But she considered it her sacred duty and dealt all the blows herself.

Now it seems that maybe the bodies of the killed officers should not have been brought to Petersburg. Perhaps it would be more beautiful to bury everyone right there, on the spot, next to comrades in arms in a common grave, which is not for nothing called "brotherly". But families wanted to have at least something from their loved ones, right here, next to them, so that there was something to pray and cry over. And when there was an opportunity, it was difficult to deprive them of this consolation.

The dead were brought from the Varshavsky or from the Baltic railway station, usually in the evening. A freight train should come up to some 10th or 6th spare platform. There are a bunch of people on the empty platform. Little about. Ioann Yegorov, Protodeacon Krestovsky, next to the soldier-psalmist; he is holding a censer and a bundle with mourning vestments. Five choristers. Several officers, either wounded in recovery, or themselves the other day going to the regiment, MV Etter and several women in black. Among them, one in a thick black veil, so that it is almost impossible to find out who she is. Now she is the main person. They do not approach her and do not greet her, they only bow respectfully from a distance, but she does not notice these bows. Next to her are two, three women in black, the closest ones, a mother, a sister. She has known what happened for several days. All these days she held on with all her might, only praying and crying in her room. But now she is afraid that she will not be able to stand it ... This first date after separation is very scary. If only one of the strangers would not take it into their head to come up, take a hand, kiss, hug ... She is like a glass poured from the top. Touch him and everything will spill over. You have to wait a long time. Sometimes an hour, sometimes more. Finally the head of an endless freight train appeared. But the platform is empty. They will unload tomorrow. Now only one carriage will be unloaded. The train crept up and stopped with a crash and clang. Using a piece of paper, the weigher found the carriage, snapped off the seal with pliers, rolled the door and took off his cap and moved aside. The clergy entered the carriage and began to dress. Behind them quietly, giving each other a way, all entered, women in front, men behind. In the back on the floor there is a long, narrow, zinc box, made of ammunition boxes. The box is the same width in the legs and shoulders. On a flat cover with a cross-to-cross wire, a scabbard and a checker, with a red shabby lanyard, are soldered. Above them is a crumpled protective cap, faded from rain and sun. Hand out candles. Fanning the censer, the protodeacon quietly roars: "Bless the Lord ..." "Blessed is our God ..." Fr. John. And quietly, in a quarter of a voice, but unusually harmoniously and harmoniously, the singers enter: "Blessed art Thou, Lord, Teach me with Thy justification, Thy deceased servant rest in peace, Despising all his sins ..."

They pray for the peace of the soul of the newly departed warrior Alexander. Everything is quiet. You can only hear a train maneuvering across two tracks and a steam locomotive whistling. A woman's figure is kneeling in front, head bowed to the zinc box. The face is not visible. Everything is hidden by a black veil. No sobbing or sobbing is heard. The tears are all cried out. Her shoulders tremble only occasionally.

Other female figures in black are kneeling behind. And their prayer interferes with the thought that one wants, but cannot be driven away. Today she is the main face, and in a week, a month, or six months, I will be kneeling in the same black veil ... And in the same horribly simple, unlike a coffin, home garden box, which can no longer be opened, but it is better do not open, there will be what remains of a young, strong, cheerful, affectionate person who gave me so much happiness ... And instead of the newly departed warrior Alexander, they will chant another name that is so dear to me and which I love so much ...

Of all the Christian rituals, there is none more touching and comforting than our Orthodox memorial service. For so many hundreds of years and so many millions of grief-stricken people prayed to these words and listened to these chants full of simplicity and quiet sadness, that both these words and these chants by themselves acquired a miraculous power to send reconciliation and reassurance to a tormented and suffering soul.

We sang eternal memory. The officers lifted the box onto their shoulders. Otherwise, it is impossible to carry, there is nothing to take. They were transferred to the goods yard, where the regimental drogues stood, the simplest, black ones, in two horses. The small procession stretched along Izmailovsky Prospect, turned along the 1st company, crossed Zabalkansky and went out to Zagorodny. When they were level with the commander's house, the bells rang out. This regimental Vvedensky Cathedral, with a measured solemn ringing, met another of its parishioners.

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What is the theme of the story "Duel"?

(The main theme of the story is the crisis of Russia, all spheres of Russian life, shown through the crisis of the army.)

Teacher comment:

The critical orientation of the story was noted by Gorky, who ranked The Duel as a civil, revolutionary prose. The story had a wide resonance, brought Kuprin all-Russian glory, became a pretext for controversy in the press about the fate of the Russian army. The problems of the army always reflect the general problems of society. In this sense, Kuprin's story is still relevant today.

Dedicating the story "Duel" in its first (1905) publication to M. Gorky, Kuprin wrote to him: “Now, finally, when everything is over, I can say that everything bold and violent in my story belongs to you. If you knew how much I learned from you and how grateful I am to you for it. "

What, in your opinion, in "Duel" can be defined as "bold and violent"?


What topic, besides the crisis in the army, the crisis in Russia, is Kuprin's particular concern?

