Questions for the ecology quiz for preschoolers. Scenario of an ecological quiz for preschoolers of the preparatory group. This is my homeland

Daria Marchenko
Ecological quiz for senior preschoolers "Nature Connoisseurs"

Ecological quiz for older preschoolers

« Nature connoisseurs»


build skills ecological culture of pupils;

to expand the knowledge of children about the forest and its inhabitants,

cultivate a respectful attitude and love for them;

reinforce the ability of children to behave in nature;

develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a full meaningful answer to them.

Quiz progress

Leading: Guys, you know what to hold quiz we need a fair jury: I suggest to choose The old man-woodsman... For each correct answer, they will give a card with a picture of a berry (shows: like this)... In the end quiz we will see the result... So, we go on a journey through the forest.

Hello forest, deep forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about with foliage

In the dark, thunderous night?

What are you whispering to us at dawn?

Dew like silver?

Who lurks in your wilderness:

What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything, do not hide:

You know - we are ours! (S. Pogorelovsky)

1 stop on our journey - "Mushrooms - berries"

Leading: Many of you guys went to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. And our forest is unusual, it is magical - riddles grow in it, and this is even more interesting.

What are the mysteries "Grow" in our forest:

Very friendly guys

They live at the hemp. (honey agarics).

By the birch trees, look:

Here alone, here as many as three! (boletus)

White Panama,

Pale. (toadstool)

Where there are a lot of needles,

They are waiting for us. (boletus).

Under the aspen the mushroom, children,

In a bright red beret. (boletus)

He stood in the forest,

Nobody took it,

In a fashionable red hat,

Good for nothing. (fly agaric)

What are the guys on the stumps

Crowded together in a tight bunch?

And they hold umbrellas in their hands,

Caught up in a cloud. (honey agarics)

Questions quiz:

Guys, what can you say about all these mushrooms, what are they? (Edible and Poisonous).

What does poisonous mean? Name them. (Answers of children)

Can fly agarics be knocked down with sticks? (Answers of children)

What does edible mean? Name them. (Answers of children)

Leading: Only wild berries can be tastier than mushrooms. And what are these berries - guess:

Red beads hang

People are looking at us from the bushes.

These beads are very fond of

Children, birds and bears. (raspberries)

Red, sweet, fragrant

Grows low, close to the ground. (strawberry)

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp

Ripe under the snow

Well, who knows me? (cranberry)

Under the leaf on every branch

Little children are sitting

The one who will collect the children

He will smear his hands and mouth. (blueberry)

The berry tastes good

But rip it off go:

A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog, -

That's named ... (blackberry)

In haymaking - bitter,

And in the cold - sweet.

What kind of berry? (viburnum)

Leading: Well done, guys, mushrooms and berries, you know, look how many "Berries" you have collected for the correct answers, let's put them in the basket and move on.

2 stop on our journey - "Trees are our friends"

Leading: Check your knowledge, guys, questions will help us quiz:

Questions quiz:

How do you understand what a forest is?

What trees grow in our forests?

Why do people go to the forest?

How should you treat forest dwellers?

Why is it forbidden to make noise in the forest?

What tree sap is very useful for people?

How does the forest benefit people?

Straight into the sky are torn, upward;

You take a close look:

Not birch, not aspen,

There are no leaves, there are needles. (ate)

A quiet autumn will come

The tree will become wondrous:

The star leaves are bright

Gold, hot. (maple)

Not birch, not pine

She stands in silence.

But only the wind will run

All the foliage on it trembles. (aspen)

It blooms in summer, warms in winter,

Spring will come - a tear will flow. (Birch)

In the spring it turned green, in the summer it got tanned,

In the fall I put on red corals. (Rowan)

He shakes a lush crown,

Rustling green foliage.

Look, among the branches,

How many acorns will sing. (oak)

Leading: And now guys, I suggest you play a game.

"What tree is the leaf from?"

Every kid pulls out "Magic bag" leaf and must name from which tree it flew. Points are awarded for correct answers (berries).

Leading: Well done, guys, you know not only the names of the trees in our forest, but you also know how to behave in the forest. Quantity "Berries"- increased, we send them to the basket and go further.

