Woman fiery rooster Capricorn. Characteristics and compatibility of a male Capricorn born in the year of the rooster

Such Roosters are not talkative, calm and restrained - real conservatives. Stubborn, serious Capricorn-Roosters are not inclined to compromise. They are distinguished by endurance and patience, they act decisively: under any circumstances they stubbornly defend their point of view. They give the impression of emotionally cold, closed people. However, behind the mask of equanimity, there is a rather sensitive nature. People of this combination are looking for love and understanding, although they are not ready to admit it. According to the combined horoscope, Capricorn-Rooster is a leader: radiates strength and self-confidence. Has the gift of persuasion, easily captivates others with his ideas. There is so much charisma and charm in the Rooster-Capricorn that it is impossible not to believe him.

Capricorn Rooster traits

This brave, decisive person is famous for his endurance, the ability to endure all troubles. Distinctive feature sign Rooster-Capricorn - adherence to principles: true to himself and his ideals. It cannot be confused or misled. If Capricorn-Rooster has decided - it will be so. This is a deeply decent person, it is not in his rules to behave in an inappropriate way. He never violates generally accepted moral norms, on the contrary, he is the guardian of order. Although the perky Rooster adds unpredictability to the judicious Capricorn, this person is still a role model. Possesses a lot of advantages: strength, courage, perseverance, responsibility. The people around do not just trust the Rooster-Capricorn, but admire his talents.

Capricorn-Rooster is a born fighter: fearlessly accepts the challenges of fate. I am ready to fight to the last for my beliefs. Capricorn-Rooster is a successful combination that endows its representatives with amazing strength and determination. These people clearly know what they want from life, they themselves decide with whom to communicate, which path to follow. They rely only on their own strength and do not ask for help - they are too proud and self-confident. Rooster-Capricorn is perceptive, smart and logical, therefore it easily calculates all possible risks. Even failure, which happens to him very rarely, will not force him to retreat. Will find a way to get around all the obstacles and will definitely succeed. Moreover, he acts not only in his own interests, but also for the good of society.

Despite his busyness, the Capricorn Rooster loves to shine in society. This is a pleasant, easy-going person, although he gives the impression of arrogant pride. He does not seek to please everyone, without exception, but he is always glad to hear something pleasant about himself. He is not indifferent to compliments, needs support, although he is afraid to admit it. However, Capricorn-Rooster trusts few people, does not like obsessive people, in every possible way avoids communication with them. He carefully chooses friends, he is ready to become a reliable support for them, a loyal comrade. But he will never give up the position of a leader, cannot relax and let go of the situation. Sometimes it is too restless and capricious - it does not tolerate pressure and neglect. Still, being the perfect person is a difficult task.

Capricorn Rooster compatibility (love & family)

The prudent Capricorn-Rooster is used to taking a responsible approach to all issues, his personal life is no exception. He is in no hurry to make a choice: he looks closely at people for a long time. By love horoscope Capricorn-Rooster is an selective, picky partner. It is very difficult to please this discerning person, but you can be completely confident in him. If he started courting, there will be a wedding. True, the chosen one or the chosen one should be prepared for the fact that their opinion in this matter is not the main one.

Capricorn-Rooster loves his loved ones, carefully calculates all the details family life: order, cleanliness, comfort. He does not listen to the opinion of the second half, always and in everything relies only on himself. Capricorn-Rooster is ready to surround loved ones with love and care, the only condition is: he is a leader. This is a temperamental and unpredictable person - the influence of the Rooster affects, therefore, outbursts of rage and aggression are inherent in him. But only in exceptional cases: comments and criticism from loved ones.

Capricorn Rooster business (career & goals)

For the ambitious Rooster-Capricorn, it is important to be able to take place in the profession. He will never accept defeat: he achieves his goals with amazing persistence. Does not fuss and does not try to get around obstacles: the more difficult the problem, the sweeter the success. Thanks to hard work and dedication, Capricorn-Rooster quickly reaches leadership positions. But as a subordinate, he is not very convincing: he does not like to follow instructions. Although he is smart, reasonable and very responsible - he is a professional in his field.