(The theme of protest against the war. Kuprin shows the senselessness and inhumanity of wars.)

Teacher comment:

The anti-war orientation of the story was noted by L.N. Tolstoy. By the way, Tolstoy's story "After the Ball", the theme of which is close to the theme of "The Duel", was also written in 1905. The main character“Duel” Romashov thinks that there should be no wars in a reasonably organized society: “Maybe all this is some kind of common mistake, some kind of universal delusion, insanity? Is it natural to kill? " Romashov naively believes that in order to eliminate the war, it is necessary that all people suddenly see their light, declare in one voice: "I do not want to fight!" and threw down their weapons. There are several thematic lines in the story: the life of officers, the combat and barracks life of soldiers, relations between people. It turns out that not all people adhere to the same pacifist views as Romashov.

How Kuprin draws images of officers?

(Kuprin perfectly knew the army environment from his many years of experience. The images of the officers are given accurately, realistically, with merciless reliability. Almost all the officers in "Duel" are nonentities, drunkards, stupid and cruel careerists and ignoramuses. Moreover, they are confident in their class and moral superiority, they contemptuously regard civilians, who are called “hazel grouses”, “shpak”, “shafirk.” Even Pushkin for them is “some kind of shpak.” Among them, it is considered “youth to scold or beat a civilian for no reason at all. , put out a lighted cigarette on his nose, slide a cylinder over his ears. ")

What is the reason for the arrogance and rudeness of the officers?

(Unbounded arrogance, perverted ideas about "the honor of the uniform" and honor in general, rudeness is a consequence of isolation, isolation from society, inactivity, stupefying drills. Some kind of blind, animal, senseless rebellion against mortal melancholy and monotony. The officers are not used to thinking and reasoning, some seriously believe that in military service, in general, “thinking is not supposed.” Recall that such thoughts were visited, for example, by Nikolai Rostov from the novel “War and Peace.”)

Teacher comment:

Literary critic Yu. V. Babicheva writes about the "Duel": "The officers of the regiment have a single" typical "face with clear signs of caste limitation, senseless cruelty, cynicism, vulgarity and arrogance. At the same time, in the course of the development of the plot, each officer, typical in his caste ugliness, at least for a moment is shown as he could have become if it were not for the destructive influence of the army. "

Do you agree that the officers in the story "Duel" have a single "typical" face? If so, how is this “unity” manifested?

Is it true that each of the officers, the heroes of Kuprin's story, "at least for a moment is shown as he could have become if it were not for the destructive influence of the army"?

(The writer shows the officers' milieu in a vertical section: corporals, junior officers, senior officers, senior officers. "With the exception of a few ambitious and careerists, all officers served as a forced, unpleasant, opposed corvee, languishing in it and not loving it." common features common to most officers, each of them has individual features, outlined so vividly and expressively that the image becomes almost symbolic.)

What can you say about the image of Osadchy?

(The image of the Osadchy is ominous. "He is a cruel man," Romashov says about him. The cruelty of the Osadchy was constantly experienced by the soldiers, trembling from his thunderous voice and the inhuman force of the blows. In the Osadchy company, soldiers suicides more often than in others. The bloodthirsty Osadchy in disputes about a duel insists on the need for a fatal outcome of the duel - “otherwise it will only be a stupid pity ... a comedy.” At a picnic he makes a toast “to the joy of previous wars, to merry bloody cruelty.” In a bloody battle, he finds pleasure, he is intoxicated by the smell of blood, he is ready to chop, stab, shoot all his life - no matter who and for what (chapters VIII, XIV).)

Tell us about your impressions of Captain Sliva.

(Captain Plum - “even in the regiment, which, due to the conditions of wild provincial life, did not differ in a particularly humane direction, he was some kind of outlandish monument to this fierce military antiquity.” He did not read a single book, not a single newspaper, and despised everything that He is a sluggish, degraded man, he brutally, to the point of blood, beats soldiers, but he is attentive to the soldiers' needs: he does not detain money, he personally watches over the company boiler (Chapter X).)

What is the difference between the image of Captain Stelkovsky?

(Perhaps only the image of Captain Stelkovsky - patient, cold-blooded, persistent - does not cause disgust. The soldiers "truly loved him: perhaps the only example in the Russian army" (Chapter XV).)

What are the distinctive features of Bek-Agamalov?

(Bek-Agamalov boasts of his ability to chop, regretfully says that he probably won’t cut a man in half: “I’ll take my head to the devil, I know that, but so that obliquely ... no. My father did it easily ...” (“Yes, there were people in our time ...”) With this evil eyes, with a humped nose and bared teeth, he “looked like some kind of predatory, angry and proud bird” (Chapter I).

Bek-Agamalov's features are present in each of the officers. Many are generally bestial. During a scandal in a brothel, this bestial essence comes through especially clearly: in the bulging eyes of Bek-Agamalov "naked round squirrels glittered terribly", his head "was low and menacingly lowered", "an ominous yellow shine lit up in his eyes." “And at the same time, he bent his legs lower and lower, cringed all over and absorbed his neck, like an animal ready to take a leap.”)