3 stop - "Visiting the Birds"

Leading: Guys, who are the main inhabitants of the trees in the forest? (Answers of children)

Let's talk about birds. Many birds live in the forest, but it is not always possible to see them, most often we hear them singing. Guess which bird is singing for the correct answer - 1 point (berry): listening to a recording of birds singing (Answers children: cuckoo, woodpecker, nightingale, owl, etc.)

Questions quiz:

What kind of birds are there? (Migratory and wintering).

What does it mean - flight? Name them. (children's answers)

What does it mean - wintering? Name them. (children's answers)

How can you guys help the birds in winter? (children's answers)

Motley fidget

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most talkative. (magpie)

Everything revolves, fusses,

She does not sit still,

It is lively (tit)

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter

He is not afraid of a cold

With the first snow right there. (bullfinch)

Stands on one leg

Gazes into the water

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (heron)

Front awl, back - wilze,

Top - black cloth,

Below is a white towel. (Martin)

Guess what kind of bird

Afraid of the bright light

Crochet beak, piglet eyes

Eared head, it is (owl)

Leading: And now, so that you guys have a little rest, let's play a game "Owl".

Outdoor play "Owl"

In the corner of the group there is a hoop. This Owl's nest... It becomes a child who is chosen "Owl"... The rest of the children are "Moths" and Bugs... They stand on the other side of the site. The middle of the site is free.

To the words of the teacher: "The day begins, everyone wakes up"- moths and bugs start running around the site, squatting, as if collecting juice from flowers.

To the words of the teacher: "Night comes, everything falls asleep"- children freeze in any position. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to hunt - it walks, slowly waving its arms, and picks up the moths and bugs that have moved. He takes them to his nest. The owl catches until the teacher will say: "Day"... Then she returns to the nest, and the moths and bugs begin to fly again. The little owl goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is elected, the game starts over.

Leading: Guys, you are great, you can recognize birds by voice, for the correct answers, get berries-points, collect them in a basket and go further

4 stop - "Animal Kingdom"

Leading: Not only birds live in our forest, but who else - guess:

Kutsekhtail, long-eared,

On a tree stump, you are like a toy.

You clenched your paws.

Did you run away from the chanterelle? (Hare)

There are needles on his back

It's amazing how the tuners

You can't take them with your hands

Because it (hedgehog)

I am a strict master of the forest,

I like to sleep in a den in winter.

And all winter long

I dream of fragrant honey.

I'm afraid I can roar

Who am I, tell me ?. (bear)

Slender, fast, branchy horns

Grazing all day, who is it ?. (deer)

Nimble, little animal,

Jumping and bouncing through the trees. (squirrel)

He is a gray robber, he has no faith. (Wolf)

Which of all the animals

Is the tail fluffy and longer? (Fox)

Questions quiz:

How does a hare prepare for winter?

Where does the squirrel live?

What wild animal has horns and hooves?

What's happened "Red Book"?

Leading: Guys, who is hiding from us in the wilderness. The game will help us find out.

"Whose footprints?"

Children take turns out "Magic bag" draw out cards with images of footprints and answer who they belong to. For correct answers, berries are awarded - points. (Answers children: elk, wild boar, fox, hare, etc.)

Leading: But guys, our journey has come to an end. Whom did you meet on our journey today? (children's answers)

Leading: Who keeps order in the forest and, if necessary, helps all its inhabitants? (children's answers)

For pines, lindens, to eat

Didn't hurt

Turned green

To new forests

Ascended to heaven

Guards - who ?.

Children: Forester.

Leading: Yes guys, forester (or huntsman)- the main person in the forest.

What is a forester's job? (children's answers)

Leading: Guys, what were you doing today, how much do you know about the nature of our region, and now is the time to take stock. Old man-the forester is ready to take stock of our quiz. (Counting berry points).

Leading: Let's put everything "Berries" into a box, close it and I will say the magic words that I said The old man-woodsman and you listen carefully:

The hero is rich, treats all the guys.

Vanya - with strawberries, Tanya - with bones,

Masha - a nut, Petya - a russula.

What kind of hero is this guys? (FOREST)

After the magic words, we open the box and see what kind of gift - a surprise the FOREST and FOREST have prepared for you.

(open the box - "Glasses-berries" turned into a JAR OF RASPBERRY COOKING).

Leading: That's a gift - all our berries turned into jam. Thank you, LES, for such a treat.

The beauty of the Russian forest is priceless,

Our forests are green gold.