Roosters-Capricorns do not just work, but serve lofty goals. They choose professions that can benefit society, although they do not forget about their own ambitions. These people are cramped within certain limits: the enthusiasm and fearlessness of the Rooster, combined with the discipline of Capricorn, is the key to success in any field. People with this combination of signs become successful actors, athletes and businessmen. In addition, Roosters-Capricorns are suitable for professions related to calculations, planning or scientific activities.

These men prefer not to scatter words, but they like to show off, try to make a favorable impression. Reliable, serious Capricorn-Roosters are of keen interest among women. They seem to be real men, able to support in difficult moment... They are determined to create a strong family, they are not interested in short-term novels. Capricorn-Rooster is a decisive man, therefore he will definitely achieve the favor of his chosen one. In the family, the decisive word can belong only to him, this is the leader and indisputable authority for the wife and children. Does not tolerate objections, especially criticism. But for his loved ones he creates the best conditions, works hard, not sparing mental and physical strength.

The purposeful Capricorn-Rooster woman is trying to achieve fame by any means. It is important for her to take place in the profession, so she spends all her strength on work. The truth is very supportive of the courtship of fans. He loves to listen to compliments, he will be glad if a man takes on himself the solution of all everyday issues. Capricorn-Rooster is a faithful woman, she will not flirt and seek adventure on the side, she is too absorbed in her favorite work. She can be entrusted with any secret and secret, if necessary, she will help in word and deed. She will be happy in union with a man who is ready to recognize her superiority. The support of a loved one will give her strength in solving the most difficult problems.

If you believe the characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Rooster man, then these are quite self-confident individuals who are used to relying solely on their own opinion in everything.

Intelligence and unique talents distinguish this nature from the general gray mass.


The Capricorn-Rooster man is a realist and perfectionist who is not used to being distracted by all sorts of little things. Entertainment and love are always in second place for him, and he is ready to give himself up to his beloved work without a trace. And, it is worth noting, he does not feel any discomfort and remorse about this. On the contrary, Capricorn-Rooster will furiously defend his right to a career, trying to convince other people that he is right. The characteristic of the Capricorn-Rooster man describes the representatives of this zodiacal type as very persistent personalities who do not know the word "compromise". In their attitude to certain events, they are decisive and unshakable. Having made a decision about some issue, they no longer stop and move only forward, regardless of obstacles.

At the same time, Capricorn-Rooster is a bright and cheerful nature. Since childhood, he has shown great interest in communication and attracts the attention of many people. Thanks to their versatile talents, such men always delight and surprise others with an interesting expression of their own ideas. The Capricorn-Rooster man always easily manages to make new friends and find like-minded people. In general, he is lucky, however, fortune is not always with him. It is for this reason that he should be more attentive and more serious about the difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. The stubborn and wayward Capricorn-Rooster painfully accepts any criticism. Most often, he simply ignores the words of people and their opinions on a particular issue.

Representatives of this type are also prone to violent manifestations of emotions, both positive and negative. Capricorn-Rooster often tries to take control of everything. He can completely reshape his own life, and then wonder why his plans cannot be realized in any way. Men of such an iconic combination, first of all, should realize that life is rapidly moving forward, and they only go with the flow, without making great efforts to translate their goals into reality. However, working tirelessly, going against everything, is also not an option. Otherwise, the character and qualities of the Capricorn-Rooster man allow them to achieve good results in any business. The main thing for them is to try to find a balance between inaction and excessive zeal.