How do the officers feel after the scandal in the brothel?

(After this scandal, which ended in a fight and a challenge to a duel, “everyone dispersed, embarrassed, depressed, avoiding looking at each other. Everyone was afraid to read in other people's eyes his own horror, his slavish, guilty longing - the horror and longing of small, evil and dirty animals (Chapter XIX).)

Teacher comment:

Let's pay attention to the contrast of this description with the following description of the dawn “with a clear, childishly clear sky and still cool air. The trees, wet, shrouded in a barely visible steam, silently woke up from their dark, mysterious night dreams. Romashov feels "short, ugly, ugly and infinitely stranger among this innocent beauty of the morning, smiling from sleep."

How are the "regimental ladies" depicted?

(The officers' wives are as predatory and bloodthirsty as their husbands. Regimental ladies are the personification of extreme squalor. Their everyday life is woven of gossip, provincial social play, boring and vulgar connections. The most repulsive image is Raisa Peterson, evil, stupid, depraved and “Oh, how disgusting she is!” Romashov thinks of her with disgust. 4-Note the thought of his former physical intimacy with this woman, he had the feeling as if he had not washed for several months and had not changed clothes (Chapter IX) The other “ladies” are no better. ”Even the outwardly charming Shurochka Nikolaeva shows the features of Osadchy, who does not seem to resemble her: she advocates fights with a fatal outcome, says:“ I would shoot such people like mad dogs. ”Truly female in her not left: "I do not want a child. Fu, what disgusting!" - she confesses to Romashov (Chapter XIV).)

What is the feature of the soldier image?

(The soldiers are depicted as masses, variegated in their ethnic composition, but gray in essence. The soldiers are completely powerless: the officers vent their anger at them, beat them, crush their teeth, break eardrums. Kuprin also gives individualized images (there are about twenty of them in the story). ordinary soldiers - in Chapter XI: poorly thinking, slow-witted Bondarenko, intimidated, deafened by the shouts of Arkhipov, who “does not understand and cannot memorize the simplest things,” Khlebnikov, a loser, educated, intelligent, independent Fokin.)

What is the role of Khlebnikov's image?

(The image of an ordinary Khlebnikov, a landless, ruined and impoverished Russian peasant, "shaved into soldiers", is detailed more than others. Khlebnikov's soldier lot is painful and pitiful. Corporal punishment and constant humiliation are his lot. Sick and weak, with a face "in a fist" , on which an absurdly upturned dirty nose stuck up, with eyes in which a dull, obedient horror froze, this soldier became in the company a universal laughing stock and an object for bullying and abuse. He felt sorry for Khlebnikov, Romashov said: "Khlebnikov, do you feel bad? And I feel bad, my dear ... I do not understand anything of what is happening in the world. Everything is some wild, senseless, cruel nonsense! But we must endure, my dear, you have to endure ... ”Cruelty, injustice, and the absurdity of the way of life become obvious, but the hero sees no way out of this horror except patience.)


In 1905, in the collection "Knowledge" (No. 6), the story "The Duel", dedicated to M. Gorky, was published. It was published during the Tsushima tragedy1 and immediately became a significant social and literary event. The hero of the story, second lieutenant Romashov, to whom Kuprin gave autobiographical features, also tried to write a novel about the military: "He was drawn to write a story or a large novel, the outline of which would be the horror and boredom of military life."

The fiction story (and at the same time the document) about the stupid and rotted to the core officer caste, about the army, held only by fear and humiliation of the soldiers, the best part of the officers welcomed. Kuprin received grateful reviews from different parts of the country. However, most of the officers, typical heroes of The Duel, were outraged.

There are several thematic lines in the story: the officer's environment, the combat and barracks life of soldiers, personal relations between people. “By their ... purely human qualities, the officers of the Kuprin story are very different people.<...>... almost every officer possesses the necessary minimum of “good feelings”, fancifully mixed with cruelty, rudeness, indifference ”(ON Mikhailov). Colonel Shulgovich, Captain Sliva, Captain Osadchiy are different people, but they are all retrogrades of army education and training. Young officers, in addition to Romashov, are represented by Vetkin, Bobetinsky, Olizar, Lobov, Bek-Agamalov. As the embodiment of everything rude and inhuman among the officers of the regiment, Captain Osadchiy stands out. A man of wild passions, cruel, full of hatred for everything, a supporter of stick discipline, he is opposed to the main character of the story, second lieutenant Romashov.

Against the background of degraded, rude officers and their wives, plunged into "cupids" and "gossip", it seems unusual Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva, Shurochka. For Romashov, she is ideal. Shurochka is one of Kuprin's most successful female images. She is attractive, intelligent, emotional, but also reasonable, pragmatic. Shurochka seems to be truthful by nature, but she lies when her interests demand it. She preferred Nikolaev to Kazansky, whom she loved, but who could not take her away from the boondocks. Close to her in his spiritual structure, "dear Romochka", who loves her ardently and unselfishly, captivates her, but turns out to be also an inappropriate party.