Protect the wealth of forests, guard,

Attentive, sharp-sighted "Green patrol"!

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet. (V. Berestov)

Quiz for children of the preparatory school group "Ecological Path"

Irina A. Klimova
Position and place of work: Educator MDOU kindergarten "Solnyshko" smt. Atamanovka of the Chita region of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
Work description: The methodological development of the quiz is intended for children of the preparatory group, for educators and primary school teachers.
Target: To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about nature.
1. To deepen the knowledge of children about the forest and its inhabitants, to foster a respectful attitude and love for them;
2. Strengthen the ability of children to behave in nature; develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and give a full meaningful answer to them.
3. Continue teaching to work in a team.
Preliminary work:
1. Repetition of proverbs and sayings about nature.
2. Conversation about the Red Data Book of Russia.
3. Didactic games "What's superfluous?"
Content of the quiz.
The soundtrack of the music "In the world of animals" sounds. Teams of children enter the hall, take their places.
Leading: Hello dear participants of the quiz, members of the jury! Today we are gathered here to take part in a quiz that is about ecology. The quiz involves two teams of children of the preparatory group. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a team name and motto associated with nature. In the meantime, the teams are preparing, our support group has prepared poems.
Children read poetry. On the multimedia project, the poems are accompanied by the presentation "Our Nature"

1 child
Nature is beautiful with rains
A magical and wondrous spring,
With snow and falling leaves,
And just by itself.
Gives us magic colors
Touching the heart with love
Nature, she is happiness,
That they all share among themselves.
2 child
I'm in the summer heat scorching
I will enter the cool forest
So here he is real
The world of fairy tales and miracles.
I will find a cold spring
I'll get drunk on his water
And decorously noble
I will go my own path.
Nature gives bliss
And gives strength
Eh, I would have free birds
Feel the flight.
Nature is a muse
What needs to be protected
Cargo liability
Without throwing it off your shoulders!
Game rules: the quiz has six rounds in which teams are asked to answer different questions. The team is awarded a point for each correct answer. At the end of the game, the jury calculates the number of points. The team with the most points wins.
Round 1 - "Explain the proverb"
The facilitator reads out one proverb to each team. The task of the teams is to explain the meaning of the proverb.
1 command: Grass is afraid of frost, and frost is afraid of the sun.
2 command: The sky will give rain, and the earth will give rye.
2nd round - "Ecological crossword"
The facilitator gives each team a crossword puzzle grid with questions (educators help to read the question and fill in the empty cells)
1 team

You warm the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
You smile at the window
And everyone calls you ...
Inhabits the seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
And how bored she is with flying,
Falls to the ground again.


I have thorny needles on me
But I'm not a fir or a tree.
Slim, beautiful, green
Beauty all year ...
Atmosphere and water
Sun, warm winds
Round, revolving,
What is the name of?

2 team

You can't live without him
Neither eat, nor drink, nor speak.
And even, to be honest,
You cannot light the fire.
I stood in the green all summer
And autumn turned red,
And clusters of many crystals
I called all the birds to a feast in the garden!


Everything that surrounds us - plants, animals, water, sun, moon, stars. She can be alive and inanimate.
In the sky clear of rain
A bright arc shines.
Always smiling
Seven-flower - ...

Round 3 - "The fourth extra"
On the multimedia screen, the teams take turns opening pictures with plants and animals. The quiz participants need to choose an extra picture and explain their choice. (slide show)

Round 4 - "Ecological puzzles"
Each team needs to guess the same number of puzzles.
(the presenter gives out an envelope with puzzles for each team, calm music sounds)
1 team
1 rebus

2 rebus

3 rebus

2 team
1 rebus

2 rebus

3 rebus

Conversation about the Red Book. Presentation.

Round 5 - "What do we know about the Red Book?"
Quiz questions (2 questions for each team)
1.What is the International Red Book?
Answer: Information document - a description of rare and endangered species of animals and plants on the planet.
2. What does the red color of the book mean?
Answer: Alarm color.
1. What color of the page does the Red Book have?
Answer: Red - extinct species; white - rare species are printed; yellow - shrinking species; gray - vague, there is no clear information about the state of these species; green - species, the number of which has been restored.
2. What forms of protected areas do you know?
Answer: National parks, reserves, reserves, natural monuments.
Round 6 - "Signs of Nature"
Children are offered a video about the beauty of our Earth and its reverse side - environmental pollution.