Love compatibility

Capricorn-Rooster treats romantic feelings with distrust. Every time he tries to calculate everything in advance and every time he fails. That is why it is extremely problematic for such men to deserve the attention and disposition of the opposite sex. He is not used to depending on someone and prefers to show independence in everything, which can also become an obstacle to the compatibility of a Capricorn-Rooster man with a woman. The fair sex, who decide to lead a life together with such a person, should remember that his personal interests and career will always be ahead.

Therefore, there are only two ways - to accept and support the priorities of the Capricorn-Rooster, or not to interfere and get out of the way on which he is walking. Despite the excessive self-sufficiency and prudence, such a man is very emotional in a relationship. Flushed feelings and emotions often take him by surprise. An ideal partner for a person like Capricorn-Rooster will be a caring and docile girl who will listen to his needs and desires.

In turn, the man will show himself as a caring and attentive partner who will always help to cope with any difficulties in life. The Capricorn-Rooster man in love strives for stability and wants to create a strong union with his beloved woman. As a companion, representatives of this sign, as a rule, choose patient and accommodating women with whom it is pleasant and interesting to communicate. Even in family relationships such a man will strive for leadership. It is extremely important for him to feel respect and support from his family. Otherwise, his wounded pride can become a pretext for conflicts.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the rooster zodiac sign Capricorn man - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A lot of interesting things about a person can be told by him zodiac characteristic... The Capricorn-Rooster man is a very bright, extraordinary person who always enjoys life and knows how to find happiness in small things. However, this is only one quality of many that he possesses. But the rest is a little more detailed.

To begin with, a few words about the zodiacal influence, which is reflected in how the personality characteristic is formed. The Capricorn-Rooster man has adopted a lot from his zodiac sign. They are purposeful, strong-willed and strong people who seem cold and calculating. However, behind such an unapproachable shell hides a charismatic personality who is not alien to dreams, the habit of having fun and sincere feelings.

In Capricorn, practicality and romance are successfully combined. His dreams are, rather, goals. He does not feel imaginary hopes and does not live with pink glasses over his eyes. Capricorn is used to dreaming only about what is far from fantasy and illusion. Moreover, he does not give up such desires - it's just that this man in himself is such that his dreams are determined at a subconscious level. For him, happiness is a house firmly standing on the ground, and not an air castle hovering in the clouds.

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The eastern patron also determines what the personality characteristic will be. Capricorn-Rooster man is a unique combination of two more than unusual signs. His eastern patron sometimes seems to be the absolute opposite of the zodiacal. Roosters are people who are used to experiencing a whole storm of emotions and experiences, and all the time. They are attractive, many are drawn to them like a magnet. However, this is not surprising, because Roosters know how to present themselves with dignity.

These men love and know how to command. But obeying someone is a real hell for them, just like succumbing to an argument. In general, it is not recommended to enter into a debate with him. The rooster, when they try to argue with him, throws aside any framework and begins to pour out such expressions that can easily offend. At such moments, he does not care about the feelings of others. And if you disagree with him, then he will "fluff" and make a scandal. By the way, these men also do not tolerate criticism, but they are happy to comment on the shortcomings of the others.

At the same time, these shocking personalities are educated, well-read, neat, attentive and organized. And hardworking. Trying to do more than they can do is the absolute norm for Roosters.

general characteristics

The Capricorn-Rooster man, as you might already guess, is a completely unique symbiosis. He is distinguished by self-confidence, love of attention, seriousness, determination and responsibility. In addition, these men are very positive and clearly understand in what moments it is necessary to show severity and rigidity of character, and when it is time to relax and have fun.

Such a person is not only in the spotlight all the time - he also attracts “profitable” personalities. This man is generally lucky in life. He is lucky in many ways. He easily copes with failures, and learns a lesson from mistakes and, as a rule, does not stumble anymore. This is the Capricorn man in the year of the Rooster.

Business sphere

The character of this person determines his love to keep everything under control. Yet sometimes he can spontaneously let things go. Only if it's not about work.