The image of the protagonist of the story is given in dynamics. Romashov, being at first in the circle of book representations, in the world of romantic heroism, ambitious aspirations, gradually regains his sight. In this image, the features of the Kuprin hero are most fully embodied - a person with self-esteem and justice, he is easily vulnerable, often defenseless. Among the officers Romashov does not find like-minded people, all are strangers to him, with the exception of Nazansky, in conversations with whom he gives up his soul. The painful emptiness of army life pushed Romashov to contact the regimental "seducer", the wife of Captain Peterson, Raisa. Of course, this soon becomes unbearable for him.

In contrast to other officers, Romashov has a human attitude towards soldiers. He shows concern for Khlebnikov, who is constantly humiliated and downtrodden; may, contrary to the regulations, tell the senior officer about the next injustice, but he is powerless to change anything in this system. The service oppresses him. Romashov comes to the idea of ​​denying the war: “Let’s say, tomorrow, let’s say, this very second this thought occurred to everyone: Russians, Germans, British, Japanese ... and now there is no more war, there are no officers and soldiers, everyone went home ".

Romashov is a type of passive dreamer, his dream is not a source of inspiration, not a stimulus for direct action, but a means of escape, escape from reality. The attraction of this hero is in his sincerity.

Having gone through a mental crisis, he goes into a kind of duel with this world. The duel with the unlucky Nikolayev, which ends the story, becomes a private expression of Romashov's irreconcilable conflict with reality. However, the simple, ordinary, "natural" Romashov, who stands out from his environment, with tragic inevitability turns out to be too weak and lonely to gain the upper hand. Betrayed by his beloved, in her own way charming, life-loving, but selfishly prudent Shurochka, Romashov dies.

In 1905, Kuprin witnessed the execution of the insurgent sailors on the cruiser Ochakov and helped to hide several survivors from the cruiser. These events were reflected in his essay "Events in Sevastopol", after the publication of which a court case was opened against Kuprin - he was forced to leave Sevastopol within 24 hours.

1907-1909 - a difficult period in Kuprin's creative and personal life, accompanied by feelings of disappointment and confusion after the defeat of the revolution, family troubles, a break with Knowledge. Changes have also taken place in the writer's political views. The revolutionary explosion still seemed inevitable to him, but now it frightened him a lot. "Disgusting ignorance will finish off beauty and science ..." - he writes ("Army and Revolution in Russia").

The story "The Duel" was published in 1905 and immediately made A. I. Kuprin popular. This is not surprising at all, because no work of that time described the army and its manners with such a degree of skill. In this article we will talk about the heroes of the aforementioned work, and also reveal the image of Romashov in the story "Duel" by Kuprin.

The idea of ​​the composition

The material for this work was given to the author by life itself. The writer graduated from the cadet school, and then served in an infantry regiment for four years. The story is based on all the impressions accumulated during this time. Therefore, the author managed to depict episodes of army life so realistically and enrich the work with a whole gallery of soldiers and officers' portraits. The image of Romashov in the story "The Duel" will be revealed a little later, but for now we will briefly tell you about the other heroes.


The life and service of the officers of the N regiment have common features. Their life is a daily routine, consisting of studying army regulations, drill, officers' meetings, drinking with friends, gambling and adultery with other people's wives.

On the other hand, each officer is endowed with individuality and stands out in some way from the general background. For example, the good-natured and unassuming lieutenant Vetkin. He does not think about the future and lives only in army days. Company Commander Plum is a rude, stupid campaigner with a hard temper and a craving for tough discipline. He is not interested in anything that is outside the charter, the formation and the company. Plum has only two affections: solitary drunkenness in the evenings and the combat beauty of her own company. Lieutenant Bek-Agamalov constantly fights with outbursts of bloodthirsty instincts and cannot cope with them. Captain Osadchy is somewhat reminiscent of the image of Romashov in the story "Duel", but, unlike Yuri, he is excessively cruel. The captain literally sings the merciless war, thereby instilling awe in his subordinates. The gallery of characters is continued by the passive and melancholy Captain Leshchenko, who by his appearance makes him melancholy; dummy and fat Bobetinsky, who considers himself a high society man with graceful manners; young old man, lieutenant Olizar and others. I am sincerely sorry for the beggar widow lieutenant Zegrzht, who barely has enough salary to feed four children. Before we reveal the image of Romashov in the story "Duel", we will briefly talk about two colorful characters.

Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky

To escape routine and boredom, each officer invented a certain occupation for himself, which helped to get away from the heavy nonsense of army service. Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky, nicknamed Brehm, had a home menagerie. Among his colleagues, he was known as a man of the kindest soul, a nice and sweet eccentric. But one day the tired bugler did not follow his order as it was supposed to, and this good-natured man just got furious, hitting the soldier in the jaw with such force that he lost several teeth.

Captain Stelkovsky

Military affairs were his vocation. He took care of his own soldiers, so his company was the best in the regiment: it was as if all the people in it were specially selected. They walked well-fed, lively, soberly assessed the environment and were not afraid to look any superiors in the eyes. In Stelkovsky's company they did not swear or fight. By training and appearance it was in no way inferior to any guards unit. At military reviews, the captain showed himself to be a proactive, quick-witted and resourceful commander. However, outside of service, there is no nobility in his actions: he seduces young peasant women. This became a kind of entertainment for the captain.