After viewing, the teams are given an envelope containing cards with road and environmental signs. The task of the teams is to arrange them correctly.

Dear guys, dear members of the jury, it's time to sum up the results. Teams are awarded 1st and 2nd places based on the results of the points they have gained.

All participants of the quiz are awarded with commemorative medals "The best in the world around"

After the awarding ceremony, children are invited to watch a video accompanied by the song "Hymn of Ecologists"

Ecology quiz game "Nature Connoisseurs" for older children

Generalization and consolidation of children's knowledge.
Educational tasks:to contribute to the deepening and generalization of the existing ideas of children about living and inanimate nature; consolidate the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.
Developmental tasks:develop curiosity and independence, develop communication skills, coherent speech, develop the ability to listen to each other, complement the answers of a friend.
Educational tasks:to develop the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate.
Materials for the lesson:
Colored cards with questions, diamonds of two colors according to the number of children, a field of miracles, two scoreboards, cards with numbers - points.
Preliminary work:
Observations during walks, excursions to the park, conversations, conducting experimental work, working in manuals on the course of the surrounding world, conducting intellectual games: "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When? ”, Quiz.

Activity progress:
Educator: - Do you guys like to play?
-What kind of games do you think are there? (children's answers)
- Today I offer you an unusual game, this is a quiz game.
Have you heard about this game? (listening to the children's answers)
- It is called
Nature Connoisseurs.
- Guys, do you know who experts are?
(children's answers)
- Yes, experts are smart, knowledgeable people who are able to think logically, quick-witted and savvy. Real scholars. They know how to work in a team, listen to each other, and know how to negotiate. Today you will be connoisseurs, because you are smart and you know everything. In order to start the game, you will be divided into 2 teams. Now you will take one diamond at a time and place it according to the color.
(Children take diamonds of 2 colors, the teacher attaches the diamonds to the children's clothes. They take their places according to the color).
- We have formed the "Know" team and the "Clever" team. Each team must choose their own captain.
(The teams confer and name the captains).
- Now I will introduce you to the rules of the game. I have two-color cards on my desk. On them are written questions that were brought by children from other groups of our kindergarten. They really want to know the answers to their questions. There are also music pause and play cards on the table.
- Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several tests. Then we will summarize, and at the end there will be an award ceremony for the participants. You must clearly remember that the victory of your teams depends on how well you can work, negotiate, respond with a complete and understandable answer. Captains must listen carefully to all team members and be able to choose the right answer.
Teams greet each other.

Team "Clever"
“We are smart kids, playful kids,

We love to play in KVN and, of course, win "

Our motto: " One mind is good, but a lot is better»

Team "Know"
“We guys are know-it-alls, know-it-alls,

We play different games, we win in KVN "

Our motto: " Knowledge is power»

The game begins

Task 1. "Connoisseurs of flowers"

1. Which color is yellow?




the Rose




3. Which flower blooms in early spring?



Lily of the valley


4. What color are the forget-me-not flowers?




5. Which of the flowers can be called wild?


the Rose



6. What colors are we talking about in Marshak's fairy tale "Twelve Months"?





7. Which color is the largest in size?




8. Which of the colors is yellow first, and then fluffy and white, and if you blow on it, then small parachutes fly to the sides?




9. Which plant from the list is not a flower?




10. What is not part of the flower?




Task 2. "Tree connoisseurs"
1. Which tree has leaves that look like palms?




2. What trees do acorns grow on?





3. Which tree has needles instead of leaves?





4. What trees are called conifers? They have needles instead of leaves.

Christmas tree, pine, fir

Oak, birch, maple

Chestnut, ash, willow

5. Which tree has white bark with black stripes? It is called birch bark.





6. On which tree does the leaves not only turn yellow, but also turn red in autumn?




7. Which tree grows long earrings in the spring?






8. Under what trees do mushrooms grow, the name of which includes the name of this tree?

Aspen and birch

Oak and maple

Willow and chestnut

9. On which tree do clusters of bright red berries grow?




10. From what tree does fluff like snow fly in summer?




If the sector "musical pause" falls out, then the children perform a dance to the music.