A career is everything for him. Capricorns-Roosters dream of taking a leadership position in any reputable organization. Or at least be important specialists. The most important thing for such people is not to be mistaken with the choice of the field of activity. Best success they can achieve by pursuing creativity and art. This area is the best way to contribute to the manifestation of their oratorical talent and love of communication.

Feelings and relationships

This topic should also be noted with attention, talking about the compatibility of the Capricorn-Rooster man in love. This person is one who does not consider it necessary to flaunt his feelings. When he begins a serious relationship, then only he and his beloved know about them. Moreover, if someone from friends or relatives tries to inquire about the "personal front" of Capricorn-Rooster, then most likely they will receive a scandal in response. He hates it when they touch on such an intimate part of life.

The Capricorn man in the year of the Rooster, whose characteristics are very interesting, is an excellent conversationalist. It will never be boring with him. But what his girlfriend will have to wait for a long time is a declaration of love. He is embarrassed to speak beautiful words and even more so to reveal your feelings.

By the way, they often also doubt whether she is "the one"? For fear of making a mistake, Capricorn Roosters marry at a mature age. But on the other hand, their unions practically do not break up.

Lucky couple

Well, the above was briefly described belonging to such a person as Capricorn-Rooster (male) characteristic. Compatibility is the last thing I would like to mention.

This person will be fine with a girl born under the sign of Taurus and in the year of the Dog. Why? Because she is economic and homely, ready, moreover, to go with him side by side through any difficulties - all for the common good. In addition, this girl is an introvert, but not with a weak character. In critical situations, she is able to show amazing willpower and courage. BUT loved one she will surround you with sincere care and love, not to mention devotion. This is the same girl who will successfully complement the Capricorn-Rooster and satisfy his requirements for a partner.

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Such a man can also develop a relationship with a Cancer who is serious about family life and a practical, rational Virgo. With Sagittarius, they will come not only to marriage, but, possibly, to a joint successful business.

Horoscope Capricorn-Rooster

According to the horoscope, Capricorn-Rooster is an excellent friend and sensual lover. In order to come to financial well-being, he does not need to prove his superiority. Such people can be true conservatives in their beliefs.

In their personal lives, they are looking for a person who will accept them for who they are. With the chosen one Capricorn-Roosters, they intend to rest, and not solve problems.

These people are ambitious, which allows them to achieve a lot in the professional field. They are aimed at success, so hardly anyone can lead them astray. Capricorn-

Capricorn-Rooster is a wise and logical person in his actions. He builds a plan of action and only then implements it. Such a person will not sacrifice his views on life for the sake of the principles of another person.

Brave and decisive Capricorns-Roosters are not afraid of competition and easily get up to fight enemies. They confidently rush into battle, even if their forces are unequal with the enemy. The main thing is that there is a good reason for the battle.

If Capricorn-Rooster really likes someone, then he will do everything possible to be with this person. In relation to a partner, he is loyal, gentle and attentive. You can always rely on Capricorn-Rooster in a difficult moment.

Horoscope for combining Capricorns with others oriental signs:

Horoscope for combining other signs of the zodiac with oriental signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Capricorn male born in the year of the Rooster 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993

These men can be called confident individuals who love to be the center of attention. However, they are accustomed to focusing on themselves not by their extraordinary appearance, but by their wit and other talents. A good mindset allows these people to become the center of attention of many, but at the same time they always remain very serious and unshakable.

When considering this personality, it should be noted that such people do not like pressure from the outside, and when making a serious decision they always rely solely on their mind. They love independence, which makes communication with women somewhat difficult. Therefore, acquaintance with women occurs without much emotion.

Only through intimate relationships can this person show his love. This feature leads to the fact that in intimate life they are very affectionate, but do not like to introduce variety.

It is quite difficult to get along with such a man under one roof. This is due to the fact that such men are not used to listening to their partners and doing as they see fit. However, it is worth noting that Capricorn will become a good master who will constantly monitor the well-being of his family. A woman for a man with a similar character is suitable for one who knows how to adapt to his desires and the rules of conducting personal and family life.