Two main characters

Be patient, a little more - and we will describe the image of Romashov. "Duel" reveals to us the spiritual devastation, inhumanity, vulgarization and shredding of people in the conditions of military service. Whom does the author oppose to the officer environment with its stubborn officer caste? Lieutenant Romashov and his senior friend - officer Nazansky. They personify the humanistic principle in the work. Let's dwell on them in more detail. And let's start, of course, with the first one. So, how does the author draws the image of Romashov in the story "Duel"?

Yuri Romashov

Many literary historians and critics agree that Kuprin put his autobiographical features into the image of the protagonist: Yuri was born in the city of Narovchata, he does not remember his father (only his mother), he spent his childhood in Moscow, studied at the cadet corps, and then went to the military school. All this corresponds to the circumstances of Kuprin's life.

Yuri Romashov appears before the reader as a charming young man who attracts with his spiritual purity and nobility. It is these qualities that do not allow the lieutenant to adapt to the army environment. Yuri is simple-minded and kind, has a childish dreaminess and vivid imagination. And almost all the people around him are vicious and have forgotten how to think. Therefore, the lieutenant feels lonely and a stranger among the soldiers: for a year and a half as an officer, he was constantly tormented by the feeling of being lost and lonely among indifferent and unfriendly people. Yuri did not like the rough habits of the military, vulgar contacts, drinking, cards, bullying of soldiers.

The image of Romashov in the story "Duel" by Kuprin was thought out in such a way as to awaken the reader's compassion and sympathy for someone else's misfortune. So, Yuri stood up for the Tatar Sharafutdinov, who knows little Russian and practically does not understand the orders of the colonel. He also kept Khlebnikov from committing suicide (the soldiers drove him to despair by beatings and bullying). Unlike other military men, Yuri understands that no matter how monotonous and submissive and nondescript Khlebnikov is, he is actually a living person, and not a mechanical value.

The lieutenant's humanity manifested itself in something else: in the discussion of soldiers' reprisals against civilians, in relation to the orderly Gaynan and his pagan beliefs, in his feelings about a vulgar romance with Raisa Peterson, etc.

The image of Romashov in the story "Duel" (with quotes)

After A.I. was published and gained popularity, the most beloved phrases of the protagonist immediately began to appear in literary publications. We also decided to choose the most best quotes Yuri Romashov, who most accurately reveal his character. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

About love for Alexandra Petrovna:

“Love is the most amazing and wonderful feeling. It is a great happiness just to see your beloved at least once a year. For her and for any of her whims, I am ready to give my life. "

About soldiers:

“The officers are embittered and stupid, but at the same time they are proud of the“ honor of the uniform ”. They beat the privates every day, turning them into obedient and faceless slaves. No matter who they were before the army, it made them indistinguishable from each other. "

About vocation:

"The idea that a person has only three proud vocations: free physical labor, art and science is becoming clearer and clearer for me."


The image of Romashov in the story "Duel" (you could read the quotes characterizing the hero above) is the main one in the work. But one cannot fail to note Nazansky - as the least vital character of the work. Apparently, the author introduced it to express his worldview and cherished thoughts. You ask, why not embody all this in the image of the main character? We think that the author considered the lieutenant too uneducated and too young to express this philosophy. And Nazansky came up perfectly and very well complemented the image of Romashov. Kuprin's "duel" is good because it contains many characters that complement each other.

Philosophy of Nazansky

The Gospel teaching about love for one's neighbor is alien to Nazan. He believes that over time, love for humanity will be replaced by love for oneself: one's mind, body and endless variety of feelings ... “Everyone should be the king of the world, its pride and adornment, and take whatever he wants. There is no need to be afraid of anyone, you have no equal. The time will come, and faith in one's own self will overshadow all people. And then there will be no envy, no anger, no vices, no pity, no colleagues, no masters, no slaves. People will turn into gods. " This position of the character echoes the theory of the superman in the spirit of Nietzsche. She was quite popular in the early 20th century. Apparently, the author of the work was also carried away by it.


So, we gave a description of the main characters of the story and, we hope, fully covered the topic: “Kuprin. "Duel": the image of Romashov ". And the last ...

Although the lieutenant listened to Nazansky with admiration, the teachings of Nietzsche were alien to him. He does not accept contempt for the weak and defenseless. Suffice it to recall how Yuri was kind to Gaynan and how he treated Khlebnikov with care. Despite the brilliance and intelligence of Nazansky, the image of Romashov in the story "Duel" is much more noble and attractive. Apparently, the author, having made him so, wanted to convey to the reader the idea that a decent and honest person will always be above the rest and will win spiritually.

Female images

AI Kuprin's story "The Duel" was first published in 1905. In it, the author showed all the shortcomings of an officer's life, which he himself knew firsthand. To the main character of the story, the young second lieutenant Romashov, he slightly gave autobiographical features. Reading the story, we see that it has several thematic lines at once. First of all, it is the officers' environment. Then the combatant and barracks life of the soldiers and, finally, the personal relationships of people.