Exercise 3. "Bird connoisseurs"

1. What bird loves to steal food, which is why it got its name?




2. Which of these birds is the traditional symbol of the world?




3. Which of these birds is wintering?







5. The bird that feeds on the nectar of flowers and is the smallest in the world.




6. Which of these birds cannot swim?




7. What bird can't fly?




8. What bird lives in humans in hours?




9. What is the name of the bird, the house of which is named after the name of this bird?




10. Which of these birds likes to knock on wood?




Task 4. "Animal Connoisseurs"

1. Which animal is the tallest?




2. Which of these animals gives milk?




3. Which of these animals live in the forest?


a lion


4. Which of these animals runs faster?




5. Which of these animals feeds on eucalyptus?




6. Which of these birds is the largest?




7. Which of these bears is black and white?




8. Which of these animals lives in the water?




9. Who lives in the trees?




10. Who has the longer tail?




Task 5. "Summer experts"

1. What color is summer called?




2. What time of year does the summer go?




3. What precipitation usually falls in the summer?




4. If it is not there - the sky frowns, if it is - people squint. What does the riddle verse say?


The sun


5. On a flower, the flower drinks flower juice. Who is this?




6. Which month is called the sunset of summer?




7. The sun is shining, it is raining, a miracle will suddenly rise in the sky, with a bright colored arc, you and I cannot touch it. What is the riddle about?

The sun


northern Lights

8. Who wears the hat on their feet?




9. What color does a hare have in summer?




10. What, according to the proverb, is better to cook in summer, if the cart is better to cook in winter?

Felt boots



Task 6. "Connoisseurs of the rules of conduct in the forest"

1. Is it possible to make a fire in the forest?



Do not know

2. Is it possible to take found chicks and animals out of the forest?



Do not know

3. Is it possible to enter the forest by car?



Do not know

4. For how long should you have a supply of water with you?

For a couple of hours

Half day

For a day or more

He's not needed

5. Do you need to notify your relatives if you go to the forest?



Desirable but not required

Do not know

6. What time of day should you go to the forest?

In the first half of the day

After noon

Before it gets dark

7. Who should not be allowed into the forest alone?


Old people

Both children and the elderly

Everyone can go to the forest one by one

8. Where do you need to call first if you get lost in the woods?

For parents


In the Ministry of Emergency Situations or by number 112

To anyone

9. Can people harvest any wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms and other edible forest resources?



Yes, but only those that are not included in the Red Book

10. Can you leave or bury your trash after yourself?



Do not know


Guys, today you did an excellent job with all the tasks and proved yourself to be real "nature experts". I want to award you with medals"Connoisseurs".

Let's remember the rules of our game:

You cannot prompt the teams during the game and interrupt your comrades; only those who first raised the flag can answer questions. For each correct answer, the respondent receives a point. The one who gets the most points by the end of the quiz is the winner.
If the team answering the question finds it difficult or gives the wrong answer, then the other team answers, that is, the opponents.
You need to be very careful and patient.
Pay attention to the table in front of you, a top is prepared on it, with an arrow, the arrow will indicate which team will have to answer first.
And so we begin!


There is a wonderful world - it is around
And you just have to want
How nature will suddenly come to life
And everyone wants to fly like a bird
Making noise with a curly birch in the forest
And I invite you to take a dip
To nature, to the wild world and beauty.

Presentation 1. (Appendix # 1).

Slide 1. Our quiz will be titled “Nature Connoisseurs”.
Slide 2. Our planet is like a big beautiful house.
Slide 3. She pleases us with morning, gentle sunrises, multi-colored farewell sunsets, landscapes of native nature;
Slide 4. Fascinates us with huge, deep and endless oceans, vast seas.
Slide 5. She surprises with high mountains, steep cliffs and hills,
Slide 6. Admires the dense, stocky groves, pine forests, mighty oak forests.
Slide 7. Earth is the planet of harmony. Everything on it is proportional and interconnected.
Slide 8. The nature of the planet is perfect. Our Earth was called a mysterious and mysterious planet.
Slide 9. However, for sensitive hearts, she reveals her most intimate secrets. We learn and explain natural phenomena, the secret of the birth of a new day, the diverse world of the living and non-living on the planet.
Slide 10. It is up to you, our future generation, to keep the planet just as beautiful.

I - Greetings from teams.