Capricorn men born in the year of the Rooster are very self-confident, in all decisions they are used to relying only on their own opinion. They also love to be in the center of attention, but they achieve attention with the help of their intellect and talent, and not appearance... This is what sets them apart from the gray mass. Among other things, they are very serious, responsible and purposeful.

Capricorn Man, born in the Rooster year in love

This man is very distrustful and cautious about any communication, and even more so to love. He always wants to calculate everything several steps ahead, but this does not always work. It is by no means easy to deserve the attention of such a man. Another aggravating circumstance is that he does not recognize any addictions and is very afraid of them, he is used to being independent in everything. This often interferes with his personal life.

Despite all of the above, he is very emotional, often feelings that suddenly flared up can take him by surprise. With all his might, he will try to control these impulses, but this will not always work out. An attentive woman who will be able to take care of him and help in all difficult life situations will become an excellent companion for him.

Capricorn Man, born in the Rooster year in bed

Intimate relationships are exactly the area of ​​life in which this man can fully show and express his feelings. But it is worth remembering that this will not happen immediately. He will not be able to open up to you until he understands that you can be trusted, and you are actually close. Only next to a careful and attentive mistress can he feel liberated. Such a man is accustomed to experiencing all his feelings and emotions with his mind, and not with his heart, therefore he must be given time to master body language.

Another characteristic feature of this man is a love of stability. The lack of stability, in any area of ​​life, knocks him out of a rut and annoys him. Therefore, he may be hostile to some of your suggestions regarding changes in intimate life. He is also conservative in these issues, therefore it is worth taking care that against this background there are no misunderstandings. The main thing in bed with him is to remember that he should always remain the main, center of the world.

Capricorn Man, born in the Rooster year, in marriage

Living with such a man under one roof will not be easy. He is used to relying unconditionally only on himself and on his own opinion in everything, completely oblivious to the fact that he is not living alone. This is especially true for everyday issues. The fact is that he is used to equipping his home, so that it would be as comfortable as possible for him, not paying attention to its other inhabitants. Only a less ambitious woman who does not strive for leadership can peacefully get along with him.

What kind of woman does a Capricorn man, born in the year of the Rooster, need?

It is worth remembering that, despite the fact that such a man has a very strong personality, he also will not refuse your help and advice, if they are appropriate. He, of course, will be able to achieve everything himself, but we must remember that any work will go faster if you do it in four hands. In order to build a strong family with such a man, you just need to be attentive to him and his loved ones.

Capricorn Rooster - Combination Horoscopes: Chinese & Zodiac

The least boastful of all Roosters, Capricorns-Roosters understand that in order to achieve the material success they aspire to, it is most beneficial for them to maintain a conservative image. They are loyal friends and lovers, but still live more with their heads than with their hearts.

The rooster in Chinese astrology is considered a loud and attractive sign. The combination of the code man or woman Capricorn-Rooster are persistent people, who do not know the word compromise, decisive and unchanging in their attitude. Once these people decide something, it is almost impossible to stop them.

Rooster-Capricorn are people who try to create their own set of ideas and standards about the world. They are not cheating in their decisions, they may seem cold and unemotional. Often this is a false impression, in fact they are warm and sincere, sometimes stubborn.

In the profession, these people feel better when they are engaged in any constructive business, they like to be busy. They are not lazy, ambitious enough. These people have a neat approach and try to exclude everything unnecessary. They try to hide their inflexibility, but you will know how they will react to this or that question. They tend to be fixed in their thoughts and opinions.

These people get along quite easily with others. Happier in small groups of people. In personal relationships, they will look for a partner who will not try to change them, will accept completely. They need a partner to help them relax. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can be moody and restless. Their normal and calm mood can become grumpy and irritable.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Capricorn is a very purposeful person, moreover, not deprived of ambition. He has both business acumen and the ability to work long and hard. Usually he achieves his goals, but not too quickly. Capricorns roosters are smart, judicious people who are strong in logical thinking and are able to make the right plans. They are not fussy, calm and have an enviable endurance that often helps them. They always serve high goals and never go against their principles.