As for the "regimental ladies", the author did not endow them positive qualities... Living for many years in an officer's environment, they have become more pragmatic, tougher and callous. Kuprin openly calls some of the officers' wives “dolls” and “dummies”. They are cutesy, they use sugary perfume, they are ready to whiten their entire face with makeup, but their souls remain dark at the same time. Such, for example, is the mature married lady Raisa Peterson, who gets the main character of the young second lieutenant with her harassment.

Tired of constant persecution, he refuses the woman and asks to leave him alone. But Peterson is not happy with this alignment.

He learns that Romashov is in the Nikolayevs' house in the evenings and begins to suspect him of warm relations with the wife of the lieutenant Shurochka. Then the vexed woman begins to write anonymous letters to Nikolaev asking him to pay attention to his wife's behavior. These anonymous letters subsequently become the cause of a breakdown in friendly relations between both officers.

So the author shows that Raisa is a vulgar and insignificant nature, with the absence of any moral principles. Besides, she's not the only one in the garrison. There are also evil hypocritical gossips, the wife of Captain Telman and A.I. Migunov. As for Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva (Shurochka), her only author portrays more or less virtuous, reasonable and charming. She does not participate in the regimental gossip and intrigues, does not play vulgar games of seduction.

At the same time, she shows a little more than just friendly relations to Romashov. Shurochka is smart, talented and interesting. She knows how to win over a person, knows with whom and how to communicate, has a natural taste in choosing clothes. The author shows that her main task is to help her mediocre husband pass the exam at the academy and not lose face. For the sake of this stupid and incompetent person, she sacrifices the Romashovs. For this reason, all its merits at the end of the work are reduced to zero.

Shurochka was also loved by Nazansky even before Nikolaev, but she refused him. Since then, a tense relationship has developed between the two lieutenants. Thus, despite all its merits, the main character of the story is also not the best female image ever described by Kuprin. The character of this woman is true and realistic, but her prudence led to the death of her best friend.

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Other works on this topic:

  1. Honor and dishonor The story "The Duel" is considered one of the best works of A. I. Kuprin. In the center of the story is the life of army officers. The author managed to create a whole gallery ...
  2. Friendship and enmity The story "Duel" is one of the few works by Kuprin devoted to the theme of the Russian army. The author himself studied at the military academy, which was later transformed into ...
  3. We meet Yuri Romashov in the second year of his service in the regiment. From the very beginning of our acquaintance with the young second lieutenant, we see in him a dreamer, nature ...
The story of the remarkable Russian writer A. I. Kuprin "Duel
”Was published in 1905 and was a resounding success. Publication
works coincided with the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan,
and many readers saw in the "Duel" an explanation of the weakness of the Russian
army. Probably no one before Kuprin denounced with such force
army shortcomings. The writer knew from his own experience
with regimental life: for ten years he studied in military institutions,
he served in the army for four years. In "Duel" Kuprin drew
a broad and detailed picture of the life of the provincial regiment, created
a whole gallery of types of Russian officers.
The regimental atmosphere makes a heavy, depressing impression.
Young officer Romashov, whom the author has endowed in many ways with his own
experiences, can not get used to the army
life in the wilderness. Most of all, Romashov outrages the inhuman
the attitude of officers towards ordinary soldiers. Beating up the privates is
commonplace, desperate soldiers commit suicide like this twice
takes place in the Osadchy company, or they try to escape, although for de-
even more severe punishment awaits them. Romashov, in contrast
from the majority of officers, refers to the soldiers in a human way:
protests against assault; protects the poorly understood
in Russian a Tatar in front of the regiment commander, for which he is subjected to
house arrest; communicates in a friendly manner with the orderly Gaynak. Most
Khlebnikov is vividly depicted in the story - miserable, sick, downtrodden
and a frightened soldier. After an unsuccessful inspection, Romashov feels
human kinship with the unfortunate soldier, begins to patronize
him, not paying attention to the ridicule of his colleagues.
The interests of the service are of little interest to officers, they are reluctant to go
on the parade ground, serve the allotted time, and in the evenings they gather in the club,
to play, to drink, to start dirty intrigues with the "regimental
ladies ". The action culminates in a viewing scene at
which the regiment fails in disgrace. The soldiers either arrange
"Corps de ballet" instead of normal marching, as it happens
with the Osadchy company, or even stray from the step and turn
into a formless crowd, as in Romashov's company. Arrived General
sees the downtrodden, frightened privates, incapable of real combat
actions, and lazy, indifferent, rude officers, formally
performing command duties. Happy exception
- Stelkovsky's company - does not save the day.
Romashov turns out to be the main culprit in the disorder in his
company. He is led by a tendency to empty daydreaming, and even in
the most inopportune moment - during the ceremonial passage
companies in front of the general. Awkward, shy Romashov imagines
himself a handsome man - an officer whom the general wants to take
aide-de-camp, "an object of general admiration, an excellent center
the whole world ", not noticing that he got lost while marching off the line,
crumpled and upset the movement of the whole company.
Kuprin sympathetically portrays the main character, but does not hide
his inner weakness, laziness, limitation. Romashov is capable
on a noble impulse, he is not afraid to grab Bek-Agamalov by the hand,
when he, in a rage, swung his sword at the woman. But the main
the hero lacks the strength of character to resist the general
vulgarity, self-education. There is a present in his life,
deep feeling - love for Shurochka Nikolaeva, and Romashov
inexperience falls into the nets of the "regimental lady", Raisa Peterson.
He tries to break the vulgar connection, and the offended mistress takes revenge
with the help of dirty anonymous letters, because of which there is a quarrel
Romashova and Nikolaev, which led to a duel. Romashov is ready for anything
for the sake of Shurochka, but his beloved is most concerned with her own
well-being. Having obtained from Romashov a promise to shoot
duel past, she sends him to certain death. Love
intrigue plays a secondary role in the story. Kuprin shows
that real feelings have no place in the rough and vulgar world.
Among the numerous images of officers, there is not one truly
worthy character. Even the "clever" Stelkovsky turns out to be
hidden libertine. Feel good in the army
aggressive Bek-Agamalov and Osadchy, but they also experience seizures
melancholy and drown it with vodka. The old officers have long been hardened
soul, mechanically perform their duties and seek
ways to forget, to escape from the painful everyday life. Dearest
at first glance, Rafalsky-Brehm seems to be an eccentric zoologist,
who gathered his personal home menagerie, but Romashov learns that
Brehm knocked out the bugler's teeth for a misplayed signal. Noble
Nazansky giving heated accusatory monologues
against the army and advising Romashov to be released from
this stuffy "closet", he himself is no longer capable of an act and can
only drink alone. In a word, none of the heroes can be
named an exemplary officer and a worthy man.
The title of the story is multifaceted. On the one hand, Kuprin continues
the tradition of classical Russian literature and shows
the inhuman essence of a duel. The main character dies just at that
the moment when he experienced an internal coup and stood on the doorstep
new life. On the other hand, the name has a symbolic
meaning. Romashov's short life is an unequal duel with a tough
and a vulgar environment that kills all the best in a person. Hero of Kuprin
dies, but the writer himself, fortunately, managed to escape from
army bondage and write an open, terrible truth about it.