Greetings from the team "Clean fontanelle"

The vast expanses of the beloved homeland,
Every bush and moth is precious.
We will preserve the beauty of nature,
Let it gurgle, sparkle,
"Pure fontanelle"!

Greetings from the "Defenders of the Forest" team

A lot of forest - do not destroy
Little forest - take care
If there is no forest, plant it.
We plant and grow the forest
We will protect him
We will not give offense to anyone.

II Warm-up. With children "It happens - it does not happen"

Ice drift in summer (does not happen)
Leaf fall in summer (does not happen)
Rain in summer (it happens)
Dew in winter (does not exist)
Frost in spring (it happens)
Thunderstorm in summer (happens)
Snowstorm in summer (does not happen)
Rainbow in summer (happens)
Hail in summer (happens)
Buran in summer (does not exist)
Frost in winter (it happens)
Fog in autumn (happens)
Drops in summer (does not happen)
Frost in summer (does not exist)
Frost in summer (does not happen)
Puddles in winter (does not exist)

III "Assemble Puzzle"

Children are offered cut pictures "puzzle". Evaluated is the team that will quickly complete the puzzle and tell what is shown there.

IV. "Question-answer"

1. The longest-necked animal. (Giraffe)
2. Who carries the baby in the bag? (Kangaroo)
3. A bird that cannot fly and is not afraid of frost? (Penguin)
4. Long-eared coward. (Hare)
5. Who sleeps upside down? (Bat)
6. Which snake has a hood? (Cobra)
7. What bird does not build a nest? (Cuckoo)
8. The largest animal living on land. (Elephant)
9. The largest animal living in the ocean. (Whale)
10. What animal dams rivers? (Beaver)
11. Who wears his house on? (Turtle, snail)
12. Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (At the peacock)
13. The striped relative of the cat. (Tiger)
14. What animal is called the ship of the desert? (Camel)

V. An outdoor game "Swamp".

Draw two lines from one another at a distance of 7-10 steps. Between them, 10-12 circles are drawn with chalk at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other - these are bumps, and there is a swamp all around (you can draw a line). The task of the players: to get over the bumps from one bank (line) to another. Children take turns jumping on both feet from bump to bump. Jumping past a hummock into a swamp - "soaked" his feet and quits the game (dries on the shore). The winners are those who make it safely from shore to shore.

Vi. "Mystery box": a riddle about bread.

At first I grew up in the wild in the field,
In the summer it bloomed and earned,
And when he thrashed,
It suddenly turned into a grain.
From grain to flour and dough.
He took his place in the store.

Vii. - Choose the right behavior in the forest

Presentation 1. (Appendix No. 1 continued).

Do not break branches, do not cripple trees, do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.
You can play in the forest: tear the leaves, weave wreaths, collect huge bouquets. Just think, there are so many of them in the forest.
Finally, you can make some noise, shout, run and, most importantly, do not bother anyone!
Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will get scared, hide, and you will not learn a single secret.
A goggle-eyed frog, a creeping snake, a clumsy toad, disgusting caterpillars, you can drive away, but it would be better if they did not exist at all.
All kinds of animals are important - all kinds of animals are needed. Each of them does his own good work for nature.
Plant as many trees as possible so we can breathe clean air.
In the forest, while resting, do not remove garbage from the grass, but leave it there.
Now put up conservation signs where the kids are doing wrong (the rule is accompanied by a picture).

VIII. Literary break: children recite poetry about nature
(Appendix No. 2).

Summing up, announcement of a general account. Rewarding.

- Dear Guys! I was very pleased that you took part in our ecological quiz "Nature Connoisseurs". I hope that you will love nature even more, show interest and protect it.
And now, guys, let's stand in a semicircle and perform the "Hymn to Nature" "House Earth"

Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches.
Birds teach singing
Spider - patience
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.
Snow teaches us purity
The sun teaches kindness.
Nature all year round
You need to learn.
After all, her forest people
Teaches strong friendship.

Appendix No. 2. Poems.

What is a forest?
What is a forest?
Pines to the skies
Birches and oaks,
Berries, mushrooms ...
Animal paths
Hills and lowlands
Soft grass,
An owl on a bitch.
Silver lily of the valley,
The air is clean, clean
And a spring with a living
Spring water.