Male roosters Capricorns are fearless and courageous, they are not afraid of either the superior forces of the enemy, or the excellent weapons of the other side, or warlike speeches. If the Capricorn rooster got involved in a fight, it goes to the end, never retreats. But he is capable of fighting only something big - he needs powerful motivation in any business. He himself chooses both the business he serves and the people with whom he enters into business and personal relationships.

He can seek the location of the people he needs for a long time and is able to conquer anyone in the end. Few can resist such intensity of passion, miracles of heroism and loyalty. And in business contacts, and in friendship, and in family relationships, Capricorn roosters, especially women, always remain faithful and faithful, you can rely on them.

Rooster Combining

Rooster - Capricorn

Russian singer Dima Bilan. Russian emperor Alexander I Romanov (1777-1801-1825). Russian racing driver Vladimir Chagin. Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Polovtsev. American scientist, journalist and politician Benjamin Franklin. French comedian Jean-Baptiste Poquelin - Molière. Russian actress and model Inna Gomez. Soviet and Russian actor Vasily Lanovoy. Soviet and Russian freestyle wrestler and trainer Zagalav Abdulbekov.

By the lake, born in the year of the Rooster, he becomes quite relaxed and sociable, he knows how to convince, but at the same time, he is very restrained, does not seek to argue or convince anyone. This person is always cool and somewhat detached in public, although in his soul he is sensitive and gentle, longs for understanding and love.


Rooster-Capricorn-man is stable, self-confident, generous. He is purposeful and with amazing tenacity knows how to move even to the most unrealistic goals. He does not accept pressure from other people, he ignores advice, his own opinion and beliefs are the only true ones. Leadership qualities, perseverance and an astute mind allow him to quickly reach leadership positions and easily manage his own business. In personal relationships, as well as in work, he is the undisputed leader and head. He does not like to make meaningless acquaintances and short connections, the Rooster-Capricorn-man from a young age knows the value of family comfort and tranquility in the house. He is selective and picky in choosing a life partner, he takes this step consciously, guided not by his heart, but by his mind.


Rooster-Capricorn-woman is domineering, stubborn, proud. She is a diligent and executive employee, attentive and pedantic. Despite the seeming dryness, this woman can be quite sincere and sweet, in a familiar and comfortable environment, she manifests herself as a sociable and empathic person. In relationships with men, such a lady at first glance may seem prim and cold, but in fact she skillfully hides her emotions and feelings, does not want to show her feminine essence, she is afraid to look weak and vulnerable. She sincerely strives for marriage, loves tranquility, life, seeks consistency in relationships.

Rooster-Capricorn has an amazing inner strength that attracts people to him. A sense of tact, subtle humor and the ability to behave in any situation makes such a person a pleasant companion and ally in any area of ​​life.

Capricorn born in the year of the Rooster

Compared to its relatives, this Rooster is not at all a braggart. He is well aware that he must look conservative in order to achieve the desired success. People of this combination are devoted friends and lovers, however, the head is more important for them than the heart.

In Eastern astrology, the Rooster is a symbol of a loud and attractive disposition. In the Rooster-Capricorn combination, persistent, uncompromising, decisive and stubborn people are born. It is simply impossible to stop such a person on the way to the goal.

Capricorn-rooster perceives the world in its own way, it is unchanged in its own decisions and principles, outwardly it often seems cold, detached. However, this impression is false, in fact, he is responsive, and sincere, but often overly stubborn.

Such people are suitable for professions that absorb everything. free time... This Rooster is not lazy and ambitious. He is neat, inclined to clearly filter out the unnecessary and unnecessary. Rooster-Capricorn often tries to hide his inflexibility, but he does not succeed at all. All his opinions and thoughts are clearly fixed.