The story "Duel" was published in 1905. This is a story about the conflict of a humanistic worldview and violence that flourished in the army at that time. The story reflects the vision of the army order by Kuprin himself. Many heroes of the work are characters from real life the writer he encountered during the service.

Yuri Romashov, a young second lieutenant who is seriously experiencing the general moral decay that reigns in army circles. He often visits Vladimir Nikolaev, with whose wife Alexander (Shurochka) he is secretly in love. Romashov also maintains a vicious relationship with Raisa Peterson, the wife of his colleague. This romance ceased to give him any joy, and one day he decided to break off the relationship. Raisa intended to take revenge. Soon after their break, someone began to bombard Nikolaev with anonymous letters with hints of a special connection between his wife and Romashov. Because of these notes, Shurochka asks Yuri to no longer visit their house.

However, the young second lieutenant also had other troubles. He did not allow the non-commissioned officers to arrange fights, constantly arguing with the officers who supported moral and physical violence against the wards, which caused the discontent of the command. Romashov's financial situation also left much to be desired. He is lonely, the service for him loses its meaning, his soul is bitter and dreary.

During the ceremonial march, the second lieutenant had to endure the most terrible shame in his life. Yuri was simply daydreaming and made a fatal mistake by breaking the formation.

After this incident, Romashov, tormenting himself with memories of ridicule and general censure, did not notice how he found himself close to railroad... There he met the soldier Khlebnikov, who wanted to commit suicide. Khlebnikov, through tears, talked about how they mocked him in the company, about beatings and ridicule that had no end. Then Romashov became even more vividly aware that each faceless gray company consists of separate destinies, and each destiny matters. His grief faded against the background of the grief of Khlebnikov and those like him.

A little later, a soldier hanged himself in one of the mouths. This incident led to a wave of drunkenness. During the drinking bout, a conflict broke out between Romashov and Nikolaev, which entailed a duel.

Before the duel, Shurochka came to Romashov's house. She began to appeal to the second lieutenant's tender feelings, saying that they must shoot, because refusing to duel could be misinterpreted, but none of the duelists should be wounded. Shurochka assured Romashov that her husband agreed to these conditions and their agreement would remain secret. Yuri agreed.

As a result, despite Shurochka's assurances, Nikolaev mortally wounded the second lieutenant.

The main characters of the story

Yuri Romashov

The central character of the work. A kind, shy and romantic young man who does not like the harsh military manners. He dreamed of a literary career, often walked, plunging into reflections, dreams of another life.

Alexandra Nikolaeva (Shurochka)

The object of Romashov's sighing. At first glance, this is a talented, charming, energetic and intelligent woman, she is alien to gossip and intrigues in which local ladies participate. However, in practice, it turns out that she is much more insidious than all of them. Shurochka dreamed of a luxurious metropolitan life, everything else did not matter to her.