What is a meadow?
What is a meadow?
A carpet of grass around.
Elegant corollas of flowers,
Voiced grasshoppers.
Playful moths
Beetles are unhurried.
With sweet honey bees,
Quail song.
Mint flavor,
Summer's gentle look
And up to white flies
Shepherd with a pipe.

What is a field?
What is a field?
Expansion for horses,
Arable land strip,
Oat whisk.
In the field ears
Ripe wheat
And the rye is rustling there,
Thorny like a hedgehog.
The wind whistles in the field,
The mouse is looking for grain
The lizard flies
The sun is rising.
Only a bird knows
Where is its border
Well, you go -
You won't find the edge.
What is a river?
What is a river?
There are clouds on the water.
Willows are above the water.
Spring floods.
Perch, ruffs.
Water lilies, reeds.
Foam in the sand
The boat is in the distance.
There is a duck in the nest
There is a beaver in the house.
Under the snag a cancer
There is a fisherman on the shore.

What is a garden?
What is a garden?
Pink outfit.
Blooming apple trees
Singing birdhouses.
Blue drops
Swing balls.
Rosehip thickets,
Golden pears
Fluffy peaches.
Rustle of falling leaves,
Autumn coolness.
Bullfinch family,
Favorite bench.

What is a vegetable garden?
What is a vegetable garden?
Round dance of vegetables.
Melons are sweet
The tomatoes are smooth.
With strawberries in the garden
Rakes and shovels.
Watering can with rain.
A snail under a leaf.
And under the ground there is a mole
Arranged a move.
More for order
Watchman Vanyatka -
Scarecrow angry
Stuffed with straw.

What is the sea!
What is the sea?
Seagulls in the open.
Giant rocks
Cold fogs.
Three-story waves
Brave sailors.
Sharks are toothed
The whales are big-headed.
Stones of underwater boulders,
Outlandish fish.
Corals, octopuses,
Jellyfish and lampreys
And it's dark at the bottom
Like in the movies…

What are mountains?
What are mountains?
Conversations with the wind.
Snowy peaks
Terrible avalanches.
Stony paths
Antelopes are fast
The abyss is bottomless
And the caves are dark.
Thorny shrubs
Snakes and lichens
Goat climbers,
And underground diamonds.
Rivers like crystal
In the blue haze, the distance
Where the eagle soars -
Guardian of the high mountains.

Appendix # 1. Presentation

Svetlana Kontsevaya


Consolidate children's knowledge of wildlife.


To form the ability to establish causal relationships, to make generalizations.

Develop the logical thinking of children.

Develop the ability to quickly find the answer.

To foster love for nature and respect for it.


Objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Cards with tasks.

Visual material depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature (animals, seasons, natural phenomena).

Tokens for correct answers.

Team emblems.

Toy mitten Old man-Lesovichok.

Music center with audio recordings of sounds of nature.

Preliminary work:

Memorizing proverbs about the seasons.

Working with the calendar of nature.

Reading the fairy tale "Twelve Months" by S. Ya. Marshak, stories by Yu. D. Dmitriev "Forest Riddles".

Making riddles about animals, seasons, natural phenomena.

Listening to audio recordings with sounds of nature.

Move O.D


Educator: Hello guests.

We will tell you about

How we have fun.

We start the day with charging.

Exercises are performed

We welcome everyone in the morning:

"Good morning!"

We do a lot during the day:

We sing and play merrily.

In the classroom, always

We have a serious game.

Educator. Guys, do we have another guest, take a look? Who are these guys?

Children. Old Man-Lesovichok.

Educator. That's right guys. But what brought you Old Man-Lesovichek to us, why did you leave your fairy-tale forest. The teacher puts the Old Man-Lesovichka toy to his ear.

Guys Old Man-Lesovichok came to us to find out how well we know nature, how carefully we treat it. The old man-Lesovichok prepared for us several envelopes with tests. What even I do not know about them. Are you curious to know what is in them?

Children... Yes

Educator... Well, what would be more interesting for us, let's divide into two teams - a team of squirrels and a team of Christmas trees. (I hang medallions with squirrels and Christmas trees, put the children on high chairs). And so the team's attention, for the correct answer, the team receives a token. The team with the most tokens will be the winner of our quiz. And so guys, look at what a colorful envelope, what is in it?

Envelope number 1 "Pick a Word"(common for two teams, children choose pictures).