People of this combination manage to contact people quite easily. However, they feel more comfortable in small companies. They choose a partner for themselves who will be able to accept them as they are, without trying to change. It is next to such a partner that the Capricorn-rooster will be able to truly relax.

The weakness of this personality is frequent anxiety and moodiness. Their seemingly calm and balanced mood can become restless and irritable in seconds.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Rooster, is a purposeful person, ambitious, with a business acumen, he is stubborn. He always achieves his goals, however, not always as quickly as we would like.

People of this combination are reasonable, logical, know how to analyze and plan. They don't like fuss. Such a person has great endurance, his goals and ideals are always high.

Capricorn men born in the year of the Rooster do not know fear, they are full of courage. It is better not to mess with him in battle, he will win, despite not even the difference in strength. But this man will never fight without proper motivation. In principle, he needs a logical and reasonable motivation in any business.

People of this combination can long and persistently seek favor and favor. the right people and in the end they succeed. Few can resist such pressure.

In all interpersonal relationships, Capricorn-Rooster is loyal and faithful, you can always trust him.

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Other civilians are also present here: actors Georgy Taratorkin (Crime and Punishment, Purely English Murder), Yuri Soloviev (Chief of Chukotka, Native Blood), actor from the role of comedian Semyon Farad; filmmakers Vadim Abdrashitov with realistic dramas with signs of phantasmagoria ("Parade of the Planets", "The Train Stopped", "Fox Hunt"), John Burman ("The Exorcist", "Excalibre").

Capricorn-Roosters need real achievements in real world... They understand what is connected with the material and the body, the functioning of organisms and apparatus: Henry Bessemer - the inventor of the converter method of steel production; Vasily Obraztsov is a therapist who described myocardial infarction.

The musicians here are traditional, without innovation: Rod Stewart (pop-rocker and avid football player). Rod Evans (Deep Purple), Dave Grohl (Nirvana). There is also one philosopher of "mechanical strength" Eugene Dühring ("Philosophy of Reality"), one humorist writer Semyon Altov and one bodyguard and Hitler's personal chauffeur Emil Maurice.

When the ships of the American Admiral George Devi were brought into the Manila Bay of the Philippines, he gave an imperturbable order to the captain of his flagship: "You can shoot when you are ready, Gridley." The rapid-fire guns of the Devi flotilla destroyed the Spanish fleet ...

Horoscope Capricorn-Rooster woman

Women in this astrological group are much more interesting than men.

Elizabeth of Bavaria - Sisi - was distinguished by beauty, charm and modesty. She was the favorite of the people and the wife of the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I. Their marriage, called "a marriage made in heaven", turned out to be unhappy: her husband's unsuccessful policy was combined with constant betrayal with ballerinas and actresses. Son's suicide, assassination attempt blew up mental strength Elizabeth. She developed an incurable depression. Elizabeth tried to spend her life in travel, and last years lived alone and died absurdly and senselessly at the hands of a terrorist.

Pallada Bogdanova-Belskaya is a poet, mistress of a literary salon, one of the regulars of the literary cabaret "Stray Dog". She was very popular among the Petersburg writers, who told about her in their memoirs and works of art... The name of Pallada has become a landmark for the Petersburg elite. Pallas did not differ in talents. Her collection "Amulets" was written "entirely under Kuzmin", and "hot advice on beauty to ladies and gentlemen" in the magazine "Argus" can now only cause a smile. But she herself was an "art", living as if on a stage in front of an audience.

Pallas went through three formal marriage and created the image of a sophisticated courtesan.

Svetlana Sorokina is still that careerist! She graduated from school with a gold medal, worked as a gardener, a tour guide, enrolled in announcer courses and appeared in the 600 Seconds program, trained at Ostankino and got into Vesti, then on NTV, then on TV-6, and now on Channel One. Received the Order for Personal Courage and the Teffi Prize.