Vladimir Nikolaev

Shurochka's unlucky husband. He does not shine with intelligence, fails the entrance exams to the academy. Even his wife, helping him to prepare for admission, mastered almost the entire program, but Vladimir did not succeed.


Demanding and stern colonel, often dissatisfied with Romashov's behavior.


An officer-philosopher who loves to talk about the structure of the army, about good and evil in general, is prone to alcoholism.

Raisa Peterson

Romashov's mistress, wife of Captain Peterson. This is a gossip and schemer, not burdened with any principles. She is busy playing at secularism, talking about luxury, but inside her there is spiritual and moral poverty.

In "Duel" A. Kuprin demonstrates to the reader all the defectiveness of the army. The main character, Lieutenant Romashov, is more and more disappointed in the service, finding it meaningless. He sees the cruelty with which officers treat their subordinates, becomes a witness to assault, which is not suppressed by the leadership.

Most of the officers have come to terms with the existing order. Some find in him an opportunity to take out their own grievances on others through moral and physical violence, to show the cruelty inherent in character. Others simply accept reality and, not wanting to fight, seek an outlet. Drunkenness often becomes this outlet. Even Nazansky, an intelligent and talented person, drowns in a bottle the thoughts of the hopelessness and injustice of the system.

A conversation with the soldier Khlebnikov, who constantly endures bullying, asserts Romashova in the opinion that this whole system is rotten through and through and has no right to exist. In his reflections, the second lieutenant comes to the conclusion that there are only three occupations worthy of an honest person: science, art and free physical labor. The army, on the other hand, is a whole class, which in peacetime uses the benefits earned by other people, and in wartime it goes to kill the same warriors like themselves. It makes no sense. Romashov thinks about what would happen if all people in one voice said “no” to war, and the need for an army would disappear by itself.

The duel between Romashov and Nikolaev is a confrontation between honesty and deceit. Romashov was killed by betrayal. Both then and now, the life of our society is a duel between cynicism and compassion, adherence to principles and immorality, humanity and cruelty.

You can also read one of the most prominent and popular Russian writers of the first half of the twentieth century.

Surely you will be interested in a summary of the most successful, according to Alexander Kuprin, imbued with a fabulous, or even mystical atmosphere.

The main idea of ​​the story

The problems raised by Kuprin in "Duel" go far beyond the army. The author points out the shortcomings of society as a whole: social inequality, the gap between the intelligentsia and the common people, spiritual decline, the problem of the relationship between society and an individual.

The story "Duel" received a positive response from Maxim Gorky. He argued that this work should deeply affect "every honest and thinking officer."

5 (100%) 1 vote

Female images

AI Kuprin's story "The Duel" was first published in 1905. In it, the author showed all the shortcomings of an officer's life, which he himself knew firsthand. To the main character of the story, the young second lieutenant Romashov, he slightly gave autobiographical features. Reading the story, we see that it has several thematic lines at once. First of all, it is the officers' environment. Then the combatant and barracks life of the soldiers and, finally, the personal relationships of people.

Living for many years in an officer's environment, they have become more pragmatic, tougher and callous. Kuprin openly calls some of the officers' wives “dolls” and “dummies”. They are cutesy, they use sugary perfume, they are ready to whiten their entire face with makeup, but their souls remain dark at the same time. Such, for example, is the mature married lady Raisa Peterson, who gets the main character of the young second lieutenant with her harassment.

Tired of constant persecution, he refuses the woman and asks to leave him alone. But Peterson is not happy with this alignment. He learns that Romashov is at the Nikolaevs' house in the evenings and begins

suspect him of a warm relationship with the wife of the lieutenant Shurochka. Then the vexed woman begins to write anonymous letters to Nikolaev asking him to pay attention to his wife's behavior. These anonymous letters subsequently become the cause of a breakdown in friendly relations between both officers.

So the author shows that Raisa is a vulgar and insignificant nature, with the absence of any moral principles. Besides, she's not the only one in the garrison. There are also evil hypocritical gossips, the wife of Captain Telman and A.I. Migunov. As for Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva (Shurochka), her only author portrays more or less virtuous, reasonable and charming. She does not participate in the regimental gossip and intrigues, does not play vulgar games of seduction.

At the same time, she shows a little more than just friendly relations to Romashov. Shurochka is smart, talented and interesting. She knows how to win over a person, knows with whom and how to communicate, has a natural taste in choosing clothes. The author shows that her main task is to help her mediocre husband pass the exam at the academy and not lose face. For the sake of this stupid and incompetent person, she sacrifices the Romashovs. For this reason, all its merits at the end of the work are reduced to zero.

Shurochka was also loved by Nazansky even before Nikolaev, but she refused him. Since then, a tense relationship has developed between the two lieutenants. Thus, despite all its merits, the main character of the story is also not the best female image ever described by Kuprin. The character of this woman is true and realistic, but her prudence led to the death of her best friend.

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