1. The forest can be dense, and maybe ___ (rare).

2. The wolf is a big beast, and the hedgehog is ___ (small).

3. Spring is early, and sometimes ___ (late).

4. Raspberries are sweet, and rowan berries are ___ (bitter).

5. Mighty elk, ie ___ (large, huge). (ask a question what)

6. Lilac flowers are fragrant, ie ___ (fragrant).

Children's answers. Presentation of tokens for correct answers (each team has a token).

Educator. Well done guys with the first test, we coped with you. What's in the second envelope? How handsome he is, Lesovichek has already tried.

Educator... The Old Man-Lesovichek guys are very pleased with your answers: "the truth is the Old Man-Lesovichek", - Look how happy he is. Guys, I have a riddle for you. This water is solid like a stone. The sun will bake, it will flow. (Ice)

It grows upside down. It does not grow in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - She will cry and die. (Icicle) I show a picture with the image of ice, icicles). Guys, let's take a closer look at the pieces of ice together and conduct experiments with ice with you. ( Equipment: a glass (with ice, a glass with cold and hot water, pictures of ice, sheets of paper of different colors (gray, white, blue).

Experience number 1. "Color definition".

What color of ice do you guys think? (colorless)

If children call: white, blue, gray, show them these colors and compare them with ice.

Experience number 2. "Definition of transparency".

Now I will put a picture under the block of ice. Can you see the picture? So what kind of ice guys is transparent. Well done.

Experience number 3. "Effect of temperature".

Guys, look I have two glasses, one with cold water, and the other with hot. (Invite children to touch glasses of water and ice cubes). Do you think a piece of ice will sink in water or not? Put the pieces of ice in a glass of hot and cold water. Look, a piece of ice won't sink. What do you think will happen to the ice. (children's answers) And what water do you think the ice will melt faster (children's answers) That's right, under the influence of heat the ice will turn into water.


Let's now combine everything we've learned about ice. What is he? (children's answers - colorless, transparent, fragile, turns into water under the influence of heat).

How to get ice out of water? (Answers). Let's put the cups at the window and come back to them later.

Educator. And the next envelope with the test awaits you and me №2 "Cut pictures".(we do it on the tables in teams).

Educator... Well done guys, you have got very beautiful pictures. Each team receives a token.

And we have the next envelope with test number 3 "Answer the questions"(by command, I turn the pictures over to the back side and ask everyone to take pictures).

(question, look at who has the picture with the answer)

Common to the two teams:

1. Which animal has needles? (Hedgehog, porcupine, echidna).

2. Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (bear, badger, hedgehog).

3. At what time of the year do leaves bloom on the trees? (In the spring)

4. Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (Wild)

5. When harvesting crops from fields and gardens (Autumn)

6. Which pet has horns and hooves? (Bull, cow, goat, ram, sheep, horse, pig).

7. What animal can be called long-eared? (Hare, donkey)

8. What distinguishes birch from other trees? (Barrel color)

Physical education

We made a snowball.

Educator... Well, we coped with this test, but I see another beautiful envelope, guys, what do you think is in it.

Children voice their answers and receive tokens for correct answers.

Educator... Well done guys, where do these birds that we listened to live well (in the forest, do you guys know the rules for visiting the forest? What cannot be done in the forest?

Test No. 5 "Make up the rules for visiting the forest."

Guys, choose one picture and tell us what is depicted on it.

Children's answers. Getting tokens (each team has one token).

Educator: Let's count how many tokens the team of squirrels received - and how many the team of Christmas trees -. (How much more is how much less). The team with the highest number of tokens receives the “Nature Connoisseur” diploma, and the second team receives the “Nature Lover” diploma.

Guys, what good fellows you are, you talked so well about the rules for visiting the forest. The old man-Lesovichok is very happy with our answers, how many interesting tests he came up with for us, let us and we make a gift for him "Snowman" let him be his assistant in his fairy forest. (Prepare snowman parts on A4 sheet - 12 parts). Guys, take one piece at a time and place it on the sheet. What parts does our Snowman consist of? Well, guys, what a wonderful Snowman we have turned out, we will definitely finish it after our walk. Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Educator: Guys tell me, did you like our quiz? Were you difficult questions? What did you like the most and what tasks did you find difficult? And what new have you learned.

Children's answers.

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