We know that she "loves" the scene. But this is what she says both jokingly and seriously about her character: "self-respect in large doses", "no weaknesses and hobbies", "don't put a finger in your mouth", "I don't let strangers into my soul." Capricorn-Rooster in person!

The wife of Richard Wagner, the daughter of Franz Liszt, Cosim Wagner, was married for 10 years before meeting the composer and had four daughters from this marriage. But she also gave birth to a son to Wagner. Gradually, Cosima began to direct her husband's musical activities, and after the death of Wagner, in order to perpetuate his merits, she founded the Wagner Festival. In this example, we see the organizational skills and practical sense of Capricorns-Roosters.

More women: actress Valentina Telichkina (Zigzag of Fortune, Vassa); Dallas actress, model and James Bond companion Barbara Carrera; Liliana Cavani (The Night Porter); skier Stefania Belmondo; swimmer Yulia Fomenko; cyclist Paola Pezzo.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Capricorn-Rooster men are confident individuals who rely only on their own opinion in all their decisions. They love to be in the spotlight, however, unlike other people, they do this not because of their physical beauty, but because of their intelligence and special talents. This immediately sets them apart from the crowd. At the same time, they are serious enough, responsible and always set goals for themselves that they try to achieve in their lives.

They are bright and cheerful personalities. From birth, they are sociable and attract people to them. Possessing versatile talents, they delight others with an interesting expression of different ideas. They are lucky, but luck is temporary in their case. Therefore, they should be philosophical about the difficulties and obstacles. Everything in their life is cyclical, which means that failure will soon be replaced by luck.

They are bright strategists who are trying to bring everything under control. They reshape life itself, and then wonder why their plans are not implemented. They should accept the idea that life moves, and they float with its flow, making little effort. Making titanic efforts and swimming in defiance of everything is not the best solution. Otherwise, their character traits will allow them to achieve good results in life.

Capricorn Rooster Man compatibility (Love & relationship)

He is rather distrustful of love. He tries to calculate everything in advance, which is not always possible to do. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for the opposite sex to earn his attention. In addition, he does not like dependence and prefers to show his independence in everything. This is another reason that he cannot always build his personal life in the best way.

Despite this, he is very emotional, and the outbreak of feelings can even take him by surprise. He tries to control them, but this does not always work for him. A calm and caring partner who will listen to all his needs and requirements is perfect for him. In turn, he will be able to prove himself as a beloved and caring person who will help to cope with all the difficulties in life.

Capricorn-Man, born in the Rooster year, in the Bed

An intimate relationship for him allows him to express his feelings and love. However, in the beginning, it will be difficult for him to learn to express them using body language. The fact is that he is used to experiencing all his feelings more with his mind and logic than completely surrendering to his passion. He tries to stifle all his feelings, believing that in this way he shows his weakness. Only an attentive mistress will help him get rid of this.

Another one of him feature- this is a love of narcissism and special attention, even a certain honor. As with everything in his life, in bed he prefers stability and reliability. Therefore, he may not taste the desire of his partner to change something in bed and try a new relationship. In this matter, he is quite conservative, on the basis of which certain misunderstandings and difficulties in relations may arise.

Horoscope of the Capricorn Rooster Man in Family and Marriage

I must say that getting along with him under one roof is far from an easy task. This is a person who is used to relying only on his desires and preferences in everything, so he may not take into account the feelings of his partner. This is especially true of his life, which he tries to arrange in the best and most convenient way for him. Only a girl who does not particularly strive for power can get along with him.

On the other hand, it turns out to be a good enough owner who will keep the cleanliness and order in his house. He is responsible, so he will never leave his family without money for food. This is a loving and attentive father who devotes the maximum of his time to his children. However, he likes to use totalitarian methods of education, which is not the best for them. He needs to be very gentle towards them.

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